BlowDown: Impossible Demolitons | Complete Series | Free Documentary

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foreign a demo team chases a new world record we cannot take any chances let's not a hurricane through Tower stands in their way we don't have a handle on this structure we have no way to get the explosives in no place to put the building it's going to be a problem three Invincible cores does it get better as we go up no multi-million dollar Neighbors we're going way off the book with us it could be a record-shattering drop fire four a world-class disaster [Music] [Music] South Padre Island Texas nearly a million people hit these beaches every year more and more want to stay it may be a developer's dream but the race to build comes at a price in this construction Frenzy one site sits abandoned this is Ocean Tower condemned before it was even completed it was built on a defective Foundation and is sinking into the sand it's a 77 million dollar mistake hundreds of metal Shores hold the building up columns crack under the weight as the tower sinks Into The Sandbar it tilts to the north threatening homes just 46 meters away Ocean Tower must be demolished controlled demolition Incorporated has accepted this challenge in all the years I've been working with CDI all over the world I've never seen a structure this well reinforced this well built it could be record-breaking a reinforced concrete structure this High has never been imploded we've got a 33-story traditionally reinforged Tower that rises above a parking garage the tower itself has got one massively reinforced elevator core and it's got two stairwells that are separately reinforced the tower's height is a demolition nightmare there are mansions to the north a highway to the West and park facilities to the South Mark luazo see cdi's demolition designer must drop this 116 meter Tower to the east but he faces a major problem even here the tower is 30 meters too long to land without causing damage if it comes down at its full height it will crush these federally protected Dunes or the expensive homes right next to them stay in the drop zone Mark needs to shorten the tower by breaking its spine as it falls powerful weather systems are a fact of life here the structure was engineered to survive hurricane force winds cores are nearly seven times thicker than an average residential buildings if we can't control the Elevator Shaft we can't control the building and we don't have that much room to work with the property line to the north lies just three and a half meters away losing control is not an option normally this family business from Phoenix Maryland implode structures because they've passed their product [Applause] Ocean Tower is the newest high-rise CDI has ever dealt with this time Mark has to push demolition engineering to its limits first we're going to straighten the tower because there's a bit of a tilt about four and a half inches to the north side so shortening we're going to straighten the tower up in the delay sequence then we're going to tilt the tower to the East and as the tower tilts we're going to cut it at different levels so as it comes over and collapses the debris pretty much stays within the original footprint of the garage the first step Mark needs to figure out how much rebar reinforces the tower's spine there you go these core walls are up to nine and a half meters long and more than three quarters of a meter thick a skid steer arrives to open them up [Applause] but the skid steer can't even penetrate the concrete come look at it don't look good Tom and you're not even in the rebar yet not yet look how hard that is Plan B Plan B load and shoot the question is can Greg you put a hole in it we would have to find out the rebar configuration remains a mystery higher up a salvage crew strips ocean Towers riches these Suites are almost complete Plumbing installed bathrooms tiled and walls ready for paint brand new materials built to last for decades ripped out before their time metal Shores installed to take stress off the failing columns are exceptionally valuable these are salvageable you know there's a market for these we can probably sell them for three to four hundred dollars a piece thank you they'll recycle more than 66 000 tons of material 85 of what went into the building on the east side of the Tower the parking garage deals Mark another big challenge most of it sits right where he needs to land the tower but he's not sure if he should remove it it's a post-tension structure something the crew doesn't usually come up against tension beams are made of concrete but they're also filled with dozens of cables these are pulled tight and then secured with metal anchors at both ends this makes the beam stronger perfect for a car garage but potentially disastrous for CDI you've got beams here that have almost 2 000 Kips that's 2 000 times a thousand pounds tensile strength if we drop the structure on that rubber band that is stretched that tight and it snaps where does it go thousands of one and a half kilo anchors could terrorize the neighborhood some of these post-tension beams also run under the faulty Tower demolishing the garage before shot day could send the building into a free fall and at that point the tower would just inexorably move there's no stopping it faces a difficult choice leave the garage intact and risk anchors flying or demolish it and hope the tower doesn't come down early he needs to learn more about the garage before he makes the call back in the tower Craig keys and Tom doubt try to penetrate the cores they need to drill past the concrete to the Reebok but like the skid steer they can't seem to find a way through this is where we try to get either five holes Inside the Box you see how much we had to move the holes that's you know for the burn that's all right but I'd really like to see this all the way through Tom's disappointed this is bad news the cores seem impenetrable but they must be broken or the tower will overshoot the Drop Zone it's an expensive mistake I have a federal Park I've got protected Dunes with all that planning out there that will cost hundreds of thousand dollars to replace Mark must figure out a way to avoid this eco-disaster or the aftermath will cost him big time [Music] Mark needs to find a way through ocean Towers course or this demolition is destined to fail the only time we've run up against concrete this hard and reinforcing that is this massive in a structure is in nuclear construction where we're dealing with structures that are no more than three or four stories tall here we're dealing with a structure that's 33 stories tall the reason this monster Tower sits in a hurricane Zone winds here can reach more than 218 kilometers an hour so the high-rise is designed to resist annihilation now machines are failing to penetrate its hurricane-proof cores Marx never had this problem before he calls in his brother Doug I really needed his experience and his expertise he has far more experience blasting heavily reinforced concrete than I they consider an unprecedented plan foreign cores with explosives before shot day normally they use test blasts to see how a structure will react to this type of demolition but they've never tried to reduce the strength of a building with explosives before the implosion until now we determined that it would be best to modify the cores themselves by pre-blasting holes so essentially leaving the cores standing up on legs much more efficient to deal with that with explosives for the first time ever EI will use explosives to attack a structure before shot day [Music] meanwhile Mark gets a break he discovers that post-tension beams at the East end of the parking garage do not run underneath the tower this means it should be safe to demolish the part that sits in the drop zone Mark assigns Ray zakowski post tensioning is about the hardest thing to wreck conventionally it's about two million pounds in every one of those little cables cracks the concrete and loosens the concrete up once it goes slack it's lost tension and then we can chew in it and make it come down [Music] the excavator has to avoid the protected Dunes to the east so the operator works from the south side he must pulverize almost 2 000 square meters of the garage as he moves in he gets closer to these damaged columns and the tower Doug and Tom get ready to pre-blast the cores they've never done this before so they worry about flying debris I'm just wondering for the first shot is this gonna with neighbors I think we'd be better off just doing downstairs that's why I was thinking they load two walls with different amounts of dynamite we're just kind of playing blind right now until we see the results of this usually you can bless country with a half a pound per cubic yard some of these would probably have 10 pounds to the cubic yard you can't use the rule of thumb loading densities we're going way off the book with this they've loaded dynamite in a series of circles larger than the last explosives closest to the center will go off first then the explosions will radiate out this should shatter the concrete and leave two legs dug them into red [Music] can you see anything oh we're through oh yeah you're clear Victor come on up see that's beautiful yeah it is we're gonna need a couple of brooms and a couple of shovels to clean up this stairwell I'm good here's your burn both shots blasted through the concrete there's five here Doug there are yep one two three four and five but smaller quantities of dynamite loaded into more holes works best you don't need to muscle concrete out what we need to do is rely on our sequential pattern on how we initiate the delays good news for the loaders bad news for the struggling Drillers they'll have to muscle even more holes into the cores if you look straight in there I don't know how they got a hole at all and there's another serious concern cover down didn't it well debris rip through the protective covering and shattered ocean Towers triple pane windows it's great it did a fine job but the byproduct was unacceptable that was too much fun the neighbors are a stone's throw away Doug will have to fine-tune the pre-blasting plan things are getting ugly in the parking garage I called the one of my employees out here in the parking garage saying that concrete falling off of the floor slab this is actually one of the pieces of concrete that are popping out of the slab see where the rebar the cable running through the slab this would probably be very bad if you hit get hit on the head with it post tension cables in the beams are snapping shattering the concrete the crew could get their skulls cracked everyone has to evacuate and there's another challenge as we pulverize the building there's still these chunks left hanging on these tendons which we call widowmakers because they could fall down and whack you in the head and take you out like Victor's crew Rey's team can't work in this dangerous environment if he doesn't find a way to rip out the widowmakers he'll have to pull the excavators bringing the project to a Hulk to separate this from that before we go that way as as we go this way it gets really funky I mean one Bay over from where we're stopping is all that Shoring all those damage columns we need to clean this off get screwed straight through it release any pull that this thing has on that my first choice would be to be to sheer them off yeah that next pay man as long as it is we have that spaghetti mess there without putting premium how long's gonna take it to swap out it takes about hey totally an hour all right I mean only one way to find out and if it doesn't work you know I might have to get a torch on it but I don't want to do that no I you know I'd have to get we have to do with the man lift and get up in there it's not fun the operator will try to cut the widowmakers down with a jaw blade [Music] in the tower the crew hammers out a plan for the course they face a difficult trade-off smaller quantities of dynamite spread over a larger area works best but a larger pre-blast area means more loading holes and usable drill holes are hard to come by here's the problem the cores are reinforced with up to six vertical layers of rebar times the normal amount and the layers are staggered it's almost impossible for a driller to get a straight hole through the rebar is really Beyond anyone's expectations when you look at the plans you initially say why would anyone put this much rebar in this structure but there's hope the team clears out some pre-blasted sites now they can finally see the rebar pattern ultimately I'm