Instagram Fly-In iPhone After Effects Tutorial

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welcome back welcome back to black and ginger in today's video I'm gonna be showing you guys how to make this [Music] and if you just don't have the time today to follow along with this tutorial no sweat we're selling it on our website at black gender dot CEO under the shop tab this template comes ready to go with everything you need to just plug in your own photos and export the video you'll be off to the races in just a few minutes but before we jump into the tutorial a little backstory on where this animation comes from in my life feel free to skip ahead if you just don't care people always come up to plan and I and ask how did such a goofy looking person with a regrettable haircut score such a hot babe and I always say that she got really lucky it's very good I got really lucky but I also have one really valuable skill and that's that I know some sick motion graphics don't do too much so that I have to edit all this sickness a little over four years ago I see this beautiful girl walking down the street now contrary to what you might assume I'm not exactly known for having great pickup lines but I had my trusty camera and my gimbal so your point Impa buzzes so I briskly walked up to her not too fast cuz I did not want to scare the out of her I just looked her in the eyes and I said has anyone slid in your DMS lately and she was all like yeah like all the time so I was all like not like this they haven't hold up your phone so I backed up got my Kimball shot and then I walked away like a bus this mysterious encounter alone probably want her over but not one to rest on my laurels I went home and got straight to work later that night I'm proud to say I sent her that stole her ok enough story time let's get into it if you're new to After Effects don't be scurred we're gonna get through this the first part of this animation is just creating the profile picture with the Instagram story gradient ring around it let's get started so first step we want to go to composition new composition let's call this Instagram profile picture and the composition size is 1920 by 1080 framerate 23.976 I set the duration to a minute background-color:white boom very first step go up here to layer new shape layer I don't mean to sound like your dad but named you damned layers son or girl whatever whoever man and woman name your layers I'm gonna right click on this layer rename it to gradient circle next thing we want to do is zoom out a little bit and go up here to the ellipse tool and draw a big fat circle holding down shift so that the circle stays even and then we want to Center justify this circle so how do we do that let's go up here to window a line and we're gonna click align vertically and align horizontally it's really important that the Anchor Point is set in the center right now it's not it's off-center so if you're on a Mac the keyboard shortcut to setting the anchor point to the center is going to be command option home but if you're on a PC like I am it's gonna be ctrl alt home and then ctrl alt home now our Anchor Point is set to the center next step let's scale this circle down so that it's just a little bit bigger than the size of our composition but it's called gradient because we're going to add a gradient color to it so let's go up here to window effects and presets and in our effects and presets window we're gonna type gradient for color gradient is what we're looking for so if you if you click on that and drag it on to this layer we have a gradient starting point but this is not the color that we're looking for we're looking for these colors now I got these colors by going into Google Images and searching for Instagram gradient I did the work of finding these colors for you guys I'm gonna put the color numbers in the description of this video so you guys don't have to go and do that just copy and paste them like I'm gonna do right now so watch what I'm doing here basically just gonna copy each color I'm gonna go back to mine color 1 paste [Music] next step we're gonna set a keyframe at the beginning of this gradient circle then we're gonna go forward about like 123 so we set another keyframe here and on this second keyframe we're gonna scale this down to about 22 let's zoom back in and play this back oh my god that has to be the most pitiful circle shrink in the history of After Effects now we need to spice it up here's how we do that go to the first keyframe click on it right click it go down a keyframe assistant easy ease out go to the second keyframe click on it keyframe assistant easy ease in now let's play it back looks better but it still needs work rights because if we go back to what we created over here look at the movement of this circle what we're gonna do is click on our first keyframe then we're going to go over here to graph editor click on it you can zoom in a little now what we're looking at here is basically a visual representation of the motion of our object if we play it back in here you can see how as this red bar moves over this curve it's being represented up here in the movement of the shape these yellow handles are what we're gonna manipulate in order to change the speed at which are objects shrinks so if we hold down shift and we pull this one out and we hold down shift pull this one up let's play it back better right I think I wanted to go a little faster in the beginning and slow down even slower let's look at this I mean I'd say that's pretty spot-on but you're gonna want to go for a shape similar to what I have here and we can always tweak it down the line so much of After Effects and creating animations is making micro adjustments as you create your animation so for now let's leave this the way it is now we're going to move on to our next step next we're gonna bring in the profile picture we'll be using so for you this this will be your and samarium profile make sure if you're making this for somebody else you're gonna want to get their profile picture in our case we're gonna be using our friend Paul Lena's picture Polina was the model in a very first youtube video our lens challenge video go check it out if you haven't seen it side note my favorite thing about Paulina is that if you go on her Instagram page look at her pictures she looks kind of quiet kind of timid just really pretty model but if you ever work with Paulina or you ever meet her her personality is larger than life and her pictures just do not do justice so here's Paulina looking like a little quiet princess now here's what Pauline is really like in person now that we have Paulina's picture pulled in we want to drop the opacity down a little bit so that way we can move the image to where we want it to be within the circle next go back up to layer new shake layer we're going to rename this profile picture circle and then we're gonna draw another ellipse over the picture of Polina now it needs to be smaller than our gradient circle in the background so if you match kind of something similar what I have here you should you should be good we also want to make sure that this circle is centered so we're gonna align it vertically and horizontally looks good we also want to make sure that the anchor point is centered