Instantly Improve Your Putting Stroke! ⛳️

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all right mike i got your uh gamer putter here the spider and i noticed you haven't been using it the last couple times we've been out what do you got going on yeah the guys at uh lab golf were kind enough to send this out to us and uh we've used it we've tested it i think you'd be quite surprised at what we're going to show you and bottom line is i think it's going to be around for a little while and i can tell you it's working this one might be going in the [Music] closet there are a lot of ways to putt actually i've seen most of them yeah actually there's a lot of ways to hold the putter right and you can be successful with any number of them and golfers kind of revert and try different styles based on you know what they're seeing or feeling in their stroke if you have kind of a yippie or a right hand throw you may try something if you have a left hand issue you may try something else they all seem to be kind of there to kind of make up for a fault yeah so to speak and anytime something new comes out we always get a lot of questions and you know that the usga outlawed anchoring putters you know a few years ago with one exception yeah yeah one exception and you see it a lot um with the tour now a lot of guys are going to the arm lock right and um you know it's kind of a cool time in golf when i was growing up if you used anything but a reverse overlap people go oh he's got the yips right you can't put the stick with the stick you almost are embarrassed to do it but the cool part about it now no one really cares because all anybody cares about is getting the ball in the hole and once these tour guys start doing it and the average guy wants to try it because they feel like it's okay at that point and this arm lock deal i mean you seeing guys switch to it that could not make anything and now they're making putts so you know is there something to it we're going to test it out today and give you some feedback yeah you'll see guys even change to it who are pretty good putters absolutely like so it's always trying everyone's trying to improve whether your starting point is below where it should be or is pretty good you're you're always nobody has ever complained about making too many putts yeah they're always looking for an advantage especially when you're playing for millions of dollars you know one putt over four rounds at the end of the year means quite a bit right so we're gonna put we're gonna compare i'll be the guinea pig today i consider myself a pretty good putter always kind of have been just kind of one of those skills that's transferred from shooting a basketball for so many years compare what i normally do with my typical putter my just standard putter standard grip and then with the brand new arm lock stroke we're going to look at the same putt lab numbers so we're going to show you exactly what the putting stroke is doing we're going to look at 3d data and i think this is going to be surprising to a lot of you to see gears 3d on the putting stroke i think it's going to be quite unique what you will see and we're interested to see what the differences would be and to see if one if there is an actual advantage to one style over the other and then two maybe if it's worth trying to consider it as far as your putting stroke deals all right so i've got my normal gamer putter here a little bit shorter i think it's 33 and a half inches but i normally like to play with uh taylormade row spider very very good to me over the years not great yep so we're going to take a look and see how well my mechanics match up to this to maybe the arm lock and see which one i perform better with it might be an advantage one or the other we'll see if one has an advantage all right so we're gonna take uh we're gonna hit a series of five putts we can capture the data and then we'll immediately switch over to the arm lock and just see kind of a really quick and dirty um if we can spot or if you can spot any advantages yeah and i'm going to block these from getting to the hole because i don't want them to adjust i wanted to hit five the exact same putts all right here we go what are these ten foot right yeah hmm [Music] all right that's five putts there now we're gonna switch over to my arm lock i'll give sean this and take it off and the good folks at directed force or lab putters they're called really we're fortunate to give us a arm lock putter to test for this uh video and i've been on the course with it once or twice and i really enjoy it they've got some really cool technology in that putter we're going to try it out and see if we get an advantage by anchoring yeah which is what it is right we're anchoring the left arm yeah absolutely see a lot of guys starting to take a look at it yeah right so if you want to try this it may not be around long you better better get it now here you go try that triple it on and hit that button on the front perfect love it all right all right five more five more you want to stop me here yes i do okay it's a big sense of just kind of everything connected it just looks so simple watching you do it it feels pretty darn simple sign me up here [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay all right let's take a look at this look at the shots all right sean so what's what's all this telling you so it gives us a score for four categories your tendency is basically your mechanics how well do you line up hit the sweet spot etc the timing is your rhythm and the stroke that usually indicates whether you have good distance control or not consistency is no matter what it looks like how consistently do you make the stroke time after time and that's more than one of the most important things in putting if i can just repeat it can you repeat it like i know where it's going exactly okay and the overall just kind of gives you a combined number and i think there's a hundred to 150 tour players in this database they just kind of combined it all until they give you these four categories okay and obviously green would be good greens get you in that like tour range yellow is kind of sketchy yeah getting the sketchy level and then thank goodness there's no red in there so if i was looking at this okay good good timing you know distance control is quite good which i noticed with you and consistency is high so you're actually a good putter i've been around you a lot so i would say you know if anything was to improve we would dive into these tendency numbers a little bit but before we try to fix anything let's go ahead and look at the arm yeah let's see if that was any better or worse [Music] so wow yellow's gone yeah so without changing anything other than the putter or the putter and this is you know we've tried this a little bit with