Installing Eve-NG in Microsoft Azure

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hey welcome to my youtube channel my name is Daniel on Twitter and this channel I'm gonna be going by OSPF packet that's been my handle for a few years now so I've been on social media that way for a while in this video I want to talk about creating your very own virtual lab with Eve emulated virtual environment in Azure with a free account that you can use for 30 days or you get $200 to play with it's extremely cheap as long as you keep your stuff turned off at the right time you only have it turned on when you're using it it can be extremely cheap and a fantastic option for you to have a lab out there especially if you're studying for any of the new Cisco exams or anything like that I find Eve to work very well for labbing loving up those kinds of things so anyways let's jump right in this is the azure portal of my free account we're gonna go to resource groups and see our resource groups I have one from earlier renditions that I had going that I'm gonna not use this time so we're gonna do this from scratch we're gonna add a brand new resource group we're gonna call the risk group we're going to call this resource group Eve - rg1 and then we're gonna do central us that's fine tags I like to tag things to keep them grouped together for easy searching and well not so application Eve so review and create that validation passed so we can create it so we have our new resource group has been created so if we refresh this we'll see we should see our resource group come in here any moment I hope there we go resource group great because we have a resource group this is where all of our stuff is gonna go as we build out on our new servers for the lab so we go home to the main portion of editor here we're gonna actually deploy a virtual machine in the cloud we're going to put it in this central US zone and go from there so if you hit add you get a the create a virtual machine dialog you can click the drop-down a resource group and choose our resource group that we created we're gonna give a new name to our VM Eve - VM we're gonna put this in the central us key to remember is that for this to be supported you have to use Ubuntu 1604 getting accept defaults I like to change the size of my VM to the d4s version 3 it's got 4 CPUs in a 16 gig ram so it can support quite a few more quite a few additional resources than the one that you'll see by default there so the d 4 SP 3 we're going to change this to a password driven login give it a password and it helps if you don't hit the caps lock button you're typing your password there we go we're gonna allow selected ports we need to HTTP and SSH for this SSA a SSL or HTTPS is not necessary for our demonstration here so are we've passed our validation so he create it's gonna cost us 22 cents an hour when it is turned on and consuming resources so let's uh it's just important to remember that you can shut these guys down and they won't be charging you to be sitting out there until you turn them on which is pretty great so we can go back to our virtual machines tab and wait for this guy to come in so be back in a second you can click up here in the Bell and see that you have a diploma in progress you can click it you can see what is what all it's doing so it's in the process of creating the VM who created it created an IP address a public IP address a security group a virtual network Diagnostics pool a network interface facing the VM has if it's looking like it's being created now those not been completed yet however if we got our virtual machines up we can see it now there it is it still says it's creating but we can go into our VM now and I want to show you one thing real quick there's a feature in our operations it says auto shutdown if you click this you can turn it on and set this to automatically turn off your VM at a specific time 11 p.m. is what I'm gonna choose so I want a notification to my email address before it turns off and there's the deployment succeeded message it just popped up so I want to email when it comes through so I'm hit save and update the schedule and bam it is done so I don't like 10:30 before this thing goes off shuts down I'm gonna get an email that says hey just let you know the thing's gonna shut down so that's a pretty cool feature it can auto shutdown and save you some money in a long run so I definitely suggest turning that on alright so we have our virtual machine our it should be accessible via the World Wide Web now so we can we can pull up our putty session well before we pull up our putty session there's one other thing that needs to be done so you have a public IP address you can use this public IP address to get to it or if you don't want to remember your public IP address you can actually configure a DNS name so if you click the DNS name there you can give it a name UVM or whatever you want whatever you want it to be save it and now you've got Eve Eve - p.m. central us cloud up now I should I come you can get to it via a name so if that public IP address changes or anything like that you don't have to worry about it but I'm gonna copy this out so that I have it when I go to access putty if I type the IP in and get it I get my security alert says yes I want to connect and my window here I have I'm connected to my 16.0 4.6 LTS version of event 2 so this is pretty free awesome that we are here we just like that you have a server up and running out in the cloud it's a it's honestly dummy it's so fast I you can do this physically with physical equipment that's one of the cloud is so powerful it's very agile and fast so anyway we have some things to do to this server in order to get it ready for us to be able to install Eve on it so the first thing we want to do is get into super user mode by this time sudo su and we want to change the password so passwd and then the user root and we're going to change the password don't forget what you type here because if you do you will be locked out and you'll have to redeploy this machine I'm speaking from experience so don't forget what you typed there it's very important that you remember it so just for good measure we need to now that I'm got my caps lock on I'm 1 caps lock is on I wonder why lie down with my password oh well we'll