INSIGHT EDITION with Rev Kent Christmas

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hello everyone and welcome to insight Edition I'm so thankful you've joined us because we are here with Pastor Kent Christmas he is the one who gave the prophecy about 2020 and we have already been seeing it come to pass and so I'm excited to get his insight and for him to give it to us today and so let's get right into it hello pastor Ken how are you doing thank you thank you so much for being here I'm so thankful that you're here and agreed to do this interview and I want you to tell us tell us the name of your church and when it started church's name regeneration Nashville we just recently changed the name from resting place because I felt like we're done resting and I believe that God is thrusting his churches into purpose so we're regeneration Nashville we are in our 13th year that's wonderful tell me a little bit about your life before ministry well it's hard to remember at this point next year I'll be preaching 50 years so I started when I was 17 born in the church my dad was a missionary here in the United States to the American Indian so I lived on an Indian Reservation got exposed a lot to demonic warfare because their church really in their mixture was Catholicism and witchcraft and so we saw a lot of manifestations and the powers of darkness and yet we saw God do great things and so my father died when I was 12 answer the call to preach when I was 17 pretty much self-taught started full-time evangelizing you know it's 21 and drove a lot of miles and little cars to get to this point that's wonderful that's a wonderful testament to what you get driving around in those little cars it's amazing tell me about how you got saved you know for people erasing the church that's something that sometimes they have a hard time articulating but I do remember I received the baptism the Holy Ghost when I was nine years old and really had a divine encounter with God and from that time on I think the thing that I remember the most in my early years of the Lord was I had such a fear of the Lord not in the sense of terror but in the sense that I did not want to grieve him and always just had a hunger to be in the presence of God I never really went out in the world I was I never drank smoke that type of thing and so being raised in church for me especially in Pentecost gave me such an aptitude or an appetite for prayer and I think listening to all of those old Saints and those prayer meetings and seeing God do the things that he did at an early age has kept me going and so you know I'm from a generation that probably lives on the remembering of the past and now I'm trying to teach a generation to experience God for themselves and so being being saved as a wonderful thing and having the heritage of Pentecost in my life and the Baptist of the Holy Ghost I guess I've had it for well I'm 66 and I got it was 9 so I don't know some a lot of years 9 years old and receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit and having that hunger yes already at that age can you tell me a little bit about being baptized in the Holy Ghost about how that experience went for you do you remember it I do Saturday night you know young people's service and nobody praying for me it's really interesting to see how different people received a gift of the Holy Ghost and I just had my head down in my arms in the altar no way praying for me and just begin to speak in a heavenly language and so it seems to be indicative of my personality and never saw a light or had an angel show up just knew that God had come into my life and very very grateful for it I think that'll be an encouragement to a lot of people because sometimes we can you know expect to see that ain't sure especially growing up in Pentecost you expect some some really big thing to happen but it was just a gentle just gentle three was still small boys that's wonderful I also want to ask you this you're the pastor of a large church and I know that there are pastors out there who are struggling to grow their churches what are some things that you would tell them but spiritually and practically on how to grow their church well first of all you got to know God called you to do it I don't think there's probably anything harder to do than pastor Church if you're trying to build a church around the presence of God I think our church could be much larger if we were willing to focus more on numbers than the presence of the Lord and then my church is a little bit different because I'm very prophetic and so I'm very black-and-white and we from the very beginning we when I begin to start our church to the Lord spoke to me he said you're not starting to church your birth and a movement and we struggled for a lot of years trying to get our church off the ground we started with no money no people no building I put up black plastic from Home Depot on cinderblock walls in the warehouse that we used to feed the homeless and had a kerosene heater and about a 200 dollar sound system and my first service I preached to two people but I knew in my heart that God want us to do that and one of the things the Lord told me he said you are building a church that will be a solution for a problem that does not yet exist and for a long long time America has not needed gone there too blessed and so we made the commitment that regardless of how long we stayed small or how hard we struggle we would not sacrifice building our church around the presence of the Lord and I think we're balanced you know we're not running on top of pews and screaming and hollering having fits but at the same time I've tried to teach our people to be demonstrative in their worship raise your hands you know open your mouth one of the things that's happened to the church today is the devil has put a muzzle on the mouth of Christians and I've noticed that that when we have our corporate prayer meetings I don't really like them simply because it's difficult to get Christians to pray out loud and so I'm on the platform my wife's walking in front and we're praying out loud and I feel like everybody does here's what we're saying and so I've tried to develop saints that have a personal relationship with the Lord that they lift up their voice and that our worship services are not required given a concert but there are people interacting and you know