Installing PS4 60FPS Patches with GoldHEN

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what is going on guys it's modded Warfare here welcome back to another PS4 tutorial so in this tutorial I'm going to be showing you guys how to install 60fps patches and frame pacing fixes and you know Skip intro logos and various other Patches from illusion and other developers as well without having to create a modified patch file which is what you've had to do to install these patches in the past like I showed with Elden ring in one of my previous videos on applying 60fps patches but we now have a much easier method thanks to illusion who has released or maybe he didn't intentionally release but it got out there somehow anyway we have a basic plug-in a test plugin released by illusion there is going to be a full release soon which is going to have a bunch of other features that I'll cover in a follow-up video and this plugin Works in conjunction with the latest version of gold hen version 2.2.5 B7 or higher do you need to be on that version or higher of gold hen in order for this to work and we also have a new version of the gold hand cheat manager which adds a little patches here into the cheat manager so that you can apply any one of Illusions patches or any other patches that have been added for 60fps and frame pacing fixes and various other things that can be applied from the gold hand sheet manager so so this basically makes the whole process a lot easier for applying these patches because in the past what you had to do was you had to create a modified patch a modified game update by extracting an existing game update and then decrypting the executable running it through Illusions Patcher to apply the 60fps patch to the executable and then you could rebuild those game files back into a patch file back into a package that you could then reinstall back onto the PS4 and then that would have it permanently installed and in order to uninstall it you would have to you know reinstall the original patch and that's how you would switch between them so not a great system and pretty complicated and takes a while to actually set that up whereas now you can just kind of toggle it on and off from the gold 10 sheet manager once you have everything set up so let's go ahead and dive into this shall we so first of all if I switch over to my console we're going to do the good old classic bloodborne 60fps patch by Lance McDonald using this method so right now you can see I'm on bloodborne and we are running at about 30 FPS this frame rate counter is from gold hen but it's so it's not entirely accurate by the looks of things but uh you know you get a general idea of the frame rate so this is the normal bloodborne as it normally runs at 30 FPS so it's locked there at 30 FPS and we're going to install the 60fps patch by Lance McDonald which lowers the resolution to 720p unlocks the frame rate fixes the game speed being tied to the frame rate issue and basically gets us running at 60 FPS on bloodborne so we're going to enable that right here so first of all you can see I'm on version 1.09 of bloodborne I've already got a gold hen version 2.2.5 B7 installed so we'll go ahead and close out of bloodborne right here so first thing you want to do is head on to the internet browser and load up an exploit page that has the latest version of gold hen in there like chameleon's host which is at kme so if you head to that website and then go to this option here for the AIO host and then we'll let that cache and then we'll go to the manual host exploit menu we'll do the light host I guess okay and there we go you can see we have gold hand version 2.2.5 B7 the latest version so you just want to run the latest version of gold hen from here so we also want to enable the FTP server by going into the gold hand settings and then going to server settings and enable FTP server and note down the IP address and port number that pops up in that notification so now we'll switch back over to the computer and install some of the things that we need so we need to download the latest version of the gold hen cheats manager which will be linked in the video description along with anything else that you might need and right now you'll also have to download this test.prx which is the plugin file by illusion which makes this whole thing work with gold hen now in the future once this comes out as a full release I'm pretty sure that it will probably be added into the gold hand cheats manager so that you can just update the gold 10 cheats manager and it will install the plugin automatically for you either that or it will just be built into gold hen in the latest release of gold hen like 2.2.5 or higher so you probably won't have to do this step of installing this plugin manually in the future in the very near future it's just right now because this is a test plug-in and not a full release that we have to install it manually so to install it manually we're going to use FTP because it's quicker you could copy it to a USB drive and then use PS4 Explorer to copy the plugin to the hard drive but it's quicker to just use FTP if you can so we're just going to go ahead and enter the PS4's IP address here in the host box and then the port number is 2121 we can click connect and then head into the data folder on the hard drive and go to the gold hand folder and in here you've got cheats patches and temp we want to create another folder in here called plugins so we're going to create a plugins folder go into that folder and then copy the test.prx file inside that folder and then that is everything set up and installed so then we just need to install the gold hand cheats manager which we can do by copying it to the root of a USB drive obviously make sure the USB drive is formatted in x-fat format in order for the PS4 to be able to read it and then we're going to go ahead and eject that USB and plug it in to the PS4 okay so on the PS4 we can just go into the Gold Head menu we can go to debug settings package installer and install the gold hand sheets manager okay so this just happened in real time as I was recording the video as I tried to install that gold hand cheats manager it decided to um yeah corrupt the database for some reason so now I've lost everything on my system so I'm just gonna have to try and fix this real quick so if you've watched one of my previous videos on fixing database Corruptions then there is this python script that will hopefully fix it so we'll see if this works we run the python script go back here uh let's see did it find so I just want to make sure I have bloodborne back uh yep there we go okay we're good and it did in fact install the gold 10 sheets manager so that's awesome okay so yeah that was a bit weird I apologize for that but uh but yeah I guess that happens sometimes database gets corrupted I don't think it's related to the to the plugin that we just installed I haven't heard anybody else having that issue um but just in case I mean I'll leave a link in the description to the the database fix video that I made before back on 7.55 you can see it works fine here for 9.00 as well but uh yeah that's weird that's actually never happened to me even Once on This PS4 I've never had a database corruption that was the first time but uh yeah anyway I've got bloodborne back that's the important thing so back to the proper video anyway we've