Easy Local Dns And Ad blocking With Pi-Hole & Proxy Manager

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hi welcome to Tech with Nick I'm your host Nicholas in today's video we're going to have a look at how you can stop ads from entering your network by using pie hole and use a powerful DNS feature so you don't have to remember any IPS anymore and you can use localhost names sounds cool let's get started but what exactly is pie hole well in simple terms it's a network wired Adblock so instead of using a normal chromium plugin to block your ads pile blocks them from entering your network this gives you the ability to block ads even on Smart TVs which normally cannot use ad bloggers sounds complicated well it's not and in this video I'll demonstrate how you can do it yourself by using dagger and Raspberry Pi so let's get started first of all if you're using a Raspberry Pi you need to install the Raspberry Pi OS and I'll show you just how to do that if you're not using a Raspberry Pi you can skip this step to install the Raspberry Pi OS I recommend downloading Raspberry Pi imager it's super simple and the link is in the description and as I'm using a Mac I'll be downloading it for Mac but it's the same process for Windows as soon as you're done downloading you'll need to install it on my case drag it to the application folder with the Raspberry Pi images started we're ready to get going so first you'll have to choose your OS I like to use the raspberry pios light just because I don't need the desktop if you need the desktop install that version then you need to choose your storage and right before you press right click the scale icon set hostname if you got multiple web bear pies this makes sure you can see them apart on your network now check the box for enable SSH I'll just use the password authentication and give this a password all right if you're using Wireless configure it right here by checking this box and choosing the SSID and the password after that just put the local settings in and hit save and write as soon as you write you might have to enter your admin password so I'll just do that right here I'll be right back when this has finished so while we wait for this don't forget to hit the like subscribe and Bell notification down below so you don't miss out on any of the technical guides I can plan for the future all right it's finished as soon as this is done you can just hit continue here and now all you have to do is take your SD card and pop it into your Raspberry Pi connect your ethernet cable or if you're using Wireless and connect a power cable and we should be ready to go in a few minutes as soon as the Raspberry Pi boots up you're ready to connect to it but before we do that we need to find the IP address of it so if you're using Mac open up a terminal window and if you're using Windows or mobile command prompt when you're in the terminal window just type ARP that's a and you'll get a list of all your IP addresses connected to the network here's my list and as you can see my local Westbury Pi has connected to this IP address you'll need to save this IP for using the SSH so I'll just copy and paste it here type SSH then my username I set in the settings and assign and the IP address it will ask for the fingerprint you'll just type yes and then you'll type your password for the Raspberry Pi and that's it now we're in the Raspberry Pi so before we can go any further we need to update the system and to do this you'll type sudo apt update all right there you go update a double empty sign and then pseudo apt upgrade that's why this updates the package Repository and updates all the packages just hit enter and I'll get back to you once it's done a few moments later all right my raspberry python is upgrading the next step is to install darker and we're going to use the dagger compose so what you do type sudo apt install dogger there's compose and this will ask you to install it type Y and hit enter with Docker compose installed we're ready to get going all you got to do now is clone down the git repository I Linked In the description this contains a dagger compose file ready to install pie hole and npm and when this is done cloning all you gotta do is go into the pie hole folder in here there's a couple of files what you need to do is edit the dagger compose file so we'll do that using Nano hit tab to how to complete the file name hit enter the port number here is normally used Port 80 but because we're running proxy manager at the same time we needed to update disk so I made it Port 8080. you can do whatever you like or just keep it as is in the web password field where it just says secure password you need to add your own secure password and this is for the web admin interface for the pie hole so with that done hit Ctrl X hit Y and enter to save it if you made any edits if you did it's ready to run and we're ready to run darker compose you're gonna run is sudo dagger Dash compose up that's d hit enter and this will start off the containers concerning both pie hole and the proxy manager with darker compost done you just install pie hole and nginx proxy manager so the next step is to go to the pile admin interface you do this by open up a browser going to the IP address of the Raspberry Pi and the port 8080 there's admin this will lock you into the admin interface here you'll type in your password in my case it's secure password so if you didn't change it this is it from here you got a couple of options so I'm just going to walk you through it real quick what this is and how you can use it so inside this add lists is where you can upload all your ad lists there's a link in the description for a good resource for Atlas so I can block all the ads that you don't want to see but it's not just ads you can block for privacy and for malicious sites too so check the link in the description for a good resource on this what we're interested in today is the local DNS so if you go in here you hit the DNS records you'll see it's currently empty so let's say I had another um app running like home assistant and I would like to be able to get to home assistant with this domain instead of the IP address and it was running on the same server I would do it like this then hit the add if I got multiple Services I'll just add the same and this could be multiple servers on the same server I'll just say I got the nginx server running and I would like to connect to that with the same dot home well I'll just input the same IP address again and hit add so what you're going to do open up a new tab go to the Raspberry Pi IP again this time Port 81 and this is the proxy manager so I'll link to the to the guide from nginx pricing manager is admin dot example and the password is change me this will lock you in and ask you to update your credentials limitedly so what you're going to do is in this host section click on proxy hosts and add proxy host and this is where the proxy manager is going to help because if you take a look at the pie hole here you got two domains you want to hit the home assistant you want to hit the home assistant and you want to hit enter next what we're going to do is again type in the domain we expect so this is for the home assistant runs on the same server and home assistant uses Port 8123 all right and then you just hit save do the same thing fill the nginx home so another proxy host nginx.com in the IP set in some random port but the idea is with this setup should be able to go to the home assistant at home and the nginx.home but before you can do this you need to set the pie hole as your DNS server on your router there's tons of videos showing how you change the DNS server on your router so I'll link to one of those but once that done you're ready to use pie hole to block ads on your whole network and use the DNS service so you don't have to remember all those long IP addresses anymore I hope this video helped you and if it did please like And subscribe foreign [Music]
Channel: Tech With Nich
Views: 14,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PiHole, pi-hole, proxy manager
Id: Fhv-fziAwXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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