praising God and responding to the presence of the Lord and so I think that probably every man and woman who is in pastoral position in America who has really hunger for revival I don't think it's been easy for them because the dynamics of the society that we live in is not conducive to that I think the average Christian in a recent poll in America goes to church once every six weeks this came from two different pastors one had 30,000 his church and one had a little over 20,000 and they hired a man to come in who could assess how they performed and the weak areas of their church and in the process of going through their membership role that's what they discovered and it's because people don't need God and so now we're beginning to see God to do some different things yesterday was our first service back and I think it's no mistake that that God had a start up on Pentecost Sunday and so it's exciting time but I feel like I've waited my whole life for this you know I most guys that are approaching 70 which it seems like I was 20 yesterday are looking for a retirement I feel like we're just getting warmed up and I believe the best is yet to come I think the best is yet to come and I believe there's a great revival coming I don't actually believe it's coming I believe it's here and I believe we're stepping into it and I want to ask you to you you said that you're a balanced Pentecostal church how have you done that because sometimes the larger you get the more you if people are overtly Pentecostal you get them out of hand and then if you overcorrect then your church just becomes dead how have you kept that balance right well first of all your people have to respect you as a pastor and there has to be a little bit of the fear of God you know we've also taught in our church that we're not going to allow people to freelance in our services had people show up on a Sunday morning and recently we had somebody drive like six hours I showed up and said God gave them a word for our church and they wanted me to give them the platform and I said that's never gonna happen I said we are a prophetic Church and that if God actually has something to say to us he probably has enough people in the building that one of them could have heard from the Lord and you know so we we really teach our people to have divine order but divine order does not mean men control it means God control and so we try to be real sensitive to the movement of the spirit there are one of the moments they might be few and far between I think it just depends on how you conduct your services we're not going to have people jumping up Miller service and saying yeah thus saith the Lord I didn't allow when I traveled in my meetings God doesn't interrupt himself and so we tried to be compassionate in kind and gentle and all part of that is teaching your Usher's how to in an effective way deal with a volatile situation and keep an eye on people and so we don't we don't seem to deal with that now I think because we dealt with it at an earlier time at the same time we don't want to be associate or so control the Spirit of God can't move I want God to do whatever he wants but I also think that that God is a God of order and that he can accomplish if you go online you can watch some of them YouTube videos with like Oral Roberts or a a Alan when they're conducting their healing Crusades in tents and you have you watch these magnificent healings that take place but everything was in order they had people in wine and brother robbers would be sitting in the chair or a I would sit in a chair and somebody will come up that couldn't even walk and they would have a conversation with them and talk with them and just lay hands on them and say Lord in the name of Jesus we just are declaring divine healing the power of God is not in how loud you talk or how loud you shout or whether you shake the power of God comes from with inside and so the authority the devil doesn't respect volume or even intellect in the scriptures he said that he said Paul I know and Jesus I know but who are you and these are seven boys who were in the house of the high priests they were raised in it but they had no relationship with Christ and so the devil knows who's who in the kingdom and so Paul he would just speak a word and people were healed and I believe that we're gonna see the greatest outpouring of the glory of God that that mankind has ever seen in these next few years I completely agree with you you were just talking about a Alan and Oral Roberts and Pentecost in the spirit-filled movement seem to be almost at its peak there besides in the book of Acts it seemed to be so hot and now we look around and it seems to kind of decline like you were saying people don't feel like they need God and certainly don't feel like they need the Holy Spirit and so where do you see the Pentecostal movement going in the next couple of years I feel like you kind of said it but I want to hear more on what you think well you know God over the decades has moved in different facets and sometimes we equate miracles as great revival and that's not necessarily great revival we've seen moves for Spirit of God would manifest and that movement through divine healing whether it was in the healing revivals in the 50s in the 70s we seen where the Spirit of God was revealed more through teaching we saw the great outpouring of the Holy Ghost in the in the eighties with the charismatic revival that's how revival manifested as people getting the Holy Ghost and then in the 90s it seemed to be manifesting more through the prophetic meetings and you have these these moves of God were prophecy and all of that began to happen I think that where we're headed those will not be the high points that we remember even though all of those facets will be a part of what God's doing I think this time it's just the presence of the Lord this generation needs an encounter with God the church needs an encounter with God and we unfortunately worship the supernatural now we worship worship we'll spend an hour and a half you know having young people lead us who don't know even know who they're singing about and we call that worship but true worship is lifestyle it's not what you say and I believe there are many things that God is bringing back into order in this hour so I don't think a lot of churches are gonna survive coming out of the coronavirus