Install stone/glass/mosaic Backsplash - A Beginner's Guide Pt 3

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okay after deciding what to do I'm cutting wise I went ahead and put some painters table on here just to give myself a little bit of a guide it's not necessary but I think it helps me so let's get to cutting [Music] as you can see the cuts turned out real nice so one of the things you do need to do though when you're working with the adhesive mat is to make sure that the stones are completely dry before you go and hang it on the wall so if you have access to a heat gun use that or a blow dryer would work okay too now just go over evenly and make sure that these are completely dry don't forget about the back before you try to hang them on the wall they will not stick otherwise and you're gonna get plenty of water on them just heads up on that alright now let's talk about how to cut into the backsplash in order to make room for your electrical outlets and switches so the method I'm going to use because I believe it to be the easiest is mock up your backsplash and count how many rows up these tiles come until they get to the bottom of your void here so we've got one two three and it goes really nicely there move it over a little bit more just to give a better presentation of it so we'll have just a touch of space here but that's perfectly fine so what I'll do is separate the tile I'll cut this entire bottom section off apply it then we'll fit this middle section right here and we'll cut it where we need to in order to clear this now the same thing will be done on the opposite side on this side we'll cut this as well to fit and then we'll run the remaining top section over and we shouldn't have one complete piece and I'll try to capture that as much of that on video as I can okay videos I can't so this is the edge that bumps up against the cabinet and we counted three rows up so that's how many were gonna splice out now I could flip this around but I'm just gonna show it this way I think it's a little more representative and easier to follow you just cut the mesh in the back it's real easy and there's our three rows and we'll be using this for the bottom I'm just gonna gently tap it in so I've stuck this beginning piece on the wall and as you can see the glass versus the stone are just a little bit different heights so I'm gonna make sure I put all my spacers under the glass that way I can have as consistent as a level as possible and again I just kind of nudge this on I didn't press it at all I'm gonna go ahead and do the rest of this piece and then do final press okay I fitted this piece on and now I can put the top piece on and I'm just eyeballing this and trying to make sure that the gap between the tiles are the same so the next step is to like I got a cut again okay a little bit out of this in order to make it complete so that's our next step is just to cut right here and we'll have one section done you I think we're set there I think this is good now all I need to do is press these in so I'll take my grout tile and just hold for five seconds which will put the adhesive to a final set as you can see as I work my way underneath the microwave we're a little tall so we need to remove one row so I'll just be making a cut all the way along that to remove that top row and if needed you can always just pull these off individually like I did up there they come off pretty easily you one quick tip when you're installing these even a whole sheet don't be afraid to cut it up into individual strips when you're not quite getting the spacing you want for example I could use I cut this two tile section off of the entire larger section because the tiles up top the spacing was just a little bit too wide from tile to tile so I'm cutting these off in order to space them correctly so I can manipulate this one easier with just the two and then I'll try to place the rest of the top pieces separately that way I can get the correct spacing that I want you that's pretty good now when measuring your final cut birth for the corner don't be afraid to actually cut these up into different sections because you may find that some pieces are just a little bit or need to be a little bit long or a little bit shorter than others I took a pretty broad measurement of four inches that I'm sorry four and a half inches that should cover everything but I may need to go and individually trim some of these up and I'll probably trim them on this side since this will be the side going against the the corner there so what I'll probably do is trying to test fit this and if it's I don't get the gaps I want I will just cut maybe in sections of three so one two three cut here and then do another one and just place them up individually like that that way you can get more consistency when you put it down however you know if everything's lining up perfectly you won't have to do that we'll see in my case let you know I did end up going ahead and cutting sections of three just because at the end here some aren't exactly lined up as well as others and there's just different lengths to contend with not much but you know even a eighth of an inch or a sixteenth of an inch can make a decent amount of difference in the end so I'm just cutting these in sections of three and fitting them individually that way to get the best fit possible this section is done it took about 40 minutes I think just to put this area on but that's the price you pay when you're going for perfection and potentially when it's your first time after putting this piece in you can tell there's a little difference in height here but you know there's nothing I can really do about that it's just how it worked out after everything's up I don't think you were going to be able to notice all that well not to mention it's towards the top so this is generally an area that is not seen at least not seen very often so although that'll bug in my mind you know I think it's okay I think it'll be just fine otherwise just gonna continue down the wall keep moving now I'm installing the top very top row of the backsplash and I'm able to use three tile strips but I'm having to sometimes remove the piece because it's not quite fitting up there as as perfectly as I would like it so I'm actually taking pieces out as I need to and sometimes even trimming them lengthwise just in order to get them to fit a little better like you see I've done up here this one is trimmed a little bit obviously you can tell that someone's a little skinnier than the rest and that is just because I had to get those to fit so don't be afraid to take these apart and trimmin trim them as needed another thing to consider and just be aware of or your starting points for example at the end of this run I actually started from the corner and worked all the way over to the window now this was actually a mistake although it looks okay you can see that I had to end up cutting little tiny pieces in order to fill these gaps now after the mortars in this is gonna look just fine and in my opinion it looks okay right now but if I thought ahead a little bit more I would have started the piece here and had you know these larger tiles that and I wouldn't therefore need these little tiny spliced ones and I would have brought it all the way over to the corner where I could have put my little tiny splices that way they would have been hidden in the corner obviously that area gets less light so it would have been all the more less visible to do that in the corner so keep that in mind it's just something I overlooked don't really think it was that terrible and I think I corrected the mistake fairly well so I would say just keep an eye out for that when you're doing your project make sure you know where you're gonna start where you're gonna stop you
Channel: Fast Fix
Views: 162,201
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: install, backsplash, mosaic, stone, glass, tile, wet saw, tile saw, diy, how to
Id: uUY78s_KdtQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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