Insight - Dealing with Temptation

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[Music] hey everyone welcome to insight today we are stoked to have you guys back with us i am rachel tucker and this is my dad james gall yeah we're so happy to be with you last week we had jennifer martin and she's i say delightful but she's also got such wonderful content and so last week we did awakening the dark horse prophets and of course it could be awakening the dark horse entrepreneurs or whatever and so of course if you have been with us you know our theme verse 4 insight comes from daniel chapter 12 verse 3 that you are chosen to be one who is shining with the backdrop of darkness to be a bright and shining one who is growing and gaining in insight to lead many to righteousness for the days in which we live yeah and if this is your first time here we would love to welcome you in the comments go ahead and raise your hand or say that's me in the comments also we would love to hear where you guys are from it's one of our favorite things to uh get just get a pulse on where people are viewing in the world from because it really is just a a world escape that kind of joins in and it's been so fun for us to get to connect with people in south africa and in nigeria and macedonia and missouri and all of them rain yeah so many fun places we wish we could come see all of you maybe maybe someday but um before we kind of what oh that just gave me like a crazy like whoa let's do an insight world tour let's do it that would be so fun okay guys send your invites you gotta go to and go to the invite tab you invite us um dad you've a mug i'm a mug today yeah i'm using my franklin tennessee mug and it kind of glows goes with my outfit today and i kind of felt these are a few of my favorite things i just rewatched that movie and i was like i am so her she's like totally she's like let's look at the silver lining and dancing and prancing around with the guitar it's i just love it um so if you guys want to know more about me you should go watch sound of music and you're like that's rachel makes sense um this is my mug very basic simple white what mug are you guys using today type in the comments if you guys are a regular insider you know we always have a mug i'm always drinking a cup of tea and um type in the comments what mug you have we just it's just kind of fun but today we have an episode on uh truths concerning temptation the important thing to realize is that no one is omitted from temptation even the devil tried to tempt jesus and so this is a really great topic for us to be diving into today and dad i'm just gonna pitch it over to you okay thank you uh rachel and thank you everyone again for giving us your best gift which is your presence and your time so let's jump in and let's pray together so father thank you for these wonderful people but father thank you for your presence among us and we believe that where two or three are gathered in your name there you are in our midst and so in this closing today i go into the model prayer of jesus but so i'm going to begin right there oh my our father [Music] who art in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done in these earthen vessels for the glory of god amen and amen well um i'm actually in a sense backtracking but we're moving forward because before we had jennifer martin on here on the dark horse awakening the dark horse prophets we had done a little series on like the spirit of conviction and we had done like on um [Music] like the spirit of fire and the baptism of the holy spirit and fire so if you didn't watch haven't watched those particular insight broadcasts you could go back and you can watch them whether they're on youtube or on facebook but they are all logged on our god encounters ministries uh website and on the gym on media site portion of the website you just push the drop down menu there and in gym media all of the insight programs are logged for you there i don't know if you knew that so all also are the god encounters today podcast the entire series that have been doing on spiritual warfare they are all listed there and all of the insight programs so you might want to go back and look at some of those on like the spirit of conviction and the baptism of spirit and fire because today in a sense builds on that so wow in one of the previous sessions i got off in talking about like we talked about boundaries one time and we talked about how theirs can be there there's like a precipice there is like an edge and some people get too close to that boundary edge and they keep getting closer and closer and closer and they can be end up being someone who falls off the edge and hey that happens to a lot of people and it might happen in one area and not another and that's very important to note also and guess what we can always recover because remember proverbs says even a righteous man falls down seven times but gets back up again now i'm going to take us into a um a theme scripture and it comes from james chapter 1 verses 13 to 15. so this is takes a little while to read this but it's very very very important now if you really want to learn more about this it's there's an entire chapter in this book deliverance from darkness that i lay this out very thoroughly okay so the theme scriptures for today comes from james chapter 1 verses 13 to 15. let no one say when he is tempted i am being tempted by god for god cannot be tempted by evil that is a really important statement because sometimes we blame shift the temptation on god will god made me do it you know like adam and eve and whatever and oh there is such a thing called free choice now let no one say that when he is tempted i am being tempted by god for god cannot be tempted by evil and he himself does not tempt anyone but each one is tempted when each one hi that is an all in word so anybody out there that's religious with self-righteousness and you think you're exempt this is going to sound really harsh go home oh no no stay with me because that verse right there says everyone it's all of us now let me go ahead and read but each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed by his own lust then then so it's showing a progressive pattern here that's what i want to work with us today on there is a progressive pattern in the truth and tactics of temptation then but each one is tempted and when he is carried away by his own lust not by the devil by his own lust then when lust has conceived so it doesn't start there then when lust has conceived it gives birth to sin so right there it's showing temptation is not sin but allowing it to be carried