especially those that were not built around God and have divine purpose I think that God is removing the gray areas in America in the spirit realm I think that we're going to see a lot of people who have not seen favor with God all of a sudden it's just going to begin to happen I think we're gonna see services begin to last it's almost like we'll step out of time three o'clock in the afternoon people still be in the presence of the Lord and when God begins to be prophetically to me about shutting down things and our nation sports and different things and we've seen that happen but the reason I think the Lord is doing it is is because he's removing distractions from people God's gonna make America need him again and so the what concerns me about the coronavirus is it has not seem to really produce a spiritual awakening we we hear a lot about let's get back on track let's get the economy revived let's get back to sports and let's get America back to work but I'm not hearing anything really in the spirit realm about the hunger for the presence of the Lord or let's get God back on our nation and I don't remember giving it I have it on tape somebody a pastor sent it to me in 2008 I was in New York preaching in the middle of my preaching God began to speak prophetically and he verbatim said I'm sending a virus to America and that will kill millions of people and that the hospitals and the government will not have an answer for it only the church will this is not that because millions of people have not died there's something else getting ready to happen in the United States that's literally gonna rock this nation to its very roots and the government's not going to be able to fix it with a stimulus package or mass God is serious this time and he's going to make people need him and I don't think sports is ever gonna recover from what God has done because it took his day and so I think we need to prepare for the masses coming back to the house of the Lord and I don't know what all that entails but we I believe that millions of people are going to get saved around the world and this is not just nationally this is a global thing that God is doing and so I I think that I know the Lord spoke this to me that start in 2020 there would be a great move of God and that after 2024 it's going to get very dark in the United States and in the earth and I don't know exactly what that means but I believe it were very close to the second coming of Jesus Christ for the remnant I believe there is a catching away but I think it's a reward for everybody who has just paid the price and lived the life their whole life or you know since they've got saved they've been hungry for God and our president is going to be voted back in easily because God needs him in that office for through the Year 2024 what happens after that I don't know but we need to redeem the time because God's up to something and also the lukewarm that God has been warning for for three years things are getting really bad for them I've already seen it people are going to lose their businesses there's gonna be great reversals because God begged him and they wouldn't come and I think there's another invitation beginning to go out and the Ministry of Christ was to heal the brokenhearted to set it at liberty them that are bruised to open the eyes of the blind deliverance to the captives and the gospel to the poor I believe that the Lord is beginning to send an invitation out to that element of people and the other thing is this young generation from 35 and under they've never known the Lord so God has to do something that gives them a divine encounter with their Creator I agree I agree a hundred percent my generation we want that but we almost don't know what we want sure because we haven't ever tasted of it ourselves right we're just going off of the stories of what the feast was and so I completely agree and I think that's one reason why we're so drawn to what you're doing and what you speak because your prophecies come true we've heard people say thus saith the Lord and doesn't happen and so people start not putting stock in that but what you're saying we're seeing right and there's just a hunger for that real and to see God really move and so I'm excited about what you said thank you and I want to ask you if you could speak to you every young minister right now and say something to do them what advice would you give them my advice to every young preacher is develop a prayer life and that takes time anything that is worth having requires discipline and the word disciple comes from discipline and people teach me about the way I eat or whatever in the exercise but I felt like as a young man that if I could control my flesh it would translate into the spirit realm and so I was a very young man I made a point to try to pray an hour a day not every time do I have great prayer but it's the discipline of that what happens is in a prayer life most of my messages that I get I get in prayer and most of time for me God will just give me a spark it might be a word or just a phrase that I have been reading my daily Bible reading it'll come alive if I can just get a spark then I can build a message around it but that's the life source and that comes out of relationship with God and so you have to define what success is before God the Bible said that there were those who loved who who believed in Christ but they loved the praises of men more than they loved the praises of God there's great pressure on young men today because success in ministry is have you wrote a book how many people do you have in your church who are you preaching who do you know that's not success the greatest probably ministers that the earth has ever known probably nobody knows that they won't be revealed into eternity you know they just they live the life and so there are two things develop a prayer life and learn how to cultivate anointing because even revelation does not get in people's spirits its titillating and people go wow that's I've never heard that before that's amazing talent or being a great speaker does not get in people's spirits the only thing that gets in people's spirit just when the anointing and all anointing is is when the Holy Spirit starts doing it through you so learn how to remove everything from your life that grieves the Holy Ghost second thing is remove everything in your life that becomes