ctrl alt home great now if we go back over to our profile picture you'll notice this feature here track mat if you don't see it you may have to toggle the switches here but once you see track mat you're gonna click down and alpha mount it to the profile picture circle now we're essentially masking just that part of the image if we move it around underneath you'll see that it still exists within this profile picture circle but where we're sort of masking it out with this circle now we can bring the opacity back up to 100 the anchor point to be in the center right now the anchor point for Paulina's photo is justified to the center of the size of the image but we need to be in the center of this circle so how we're gonna do that make sure you have your profile picture layer selected and then press Y on PC you're basically selecting this button up here which is the Pan behind tool now if we hold ctrl as we're moving the anchor point you see here it latches into this new new place super easily the way we need it to we're good to go make sure that on the timeline you have the playback bar right over this keyframe and then we're going to go back up to the profile picture circle and we're gonna set a keyframe there as well for scale and then we're gonna go to the very beginning of the timeline and we're gonna set another keyframe for scale and we're gonna set this first keyframe to zero so now the picture of Paulina is gonna grow and meet the gradient circle but again it doesn't look good you know we need to give it that punchiness that we gave to our gradient circle so keyframe assistant easy ease out keyframe assistant easy Zinn looks a little better but it's still not we need so we're gonna go back into our graph editor and we're gonna play around with this a little bit this is kind of what I land it on if I play this back I like the motion here so you're gonna want to basically kind of copy something similar to what I have here I basically just pulled this handle all the way back and I pull this one just like so just a little bit I like that as my boy Garth Brooks would say I really like that I really like that now one thing you'll notice about the previous animation I made is that this profile picture also has movement to it and ours doesn't yet right it's static but it's really easy to give it a little movement so let's do that right now if we go to the profile picture layer and we make sure that we are lining up with the other layers see we're gonna set a scale keyframe and then we're gonna go back and we're gonna scale it down right now it's about 15% let's see what happens when we set it to about 12 now this is gonna be different for you guys than it is for me right because I had a really big image that I'm working with yours is gonna be different um so you're gonna kind of just play around with it a little bit I think we can even shrink this down a bit more let's see what happens we set it to 9 let's set it to 10 we're also gonna want to easy ease this as well so I'm going to ctrl shift F 9 and then shift F 9 and then still it looks okay but I still want to adjust it a little bit I'm gonna click this first keyframe let's see what happens if I do is bring this a bit okay I like that so the only thing we're missing now is this is this white bar that's between the profile picture and the Instagram story now we can add that now so what we're gonna do go up to layer new shape layer and then this shape layer bring it between your gradient circle and your profile picture and let's rename this layer to white circle behind profile picture and then let's go to the destination keyframe that we have on all of our layers and on this white gradient behind profile picture let's try to make a shape that is bigger than the picture of paulinha but smaller than the gradient circle so let's look at this okay so didn't quite didn't quite get it it does fit in between these but it's not where I want it to be something to scale it down just a little bit like right there we're gonna want to make sure that this is aligned okay it's centered our Anchor Point again needs to be centered so we're going to press again ctrl alt home or we can just press Y and hold ctrl and snap the anchor point to the center and let's set a scale keyframe and then go back about not all the way maybe like 65 70 percent of the way and we're gonna shrink this circle small and then we're gonna hold ctrl shift D or simply drag the bar to this point and you're gonna see that this white circle is growing behind the profile picture but it's not it's not exactly where where we want it to be yeah that movements no good right we want to smooth it out and make it sexy like we did with the other ones so ctrl shift F 9 we're going - easy easy out and then shift F 9 we're going - easy easy in let's play that back still not exactly where we want it to be so we're gonna go into the graph editor let's go ahead and grow this quicker and bring it to a steady stop kind of how we've been doing with all the other ones that looks good right what do you guys think so that basically concludes this portion of the tutorial but we're only a part of the way there now we to build the rest all of this stuff that's rendering right now so that's the next step that's what I'm going to show you guys how to do after this commercial break just kidding we're gonna get straight into it next step new composition let's call this composition IG profile scroll same settings now the composition we just created the Instagram profile picture comp we're gonna drag that into the new composition we've just made hit the playback bar and right when the animation stops stop playback and set a scale keyframe move forward a little bit set another scale keyframe and then let's shrink this in size to about for me about 43 it's easy ease out this first keyframe easy ease this keyframe and then go into the graph editor and give this a little punch that looks great now there's a little bit too big of a gap here from when this animation stops and this one begins so what I'm gonna do is just select both of these keyframes and move it back there we go looks great now right after this second keyframe we're gonna scroll forward a little bit under position let's set a keyframe scroll forward just another little chunk of time kind of similar to how I have it here set another keyframe grab this profile picture layer move it to about a third of the way into the composition and then let go easy ease out ease ease in graph editor and look what happens you see here we don't see handles like we normally do so we can't enhance this motion the way we would like the fix to that is go over here to position right click on position and then separate the dimensions since we're moving it along the x-axis select this keyframe on the exposition and then go into graph editor and now you see that the handles are back [Music] there we go that looks better I think we need a little bit more punch and then we're gonna drag I want this to go a little longer so we'll drag this keyframe out there we go that looks nice so let's just look at what we have so far that's that's what I'm going for I like when I say like let's just look what we have so far I kind of feel like but when Bob Ross was painting and he's like let's just