away by lust carrying it away then it becomes sin but each one is tempted when he is carried away and enticed seduced drawn away carried away by his own lust then when lust has conceived it gives birth there's an offspring it gives birth to sin and when sin is accomplished oh there's a fruit it brings forth death there's a progression now so yes i'm doing a more teaching exhortational dimension for us today but if we'll grasp hold of this it'll save some of our lives it might help shape some of you as parents how you develop guidelines not legalisms guidelines in how you raise your children and what you allow them to watch yeah and other realms of interaction that you have with people so here are five practical pragmatic foundational truths about temptation number one god may test our faith but he never tempts us now these are these five foundational truths would be what would be exposing ungodly beliefs and then replacing them at the same time with godly beliefs okay i want to make sure we understand that these five foundational principles would be exposing ungodly beliefs and replacing them at the same time with godly beliefs number one god may test our faith but he never tempts us the purpose of and i also tried to put in here some quotations from church history or words of wisdom the purpose of divine testing is to sanctify and strengthen the purpose of divine testing that happens in all of our lives the purpose of divine testing is to sanctify and strengthen us the purpose of satanic temptation is to deceive and destroy us i wonder who coined that someone named james w gold point number two on five foundational truths about temptation temptation always begins in the flesh our flesh sets fire to sin satan simply fans the flame it's our choice it's our human nature temptation always begins with us with our response with the flesh our flesh sets fire to sin but satan and his demons come along and fan that flame into a fire number three now see i could amplify every single one of these but you know hey there is this book to help you okay number three to be tempted and this one is really simple but it's going to help break shame false guilt exaggerated guilt office of people's laws to be tempted is not a sin god is not a condemner the holy spirit is not a condemner the devil is to be tempted is not sent jesus come on now hey hey wake up stay with me jesus was repeatedly tempted remember he was taken out into the wilderness and it says he was tempted by the devil jesus was repeatedly tempted but he was sinless hebrews chapter 2 verse 17 and 18 chapter 4 verse 15. jesus was repeatedly tempted but he was sinless to be tempted is not a sin you can't prevent here's a quotation you can't prevent the birds from flying over your head but you can keep them from building a nest in your hair oh i guess you have to have some hair i never thought of that till right now that is from martin luther you can't prevent the birds from flying over your head but you can prevent them from building a nest in your head i've talked about this for years how see we're supposed to bring every thought into captivity in christ jesus and we sometimes we shoot the black bird away and that's good and it leaves that it will come back especially if we haven't torn the nest apart okay now tim here's another amazing statement can i just jump in real quick because that goes back the ungodly beliefs and godly beliefs because like if you've been living in a place of where you are you have believed an ungodly belief and and if we could just unpack what an ungodly belief is so basically an ungodly belief is believing something that is not true about yourself god so like um i'm not talented that i would say would be an ungodly belief and the enemy can whisper that he can go you're you're not talented you're not talented but he's gonna whisper in the first person dad you've kind of taught about this like or says i'm not talented i'm not talented then you start believing go well i'm not talented so so you're believing ungodly belief now dad when you're talking about destroying that bird's nest it's kind of like god's saying you are talented i've created you unique and with purpose and i gave you gifts and i want you to use them and what we have to do is come out of alignment with that that ungodly belief but you have to what you're saying that is take apart that nest and and then it's like you replace it with god's truth so i just wanted to explain it a little bit more yeah it is something that needs really good teaching for me this was a piece on inner healing and deliverance that was missing in my life because i in particularly in the area of overcoming rejection and so the enemy would whisper i don't feel good today i don't belong i um there's no place for me and he's talking about himself but i didn't realize he was talking about himself because paul the apostle said we're not to be ignorant of the devil schemes but the primary scripture is where paul the apostle is writing and he says we are to bring every thought and every stronghold that exalts itself against the knowledge of christ and cast them down and bring those thoughts into the obedience in christ jesus so when i'm those are the nests a stronghold is a nest and but they're thoughts a nest is made up of one thought or one twig at a time and so how do you destroy it one choice at a time at a time and so when that thought comes oh i'm not rejected i belong i'm am talented yeah maybe maybe i have three talents maybe someone else has ten but i have three talents that's open yeah no i that that's so good i love that i think it was just like a little extra thing because when you're when you're talking about the temptation the enemy wants to build like groundwork and he wants to make it sound sane to you like of course i would believe this and of course i would give in to this temptation because i am flawed or because i um i can't do any good i'm trying to think like what would be those ungodly beliefs that you would come into alignment with amen okay right now okay in the field or realm in the anointing the presence of god just fell all over me right now i mean is just fallen all over my arms all over my being and um some people are getting shame broken off of them right now right now when i just said some of you have three talents listen that's okay but thank god start there that you have three talents what if somebody has ten that's their business and it's not yours yeah and thank god that maybe they have ten but if you can believe that you had three okay start there but you know you probably have ten but believe right you go rachel you