going to want the Drillers to try to get in here and drill this way Craig we'll try and drill holes between the rebar layers by me drilling longitudinally through the wall I can drill three holes and blast just three holes compared to blasting 40 holes on the outside edge there are seven shot floors this longitudinal drilling could save the team thousands of holes it's a demo Marathon he must push through almost two meters of concrete times the length of a regular hole today he's rewarded and when surprisingly well the rebar is spaced far enough apart to where I can get the longitude holes into it at least in this wall [Music] the drilling is under control but the weather is not a violent storm rolls in Victor [Music] before you on ground floor I'm heading up this does not look good it catches the crew off guard yeah that does not look good does it Victor can't reach workers exposed to the elements on an upper floor I'm gonna head up there now Jesse mcclease rushes up to warn them before the storm's Fury really hits Victor we have stuff coming off the roof of the building too there's uh chunks of insulation lots of dust plastic there's a lot of debris coming off the roof [Music] everyone is evacuated and the day is lost with more than two thousand holes still left to drill more than three weeks pass the crew finally gets a break in the weather clear sunny skies it won't last so they move quickly to drill the upper floors before the storms return if you just walk away slowly they'll release and let you walk but when you go real quick when you go over the edge it stops you from going over the edge gym Master Pool Works a half step away from a 60 meter draw he preps outer columns so the team can load Dynamite his drill weighs 45 kilos 60 miles an hour up here you cast in on the edge it'll just take you right off it's crazy up here [Applause] Ben I've been doing this 10 years and still a little bit of P comes out whenever I have to get on the edge like this [Music] the pre-blasting and drilling show Mark how strong Ocean Tower is worries the three cores won't come down on shot day [Music] the building could Shear away from the hurricane-proof spot Mark has to up his game for this demolition could turn into a record-breaking disaster [Music] Doug and Tom are ready to pre-blast more core walls this demo project marks the first time they've ever used explosives to reduce a building strength before shot day so they're still trying to get the formula down what we're going to do is adjust the loading density cut the amount of exposures we're putting down per hole so we can try to keep the concrete from flying where it could impact the adjacent properties they're loading smaller quantities of dynamite into more holes so they must also fine tune the initiation system why do I put a 475 here you start everything at 300 upstairs 75 is going to initiate the cord I'm going to go Electric to 475 to cord upstairs just Electric oh okay I'm into to split these they work out a plan Victor are you clear all right we're good Tom warm up the machine tell me when you're warmed up five four three two one fire thank you foreign [Music] that's the ticket success the system works they've mastered the pre-blasting but elsewhere a huge setback Craig thought he could drill ocean Towers cores longitudinally but after weeks of work it fails to sink the required holes there's a lot of rebar in this wall where is that supposed to be it's so bad that he can't get a single longitudinal hole into the Elevator Shaft the cores defy one of cdi's best I'm afraid we're resigned to spot drilling the Elevator Shaft just because the steel is too tight he's not going to be able to get a hole in there cdi's demolition designer must up his strategy Mark also worries that the rebar dense cores will defy him on Shantae he decides that a complex network of high tensile steel may do the trick Mark came up with the cabling Plan gave us a drawings uh emailed them last night so now I have to go you know discuss it in principle in the building grab there down we're gonna grab here down and we're going to grab bear down yeah but the crew have never seen anything like this 852 meters of cable connecting cores and columns to one another on five of the towers floors the cable is three times stronger than the kind they normally use because it's never had to work this hard the cables connect the elevator core to the stair cores and then into the columns out in the directional fold as we move through the building those cables will sequentially go in detention creating rotational moment that will pull the tower over toward the Gulf of Mexico Craig hustles to finish the extra work it's from ceiling to floor we just try to grab the top of the column and the bottom of the column through the floor slabs so that the floor slabs help so nothing slides up and down the columns as the building's moving what we have [Music] it's a fun day of the cable right there [Laughter] the cabling's done Tom starts to load Dynamite into the cores he doesn't usually work with a tape measure on most demo sites CDI uses bags filled with sand to space out Dynamite it's called deck loading and it makes explosives more efficient but that won't work in these rebar infested walls if you're trying to push a bag in and you catch a piece of that rebar and that bag Bridges you've now lost that hole and with the structure of this size we don't want to lose a single hole the solution air deck loading Tom calculates the optimal distance between sticks of dynamite and uses a tape measure to physician the explosives this way he gets the benefit of deck loading without the risk at the base of the Tower Doug calculates another crucial load the column I'm loading now is a big controlling column there are four columns that are probably the most important in the building that we have to crack to allow it to bend and then illuminate completely for each hole I'll calculate how many cubic yards or percentage of a cubic yard each hole takes care of and from what 35 years of experience I know how much explosive it takes per cubic yard of this real brittle high density concrete weather continues to plague the crew dangerous winds often confine them to the lower floors but they can't delay anymore someone has to load columns on four of the upper floors once again it's Jim's Lucky Day the height steel gut wrenching but this time there's no sunshine to comfort him change in weather pushes him to the edge he's got a long way to go 39 exposed columns still to load cdi's wiring Guru arrives on site and she doesn't catch a break either every column and core the team has loaded needs to be wired Stacy luazo and her sister Devin are forced to Brave the windy upper floors you want to do this tomorrow but unfortunately the clock's ticking we need to get this done today we'll top it out seriously these are blowing around it's a tangled mess and the wiring has never been this complicated the problem is the stairwells are sort of a mix and match between longitudinal Drilling and spot Drilling treat them very differently her crew must run two initiation lines one for the regular holes and one for the longitudinal holes we can't let these two lines touch they're on two totally different times if these two lines were actually to come into contact with each other basically you could have an entire core going off either five seconds too early or five seconds too late which would be unbelievably bad the tower would fall uncontrollable putting the Neighbors at risk so it's a constant challenge to check double check recheck that these cannot possibly touch each other and think about it Ray we think about how often we Run Court across a little concrete right right but if we put a big piece on it why take the chance that's fine I don't think you need to but yeah I think you do need to soften us yes cut a piece of fabric and just lay it yeah I think that's a good plan we've got to get all these lines weighted down to my satisfaction really which is basically weighting it down every three or four feet it's very time consuming they don't call me the Martha Stewart of demolition for nothing Crews have finished demolishing the east side of the parking garage what's left of the structure is now safe for workers Victor's crew hustles to make up lost time it's when you need to ride [Music] upstairs Ray checks the team's cabling job 35 000 pounds is breaking strength it'll do much more than that you could pick up a tank with this stuff without any difficulty at all but will these cables be enough to pull the tower's cores we'll find out firsthand the mission is to get unprecedented shots of the implosion of this Tower so what we've gone ahead and done is planted 12 cameras strategically placed throughout the tower between the 24th and the roof all this stuff is going to two different boxes we got custom made iron cages to protect the footage for the trip down [Music] it's shot day Stacy and her crew finished wiring the tower they've laid more than four kilometers of detonation cord is there any do you got the weight of this no it's not heavy at all no but you just I just need someone to hold it oh I mean you just need someone to hold it now we need to get the weight off underneath this you can hold it for a minute or two really yes if we cannot take any chances let's not no EDI walks the building to triple check thousands of connections foreign Devin also keep an eye out on your deck loaded columns be sure the green cord is tucked in [Music] when we blast we're gonna find out real fast if we're right or wrong you know we'll either be heroes or bombs police block off a 600 meter exclusion Zone gather to see a world record attempt to drop this Tower CDI takes their positions here's what they'll watch for the team demolished part of the parking garage so the high-rise has a place to land if they didn't remove enough post-tensioning anchors could shoot up Tom and Doug pre-blasted ocean Towers hurricane-proof cores foreign but they could still be strong enough to resist implosion Stacy rigged a complex dual wiring system to shoot the cores at the perfect time if the debt cord crosses engines to the north could be destroyed as the building falls uncontrollably Mark we're in the red well can nine eight seven five fire foreign this could be the highest reinforced concrete structure ever imploded Ocean Tower comes down in 13 seconds it's on the ground Victor calm down report from your side got a lot of dust Mark I'm starting to work my way in now from a distance the high-rise appears to have toppled completely Tom approaches the site Mark waits for a report turn the side of the graph collect the side of the graph right I'm still coming in mark holy debris lies on the wrong side of the fence here's how it all happened fire the pulse reaches the building columns on the East End of the garage detonate first explosives in the upper levels go off all right anchors do not shoot out as the tower Falls the outer part of the structure begins to fold thank you the high-rise doesn't tilt as much as Mark hoped some cables pull others snap the cores hesitate but Stacy's wiring system comes through the spines fail and break up to the east the tower lands in the drop zone foreign footage we get a chance to ride this monster Tower as it crashes to the ground one of the cores doesn't fall as planned the top five floors of a stairwell core rolls off the debris pile and comes to rest outside the northern perimeter [Music] they explore the site relief something here the debris sits only one and a half meters beyond the perimeter we are all clear when the houses to the north Mark Lawson you copy that none of the million dollar homes are damaged but a section of fence is crushed those shafts are just so rigid so tough it just Road Road over and then it rolled off to the side Crews quickly mobilized to clean up everything else went as planned I wish I could have have gotten it to move maybe another 10 15 feet initially then then we got it and maybe we wouldn't have the school problem on the north side but the plan is good to be able to have that energy at your disposal and use it effectively it has to make you smile it has to make your day the mission to drop the highest reinforced concrete structure ever is a success CDI will submit this project to the Guinness Book of World Records Ocean Tower an engineering disaster many would rather forget but in the wake of its destruction the mission to build on this Sandbar will surely continue off the coast of Florida a retired spy ship awaits Burial at Sea I'd be disappointed if it didn't put up a fight a sink team