go ahead and see how this animations turning out so far yeah this looks good just go ahead and add a little keyframe there had a little keyframe here yeah we'll just touch this keyframe up just a little so the next thing we're gonna do is start adding some text the first thing we're gonna do is add your name new layer text layer and I'm just gonna put your name and then the font I'm using is Freight which I did a little research if this isn't the font that Instagram uses it's very similar so I was able to sort of accomplish that look with this one we're gonna want to make a guide right here that we can align our text against so go up to view make sure that rulers are shown and that guides are shown come over here to this ruler and drag out a line - about - about right here now go back up to view and make sure that snap to guides is selected with that selected drag your name right up to this guide and it should snap right against it and that's what we want now find the keyframe that we ended on which is right here on our Instagram profile picture there under your name layer let's set a position keyframe and then let's go to these keyframes here and set another position keyframe and now drag this text up easy ease out easy ease in again separate dimensions now we're working with the y-axis so we'll select this keyframe now the effect we're going for here is one of that this text is getting out of the way just in the nick of time it's kind of sliding right under this profile picture as it zooms by on top this sort of shape is giving me that effect pretty positively I like it one thing I don't like right now is how close this text is to the profile picture so I'm gonna go back and on the y-axis I'm just gonna drag this down just a little bit that looks good to me so the next layer we're gonna create is gonna be the description layer right here this layer and what this layer does is just sort of tells your story it's like your bio layer let's go ahead and select the type tool I'll just call this one description section let's select all this text and I want to kind of gray this text make it a little lighter because that's how it looks on Instagram and then I think we're gonna shrink it to about let's see what happens when we make it about maybe 35 that looks cool and then you're gonna drag this over to again and it's gonna snap this section just really kind of shows how basic you are maybe you want to write live laugh because that's what like 80% of the girls I follow have in their description no shade but it's true maybe you're a photographer storyteller I don't know editor that's kind of what I do so I'll just put that there for now find these keyframes again under your name layer under the photography storyteller editor description layer or whatever it is for you click down on transform we're gonna set position keyframe and then [Music] we're gonna go back to where these key frames are and we're gonna drag this up to kind of like right underneath it now that doesn't look good yet obviously we're gonna kind of have to tinker this one a little bit the goal here and I'll show you as I go keyframe easy ease out these in separate dimensions go into the graph editor [Music] now I'm gonna kind of mess around with this for a second and you guys will kind of see my process that's kind of close but not quite see that's a little better I want them to kind of yeah I mean there that's pretty much it I like that one thing you can do here that I kind of I think kind of gives us a cool look is and it's kind of hard to describe I'm just gonna show you guys but on the Y position on this first keyframe it's kind of make this kind of overlap a little bit with this whole directly overlap there we go that looks more interesting to me I'll show you what we're gonna do so go over here to these keyframes set your opacity and then scroll back to these first keyframes bring your opacity to zero do the same thing on the your name layer [Music] down to zero now look well it's not perfect I'm gonna tweak it a little bit [Music] okay this is like a style choice I like how both of these text layers look like they're shooting from the same spot I don't know why it just it's more interesting for me I'm happy with that now let's get into the one thing everyone obsesses over which is the numbers you know the that makes you look cool on Instagram how many followers you have all that stuff we'll start with the post number so let's say you've posted 500 posts you're gonna change this to the Arial regular 50 and then make sure that it's black rename this layer to the post count now again just as we did in the Instagram profile picture comple made earlier we're kind of like all of these key frames are gonna kind of line up everything's gonna kind of land at the same time so when I reference these I'm either gonna say the destination key frames or the beginning key frames I'm describing either where this takes off or where it lands right so hopefully that makes sense to you guys so under post count let's drag this somewhere that kind of makes sense right about here on the destination keyframes let's set a position key and then we're gonna scroll to the beginning keyframes and we're gonna move this over just a little bit now we obviously want to create more dynamic motion to this right we're going - easy easy I'll ease ease in and then we're gonna separate dimensions now we're working with the x axis right so click on this keyframe go into your graph editor and we want to sort of play with this a bit and see what we come up with okay I like that now let's go ahead duplicate this layer we're gonna rename this layer to follower count and then select all the keyframes in it make sure that your time indicator is over these destination keyframes move it over holding shift so that it stays lined up with this number move it to about right here when I save this number I mean the post count number so now this is your follower count right so I don't know let's just say you have like a thousand followers because you cool and that's not exactly what we're going for just yet again sort of what I described over here with things coming from like an origin point and we want this thousand to also look like it's traveling further than the 500 at least stylistically that's what I'm going for so on the x point on the beginning keyframe we're gonna move it further over like right next to the 500 let's see what that does [Music] cool I like that duplicate this one more time our follower count is now going to become our following accounts select all the keyframes all the keys and we're gonna move this over again to about right here I'm holding down shift again so that way all these numbers continue to line up just to differentiate it say follow 2,000 people okay we want to make sure that this number again want to make sure that it's traveling further so drag this one over now cool that looks good so right now we're going to continue to make some little adjustments that I think will make this animation a bit more interesting the post count is cool but on the follower count let's just grab these keyframes and move it over a few frames and see what that does now we'll do that again on the following count grab the keyframes move it over just a few more frames than the