Flutter Firebase Setup using FlutterFire CLI [2023] Easy and Fastest Way!

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hello everyone welcome to this video in this video we are going to see how we can set up flutterfire CLI if you ever used Firebase with flutter you'd know how much of a trouble it is to set up specific configuration for each platform manually flutterfire is a tool that provides commands to help ease the installation process of letter fire across all supported platforms for this we need first to have node.js installed into our computer and then we are going to install the Firebase tools so I'm going to run this command in PM install minus G Firebase tools and I added sudo just to be safe here alright all good just to make sure that Firebase is installed we run this command Firebase minus minus version as you can see it was installed okay so now we are going to login into our Firebase account with this command Firebase plugin okay so now I'm going to pick this account and I'm going to allow Firebase CLI to access my account and the login was successful okay so back into our terminal yes we are successfully logged in now we need to install the flutter file CLI so I'm going to type this command Dart Pub Global activate flutterfire CLI alright great now we are set up and ready to start the Firebase setup process therefore we run this command inside the Flasher project as you can see I am currently inside a flutter project just the simple counter app we get at the beginning of any flutter project so I'm going to type the flutterfire configure command this command fetches all the available Firebase project associated with a logged in account as you can see we have three Firebase projects of course I can create a new one but I'm going to pick this one the first one I'm going to select only the Android and the iOS platforms okay so now we are setting up Android with Firebase and now we are setting up iOS of course this is the bundle ID and the package ID of our project great okay so now we are set up as you can see here in the lib folder we have the Firebase option file which was generated automatically for us okay great now we are going to write some code into our main.dart for this first we need to add the flutter the Firebase core into our project bladder pop adds Firebase core great okay now we are going to import it and we are going to import the Firebase options the file that was generated automatically and into our main function which is the entry point of our application we add this widget floral by the ensure initialized and a weight Firebase initialize app with the default Firebase option for the current platform and of course we should Mark the function as return in future to use the await keyword and that's it our flutter project is set up and ready to use Firebase this was super easy thanks to the flutterfire CLI foreign [Music]
Channel: HeyFlutter․com
Views: 37,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: android, cli, firebase, flutter, flutter 2 firebase, flutter firebase android setup, flutter firebase beginner, flutter firebase for beginners, flutter firebase ios and android setup, flutter firebase ios setup, flutter firebase setup, flutterfire, flutterfire cli, ios
Id: G-mbqiE87Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 55sec (175 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 27 2023
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