Install FFmpeg on Windows 10 - 2019

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okay so this is how to get ffmpeg for Windows 10 so first of all let's download a version of ffmpeg so open up a web browser and you want to go to this address and I'll drop this in the description so it's ffmpeg dot 0 slash builds slash hit enter and what we're going to do is we're going to select our version so version 4.1 point 3 and our architecture so it's windows 64-bit and we want a static build so once you have those selected just click download build so now that it's finished downloading let's just right-click and click show in folder and let's get rid of the web browser because we don't need it anymore so we have this package that we need to unzip so double click on that and it will open up your underpants so I'm using P zip here and we want to just extract this file so extract it and let's pick let's not extract it to downloads let's extract it somewhere else so let's just open that and let's click this computer and let's just extract it here so to the C Drive and just click select folder and ok and we're done so let's just close that now and you can delete this file if you want now so just delete that and now let's just navigate to where we extracted that folder so this computer double-click on local Drive and it's up here says ffmpeg for point one point three so we can rename this right now so let's just right-click on this and let's just rename it to ffmpeg and we want to open this folder so just hit enter and you want to open this bin folder so double click on that and here is our version of ffmpeg so what we want to do now is we just want to copy the path to this directory or this folder so just click up here in the address bar right click and copy that so what we're going to do now is we're going to add this folder to our system path and what that allows us to do is it allows us to use ffmpeg without having to put in the full path to this folder where ffmpeg lives so to do that all we need to do just hit the Windows key and type in n so env and you want to click on this here which is edit the system environment variables if that doesn't come up just hold Windows key and press R and type in system properties advanced Exe and that's all camelcase so is capital S System capital P properties capital a advanced dot exe and just hit enter so you should have a system properties window that looks like this and what you want to do is you want to come on down here and click on environment variables so click on that and you want to click on path 2 so your path variable here so you can double click on it or just highlight it and click edit so now what we want to do is we want to add our folder to this variable so we can just click new and then right-click and paste so there's the path to where our ffmpeg is and just click OK so now that that's added we should be able to just open up a command prompt window and type in ffmpeg but there's one more thing that we need to check and that is under system variables here so if we just scroll down what we're looking for is path extensions so this over here and we just want to make sure that exe is a value for this variable and it is so if you don't have this system variable you're going to have to create it so to do that just click new and then type in the variable name so this is all caps so it's path ext and under the variable value press full stop exe and that's all caps as well and you can add the rest if you want just remember that they are semicolon separated so b dot exe semicolon dot-com and it's all caps semicolon and so on and so forth but I'm gonna cancel it because I already had that variable so that's all done and all we need to do now is click OK and let's just get rid of this window and we can close this now so now all you need to do is open up a command prompt so CMD hit enter and you should be able to just type in ffmpeg and if you get something that looks like this you now have ffmpeg running on windows 10 so let's test it so let's just CD to my desktop because I have a sorry not LS s dir I've got a video file here so let's just go to that video file and right click on it and click properties and details so you can see it's a 4k video clip so let's scale it down to 1080p so we're going to type in ffmpeg - I and the name of the clip which is pecs video and - V F scale and our scale is going to be 1920 colon minus 1 and now let's just select our output encoder so - C colon V and let's do live x264 and let's set a QP value of that to 16 and our output file name now so let's call it test vid dot mp4 and hit enter and we're done so if we just right-click on our test fit here and click properties and details it should be 1080p which it is so 1920 by 1080 and let's just try and play it and it plays fine so there's one other thing that I just want to go over so let's just type in ffmpeg so if we have a look at the build configuration flags here you'll notice that we've got enable MV Inc so Nvidia's NV Inc is actually enabled in this static build so if you have a current Nvidia graphics card you can use the hardware accelerated codecs such as h.264 and h.265 envying encoders okay so that's how to install ffmpeg in Windows 10 I hope you found this video useful if you did please don't forget to drop a like on it as it really helps the channel out and don't forget to subscribe so thanks for watching and good bye you
Channel: Linux Leech
Views: 246,997
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Keywords: how to install ffmpeg on windows 10, install ffmpeg, install ffmpeg windows 10 64 bit, install ffmpeg windows 10, ffmpeg, how to install ffmpeg, ffmpeg windows 10 64, ffmpeg windows 10, ffmpeg windows 10 install, ffmpeg windows, how to use ffmpeg windows 10, install ffmpeg windows, install, windows 10, nvenc, how to, ffmpeg tutorial, ffmpeg (software), ffmpeg 教學, linuxleech, ffmpeg on windows, windows 7, video editor, ffmpeg replay mod
Id: qjtmgCb8NcE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 20 2019
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