Inside the World’s Fastest Private Jet - My EBACE2022 visit

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(upbeat music) - Welcome to EBACE, your largest business aviation show. We're going to experience the latest and the future of business aviation together in the video. (upbeat music) - We achieved a supersonic flight. - It's like a flying car here, the global premier of the Dassault Falcon 6X, my first time inside the eVTOL, I don't fly it, like, some computer's flying it, who doesn't like it, BBJ, right? The space here. I lost count, how many engine this aeroplane has? - There's actually 30 engines. - Ladies and gentlemen, introducing the new Bombardier Global 8000 aircraft, (crowd cheers) the Global 8000 will be the fastest civil aeroplane Since the Concorde. Our test aircraft repeatedly broke the sound barrier and NASA chase aeroplane confirmed it. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we achieved a supersonic flight and we did this with using sustainable aviation fuel. The Global 8000 entering service in 2025. - Here she is, beautiful model of the Bombardier Global 8000. Just announced at EBACE today. The airplane's going to fly further 8,000 nautical miles at a faster speed at Mach 94. In fact, they just mentioned during the test, they went over supersonic speed on a business aviation liner. Welcome to all the Gulf Stream lineup at EBACE from the entry level to the top range, let's explore them all. - This is kind of our latest and greatest avionics. We call it the symmetry flight deck, and you're going to see commonality in the 500, the 600, the 700, and then our newest products, the 400 and the 800, will virtually be identical cockpits in the, some of the future aircraft, like the 700, 800, you're going to have dual HUD, a lot of touchscreens. We have 10 individuals touchscreens. The four main display units are manipulated through what we call a cursor control device, kind of a computer mouse. And then the rest of them are touchscreen. And we also have swipe gestures kind of like you're used to on an iPhone or an iPad. - And there's dual away with a yoke. So now we saw side stick flying. - Correct. And go ahead and move it. You'll notice that it mimics your movement - fly by wire. - And so now it isn't fly by wire, We call it an active control stick, active side stick. And we're the first in the industry to have that. And of course that gives you much, really good situational awareness on what the other pilot's up to. - On board, the flagship of Gulf Stream, finally. - This is the flagship, Sam. This is the G700, the largest aircraft in its class, 7,500 nautical mile range on this aeroplane and in this aeroplane, Now we have four living areas, spaced out, the areas for work, areas for relaxation, areas for dining. And then back here in the back of the aircraft, we can close it off and we can create a nice bedroom environment. - See in Gulfstream family, the numbers higher means the bigger the space, the longer, how far this aeroplane can fly. - This aeroplane can fly 7,500 nautical miles nonstop. And as an example of what we did coming over here to Geneva, we flew Savannah to Geneva nonstop, seven hours and 37 minutes on a completely sustainable fuel. A big benefit of this aircraft is its cabin altitude. So at that altitude that we flew over at, we were right around 2,900 feet on the cabin altitude. - According to the website, this aeroplane costs about $75 million, which is right now the flagship of Gulf Stream. I love the badge, he has a no plane, no gain. This is why we are here. But Mr. Ed, I want to know what are the differences? Three years ago, the EBACE 2019. Now we are EBACE 2022. What's new here? - Oh, the technology, Sam, has advanced by leaps and bounds. Today we have on display electric aircraft. We've got flying cars. We've got hydrogen aircraft. The state of the the technology has made quantum leaps forward. And so has the enthusiasm within the industry. On-demand air mobility, the ability to get where you need to go, When you need to go there, safely, securely, and sustainably, that's on display. - This is why I come to the show. I get all the cool gadgets here. This is so cool. No plane, no gain. Now this is pretty unreal. This is not just a car, right? This is a car. It flies, like a flying car here. Like I can see there's actually the altimeter. There's also all the gauges instrument, not just the car one, but also the aviation, combined. How cool is that? How far are we away from driving or flying a flying car? - Yeah. It's sooner than you think. So this is actually an aircraft. You can park in your own garage. You drive it to an airstrip and then in five minutes you follow from that, into this. So this is actually the aircraft mode. So in three to five minutes, you unfold the rotor blades, propeller, and you can take off wherever you want to go. - Three to five minutes, you can convert from a car to a plane. - Yeah, that's correct. - Is there a manual conversion? How do you convert it? Is it complicated? - Yeah, it's partly manual, partly automatic. So you pull out the tail, then you pull the rotor blades forward Then you push a button and the whole system goes up and you have a rotor