Installing a PVC Membrane RV Roof

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all right guys welcome back to the shop today we have a 2007 Northwood and Nash travel trailer that we're gonna be doing the roof on and all these black smudges up here that's from the roof membrane itself as the roof was being taken off so now with the roof repaired we're about ready to go ahead and put the new membrane on finally But please understand this is still being done on a friendly budget so we will not be doing everything pristine and brand new and now we can just have Cass helping me scraping the roof for me and membrane's A Little Bit Stronger there too just as strong as a turnab on and we have that fiber take down all the seams and where all the screw heads and nails are going to be next step is to clear off the roof get the membrane up here this time we're gonna go with the PVC roof I'd like to say we're going to the PVC roof because it is a superior product because it's thicker uh tear and puncture resistant it reflects more surfaces it reflects more sunlight requires less maintenance doesn't chalk and oxidize like a rubber roof would and unlike a TPO roof doesn't need con constant UV protection applied to it and while all that is true we really went with that BBC because Say it With Me Now supply chain issues so we're installing a PVC roof from extreme which is a LaSalle Bristol company says it's pretty vital that we use exp 90 only as far as adhesive goes so here we go extreme ply designed for RV Roofing exp 90. now suspiciously it looks and smells what was that cast smells and looks like Elmer's Glue like Elmer's Glue which also looks and smells very similar to this dye core 901ba which is what you could use for TPO and rubber roof membranes I'm not a material specialist so always use the correct adhesives but it does seem very similar to me foreign look at that so you can shrink wrap together very nice it's definitely kind that they wrapped it but it's kind of a pain to take off the wrap now per uh LaSalle Bristol's instructions or the extremes instructions either side can be glued down but since that's the side that's going to unroll really easily that's the side that's going to be down so that's how I'm going with all I have to do is Center this side to side even though I have more than enough on each side but there's no reason to cut it simple so I need to move that about an inch you can push it my way a little bit oh that's good you have it 10 inches you got about 10 inches so the next step is for us to roll the membrane out completely onto the roof and make sure it's centered all the way down sure hope that's long enough they only measured once the feeling would be okay all right now let's roll it out the rest of the way okay so my 21 foot roll is three inches or two inches short of 21 feet and so I'm quarter inch or an inch short okay foreign don't you hate it when you're an inch short all right Cass 25 foot roll it is apparently remember they give me a couple extra inches not short me I'm sure they don't normally short me why I gotta get 25 foot I mean that's not even 21 foot so much for getting this done today had to go pick up a 25 foot membrane I mean I want to be mature enough to accept responsibility but if it was 25 foot the 21 foot membrane would have been absolutely perfect but I also want to be angry and I don't want to be mature sometimes no for anybody interested the instructions do actually come with a membrane right there I'll see if I can't take a picture and I'll put it on the screen for you guys to see it but long story short it pretty much gets installed the same way as TPO and rubber roof membranes okay so we have the new PVC membrane laid out I have it about the same amount of overlap on each side it's pulled back from there the blower is just there to kind of keep the wind from I don't know picking up that edge real fast and we have more than enough at the front here too if you do need to reposition it this is the time to do it just kind of give it a little bit of a wave to reposition it but the next step is to be to glue it down if you have two people that's the way you want to do it especially if it's pretty hot outside like it is today but the manufacturer does recommend having the membrane a little bit warm it's a lot more pliable to use when it's a little bit warmer the uh adhesive is water-based it's going to be best not to do this in full sun even if it was winter time you do want to have some shade on top of the roof otherwise the glue will dry too fast and that causes membrane adhesive failure and then like most of these roofs the easiest way to do it is going to be from the side with at least two people having scaffolding set up so you can work from the side so you aren't working on the roof itself uh membrane's very slippery if you try to walk on it when the adhesive's still wet but it did grab some new brooms which have a built-in squeegee on them so it shouldn't damage the new membrane there I'm gonna want some extension poles for your rollers and 3 8 or half inch naps should be fine on the rollers there it is all right so what we're gonna do we're gonna grab this numbering pretty much pull it all the way forward and go halfway up about there so we do want to make sure that we're keeping the edges Square so it's not going up crooked it's Square on the sides then we're going to be pretty good so those edges are even so we are pretty Square now it's just going to be time to is pour out some of this for Cass like that and he's going to start rolling out his side then I'll do my side an important step on this is not let the glue dry and we do want it pretty wet [Music] all right now we're just going to roll this forward look cat you need to catch up for a second all right let's go ahead and try to get out the major wrinkles pretty easily like that and now we should have adhesive on the membrane and on the deck and of course the next step is going to be to squeeze you out all the air bubbles a little bit of bubble right there we can work those to the edge too by hand this is working out his side I have a pretty good bubble right about there well what do you think not too bad for the back of the roof all right pretty much the first half is down we just have to glue the front half now pretty much the same thing up front we're just going to roll that section back and then glue it out and roll it back out again it's quite overheated last night well there's a new roof down I think it looks pretty good uh they always look the worst until you get a all the holes cut out and all the new all the attachments put on we did use a full two gallon bucket of adhesive on this 21 foot a roof that's maybe eight feet wide but it is important for the membrane to go down into wet adhesive onto the deck that way the adhesive will stick to the membrane and the deck and forms a good Bond you don't want it to be dry when you're putting the membrane down otherwise you'll have the plague of the RV industry currently uh ballooning where the roof likes to uh balloon at the front when you're driving down the road but we don't want to get on the roof until the adhesive