one below it maybe what we're gonna do now is we're gonna make these fade in so on following count under opacity on the destination keyframes we're gonna set the opacity key and then we're gonna scroll back not the full way maybe like half way maybe a little less there we go I like that and then we're gonna go down to this layer our follower count layer set an opacity key that lines up with these keys and go back a similar amount set this to zero and then we're gonna do the same thing on the post count layer [Music] line up with these keys set an opacity key and scroll back a similar amount set this to zero let's play it back and see how that looks yeah that's kind of cool that a thousand numbers like a little too far to the right so let's select these keys make sure our indicator is right over this over these keys and then we're going to move this over just a little bit cool now we're gonna add the text that goes underneath each of these numbers that's identifying your posts your followers your following right again we're using free sands medium 34 points select the type tool we're gonna write posts select this text free and then 34 [Music] and I want to match this gray that we use down here on the photographer storyteller editor thing your description so I'm gonna copy paste and then under pose I want to paste that same gray [Music] what's gonna happen here if you look at this previous animation I did and this is kind of what I'm gonna fashion when we're working on after look it look right here where it says post see how it kind of grows out from underneath the number and they all kind of cascade into place the posts the followers and the following right boom boom we're looking right here that's kind of what we're gonna try to recreate and we can create a guide here that lines up with these squares here it kind of it doesn't have to be perfect but like right there there we go so now we know that our posts text is centered with this number now where the post count lands under this post text now because I'm CD I'm gonna capitalize this and call it post text we're gonna set a position key and then we'll go back to our beginning keys send another position key and then we're just gonna drag the post up on this text we're going - easy easy out easy easy and separate the dimensions and since we're working with the y-axis click on the Y now this one we want to [Music] there we go that's kind of cool maybe a little less so that it looks how I have it here this is kind of the curve you're gonna be going for one of the things we can do right now is move the Instagram profile picture to the top layer that way these items are gonna appear behind it so under the post text we're also gonna give this some opacity an opacity fade in so it started at zero we don't want it to show before this moves by it so let's move this forward a bit okay that's kind of cool let's duplicate this layer now and we're gonna rename it to followers text and let's move make sure that the time indicator is over these key frames click on this layer now and hold shift and move it over to here let's pull another guide over so that it lines up with these um these red squares here and make sure that this text now says the followers make sure that it is centered here since we staggered these numbers out if I go to my follower account and I find with these key frames in I'm gonna want to line off the followers text with those key frames as well so moving on we're gonna duplicate this followers text and rename it to following text and then let's make sure that this text now says following select all the keys make sure that your time indicator is over these key frames and move this entire layer underneath the following number again you guys can add a guide here to perfectly line it up and then I kind of just eyeball it for the sake of time the following counts look at where these key frames end let's align all of this up with those key frames next we're gonna create the follow bar which is essentially this right here in our active composition the IG profile scroll and go up to the rectangle tool and we're gonna draw a rectangle doesn't have to be perfect we can tweak all this stuff later but let's stew about that size let's change the fill when I grab this exact color I know I pulled this color from an Instagram image it is 5 to 9 for EB I'll put this in the description again as well so we actually want to move the anchor point to right about here because we're gonna grow this shape from the left to the right we're gonna press Y and we're gonna move this anchor point right about here now as all these other objects are kind of ending we also want this follow bar to grow and stop at that point as well how we're gonna do that is if we go to this shape layer the rectangle transform we're gonna turn constant proportions off and we're gonna set a scale keyframe where these keyframes begin on the following text our starting point again we're gonna line up on the shape layer and let's let's also rename this to the follow bar so we have that scale key that we already made let's make another scale key because as you'll see here when I shrink this now we want it to shrink from that point so I'm gonna set the scale here to zero let's just play this back obviously not perfect right let's let's adjust this a bit see what you come up with that's easy now let's definitely play with the graph editor that looks good to me something like that and one thing we need to do is you'll notice this follow bar has rounded angles on it right here we're gonna need to do the same thing here we can do that under rectangle paths the roundness let's see how it looks right now let's zoom in a bit right now it's just a straight-up rectangle if we add a bit around this let's see how we like that yeah that looks good let's make sure that the Instagram profile picture is above the follow-up all right so it's gonna grow behind it so let's zoom out and play back we don't want to see the bar too soon right see how it's popping up here so let's move to about right here and on the follow bar let's set our opacity key drag this down to zero and then move to the destination key frame bring this back up to 100 see how that looks I like that I like that that looks good the next step is to add the text inside of the follow bar so let's do that now we're gonna go ahead and make a text layer it says follow freight sands medium 34 we can leave all that and let's make this light though let's move this text right over the center we can give this a little motion too let's set a position key here under the follow text that lines up put the other keys and then scroll back a little and just move this over just a little bit [Music] easy down season that looks terrible but we're about to make it look cool it's maybe dragging this end back a bit and then separate dimensions again we're only working with the x-axis so let's click on a keyframe on the x-axis let's bring this so that it comes to a slow stop and let's ramp up the speed here yeah cool um moving on the next component to this animation is going to be this drop down little tab right here that you would see on Instagram when you want to like I don't know press this and I think it shows you more information on the user so what we're going to