Installed Vinyl Plank from Costco for Under $1000 and it was EASY

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we have a vinyl here now normally this is glued down pretty good but you can see that this is popping right up so i'm going to rip all this up but it's only well i don't know it's about a sixteenth of an inch thick i could have ran a little bit of floor fill there what i'm going to do is i'm going to spread some of this around on the floor no i'm just you can use flour even to do this but this is a floor fill that i use but i'm just going to sprinkle then i just take the broom and i'm going to sweep it around see now i'm on here and now it's no longer sticky [Music] so i like to just take the square edge not this edge or the other factory edge get the square edge against the jamb now i like the oscillating saw the best because it makes the cleanest cut you can get precise with it so there's not a huge gap under but you also just want to make sure that you get it under you got all that stuff out of there so that it's clear of debris now sometimes i like to also cut the sheetrock away just a few inches away from the jam so it makes it a lot easier for you when you're cutting these in [Music] all right so what i would do is i go through a bunch of boxes i'd open up quite a few now we opened up about 10 boxes here so we split up our patterns into different piles and now we'll draw from those piles so that we can keep the pattern separate so i want to start by laying out my first row of planks down the wall now we are going to lay these out and before we make any cuts we're going to make sure it's straight so what i want to do is i want to start putting the butt joints together working my way down the wall and before i make my last final cut i want to measure to this chalk line and i'm going to tell you about that shortly now i have that groove facing the wall so it's going in the wrong way it would actually be flipped around to go in there this way but it's not i'm going backwards now i have it tight against the wall here there's a little bit of a lip on here but i want to make sure i leave an expansion joint so i'm just going to mark my plank right to the edge of this groove right here right there that's how i'm going to get my cut it doesn't reach all the way i'm just gonna cheat it i just score i'll go twice on it then i just take it break it right over my knee and now it's going in there the right way and you can see we have our cut okay so what we want to do here is we want to build a solid foundation and then we want to secure that so that we can build our plank off of it and have a real easy time with our installation so i lay out planks and then once we get those together we need to have a reference line to see where we're going to start you can see i measured the room as 136 inches and then i divide that in half and i came up with 68 inches now from that halfway mark of the room the 68 inches i've layout plank to the wall to see how large of a piece i'm going to have you can see it's going to be really small we don't like that we can change that by moving this over a half a plank and still have the same size piece on both sides of the room and it's about seven and a half inches well seven and a half inches divided by two is three and three quarter so now i want what i'm doing as you can see is my line right here is the 68 inches i moved this line over three and three quarters of an inch the half a plank now it's over on the half a plank now pan back over there and you can see i grew my piece so now that we've established where we're going to mark the floor now we want to snap a chalk line on those marks that we transferred on the floor on each end and now you want to figure out how many planks you are with the three planks that you put down on the floor how many planks you are away from your line i'm six planks away and i laid out those six planks to get the measurement that i needed which you've seen and now i'm measuring away from this plank to the chalk line that certain amount of planks that i figured out and i'm going to do that all the way down now i'm cutting some scrap pieces here because we're going to use these to secure our floor so i'm going to cut them to fit in between the wall and the plank and then we're going to screw them down but we need to make sure we get the floor straight all the way down so i start at one end and i'm work i'm working my way down making sure that i'm measuring it as i go and straightening the floor out and as far as these scraps go you're gonna put one on each seam and then you're gonna put one on each end of the floor okay we're good down here too i think we're ready to just keep screwing the floor all right so now we have this secured you can see how we did all that now i just want you to know the reason why i do it like this is because this is better than those spacers that you put in the wall or i've seen people blue tape them they just don't work very well but you can see this floor ain't going anywhere it's going to be a nice solid foundation now it's perfectly straight our planks are going to go together great from here on out now if you have a piece of plank that you need to cut that's a little bit shorter like less than eight inches i would say you don't need to move the entire row of plank over to grow that you can cut that piece just moisten that joint with a wet terry cloth and then you can put a little gorilla glue in the joint to hold that piece in place so it never comes out just go ahead and do that and everything will just be fine there's not really any rhyme or reason to our pattern here we're just trying to stagger it like it's a real wood pattern you can kind of see how my joints are i got one here here here and none of these line up and that's kind of how i like to make sure that i'm doing it but this plank is really easy to start a row here i just get it locked into the long part now this is one that has the tongue and groove on both the butt joint and the long joint so you have to slide the plank in so i like to lift it up and get underneath the board like back here underneath the board and then i just get it locked into the butt joint set it down and you can see right here how we have it a little bit away now i just slightly lift it and use this tapping block oh it's all together nice this is a tapping block that i'll leave a link for it's a really good tapping block it's not a cheap cheesy one so it's gonna last you it's not gonna break during the installation so i'll leave a link for this okay so you can see right here i have part of the lip is broken now that's not a plank that isn't unusable you just want to make sure you get anything out sometimes when you're using the tapping block you can break that but that's still good to use don't even worry about it just go ahead and install your next plank in just get the debris out and see how all went together nicely still you can see right here how we got this right on the chalk line