steps up to take her down to scrub and torch this Rusty maze then break her belly with high power explosives can a demo team give this dead ship New Life as a marine habitat or will the sink plan lead them to disaster [Music] thank you [Music] Key West Florida [Music] America's aquatic playground Sanctuary for tourists marine life and this the general hoytes Vandenberg she served the U.S military for almost four decades now this former missile tracking ship has reported for final Duty freed from the rusty grip of the scrap yard this ghost vessel has a new assignment Reef makers selected her to become the second largest artificial Reef in the world Joe wetherby's been with the project since day one we could make her into a world-class underwater classroom a research laboratory and recreational destination or she can go to the way of her sister ship and she can go over to Japan and we'll make Toyotas out of her but scuttling more than 15 000 tons of ship will be a huge challenge the Navy designed her to be Unsinkable 160 meters long with a steel hull nine watertight bulkheads and a complex ballasting system keep the ship afloat to Sinker Crews plan to cut almost 500 holes above and below the water line their purpose to replace air with water as quickly as possible so she goes down level Reef makers has come up with an ambitious plan and they can't do it alone if for some reason we don't execute this this project properly we'll never get another one this is this is our community's one shot to get this right Reef makers recruits Tim Ferriss project manager for Associated Marine Salvage Incorporated those ships inside out assignment holes above the water line and level the ship [Music] a hostile site eight decks High she was stripped and pillaged before reaching Key West the team is dealing with a dead ship none of the systems are functional so lighting ventilating firefighting those have all been torn out a long time ago so we're having to bring in temporary lighting temporary ventilating temporary fighter firefighting into each unit this means a lot of work for the crew and the sync date is not negotiable hurricane season is just five weeks away violent storms and a ship full of holes would spell disaster especially when the ships loaded with explosives on sink day 74 kilos of explosives will be used to cut 42 entry holes in the hall below the water line control demolition steps up to design an explosive system powerful enough to Scuttle the Vandenberg yet intricate enough to keep her level it's family business from Phoenix Maryland our experts in structural implosions but when it comes to sinking ships CDI is a fish out of water the first ship we've ever scuttled so this is taking everything we know about adoption everything we know about the explosives products and reworking the application figuring out how to make it do what we needed to do here it's it's an interesting learning curve it's time for their first test the explosives arrive at a nearby bunker what we're doing today is we're manufacturing our explosive cutting assemblies what we're calling our ecas these are the frames that go on the vessel to create the holes below the water line Tom Dowd cdi's project manager uses brackets to lock metal cutting explosives together at 90 degree angles the result an explosive frame custom designed to cut a perfect square in the ship's Hull back at the dock crews are scouring what remains of pcbs asbestos and lead on the ship [Music] an additional 16 tons of toxic material are removed now it's time for amsi to torch the crew will cut 450 Outlet holes in the walls and Floors on five decks the ship's fire suppression systems don't work anymore so it takes more than one guy to torch as the burner cuts through more than three centimeters of Steel another worker stands armed with a hose these rooms are like sweltering blast furnaces they heat up fast and in the presence of paint and other combustibles an unchecked flame can spread like wildfire a single hole can take two hours to burn across the ship that's thousands of man hours of hard labor here the Hull's really putting up a fight the teams finished this cut but the metal plate won't budge they investigate and discover a pipe welded to the outside of the hull it's beyond the Flame's reach they come up with a solution what he's going to do now is going to cut a little hole through [Music] please [Music] it works the plate finally gives way but it's clear they'll have to battle for every hole and that's not the only challenge on this dead ship this is the engine room normally amsi would use these controls to balance the vessel it's a crucial job the amount of water in each of these ballasting tanks determines how the ship is balanced and the vandenberg's not stable she's heavy on the starboard side the team has to move water in and out of the tanks until she's level so they'll have a better chance at sinking her upright but a previous crew chopped and torched these pipes the once sophisticated ballasting Network can't be fixed we're manually trying to do across the 520 foot long ship what we could have done from this little booth so it takes a lot more effort and a lot more kind of just shooting in the dark shooting from the hip it's like pumping almost 2 million liters of water between 38 tiny swimming pools one hose at a time until this bolt hits Tim's Center mark and as your ballast it gives you a good gauge rather than just going by feel of where you're at so when this thing comes back over to here the ship will be level but it means pushing the Vandenberg to the brink [Music] there's less than four weeks until sink day Crews rushed to prep this former spy ship to become one of the largest artificial reefs in the world today the vandenberg's a dead ship but during the Cold War this old girl was among the technological Elite in 1960 fear of nuclear Annihilation pushed military tension to new heights the United States had built sophisticated missile tracking stations at nine different sites to monitor the Fourteen thousand kilometer Atlantic Missile Range but it wasn't enough these landlocked sites couldn't protect the huge amount of airspace the Vandenberg and her sister ship were the military's mobile tracking Solutions armed with 12 meter high radar dishes and state-of-the-art computer equipment these ships could detect the slightest trace of foreign missile activity and transmit an alert in seconds in the late 90s her distinctive superstructure landed her a role as a Russian spy ship in the tech Thriller virus today she still carries her Cyrillic namesake inside the crew Works to ballast the ship he's coming slowly their goal correct a list that makes the vessel's starboard side heavy one area they pump water out of was the engine room Tim goes to inspect the job and finds a huge problem the engine room's got uh he can't believe it the water's back the 150 000 liter tank they've pumped water into has ruptured and the lower deck is flooded 95 liters a minute Tim has to act fast to redirect the water he kills the pump that's feeding the damaged tank then attacks a ballasting pipe to drain the tank into a watertight compartment it works the water is contained but they still need to repair the tank this means tackling a rusty hole on a normal ship they would call in a welder on the Vandenberg the crew must come up with an unconventional solution it's dirty but 22 bags of concrete later the tank is sealed [Applause] keep inside the ship CDI prepares the hull for explosives placement the explosive cutting assemblies or ecas they've designed measure more than a meter across so ribs and other structural elements at each explosive site make positioning impossible it's Victor zuniga's job to remove these obstacles so the team can mount their ecas cdi's expert burner uses a scarfing tip to perform this task this customized attachment allows him to torque sideways so he doesn't breach the hull it's almost two centimeters of solid steel but on this job the ocean is just too close for comfort the last one started pinging on me it's too much heat we're under beneath the water level so that started the water outside bubbling so that means the Heat's getting outside so I have to pull off of that let it cool down a little bit and finish my cut and there's another problem here the hull is so corroded that Victor can't tell how much steel remains solid metal doesn't sound like this he can't risk a breach the explosive frame can't be mounted here hold up if that will put us somewhere up here crap back at the bunker CDI is almost finished building their explosive frames on sync day linear shaped charges will give this Custom Design system its explosive backbone [Music] when detonated shaped charges form a powerful jet of energy that cuts through most metals foreign Force RDX one of the most powerful explosives in the world cdis use this high explosive before but never to Scuttle a ship and Victor has reported a problem with the vandenberg's hall it's exceptionally soft it absorbs the energy and thus decreases the efficiency of the explosives it was very hard very brittle material we get more of a shattering effect it would make the explosives the explosive more efficient their biggest concern the Four Corners where the shape charges meet here's what could happen when the explosive frame goes off the ship's Hull could absorb the energy and failed to sever it will take a more powerful Arsenal to attack the Vandenberg CDI will have to up their explosive force Reef makers has carefully selected an offshore location for the scuddling here the vessel has to land upright in a narrow Target Zone on the ocean floor it's only 222 meters wide if the ship lands too deep she'll be off limits to most divers if she settles too shallow she'll be a nautical hazard as part of this plan amsi was supposed to burn several holes along the exterior of the third deck less than two meters above the water line but it's too risky Harbor for the toe to the sink site with the holes completely cut because the potential for it to take on water and sink is too great and we wouldn't be able to the Insurance Underwriters wouldn't let us do it they just can't take the chance on a ship this Mighty things can get out of control fast Key Largo 2002. as another team prepares to Scuttle her the USS Spiegel Grove takes on water the former military vessel roles costly efforts to right the ship fail and she hits the ocean floor on her side only nature can pick up where men left off storm surge from Hurricane Dennis forces the vessel into an upright position three years later today the Vandenberg crew work in the wake of past failure these last minute decisions for this sink plan to work cdi's explosive assemblies must cut through the ship's Hull or all their efforts will count for nothing they need to do a test shot the team sets up at a remote location they've cut two metal plates from the vessels Hall the plan test them with live explosives no I went this side up so I can see that I'm through okay those two this experiment will be cdi's first chance to see how the Vandenberg soft metal reacts to their ECA configuration you know with with Demolition and especially here when you're we're going to sink The Vessel you don't get a second chance the shape charges alone could be no match for the unpredictable Hull they'll add a half stick of dynamite to both metal plates but Place more explosives at the corners of the ECA frame on the second plate when the test shot goes off Tom hopes this will be enough to completely sever the steel and knock the center piece of the cut out cleanly it's time to test cdi's explosive Theory beautiful the team runs firing line to a safe spot more than 300 meters away from the test site you are all right we'll warm it up three two one fire Tom anxiously walks back to the site I think we got a misfire the sound of the explosions revealed nothing he checks the plates the explosives knocked out both Center portions in here but the extra explosives on the second plate appear to make this system more effective radically just a bit we shot this is the is the boosters this is the booster you can see the indent from those two from the cap wheels on these two here you've just got the round of the powder right adding boosters will mean extra work and complicates cdi's explosive assembly but the vandenberg's a One-Shot deal and for a team that's never sunk a ship before this extra insurance is priceless we know that the linear shape charge has sufficient energy to completely sever the steel and no matter what we put in the corners we know that we can bow those in so that we get a