don't need the same gift mix as your neighbor you have been called for something unique so i used to struggle because i'd be interested in so many things like i wanna sing i wanna play guitar and i want to like write songs and then i'm gonna go do acting and then i'm and then i'm like oh i love praying for people on the street and seeing them be healed and then i love writing your mistake yeah like i mean so many things and i still i want to do all of them it's amazing but the thing is is god created me uniquely to be the way that i am for a purpose and so there was um someone actually spoke a prophetic word to me and said sometimes you feel like you're connecting the dots you're like i'm doing this i'm going to do this and then i'm going to do this i'm going to do this and she said now back up you're making a full picture so what it helped me realize was every single one of those pieces are so vital for me because it's creating a big picture now so i'm i i mean i've i'll just be like totally honest like i've compared myself to my husband because he's incredibly talented when it comes musically like unreal he sits down and plays and you're just like well you're way too good stop just go home like it's hysterical and i would love to be able to do that but i also like music is his thing it is like one track focus and if you say okay i have talent in this and this and this well and wait rachel and baseball and yes andy loves baseball but like you can't compare yourself because you've been created for a unique purpose so i don't need to have the one track mind that he has to do one thing excellent so well because god has called me to do multiple things and that's okay so some of you if you're if you're like oh well i really wish that i could be a speaker and be a writer and da da da da da but i'm stuck doing this well god has called you for a unique purpose don't compare yourself or like um i can't believe this person who does the same job as me has had xyz happen to them and you haven't you can't compare your journey to someone else because god is doing a unique purpose in your life that he can't accomplish with anyone else now what does this have to do with temptation but i'm gonna like wait no no i'm gonna complain because hopelessness yes is the breeding ground then we yield to temptation when that's the tactic part then i'm not going to be able fully today to develop but maybe another time but it's in my book but you see when we are vulnerable to temptation to give in one of the primary times is when we're weary when we're tired physically when we're worn down but it's an emotional state of when we feel hopeless yeah and that deals with the strongholds of thinking and when we start feeling hopeless maybe it's because you're you've been physically sick sure like i have had to deal with maybe it's because you're in a around a bunch of people and favor has hit them and you're still a stay-at-home mom and they're don't have any children or whatever or maybe they do maybe they don't but whatever and favor is just like bam fallen on them and it's just like not fair not fair not fair well there is nothing in the bible that says that any of this is fair and that's something you're going to have to deal with there is nothing in oh jesus is this ever something to have to deal with there's i will just say there is enough of god for all of us there is enough opportunity in god's heart for all of us he didn't write opportunity for just one person and purpose for one person he wrote it uniquely for you so where it's okay this is okay i know this is so great this is great the temptation comes when we bite into hopelessness and ed silvosa one of my apostolic advisors gave one of the greatest definitions for what is a stronghold a stronghold we are to take every thought captive that exalts itself against the knowledge of christ and casts down every stronghold and bring it into the obedience of christ jesus well what's a stronghold it is something that we perceive to be impenetrable that is pregnant with hopelessness there is the issue and that is what makes us vulnerable to temptation that we normally wouldn't give the time of day to and there you have it there you have it it's so good and there you there honestly there you have it that's why it's so important to keep on the helmet of hope of salvation now hey i'm going to come back and finish these other little points and i'll do it quick hey but do you realize that for a long time i read the book of daniel and i'm staring at the book of daniel without proper historical understanding and i'm looking at that and i'm allowing the enemy to like blow it up in my face god's like wow i wish it's like but when am i ever going to like it and you know and compare not realizing that book of daniel is a takes place over his entire lifetime over multiple kings and rulers really um or how about this one and some of you women out there you're going to really relate to this one and it might be a light bulb that comes on proverbs 31 woman and you read that and you go jesus that sounds wearisome as though you're supposed to do all of that in one year proverbs 31 is about her whole lifetime it's more like a eulogy excuse me that would be written about her lifetime her husband sits at the gates of the city she knits wool clothes for her children oh but you know what later it talks about she's a real estate broker yeah she like buys and sells a plot of land and she didn't do that all in one year those are multiple seasons of her life okay my life huh and you might go well i'm not james go i want to write and i did not i didn't start writing until 22 years ago really which means no sorry i mean not to what like how how old were you sorry just to put in perspective is that well i'm 68 i'm 68 now so 40. so let's say that's like what 44 years old or something yeah i never released a book till i was 44 years old and now either authored or multi-authored there's close to 50 which is kind of unheard of i'm 68 years old and it's like i'm pinching myself but why didn't it happen when i was 28 oh no maybe i'm the virtuous man and it's proverbs 32. okay you get it i'm trying to paint a picture because it is about maintaining hope because when we go into hopelessness which i just have had to deal with this again that is when temptation comes knocking okay five foundations one god may test our faith but he never tempts us number two temptation always begins in the flesh number three to be tempted is not a sin number four foundation the essence and strength of temptation is twofold one the enticement to satisfy legitimate needs through illegitimate means