matter of fact let's see if I've messed it up so I can demonstrate this go back here copy our public address open up our putty session yeah okay didn't fat finger it too much I guess okay so we need to be us we need to get into super user change our password and then we need to make sure that we have a net etre installed we do a nano is automatically installed on this so that's good we need to edit a couple of files first so if you nano into the etc' boost name you got to change your host name to be eve - ng to support the community version so after you change that ctrl o enter to save ctrl X to back out of the file we need to change the hosts file as well so if you up arrow and back that out we need to add one line right here that is 127 0 dot one dot one space Eve - ng space Eve - ng once you get that ctrl o enter to save ctrl X to back out of that now we need to edit the now we need to allow access for the root user to be able to SSH that's currently disabled typically you wouldn't want that but it especially in a production environment but in this kind of situation where we're just running a lab is really not too big of a deal so we want to edit a file that's at ET c /s sh /s s HD underscore config this is a big file so if you scroll down a little bit to permute permit route log in you need to change the prohibit - password simply to the word yes control Oh enter to save ctrl X to back out and we need to restart the suit the SSH service so sudo service SSH restart alright and now we need to login we need to log out and log back in as a root so we're going to exit exit to get out reopen putty we want to put our IP address in there open our putty session and login as a root with the password that we created and I did have caps lock on so my my root password was wrong I luckily got it right because I caps caps lock the whole thing so anyway we're in that's where it's important to remember or to know what you type in with the root password because if you don't have it yet start all over and that is no fun at all so we do need to run a command to edit the grub I will put this command this command in the description for you this is just a line that's making some changes to the grub and then you update the grub and that's all you need so there's one more file that we need to edit so it is at ATC forward slash network forward slash interfaces here you need to change the word blue bright which you don't actually have to change this but so the ethernet network interface this auto eath zero and the interface beast the zero the internet address the eye net address is DHCP so you're going to ctrl o to save that and enter to save ctrl X to get out of the file and at this point you do have to reboot you go type reboot hit enter you'll lose connectivity to it this thing usually comes back pretty quickly we don't have the ability to ping this cuz it's not open right now so you could go set it to allow you to pain to see when it comes but it typically comes back pretty quick so I mean we avoided fifteen seconds I'm gonna restart on my putty session and see how quickly this thing comes back and timed out I think it will be back now Lu yeah I duplicated the session so here we go so I'm going to still I don't yeah I don't believe I need to be logged in as root at this time [Music] so logon is my eve account again and we are going to sudo and paste RW get in there I will copy and paste oh you know what we do have to be we do have to be ready so what's a 8949 all right so now that we're in has root we can run this w get command and it should finish of and this does take a little while to install this is the command to install a community edition it is free so we'll be right back after this finishes installing all right it's finished installing we need to make sure that it updates to the latest version of Eve so this is something you can run periodically at any point to make sure that it's running the latest version I believe the install is going to be the latest version but you can run apt-get update and it'll fetch whatever it fetches and then you can run apt-get upgrade and it will install it but you see it didn't need to update anything because uh yeah it'll didn't need to upgrade anything so that is everything you need to do to get eve running so if you recall on the EVM that we turned on we have our we have our IP address that we were able to SSH to it with so we can actually pull up a a browser and go to that IP address and here is our server it has a default username and password that's out of the box that's easily easy to look up so we're gonna go ahead and change that password don't forget you have to add this comm on the end here to get it to take so we'll sign out and sign back in with our new password here alright so we're in if you're familiar with Eve you can you know you can get in here create your lab but you still can't really do anything with it because none of these are installed you can't do anything with them there's a virtual PC that you can turn on but it doesn't really help with anything so we are going to turn on Cisco iol which you see it's grayed out this is these the images you can use on cisco viral so these images are you can get them through viral if you have an account or something like that there are many ways to get them so I would suggest getting one a legitimate way instead of trying to find them in an illegitimate method so what you're going to do then is I use FileZilla as my point here to connect in and copy my files over so you can see I have my four image files and my license file and uh on my so in there here I'm going to paste the IP address that I've got root as the password my is gonna be what I typed in which actually if I remember correctly I had caps lock on so I have to put that correct and port 22 hit enter BAM you've connected so you're gonna go up a folder here you're gonna go to opt you net lab add-ons IOL then this is the folder that you want to upload these files to and so this is going to take a second these are I mean these aren't massive files but they are they are 150 150 ma hundred 60 Meg so 110 160 so they've got some we've got a little bit of size to them if you have a giant internet connection and you can probably upload this but at a home internet now you're probably gonna max out at