smaller piece than we have opening so we're pretty sure that this piece is going to get sucked back inside the vessel completely open leaving the really good equal flooding back at the ship a team of technical divers descends into the lower decks [Music] they prepare for a worst case scenario so once we have the they'll risk their lives if all of the explosives don't detonate on sync day because they'll have to recover them if we have to come in here and do this it's going to be a nightmare it's a terrifying thought penetrating this ship navigating more than 40 meters below the surface and trying to locate the explosive frames in these very rooms now comes the training they practice dismantling a mock-up of the explosive charge system here the water's clear but inside the ship it will be Pitch Black and any damaged explosives could be deadly we're hoping we don't have to do it obviously but if we do we do after two weeks of pumping the team has finally leveled the Vandenberg but personally Tim's concern most of the engineering Naval architecture work that's been done on the boat's been done a thousand miles away it's been done in a laboratory in a perfect world in a vacuum and we don't have those conditions here we've got a lot of factors that are very easily overlooked this is what he worries about these two ballasting tanks it's a catch-22 the plan calls for these compartments to be filled with water before sink day but if the team fills them at the dock the bow of the ship will drop more than a meter a loss of stability it can't afford the team needs an explosive solution [Music] but can they adapt the sink plan [Music] after four weeks of work the Vandenberg scrubbed torched and leveled full of holes she's barely seaworthy but she's fit to become one of the world's largest artificial reefs explosives will initiate the ship's scuttling on sink day CDI hasn't even brought the charges on board and it's already clear that the sync plan needs to be revised two ballasting tanks at the front of the ship that were supposed to be filled are dry if these compartments aren't full when the Vandenberg sinks trap air could decrease the ship's stability and cause it to roll the solution CDI will Mount two explosive frames in these problematic tanks on sink day the charges will cut holes through the hull so water rushes into the tanks while air escapes this updated plan rolling the explosives plan is finally set now Crews can get to work this team knows how to move around demo sites but they have to get used to a ship fast this is all pipe walking and check everything don't assume anything's in good shape I got lost from the group I wouldn't know where to go first day in here Stay Together the Vandenberg must reach the sync site before hurricane season starts they've got less than 10 days crane lowers the explosive cutting assemblies or ecas to the belly of the ship now I'll stop it's freaking nasty down here holy it's like carrying an expensive piece of art through a dark Jagged hostile Forest from bow to stern they face two decks more than four thousand square meters of obstacles as CDI struggles with the explosive frames amsi gets ready to haul more anchors out of the vandenberg's deck pretty good to me until today a single anchor was enough but for her final mission it will take five anchors and more than 685 meters of chain to lock her over the target Zone every day the wind and the current shift throughout the day and so if you know your anchor goes down in the morning the ship's sitting this way by the afternoon it's in a different position so you've got this Big Arc the combined weight of this five-point system is staggering almost 93 tons below deck CDI finishes placing most of their ecas now it's time to mount them it's a precise explosive system designed to operate 19 millimeters from the hull if the explosive force doesn't strike the ship at the perfect distance the shape charges will fail to sever the metal E.I has only three millimeters of leeway in either direction and the hull is hopelessly uneven it's still vessels have curves everywhere they have to be hydrodynamic they have to flow through the water right here look at the spider pattern in the paint there was a direct hit right here the crew bends each frame to compensate for this unevenness there it is just no I don't think you can make it a little bit more it's gonna be right on it's got a little bit down here when Tom and Ray finish adjusting the ecas boosters can be attached to the frame's corners and a dynamite kicker to the center it's less than a week until shot day and the team still worries about the two empty ballasting tanks in the bow they've changed the explosives plan to flood the compartments on sink day but there's a price if we shoot them by the way it's going to end up flooding that area so fast they can't take the chance if all of the explosives detonated once water rushing into the bow could cause the vessel to torpedo if the Vandenberg propels more than 32 meters forward it will Target Zone so they must delay the flooding of these tanks except that ocean floor to solve this problem the team comes up with another explosive solution a series of delays we have a 9.6 we have upwards of that capability and then of course you know we can daisy chain beyond that if we wanted to go to 1415. what time would you like we could give you almost 15 seconds with the products that are here today we would like to we like that better than you can yes do you want to go you want to go 20 no no we're good here they agree on 15 seconds Tom will rig the delays [Music] after almost five weeks on the Vandenberg Tom feels confident most of the vessel is wired and ready to go think this is the dirtiest I've ever been his final Dockside job Mount explosives in the bow tanks these narrow compartments are designed to hold water they're virtually impervious to light air and all things human including the ECA frames but Tom has a plan right yes sir shapes all right he'll lower all the parts and assemble the explosive system in the tanks right yeah yeah sorry no I have two over here they're over there [Music] but there's a problem the frame does not fit no absolutely not no this thing snaps off on me punch someone yeah more space over there Ray tries to reposition the bull oh do I dared pry it and give it a look that's what I was just thinking little Jimmy jacket if he knocks It Off a welder will have to come down and reattach it there it is it works they mount the vandenberg's last ECA then wire the 15 second delay now that the explosives are secured Tom looks forward to sync day I'm not a marine architect you know we've been contracted to put in the holes they thought their best practice would be to put in the 15 seconds they asked us if we could we said we have a method that we could do it and so we're going to do it I hope it works for him work at the dock is finally done have worked relentlessly for more than a month straight now it's TOA time [Music] three hours later they reached the sync site more than 11 kilometers offshore the blowdown is less than a day away amsi must move quickly to Anchor the Vandenberg above the target Zone that's bow Stern we're over the target point right now Pelican hook it's a crucial job drop two of the heaviest anchors to counter the win then deploy the remaining three anchors finally a tug will adjust the anchors to lock in the ship's position 42 meters above the target Zone parallel to the slope the team offloads the first of five pennant buoys they support cables Crews will use to reposition the anchors it's not going to hurt to let some of it out amsi releases the first anchor from the ship's chain Locker foreign [Music] they go to drop the next one this anchor weighs more than 7 000 kilos and it won't budge the endless jacking is getting them nowhere we're looking pretty good uh you're covering your mic again there she goes thank you the team finally gets the anchor down but they'll have to drop the others faster to keep the ship above the target Zone the elsbeth 2 comes to the rescue with her 6 000 horsepower engine she pulls the other three acres off the deck thank you [Applause] that is just awesome that's fantastic oh man like all day long every day we could do that he anchors are positioned and the Vandenberg is locked in now CDI can wire their final connections for the initiation line must stretch from the Vandenberg to the firing boat if it snaps the explosives won't go off the team considered a wireless option but with Florida's numerous marine radio frequencies and potential for Flash lightning storms the explosives could be set off prematurely this system removes all of those worries so there's nothing Electric it's all hardlined and we have total control over the button Tom secures the last of the detonation line the vandenberg's ready so is the team ready tired of this sink of Vandenberg please Crews leave the Vandenberg for the last time this phase of the reef makers operation is complete it's sync day the crews that prepped the Vandenberg to become one of the world's largest artificial reefs now anxiously wait to see how this epic will end on the firing boat more than 76 meters away Tom secures his detonator Tim throttles The Vessel to make sure the ignition line doesn't snap here's what they'll watch for when Tom pushes the button CDI loaded explosive cutting assemblies or ecas into the ship do all 44 go off ordered Tech divers embark on a Deadly Mission to retrieve them Tom installed a 15 second delay in the ballasting tanks can this keep the heavy front end from torpedoing amsi anchored the ship to hit the target Zone will she sink too deep for divers or too shallow to be safe for passing ships Tim's team also cut holes so air could flow out of the vessel are these enough to prevent the ship from Rolling it all comes down to this here it is here's the money shot five nights [Music] two seconds really fast thank you [Music] I love it wow I have her down at 144. well I lost that bad that was way off on that one girls the vandenberg's gone down here's how it happened Tom's ignition line holds the charge travels along the deadline eca's on the bottom decks go off water rushes in Cas in the bow tanks detonate 15 seconds later but it's not enough to keep the vessel level [Music] as water flows into the ballast tanks the bow becomes heavier water replaces air escaping out of amsi's Outlet holes and the ship does not roll the stern sinks in a matter of seconds [Music] the scuttling is so quick that the two radar dishes violently snap off Linger on the surface in this unprecedented footage we get a chance to ride the Vandenberg all the way to the ocean floor thank you moments later the radar dishes joint but despite the team's 15 second delay she still went down by the bow and no one knows yet how she landed divers enter the water to get a closer look they need to confirm the Vandenberg sits upright in the Target Zone success [Music] she sits majestically on the ocean floor but did all of cdi's explosives detonate they Circle the exterior table yeah in this footage see the shaped charges cut entry holes clean through the ship's Hall and the additional explosives knocked out the center plate before water pressure pushed it into the ship look at this this is one of the cut plates see it it's beautiful divers count the blast holes all of the ecas detonated the tech divers will not have to recover any explosives they confirm the site is safe [Music] the artificial Reef will open to the public after a Crews reattach the radar dishes Reef makers plant has been executed perfectly the teams take a moment to bask in the Florida Sunshine and their success below them lies a mighty ship finally at rest on the ocean floor a peaceful Testament to the power of persistence and ingenuity [Music] in the heart of America's racing capital a massive football stadium must come down without destroying the busy convention center and active rail line that lie only a few meters away this Colossus is tough enough to hold 60 000 extreme fans but now it's up to a team of demolition experts to tackle 46 000 tons of concrete and steel and to contain the destruction [Music] Indianapolis Indiana a Sports Fan's Oasis in Middle America home to the Indy 500 the court and these two football standings in 2008 the hometown Colts moved across the street to the Ultra Modern Lucas Oil Stadium now the convention center plans to double in size and the RCA Dome has got to go but it won't be easy foreign the Dome stands nearly 60 meters high on two city blocks of prime real estate this colossal structure will be obliterated using