Install macOS Sonoma on Unsupported Macs EASY (Step-by-Step Guide)

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hey everyone Mr Macintosh here in this video I'm going to show you how to install Mago Sonoma on your older unsupported Mac with open core Legacy Patcher this is going to be an easy stepbystep guide that anybody can follow this will allow you to Breathe new life into your older Mac that's not even supported by Apple anymore so you can install newer applications take advantage of Mac OS anoma's new features and install the latest security updates to keep your Mac secure don't let the length of the video intimidates you I want to make sure you have all the details and information needed for a successful installation I'm going to go over a fresh erase and install installation walkthrough and I'm also going to go through an upgrade install from our previous installation if you want to upgrade to Sonoma we got a lot to cover let's do it together and jump in and get started quick note I have a detailed chapter section so you can skip to or review any part of the video that you want to instantly by clicking on one of these timestamps I know you're eager to get this installation going but trust me give me a couple minutes here to go over some really important information so you don't have problem s later first of all keep an eye on the update section in the description of this video so I can update you if there's information that changes between now and when you watch this video I follow the official open core Legacy Patcher documentation guide this is written by the developers and how to do the installation but I give you a video walkthrough so you can watch it on screen live the next thing is back up your data again most installations run very well without any problems but don't let you be the one who has a problem with the install and you don't have your data it backed up I recommend whether it's a time machine or plugging in an external hard drive or USB drive and dumping all your files in there before you start the installation next is this is an unsupported installation and apple does not recognize it as a supported way of installing Mac OS but it is arguably more useful and more secure because you're getting the latest security updates but use this at your own risk if you bring this into an Apple store they're going to look at and say hey we don't support Macos Sonoma on your 2011 Mac Mini so we can't help you but keep in mind mind all this code is open source and you can look at it of what you're installing on your Mac the next thing have a backup plan if things don't work out if the installation doesn't work out one of the newer tips in this video that I'm going to show you how to do is when we go to create the open core Legacy Patcher Macos Sona boot USB drive I'm going to split it in half and put a install supported Mac OS higher on there in case something doesn't work out also I talked about doing those two recommended paths we can do an upgrade install for example from High Sierra magos Big Sir magos mon 2 Sonoma or you can do a fresh and erase and install and I usually recommend a fresh erase but you can always try the upgrade because it does work fine now also if you need help you can use the comment section of this video a lot of the viewers jump in and offer support and I also do that too so if you need some help check out those questions and comments there and I do opencore Legacy patch update videos whenever a new version of opencore comes out I walk you through a full walkthrough of the update and all the changes and features and finally which version of ma should I install I'm showing you how to install somoma today but maybe you might want to think about me Ventura monter or Big Sir because those are very solid operating systems and apple isn't making as many changes to them anymore magoma is going to go through a full cycle of feature changes in security changes that could cause problems with a Patra in the future Mac OS big sir is also no longer supported security-wise Mac OS montere Macos Ventura and Mac OS Sonoma is supported so I just wanted you to think about which version of Mac OS you would like to install we're focusing on Maga Sonoma today now let's talk about the equipment needed you can see the full supported list of Macs in the Sonoma guide for open cor Legacy Petra and I put a link down here in this section so you can look at all those but basically from 2008 to 2017 plus can install magos Sonoma with open cor Legacy Patcher now I recommend having at least a 16 GB larger USB flash drive or external hard drive and I recommend USB 3.0 for the transfer speeds for the installation but if you have a 2011 are older you only have 2.0 anyway speeds for USBS also keep that USB on hand don't erase it in case any problems happen in the future you have it standing by in case you need it and for extra safety you have that second USB that we're going to show you how to do with a supported operating system on there I'll show you that tip in the in the section where we build the USB if you have a 2010 and older Max Mac there's a keyboard compatibility problem within the installation so you need to have a USB 2.0 USB hub or a native 2008 and older keyboard that supports USB 2.0 to be able to use the mouse and keyboard in recovery and when you have a non-patch system so keep that in mind if you have a 2010 or older Mac I also recommend having an SSD hard drive and at least 8 GB of RAM for Hardware upgrades now keep in mind if you don't have these it'll still work but it might be slow for example if you have a spinning hard drive it be slow and maybe 4 GB of RAM it might struggle so those are the recommendations and here's all the links that you would need if you want to be able to get more information about open Cy pater and Ma Sonoma