good point the enticement to satisfy legitimate needs through illegitimate means second the enticement to push virtues to the extreme of religious legalism which comes from a performance-based desire for acceptance the essence and strengths of temptation comes from these two oh my gosh two-fold now the fifth little point on foundation i just want to mention the problem in giving in then to temptation the more often we say yes to temptation the more difficult it becomes to say no that's why it's important to be very careful the first time you change your boundaries next because sin has a lie at its core it offers one thing which is called temporary fleeting pleasures sin offers pleasure because sin has a lie at its core one thing produces another steadily hardening a person's soul over time see sin has a lie at its very core but because it has a lie in its center later there will be a fruit of a lie in its entire fruit but not in the beginning this is so important to grasp the problem of giving into temptation the more often we say yes to temptation the more difficult it becomes to say no it's i didn't say it's not reversible because it is but here is the point i think that the lord gave me revelation on some years ago hebrews 3 12-13 says sin offers fleeting pleasure but sin hardens the heart see it lies it tells a truth and it has i call it sin is like filet mignon it's a steak wrapped in a piece of bacon and that bacon is the lie it offers pleasure it tells us it offers pleasure and that is a truth but what it doesn't tell us it's called fleeting pleasure and it also doesn't tell us this it's pleasure for the moment that creates an appetite and then its result not at the moment but its result is hardening that's really important to grasp now i believe jesus knowing all of these principles coming from the bosom of the father being an exact representation of the father therefore jesus in the model prayer teaching his disciples included in the daily prayer why do i say it's a daily prayer forgive us this day this is a form of praying jesus was teaching his disciples not necessarily exact words pray these words but it was thematic praying pray in this manner so what was one of the praying in this manner in a thematic way praying in this manner in a daily way that jesus was teaching his disciples so that they could be effective in the long run lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil yeah that's how wise because see jesus now is representing the father this is like i want to really kind of turn this for a moment this is a prayer of like a father a father protects a father helps produce boundaries hey pray these wisdom that there's wisdom guard rails lead us not teach us the difference to discern good and evil teach just what's the righteous fulfillment of legitimate needs and what's the illegitimate ways of fulfilling legitimate needs so therefore help us discern the difference and so lead us not to answer the door when temptation knocks and then not to go the next step to deliver us from evil so this is james gall bringing us a teaching and along with rachel tucker on exhorting us on some truth and tactics but one of the primary things is this it really is exposing that the enemy comes with a lure when we hit the valley of comparison and contrast and hopelessness but i have good news for you even the righteous fall down seven times but because the resurrected one christ jesus lives in us we come back again that's good i just re-read um the story of job and if you want to talk about temptation you can go read that and submit all your questions to god because i'm sure dad you can take on some of those theological questions but um you know the devil started taking away all that he had to test joe to to tempt him to discredit god's name and so it's just you know when you've read scripture you can go back and you can see the devil's tactics have not changed they've been the same for a really really long time and there's nothing new under the sun so if you're going through something um i just want to remind you that you're not alone this is not the first time someone has gone through this and the devil is probably just scared of who god has created you to be so rise up and let's shake off the condemnation let's shake off the shame we have an episode we've done before on shame off go watch it because you will get delivered and um shake it off let's come into alignment with who god has created us to be and that's a lot of what daniel 12 3 our theme verse is you know those who shine bright will lead the many to righteousness and um we just thank you guys so much for joining us today we are in the middle of a class called the discern discerning the times and the seasons and um you get dad was it last week you guys just had bill johnson on or this week right and you guys can still jump in on it there's like nine different speakers that have that are a part of it and even though it's already started you can go back and watch any of them in replay and then jump on the ones that are live coming up but i just wanted to quickly mention that to you guys so you can join and be a part and of course this book is a really great resource if this is like scratching an itch but you know you want to learn more i encourage you to check out that book i'll have a link in the description for you guys and then um always if you guys want to sow a seed into the ministry we would love to have you a part of our partners um and there's a link in the description if you'd like to give through our website and then there's a link that you can or like a little donate button you can give through through facebook and then text to give if you live in the u.s that's okay thank you thank you for partnering with us today and allowing rachel and me to be with you the way that we are with each other all the time all right rachel it is very true yeah it was just we were just normal that's the way we are and so but anyway thank you everyone for your time and for allowing us to interact with you on the truth and adding in some of the tactics on dealing with temptation this is james gall and this is rachel tucker and it's a joy and an honor to come into your homes to help bring insight for the days in which we live amen god bless you [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: James Goll
Views: 681
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: James, Goll, Rachel Tucker, insight
Id: Z6jcUj_elAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 27sec (2907 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2021
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