Install Andersen Storm Door

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hey folks I'm Dennis thanks for watching my video today I wouldn't bought a anderson 3000 series storm door for the front door on our house the information that comes with it says that it's got a 45 minute install time so I'm gonna check that out today in the process I'll show you how I install the door to be fair to Anderson I'm going to open the box get out the instructions and gather up all the tools first and then start my timing so thanks for coming along with me and let's get started as you can see it says cut above line and it's got that on either side see and cut on either edge so what they do is they leave a little gap between the contents and the top the mine it comes with two separate sets of instructions one is in color and it's in English and then the there's a copied staple part inside of there that some French and Spanish so whichever one works for you now before you buy one of these you have to make sure that you have the right size you got to measure the width and the height of your door like it shows here like my door for example is 36 by 80 so about a 36 by 80 door you also have to know which way you want the door to open whether you want to left-handed or right-handed door so to determine which hand or you need you put your back up against the hinge side of the door frame and whichever way the door opens whichever hand it opens toward that's the hand of the door so for example you put your back up against the hinge part of the door frame and if the door if you want the door to open to the left from there from your to your left then it's a left hand door if you want it open towards your right then it's a right hand door so right through the instructions sort of and it doesn't tell you in the front every single tool you're going to need you got to kind of flip through so that's what I did so tells me I need a drill and 1/8 inch drill bit which is right there right there a file a Phillips head screwdriver and a pair of gloves so that's what I got be careful with the screen because it's kind of fragile like screens are that's the plastic clip that holds the screen and you just pull that out and pitch it I apologize for the background noise there's a guy in a little private airplane flying around doing acrobatics right over top of the house so you'll probably hear that as I go there is a there's an installation kit got two cylinders that's got all the screws and stuff that we need so this is the top and this is the bottom and I can tell because of a couple of things one there's an orange clip right here and they tell me in the instructions that's the bottom but also there's a flange on the top which is going to attach to the door frame and the bottom is kind of flat because this got it set in the door in the door sill I did not thoroughly read the instructions before I got started this is a bag of screws in the closure kit so you don't have to round up your drill bits so yeah alright so to first get the door in the door hole the door opening you need um two of these 1 inch screws which come in the same pack that the drill bit came in put the drill bit in your drill and have it handy so you can reach it while you're holding the door in then I'm gonna take the door and we'll set it in the door frame it tells you the third hole down from the top on each side to go ahead and drill and put the screws in so I'm going to do that next probably better take my wife's Christmas wreath off before smashing this is a surprise for her so I'm trying to do before she comes home [Applause] so first snag my doorbells in the way I got to pull the doorbell off and move it like it okay let's screw the doorbell and door bell and I've just fixed that later I'm gonna have to figure out how I'm going to wrap the button so what you want to do this stage is you want to kind of make sure that the storm door is just centered and you can tell by looking at the brick mold on each side of the frame and make sure that your that you've got the same amount on each side that'll tell you that the storm door are centered in the door because you don't want it to be cockeyed it might bind up or it just won't sit right and you also want to make sure that down here your storm door is sitting on that yellow I mean that orange block I mean you want a couple of things you can either slide that orange spacer at the bottom to the middle so that it kind of bounces the door or you can just you know make sure you're holding it straight or shim it up from the bottom to hold it flat so you can get your holes right where you want to but you do want to make sure that it's squaring the door and in the door casing so one two three I'm gonna do this up first I got mine balanced in there but you might have to hold it away you do this or have smile for you now they don't say this but I'm not gonna snug those up yet I'm gonna do the other side you don't need to see that and I'm not gonna snuggle up yet until I get further along with the installation I'm gonna go around the frame and I'm gonna drill holes and drive the screws all the way around the outer frame so I'm using the one inch screws I did decide to go ahead and snug them up as a drive them because once you get two screws and it's not really going anywhere the doors got these spacer clips on it on the handle side latch side and it says to pull them out towards you to get them out of the way because they're in the way of the screw holes so what you do is you just pull them like this to unlatch them from the frame and you can get to the hold and drill it but they're screwed into the door so that part's got to come later getting that office gotta come later once you got all the all the side screws in it says to take a Phillips screwdriver and there's there's two orange handle hole fasteners says remove them by inserting two phillips screwdriver into the handle hold firmly pressing them out grass feeds at the door and pull the door open so yep they fall to the bump just push them out like that and then you can take the door you can open the door so the door jamb or the hinge rail is it's the side where the with hinges are so we're gonna do more drilling the screw all right so I don't know how well you can see this but there's there's two beads of weatherstripping felt weatherstripping there's there's one that's attached to the hinge rail then there's one that's in this inner flange the screw holes are right between those two so there's two here there's two further down that basically there's two holes at each hinge there's four hinges on this door so there's two holes one above and one below each hinge that says to don't over tighten them so just snug them up all right so two more right here and then just so on and so