High explosives but the Stadium's not just huge it's surrounded by other big players a Convention Center a high traffic Railroad and a major sewer line a disaster could cost billions [Music] Indiana Stadium and Convention building authority hires controlled demolition Incorporated to manage the risks a family business from Phoenix Maryland they're experts in the field of explosive demolition they've taken out some of the most complicated structures in the world [Music] but this time they're up against an All-Star winning streak alive they'll have to slice through almost two and a half meters of solid concrete take on huge Expansion Joints and drill 849 holes and there's still no guarantee they'll contain this giant the team will load 277 kilograms of explosives and lay more than four kilometers of detonation Court it's time to implode this massive Stadium but can this skillful demolition team keep its destruction from spreading CDI this is going to be your final clearance three months of prep comes down to this Mark luazo is cdi's demolition designer he heads up thousands of implosions but he's never seen anything quite like this it's easily the most complex job that we've ever done uh and it's probably the riskiest job we've ever done it's it's not one structure it is eight separate structures located in the downtown core the Dome is bordered to the north and west by the convention center a main source of revenue for the city to the east the Pan Am building 12 stories of office Windows face the Dome to the South a main Railway every day dozens of trains travel along these tracks and just beneath the Dome a Nexus of sewer lines the oldest was built more than a hundred years ago if disturbed during the blast over 1 500 buildings could flood with raw sewage foreign Mark bets a series of plays will keep the RCA Dome inbounds looks like an oval Expansion Joints United under a single poured ring of concrete hold the building's eight sections together Crews will pre-slice the Ring of concrete and strip the expansion jobs next the team will load explosives into columns on each of the Stadium's four levels then they'll stagger the explosions so the eight sections fall separately and away from the neighbors it's a lot like Stadium origami just to try to fold the pieces in on top of each other it's the art of demolition but before Mark's team can get started a demolition crew will remove the RCA dome's air supported roof only five major stadiums in the world are built like this round-the-clock fans and 16 intersecting cables hold up fiberglass based fabric Tom Shelley's job is to deflate the roof safely cuddle up huddle up although saying let the air out of the Roof sounds very simple we got to keep everybody out of here for any catastrophic thing that could happen he worries that if the air disperses too fast the roof will collapse the uneven tension could snap these massive cables slicing anything caught in their path [Music] the all-important control booth this is where Tom's team will control the roof's descent go ahead Tom Cruise shut off the fence one by one go off here in a bit the Dome begins to deflate so we have no fans on now there are no fans on right now the roof isn't coming down fast enough the team was overly cautious I need four doors open at gate one to compensate the crew opened the stadium doors so the air will flow out faster go ahead and open them all up and we're just going to bring this thing on down now [Music] there's serious holes in here now you can when you can stand here and watch it move you know it's it's coming down pretty good now it works the Dome Falls more than 50 meters in about 35 minutes [Music] the team has safely deflated the Dome now the physical labor begins copy that keep going that way and I'll stay on this side yeah workers painstakingly cut thousands of square meters of fabric so it can be recycled this job will take two months to complete with the roof gone the electrical fans are no longer necessary Crews shut off power to the Dome so that the demolition teams can work without hitting live wires yeah Mark arrives to inspect the RCA Dome and finalize his demo plan the Walkabout seems routine until he reaches the south side Mark's expert eye hones in on this Stadium's Press Box he sees the structure as more complex than the building plans let on it stands Nine Stories off the ground and was built more than a decade after the Dome down to here hang that out Mark and his brother Doug need to take a closer look and see firsthand what the Press Box is made of just open it all up I don't believe the plans anymore the skid steer rips open the exterior wall his inspection confirms the add-on is a problem here's what he's up against first it's supported by Steel columns the rest of the stadium sits on concrete and rebar second it's not fully integrated into the Dome all right so you're talking about going up here to and I agree with you right right here these differences I mean it may not fall with the rest of the structure on shutdown rotate it up here see right here this is the original building column this was part of the building column and then this is a new structure right here and all of this this is a new Press Box that they put onto it and it's freestanding this design causes a problem because the Press Box sits almost on top of a main Railway up to 50 trains a day run in its shadow if the Press Box lands on these railway tracks shipping through the Midwest will be brought to a standstill a tricky nine piece complicates Mark's eight piece puzzle he'll have to rework a key part of his plan date back to ancient times when the Coliseum was the hottest ticket in the Roman Empire built by Emperor vespasia almost 2 000 years ago this megastructure exploited the Roman Arch 240 of them pioneered the distinctive Stadium shape this design allowed some 50 000 Spectators to witness the Carnage of gladiatorial matches foreign frenzy Remains the Same the RCA Dome entertains Spectators for nearly 25 years now the fans and their team play at the Lucas Oil Stadium [Music] and it's up to the demo crew to take this empty structure down the main on-site contractor saber demolition will remove the entire lower bowl so the upper part of the stadium has a place to land on implosion day they recruit an army of massive machines the excavator is their foot soldier they weigh over 45 000 kilograms and act like Juiced up Swiss Army knots The Claw on the end of the yard can be custom fit to each demo task this special High Reach excavator has an extra long arm or boom and is fitted with an attachment that can rotate 360 Degrees these precise Jaws Target higher rows of seats pinch and pull them off the stand when it's time to get tough workers attach a hydraulic Shield the blades can crunch through more than a half a meter of solid thunder in a single button to demolish a concrete block wall beyond the reach of the shear the team improvises an excavator grabs an I-beam from the ground level the operator can't see the wall Mark keeps the beam on target more than seven thousand tons of metal will be recycled [Music] foreign plans for the Dome to fall in eight pieces on demo day the straight sections will have to fall before the corner sections or the pieces could wedge up against each other to start this process another crew attacks the dome's ring beam to sever the concrete oval workers use an aluminum diamond blade wall saw to cut through almost two and a half meters of concrete these diagonal slices are called Fallout cuts so we need to be able to make sure that when we go three two one fire this flat section is free to move right away it takes a whole day to make each 135 degree angle cut Crews go one step further to complete the separation job below the ring beam eight sections of the Dome are secured by Expansion Joints these are flexible connections built so the stadium could adjust to the weight and movement of tens of thousands of sports fans foreign must remove portions of these Expansion Joints to make room for the sections to fall in [Music] on the south side of the Dome Mark still grapples with the unpredictable Press Box come up with a partial solution heavy duty cables will anchor the structural add-on to the rest of the Dome [Music] the cables should pull the Press Box into the center of the Dome and away from the railway tracks for this plan to work Mark still has to take care of the press Box's steel columns cdis no stranger to Steel structures or Indianapolis one the crew reduced Market Square Arena to Rubble once home to the Indiana Pacers more than 200 kilograms of explosives brought the arena down in 15 seconds it was cdi's first implosion of a steel frame Dome but the RCA domes more than three times bigger than Market Square to attack this giant Mark's team will Target columns on all four levels of the stadium at field level the inner columns will be completely destroyed the outer columns will be partially demolished to create a hinge to fold the Dome inward a set of charges in the upper seat bends will soften the front section of the risers as the stadium Falls explosives in columns on the upper levels will break up the structure further and keep it moving but before they can load the explosives Crews have to finish prepping the Dome they continue to strategically strip from Key areas to pre-weeken the stadium workers chip torch and tear away at the Dome until it's a shell of its former self [Music] this work will help CDI direct the stadium inward on shocking the next step in this process is called column chipping a rebar cage reinforces each of the 380 concrete columns that support the Dome remember when you were a kid someone would come and tap you in the knees that's all that we need to do we just need to re destroy the structural Integrity of this piece of rebar this piece of rebar to do this a skid steer with a hydraulic Hammer ships away at corners of the column to expose the rebar then the team uses a cuts off to slice the horizontal bands of Steel this creates a point of weakness so the rebar will bend when the dynamite explodes if we can remove those Corners expose that rebar and cut them we can reduce the amount of explosives we use and increase the performance every column that's prepped for explosives will be pre-weekened [Music] after months of demolition the RCA Dome looks like an open pit mine oh hundreds of columns have been drilled and wrapped with protective fabric this geotextile material will stop Flying debris on demo day the stadium is finally ready for explosives Crews will now load more than one thousand sticks of dynamite into the Dome to meet the implosion day deadline they have to start soon the first explosives and the magazine to store them arrive follow me on a poiker and get an excavator and we'll start getting this unloaded this shipping contains more than 200 kilograms of dynamite as well as detonators and detonating core safety regulations require that this quantity of explosives be stored in a steel magazine at least 195 meters away from occupied structures this is just the beginning the team expects two more truckloads before the job is done but some of this dynamite will see action before shot day the team prepares to test the strength of the RCA door they will detonate explosives in several columns to determine exactly how much Dynamite they're going to need on demo day because as miserable December weather sets in the team needs to fine-tune its explosive plan foreign temperatures make Windows more vulnerable to the intense pressure generated by explosives this powerful force called air overpressure forms when explosives detonate if more than one charge goes off at the same time these energy waves combine an amplify it will take hundreds of blasts to implode the Dome the potential Force could shatter thousands of windows the team must manage this air over pressure the simplest way is to use as little Dynamite as possible Mark needs to determine the minimum amount of explosive power he'll need to take the RCA Dome down safely there's only one way to do this Mark and Tom will test the Stadium's strength with live Dynamite test shot will be their first chance to see how the concrete columns react to explosives Tom loads five columns which contains different configurations of dynamite when we come in in the morning it's pardon the pun but Bang Bang Crews Evacuate the RCA Dome Mark and Tom wire their final connections they're eager to see what this experiment will reveal a couple of the columns were undershooting intentionally so it's not too displace too much of the concrete if you overshoot a column you don't learn