and our first demonstration today is a late 2011 17-in MacBook Pro this is going to be the first example walkthrough which is going to be an erase install of magos Sonoma all the data in this device is going to be erased we're going to have a brand new operating system nice and clean installation if you want to do an upgrade install to Sonoma then skip to the next number two example and I'll walk you through a full walkthrough of an upgrade installed on this example we have Mac OS monitary installed and we are going to need the opencore Legacy Patcher application the first thing we need to do is get the latest version of opencore Legacy Patcher the best way to get there is go to the main opencore Legacy Patcher page so you make sure that you're going to the correct GitHub repository of the software so click in the upper right hand corner for GitHub and then it'll load the GitHub of all the source code here you can get the latest releases over here under the releases section all you need to do is click on the latest release here and it'll bring you to the release page now you can scroll down here and you're looking for the Assets Now there's a problem with previous operating systems like High Sierra and older browsers if you're seeing a loading Circle here and you don't see the assets you need to get a newer browser like for example Firefox Legacy it will show the asss properly or you can download from a direct link to this link here in the description of this video if you're having trouble seeing this all you need to do is click on open cacy patch GUI app that's zip it's going to immediately go into your downloads folder it's about a 5 to 600 megabyte download because it includes all the drivers that you're going to need for your Mac model and other Mac models too we'll give it a second to finish downloading now depending on your settings it's a zip file and it will automatically unzip and put the app into your downloads folder so you can click on finder for example and then you can click on downloads over here and then you'll be able to see that it's downloading and it will unpack unzip the zip and put the application right in your downloads folder give it a second here and there it is it unzipped and there's the application if it doesn't unzip you have the setting off just double click the zip and it'll unzip it right here now all we need to do is drag it over to our applications folder and if you have a previous version we want to replace it with the latest one so now we can go to the applications folder and we can see our latest version today opencore Legacy Patcher and we can see that I used to test old versions on this particular MacBook Pro look we even have the old twoe version so now all we need to do is double click on the application to open it up give a second to verify and click on open here it is open core Legacy Patcher and we're ready to go the first thing we need to do is plug in our USB drive that we're going to be able to build our Maga Sonoma boot drive to so plug in your USB or external hard drive now okay I just plugged mine in and we'll give it a second now it's loaded on the desktop the way that the open core Legacy Patcher USB is built is it has to erase the entire USB drive so if you have any data on here or it's split into multiple partitions use a different USB or make sure you back up all the data on here you can skip this step if you want but I usually do this step because there's been people that have put in that they have issues with sometimes the formatting of the drive so what I usually do is use Disk Utility in the utilities folder to erase the drive first and again this is only only a kind of like a double check step just so you don't have problems inside the application the application's written very well to take into account all of the erase problems now what you can also do is put the drive into a spotlight hidden indexing drive is not trying to index and search all the files on your drive while we're trying to erase the drive and you can see I already got mine in here but if you don't you can drag this in here now Spotlight won't Index this drive while you're trying to format it while you're trying to write files to it so we can close that up again these are all steps that normally are not needed you can just go in here and click on create the magos installer but a lot of times these little steps that we're taking here save you problems later so what we want to do is click on view and then click show all devices we're looking for external drive and in this case we're using a Kingston SSD drive we're going to click on the top level drive and then we're going to click on erase now we want to three see three sections in here name format and scheme we want to make sure this format is Mac OS extended journal and the scheme is guid partition map don't worry about the name because it's going to be erased by this anyway so we'll click on erase and it'll erase the USB drive now it's done now we can go into create the ma OS installer so we'll click on this button here now we need to download the latest version of Mag Sonoma so we can click on this to download it but if you already have a copy of Mago Sonoma that you want for example in your applications folder you can click this and navigate right to it and then you can go to the next step but we need to download it so we're going to click download Mac OS installer it's going to check the software update server and it will show you all the compatible versions for opencore legacy Patcher here big Ser mon Ventura and SoMo will usually be highlighted as the latest version right here now you can even get a link and download it manually and you can also show older versions of magos that is available on the server so we'll click on return to the main menu and then we'll click on