forth for each hinge okay so I'm just gonna get the other two hinges I'm not gonna bore you with those details just drew a drill and screw and then go the next step in the closer kit there are two of these little white plugs well they're gonna match whatever color door you got I bought a white door away from it just pulls out real easy and then there's two holes right here you take these little plugs and just pop them in there and I'm gonna take the buttom a screwdriver and just drive them home being careful not to drop my screwdriver through my hand there that way they'll come out so we got to take these clips out it says don't use a drill cause it'll be easy to strip them I guess because this is aluminum so what we're gonna do we're just gonna loosen that up if you can see that loosen that just enough to slide that off and then tighten it back up and do the same one on the bottom then it says to pull the other spacer clip that's on the bottom off the one that was on the side here fell off so it's fine but you just grab them and pull them off there no big deal so next we got to put in the lock set this lock set goes with this door so when you get your door don't forget to get the lock set it's part of the 45-minute easy install which so far is going alright I'm running out of daylight though so all right so I got the I got the rubbed bronze those are the back plates obviously there's a square hole and there's a knot in one side of the square hole and the instructions say to make sure that that knot is facing down mine is not facing down so it says to take the the handle spindle stick it in there turn it so it is so now it's facing down you probably can't sit in the camera but there's just a little notch in one side of the of the the hole you have to trim plates one has the Anderson logo on it one that's not the one that does have the Anderson logo is the outside trim plate if you get rubbed bronze rubbed oil bronze I don't know whatever it's called it's got like film on it so probably a little wipe it off I mean I'll wipe it all down after I'm done anyway but whatever so then you take the handle that does not have the spindle on it then you insert the handle into the trim plate like so and it says turned it 180 degrees to make sure it stays so okay then you take the other handle the one with the spin water and you take the inside trim plate which is the other one that's one with the slider can you do the same thing you put it in put it in the hole it's got three notches so put it in the hole turn it higher Navy degrees we're going to take the door and we're going to have the handle vertically up this little slider is goes on the top and we're going to put that into the hole and then we're going to take this one the outside one same thing hold it vertically up get it on the spindle line out of the holes and put all that together so now it's kind of just pushed together if you can slide the whole thing together got it because that little there's a on the backside here with that slider is there's just a rectangular hole in the mechanism it's inside the door as long as that rectangular rod that's on the back of that slider goes in there you're good so if they push together you got a maid gonna take the handles to a horizontal position so the screw kit that comes with the lights of this there's two long pan heads look like that pan head is rounded flat on the bottom of the head so that's what we want and they're gonna go in from the you're probably gonna want to just use a screwdriver to put them and just make sure they thread up is your what you're doing is you're you're screwing from the back into this front faceplate and so you got to go in there straight and make sure you get it in the right hole and this thread up pretty easy but it's gonna probably be a little difficult to get it in there you don't want to over tighten them because you're being everything but you want it to be snug snug them both up the last should work so this is the the lock place the lock case trim plate it's on the end of the door it's still bare so we've got the the lock case trim plate they call it and all right so it's gonna go like that I suppose obviously it's gotta go it was like that I'm gonna take this short screw which is a 5/8 screw put it in the top hole right here install the deadbolt key silver which is this that came in a separate little box that's the deadbolt so that's the one that we looked at earlier that's an inch and a half but it's got a flat head on it which is kind of beveled so we're going to this is the inside obviously of the deadbolt lights because you want that on the inside and it's got a screw hole out of here so that's gonna line up here it's it's keyhole shaped and so this is a keyhole it's gonna come out flush here and then that screw hole in the lock set is gonna line up in here when it's about halfway through and you can just look through this hole and tell get in there get that threaded tighten him up tighten the cell so kind of cool it's not going to stop robberies don't keep somebody from snatching your door open without you hearing about some of just for kicks and we'll try it awesome works that's a good sign right up here is the rain cap the top part of the storm door there's three holes there's one two and three when you look at them if you can see mounting surface in the entire hole then you want to drill them and put one inch screws in them just like we did the side rails if you can't then you just plug them and up there on the top if you couldn't put screws in there and you had to put plugs in it then this is a rain cap extender and what you do is you install this above the door frame the storm door frame where you can get two mounting material and then take your ear drill and drill and screw this in to cover over the top of the door and that keeps rain from getting in between the door your original door frame the mounting surface and the storm door frame you don't want to have a gap up there so this will cover it up if you need it if you aren't able to put screws in up here on mine I can see them so I'm going to go ahead and drill them and put screws in so then my next step is to take this little piece which is a screw cover basically it covers up the screw heads so you don't have to look at them it makes it look nice what you have is you've got a short one that goes in the top and then you've got two long ones that go down on each side so all you do is you take these they're just off you can't really see that but it's just a little rounded piece of vinyl and you snap it into that channel where the screw heads are that's the top one and then you take the long pieces of bottle trim and do the same on the sides and word of advice if you got that rubbed bronze finish on your lock set wash your hands