anything you simply know you could have used less it's better to undershoot it and add a little bit more to get the results you want minutes before the Blast tom takes position outside the stadium only company president Mark stays inside to witness the shot I've got about a minute all right I'm at one minute okay here we go five four three two one fire Mark waits for internal delays within the detonators to burn it's a long nine and a half seconds [Music] Mark wallazzo are we all clear all set to come back in Tom there's a problem uh one fell over one of the columns that was under shocked is topple worse a column that he thought was structurally identical stands upright I think that Tom explains the low to mark that charge was probably 12 inches back n12 yes this was three three quarters Mark's irritated the test shot is over but the results are inconclusive not sure what we learned here Tom I wish this hadn't Fallen he still can't predict exactly how the columns will react on implosion day the stadium was built by people that was tied up by laborers all the rebar connections Were Made Concrete is poured in different days and different batches always small anomalies your whole right there these small differences mean big problems for CDI the team will load 245 columns and they'll all have to fail for the demolition to succeed yep Mark must now use more explosives than he wanted this means the air over pressure will be greater so he'll need to find another way to counter the destructive force CDI has come up against big sports stadiums before in 2001 the team took down Pittsburgh's Three Rivers Stadium the 59 000 seat Arena broke into pieces as it crashed down CDI directed three sections outwards to spread out the force of the impact Three Rivers was comparable in size to the RCA Dome but didn't have an aging sewer line beneath the field and this time the crew doesn't have the luxury of space all eight sections of the Dome need to fall inward on top of the underground sewer the drainage system runs less than three meters beneath a large section of the stadium [Applause] if ground vibrations from the implosion Disturbed the century-old system the city could be swimming in more than 56 million liters of waste it comes down like a hatchet and that hatchet is going to hit right at this point this infrastructure disaster could cost billions CDI can't risk the backlash they need to protect these sections here's how Crews use on-site debris to put a two-step plan into motion first excavators gather columns and beams that supported the lower ball they stack these over the sewer lines you'll put certain beams this way then some this way then back and forth Lincoln Logs if you had those when you were a kid they feel this makeshift frame with concrete rubber these piles of debris will work with Stadium risers what's left of the lower ball cushion the sewer from the inevitable blow the second phase of this planet turns other columns into shock absorbers if the structure were to be to hit it it'd be like a hammer hitting a nail we're driving straight into the ground by taking this machine and this hammer and softening it up we take that nail and we turn it into like a spring so as the structure comes over it hits it it'll absorb that energy and take the impact off of the sewer create these Springs excavator Crews systematically hammer away at collars more CDI workers arrive it's time to load the Dome with dynamite every High Velocity stick weighs 225 grams and has the power to shatter three quarters of a cubic meter of concrete the team will use 1 224 of these sticks on four different levels of the Dome the cart of Doom Mark's daughter Stacy and her sister Devin prepare to load the columns to reduce the risk of flying debris and air over pressure they need to harness their explosive power a special technique called deck loading helps them get the most bang for their explosive buck its columns are very deep instead of filling the entire length of the pre-drilled hole with explosives they use pre-measured bags of sand to separate short pieces of dynamite this distributes the explosive energy throughout the car when the charges go off the released energy seeks the path of least resistance it travels to the dense rebar of the column and vibrates the metal cage this motion breaks up the concrete to maintain their focus the team Works in silence they still have to load and wire hundreds of kilograms of explosives and they have less than a week to do it but deck loading will not work here the Press Box is immune to Dynamite [Music] if we put a stick of dynamite here and detonated it most of the energy would go to the area of at least resistance which is away from the column itself so we use something called a linear shaped charge these shaped charges contain RDX one of the most powerful explosives in the world when detonated the copper jacket aims energy directly to steel the powerful force slices with surgical precision to install these charges workers pre-cut each steel column then they secure the explosives a final team encloses the shaped charge system with custom made plywood boxes last thing that we need is a piece of copper taking all shade towards Lucas Oil Stadium at 23 000 feet per second so this box will help break that down and reduce the fly of debris Crews will position 52 shaped charges at the base of the Press Box upstairs Mark checks his cabling solution 10 steel core cables now anchor the add-on to the rest of the stadium each is almost two centimeters thick and can pull more than fifteen thousand kilograms it's a Concrete section that has the weight that's where the energy comes from so when the concrete section rotates in these cables are going to serve to drag the steel Press Box section inward away from the railroad tracks we hope Mark has done everything he can with the Press Box but in the upper part of the Dome cold weather slows cdi's progress Mark's Plan called for Dynamite to be loaded in holes drilled in the upper seat vents but it can't be done these vertical holes have filled with rain and Frozen there's a lip of Frozen material around the hole I can't get the charge in the hole let me see if I can't beat it out the dynamite cannot be loaded Kevin and Jimmy need to break the ice Kevin uses a wooden loading pool to chip away at a hole he tries one last time [Music] it works got it Jimmy you're the man gov you're the man [Music] Kevin's makeshift solution pays off the two Press On until all 21 vents are loaded but other key work has been called off here the Expansion Joints that connect the eight pieces of the Dome cannot be completely stripped to separate the stadium Mark planned to remove parts of these Expansion Joints concrete slabs at each of the eight Junctions must be taken out the crews were able to remove the lower slabs but they can't reach the higher levels safely if the excavator moves close enough to work on the upper slabs the machines operator will be in the path of falling debris the team will not risk an accident they call the removal off the fact that they cannot come through here and get these slabs out changes everything in the 11th Hour so now we completely have to rethink this because these slabs could jam between the Stadium's eight sections and disrupt their fall on shot day if they hold these sections up even for a second cdi's intricate detonation sequence will be jeopardized and placed nearby properties at risk if you take a flower petal we're trying to pull this flower these flower petals in if we don't get the correct motion the correct inclination inward right away and they start to Veil vertically first now our flower petals are going out into the street into the convention center across the railroad tracks Danville Virginia another demolition contractor plan to take down a smokestack like this [Music] is what really happened it hesitated and fell 18 meters off Target straight towards a crowd of onlookers and nearby homes here the RCA dome's close neighbors mean a similar mistake could cost Millions but there's no time to manually remove the expansion joint slabs so Mark decides to take them down using explosives unfortunately it requires a complex detonation plan this is how it will work every 15 centimeter thick reinforced slab rests on two floor beams two columns help support each beam Mark adds a layer of timing to his detonation sequence so columns on one side of the expansion joint fail before their structural counterparts allowing the slabs to slide down and out of the joint before the Stadium's corner pieces fail [Music] but there's a price these last minute changes complicate the detonation sequence and increase the amount of air over pressure if too much explosive energy is released during the implosion it will combine and form a powerful and dangerous air over pressure wave if too many of these waves combine nearby windows cannot be protected Mark needs to further adjust the detonation sequence he inserts micro delays between selected columns stagger the explosions enough to keep the air over pressure waves under control the implosion sequence should happen like this a single pulse from outside the Dome will trigger the implosion this pulse will travel to eight primary delays positioned at field level these primary delays will ignite eight detonation courts pulse will travel to a separate section the South section and Press Box should be first to topple inward a half second later the north side then the two remaining straight sections followed by the corner pieces Crews pull their equipment out of the stadium setting the stage for the RCA dome's final showdown [Music] it's shot day [Music] Tom verifies the RCA Dome is empty he carefully checks the detonation circuit one last time to be certain Crews connected the wiring correctly everything looks good he will be the final fan to leave the stadium the structure is clear and empty the team gathers for one last huddle and what was a a very direct project has become very complex and uh we have done the best we can with what we've got to work with I think it's going to be enough but this might not necessarily be the crisp clean job you're used to see demo designer Mark takes his position he'll be watching to see if his plan can contain the destruction the neighboring Convention Center sits just three meters from the Dome will piles of debris laid by the team be enough to keep columns from slamming into the center's wall to the east can the delay sequence protect the Pan Am building 12 stories of Windows are exposed to the blast to the South the Press Box looms above the adjacent rail line will the shape charges cut the steel so the cables can pull it away from the tracks [Music] and out of sight but not out of mind will Mark's efforts to cushion the sewer less than three meters below the stadium keep the century old system intact it's the moment of truth Jimmy I am in the red fire thank you [Music] the RCA Dome comes down in 25 seconds from a distance the implosion seems to go off without a hitch at the very top of the stadium the concrete ring beam pre-cut by the crew breaks cleanly as the stadium begins to fall just below the ring beam Mark installed delays to drop the concrete slabs in the Expansion Joints columns on the right side fail before the ones on the left as the slabs Slide the expansion joint folds creating space for the corner sections to fall Mark also positioned delays so the eight sections would fall at different times foreign as predicted the straight Pieces come down the corner sections follow the Press Box was a big concern structurally different from the rest of the stadium steel columns supported this add-on the team installed shaped charges to sever these metal supports and cables to pull the Press Box inward [Music] these powerful explosives go off blasts of energy send the copper jackets flying through the protective wooden boxes as the South section Falls the cables tighten and pull the Press Box in the railway tracks Escape damage at field level the team's sewer protection plan also pays off the upper half of the Dome crashes down and meets the risers before it hits the ground foreign s here Mark and Tom want a closer look they approached the site to inspect the piles of debris or berms the crews laid to Shield the convention center from the implosion and this West Side just jumped I I you know I've been there enough most of what you see are the berms that we placed to backstop these columns so they wouldn't hit the smooth concrete slab and slide did their job but was cdi's complex detonation sequence enough to spare nearby windows as the team removes