download now it's going to immediately start to download the full installer of maos Sonoma so we're going to let this download it and again depending on your speed it can take anywhere from 10 minutes to a half hour to an hour depending on your internet speed so we're going to let this download and we're going to pick up right where it finishes the download okay we just finished our download we were averaging about 18 megabytes a second and now we are validating the Mac OS installer to prevent installation errors once we get to ma recovery so let this validate and we'll come right back okay the verification of the installer worked and succeeded now we have to type in the password for our account so we can build the installer click on okay now it's going to extract the MACC OS installer installer is extracted now we can create the USB installer by clicking yes now we need to select the Mac OS installer you should only see the macoma one but I have the higher one in there for later but click on macoma right here and it's going to say which dis we're going to click on dis three or external hard drive and then it's giving us one last confirmation that the entire disc is going to be erased click on yes once we add in our password one more time to be able to start the cre install media it's going to start the writing to the install now this could take a while depending on the speed of your USB drive for example this external hard drive is going to go pretty quickly here but if you have an older USB 2.0 flash drive it might take a while all the way up to 30 minutes to an hour and it says that right here first part is done now it's validating the installer Integrity okay the USB installer for MOS Sonoma is created we have to put the open core Legacy Patcher bootloader settings for this model max onto the EFI partition of the USB installer drive so let's click on yes for install now let's click on install the dis now we talked about that dis zero that's the internal drive we're not going to install it to the internal drive now we're going to install to our USB drive which is dis 3 so we're going to click on dis 3 and we're going to click on the EFI put in our password that's going to mount the EFI put the files on there unload it and now we're ready to boot for the install so this drive is ready to go for open core Legacy Patcher and somoma only this next part I'm going to show you is what we're going to do is we're going to click ignore we're not going to reboot just yet we're going to do one little small thing we're going to put that application of open core Legacy Patcher on there just in case something goes wrong and we need that full app so in the applications folder and there it is we've got our extra copy of open core Legacy Patcher on our USB drive and you only want your Sonoma USB installer you are ready to reboot and you can skip to the Next Step what we're going to do in this next step is split this drive in half and put a High Sierra or your latest Mac OS Apple supported OS on here just in case we have to downgrade and go back to the prior version because right now there's problems with Mac OS recovery in High Sierra and in Macos Sierra 12 the recoveries recovery environments are having issues installing having it on USB drive is going to save you time if you have to downgrade so what we're going to do is we're going to go back into our applications folder and then we're going to go to utilities and then we're going to open up Disk Utility again we're going to make sure that we have our show all devices selected like before show all devices and then we're going to go back to our external area click on the top level drive and then go to partition once we see this this is our entire partition now what we're going to do is we're going to add a partition and then we only need 10 gbt in size and you can change the size right here we'll just type in 10 and then hit enter now that's going to create a second partition on this USB that we're going to have just for higher installer and we're leaving it Untitled and Mac OS extended Journal click apply and partition there we go done now we have our Drive ready to go for our High Sierra boot inst solar disc can close dis utility and then we can go to our applications folder again and finder applications and we can see our install High Sierra is sitting here ready to go to get High Sierra you can go to my site to get Different download download links to Apple direct download for High Sierra Sierra and older versions of Mac OS and once you have the full installer we're ready to go or we're going to open a new finder window and we're going to go into applications folder we're going to go into utilities and then terminal application what we're going to do here is create that USB installer for higher so all we need to do is type in this window type in pseudo s o space and then go over here to our applications window and then right click or hit the control button on your keyboard and then click on High Sierra so you get the right click menu bar click show package contents then go into contents and then go into resources and then create install media is the terminal binary that we want all we need to do is drag it to our open window and it fills out the entire command we hit the arrow key and then hit us make sure we've got a space in there we're going to to do dash dash volume space and we're going to drag our Untitled drive that we just created I'm going to just drag this right over to the window and it fills it out hit enter now it's going to say we need the administrator password to our account we'll type in the password now you won't see it be typed in the window but it is being typed when you're done hit enter or return now it's going to say we're going to erase that volume that's fine we're going to hit yes and then return