Inside the Microsoft Power Platform | Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI and more

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(upbeat techno music) (applause) - Hello and welcome to Microsoft Mechanics Live. Coming up, we're joined by CVP Charles Lamanna the leader of Microsoft's Power Platform and we're gonna show you how you can use the Power Platform to build low to zero code, intelligent, scalable and automated cross-device apps in a fraction of the time of what you normally do. And also demonstrate the latest updates from AI Builder to help you to easily infuse intelligence into your apps and processes as well as something brand new, Robotic Process Automation for next-gen user interface automation that uses machine learning to really modernize how you can interact with your legacy apps. So everyone please give a warm welcome to Charles Lamanna, CVP of Power Platform. - Thank you, glad to be here. - Alright. (applause) So it's awesome to have to you on the show, big fan of your previous work and now you work with Power Platform. So, the term might not be familiar with everybody, Power Platform, but can you tell us what it is? - Yeah, so Power Platform is really our family of low code, zero-code tools. Power BI, Power Apps and now Power Automate. These sit on top of the Common Data Service which stores all of your structured business data and makes it easy to secure it and use it across all your different applications. As well as going through traditional logic that you wanna go to enrich that data. And on top of the common data service we have literally hundreds, over 280 different data connectors out of the box so you can go connect to all your existing systems without having to write any code at all. Whether it's a Microsoft service or a database or something from one of the competitors. And a big part of that is also, you can go reach on-premise and that's something you can do with what's called the on-premise data gateway which makes it very easy to go connect to things like a SQL server, or a share point server that you have configured on premise without having to necessarily move it to the cloud you can start to transform it with something super modern, innovative like the Power Platform. And to add on to it, we wanted to go round out the Power Platform family, we introduced the brand new Power Virtual Agents which make it easy, without having to write any code at all, to create a really intelligent, AI fueled chat bot. - Very cool stuff, so all these capabilities then provide a powerful foundation then for modern development, especially as you layer on new experiences over the top of your data. I know a lot of people might be familiar with some of the individual components things like Power BI, et cetera but what's the value of using all this stuff together? - So altogether the Power Platform is better than the sum of its parts. It makes it easy for you to analyze your data with Power BI, act on that data through web and mobile experiences with Power Apps that you develop or automate tasks in the background using Power Automate and of course, the new capability, you can go put chat bots on top of all that as well. And these things start to flow together very naturally and if you're able to use Power BI, you can definitely go use Power Apps and vice versa. The same set of skills work really consistently across all the Power Platform and that's because it's targets the same type of user. That citizen developer, across all the different platforms that we offer by Microsoft. And the one big thing I'd call out is, Dynamics 365 is built entirely on top of the Power Platform and in the case of Office 365, all of it's extensibility and enrichment is done with the Power Platform as well. So it allows you to go bring the goodness of Power Platform to all the different parts of Microsoft very easily with no code, low code or even code in Azure. - And we've seen some really great use cases for people who have really automated their everyday tasks in business, right? - Yep, that's exactly right. So one of my favorite examples is a company called Autoglass. Someone who worked in the dispatch center there, not a professional developer historically, built a great mobile app to go help people repair and replace windshields with their customers. And it reduced the time for inspection or repair from 20 minutes to five minutes and saved over one and a half million dollars in the first year when rolled out in just one country. Another great example that I really like is Virgin Atlantic, they're a global airline and they actually are a great example of professional developers using the Power Platform together with Azure to go build mobile first, modern, cloud connected capabilities so they can very easily improve their maintenance and repairs and inventory management. So that's a great example of DevOps and Power Platform working together. - Alright and the cool thing about Autoglass, that example that we saw there, is that the person who built, again, happened to just be, he was a dispatcher, he wasn't a coder, he wasn't a developer, this is really citizen dev. - Yeah, that's exactly right and that's a new concept we're really talking about a lot at Microsoft, the citizen developer, people who are in the business who historically didn't develop applications or understand data, they can now start to create beautiful experiences on their own without having to write any code. - Alright so, if you're a serious developer you could also use it as well. Now would something like this then work if you say, had 100,000 seats in a larger organization? - Absolutely, so we have entire organizations standardizing from both citizen developer as well as professional developer solutions on the Power Platform. Companies like SNCF, which is the French National Railway, Schlumberger, T-Mobile, there's a whole bunch more out there and you can do all of that without having to write a single line of code because you can easily go build that UI and that visual design surface and pull in new UI components, logic and integrate with those data connectors to all your existing systems very naturally. And a little stat I toss out is that Microsoft, there's over 100,000 users who use Power BI and over 70,000 users that use Power Apps and just, all of Microsoft at this point really runs on the Power Platform for some pretty mission critical capabilities and