Inside the Wellness Festival for Millionaires | Fringes

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thank you mind Valley people and eight casters are called change makers Blissful Warriors creating a better world we choose People based on the concept of how powerful a change can they create they have more fun they make more money and they give more back that's kind of their philosophy Everyone's an entrepreneur everyone's a self-help Guru when this many people collaborate to live your spirit watch out are you caged in not hitting your full potential desperate to make a change well boy do I have an event for you a Fest formerly known as awesomeness Fest is an annual super Elite invite only Festival that promises to radically change your life you unlock yourself to really be big run by Mindvalley this is distilled Silicon Valley alt Wellness marketed to the wealthy and aspirational across the globe somewhere between burning man and a TED Talk for the low low price of three thousand dollars you can become part of the crop at the annual afest you will be treated to four days of seminars which range from stem cell dick injections we can inject PRP directly into the sexual organs how to tap your trauma away I'm open to loving and accepting myself all the way to how to read a book by simply placing your hand on it to sense information not by reading a book but by touching a book The Man Behind the whole business is Vision lakiani he progressed from selling meditation CDs online to owning a 40 million dollar company with thousands of loyal followers around the world you've got to go really deep with it answer is all within I have secured a golden ticket to the event in a bit to see whether I can become less negative and less pathetic setting myself up for a future of corporate and spiritual success [Applause] so I've just arrived at afest in Jordan I've been given my very large lanyard with my name on it I'm in kind of a corporate five-star hotel we've got these kind of Silicon Valley Tech Lords walking around and then on the other hand there's a meditation element to it it's a spiritual healing agenda that just seems to be two different worlds colliding today we have a reunion of change makers dinner party I a hopefully we'll be making some changes to myself this this weekend I think I'm quite standoffish a bit reserved a bit grumpy I need to get a new loss for life and join the tribe and get stuck in before I get stuck into my schedule I've been granted the honor of an official welcome from the man himself Vision I official hey welcome to I'll be supposed to hug okay welcome welcome to afest so let me give you a tour of what's Happening everything everything starts here oh goodbye princess room nice to meet you tomorrow so there are so many incredible people here that was Princess rim al-alali of Jordan the thing about afes is the speakers are amazing but really this is all about the community talk me through the schedule for the next few days so people connect deeply when you have a shared experience of insight or a shared experience of all and that's what we do so the talks are designed to give you insights new discoveries new ideas that you want to talk about yeah and then the evening events are designed to fill you with ore that is a formula for human connection and that's one of the reasons why people connect so deeply here because the higher up you get the lonelier it gets to start the event we have a welcome talk in the conference room it's 9am and it's kicking off I'm successful already this is a Serendipity accelerator pressure cooker social connecting portal of transformation please join me in expressing my profound gratitude for vision [Applause] [Music] the Adoration in the room for vision is palpable everything in afest and mine Valley seems to revolve around him as a spiritual leader he is just a genius he's just this like Visionary creative genius he's a Visionary yeah definitely from his character very happy to know him Vision has set the theme for this year's afest as making connections so it's time to make some friends I spot a Target on his own by the pool um so I don't know anyone here and I'm looking for some friends I know the problem of people you want to connect somehow what I like about mind belly yes and especially a first year people who are really want to be successful in all areas of life so I like this combination of in and out of success would you be up for maybe being my friend yes of course yeah that's great well I'll see you at dinner yes if you get up first you have to save my seat I will yeah I put it back on it since yeah yes all right thank you very much you're welcome success a friend this means I won't be alone at the change makers dinner party tonight so we've gone for the CEO dress and then like a bit of fun with the hat and it shows I'm kind of coming out of myself um and that's you know a sign of change do you think it's a bit much the icon hat I think it's okay okay I've seen my mate I'm gonna go over there we had an arrangement I know he's talking to someone else he said he was gonna meet me I think it might be the hat so I'm going to get rid of the heart my new friend is socializing with no fear I need to do the same and I've spotted some Fedora wearing future mates hi guys hello um oh hi can I sit here absolutely thank you how are you finding everything it's amazing so many beautiful people yeah I keep hearing that word a lot yeah what are you most looking forward to like I mean it's probably what everybody's going to tell you yeah and what do you think of Visions one of my goals was to meet tradition in person so as soon as I saw him a day first immediately I told him we need to take a picture I Manifest this moment look at that what I create is that you're beautiful I created you with my mind can you explain your theory a bit more about how you created me so I think everything we can create it without a manifestation you know we can think about the thing what we want to happen exactly when I wake up today I've said I'm going to create a greatest day of my life