do is duplicate this follow bar and then let's rename this follow bar to drop down and then we're gonna move it over and under contents under rectangle under rectangle path we're gonna turn off constant proportions we're going to shrink this down - about something like that that might be a little too big actually let's shrink it down just a little bit more there we go let's play this back now and see how we like it this drop-down tab always has a little white arrow in it on Instagram one idea you can do is go up here to layer create a new solid this is kind of like a quick and dirty way I would do it you might have like a way more sophisticated way but this is just what I would do do like 50 by 50 points just so we have a small small object here and then literally over this object let's create a new shape layer change the fill to white and then over this shape layer which we can rename to white arrow so over this square bring in a die right to the center and then as you have this white arrow layer selected go to the top corner of this square press the pen tool once go to this corner holding shift press it again and then go down to the bottom here add another point and then close it off up here now obviously these don't line up with your pen tool selected just move it right over the top of your guideline you can just select this pen point holding shift and just drag it up the line so now we've kind of got like a shorter arrow grab this white arrow let's zoom out a little so we can kind of see what we're working with take this white arrow and put it over this shape and let's shrink it down it's a little too big let's make sure that the anchor point is in the center of this shape that we just created so again you can use this tool the Pan behind tool and drag it holding ctrl and bring it here to the center so now we can resize this arrow a little bit let's resize it till about there now we can add a guide on this drop down tab just so we can kind of line up the arrow with it and just kind of move it over a little there we go well let's zoom out so we can kind of see it boom yeah that looks cool starting to come together starting to look like an actual Instagram profile so we've done a lot of the work here we're pretty much set on all of this information here now we need to kind of focus on making some of these little details that are going to kind of add more life to the animation something as simple as this little gray line which we'll do next it's such a simple thing to make what we're gonna do now is create another layer new shape layer let's just call this layer growing line and I'm literally just gonna draw a rectangle pretty thing all the way across and then we're gonna fill it with a light gray color I think that's what I had on the other one and one thing we'll do here is we'll even shrink this line down even more so under rectangle here rectangle path under size we're gonna turn off constant proportions and we're gonna shrink this down to like shrink it down to like two we'll set a keyframe on size here right as the profile picture is landing right here and then we'll go back to where it starts and we'll set another keyframe for size and on this keyframe we're gonna shrink it down to zero now we wanted to kind of again have a punchy or move to it so we're gonna easy these out he's ease in and then we're gonna go to the graph editor and we're gonna just kind of modify a little bit let's have it ramp a really fast and then come to a more gradual stop and let's see how me like that Oh actually no maybe let's try the other way let's see if it starts slow and then speeds up [Music] that's kind of cool right there we go that looks good so if you kind of copy the shape I am here you're gonna get a similar movement next step is adding your username right here it's gonna be above the bar we just just built so you see it kind of pops up its mass so it's coming from above that line that we just designed so it kind of has this cool appearing out of nowhere effect let's go ahead and get that started so let's go back here I'm just gonna write username and let's go ahead and change this to free so I just align mine here in the center by pressing the align horizontally and it's gonna just kind of hang out right here and then what we want to do is we're gonna give this some motion so let's go ahead and write where everything kind of lands let's set a position keyframe and then maybe go about this far back I mean it's really kind of up to you guys I'm gonna start here and kind of tweak it as we go hold shift and then just drag this down below the line and then let's also give this some ease [Music] pull this back a little and give it a bit more space we have to separate the dimensions and then we're going to use the graph editor so we're working with the y-axis let's give it a little more in the beginning and then have it slowed down and see what this does that's kind of cool maybe it should come a little quicker yeah that looks nice so something like this shape here it's going to give you this this effect so what we need to do to make sure that this user name is disappearing and then I'm also just gonna rename this to the top user name we're gonna need to this is how I recommend you do it let's create a new layer shape layer change it to black and then let's draw a solid over all the way down to the to the grey line that we made now what we're gonna do is on this top user name layer you're gonna alpha mat that to that shape so now the text is only appearing where that black bar is which is exactly what we want [Music] moving on one thing you'll need and I'll include a link in the description but you're gonna need the Instagram logo I just found this on Google i google-searched Instagram logo PNG there it is super vague so we're gonna scale this down pretty far somewhere like right there let's put it like right here you guys can put it wherever you want this is this is how I have previously done it so I recommend that it'll it'll look cooled this way so right where the username is kind of stopping we're also going to set a position keyframe for this Instagram logo and then we're gonna pull it back to about right here and then we're gonna move this logo in on the x-axis just a little bit and then we're gonna easy ease out easy ease in and then we're going to separate the dimensions here we're working on the x-axis so now we'll go into our graph editor and let's give this some speed in the beginning and kind of slow it down just like we've been doing everything else see how that kind of comes to a almost looks like you know when Wiley coyote in the old cartoons kind of comes to a stop and then there's that big poof of a big poof of like smoke behind him that's the kind of stuff you're looking for a ski so what we want to do is on these first keyframes let's set the opacity and make it zero and opacity key and then we'll go to where it stops and make it 100 and then let's play this back and see how it looks [Music] okay so let's see what happens when you drag this out I don't let love the way it looks yet I drag the opacity out a little I don't I don't I wanted to kind of fade in has its mid slide yeah there we go that looks cool maybe I wanted to start moving a little bit earlier so I'm gonna I'm gonna pull