Integrate Atlassian Access with Okta in 8 Minutes

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hey guys good morning everyone I'm very excited to tell you that I've just completed integrating LS an access to octa and I want to show you how easy it is to do it starting from scratch now the first thing you need to do is you need to at least have either JIRA or conference in your cloud and then after that you should be able to go to admin do a lesson calm and then you can proceed with the next steps okay remember to also set up your Allison cloud account with the email of that domain that you own in this case I'm using Emily internet which is my wife's domain you can check it out she actually has a travel blog that is quite interesting so after you have your domain you have JIRA and confluence set up then you go to emitter Allison calm and then you hit on domains and then you hit on HTTPS and you are supposed to download this verification file and then you upload it to the root of this to me in this case this emulator that I uploaded it to the root you just hit verify domain it's gonna verify whether you actually own the domain it will look for this file in the root right and once that's done you will see these options coming up you just hit on sam'l single sign-on and then it's going to prompt you to enable a lesson access so after you hit activate you're gonna get the same ol configuration screen now you wouldn't see this initially you have a form that is asking you to provide this information so now how do you get that information so we're going to set up a octa trial account so i already set up an auto trial account here i set it up with the same email that i used to set up the allison net but it can be different email doesn't matter once I log in I get this familiar screen this one never really set up earlier so just to give you a demonstration one additional button that you don't see in SR is at me because now I'm in at mean of this octa instance Emily TOCOM so I'm gonna hit them in here okay so right now we're going to add the cloud application to my octa instance and to do that I just navigate to applications and then hit applications and I'm gonna hit every add application and now one thing I have to say is octa integration with is one of the easiest sam'l integrations I've ever done I've done for all 0 as well zero is not straightforward it is a lot of work before this one is very simple all you need to do is search for a lesson cloud and it's gonna prompt you a lesson cloud you just hit add and then I don't need stripe so I'm gonna uncheck that and then application label is the name of the application so that is easier for your users to see which application you log in to in this case I'm gonna say Emily clap while you are configuring this for consultants especially the tickets will appear ready but it doesn't work so you might want to click here to prevent the tickets from appearing in the client side so that they don't get confused they click on it and it doesn't work but for now I'm gonna leave it as it is so I hit next there's a few sign-on methods the easiest to configure is actually secure authentication but this is not what we want because this one still requires the user to insert your username and password at least one time we don't want that we want them to have a seamless experience so click sam'l 2.0 and then you can leave the release date empty for now I'm gonna hit view setup instructions this set of instructions is very detailed and what you need is this from here right so I'm going to show you just scroll down and there's a lot to read here the instruction is very good it's gonna give you all the things that you need to keep in mind when setting this up so for now I'm gonna skip everything and show you what you need to copy so you need to copy the identity ID and then you're gonna navigate back to a mini-lesson comm remembered just now you were setting up this ml single sign-on so you're gonna get prompted with this all you need to do is just paste that right and then also the SSO URL ok place that and then the certificate and paste that and then I'm not gonna save this configuration because I already have one configure so I'm gonna hit cancel but once you save the configuration you're gonna get this entity ID this is your unique identifier so this is all configured now all you need to do is to copy the string after the sam'l / so just copy that 98 1 in this case and then just copy go back to octa and put in the unique ID there right and then just enter the JIRA base URL in this case it's HTTP colon and - wiki and then you might want to change this to email because the application user name format for a lesson club is always email I find this to be working 100% well so I don't plan to change it but you might want to try to opt-out username and so because also username can be the email I'm not too sure which one is the best configuration you can find out and let me know as well and then all you need to do is just hit done okay so now it still doesn't work right although it's a really connected between cloud and octa because there's no users assigned to Emily club yeah so in order to do that you just go back to applications and then hit assign so I'm gonna go back again go back to applications hit assigned applications choose all the users that you want and then hit Emily cow right in this case I don't need its users you can also assign by group is actually recommend it to the assign my groups and then you hit next they're gonna ask you to confirm that this is the username that you're going to use because it defaults to email right you can review and then you can keep concurrent assignments and voila so right now when I go back to my applications as you see an additional two applications created okay for now I'm going to show you how to test this out so I'm gonna close everything and then open an incognito web browser and then I'm gonna go to Emily okay I'm going to sign in and I'm gonna show you the one that I've already configured to show you how it works so now I want to go to confluence I say all I need to do is just click on that and it should not pro Mew for any username password if it does that means the configuration fail is supposed to show you the octal log in progress and then it's gonna redirect you straight into confluence you should see all the information and you should see your profile here so my profile is here yeah it means everything is working another thing that they say you can pass is the reverse authentication I'm going to test that right now so I'm gonna go to Emily Alice Internet Emily that's right it's supposed to redirect you to octa yeah so now I'm in octa hit sign in and I should get redirected back into a lesson let's see if that works yep it seems to work yeah so that's it from this presentation in my profile is that whoo okay yeah
Channel: ServiceRocket
Views: 3,084
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Atlassian, Atlassian products, Atlassian Tools, Atlassian Platinum Partner, ServiceRocket, How to, Atlassian Access, Okta
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 57sec (477 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 28 2018
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