pretty perfect there now we're getting out to the middle of the room and by this time for you you should really start being you should start really getting the hang of installing plank and things will go a lot easier for you now i want to talk to you a little bit about this plank we got this from costco now i would have never dreamed of getting anything from costco that i would put on my floor i've had members of my membership site asked me about costco plank before and i've kind of chuckled at him and told him not to do it but my daughter brought me to costco and we found this vinyl plank there and i was really surprised that they even carried this well of a brand this is a mohawk product really nice product was really easy to install i would never turn anyone away from costco again they did have quite a few products there to select from so keep in mind to check out costco now i'm not being paid by them to say this i'm just telling you now i also gave my son-in-law a little shot here at his first time installing vinyl plank let's see how he did so okay lift up on the end there a little bit yeah i'll try to tap it while you're lifting okay first time installing plank are my methods teaching you something yeah that was easy okay one thing that you can do is you can take a torch or even a hair dryer and just heat this up i just go back and forth so i'm not going to burn it so if you keep moving it it's not going to burn it just heat it up again like i said you can use a a blow dryer too i'm just going to cut this on a scrap the back side of that now my knife is going to go through this like it's really like it's hot you know like butter hot knife going through butter can score these off couple times then they just snap right off now because i heated it up i have to cut the pad but that's how you can uh that's how you can cut smaller pieces and i'm going to show you one more time with this later on but again you can use a hair dryer if you need to so now we're getting to a point where we're a little closer to the wall here i've showed this in other videos you can't get the tapping block really in there very much so i just like to take a scrap piece and i'll have the tongue on there because the groove is showing if this is the groove side then i would have this small piece have the groove on it i mean if this was the tongue on the floor the other way anyway you'd want it to slide in there and lock in if you can't pull these in to get them in then you can use this strap get your pull bar in there this is a pull bar it's got this big knuckle on the end to beat on it and just hit it in the scrap protects this from not getting damaged then i'm just gonna go down the line and beat her in and i don't mean beat but give her a good hit get it started so it's somewhat in the joint here so i might need to lift it a little bit to do this know my hand was in the way there but you can see how it's tilted up a little bit right here right now and i'll hit it now it went flat and i can go back if it is still up a little bit and just give it a tap just to make sure it's in there nice and solid okay i want to show you how to do this last row right now and what i'm going to do is i'm going to take the plank i'm just going to put it so it's perfectly even with the plank that we're on right now now the other thing i'm doing is i'm making sure that this butt joint right here doesn't line up with any joints over here so now what we're going to do is we're just going to build this row all the way down i'm just going to put together the butt joints right on top of this plank and just keep giving it getting it perfectly even with this plank the entire way down and again just keep lining it up now the next step is i'm going to take a scrap piece of vinyl plank and i'm going to make a cheater board is what i call it and is all we do is we're taking off the groove we're gonna leave the tongue on because that's gonna help us with get our expansion joint that we need between this eighth inch that sticks out and then when i put my marker along there we're gonna get about a quarter inch gap i'm just going to use a utility knife and just cut it off pretty simple so now it's flat it's gone and then i'm just gonna mark the floor right along it with a marker now when i come to a corner like this i'm gonna flip my plank around actually so this is the factory edge on this side so i know it's square on this side so i'm going to use that i bring this out about a quarter inch past the corner and that's how i'm going to get my mark for the corner and now i just keep marking all the way down now the nice thing about this is i keep this about six to eight inches and the reason why is now i can follow like the waves that are in the wall so that if it's crooked or if it has waves in it it the board is going to follow the waves and so now like i have this return here that's going to get covered with a vent so i'll just do the same thing here i'll leave like a little gap here you can see i'll just mark right here where it's going to be on this part of the cheater board so i know that that's where it's at and now i put my cheater board against this metal and you can see how i got it right here now this plank that we're using has like a it has something on the surface of it that makes so that things don't stick very well so my markers not showing up like it normally would but i'm using a marker and this actually will come off with a denatured alcohol now if you're concerned that yours that it won't come off your plank i'm pretty sure that it will i've only found one time where it didn't so just do a test with your plank like i'm doing on a scrap piece take some denatured alcohol and wipe that right off if it comes right off then you're good to go to use a marker if not then i'd use a pencil okay so i'm coming to the end we're still on top of this row here i'm just going to mark just like i would any other time i've reversed the plank i make my mark now i'll just pull this out of the way now i'll just take this piece because this is this jam is in the way i'm just going to let it sit out a little bit it's still going to get me close i'm just making sure it's lined up over there now i'm just going to take my cheater board and mark this now you can use a jigsaw with this i use a jigsaw a lot when i'm cutting vinyl plank but you can also use your a utility knife you can see i'm going down the line just going nice and slow and pressing down hard on the utility knife i'll score it again and then i'll hit this a couple of times i'm just going to heat this up with the torch and again like i said you can do this at the blow dryer too just so you know i'm going to show you because right here this is not this is scrap see so you can burn it but if like i did there when i just sat in one spot if you have a hair dryer it won't do that but if you just back and forth now that's nice and soft i'm going to cut through this a few more times now i'm doing this on top of the floor you