a to Meg or so at least I do I think yeah so that'll do this thing and we'll be we'll be back once that has finished installing cool so our files have transferred over you can see that all the four image files and the license file are all in our there in our Linux deployment out in the cloud so we can disconnect in FileZilla from our cert from our server and now back in the eve UI here if you go to add node if you scroll down you'll see that the IOL is now blue instead of grey you can click that and you can add a node I typically think that 512 for NVRAM and Ram is more than enough for anything that any labs that you would be doing and I typically I typically run the tutee version for 15 for the 15 well the 15 - or the 15 for 4 layer 3 they're they're both work fine so we'll stick with the 15 for 2 T for this and hit save and bam we have a router it's awesome we can right click it and hit the start and it will turn on but you'll notice that well it never really started what why didn't it start I oh oh yeah there's something you have to do so if you run into this problem you try to start your router and it won't start Dean started oh look there it turned blue you got your little thing but if you wait a second oh it turned off again why well you have to run an additional command here so before you disconnect from from your SSH session to the Linux server you have to run this command in order to fix the permissions in the you know wrapper once you run that command it comes back to your bang there you can now start this it will start and tada it does not turn off no mmm we have a router that's fantastic but how do we connect to it we have to be able to connect to it to use it so if you hover over it see in the bottom left-hand part of the screen here it says telnet to the IP address and port number 32 769 so each router that you put in that telnet that port number will increase by one ankle increment by one so 32767 70 70 71 72 7:30 a.m. I typically do set through 78 because that's 10 routers and you could I think 10 routers is more than enough to be able to do most of the labbing that you would want to do so in order to connect to this you pull out your buddy session I will do a new session and we will get to that IP address 89 49.1 and for now we're gonna change us to telnet and we're gonna go to that port number 32 769 wham wam still not gonna work why if you recall back at the beginning we only enabled HTTP HTTP and ssh so we can reach it here and we can reach it here via HTTP sh here HTTP here this is telma on a non-standard port so we have to fix that we fix that in a sure so if you come back to the virtual machines tab or the virtual machines section here you can get to it by from home it might be here if you're having trouble finding just come here in the search bar and vir and you'll see virtual machines you can click it get to your virtual machines page and you see the EVM that you set up whatever you named yours click Eve click it and then you move to the networking button underneath settings and you can see here that these are the inbound port rules for your for your ve VM network interface that has the IP address on it so the inbound rules we're gonna have to add 1 because we have SSH and HTTP you have to add an inbound port rule change this to any source and any destination TCP well let's change it to that save this is this is applied to the network security group which is only applied to this server so it would be different if we had different security groups or we had more multiple servers in this security group so I think that should do it why is this here that shouldn't do it so if we restart this session now yeah there we go so r1 now we get the connection to it and so you have your connection in to router 1 just timeout if you get the initial configuration dialog which you probably will at this point just type know and then it all come through and you have access to a Cisco router just like it's that's a very easy easy way to get a lab up and running you can do anything with the lab that you could do with gns3 Eve they're all they all kind of do this thing I prefer Eve personally it does uh does a lot of things really nicely and it's very easy to get set up and stood up so I've I've been very impressed with it and would definitely recommend it so that's a that's getting access to your lab out in the cloud so there's your virtual machines created all the things all the things you go under it like the network security groups that interfaces the IP addresses everything's being created it's in this one is in the central us zone it's got a public IP address as a private IP address you could set up routing and stuff on but for for this purpose you need a boon to 16.04 I like the d-4s v3 with 4 CPUs and 16 gig of ram for the extra overhead have running you know 10/10 routers and ten virtual routers so there you have it that is the kinetise building a lab in the cloud with Azure so anyway I'd like to thank you guys for taking the time to view this I hope that's been beneficial to you and I hope you're looking forward to more content in the future this would be a great thing to do if you have a computer that doesn't support VTX so you can't do hardware acceleration in like VMware Workstation Player or something like that or KVM or whatever you can't you can't do that if you don't have VTX on the motherboard supported so you could run your cloud and run your lab in the cloud when you can do it locally so I will also do a video of setting this same thing up in VMware Workstation player on your local computer so that you can have it anywhere even if you don't have an internet connection so that's pretty that's pretty cool too for laughing if you don't have an internet connection but you have the ability to run VTX and do hardware acceleration for virtualization anyway thanks again for viewing please share it if it was helpful to you and we will be back with more content in the future thank you so much
Channel: ospfpacket
Views: 3,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eve-ng, networking, ospf, cisco, microsoft, azure
Id: b1_e-BjI6R8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 43sec (1783 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 14 2020
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