Install Firebase CLI for Windows | Flutter

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so in this part we install flutter Firebase for our windows for that be sure that you are using flatter version at least 3.3 let's create brand new project and here write project name without underscore I name it Firebase task and we create Firebase app press get started add new project and here be careful you must type the same project name as your flutter project name we can get it from here go to the Android folder app build.gradle here inside default config com example after that project name you can copy it project name is ready now continue again here select default account for Firebase and create project it may take some time when it's ready press continue here is the main part we use it to add a Firebase to our app one by one I mean separately IOS and Android and so on but now we choose flutter it will install all at once so just follow my steps go to the first link we choose windows download node.js for Windows download the recommended version install it like I am doing finish it now we must install the npm path to environment variables first go to npm pass it usually on C disk users go to your user folder app data be sure you can see the hidden folders and go to roaming here is the npm folder and here press on the pass and copy it search and type EnV press on edit system environment variables press the button environment variables select the paths and edit new and paste it here press ok here press npm now we install Firebase CLI using automatic install script copy this command and run it on any terminal to test the Firebase CLI let's run this Firebase login command foreign if whenever you come across this error just go to the path written in the error thank you and delete the Firebase dot PS1 file run the comment again press Y and enter choose an account and allow foreign to see all Firebase project lists and here are all projects we done the first step because we already have a flatter project and installed flutter SDK so press next in the Second Step copy this comment and run it on any terminal it's ready copy next comment and run it at the root of your flutter project I mean here only and this is the amazing part here we choose which platforms do we need to configure at the moment it installs all platforms use arrow keys to go up and down and press space key select or unselect in the end press enter key it takes some time now Firebase configurations for all platforms are ready let's check it for Android go to Android file app and there is a Google service Json file created for us here you can see the ID and here is the file for iOS so now we need Firebase core package let's install it on popspec yaml file if you want to add the dependencies like me be sure you have installed the extension name at Pop spec assist and press Ctrl space now we import all necessary files to leave folder you can download it so press reveal in file explorer unzip the downloaded file copy the all files from lip folder and pass it on Project Leaf folder press replace and it replace main file and here in the text file copy the all dependencies that we used before here in the project we are using hydrated block Version 9 and it's already migrated pass them and run flutter pop get common and you can delete the text file so press next and in the last step we initialize Firebase for that copy and paste the package Imports and copy this function after that pass it into the main function and here in the test folder we need to fix this error it must be the same like our main file press the continue to console that's always installation Firebase on Windows in the next lectures we continue coding on Windows 2 because other parts are the same for Mac OS and windows and so on that's all for now
Channel: AJ Flutter Tutorials
Views: 29,578
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: flutter, firebase cli flutter, firebase cli for windows
Id: gptBM2CPMQs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 8sec (488 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 05 2023
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