an inhibitor to the Holy Spirit that when you step into the pulpit that you are just a vessel that the Holy Spirit flows through into those people because the privilege of standing before a crowd like tonight in church we have a lot of people they're gonna make a real sacrifice to come here to be in this service it's my responsibility that we need to redeem that moment that when they come that they hear from God that they hear the voice of the Lord and that their spirits are touched and if you can get your if you could touch the spirit of somebody you can change your life and modern churches today are glorified daycares they're really there they have state-of-the-art facilities but they're full of babies and we need to get back to a place that being saved does not mean you said I accept Christ as my savior and signed a card but it means you had a divine encounter with the Lord you got filled with the Holy Ghost you know spirits of addiction were cast out and so the move of God this coming is gonna be messy it's we're gonna have churches we need to be prepared for people coming in who have piercings and tattoos and don't dress as sedate as we want that have alcohol on their breath or their and then on the other hand to have businessmen come in that are maybe worth millions but are bankrupt emotionally need God to set them free there has to be that in the only way God has restricted himself to use men and if there's no men then there's no move of God or there's no women there's no move of God and so young men in this hour get in the word find material that that you can read define what your calling is and your gift and then be good at that when I was younger I would listen to preachers that I really liked and then want to preach like them and I found out that I couldn't and and then you're not good anyway when you do be content to be who God called you to be and my style is different from other people's I would like to be more calm or maybe be a great teacher that's not what God called me to be so I've learned to appreciate that and I've learned to honor the presence of God and learning also to stay in a realm of the Spirit never allow yourself to get involved in anything that takes you out of that place to where you can no longer hear the voice of God doesn't mean you can't watch TV doesn't mean you can't go on the beach it just simply means that regardless of where you are in life you're still tapped in to hearing the voice of God and I believe the Lord is raising up young men and women but they have got to be willing to lay down their life for Christ that's such good advice such great advice I mean I just am really blown away by all that you said and I think I see all this wisdom that's in you and I have this other question what pastors and leaders have poured into you and who do you watch like you were saying you watched some of those preachers online or or you still want to be like them who are some that you watched and that really poured into your life whether directly like as somebody who actually had an influence in a place in your life and some people that you just watched well recently we were talking with a couple and they were talking about if they had a Mount Rushmore who would be on that mountain and I was listening to different ones and they were naming people who her great influence in their life for whatever reason I never had that my dad died when I was 12 and I never had any strong father figure even spiritually that that's spoken to my life so whether that's a negative or a positive it drove me closer to to seek in my eternal father I think it's wonderful to have men that can father you and help you you know through the rough spots maybe that's why I have such a heart for young men and young ministers is because I did not have it and so I had to learn it by this school of hard knocks I liked anybody though that was annoying I love David Wilkerson because he was prophetic there's some great preachers out there that I bet that TD jakes is a great preacher if you're just looking for straight up preaching he you know his style is different and his culture is different but I growing up in Pentecost there were some guys you know that I lied simply because that was all we were exposed to I be sad to say I can't think of any national voices in America anymore if you would think about there are no national voices that are speaking into our nation we don't happen and we need God to raise up some men to a national level that can get a hold of the heart of the nation and pull them back into the presence of the Lord I believe that God always scripture says his desert first in the natural and in the spirit he raised up a Donald Trump who wasn't even a politician and made him a national leader so I'm believing that maybe God can reach into that realm and pull up some men and women who have been validated through signs and wonders and the miracles putting twenty thousand people in an auditorium and just going through an organized service that's really not success we need we need we don't have any preachers anymore we have teachers but you can't think on a national level how many great preachers do you know that can preach the house down they're not out there because everybody has gone into the vein of to have a really big church you got to be more sad a UT's you have series at last three months you know what you're going to preach for the next three months I never know from week to week what I'm gonna preach I've got preached Wednesday night at our church I don't know what I'm gonna do yet so I'm constantly in the heavens you know reaching around I'm trying to Farrell go we can do Wednesday we're gonna do next Sunday and the beauty of serving God a long time is you have downloaded into you so much information that the Holy Ghost once he gives you a thought you can begin to pull from those files of all those years of study and you can begin to put your message together but we need preachers we do it didn't say by the foolishness of teaching or prophesying is said by the foolishness of preaching and of course preaching doesn't mean you have to be hollering and all of that but there has to be I think it was Jonathan Edwards who preached perhaps they say one of the most profound messages ever and that you can read online is cause sinners in the hands of an angry god history says that as he was preaching that