got gold hand cheats manager installed we've got the plugin installed and we've got bloodborne here back so we should be pretty much ready to go so what we're going to do here is run the gold hand cheats manager okay so what you want to do is probably hit update first of all just to make sure you have the latest patches installed so we've got cheap files that's fine but we want patches here there we go 145 patches installed so we should be ready to go so if we go into this new patches section in the gold 10 sheets manager we can now apply the patches for the game so here's bloodborne the star shows games that you actually have installed I believe so we know which version of bloodborne we want to select here and also because I've got the title ID labels enabled if you go into cheat settings and then go to show title ID title ID and app version if you enable that you can see right here what version of the game you have installed you can see cusa03173 and we're on version 1.09 you can also go to information to make sure you're definitely on the correct version because if you install a patch I've noticed on gold hen if you install a patch the game version doesn't actually update unless you go back into gold hen and disable the title IDs and then re-enable it again and then it refreshes so it doesn't seem to refresh automatically so you might install a patch for a game and it will still say it's on 1.00 when if you go to information you can see it actually has been updated so just just to warn you about that so we'll go back into gold hand sheets manager we know we've got the correct version of bloodborne to patch so we'll select it and then we can apply whatever patch we want there's a frame pacing fix of course we've got the 60fps patch that's what we want so I'll press X on that to enable it there we go 60fps enabled and then I think we also have to enable the resolution patch to lower the frame rate to 720p so we can actually achieve 60fps on the game so we'll enable the resolution patch for 720p and then we'll also do the skip intro logos which will just skip the kind of company logos that pop up at the beginning of the game when you launch it so you can get into the main menu faster so we'll enable those and then we can just press back and then back again and there we go we should be good so now we can just hit the PS button and close out of the gold 10 cheats manager so that should be it we should have the patch all up and running so let's go ahead and run bloodborne and see this time when we launch it if we do in fact have the 60fps patch applied so there's the FPS counter get 156 patches applied and as you can see no company logos we just go straight into the game you can tell already it's running at 720p and there it is in the bottom right hand corner this 60fps patch was made with love by Lance McDonald and you can see right there on the bottom left hand corner as well now our frame rate is hitting the 60 FPS Mark again this frame rate counter isn't exactly accurate but it does give you a general idea of the frame rate so you can see here this is much much smoother it feels a lot smoother and you can see the FPS is no longer in the sort of 2930 range that's now in the sort of 5960 range which is what we're looking for so we have successfully installed this 60fps patch which is pretty awesome and unlike doing this with an actual you know game update file where this is stuck permanently enabled I mean I don't know why you would want to turn it off to be honest because this game is much better running at 60 but if you did want to turn it off it's a lot easier you can just close out of the game just like this and then run the gold handsheets manager again and then just go to the patches go back to bloodborne and then you can disable it we can turn this off we can turn everything back off again and that brings it back to normal or you could enable one of the other patches like the frame pacing fix or disabling chromatic aberration or motion blur so you could do those things as well so let's go ahead and close and run bloodborne again and now that we've disabled it we should be back to the stock bloodborne experience 30 FPS lock as you can see right there and if we just get in yep there we go we now have the company logos showing up as normal uh which I guess are unskippable which is why you want we'd want an option to skip those wow there's quite a few of them okay there we go finally so we now get into the game and you can see there's no longer that message about 60 FPS patch by Lance McDonald and we're now running back again with the regular 30 FPS bloodborne experience so yeah that's what makes this cool is the fact that you can just enable and disable patches on the Fly change between different patches this is a much better experience for enabling patches than what we had to do previously because previously you would be forced to create a patch like an an update file for every single thing so if you wanted the frame rate fix you'd have to create a whole modded game update to install onto the game and then if you wanted to switch to the 60fps patch you'd have to do the same thing for the 60fps patch and in order to switch between them you would have to just reinstall these update files again and again whereas this is much easier just hop into the gold hand cheats manager and enable whatever patches you want or disable whatever patches you want and Run the game and you'll have those patches applied which is awesome and this is again just a test build of this plugin there is going to be a more advanced plugin that's going to have more options illusion did tweet out that the main plugin will have obviously this ability but it will also have the ability to redirect game files to the data folder which sounds like you might be able to do other patches and swap out other files rather than just patching the executable which is what this current plugin does the full version will have the ability to swap out actual game file so if you want to do texture Replacements in a game or you wanted to do like custom skins for a character or you know other mods like for Fallout or Skyrim where you can install PC mods and stuff maybe things like that could be done using the full plugin and also there's some other abilities like the ability to enable screen recording and screenshots on content that's normally got that disabled like if you're watching a movie or something it disables screenshots and video recording but the patch can actually bypass that so various things like that can be done with the full version which will be out hopefully fairly soon and I'll do a follow-up video once that does come out so anyway that's it for this video guys I hope you guys enjoyed it or found the information useful if you did please leave a like And subscribe and I'll hopefully see you guys in the next one [Music] thank you [Music]
Views: 77,560
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PS4, PlayStation 4, GoldHEN, HEN, Gold, Jailbreak, 9.00, 7.55, 7.02, 6.72, 5.05, Cheats, Manager, 1.1, 60 FPS, Framerate, Patch, Patches, Tutorial, Walkthrough, Guide, Setup, Install, Installation, illusion, lance mcdonald, bloodborne, elden ring
Id: kLfzmQMAvhA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 4sec (844 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 15 2022
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