Installing Stable Diffusion Web UI on Apple Silicon M2 - A1111

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in this video we are going to install stable diffusion on Apple silicon start by searching for automatic 1111 on Google or follow the link in the description to the GitHub page start by installing Homebrew for Mac if you don't already have it open a terminal window you can use the default terminal application but I prefer warp then paste in the installation code from The Homebrew website press enter and follow the instructions in your terminal to complete setup when brew has finished installing open a new terminal window and paste in the instruction starting Brew install to install the packages we need to run stable diffusion these will take a little time to download and install I have sped this video up to save time when they finish go back to the instruction page and copy the line beginning git clone paste it into your terminal and press enter this is going to clone the automatic 1111 repository to your machine CD into the Clone repository folder we are going to just run the command web and Skip step 4 in the instructions as the latest version will automatically download stable diffusion 1.5 for us run the command and wait for stable diffusion to build and for the first model to download this can take quite a while so again I have sped the video up when the download finishes and terminal output looks like this click the URL to open the web UI you can put a test prompt in and click generate to make our first picture the first generation after starting the UI or after changing model usually takes a little longer than normal so I have sped the video up again we can download additional models so we can generate different styles one of the best places to find these is hugging face go to the website and search for a model you want to download we are going to add the dreamlike photo reel 2.0 model but there are tons of other models available check the video description for some of my favorites click the files and versions tab then click on the file ending safe tensors and then click download go back to the terminal and stop the program with Ctrl C type open Dot and press enter to open a finder window at the current location then browse to models then stable diffusion here is where we want to place all of our downloaded models drag the model we just downloaded from the downloads folder into this folder then go back to the terminal and restart the program using the same web command we use the first time when the program starts up again click the URL in the terminal to open the web UI notice that our new model has been selected by default but if we want to change models just select them in this drop down input a prompt and click generate to create our new picture there are tons of other options in setting in the UI which control the quality and style of the output feel free to try these out with trial and error but I will cover the main ones in my next video as it's much easier when you know how they affect the output
Channel: The Architech
Views: 11,826
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5HeFFPcsV9w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 53sec (173 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 26 2023
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