and it's going to erase that just that small volume and now it renamed it maos higher and now it's going to copy that maos higher installer to this disc so now we've got our open C Legacy Patcher install Macos Sonoma and we got our native supported Mac OS High Sierra just in case something goes wrong okay the higher install USB is complete and we can open it up here and there's our application I'll show you a little quick tip before we start we can go command I to open it up and then we can do a command I on the installer we can click on the icon do command C to copy command C to paste and we got our nice icon for our install there we can do the same thing for our somoma Command I open it up click on there command I grab that icon command C and command V to paste look at that how cool is that now and we're ready to restart our Mac now what we're going to do is when we reboot here we are going to hold down the option key on our keyboard and that's going to hold up the boot menu for when we see the boot selector now I've had a couple people use Windows keyboards as an external keyboard if you want to be able to get the option key it's the windows ALT key to hold on the option key Okay click on the Apple logo and restart we'll hold down our option key now after holding down the option key we now see the EFI boot selection screen on our Mac what we see here is our default hard drive which has mon installed on it we also have have our previous openc car Legacy patch or EFI boot partition that's installed on the hard drive and then we have our USB drive right here we have our Macos Sonoma we have our Macos higher and we have our USB EFI boot selected for our Sonoma boot loader all we need to do is click on EFI Boot and then click the arrow and then we want to click on install Mac OS Sonoma and then enter or click the arrow now we're going to boot to the maos Sierra installer okay now we're boo to our Mac OS recovery with open C Legacy Patcher USB boot install disc let's click on the next button here and now we're in Macos Sonoma recovery off the USB drive since this is our walkthrough number one we are going to be erasing the entire internal hard drive so this is your final warning now to back up all your data on your drive because everything is going to be erased on the internal hard drive now if you wanted to do an upgrade install skip to the second section of this video and I'll walk you through how we'll do an upgrade we'll continue on with number one we're going to erase the internal drive click on dis utility and then continue now we're looking at the internal drive what we'll do is we'll click on view and then we'll click on show all devices and then we want to be able to click on our top level drive now I have a different layout because I had some different partitions but all these partitions are going to be erased because I don't need them anymore click on erase and then we are going to name it Macintosh hard drive leave APS formatting and guid partition map click on erase there we go done now we just have our one partition for Macintosh hard dve we're going to click on dis utility and quit now we'll click on install magoma click continue continue agree agree and now we can click internal Macintosh hard drive and drive and click continue now what this is going to do is take all the installation media files put them on the internal hard drive and then reboot the system to start the installation it's going to reboot anywhere between three and five times it's going to automatically boot to the Mac OS installer each time until it comes up to the new ma OS Noma install with the install assistant okay we got our first reboot and it's automatically selecting Mac OS installer after it booted to the USB boot loader now it's continuing to the Mac OS installer so I'll come back as soon as we get to the next step 29 minutes remaining so we'll be back in just a little bit okay we're on our second reboot and it's going to the MOs installer again there it goes down for our third reboot here and now we're going to boot to the internal Macintosh hard drive there it goes again this is all automatic you do not have to hold on the option key okay we're booting back up now in that second initial reboot that's where the problems can happen for older Max I've seen a couple 2010 and older Max that if something goes wrong with the installation and it boots to recovery again it says something about an error preparing the update look in the description of the video so you can get some support on that I think we're going down for our fourth reboot this is the final part the automatic root patching system is being installed and the root pches are being applied so we can get through the assistant quicker when you see this this is the final part of the install we have successfully installed Maca Sonoma in this 2011 17-in MacBook Pro click on the next key now that we're at the setup assistant you can click on continue create your local account and we'll be right on the desktop and pick up where we left off okay we're back in after creating our new account and the open core Legacy Patcher automatic Patcher has popped up with a message saying open core Legacy patch has detected that you are booting from open core from a USB or external hard drive if you like to boot from your Mac normally without a USB plugged in you can install open core to our internal hard drive would you like to launch opencore Legacy Pat to install the disc yes we would we'll click on okay it's sting all the settings for the 2011 17in MacBook Pro putting them in a folder and then it's going to install them to the EFI partition of our internal hard drive for our new boot loader we'll click install the dis we're going to pick the dis disc zero is our internal hard drive it's selected on disk 2 and it's blue because blue