Installing INVISIBLE HINGES with Hand Tools | SOSS

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hey everyone michael alm here so this week i am  working on this bench build and i need to install   some sauce hinges into these two doors this is  a sauce hinge and they're called a concealed   invisible hinge because when they close you  can't see them at all they're super sleek   takes your furniture building up to the next  level and the cool thing about them is that   they're not that expensive and they're not that  hard to install i'm gonna take you through step   by step how i install them i install them with  very limited tools just a drill bit and a chisel   it's something you can totally do so  stick around and i'll show you how so your sauce hinges will come with an instruction  guide and inside of that instruction guide will be   a bunch of paper templates these are for all the  different sizes and shapes that they make and all   you have to do is find the one that is right for  you i like to make a more permanent template than   using the paper template every single time because  it just breaks down after like three or four uses   so you can see i'm just using a couple of  scrap pieces of wood that i have in my shop   just using the ca glue as a  clamp and the wood glue as   a permanent bond because i do plan  on using this multiple times in my   shop spray it down with the accelerator  and then i can clean up the excess glue as i mentioned before there are a whole bunch  of different templates inside of the instruction   manual for the sauce hinges and so i selected  mine which are the 101 but the process is going   to be the same between all the different types of  sauce hinges so trim that out and set it against   the fence of my wood template and then i can  tape that down into place so it doesn't move   you can use a scratch all or i have an ice pick  here to mark all the different placements make   sure that you get this right and perfectly  in the right spot this is pretty essential once i had those marked i could remove the paper  template and then prepare to drill the guide holes so i'm using a 3 8 inch drill pit on this it's  what's specified in the instructions and i just   drill those all the way through if you don't  have a drill press it's not that big of a deal   you could drill these by hand you're  drilling from the inside which is nice   so that means that where the drill bit comes  out is going to be in the precise location   one thing that i realized that i forgot to do  when i was making the jig was i didn't mark my   center line and this is very important for the  alignment on the cabinet so i just went up to   my garage door had a lot of light shining  through and i marked that center line now i want to transfer that center line around  the front edge of it and i just used a 1 2   3 block to do that i know this is nice and square  and if you don't have one of these i'll put a   link down in the description below they come  in surprising handy uh for multiple projects so now i'm establishing the center line of  the hinges on the actual door and uh this is   somewhat arbitrary there are sort of suggestions  in the instructions of where to place it it's kind   of depends on your door and with a lightweight  door like this it doesn't really matter too much   so now that i have the marks on the door i can  set the marks on the cabinet and you'll notice   that this door is just set to fit i i cut this  out so that it it's a snug fit all the way around   and then i'm going to trim the door again  later but i'll show you that in a little bit   so now you can see those marks line up with the  jig and it's easy to see uh for me i probably   should have done it on ink for for video but  i can see that really well and uh and then now   all i have to do is set the depth in order to do  that the instruction manual definitely has some   suggestions for the depth i just like to do it  the old-fashioned way and mark it directly from   the hinge that way i know exactly where i'm going  and then i need to set the depth on my drill bit   the simplest way to do this is with blue  tape they make stop collars and all sorts   of other things but this works just fine  i've been using this technique for years   and it's it's honestly pretty precise one of  the things that i will suggest that if you are   gonna do this a lot is that you purchase a second  forstner bit uh i happen to have one in my shop   and i was really thankful for that because the  two inside holes are deeper than the two outside   holes so if you only had one forstner bit you'd  be constantly trying to switch back and forth   or you might have to drill out all the holes for  one of them and then switch over to the other one   anyway it would be a pain so it's definitely  a good idea to invest in a second forstner bit so now i'm just setting the jig into  place with that line that i made before   and once it's firmly in place i can start drilling  so i just started with the outside holes and   you just watch for that tape right when it  touches down that's when you want to stop now it's really important to be precise with the  two outside holes but when it comes to the two   inside holes it's not really as essential  you just don't want the center of the hinge   to end up bottoming out so i actually ended  up going a little bit deeper than the tape   on these inside holes and you just want to  be cautious when you're going through like   a three-quarter inch cabinet side that you  don't accidentally drill all the way through   so the next step is to start trimming out the  mortises and i like to start that by making a line   between the four different holes and once that's  established i can start moving into chiseling   the line just establishes where the chisel is  going to stop but i start from the center and   then work my way out i like to do this because  it doesn't put too much pressure on that line   as you break away material the line will will  stay and the material has some place to go if   you start by just chiseling right into that  line there's a good chance you'll break out   the side of it which is kind of the path  of least resistance the middle section is   the hardest one to chisel out i found that kind  of doing an x pattern was a really good way to   to cut through that grain but just take your time  on this and make sure you get it nice and precise   i managed to nail the depth on the first try  but there were definitely ones where i needed   to drill out a little bit more and since you  already have those holes established you can   very easily go back with your forstner bit  and drill it out just a little bit deeper   so now i can move on to the cabinet sides and  this is basically a rinse and repeat same deal   as before a little different clamping method i  removed the top of this cabinet just so that you   guys can see and um yeah just drill through making  sure not to drill all the way through the cabinet   side that would be a real bummer and then you can  remove the template and start chiseling it out   the plywood actually cuts even easier than the  solid wood so this really didn't take very long with the mortises all cleaned up  on both the cabinet side and the   door it's time to dry fit the hinges with the hinges in place i need to drill out those  holes and for that i like to use a vix bit or also   known as a self-centering drill bit i get these  from rockler i bought a whole set so that i have   all the different size screws that i need i'll  put a link down in the description below where you   can pick one up yourself then the self-centering  bit you just drill down in if you don't have one   you can certainly do this with a regular bit but  it definitely makes things a lot more precise   as i mentioned earlier in the video this door is a  snug fit and that's intentional because i like to   get the hinges in place and then figure  out all of the reveals and everything just   in case something is off so what i do is i  trim trace it out from the inside and then   from the outside i establish all of the different  offsets that i need in this case it was 360 forts   which was the same offset on the inside of  that hinge i used my track saw to trim it   up you could definitely use a circular saw for  this but i i recommend using some sort of fence the last step in the process is  to just put the door back in place   put the screws back in and  double check your reveal so there it is that is how to install sauce  hinges using basically just hand tools and it's   not that hard it's a little bit time consuming  but by the time i'd done a couple of them it   was only taking me about five minutes a piece  which i think is totally doable and um you know   there's certain applications like this where  you can't fit a router inside of the cabinet so   hopefully that was helpful to people let me know  if you got any questions in the comments down   below also let me know if you like this style  of video i'm thinking about doing more of these   instructional videos like about one's very  specific thing let me know in the comments   down below if you'd be interested in seeing  more of that also stick around for the next   video this thing is gonna be uh pretty epic when  it's all done and i can't wait to share it with   you guys so make sure you hit that subscribe  button and i'll catch you in the next you
Channel: Michael Alm
Views: 121,075
Rating: 4.9293413 out of 5
Keywords: Soss Hinges, Concealed Hinges, limited tools, cabinetry, invisible hinge, how to install hinges
Id: kua6rANnTYo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 29 2020
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