Install tensorflow 2.0 | Deep Learning Tutorial 5 (Tensorflow Tutorial, Keras & Python)

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I'm going to show you how you can install tensorflow on your Windows computer I'm using anaconda on my computer so I am going to install tensorflow with in anaconda environment the other way is you have plain Python installation in that case you can just run pip install tensorflow and you will be all set so since I have anaconda environment first thing you need to do is install anaconda for that I have a link video I made a video on how to install an icon on Windows so just follow that and I am assuming you have now installed anaconda the first thing you need to do is go to add and remove program and make sure you don't have to python installation because anaconda comes with python installation so here search for python and if you see another python installation here remove it otherwise it will create a lot of issues you should have just anaconda or just have plain Python installation you should not have both now I am going to launch git bash so git bash is a command prompt which you can again install on your computer easily right click run as an administrator it should be notebook and this is launching a jupiter notebook in my anaconda environment and you can just create like a new Python 3 notebook I already have something created here and I will just try to import or tensorflow in this notebook and see if it works so ctrl enter and when you do ctrl enter is trying to execute that and you you see that it is not important right now so now what I will just say ctrl C and exit out of that and I will now run pip install tensor so this will just take few seconds and then it will install tensorflow so now it says successfully install tensorflow to 10 suppor 2 is out so we are you going to use that and now again you can use Jupiter Notebook command to launch the same notebook and we'll try to import tensorflow and see what happens and let's see if this works this time or not control-enter great I am able to import tensorflow now I'm all set to write my first neural network program thank you for watching
Channel: codebasics
Views: 240,164
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Keywords: install tensorflow windows, install tensorflow, install tensorflow windows 10, how to install tensorflow, how to install tensorflow in jupyter notebook, how to install tensorflow on windows 10, how to install tensorflow in anaconda, install tensorflow in jupyter notebook, install tensorflow in anaconda, tensorflow installation windows 10, tensorflow install, how to install tensorflow in python 3.10, install tensorflow in python 3.10, install tensorflow in pycharm
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 37sec (157 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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