shows what we are currently booted from so we want to click on dis zero for our internal hard drive and our internal EFI type in our password and then okay complete now what we need to do is instead of booting to the USB we're going to now boot from the EFI boo picker to our internal hard drive but before that eject our USB driv so you can highlight them and then right click or control click and eject and then you can unplug from the machine okay the USB drive is unplugged now we can hit reboot as soon as we click restart we're going to hold down the option key okay I've got the option key held down got our chime okay there we go we're going to select EFI Boot and magnetos hard drive now our default boot dis is open core on our internal drive and Macos Sonoma all right we're at our login window let's log in now we're back on the desktop everything's looking really good now what I like to do is click on finder go to settings I like to show the Macintosh hard drive on the desktop now you can see the internal hard drive and then I like to click on view and then sort by name so the hard drive is always at the top okay now that that's done we can go into the hard drive and we can open up the open core Legacy Patcher application go into applications and click on the o key and it'll bring us right to the opencore app there it is all we need to do is double click on it now what we can do is we can verify that the patches are installed so we can click on post R patches and there it is all applicable patches are already installed when we see that we are good to go all the root patches are installed and we can see the last installation date so we can return back to the main menu once you're in here you're pretty much good to go if a new update to open cor legac Patcher pops up you'll see a message saying there's a new version you can download it install it and then you'll be ready to go for the next update you can change the menu bar options if you want to go into settings and let's say you don't like the transparency of it being white you can go into the root patching and then select dark menu bar once that's selected click return and then we will close the Patcher and we're going to log out and log back in to get it to take the change now we can see the menu bar a little bit better now so we are looking good and our installation of open core Legacy patch on this 2011 17in MacBook Pro went successfully and everything's looking good to go if anything went wrong in this section after the installation I've got a troubleshooting section at the end to troubleshoot some of the issues you might have after the installation is done and now the next part of the video is going to be an upgrade we're going to upgrade from any version all the way back to elcapitan to Mao Sonoma let's get okay on the second part of this video we are going to go through an upgrade install now this demonstration Mac is a 2013 Mac Pro with a metal GPU and it is running on Mac OS Ventura and it has open core Legacy patch already installed some of the parts are already completed depending on which OS you're coming from then you have to go download the opencore Legacy Patcher application all you need to do is open up opencore Legacy Patch's website and then click on the GitHub scroll down here to the latest releases click on releases scroll down to the bottom here for the asset section and we are going to download opencore Patcher GOI app. zip now I went into this in the first part of the video if this is spinning and you don't see these assets here you have to download from the download link in the description of the video video or you have to download a newer version browser like for example Firefox Legacy can load this because it's a problem with GitHub all you need to do is click on this and it'll download the new version of opencore Legacy Patcher okay it finished downloading all you need to do now is drag it from open core Patcher into your applications folder but since we are doing an open core Legacy Patcher upgrade on this system we already have it installed so all we need to do is scroll down and open up the current version of open core Legacy Patcher that we already have on the system so let's double click on it now this Mac Pro is running 0.6.8 this is an automatic process and we can just download and install the latest version so we're going to do that right now and there it goes it's automatically going to reach out to the same site now for some reason this doesn't happen uh not a problem all you need to do is go to the website like we just did and download it into our downloads and then copy it to our applications folder okay we'll type in our password there we go notice the location and I wanted to do a quick talk about that the location of the application is in Macintosh hard drive library application support dartania this is where the root application is stored now our update is successful opencore Legacy patch has been updated to the latest version 1.0.0 would you like to update open core and the root volume patches we do because the latest version of opencore usually comes with updates to the open core side for the bootloader and updated root patches for this version this is going to help us do both right off the bat before we even make the jump to that goes tooma so let's click on yes and we're going to install the disk dis zero EFI password your answerer is complete now we're up to step two would you like to update the latest root patches yes we do start root patching we saw that the last time we were here 068 on September 28th we're going to start that root patching for the AMD Legacy password now while this is installing why are we doing this we want to make sure before we upgrade to Maga Sonoma that Maga Ventura and the latest version of open core for our EFI boot loader and our root