protective covering from a neighboring building Mark receives work the Pan Am Windows withstood the blast City Crews also check in the sewers have not been damaged excavators begin to clear the rubble less than 25 years after it opened the RCA Dome has been sacked the Lucas Oil Stadium see its uncontested and now dominates the Indianapolis Skyline and the sports fans quest for the ultimate Stadium continues into a new millennium in football mad Brazil a demolition team takes on a massive Stadium to make way for the 2014 World Cup you can't protect all this stuff you just can't do it with a city too close for comfort untested explosives and a dangerous worksite everything's just falling apart here an inexperienced crew will attempt to pull this job off [Music] disaster [Music] [Music] foreign Brazil a local company faces a groundbreaking challenge use explosives to take down a sports Stadium [Applause] it will be a Brazilian first Financial The Man In Charge Morgan Watkins he's a mining engineer for arcoenge ltda he's worked with explosives for 18 years we've done a lot of things like buildings Bridges chimneys and and so on and so forth but this is our first Stadium so he's never tackled anything like this the fontanova designed to hold one hundred thousand fans it hosted epic football matches for more than 50 years until a deadly collapse shut it down [Music] now the 2014 World Cup is on Brazil's doorstep and the greatest football stars need a new place to play it's women in soccer this is all what Brazil is about so here everything that it has to do with soccer including the stadiums is very very important the fontanova must be demolished Morgan and his team face an unprecedented matchup implosion is complex they are made up of sections which must be carefully loaded in time and that's not the only thing Morgan's up against the stadium is a very very bad shape we have a lot of rebar exposed a lot of places where the concrete is actually falling out at times I can even hear something falling here there it's a very delicate one that we've got to be very careful of and make sure that nothing happens this dangerous work sync will be an ongoing problem the crew's first mission demolish the lower tier an army of excavators hits the site they must rip more than half of the stadium apart they claw debris and feed it into a Crusher these materials are destined for a second life 78 of the concrete will be recycled separates rebar and crushes the concrete fed into it it can generate 90 cubic meters of processed concrete per hour 28 000 cubic meters will be spit out before the job's done that's more than 2 000 truckloads [Music] once the lower tier has been Torn to Pieces arcoench will have finished 60 percent of this massive job now comes the hard part taking down the final 40 with explosives it's time to bring in some experienced backup control demolition Incorporated where is the portion that failed this explosive demolition company from Phoenix Maryland has been in business for more than 60 years they've imploded Nine Sports arenas but this job is different CDI has been brought in as a consultant and they can't handle a single stick of explosives that's a big chunk of concrete and it's gonna it's gonna come down hit that column Arco Edge will implement the explosives plan CDI designs for the Brazilian crew this challenge is off the charts for CDI I call it a three or a four out of ten it's a 12 or a 15 for the group that is working on it here Mark has to make cdi's design complex enough to take the stadium down successfully but straightforward enough for Morgan and his team to execute Marta Nova stadium is a big oval around a rectangular football pitch and the structure itself is really made up of 18 major structures these are all separated by Expansion Joints that go around the structure the Brazilians plan to load all of these sections the same way Mark suspects this would be a serious mistake Stadium columns are reinforced based on the loads they bear this means they may react differently to explosives how many layers of rebar we have on the inside face Mark needs to get the Brazilians on board to see what the rebar configurations look like could we have the the machine break a corner of the column to expose the rebar [Music] [Music] Mark was right down there further you have three so you can't load all these holes the same way these columns might look the same on the outside but inside the rebar configurations vary now we're going to get back to the same discussion we had on this column I want to know how you plan on loading this column when you've got three three facial layers of rebar here I want to get them out of the thought process that oh these columns are the same all the holes are the same they aren't because of reinforcement changes for example here I see one two I still see three yeah this is where the columns are getting taller let's see if we can look up here and it's only two the team will have to come up with an explosives load for each column configuration that means that the load ratio on this column here from here all the way around that side is going to be different from that point on you've got to have heavier load there CDI needs to take a closer look at the rebar in more columns this demolition faces a tight playing field to the southeast a main road to the West a telecommunications complex [Music] and 2 500 people live within a 250 meter radius of the stadium normally this wouldn't be an issue Mark has successfully imploded stadiums with just meters to spare but every job is different he's not on his home turf and it's throwing an unexpected wrench into his plan I was a little disappointed to find what explosives were available in Brazil the last time we worked here in 1976 they had it all now slowly they've moved away from nitroglycerin materials this makes our life difficult I just hope it doesn't make it impossible normally CDI uses Dynamite a solid substance soaked in nitroglycerin the Brazilian explosives are a paste held together by a plastic sheath inside micro cells containing ammonium nitrate surrounded by a fuel source when detonating they mix and release explosive energy they are called emotion explosives they are considered less dangerous to manufacture transport and handle because the explosive elements are separated but on a job this tricky safety first comes at a cost the product we have available in Brazil only detonates at about 4 200 or 4 300 meters per second now that sounds pretty fast but in my world it's slow I'm used to things that are detonating at six or seven or eight or nine thousand meters per second it could be a deal breaker these lower velocity explosives shatter concrete less effectively the longer Mark is on site the more he realizes what they're up against and you've got to keep it right up where this bar is he's identified several different rebar configurations here's his major concern the significant difference between the Stadium's outer and inner columns Mark has to confirm the Brazilian explosives can cope with both types of columns or the implosion is doomed before it starts November 25th 2007. a football match is about to turn deadly the fontanova stadium is packed when a section of the upper tier collapses seven people fall nearly 15 meters to their deaths after the accident it's revealed that the entire structure is in dangerously poor condition the controversy shuts it down for good nearly three years later Tom Dowd hits the site he's one of cdi's blasting experts let's go up and look at that and we'll figure out what the load is going to be Joe Mark talk about loads yes what's he thinking we talked about loads there are several for each hole there's a there's a game plan on that and we have a complete column broken down he mentioned um you know a half at the at the start of the whole uh half at the end and then in some points two um in the middle Tom's mission come up with an explosives loading plan that will take this Stadium down safety regulations in Brazil ban the high velocity Dynamite CDI prefers Tom's trying to work with what's legal here but it's getting messy the problem with the product we're using here this emulsion is it kind of has the consistency of toothpaste and it comes in a plastic wrap so when you cut that it becomes a bit of a gooey mess workers cut the explosives in half but then realize they can't seal the ends time to improvise a whole new use for zip ties and we can even but Tom has another worry is lower velocity explosives may not be effective against the Stadium's two main types of supports start working this the a columns and the B columns all right 54 is the same way double inside double inside so Tom's got to try the explosives up it's a live fire exercise demolition Style what we're gonna do for our test blast is we have four columns two in the a road two in the B row that gives us the flexibility to use varying load ratios and once we shoot all four of those columns using the different load ratios we can interpolate for the rest of the structure what's the best load ratio to use it's called a test shot it's standard operating procedure on jobs like this but jobs like this have never happened in Brazil Morgan worries that blasting before the implosion will upset the neighbors he wants to mask the sound of the test shot ironically he comes up with an explosive solution we've got a like some firecrackers going off making a lot of noise at the moment because it's not it's not normal here to do a test blast but firecrackers are firecrackers are okay and they do it themselves over here in all the houses up up here so we just let off some firecrackers and during that we'll we'll blast them all right well let's head up there Morgan's crew drops geotextile material over the columns this is meant to contain any flying debris [Music] is test shot time Emma foreign [Laughter] it was very close to the stronger ones of those the can we go peek under you should wait for a while before we gather around that [Music] I won't go out in the open I promise it's just I can't see the 53a looks like 53a fell doesn't it well we can have a look from here well I guess it didn't fall no it's there all four of them are killing me curiosity yes it's frustrating Tom has to wait until morning to check their work for whatever reason the powers that be have decided not to take the cover off until tomorrow morning so I get to sleep all night wonder what happened are we in a good place middle of the road place or bad place so I mean this is like Christmas morning and there's my Christmas present I can't touch it on the west side of the state the crews facing a unique demolition challenge they've got to keep this grandstand section undamaged as the rest of the stadium comes down around it it's 78 meters long and it's acting like a retaining wall what the wall is holding is a whole large sump of soil and everything that's built on top of it so this region here is is a region which we cannot touch we've got to keep it very very intact at stake a telecommunications Hub and several other buildings even if the crew doesn't implode this section ground vibrations from the blowdown could still dislodge the soil and cause a landslide go up with the five gram the team must find a way to stabilize the hillside to protect it from ground vibrations tall made it through an anxious night now he can see how the four columns reacted to Brazil's lower velocity explosives [Music] lovely absolutely lovely see the Bulge on this side I can tell our hole was a little off center that happens but it wouldn't be able to hold a compressive load this is exactly what we're looking for in a test shot success emotion explosives work on the a columns but when it comes to the B columns their loads didn't get the job done get two loads comparable loads if two half sticks and three thirds sticks the thirds gave better distribution of the powder throughout the length of the hole but the Hat helped displace the rebar a little bit better I I think definitely at the bottom we need at least another load yeah well that's what I had on my sheet like that I had four okay I'd understood half half so they need to adjust the amount of explosives to guarantee the B columns will fail at the top of the stadium Crews get ready to drill the light stands these four superstructures reach 17 meters above the rest of the stadium if the two columns supporting each light stand aren't taken up they could tilt backwards and harm the neighbors so they must be directed inward with explosives on demo day but dense rebar makes it tough to drill a deep enough hole they bring a cutting