of about 11 metres that will take you 500 kilometres in distance. - My friend looks like Elon Musk here, but he's maybe the Elon Musk of EVTOL. Right? So introduce about this aircraft eHang, it looks very interesting. - Well, thank you so much for that compliment. I think that's more dedicated to our CEO and founder, but I appreciate that a lot. Anyhow, guys, what you see here is the first fully autonomous and electrical passenger drone on this planet. It's not a prototype. It's a serial model and already in full operations in certain markets worldwide. It has 16 rotors. All of them are connected with their own electrical engine. So it's a hundred percent sustainable, zero emissions, and all of them are linked with their own battery. So you have a very high level of redundancy. Four of them can stop working and you still stay safely up in the air. It goes a top speed of 130 kilometres per hour, over a flight distance of 35 kilometres. And can carry up to two passengers with a payload of 230 kilogramme. - Well, you know, we saw a lot of those futuristic stuff. This is just like a DJI drone, imagine 16 rotors to launch, right? Let me try out a cabin. See if it's comfortable. - Sure. - All right. - Go inside - This is my first time inside the EVTOL. This is it. Well, so how do I fly this thing? I don't fly it, like some computer's flying it. - Absolutely. Basically the cabin is meant for two passengers. So you don't need a pilot, but the artificial intelligence, the autopilot is your pilot. - Oh, so it's actually controlled by a computer on the ground. I guess the next step in our journey is coming out of our house, taking one of these EVTOL, vertical takeoff and go to our destination and landing. That will be the future. I'm at the global premier of the Dassault Falcon 6X first time that's showing this aeroplane, captain, let's go inside and check it out. - Let's go inside. - I'm just sitting in the cockpit here at a 6X, Captain Philip. Now, silly question, - Yes. - When the aeroplane will enter service? - So as our sales execs said, by mid next year, we are well advanced in the flight testing phase and also in the certification phase. - So what's your maximum cruising attitude on this? - Oh, it will be flight level 510, which is very high, but usually we will finish the trip at four seven. There's no real point of climbing higher - 47,000 - Even 47,000, you are above all the rest of the traffic. So you have no congestion at all. - I see a very colourful VFA screen here, Are these touch screen or what are the improvements here? - No. The improvements are in the quality of the navigation map. And you see that you have got all the airfield in the world with full detail on the parking stand, the taxiways. And so that's easy for designed for us by Honeywell, okay. And you have got the ANAV with a much better resolution and on this ANAV, you can see all the surrounding traffics. - There's so many jets I've seen. What can you summarise Dassault Falcon in one word? - Fighter DNA. - Right? So we are top guns here. - Yes - I'm Maverick and you're Goose. - All right, okay. - Three years ago, I remember I was sitting the mock up at Paris Air Show, and now I'm sitting on the real aeroplane and then there's a double sofa. Of course it can convert to a real bad. It's always great to be on board BBJ, who doesn't like it, BBJ, right? The space here. Great to see you captain. - Absolutely. Thank you, Sam. Welcome aboard today. We're on a BBJ vintage aircraft that we have. It's one of our customers', it's bespoke, just like all of our BBJs are. So we have a wonderful interior here. it's incredible in terms of the amount of space and opportunity that you have. So there's a, you can see a dining area here next to that is a conference area. And then you have a bed with a wonderful bath and lav and shower as well. - If there's a campaign to live on the aeroplane, I will put my hands up, who doesn't like it. There's space to lounge, space to eat, space to conference work, and space to shower and sleep. You know? - So if you like this aircraft Sam, this is just the entry level. So on top of the 737 Max, we have the 787, we have the 777 and coming next, the 777X. - 777X. But I think my favourite is none of these. It has to be the biggest, the best one to me, 747-8. But I wish I'm a head of state, only head of states can afford one of those. - 747-8 is a wonderful aeroplane. We've made multiple models all over the world. So, hopefully you get a chance to get on one of those as well. - Long live the queen. I was outside and I found this gentleman came to me, he told me he was the designer of the 737 BBJ I just toured. This is Yves and Karine. How long until you came up with that design? - Well, less than six months. And so we are from Pinto Design in Paris, which is a very famous design company. And we design many aircraft from 747 to Airbus, Boeing. This is one of ours. - We developed two years back. - And the interior is typically French, 1930 art deco. - Zara Rutherford is the youngest lady who circumnavigate around the world in a light sports aeroplane. I'm a light sports pilot. I fly a sling, what kind of aeroplane you fly in, Sara? - I flew Shark around the