is dry so the next step is to be to put the side molding on which the owner did go ahead and clean off all the side molding for me already you can see the pile of uh Beetle that they took off we will be putting new butyl on the back side of the molding here this is the driver's side rear section that I already marked on there so this would be the passenger side rear so let's go ahead and put the putty tape down kind of push against the tape to have it adhere to the molding and we'll pull the backing off just like that nice and tacky because it's nice and hot now before I can put this molding on I do have to put the rear molding on and I do want to try to save as much of this rubber as much as this membrane underneath this molding as I can too because again it'll be just like having the membrane tape underneath this molding like most manufacturers do now so I will cut out the excess because the seam is right about there let's put that out of the way now I can put putty tape on the molding here screw it down and then once this is screwed down then and this molding's down I can cut all the extra membrane off right there but we'll have some more uh water intrusion protection even underneath this using this also all right and because this is a metal Mesa on the back right here I need to add a little bit of fill filler putty I need to add some more filler putty in the middle of the valleys of the Mesa there because that is a natural low spot and putty tape works on compression and compression only we need to be able to screw everything fast and ooze out that putty then I'll just be using these two inch last screws let's put the molding back down again some good oozing going on all right so now that I know where that is now I can pull this membrane back pull the duct tape back a little bit and I can see there's a hole right there which means I can just poke that through right there and that's for uh the first hole in this molding is going to go right there now personally I think that using hex headed screws on any on any exterior body molding or roof attachments is a mean thing to do because uh the ceiling gets stuck all over the screw head and then it fills up your driver with putty that you have to clean out every single time so I will be using instead of these screws very similar screws except these are square headed screws the washer headed screws do kind of work but they start filling up the channel on odd places so it makes it hard to put the insert in so I do want to try to keep these smaller headed screws in if I can so just put that in Loosely and now I should be able to come over here find the last screw hole just like that bring this back up all right now while PVC is not stretchy as much as uh rubber roof will be it's a little bit more stretchy than uh TPO roof will be so we do want to still kind of pull on this as we're putting the screw in to get rid of any bubbles that are going to be in there and we'll do the same thing right here pull that tight the factory need a lot of holes right here okay so this piece is in that'll make it easier to put the long piece in the entire length of the way it'll pretty much be the exact same thing uh and then I'll cut underneath with the membrane as I start installing the molding uh I won't secure this screw yet because I still have to put the insert on top and there's a gutter I'm going to be putting here too okay so I'm almost done with this side molding the owner did get me some new gutters to put in before I screw this down I'm gonna put this behind it like that screw in right there and I will temporarily put the screw in because that does have to come back out for the insert to be put in but we'll do that in a second next thing I need to do is just cut the extra membrane down here let's have a sharp razor blade underneath that too or the uh gutter spot too because why not on this thing but it's not ripping it is one of the benefits of BBC and then I can cut around the back gutter here okay and then I'm just gonna scrape off the excess putty right here and I'll be using this three quarter inch now one inch uh vinyl insert black then I always find it easiest to kind of roll this stuff out but the bottom leg again kind of like that using a bone popping it then that way that was simple but the screw in right here okay now really the last step is we need to seal the top of this molding right here and to do that we'll be using a extreme sealant I mean literally extreme and this one could be used on anything but I figured I might as well go with uh the roof membrane manufacturer this is going to be non-sag the key to a non-saga kind of an acrylic sealant is don't try to Tool it just try to do a decent looking bead straight out of the caulking gun so again this is really just to help kind of redirect water onto the gutter kind of a cap seal so I just wanted to make out okay it doesn't have to be the most beautiful thing you've ever seen they have an air bubble in it so that's gonna be it I just have to go the rest of the way down there this stuff is very similar to the dicor brand so it's kind of like a marshmallow cream but this stuff doesn't flow it's a non-sagging non-leveling sealant again right here I'm going to fill this molding and put a a little bit of a barrier because this is non-sagging or what so when I put the uh self leveling up here it won't want to go over this side oh that side's done like I said if you do try to Tool this stuff all it does is kind of smear and make a very big mess it's very like it's like marshmallow cream and it gets everywhere so don't try to Tool it it'll just make a bigger mess just a good bead is all we'd need and then I just have to do the same thing on the other side and hopefully by that point the roof glue should be set up and ready to be walked on all right so all the side molding is on now the glue is not completely set up so I can't get on the roof yet but I do have all that molding done the uh non-sag sealant on top of that edge right there there's a few vents I can get to from the side put this putty tape in this Heat's been fighting me so I can't put it on very easily that's okay because I do have a freezer in my motorhome sorry I'm able to freeze it and get it back to life so that it's not so sticky and I'm even making solar power as I'm inverting so I'm not even having to run the generator let's see my house battery's still doing really well it's almost like it's the best RV ever made there is definitely a thunderstorm coming in over the Superstition Mountains right there that's uh threatening my brand new roof so I'm not going to go too much further than this as without any holes in it it's honestly as protected as it's ever going to be and I can't get the molding on until the all the adhesive dries anyways so it should do pretty well [Music] all right so the new okay so the new membrane foreign
Channel: AZ Expert
Views: 26,631
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Id: g2SrTwcFt60
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Length: 23min 15sec (1395 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 01 2023
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