patches for our Graphics drivers and other things works properly before we make the jump CU if something goes wrong okay we're ready to to reboot and then we'll click on restart if something's not working here we might have a problem in somoma so doing this verifies everything's working great with the latest version of open core Legacy Patcher so let's us reboot everything's looking good from initial view we've got Network we've got our Bluetooth we've got our sound everything is looking pretty good right off the bat with the latest version of open core Legacy pater so let's go back in there and open it up again and we'll verify everything's good let's click on post install R patch all applicable patches are installed with the latest date we are looking good and we are ready to make the jump to MCO Sonoma to upgrade let's move on to the next part now before we get started I want to say a warning before we start the upgrade if you go into system settings and then you go into software update you're going to see somoma right here and you're going to think maybe I can just upgrade this this is going to be so easy the important thing to remember is is that the opencore Legacy patch developers have said they fully recommend doing the full install of an upgrade through Macos recovery now if you want to go through this and try it out because it's worked for you before that's at your risk the way going through with a USB installer and Mac OS recovery is the supported way to upgrade to a new version of Mac OS and that's what we're going to do now but keep in mind if you wanted to stay on the previous operating system and get the latest security updates you have to scroll all the way down here and this is where the updates are hidden all the way at the bottom you got to click this little bitty text here more info and then you say oh shoot I got Safari and security updates in here so that's how you would be able to remain on the previous operating system but we are going to upgrade to Macos Sonoma now so now we're going to go get our USB drive and we're going to plug it in and we're going to get started okay we have our USB drive plugged in and we're just using the previous USB that we used in our first demonstration video for our fresh install and instead of going through and using dis utility to wipe it out and do all the spotlight indexing stuff that we did earlier we're going to just let the application do the job so we're going to go into create Macos installer and we're also going to change it up a little bit and use the existing Macos installer I copied the installer from the USB to our internal hard drive here so we'll see those two in our application holder so we'll click on use existing Mac OS installer but if you don't already have the installer you can go to the earlier part of the video to watch the whole process you can just basically click download Macos install it'll download and create and it'll all be automated so we're going to click on use existing Mac OS installer it looked in the applications folder and it found our two installers hi Sierra for our backup and our Macos Sonoma installer we're going to create the Macos installer and then we're going to do our USB at DIS 3 and this is your last warning all the partitions and all the files on your USB will be erased we're going to click on yes and then type in our administrator password and there they go it unmounted them cleared them out and now our one partition mea Sonoma is installed now that's a perfect example that we did not have to do the dis utility like we did in the first part and we did not really need to do the spotlight indexing step but other people have had issues with that that's why I put those in there in the first part of the video okay we're validating the installer Integrity okay the Mac OS installer was created successfully would you like to continue to install open core to this disc now we have to install the EFI boot loader to a partition on this USB we're going to click on yes now it's created the entire configuration put in our folder and we're going to put it right to our EFI partition now remember the blue is what it's booted to originally this has already got open core on it that's why the dis zero is highlighted in blue because it has a version of open core that we just updated before we started this but we are installing it to our dis 3 that's why it's gray and we're going to click on dis three are USB EFI password now while this is going you might be wondering why can't I just use the the USB on the system the idea behind creating this USB and not utilizing the system open core is that something goes wrong you still have a USB to boot something whether you're booting magos Sonoma recovery or you're booting the magos High Sierra recovery that we're building next so you always have a backup and something to boot to that's a default configuration so that's why we're creating that here and not using the default open core on our internal hard drive it is finished installing the bootloader to our USB disc you need to reboot to get the installation started we're not going to do that though we're going to click ignore because we're going to create that secondary partition for High Sierra backup emergency installer so we're going to open up terminal is an applications utility folder and what we're going to do is we're going to open up our McIntosh hard drive again go to Applications and then we're going to find our Heist here installer we're going to control click on it or right click on it go show package contents we're going to go into contents go into resources and then create install media is the binary we're looking for so we'll go back to our terminal window we're going to type in pseudo so we can run this command as an administrator space now we'll drag the binary over to