might want to do this on top of a scrap and i scored this a few times i'm just going to break it and then i'm going to start from down here and start tearing it back i'm going backwards with it now i'm coming down to where i have my l cut i'm going to cut this a little bit more right here now you can see when you heat it up the pad doesn't like to break like normal so you can see there that's how i made my l-cut with just a utility knife so now i'm going to start putting this together i got a little spot here where it's kind of going to the jam so i stopped before it and then i'm just gonna tap it forward so now i'm just gonna tap this one in now you can see where i'm at here so you can see how nice that cheater board is i got that nice expansion joint there how it follows the curves of the wall so now putting in these next pieces i like to put the butt joint in first then i like to lay it down okay so i'm a little tight right here on this so i'm just going to cut this a little bit more with my knife so it pops in and see how that went now i'm just going to take my pry bar and i'm going to pry in to get that to click do you hear that click now you don't want to go through the sheet walk with your pry bar so if you feel like it's weak in a spot then just use a scrap you can just make sure it's all in you can hear that how it just clicked in so now what i'm just going to do is i'm going to show you how to use a pull bar so you want to get your pull bar in there against the wall and then you just beat this in just keep moving your pull bar down down here sometimes you got to work these joints a little bit get this end in for it to all go in together nicely i feel like it's it's up right here so i got to push down on that now see how it's coming in nicely there now you can see right here i'm a little tight so what i could do here on a spot like this is i could buff away the sheetrock scrape it so then i have that half inch underneath the sheetrock and then i can get my vacuum my wet dry vac and vacuum that out so now i'll have my expansion joint in there again and i'm only showing you this i'm not saying that this is what you want to go and do all the way around the room so you make a mess but i'm just showing you that that's a quick tip if you are a little tight somewhere you can knock away that sheetrock so here's the cheater board you know how to make it i showed you how to do it you're welcome it's one of the greatest gifts that god has showed me too now this carpet is a little longer so you can actually just slide the plank underneath the carpet and let the carpet hide it and have the gap underneath there we might put a piece of quarter on here i haven't decided yet but there's a couple options for you anyway i take a plank and i hook on to this other side now i have a little bit over here so i know that this is in here nice and straight you can see it doesn't move right so i just take this then i put it on top of this plank perfectly and now i take my cheater board and i mark this so now i'm just going to mark it and then to get it here because all i'm going to do is just run it straight across and just kind of eyeball this and make a mark you can either use your cheater board or a square and then just finish that mark i'm trying to figure out this board right here so all i did is i took this board right here i put it across and then i took another board that was full i reversed it and did my marking like i showed you earlier so i marked it i cut it here it is so now what i want to do so i want to take a couple of temporary scraps here and hook them on now i'm going to take these boards and i'm going to put them together and hook them right onto this floor right here now i'll connect this so now i took another board and i put it on the other side of those two boards i connected it to make that so that it was solid and straight i slide my cheater board under hit the wall and then i pull it back a quarter inch and start making my marks now this was kind of a funky jam so i had to do a little bit of creative marking here you can see what i'm doing here and how i'm figuring the edge of the jam right there now i'm using the cheater board to extend that out to where that mark would be there's another notch in there that i had to mark so again this was kind of a funky jam but you can see how this will work for you to be able to use the cheater board now on this side it was nice and straight i just took the cheater board with the factory edge squared up against the plank and made that mark and now you can see how this is going to fit in this jam once we put it together so the cheater board really is going to be your best friend on your vinyl plank installation now you can see how nice this floor really turned out when it was all done and again i just am shocked that this is from costco really a beautiful floor also want to show you how we staggered the joints inside this hallway this short hallway you want to make sure you get disciplined and do that so this video really had a lot packed in there for you and i hope that i'm helping you and i would just ask that if you liked this video if that helped you at all that you would hit the like button for me it will really help me out hit the subscribe button if you want to see some more of my videos and then hit that bell if you want to be notified when they're going to be coming out now i had just put out a bunch of new videos you should go you can go to my youtube channel and check those out i'll have some links for those here at the end of this video a really good one for you to go and see is incredible tips for how doer's installing vinyl plank for the first time this also will apply to laminate installation so go check that video out that'll really give you a lot more tips even what you've seen inside this video i just again really want to thank you for watching my videos i want to pray for you that you and your family are blessed i pray for blessings on you and i pray that your projects are blessed and that they go well and that you don't have any problems with those and i just pray for that in jesus name i want to say god bless you thanks for watching my video and again i am joe latender thanks for watching oh so that's how you do that
Channel: So That's How You Do That!
Views: 233,868
Rating: 4.9038534 out of 5
Keywords: vinyl plank flooring, how to install vinyl flooring, how to install vinyl plank flooring, installing vinyl flooring, installing vinyl plank flooring, how to install laminate, vinyl plank flooring install, vinyl plank flooring installation, vinyl flooring installation, diy vinyl plank flooring, vinyl plank installation, installing vinyl plank flooring on concrete, how to install vinyl plank flooring through doorways, how to install laminate flooring, installed vinyl plank
Id: DoeMwcnBpXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 43sec (1543 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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