these keys out just a little I'm just kind of tweaking it mmm and then I'm gonna pull the opacity back now a little bit yeah I can think I like that a little better next so we're gonna add these three little dots that you see right here in the in the top right corner that's very simple so all we're gonna do is create a new text layer we're just literally gonna type three dots and then let's find a nice spot for them it's basically basically gonna be somewhere like right over here kind of similar distance as like Instagram to the username we're gonna kind of put this over here somewhere in order for those two right onto the screen just pull up your effects and presets window and then type it animate in typewriter I believe that's the one we want a typewriter yep so just drag that over the dots and then you're gonna you're gonna have to make sure that you adjust where it animates n so if you go into text and you go animator 1 range selector this is your keyframes that it kind of it kind of Auto generates some keyframes that's obviously not what we want so let's move this back and let's move this one to kind of want it to go a little faster let's see just trying to find a sweet spot here play it back yeah that's not bad that basically concludes the top portion of your Instagram profile we've pretty much created everything we need to up top so now we can move on to the images that are gonna populate underneath your profile now you'll notice everything is kind of moving in unison right like everything everything populates the screen and then everything moves together really smoothly it's almost like you're using your finger to scroll on a cell phone I'm gonna show you guys how we accomplish that so what you want to do is we're now gonna create a new layer and this is gonna be a null object so if I now attach all of these layers to this null object then I only have to move that null object and they'll all move together shift and select all of these layers and let's parent these layers to this null object when I move this null object everything's going to move together so what we're gonna do is we're gonna kind of find right where the animation stops maybe even a hair before it stops and on this null object let's create a position key so right where it's stopping we created a position key and then let's go forward a little I'm kind of just guesstimating here I went forward I don't know about a second a little over a second and now with the null object selected I'm gonna move everything up and just to where it passes the user name again we need to give some sexiness to this movement so we're gonna easy ease out he's easing and let's do like we've been doing let's pull things out [Music] that's that's way too way too fast right so let's slow this down I think we need to I'm gonna pull these keys back a little bit I'm gonna pull these forward a little bit to sort of elongate this animation a bit let's see how this looks that's cool right it's similar to what I did before let's see [Music] yeah that's pretty close so I think we'll stick there that looks good so now we need to start creating our images so on the previous version and I already made you'll notice that these images they're kind of sliding in from an invisible place right like you don't know where they're coming from the trick to this or how I created it is I I created a new composition for each image and then within that composition we're animating the image now eat your pie if you're new to After Effects you're probably like what the did you just say it's not that crazy it's really simple you're gonna be kind of blown away by how simple it is actually first thing we're gonna do I'm gonna create a new folder here and just call it Tim photo comps because I already have this stuff built but I'm gonna build again now for you guys so we're gonna create and create a new composition and it's gonna we're gonna call this one photo one and we're gonna change the composition size to 620 by 620 because we want it to be square now in this comp we're gonna toggle the transparency grid so that way we're giving this composition an alpha player and then we're gonna start dragging in our photos so I have photos here that I'm going to use photos I'm going to use our photos from our lens challenge video these are amazing photos from my girlfriend Flannery Jessica cobasys the goddess of YouTube photography and then Brandon woeful one of the crazies most talented photographers I've ever met and the sweetest kid ever ever ever let's start here with this first photo this is a photo that Brandon took Paulina and we are going to scale this image down so one thing you could do to save a little time here is if you have Photoshop you can actually go and crop the images you're gonna use as a square already since I didn't do that and since I sort of like to adjust to find the perfect spot I want the photo of the beam right so like this looks good to me probably right about here but if I try to like slide this in there's - there's like excess photo that I need to get rid of so what I'm gonna do here I'm gonna pre-compose this photo move all attributes into the new composition we're gonna call this photo one cream you want to make sure you move all attributes into the new composition that way it trims all the image that we're not going to use that's important so now again I'm gonna reorganize everything [Music] cool so the next thing you want to do is at the very beginning of your timeline move forward just just just a few frames maybe maybe like a second in and set a position key and then move back to the beginning of your timeline and drag this image off-screen very boring right we're gonna make this look a lot better though by giving it a giving it a pre giving it and easy easy out easy Xin and then we're going to separate the dimensions we're working with the x-axis we're gonna go into our graph editor we're gonna bring this in fast slow it down slow give it a little bit more of an S shape here that's nice right okay and then we're gonna give this some motion blur right so we're gonna turn on motion blur and then we're gonna also turn it on here on the layer so now if we go back to this profile scroll we can now bring in this photo one layer and we're gonna kind of place it right here just temporarily we're gonna find a little spot for it let's say right here and then right right when this lands where it stops that's where this is gonna start to come in maybe even a little sooner let's see [Music] so you'll notice this is really close to this I don't like the way this looks right I'm gonna click on the null object I'm gonna drag everything up just a little bit so that we give these photos a little bit more room let's move it to about right there and that's that space looks nice right yeah that looks good now this is not exactly where it's gonna live just yet but let's create two more and then I'm gonna show you guys how we're gonna line these up perfectly together so that they're evenly spaced how I have these so next thing we're gonna do is quite simply you can just duplicate your photo one comp and duplicate it and then rename it rename it to photo to we're gonna create another folder it's called photo 2 we're gonna drag this duplicated composition into it and then we're