the window it fills out the complete Command we'll click back in the window and we'll make sure we've got that space in there and we'll do dash dash volume space we can put in our USB but first we have to partition it so hold this here we're going to go into our Disk Utility magnattach hard drive applications utilities and there's our dis utility we're going to open that up now we're going to make sure you click on view and show all devices is selected then on this side we're going to look for external this is our USB drive we're going to click on the top level drive and then we're going to click on partition that we can see the entire Drive we're going to click on plus to add a second partition we're going to bring it all the way back cuz all we need is under 10 GB so we'll type in 10 here for the highseer installer we're going to leave the name in the same and we're going to have it be magos extended journaled click apply partition click on done and we'll close dis utility now as you can see in the desktop we have our new small partition for our higher installer so we're going to click on the terminal window and drag it right over to the window now it filled out its volume path hit enter type in our administrator password you won't see it be typed in but it is being typed in and then hit enter it's going to give you one last warning that we're going to erase it well we already erased it so we're fine click on yes and there it goes it's going to erase that partition so we've got our open car Legacy Patcher Sonoma and our backup High Sierra supported installed we're going to let this work and we'll be right back okay our High Sierra backup USB installer is complete before we go though we are going to copy our open core Legacy Patcher application in library application support dartania and then we're going to copy it to our USB just in case done now just in case we get something goes wrong we have that application ready to go now we're ready to boot to our maos Sonoma open cor Legacy Patcher boot dis now all we need to do is go to Apple we're going to click on restart and we're going to hold down the option key okay after we clicked restart start we held down the option key and that's how we're looking at the EFI boot loader here or that's how we're looking at the EFI boot selection screen what we are going to do is we need to boot from the EFI boot from our USB drive so we're going to move over here by clicking the arrow key or you can click with your mouse and then click on the Arrow we'll go to the next screen and then we're going to click on install Macos Sonoma now it's going to Boot to meos recovery from the USB drive all right we're here since we are doing an upgrade install all of our applications and files will remain after it's done the first part of the video was an erase and install fresh we're not doing that here we are just doing an upgrade in place to leave all of our files and applications so we're going to click on install but now is a good time to remember to still back up even though we're doing an upgrade in place just in case something goes wrong you still want to have those backup files whether it's time machine or moving them to a USB drive I still recommend doing that just in case so now that you have your backup done we'll click on continue click on continue again click agree and agree and click on McIntosh sh drive and continue There we go it's going to copy the files to the internal drive and then it's going to reboot at least three to five times and you do not have to hold down the option key or anything it automatically Boots the USB when it needs to do the the install part and then what it'll do is it'll install the root pad Patcher at the end the auto Patcher and then before you know it we'll be at the login window to be able to log in and that's where we'll pick up okay the this is the final part the automatic root patching system is being installed and the root patches are being applied since we're doing an upgrade we're going to be ready to go as soon as we hit the login window screen okay the upgrade is complete we are now at the login window let's log in all right we're back on the desktop we got a transparent Dock and we are looking really good now the automatic patching system has already come up letting us know that we are booting open core off of our USB drive instead of our internal hard drive so we're going to let the automatic root Patcher install open core to our internal drive we're going to install the disk and then we're going to install on the internal drive dis zero EFI password to mount done now before we reboot we're going to eject our USB drive we're going to right click on there and click eject or drag it to the trash to eject and then we're going to unplug our USB drive right now okay USB drive is unplugged now we're going to click reboot and restart we're going to hold down the option key cuz we are going to reselect from the previous USB to our internal EFI Bootloader for open core Legacy Patcher okay there we go we're going to select EFI Boot and magos hard drive our default boot dis is open core on our internal drive and Macos Sonoma okay let's loog back in all right we are looking really good here so what we can do is we had a previous shortcut in our desktop so we can right click on this shortcut and we can take a look at show in the finder and see where this is the default application is stored in library application support durania and then opencore Legacy Patcher in the applications folder is where the Alias is and that's automatically put in there by the Patcher application so you can't put that in there it doesn't like aliases in the dock but it does like aliases over here on the other side of the recent applications part so if you wanted to put the alas over here there you go done but if you want