ever and then everything start aligning when people go out and say oh no there's a bad happening all around I said that's your creation that's gonna happen to me that's a big cop-out from some big world traumas yeah it doesn't happen to me can new manifest positivity for me no I cannot you are the one who is going to put your jigs up other together I can't do that for you it's the end of the night and my new friend has had no time for me too busy making connections with other change makers but it's fine I don't care thank you [Applause] [Music] and I've got a big day of personal development ahead signed up for workshops with three of the most prominent Mindvalley authors first up we've got nourage Nike he's an ex-drum and based squat Rave organizer turned breathing Guru teaching his many followers how to achieve orgasmic Bliss for an ancient breath work practice called soma [Music] [Applause] but the music breaks down which is called the breakfast day and this is the point of absolute ecstasy that's all we're going to get to okay so let's begin notice as you bring your awareness of the sound the worries about the future generally because of Fade Away drift away okay [Laughter] [Music] the breath work is most definitely in full swing and I'm struggling to get into it [Music] fact I think I might have a panic attack [Applause] [Music] so anxious literally I was gonna cry but not in light the way they want me to like I can't close my eyes and hear that music it literally trigger me into a panic attack but everyone else seems to be okay with it so I'm just gonna let them do it and ask them how well so how was that for you that was really intense I've done bread book before and the thing is you never know what's going to come up people start crying people start you know shouting screaming and ecstasy you really come alive you realize how much your thoughts restrict the expression of yourself so um what was your experience in that room it was wonderful like my heart now is full of love and gratitude breath work is such a modality that is very very useful when it comes to getting some emotional release and also just connect to others as well it was very emotional but in a positive way with my breath work induced panic attack successfully averted I'm excited to be meeting Linda Clements she promises to revolutionize my body language so people take me more seriously and do business deals with me so how are you reading my body language right well what I love about you said is that you could be a hundred years old and you will always have that little girl in you that playful spirit now the other side is people taking you serious and that first impression is often the most lasting one we're in a world today with so many distractions you know technology is great but high tech will never ever replace High touch Let's do an exercise so there's a party the party started at nine o'clock but it doesn't start to I arrive so when you walk into the door you enter the door I always say to the women Paul's look around the room give the room the world a chance to know yes I arrive and ladies they're different kinds of walks you've got your saltering walk you want to see that yeah okay now I want you first to practice the sultry walk like you're the star you are the one you are the power [Music] did you see her eyes she's got the eyes people looking in the room who is that um [Music] very good thank you very much now I can do sexy walk and be taken seriously I have an appointment with Marie Diamond she's a Belgian feng shui master who is going to teach me which direction to face at all times get yourself a bubbling Fountain and put it in the west of your office or the west of your living room we have students of 190 countries some of my celebrity clients who are like Jody Foster Steven Spielberg Big Sean so I have a free app it's called Marie diamond and we're going to check out your energy number and then see what you need to do in your home to activate your energy in order to do that I need to get your birds okay so if you can fill that in right yeah confirm you confirm and gender female you'll calculate spinning it's spinning your number is that good yes it's very good so it actually means you are a connector that's the perfect place to be then is atheist it is and so your successive action in your home is actually Southwest okay and so yeah so over there in that corner so anything that is there needs to represent success so you have a garbage bin there literally you're throwing all your success in the garage it's what's programmed in it in order to kind of get but there's a calculation based on your birthday and then based on that on that calculation we know what are the right energies for you so I started the morning with a good session on body language which I feel is like quite a tangible thing to kind of get my head around um but there are some things at afest which aren't so tangible like potentially the energy app which I can't quite get my head around it's interesting to see these two sitting as Neighbors on schedule a first the sun is Now setting over the kingdom of Jordan and that can only mean one thing it's time for the Bedouin tribe themed party [Music] [Applause] this is a bit awkward everyone they shouldn't be wearing headdressers and women actually and that Camel looks like it's had a huge dose of kisses [Applause] taught me for your outfit I've been tonight I was better one yeah and it's it's a stepping you know do you think some people could find it a little problematic it's problematic for white people that think too much about these things but I think people just have a lot of guilt and that's why they said about things like that is that part of my a first experience to be less sensitive your experience is up to you my own experience has not yet yielded any proper connections Meanwhile my so-called friend is off making profound connections with other change makers again you're trying to everyone it makes it yes yeah no no I I I I I have I have loads yep drowning in them [Music] over the last couple of days with the