first cuz that coating that's on there I'll stainless bottle so they just kind of snaps in there once you get it going you just start pressing it in there this is the top of the door there's these two hard vinyl pieces that come with it now the instructions read like that like the glass is not already in the door and the side retainers aren't already in the door of mine are that the glass is in and the side retainers are in it so I've just got to put in the the top and the bottom retainers they both go in the same way they just snap in the flat lip goes against the door frame and then the kind of the contoured part goes against the glass so it just there's a little channel right at the edge of the door mold frame and there's a ridge on the back of this that pops in that channel so you do that on the top and then do it on the bottom now down here at the bottom you've got the sweep and what it does is it seals the bottom of the storm door against your your door sill so if you look underneath there and you see daylight then you need we need to adjust the sill down so or the suite down so what you have to do is loosen these up on each side slightly sweep down enough to where it's seals and then type the screws back up and it may not even be like even on both sides just depending on your your door sill make sure you can't see daylight and you're good next thing I'm gonna do is put on the closers it's one on the top there's a closure on the top on this door and one on the bottom I'm just going to show you one because they're the same in the closer kit you get two closers there that's the only difference between the two is if one of them's got the got the bump lock thing on it they say to put it on the bottom I suppose you can put on the top or the bottom I'm gonna put it on the bottom the other ones just plain but the installation kits are the same you've got a you got a bracket that goes on the door you got a bracket that goes on the jamb you got the arm that snaps into that bracket you got three two inch screws a short and a long pin for the closers a couple of short screws and a clip so I'm gonna put the bottom closer on and the top is exactly the same all right you're gonna take this bracket first and the two short screws and you know put it on with you know with this side toward the hinges basically you just want to use the middle you want to use the middle on slots it's adjustable but you want to use the hole in the middle case you do have to adjust it I wouldn't tighten them up with a driver you just got to get the threads started tighten it up with a screwdriver so now I'm going to take this piece and it's gonna go up against the door jam like that you want to lie on the top of it up with this part of the door so I'm gonna take my I'm gonna take my pen about worldwide and then you want it to go up as close to the frame of the aluminum the storm doors possible like so and then mark the mark the holes you're gonna drill them holes he's in the eighth inch bit that we've been using you're gonna use two inch screws so I go ahead and drill it kind of full depth of the of the bit and then you're gonna take two of the big screws and you're gonna put them in the two back holes the holes that are farthest away from the storm door the arm and it goes in with the slanted part toward the storm door so it's gonna go in like like so and what it does is it's got it's got little latches here on the back of it so you're gonna kind of rock that into this part of the of the this bracket we just installed and then we're gonna roll it in there and then we're gonna put the other two inch screw in here that'll hold it all together so just make sure it goes on the inside make sure you get the the lips locked in back here and then you can take that last screw and put it in the hole and I'm gonna put the I'm gonna put the locking one on the bottom that's what they recommend I you could probably put it either so it goes in like this with the with a button toward the door jam you there's two pins come with it there's a short one in a long one the short pin goes here and the long pin goes here that's because this part is not as thick as this part so you need the short pin on this side so all you do is you just line it up drop the pin in there no problem same thing with this one that you might have to attempt with this pin in you might have to pull the cylinder a little bit and then when you get the top one done what you can do with these closers the regular one the plain one it has a screw here to adjust the speed you loosen it to make the door close faster and you tighten it to make it close slower this one's got a thumbwheel on its adjustment but that's how you adjust the speed of the door if you need to so I'll put the top one on and I'll be done so alright I got it all done they say that the installation takes 45 minutes it took me about an hour and 15 minutes from start to finish and all fairness to them part of that time was wrapped up with recording but not a whole lot so I think 45 minutes is a bit of a push if you have everything together and everything comes off without a hitch the 45 minutes is accurate but yeah it took me about an hour and a quarter there abouts hour and 15 minutes to get it done but it went in super easy it's a it's a good door it it operates beautifully the closures are set pretty well from the factory and I had no issues at all no problems at all so I definitely recommend the door the installation like I said was was great it comes with a full glass in it a full view glass it's also got a full screen in it or that comes with it where you just pop out the retainers take out the glass put in the screen a popular retainers back in I guess I like that because it'd be nice to put a screen in there the the downside is that you have to store the screens so thanks for watching my video appreciate it please give me like if you would down below hitting the thumbs up button and hope you check out some other videos and hope to see you back soon thank you very much and God bless
Channel: Dennis Coffey
Views: 360,835
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storm door, andersen storm door 3000 installation, andersen storm door installation, install andersen 3000 storm door, andersen storm door handle installation, install andersen storm door handle, install storm door, storm door installation, storm door closer installation, screen door, storm door wont close, andersen windows, home improvement, dennis coffey, coffey craftsman co, Home depot, andersen storm door, storm doors, how to install a storm door, Anderson storm door
Id: sOb8Itk3P6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 18sec (1638 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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