Install Kubernetes | Setup Kubernetes Step by Step | Kubernetes Training | Intellipaat

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[Music] hi guys and welcome to this session on kubernetes installation by in Delhi pod as you may already know most of the organizations today have started using containers for deployment purposes so it's high time that we learn about container orchestration tools today we talk about one such tool called Cubana teas but before we get into the installation of it please subscribe to our channel to never miss an update from intellibid also guys we do provide end-to-end training on kubernetes so if you are interested please check out the course details given the description below now let's get into the session there are a lot of ways to install communities guys we are going to discuss all those ways right and out of that which mana choose one wave which is going to be preferable for all of us so let's go ahead and start with the session guys so there is now cubanía teas is basically like I said can be installed in a lot of ways so you can install it by cube ADM you can solve by mini cube you're getting short by K ops or you can also use humanity's on GC P so these are the most popular ways of installing Kuban it is of course you also have the option of installing Kuban it is on Azure or other cloud platforms on AWS for example there is also a dedicated service called eks which is elastic Kuban it is a service so we're not getting into it reason being once you understand what Cubana T's is it will be very easy for you to basically understand those aspects of cuban Andes as well so basically first we should understand the core of cupidity is how we can start working with cuban it is and then we can explore the other options as well which are available on other clouds ok so the first method of installing humanities is cube ADM now guys cube idiom is a method using which we can install in humanities on any bare metal server so it need not have to be on premise it need not have to be on cloud on AWS on or azure or on gzp it can be any generic server right it could be a server on Google cloud could be a server on Azure it could be a server on premised on all the systems this installation will work right it could be a VM also which is running inside your computer on that also this bare metal insulation will work right so that is cube idiom the second way is mini cube now there is mini cube is basically a virtualized environment in which you don't have to create any slave nodes or you don't have to create any master node you just download the mini cube software and fill virtualize an environment of cuban at ease for you right it's a great way for basically practicing cuban at ease but it's not so great if you want to learn humanities in depth as to how it works what happens if you play around with different components if you want to get into all those details then mini cube is not a that of a great choice but yes if you want to practice cuban at ease commands and everything then mini cube is going to be helpful for you because you can basically get started by having installing or having installed mini cube on your system and you don't have to worry about any cloud or any virtual system as such okay then our next way of installing cuban it is on AWS is k ops so guys key ops is basically shortcut for installing communities but it's exclusively only for AWS right so if you want install or want to get started with cuban at ease on AWS you can use k ops but the problem with k ops is that by default it deploys the instances to B of T 2 dot medium or t2 dot class and not short but it those instances they do not fall under the free tier all right so because they do not fall in the free tier it diminishes our perspective of how we want to learn tools right so all the tools that we have learnt so far will absolutely work on the free tier of AWS but if you are installing Q abilities using the K ops way then in that case you will not be able to utilize the free tier of AWS ok then we have our next way of installing it on or having it set up is Q bilities and GCP right now like I said Q manatees is a product of the Google cloud or the Google company right and Google company also have their own Google cloud platform so on that platform kubernetes as a service is also available right and you don't have to get into all the details of how install cuban ities and everything everything set up for you automatically you can just get started by using or by throwing cubes ETL commands on your GCP server and it'll work like a charm but again in that sense it would not be that much beneficial for people who basically want to set up cuban at ease in their company or they are probably a DevOps architect or a DevOps engineer who whose sole responsibility is to manage the lifecycle and he only has to deal with setting up all the tools in his company so for that kind of a person it'll be half knowledge because even only get to know how do you use cuban IT then he will know how to set up communities from scratch okay so these are all the ways all the popular ways of setting up humanity is to get started with it but like I said we are going to use the cube medium wave because I guess that will be the most beneficial for all the people right whether it be a person who wants to understand how Cuban ities works from scratch or a person who is a DevOps engineer and whose job would be to set up the DevOps lifecycle and also I guess it will be beneficial for people who only just want to work on humanities because even then you know this knowledge is going to be helpful for you in the future all right so let's start with the installation guys so what I'll do is I'll jump on to my AWS management console let's start from way scrat's we don't even have our instances ready so what we'll do is we'll click on launch instance and let's select our always to be ubuntu okay and then we will choose the T 2 dot micro instance we'll click on configure instance details and let's launch two instances over here let this specify the number two and then just move on to security groups and specify a security group which you basically want your instance to have so in my security group I have to find all traffic enabled so that you know there's no problem between the clusters to other nodes to interact with each other what you can do from a security perspective is that maybe both these instances could have different security groups so what you can do is you can allow all traffic from that particular security group which is going to serve your