world. - How fast is aeroplane going? - 150 Knots, great endurance. Just an amazing aircraft. - Right. VFR completely around the world. - That's right, VFR. - That's lots of inspiration, I think I'm going to do like what you do, but I won't break the record. I won't be the youngest. Sara, what are your scariest moment? This is a large challenge to circumnavigate. - Yeah. There were a couple moments here and there. I struggled a little bit in Russia, actually in Siberia because at the time I was flying in November and it was really cold. I think the coldest temperature I was flying over was minus 35 degrees Celsius. I wasn't sure how the Shark was going to cope, how the Rotax engine was going to cope and luckily the grade, but it was one of those flights that I was nervous, the whole way. It was seven hours over Siberia. And there was nothing in between my departure and destination, just snow and ice, not even trees. It was so cold. - What can you say to our audience who are a lot of aviator in the future? They're also planning to fly just like you. - Yeah. I think go, make it fun. Go on adventures. You know, don't that doesn't mean fly around the world, but go to different air fields, you know, go do something very crazy. Don't limit yourself to, small things. And the other day, actually I was doing my instrument reading and I phoned up LAX to see if I could just do touch and go on the, at the airport. And they said, yeah, you can land. And then back taxi and take off again. And that's what I did at LAX, which was pretty cool. - You have been toured around for a while, what's your favourite aeroplane so far at the show you have seen? - So I loved seeing the Falcon 6X earlier. That was a lot of fun. Just went to see the King Air in the cockpit, really nice as well. Now we're hoping to get a tour in the Gulf Stream as well - See how you want to go to circumnavigate around the world in some of these bigger aeroplane next time - That would be pretty good, yeah. - You'll smash the record. - Thank you so much, Sara. You're a great inspiration. Love you. Back in the exhibition here, I met Europe's largest charter broker Lunajets. Now I understand there's more and more people flying private. Is that right? You guys must be doing really well and busy. - We are very busy, Sam. Last year, we had a thousand new clients coming into the private aviation in our business. We did 8,000 flights and already this year we're up 90%. - Shall people want to try private, go directly, contact the operator, or there's more advantage using a broker. - Of course, I will say there's more advantage using a broker. We are in the industry to represent the client's interest. So when a client contacts us, we contact in a click 50 different operators. So if somebody wants to go direct, of course they can, but it's going to take more time. And then pricing wise, we know exactly the kind of price that the client should pay. And operators will not necessarily give the best price to a client directly, but through us, because we also have deals with operators, we can buy upfront many hours during the year. We can get a discount that then we pass onto our clients. - We're seeing everybody's back to travelling. The airport's getting crowded, what's your take on the market forecast for the private jet charter demand. - We're expecting a very, very busy summer, Sam. Lots of people are coming back. We already have a lot of booking for July, August all the way up to the 15th of September. Our problem now is going to be finding aircraft because availability, it's going to be very difficult and the prices will be going up because there's more demand and the same amount of jets on the tarmac ready to fly. - You're already number one in Europe in charter sales, what can be the next? - There's plenty more to do Sam. There's plenty more. We have a huge plan for expansion and we're expanding geographically opening new offices. So we are hiring in places like Monaco, London, Paris, Eastern Europe in Riga, namely, and in Dubai at the moment. And then we're also expanding our business units. So we have Luna Solutions already, which is a sales and acquisition business unit. We want to expand our cargo unit, cargo charter, and we want to expand our group charter. - This is all the fun that EBACE, we're at Jetex, which looks like a soccer field. Very creative stand here. What's all this football about, what's all the theme about today? - 2022 is a World Cup year. - Yeah. World Cup is on. - This is what we are going to do, support all the aircraft We're planning to attend the World Cup in Doha by our location in Dubai and the GCC. So please, join Jetex when you are flying to Doha to attend the World Cup. Thank you very much. - Now this is a weird looking flying thing. There's six engine on one side, 12 engine. I lost count how many engines this aeroplane has? - There's actually 30 engines. - 30 Engines on the aeroplane. - Yes. - That's something good. - People like it. Usually, they like it better than two, right? - So this is all what wind power or what is it? Powered by what? - So those are actually electric engine, the ducted fans and the entire engine turns on the flap as you're going from