gonna double click on that comp then we're going to delete this pre-comp that's inside of it and then we're gonna drag in another photo so I already had all these photos ready to go so here we go again I'm gonna find where I want this image to be let's just say I want to leave it here okay cool so one thing we can do to save time is we can go back into our photo 1 comp and we can just actually just working with the X the x axis so we can just copy these keys I'm using ctrl C to copy and then come back into this column and oh actually I'm sorry I skipped a step so I still have those keys copied well remember we have two pre-comp this this image and we're gonna call this now photo to pre comp and there it go so it appears right underneath so again now this is a square so now all I'm gonna do I'm gonna just paste those keyframes I just copied and now it's moving exactly the same as the other image which is what we want we want everything to move the same way so again just drag it in doesn't have to be in the perfect spot just yet and then we're gonna move this layer so that it starts a little bit after the first photo comes in so you can kind of tinker with it again this is this is definitely based on like personal preference how fast you want your images to be coming on-screen you could go slower right which has its own look you could have them off you could have an entire row up here at the same time I like to stagger them just slightly so something kind of along the lines of yeah like that so and then we're gonna pull it out so that it's kind of staggered the way again however you'd like to do it maybe something like this for me it would look cool okay we need to align all of these so that they're evenly spaced right so what I'll do is on these outside images I actually I just kind of eyeball this facing here on the left um there are probably ways to do it totally perfectly but I'm not gonna do it that way today I'm just kind of like I said I'm eyeballing it they were like almost right where they needed to be already but look I think if I show you guys I can move these kind of a little offset and then you'll see a bit more how it works what you actually need to use first is distribute horizontally and then you need to align vertically there you go that's the trick let's select these photos and now let's parent them to the null layer and then let's drag them back a little bit so that they come in on to the screen sooner maybe a little less so as it adds the entire animation stopping so are the photos right so it just it's a cool effect maybe that's not what you're going for you don't have to do that we need to parent them to the null layer no matter what but I kind of like something like that that looks cool to me right [Music] so that's basically it I'm gonna kind of speed through the next six images just so you guys can see what it looks like I'm not gonna show you because now that you've done one row you could do you could do a hundred rows the only important thing you guys need to know is that now after this has stopped boom right here we're gonna add another key for the Y position and then we're gonna move forward again and then and then we're going to move and then we're gonna move forward again on the timeline and then we're gonna now move this Y position up and I think in order to make space for another row we're gonna cut off these top images a little bit [Music] that's not very sexy motion right so we're gonna we're gonna play again with the graph editor I think we wanted to go a little faster in the beginning and we wanted to come to a slow stop you'll notice here that what's kind of happening let's see how this looks that looks better right we're really trying to sort of simulate what it's like to scroll on your phone I think there's too much of a delay here so I'm going to pull these back even still it seems like it's kind of taking too long so what happens when we bring it back even a little bit more and then let's speed up the beginning of this of this animation here it's maybe crazy right I mean it's taken me hours to do this and I don't even know how long this video is gonna end up but we basically have spent all this time to make something that so far is just about six seconds long that's the thing with the animation it takes forever to make things that look professional but I think that you know I always like to think how do you separate yourself from all the other creators that are out there anyone can pick up a camera not a lot of people can shoot great video even less of those shooters that shoot great video can edit great videos and an even smaller percentage of those people who not only shoot and edit their videos can add really cool animations to them so just I'm always trying to think like how do I continue to make myself super valuable [Music] okay tuning back in just for a second just so you guys don't think I abandoned you again remember you want to parent you're gonna want to parents these photos to the null for object that we created here so I'm gonna drag this to the top and this photo for now is now also going to be parented to this null I waited until the animation had come to a stop and I put everything where I want it to be right you want to parent it where you want it to be you don't want to parent it like look what happens if I did this so let's say that let's say that here let's say I'm like oh okay this is where I want the image right so then I go back here and now I parent it to the null look what happens it stays right where I parented it so let's undo that and then let's move forward and parent it precisely where I want it to be within the composition we're gonna parent it to the null and then and then now you can scroll it to your desire of like when you want it to pop in okay so I think we're done I showed you guys how to do one two and three these first three images you could just continue this on as long as you want right like hypothetically you could you could do 20 50 100 photos I just did 9 because I feel like you know when people think of an Instagram grid they always think of like what are you what's the nine photos you see right away on someone's Instagram having said that let's play it back the after fix animation portion of this design is done if you if you've come this far with me congratulations pat yourself on the back you made something really cool we're gonna add the phone footage now and we're essentially going to cut out the iPhone screen and insert this animation let's go ahead and create a new folder call it footage and then we're going to import I have a clip already ready to go I'm gonna show you guys this clip right now so this is basically the clip it's short something that flan and I shot for the lens challenge video in my opinion the key to using this animation and achieving the highest polished effect is you you're gonna want to shoot a camera on some sort of stabilizer or gimbal this is my sony a 6500 and I used the Zion crane to accomplish this shot I'm using the 10 to 18 millimeter lens so that lens that camera and that piece of equipment I use I've used more than anything in my filmmaking career I'll include a link to all of those products in the description of this video and I highly highly highly recommend them you'll