people begin to hang on to the back of the pews and shake because they felt like they were falling into hell Jonathan Edwards was almost blind and he would have to get this close and he would read that message he read it and in a monotone delivery and yet the power of God came through in such a profound way that it wasn't his style it was what was in him from those two or three years of praying over Wales that heaven opened and God just began to do it and so in the hour that we're in I'm believing that God will raise up men that the anointing of the Lord can flow through back into the congregation it's did you say that it's not really about our style it's not really about us really it's just about us letting God work through us sure just we're just be the vessel and not put so much pressure on how you do it or how or how you say it but just allow him to speak through you right so that's that's also great advice um I love that and this is my last question what is the most miraculous thing you've ever seen God do well I got to put right at the top of the list Donald Trump being made president everything said it could not happen and I prophesied that he would so I was really personally very happy that he became president told my wife says he's not president I have to quit preaching so I've seen a lot of just miracles physical miracles then I'm not sure everything from raising my dog from the dead that got hit by car literally dead and I prayed over me and God raised him up to seeing God heal cancers and you know al Qaeda inadvertently swing a baseball bat full swing and as she swung at my five-year-old boy stepped into the swing and she hit him full force with an aluminum baseball bat right here and he hit the concrete his face began to swell he's bleeding profusely is he's out his nose to the side and she's screaming and I begin to pray over him and I begin to just declare that the power of God would heal him and I given him arms and I took him to the hospital and they rushed him into the emergency room and they come out pretty soon and they said he's going to be all right and he doesn't even have a broke nose and we wound up taking him home evangelizing years ago we watched God do great things from being out of gas and the vehicles still run for another 50 miles traveling to Houston in the middle of the night dead bro pulling a trailer going up a hill in our old van we heard a loud explosion I pulled over put it in park got out of my van my van start rolling backwards down the hill I jumped back in it and jammed on the brakes and it's in park and they're still moving transmission literally blew up so I've been preaching on faith my wife and I got out of three in the morning I laid hands on my band I told her I said we're gonna ask God to make this thing work and we commanded that that transmission to work I got back in that van and put it in Drive I drove all the way to Houston and I drove 800 miles pulling a trailer back to Nashville I took it to mr. transmission he called me said if you drove those many miles like you said you did he said you must know somebody in heaven he said because it looks like a bomb went off inside your transmission and it's totally demolished so you know I know God does miracles whether its financial we my wife and I were challenged by God for a year and a half to give 50% of our growth to him and it got so bad financially that we had our electricity shutoff twice we had our phone shut off we got down to where we'd have two dollars and that's all we had - we were behind in our house and we we did that for a year and a half Bank of America was getting ready to foreclose in our home but I knew God told me to give half to him and so we went someplace and we got an amazing offering my offerings most of the time were seven eight hundred dollars and we were three months behind in our house and the pastor took up an offering and came to me and he said this is the biggest offering his church has ever taken up 42 years and he gave me six thousand five hundred and some change and I went home and we paid bills caught up on our house and then at the end of the year and a half we were getting ready to lose our home again and God spoke to me and said you don't have to give the 50 percent anymore so we went back to giving 20 percent of our growth two weeks later I think it was I had a man asked me to lunch me my wife we went to lunch with him and he said can you come by my office before you go home we walked into his office and sat down and his secretary brought him an envelope he gave it to me and he said this is to pay off your house and he gave me a check for 125,000 dollars and there was enough in there for me to pay 20 percent ties and pay off my home and what God was showing me was it doesn't matter how desperate it looks not only that we live in a home that's three times better than that now when we went to buy we had no money and I told I said our credits shot because of the year and a half of how we paid our bills and when the bank pulled up my credit I had a one credit and so I've had a son that was born over three months premature they said would not live he's totally healthy today at 26 I have a 42 year old boy that was gay for 20 years and today he's full the Holy Ghost has two kids been married 12 years so I'm emotional sorry but to think of the power of God and what God does we take our limitations off of the Lord and for me it's not down here that matters it's where we're going so the lark told me years ago he said while you're down here you're working for me he said this is about me he said heavens about you and so until then it won't make that time count how well I wish you would write a book just on all the miracles because I could listen to this all day I really feel like this interview has just built my faith and encouraged me and I hope that it's encouraged all of you I know that it has because it is just such a blessing everything that you shared I thank you for tuning in with us remember to tune in every Monday at 7 o'clock and tune in for the next insight edition [Music]
Channel: LCPH
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Rating: 4.9459457 out of 5
Id: q88qruCeEEs
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Length: 40min 33sec (2433 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 15 2020
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