Install Proxmox And Configure Network/Storage 2023!

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hello everybody and welcome back to another video today we're going to be talking about setting up and installing proxmox on your server computer or virtual system using one of these now there are a few reasons why I'm using proxmox I used to be running on VMware esxi with vsphere however with my current Hardware there were some limitations that I had and I didn't want to do any workarounds to get higher versions of esxi supported on my server so let's jump right into setting up proxmox [Music] so if you navigate to Ian slash downloads you'll be presented with a few options here is the virtual environment that we are interested in proximox also has a free open source backup server that you can deploy to back up your systems however proxmox virtual environment already has backups built into it now there are reasons why you would use backup server so we're going to download proxmox Virtual environment 8.0 you're just going to hit download and once that's downloaded you're going to use your favorite USB ISO Rider whether that's Rufus or belena in my case I'm going to use Rufus so if we plug in our USB device and select the iso we just downloaded this is going to give you a warning which you can just hit OK on CE you're done with that hit start and you've got your USB device now once you have your USB device ready to go find your server or computer that you're turning into a server and plug it in the next thing you're going to need to do is reboot that system and boot to the USB drive I'm not going to go over that but there's plenty of resources out there that will help you through that process now because I already have proxmox installed on my server and I do not have an idrac that I can show you in a video of how to set this up I'm just going to deploy this into a nested proximox VM if that doesn't make sense to any of you just ignore the fact that I'm doing it this way plug your USB device into your server and boot up with that USB device so I'm just going to start my VM the process of setting this up is the exact same you're going to see this exact screen and you're going to go through and you're going to use the graphical install you're going to let this run it's going to go through all the checks that it needs to do and then it will prompt you with setting up your proxmox so as you can see now as you can see now it's using DHCP to get an IP address and that's fine and that's going to be how this works however we can set that up to a static later you're going to hit I agree to the EULA and then you're going to select your install disk depending on your server you may see multiple of these so for my example on my r710 I have two over two raid arrays configured because I have four disks that are a different size and four discs that are another size so I've created two arrays with four disks in there so that's up to you where you would like to install this proxbox again if you need help setting up arrays for raid maybe I'll do a video about that in the future so I'm going to select this 32 gig hard drive I'm gonna hit next I'm going to select my time zone hit next and then I'm going to put in my password I'm gonna put in my email address and hit next now you can see the IP address that it pulled through DHCP I'm just going to leave that and then my hostname I will actually have to change because I'm using PVE as my primary DNS servers look great and we're just gonna hit install now this is going to run through installing proxmox on the partition you selected once this is completed you'll remove your USB and reboot the device it did boot up for us so you'll be presented with this IP address that you can navigate to in a new window so let's navigate to that window 167 8006 and let's go ahead and throw the https tag on there okay you can see that our pve2 virtual environment is set up you're going to use root and then the password you set up for this to log in perfect you have set up proxmox now we're going to do a couple of post install Scripts that's going to get rid of this no valid subscription pop-up and we're going to connect you to the repo for getting updates for developer versions that way you don't have to pay for a subscription to get updates so if you navigate to this website there's a couple of helper scripts in here and if we expand proxbox ve we'll see a post install and within this post install it's going to do the following it's going to set up your repositories it's going to disable the Enterprise repository because we don't want to pay for a subscription it's going to add or correct the PVE sources for the repos enable the no sub repo adding the test repo disabling the subscription nag which is what we saw when we logged in and updating proxmox ve so if we just copy this bashed command we go back into our proxmonx environment you're going to click on the Node or the host and then you're going to go into shell now you should be at a Shell prompt to where you can right click and paste and when you hit enter you'll be presented with this awesome screen great job on the script and we're going to hit Y enter to start the script okay it's going to ask us do we want the correct sources yes do we want to disable Enterprise yes enable no sub repo yes enable ceph package repo now I won't be using ceph but that's up to you we can just say yes to keep it updated add disabled PVE test repo yes yes and then hit OK do you want to disable High availability will this only be a single node or will you bring more servers into play now this can be re-enabled later but to improve performance we can disable that so once you're done with all of the prompts you'll see that this post install will actually go through all the processes that you've set up and disable and add what's needed it's also going to ask if we want to update proxmox and we'll just say yes so now we'll wait for this post install to finished one thing to note is if you leave the shell window it will not resume your session from when you go back into show so just as a tip anytime you're doing something inside of shell just keep just keep that open so that you don't lose your progress okay so when it's finished it's going to ask you if you'd like to reboot and we're just gonna say yes just say welcome to Grub and we're back at our screen so I'm going to close that we're going to go back here and refresh this and we're logged in because it's cached once you see the green check mark all is well now I'm going to jump back over to my environment to show you how I have it set up on my host because the next thing you will need to do is make sure your network is configured and create a storage volume so that you can store virtual machines so for my host my network configuration I have two Nick cards or two network interface cards one is a four port gig Nick and the other is a two Port gig Nick and you'll see that Eno one through four that's my four port and you'll see the enp5s0f0 and 0f1 that is my two Port now I'm not utilizing these currently but to explain a little bit better I have set up a bond for Port one and two with a balance mode of ALB and you assign that Bond zero into your Bridge with an IP address now for three and four I am using for NFS connections so I've created a bond one with the same balance ALB and I've assigned Bond one to a bridge one with the IP address this ensures that my NFS traffic is going through a separate VLAN and separate ports now ignore the iSCSI here because this was iSCSI but I have changed it over to NFS and notice I don't have it vlanowhere because those interfaces on my switch are assigned to VLAN 70 only so once you have your networking set up and it may not be this difficult for you you may be set up just fine with the default bridge that was created and if that's the way you want it to be you don't need to touch Network at all the next thing you have to do is create your storage so if we go to disks mine are a bit different because remember I said I had two arrays this is the array that I installed the OS onto and this is an array that I created a ZFS volume on if you have any data on those disks that you want to create the volume on you will need to wipe the disk once you have wiped those disks you can go into ZFS and hit create ZFS you will see the disks that are not used that you can select and then you can create your storage from here now my RAID is handled by the system itself because I'm running a Dell r710 so it turned out to be a single disk and I didn't set up raid on proxmox raid was actually set up on the host itself so if yours shows up as a single disk you will just select a single disk there are articles out there that you can read depending on which RAID level you would like but for my case and if we just look at this one it was a single disc once your ZFS is created you can go into Data Center storage and then add and let me just pull up the CFS I created so we would click storage here and you're going to select the options for the content you would like and the nodes that you would like to access this storage now that you have completed that you have a proxbox cluster set up and ready to go I'll do a video later on setting up NFS using my Buffalo Terra station so that you can utilize a different storage device to run your VMS from I also use NFS to store my backups ISO images and containers I hope you enjoyed this fast and simple proxmox setup if you have any issues or questions please leave them in the comments below and I will get to those to help you out if there is anything else that you'd like to see a video on please just do the same thank you guys for watching and have an awesome day [Music]
Channel: Corr Cloud
Views: 3,480
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how-to, homelab, tutorial, administration, sysadmin, system engineer, proxmox, selfhosted, linux, automation, install, setup, network, storage, hypervisor, virtual machines, containers, nfs, iscsi
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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