help of the authors and attendees I've done my best to become one of the Mind Valley tribe as I wash away my sins in the Dead Sea Awakening ritual I realize I may have been too cynical I have made friends I have made connections am I finally becoming a dare I say it change maker I wonder if I'm healing maybe I am before I go to the clothing party and fly home to my new positive life I have an opportunity to sit down with the Wizard of Oz himself for a final check-in Vision has been so busy during the festival he hasn't been able to see all the changes I've made no my team says I have to be at the closing so we have 25 minutes so I've met so many amazing people and a lot of them are so desperate to get a piece of you and I get a photo with you you seem to be like a kind of self-improvement Guru and I just want to know what your journey was of self-improvement well well firstly I don't like that word guru and out of 400 people over here only 20 have asked me for a picture so it's not true that everyone wants to get a picture with me and it is absolutely not true that everybody wants a piece of me but what I create is a container where people want a piece of each other normally in Wellness you kind of know wants to talk about like the money or the business side of things and I feel like here those two worlds kind of come together people think self-improvement is just about being healthy or being happy it's not self-improvement is the secret to making money money should motivate us because money is a measure of the value that you're contributing to the world right but money shouldn't be the only motivator why is the wellness industry so popular right now I think it's because we're understanding that the world in the way it's run from the past generation it's pretty messed up millions of people work to produce craptastic products to induce other human beings to put these products in our body at the expense of our health and the health of our planet so with our next event we are completely banning all American drinks all craptastic products they're going to war against Coca-Cola if we can if you're talented and you work for Coca-Cola you should be ashamed of yourself you hate Old McDonald's no no I don't hate anyone okay but I have a righteous anger against the system okay and if you don't have a righteous anger you don't create change Mindvalley people and atheists are called change makers not Wellness enthusiasts if the Buddha was alive today the Buddha wouldn't just be meditating under a Bodhi Tree the Buddha would be an activist the Buddha would be the CEO of a company creating change the Buddha would be a badass it's about Bliss but it's also about the fists oh why don't you just tell me you were here no tell me tell me don't don't make me guess no no no you can you can see I'm not checking my phone come tap me on the shoulder I can we can always do a retake but just keep me informed okay thanks Vee but future just remembered that tip okay everything is good and we can be there sure so just remember the tip communicate thanks of all the people I've spoken to at a first that was the naggiest energy and that's the leader sorry not leader owner of my Valley I don't even know what your words to use anymore I feel like I've been corrected on most things I feel like he switches on his like nicey nicey and then as soon as the camera stops he just went he just didn't even looked in the eye and just went off I'm quite glad that's the last day but I've actually met some really amazing people here and everyone has such a refreshing positive outlook on life and he created it so I can't follow him for that it's time for the final party I have to put everything I've learned into practice you are the one who is going to put your jigs up other together spirit you mean and me you're the star you are the one you are the power where is the flow the strongest for you you are a positive person I love my life I love my life I love my life [Music] [Music] okay so let me get Marie Zapp out and find out which way is going to best serve me [Music] that way [Music] I love my life so what do you think of my walk your walk oh my goodness girl you own the room when you walked into the room the men of all I want you to practice becoming like sexy liquid [Music] it's probably probably Smiles he represents love and happiness so every person that hacked him will connect with all this positive energy and love and you will feel his heart Beauty oh my gosh so tell me what you feel open a little heart yes afest has been a trip am I more positive now probably not will I be a change maker again probably not but did I make some good friends along the way out absolutely apart from this traitor and these are friends who seem genuinely happy with a go-getter world view that I could only dream of a-fest is part of a new wave of transformational festivals where partying needs to have some sort of Spiritual Development packaged in wherever these epiphanies will extend past the hangover is yet to be seen it's definitely not for everyone and features some questionable Wellness beliefs but everyone finds inspiration in different ways and if you've got a spare three thousand dollars and a decent collection of fedoras this might be the event for you [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] foreign
Channel: VICE
Views: 1,539,888
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: documentary, documentaries, docs, interview, culture, lifestyle, world, exclusive, independent, underground, videos, journalism, vice guide,, vice, vice magazine, vice mag, vice videos, film, short films, movies, wellness 2022, wellness retreat, awesomeness festival, festival, breathing exercises, breathwork, mega rich, super rich, entrepreneur, change makers, self help, guru, party, silicon valley, burning man, ted talk, mindvalley meditation, Vishen Lakhiani, mindvalley silva method
Id: 1BbNvim11fI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 30sec (1350 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 27 2022
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