a vertical position to a horizontal position. - When are you expecting this flying creature to fly? - So this creature is actually named Lilium Jet and we are planning on having a type certificate by 2025. The ceiling of the aircraft is going to be slightly, I mean, around 10,000 feet, the speed will be average about 250 kilometres per hour. And the physical range of the aircraft is going to be about 250 kilometres. Meaning you can fly for an hour. However, there are reserve policies. So the final range will be communicated shortly. - We saw a lot of aeroplane outside on display, but indoor here, this airplane's very different. He told me this is a hybrid aeroplane. Explain to me about what hybrid means. - Yeah. So here behind me is Pipistrel hybrid Panthera. It has hybrid powertrain, meaning it can utilise two power sources, in this case batteries, which are in the wings or the gen set, which is in the middle of the nose section of the aircraft to cover the distance. The result is an aircraft that is zero emission. When it is near the airports, takeoffs, landing, taxiing and all of the above. - This looks like a charger for the aeroplane, right? - Yeah. So this is the most powerful charger that you can have to fly an electric aeroplane, which still doesn't require to rewire your house. It basically adds one minute of flight in one minute of charging. So it's pretty good. - What's the cruise range. You know how fast the speed this aeroplane can fly? - Oh, Panthera Hybrid flies at 170 knots. - Oh, fast, 170. - It's a fast aeroplane. Retractable gear. Excellent aerodynamics, very clean shapes, as you can see. - Well, I see one advantage for student pilots. The costs will be lower to flying this aeroplane. - It is 70% more cost effective to operate than a mainstream trainer. So the difference is vast. - When do we expect to see this hybrid aeroplane in the sky? - It'll take some time to move from the experimental to a type certified version, but we're looking forward to bringing this to the customers within this decade. - We are continuing the tour. You might not heard of Textron, but I'm sure in aviation, you heard of Cessna or Beechcraft. And that's where Textron came together from Cessna and Beechcraft, walk us through, you have a lot of aeroplanes on display, walk us through all the models you have on offer here. - First in our light jet category, we have the entry jet, which is our M2 Gen 2 four passengers can go about 1,184 nautical miles at a price point of around $5.8 million . One step up from that is the CJ3 Plus, it can go about 1800 nautical miles at a price point of around $9 million. Next up from that we have on display. Here is the CJ4 Gen 2, all new interior at a price point around $11 million. And that's got a range of about 1,926 nautical miles. Our larger jets, our part 25 aircraft certified for two pilots. We have the all new XLS Gen 2 with a range of about 2100 nautical miles with four passengers at a price point of around $15.5 million. We have our Latitude, which is the best selling mid-size jet in its class of a price point of around $20 million, has a range of 2,700 nautical miles. And then we have our newest flagship, which is the Citation Longitude with a range of about 3,500 nautical miles at a price point of around $29.5 million dollars. - Is it true, we have a lot of buyer just show up their money and say, I want to buy this $5 million jets. - Yeah, absolutely. We have that type of customer. You know, that's the reason for these shows is to get it to the hands of the customers, let them get hands on, see the product. You talk about the popularity of the Cessna and the Beechcraft brands, just for your reference, We just delivered our 8000th Citation aircraft. - And behind me is a homemade, made in Swiss, the PC 24, the mountain specialist. I still remember three years ago, I flew with a test pilot. We landed at Gstaad before coming to Geneva, and this aeroplane is quite different, 'cause it lands on dirt strip. It's not, you have to land on the asphalt runway. It can land on dirt and a big cargo door in the back. Bom dia, a beautiful day with my Brazilian friend here at Embraer. - Bem-vindo, Sam. And next time we'd like to invite you to fly with us in the Phenom 300 in the cockpit. This is the fastest, best selling single pilot jet and would like to have you with us next time. - Let's go. I think I'm ready for take off. - Let's do it. Sam, how many hours you've got now. - I've got about 148 hours. - Nice. When you get some more hours, we want to invite you to fly our Praetor 600, our transatlantic super midsize plane. - All right, everybody on the video, this is what Embraer said, we hold that to account. I'm going to check out a 600. Thanks for watching the video of this newsworthy event. I hope you found something you like and see you at a next EBACE in 2023 May.
Channel: Sam Chui
Views: 1,267,907
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EBACE, EBACE2022, Bombardier Global 8000, Gulfstream G700, Dassault Falcon 6X
Id: ySfNX093dDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 31sec (1411 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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