let's say this wasn't in here we'll get rid of it if you wanted to put a shortcut from the doc all you need to do is open it up from here it'll open up in the recents and then just drag it right over here wherever you want and then now it'll always be in the dock if you close it out and now it'll be always in here so now that we've got the application open let's just make sure everything's working okay it looks like we got Bluetooth working okay looks like we got our Wi-Fi working our sounds looking good everything's looking really good let's click on post install root patches to make sure that all the patches are installed properly and they are all applicable patches are already installed we are looking wonderful on our 2013 trash can Mac Pro and open core legi pater and Mac osoma so I wanted to go over a couple quick questions that usually come up always after a successful install how do I update the pater application and how do I do a software update well they go hand in hand you usually want to be on the latest version of opencore Legacy patch your application before you install a software update so you can go into system settings and then software update over here in general and then software update and you'll see for example 14.1 2 34 14.6 in the future you'll see it come up here and you'll be ready to install it but before you install it open up the open core Legacy Patcher app it'll check for updates and if there is an update installed because sometimes there's compatibility pieces that need to be installed first for compatibility for the latest operating system update for Mac OS Sonoma once this is updated then you can install the sofware update in here when it reboots then the automatic Patcher will come up and say hey you need to install a new version of the r patches because you got a new version of the operating system you click okay and then it goes through automatically reboot and you're good to go so that's updating to a new version of Mac security update and open core Legacy Patcher application now it's time to put out some proper thanks the first thank you that I wanted to put out there the first is Maka I first started talking to Maka in December of 2020 for one of the first releases of mago's big sir and ever since then we've had hundreds of conversations and he's answered all the questions that I brought to him that you as a viewer has brought up and he's taken that feedback and put it into the application to make it what it is today mcole I truly appreciate you as a friend and and all the hard work Dedication that you and all the developers have put into open core Legacy Patcher keeping these Maxs running from now well into the future and I look forward to what you'll be able to continue to create next in your career and the next is Dina k d k is the co-developer of open Corps Legacy Patcher he's behind the scenes doing work and he's also really big with software updates and getting the latest information from all the stuff that comes down from Apple and helping some of the guys go through all the latest information so he is a part of open cor Legacy Patcher if you look at this list there's so many developers that are a part of this two huge developers that are really crushing it especially edu kavass and as sentin bot who do a lot of work for example ac&t and Bot does a lot of the work around the beta blur the menu bar all the patches behind some of the non-metal that is continuing look at keeping those really older Macs from 2011 11 or older running edu kavass has been doing a lot of work around getting some of the latest Hardware working with somoma and it is just fantastic what the developers have been able to do and there's a full this year for example Aus D suppler has been providing support in the Discord open Corp Legacy Patcher chat for years hundreds of questions answering and helping people there's so many people on this board who have helped jasne all the research he's done answering questions again all the time in in the Discord chat none of these people are paid they're all doing this on their own time for the love of the Patcher and for the operating system this is just wonderful to see if the open Cory Patcher application just helped you and kept your Mac running and you have the means consider looking at the open core Legacy Patcher open Collective this is an official site that the open core Legacy patchers developers put out to be able to contribute to all of the hardware that is required to be able to keep 83 separate Mac models working here and that's a lot of Hardware to try to keep track of there's updates here on all the the progress that has been made and if you feel like you want to be able to give back to the developers this is an official site that you can do it on and show your support for the Patcher and finally you the viewer I see all your comments I see all your thoughtful kind words and I know a lot of people say that YouTube comments are horrible but I don't see them in in mine and I feel extremely lucky to have some of the most friendly wonderful smart audience watching my videos I want you to know that I truly appreciate you and your comments give me the power to continue doing this and creating these videos to be able to help you and I hope they help you and if it did please let me know I love seeing what you had to say I love to see which Mac that you're using to update open core I'd love to see all of your comments when I look through them in each and every video thank you very much and we'll catch you in the next video thanks
Channel: Mr. Macintosh
Views: 249,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: eGR2qGw9lG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 8sec (2648 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 03 2023
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