slave and all your slaves could basically be a part of that particular security group okay that is a way that you can do I'm just doing this way because you know our purposes DevOps and not get into the AWS details okay so we'll click on review and launch now and you can review all the details that you have configured over here I don't yet done that let's click on launch select the key pair that you have on your system and click on launch instances right so this will basically deploy your instances on AWS right so your instances are now getting deployed let's tag them as key master for Cuban it is master and key node for Cuban it is known okay so our instances are now getting started guys okay node is now in a running state and if i refresh it i can see both of these are now in the running stage so I will choose key master I'll choose the IP address and let's try connecting to this instance first so we'll click on yes and this will basically bring us to the login page so we log in to this instance yes we are in alright so we are on our key master let's similarly login to our key node as well so this is the IP address for K node let's open a new session on cookie for this and let's color code it so that we can differentiate between the master and the slave okay so sleeve is orange in color guys so we remember that for our future references alright awesome so we have logged into both our master and slave all right now although you will be having a document in your LMS but the way I prefer to install Cuban a thesis by going to the official documentation so you just have to type in install cube ADM and then you will have the official doc over here just click on that and let me walk you through how you gonna how you can use this particular documentation okay so I've read all of this so I know what is written everywhere if you have a setup like mine wherein you have that one - West write anyone installed cupidity is on it you can straightaway jump to installing the components but before these fumblings you will have to install docker right so let's install docker guys on both our systems so as we studied in the architecture that docker is a common component among the master and slave so let's update the machine that we are going to work on first so they're able to get up it on master and similarly on slave as well okay so master is updated now let's install docker on it supa dupa sudo apt-get install docker dot io so docker is getting installed on this system similarly let's install docker on our slave as well so sudo apt-get install docker dot io so docker is getting installed on the slave as well on the master it is installed now once you've installed docker your job is done just follow the route documentation now so the first step would be to execute these commands and these commands as is mentioned is for ubuntu right so if you are using some other ways like st. OS or if you're using a container for Linux you can use these respective tabs but I am using it for a bun too so hence I would use these mines and all these the ones have to be run as sudo guys so let's follow up and now let's copy these commands so let's execute the first command so it's being executed and let's run it on the slave as well so that sudo up on the sleeve as well and now let's copy this command and run it alright so I guess our master is ready so let's copy the second Camano on a master we'll paste this command it's done on a slave we'll paste this command it's done now let's move on to a third command which is all these three files or the all these three lines will go along each other so let's copy these lines paste it on our master it's done they shot on our slave it's done also now let's update our machine so we'll copy this command run it on the master so it's getting updated similarly run it on my sleeve as well okay awesome so on my master and on my slave I have to run all these commands once we are done with the update we'll start by installing Humanity's so let's install first it on master so it's getting installed over here similarly let's install it on our slave as well so it's getting installed over here as well ok so once these components are installed like it's installed on my master successfully a next step would be to basically in humanity so Cuban Ares is now successfully installed on your master and slave but what do we do with the installation we'll have to initialize it so that the the slave and the master both are connected to each other and there is no there are no issues now in order to initialize the Cuban ''tis cluster now you don't have to worry about the slave the slave would only be once used just to connect to them trimester other than that all the commands will now run on the master okay this basically step would be only used if you're not using docker and you're using some other container software if you're using docker you don't have to worry about this right the next step is to basically create a cluster that is initialize a cluster using cube ADM so click on this and then this would be the documentation for the second step now in a second step guys what we have to do is just jump onto initializing your master ok so now we will be using cube ADM init command to basically initialize our cluster so I I type in cube ADM in it and this is my master guys cube ADM in it next command would be API server advertise address copy this so this basically requires your IP address for master so you can give the private IP address as well so we'll give the private IP address which is this let's copy it paste it here once you have API a so a advertise address the next step is to basically have the pod networks the idea so I told you why we were discussing the architecture guys that on Cuban eighties Cuban it is basically works on its own network it has its own network on which it will work so this network is called the pod Network ok and in this particular command that is using pod networks the idea we basically define the range in which the IP addresses would be allotted for the cuban ities network to function so the range that we want to specify is why because the cuban t is network when it works it needs a plugin for that network to get installed right now there are a lot of plugins that you can choose from also if you go back to our documentation you can just scroll down and you will see that you have these plugins so these basically your network plugins that you can use so you have plugins like calico canal helium flannel cube router romana weave net juniper right so what I prefer my preference is calico and for calico to