torch to melt the rebar it's awkward and slow but it pays off they can now drill the hole this light stand is ready for explosives on the west side of the site the team Engineers a landslide prevention plan it's called soil anchoring that they drill a hole they will put a rod into the hole they inject concrete and once the concrete has got a reasonable resistance they will tighten some plates against the rod so this will hold the wall in position although you have forces and strains I'm trying to bring it over this way this should make the grandstand section immune to the ground vibrations caused by the implosion elsewhere poor condition that slows down the Brazilian Cruise this college is so fragile that vibrations from a Pneumatic drill could cause it to fail prematurely crushing the crew it is a nightmare scenario but there is a way to prevent it it's called core drilling unlike a Pneumatic drill this machine can create a hole without causing any vibration its secret weapon one of the hardest materials on Earth diamond the Diamond core drill goes into the concrete with a hollow Diamond tip tube slowly penetrating into the concrete cutting everything including rebar then we can just break off the inner part of the concrete extract it out without causing any impact to the brittle columns this technique is safer but it's a huge hassle they have 1 200 holes to drill every column they're forced to core drill takes more than five times longer [Music] back on the west side of the stadium work has ground to a halt the grandstand is causing Morgan another headache there was a plan to demolish this neighboring section with excavators because demolishing it with explosives could cause damage to the grandstand that sits just eight meters away due to the very bad quality of the concrete in the rebar we found that it was very very dangerous for our workers debris from the crumbling bents could crush the crew so Morgan pulls out his troops if he cannot find a way to remove the section without damaging the grandstand the landslided May trigger means this demolition will end in disaster foreign [Music] all right let's see what we got here a test shot has shown Tallman Morgan how much explosives to load into most of the fontanova's columns the ones up there will be longer but then they're a little thinner but columns on the south side of the stadium are a head scratcher they're up to 20 meters tall and they're an explosive demolition challenge if these v-shaped columns are tested with live explosives before the implosion the walkway could collapse all right we have 0.8 so Tom and Morgan must rely on Fury and number crunching alone in the absence of structural plans it's an inexact science so Morgan wants to go over the top but it gets skinnier and longer as we go huh yeah you know the numbers that we loaded higher yep see I'm at five you're at five okay so that's good which puts me a little over if you're comfortable with five that puts me three quarter pound to the yard and that'll thump it Tom's on board they'll load 25 more explosives into these columns than the calculations call for eign gives us a good load ratio it's a little high we've got good cover and without a test shot I'd rather be high I'm glad that we've got a good cover this should guarantee that the walkway fails on the west side of the site Cruise rig a cabling system their goal pull this section away from the grandstand during the implosion they fight some 70 meters of heavy cable it could protect the grandstand that reinforces this densely developed Hill here's the idea the cables will run from one seating bent to the next as the explosives go off these cables will pull this section away from the grandstand this game of demolition dominoes should keep the building intact it's time to load the explosives for CDI this is a hands-off demolition so Tom can't be a part of this loading crew critical that the explosives are spread evenly through the columns Tom's concern that just loading 270 kilos of explosives will be a problem repetitive motion people can come lazy one of the things we've done here to alleviate that is we've pre-cut PVC spacers we'll put in the the base charge we'll slide in our spacer then the next charge a spacer next charge spacer then we finish the whole hole out using an expanding foam as our stemming material this should make the plan foolproof as Morgan's crew gets to work Tom takes on a different challenge I'm used to being up there and doing it myself here just let me do it you know that kind of frustration gotta learn to just sit back relax watch these guys keep an eye on them and be here if they've got a question Tom and Morgan have one last problem to solve they must come up with a loading plan to handle the Stadium's light stance like the v-shaped columns superstructures can't be tested with live explosives so again Tom and Morgan have to determine the load based on Theory and calculations and actually it's almost a little shallow you know since we've got a long column I don't want to point load and point load I want to draw out the load you know that's why on the way up here if we didn't have all that bar in the front and the back I was almost thinking about just doing it with cord death cord yeah I understand so we need a half there so I'd definitely go yeah half third third half third third this explosive load should direct these superstructures inward away from the neighbors all right The Final Countdown to the Stadium's implosion has begun and cdi's Top Gun is back on site where is the portion that failed with him his daughter Stacy my initial impression of the structure and its condition is that it's not great there's clearly very little cover concrete it's not surprising to me that they had a partial collapse here equipment up here she's cdi's wiring expert her mission come up with a wiring plan it is complex enough to take this Stadium down and easy enough to teach the Brazilians fast but this job is going to be tougher than she thought it turns out that these inner columns aren't connected to the seating vents above them the way that the seating ramps come down and they just sit like on a plate there's no actual physical connection there I just look at it Go wow it's scary it just scares me this means the seating vent could topple backwards during the blow down as the stadium shifts there's one area where this just can't happen this is the highway that's we're concerned about yeah on the Southeast side of the stadium a major road sits just six meters away from the site Morgan's team has already installed cables to connect the seating vents to the B columns in this section normally the cables would pull the section Inward and away from the highway during the implosion [Applause] but the fontanova's crumbling concrete has CDI worry that the cables just won't be enough the original plan that we had for sequencing the stadium is out the window because the concrete's in very bad condition if this section Falls outwards it will land in the road damaging a vital traffic artery and the team's reputation Mark and Stacy need to come up with a wiring plan that will work with the cables to keep the stadium in bounds I I just you know I just don't know what structure is going to let us do it well this is what I'm saying it's so bad I'm not convinced that you're going to have any more control by starting on this close end versus working to that close end you know what I mean I think you need you've got to bring this this way what we're trying to determine right now is the precise sequence in which we're going to fill the stadium we're thinking about a lot of different things are close exposures for instance we have the highway here they come through with a possible solution when we want this to pull we have a diagonal seating bent we have an inside column and we have an outside column when we take out the bottom of the inside column with explosives the structure is going to begin to rotate as the structure rolls in it'll finally fail and explosives delays will segmented in pieces until the seating vent hits grade hopefully inside the site here hold that hold that in the demolition plan is complete Mark and Stacy Hit The Concourse hold on Dad all right so he's alone and then it's Roger that there is more than seven kilometers of debt core to lay CDI gets more Hands-On to teach the Brazilian crew what we're doing right now is creating an example that the laborers can emulate so we're completing one section and we're going to say see this is what they all should look like [Music] [Music] but on the Southeast side the detonation sequence has become extremely complex Stacy takes on the wiring herself her weapon of choice micro delays this is one of the non-electric detonators we're using this particular one has an internal delay of 500 milliseconds or half a second there's a bit of material on the base here that burns for that predetermined amount of time and at the very tip is just a little bit of explosive that goes bang at the right time but it's enough of a bang to set off the detonating cord to the rest of the system Stacy and Mark hope these fraction of a second delays will add to the momentum created by the earlier blasts it's on a four I gotta pull it up to one to get two seconds one two it's the last addition to an intricate plan to bring this Stadium down we're starting at four sections at the Northwest we're going to start at the Northeast we're going to start at the southeast and we're going to start over here at the southwest and we're going to sequence all of our Domino collapses from those four points using the Expansion Joints to our advantage to maintain a controlled implosion the fontanova is ready for its final match day attracts a crowd people out there holy picture of that thank you [Music] 962 homes have been evacuated the team takes position they're ready to rumble the five-minute siren so expected problem they can't get the warning siren turned off can't get the siren turned off Morgan it's hard to hear with that siren going for five minutes why do they turn it off tries to take control this explosive job is about to go down a Brazilian crew anchored the grandstand to the hill behind it if the anchors fail there could be a massive landslide Tom and Morgan calculated the amount of explosives to use on the light stands has to be enough to keep them from damaging The Neighbors Stacy rigged a complex micro delay system to try and protect the highway Stadium's poor condition means it could still crash outwards the Sirens been turned off Brazil's first Stadium implosion is a go here we go [Applause] thank you this massive Brazilian stadium is on its way down foreign [Applause] wait for the Dust they want to get close to see if this demolition is a success uh some of the fence flew down they plywood fence some labor is there and there's a little bit of light stuff up in the street it's just Air Blast for the most part yeah Mark we're working our way up there right now it's on the ground foreign stadium is a pile of rubble here's how it happened the north side goes first it supports literally taken out beneath it the South Side follows the V columns are completely destroyed bringing the walkway to the ground the light stand charges detonate they fall inward cables pull sections away from the grandstand it stays intact but were cdi's last minute wiring changes enough to protect the highway I think the wall is good I mean the plywood's down we got one or two pieces of Splash and Mark this just came straight down this is all Air Blast like you can see five pieces of concrete the road is undamaged but a few columns defied the implosion plan this one section behind me though has two columns that fail compressively they started to roll in the right way fail compressively and let the floor flip backward given the concrete I shouldn't be surprised no debris in the street is still inside the site we knocked over a little bit of hoarding some of the paneling here but everyone's very happy for Morgan it's a huge win this is the start of everything right now at this moment we've just started the World Cup the fontanova's Legacy has come to an end but a new stadium will rise in its place and this Brazilian City will be ready to host the World [Music]
Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 2,949,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), blowdown, building demolition, tower demolition
Id: b7VPbW6WlS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 185min 22sec (11122 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2023
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