guys coming in just testing yours out right we see this we've seen this a few different times the mechanics go up right the tendency so we could dive in there and see exactly what that meant but um the timing was about the same so which i expect that you've got good timing athletic guy you're going to have good distance control no matter what i put in your hand i feel like the consistency went up and the overall went up so you know if i'm with you i'm saying okay we probably should take a closer look at maybe using this belly putter without changing anything all of a sudden things all boats are raised yeah yeah i think i've had i've been using my normal gamer for almost four years now i believe three and a half four years and i'm very comfortable with it i've got a lot of reps a lot of putts with it this one i've had i think i played twice with one was on aerated greens yeah and to be so new and to just immediately produce better mechanics higher consistency just higher across the board it's pretty telling because it felt easier to do yeah if i look at this i was like okay this guy can really putt he's got to learn how to read greens right right right basically he's going to make some putts well it's pretty telling all right so let's go from here so we know that you know the mechanics are now better really everything got better let's go into gears now and see that why and see if i can make two strokes and gears or show each putter in gears and see why these mechanics and why this putter is better absolutely let's go do it here are the gears captures with my gamer traditional length puttering grip those are here on the left and with the arm lock putter here on the right unfortunately gears only has one putter graphic which is why both putters look the same and neither looks like my spider or the lab putter but you can tell from my body posture and how the shaft kind of runs up my left arm that the arm lock putter is here on the right side of your screen as you're watching these play through you're not really going to see much difference at all in the body movements things stay pretty quiet with both styles but the one parameter that did jump out at us and we've got those turned on for you to see are my left wrist angles and what that's measuring is the angle between my left forearm my wrist and the shaft in a regular golf swing this would be the wrist angle it's the same here it's the cocking and uncocking of the wrist in the ulnar and radial directions which is basically just the raising or lowering of the handle throughout the stroke having gotten to collect a lot of putts on sandput lab we see variations with this angle create a lot of problems for golfers really across all skill levels and most of them have no idea this angle is changing and when there's a lot of movement with this angle it can cause problems with your impact location your face angle and your club path and any problems with those are enough to cause you to miss puts just like you saw me do before on the sam i hit five putts with each style the putt that you're seeing here on the left is the best of my five putts putting traditionally and the putt here on the right is the worst of my five putts putting arm locked notice the starting angles here at setup 147.22 on the left and 165.8 here on the right let's see how much variation occurs as we scroll to the end of my backswing so it moved 4.22 degrees here on the left but only .06 degrees here on the right that's a pretty significant difference by comparison and the way i look at it is i've created a lot of work for myself to do on the downswing with my traditional normal putting style but i pretty much haven't changed anything from address to here with the arm lock now let's see how i do on the way down i'm going to stop it right here just before impact and let's look at the arm lock put as the putter passes through where it started notice how there's been next to zero change in orientation to the shaft or putter face this is a pretty telling frame and one that we were surprised to see now we'll do the same for the traditional stroke close on shaft orientation but with a much different face angle and as they both reach impact the differences are pretty noticeable somehow managed on the traditional putt to return to that same starting angle but keep in mind this was the best of my five puts the variation over those five putts was nearly two degrees and with all that angle movement bringing the face back to square isn't going to happen on every putt as you can see here and even though this was the worst of my five arm lock putts we're still only seeing a 0.33 degree variance here at impact because there's next to no movement with this angle throughout the stroke less than a half a degree of variability across the five putts returning a square basically felt like it just happened every time it's not really a surprise to see that locking the hands and shaft to the forearm eliminates a ton of variability in the stroke a ton of it and whether or not that's something you want or need in your stroke is something you'll have to decide for yourself but we were fairly shocked that the arm lock style and this putter produced such a mechanically better stroke especially after trying it just for a few days compared to the 30 plus years of practice and play i've got with the traditional putter we want to hear from you on this let us know in the comments section below if you've tried an arm lock putter yet and let us know how you liked it with every test we ran there is a clear mechanical advantage to arm locking so let us know also if you think it's anchoring and if you think it should be banned you found this video helpful and you need more help with your consistency we want to help you with that go to the first comment below this video you'll see a link that's our first pinned comment there'll be a link in there click on that link we'll take you to our number one consistency drill to help you get the ball more solidly and more consistent every time you're out on the course [Music]
Channel: Athletic Motion Golf
Views: 37,916
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: golf tips, golf, golf putt, putting drills, improve putting, make more putts, improve putting stroke, putting golf, how to make more putts, putting tips, how to putt, pga tour, putting grip, peter finch golf, putter, putting green, hole more putts, short putts, how to make putts, golf putting drills, putting stroke, golf putting lesson, golf putting stroke, putting drill, golf putting lessons, how to putt better, athletic motion golf, mike granato, shaun webb, putting
Id: xtbqRRDilCw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 28sec (808 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 27 2021
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