work the pod Network CIDR should be in this range slash 16 right so if you wanna install calico as your network plug-in then you would be defining this particular range and that is why I am defining this range on my master as well right now so slash 16 so once you've specified this guy's just hit enter and now you will get a warning warning would be error in the number of CPU the number of available CPU is one less than the required two so on the Kuban it is master by default you need two cores for your master to run successfully but since we are basically just practicing on Kuban at ease we can what we can do is we can ignore this check we can ignore this preflight check so we will type in ignore and then brief light arrows okay and then you specify the name of the error so the name of the error is Nam CPU okay let's copy that that's it that's all you have to specify let's hit enter now so as you can see the process has now started so basically your Cubana T's is now getting initialized on your master and once it gets initialized like you swore in docker swamp the moment it gets initialized it gives you a token command which is basically used to connect any node on the network to connect to the master so that it becomes a part of the cluster okay similarly you will get a command over here as well when this particular initialization is complete so what we'll do is we'll just take that particular command and we'll paste it on a sleeve which will basically just then connect to a cluster so let's wait for this command to get completed and then we'll move forward alright guys so our command is now complete okay so this is the token that we have got so this is the token that we will be basically passing on or executing on my slave so that Cuban antes runs or it connects to my master okay now in order to run this command just copy it and now let's go to us leave this is my slave guys again because it's a cube ATM command we'll have to run it in route copy the command and let's hit enter so it says this node has joined the cluster now and we can see the nodes over here but right now a for any command where you want to now use on queue manatees you will be using cube CTL so cube ATMs work was only till over here to basically set up the cluster for you now because the cluster is set up now the only commands that we will be using is cube CTL okay now in order to use cube CTL on the normal user what you have to do is I exit it now I am on the dollar prompt now if I use cube CTO right now you will get an error let's see what that red is right so it says the type the current cube CTL get nodes correct so let's take that command cube CTL get nodes if I hit enter now you will get an error the connection to the server localhost 8080 was refused you always get this error when you have not configured your server properly now how can you configure your broken cluster properly now you got this cube idiom command right when you went basically your command was successfully executed so along with that there were some several other instructions which came over here which we did not read so what are those instructions your cube in ''tis master has initialized successfully so start using your cluster you need to run the following as a regular user so you have to run these three commands as a regular user and only then you will be able to work with your classes let's copy these commands this is the first mod this is the second command and this is your third command so let's copy these commands awesome so now since you have executed all these three commands if you in cube sit here get notes now you will get all the two nodes which are there on your cluster but as you can see or right now the status of the null not ready the reason for that is that we have not installed the network plug-in so there is no network on my cluster right now it's just the master and the slave which are connected to each other now for installing the network what I'll do is just take these commands cube C to the apply copy DS and run it on your master so this is done similarly you will run this command red over here so it's done now your network plug-in is getting initialized and how you can say check the status you can just type in the command cube CDL so everything in cubanía T's which is basically running is running as a pod what is a pod we'll discuss that in a little while for now if you want to check the status is typing cube CTL get pods and then - - all namespaces ok you type in this hit enter and now you can check the status over here as you can see all the pods are in the status running state and all of them are running 2 out of 2 2 out of 2 1 out of 1 101 every every pod is running that basically means your cluster is now ready so if I type in cube CTL get nodes now if I hit enter you can see that both my nodes that is this node and this node is in the ready state ok so they are in the ready state that means my cluster is now ready to accept commands to deploy applications on it right so we'll do that in a little while in a further sessions for now let's come back to our slides alright guys so we have successfully installed Kuban at ease we have configured Kuban at ease so that you know it's in its prime state to basically accept any kind of commands any kind of deployments on it right and that was our purpose in this particular session so thanks a lot for attending today's session guys in a next session before starting to work with humanities will basically understand how the resources or what are the resources that we are going to define on humanities so as to our application gets up and ready so this brings us to the end of this session if you have any queries please leave a comment down below and we'll reach out to you immediately also guys please subscribe to our channel to never miss an update from Intel apart thank you
Channel: Intellipaat
Views: 64,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kubernetes installation, install kubernetes on ubuntu, install kubernetes on linux, kubernetes training, install kubernetes cluster on ubuntu, Setup Kubernetes Cluster, Setup Kubernetes Cluster Step by Step, kubernetes setup step by step, setup kubernetes, kubernetes tutorial, kubernetes installation on aws, kubernetes devops, kubernetes edureka, edureka, step by step kubernetes installation, kubernetes setup, kubernetes cluster setup, Intellipaat, kubernetes
Id: l7gC4SgW7DU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 11sec (1211 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 29 2019
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