see this type of camera work and pretty much all of my videos and they're actually all very affordable pieces of equipment nothing that is gonna like blow the bank and they're the kinds of equipment where you buy them and you're gonna make your money back by making epic videos for people so what I'm gonna do now is create a new composition let's make this composition say that it's just make it 30 seconds long we want it to be 1920 by 1080 and we're gonna call this composition phone fly into IG and then I'll just call it version one because you know who knows you may want to make more down the line drag this footage in and flan you'll notice this clip is really short okay so we can leave that there for now right this is our full animation right so let's find that up here in our composition folder and in our new comp we can drag this in hope you'll notice there's a mistake this arrow is appearing we don't want that arrow to appear yet I didn't notice because it's white but I'm gonna go back you guys may have also made this mistake with me and we can effectively we can drag this over so now that arrow is gonna appear only after a little while on screen so let's go back to our comp we need to now seamlessly match these shots together so that way we're going to fly into and obviously this is not flames Instagram profile this is just like a hypothetical profile we could have made one fares but these are just photos I had on hand really easy to grab so here's what we're gonna do go to a frame where the full screen of the phone is visible maybe like right here now that we've stopped it on this frame where you can see the entire screen we're going to go up to composition and we're going to do save frame as and we're gonna save it as a file we're gonna change the file type to JPEG and then we're going to make sure that it has high image quality we're basically just gonna export this so we'll just we'll just create a folder and call it screen grabs whatever you can call it whatever you want and then we'll just call this plans phone screen save it render it renders really quick because it's just a photo now let's zoom in and I basically I'm just making sure the clip ends right there on this frame that we just that we just exported for so now in my photos let's drag in this screen grab great and then I'm going to essentially just cut the layer here right on and that's control shift D on on PC you could also if you don't because I don't know what the keyboard shortcut is you just go to the beginning of it drag it all the way right so now this clip is basically OOP it's gonna stop right there that's what we want so now what we're gonna do is on the photo now we're gonna go up here to the pen tool and on the layer that is the JPEG that was just imported we're going to essentially cut this out well so that's not this is not yet what we want now we need to drop this menu down on this JPEG and under masks we're going to subtract it so now we essentially if you notice now there's an alpha layer behind it because there's nothing there now we've masked out the phone screen so now there's nothing here right but if we play it we still need this we still need the camera to zoom through the phone right so what we're gonna do is on the first key of this JPEG we're gonna go to transform we're gonna set a position and a scale key and then we're gonna zoom forward I don't know maybe about this far this is like 1 - I don't know 7 8 9 frames we can tweak it until we find what we like and then you're just gonna zoom in you're gonna scale it up pretty far now not quite what we want just yet one thing that's really gonna help this add to the effect that it's that it's real is we need to give it motion blur so on this now you now you'll notice that I just turned on the motion blur and look at look at it now I mean it's pretty much there right very simple it moves so fast that the that digit everything just happened so quick that you barely even notice obviously the quality of the JPEG is gonna drop but the motion blur is going to essentially make it negligible you don't even really notice it you can kind of mess around here with the ease of these keys you know let's say you maybe want to give it a different different speed at which it zooms in so we can go into we can go here now and kind of play around and see how this looks that one goes really fast we could ease into it and slow down quite a bit as it gets there we can also elongate this a little just so you can so the effect lasts a little bit longer you don't want to go so fast that people don't know what's going on so now we need to bring this IG profile this animation we already have this company here we need to bring it below this phone screen layer and let's move it to the front and see what happens when we just I'm probably gonna have to adjust this but let's just see how it looks right out the box I mean honestly you don't really have to adjust it only thing that we're gonna need to now do is make sure that there we go I had the transparency grid on so let's watch this back one more time come into the movie theater with me let's get cinematic for a second let's see what this looks like with all the bells and whistles added so that's it guys um thank you so much for sticking through I'm proud that you made this your mom would be proud your parents would be proud if they put you through film school and it cost them like a quarter million dollars and you don't have any short films yet to show and you're not headed to the Academy Awards hopefully you can send them this clip and be like look mom look what I learned for free on YouTube actually don't tell them you learned it for free cuz and they'll be like what the why don't we send you to film school I am totally taught by the internet the internet has been my teacher and I am so stoked to finally be contributing to the tool that has taught me everything I know the beautiful wonderful world of YouTube where I've learned so much of the After Effects things that I do this is my first tutorial I hope you guys liked it it wasn't too boring I wouldn't up too much hopefully you guys are down to see more stuff I have a lot of other little tricks I like to do other graphics I like to make this is just the beginning obviously this is free on this tutorials free on YouTube but if you purchase the template I'm also going to throw in a version that is Instagram ready so you just plug in your photos and it actually stops perfectly on a 1080 by 1080 composition that way you can freeze it at nine photos and this is like ready to go already formatted for Instagram so this is a you know not going to be included on the channel this is only available if you buy the template and the link is in the description I look forward to making more of these [Music]
Channel: Black & Ginger
Views: 184,935
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: after effects, tutorial, funny, couple, couple goals, instagram, editing, transitions, transition, iPhone, fly in, fly, gimbal, sony, canon, mirrorless, camera, edit, a6500, zhiyun crane, Social Media, Instagram Template
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 53sec (5033 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 21 2019
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