we do that, also by connecting to all of our great Azure investments we have. Kubernetes, Azure API Management, Azure Functions, you can go drop all that in as well to go really get that extra oomph of an enterprise great application. - I think the best way to prove all this out is to see this in action, so can you show us a few examples of a Power App. - Yep, absolutely, demos are one of my favorite pieces so on the phone here I have TruGreen's, they work with local people to go out to homes and help make their lawns look beautiful and this is an application they can use to go track appointments that are coming up. So I can see my upcoming appointments, when I go click into one of these things I can see the details, what plan from TruGreen they have, when their appointment is scheduled. So if you look at this it's a pretty beautiful experience. You don't normally think of something like this for a low code application. And one of my favorite capabilities is AI builder. So, TruGreen actually trained an AI builder model which they could do without running any Python, any machine learning, just by uploading examples, to identify common issues that people will have with their lawn. - In case you were wondering why this grass is watching us, we're gonna take a photo of it and see if it can identify what's going on there. - Yes, exactly, because I'm not an expert when it comes to lawns but I can just snap one of these photos and what this is doing is it's using that AI builder capability up in the cloud to identify exactly what's wrong with this lawn and what's important about this is that they can go make all their field agents smarter and better at what they're doing each and every day without having to worry about educating them on all the different types of issues that they'll face. - And there we can see it's actually come up with a determination what that is? - Yep and it's identified it as a Necrotic Ring Spot and you can see here we actually have a whole bunch of different information that pulls up from the TruGreen knowledge base about what a Necrotic Ring Spot is. And what's great is I can click on this live report and this will go and actually connect to a Power BI dashboard that I have embedded in my application to tell me all of the other examples where I'm actually seeing the same type of issue. And I can go record notes as well inside the mobile application so I can say, Mechanics live demo and say, record this and what's special about this, if we pull up the PC that I have right here as well, we can see this will actually go and push out to the brand new Power Automate capability on my computer. But basically what this does is it goes and it will trigger a Power Automate workflow in the background, there we go. - [Jeremy Chapman] Looks like it went out, yep. - Yep and it will capture all the activity information that the agent took in the Legacy ERP application that's being used for contact management. And what this is doing on the PC is, it's using the new UI flow capabilities from Robotic Process Automation and Power Automate so I'm not pressing the mouse or keyboard and this is actually entering information from the account that I was just investigating, switching to the activities tab and recording information then clicking save. And all of this happens just very rapidly in the backend and that's what is really special in terms of using the Power Platform, because two big things are really happening here. You're able to easily connect through from the mobile application to all the connectors on the backend but also to go use these UI applications at the same time. - Right, and the great thing here you can tell it's actually real because even with a network challenge as it took a couple of times, but that means it's actually real, it's a real demo. This is a beautiful app and it really, from a time to code perspective, it was pretty low code, you got to kind of a great end result. This case there's a lot going on behind the scenes then in terms of process but what's this all connecting to then? - This is actually built entirely via a whole bunch of different capabilities already existing in TruGreen. So they have our existing customer management system on premise and they're able to go extract that knowledge-base information into the common data service and that way they can usually have their field workers use that mobile device to go connect with a mobile Power App to all that different information and that Power App can go then connect to other different systems using things like UI Flows from Power Automate to go record the customer information as well as their history, pull that back to the mobile app. And all of that can be done in a way where it's read, write, in both directions. It's not just about seeing the information on the mobile device but also making it so you can capture additional information when out there and for the on site diagnostics that uses that AI builder capabilities to identify the issue and send it back down to the Power App and once complete, that's done, that's where the UI flow really starts to shine because now it's able to go capture all that relevant information and go put it back in that Legacy 132 application which doesn't have any APIs, doesn't have any way to connect to it except through the very thick 132 application. So that's why RPA capabilities are so key because you can go pull in all the different information from the contact management system. - So, it was really great that it was able to actually write back so this is really based on real-world implementation with TruGreen but how do they go about then building an app like this? - Yep, so you just do that right here in Power App studio. For folks that are familiar, a good way to think about it is PowerPoint combined with Excel. So I can easily see all the same screens that I just was using on the mobile app are visible inside the browser. I don't need to have a special device and it works across Android and iOS for mobile players. I can see all that same screen information that I was just looking at is visible right here and I can even see like the additional information from the knowledge base is visible right in real time. And to kind of show how easy it is, one of my favorite things is I'll just go build that AI Builder screen that I was showing from scratch, it takes just a couple seconds. So once I add on a new screen, I can view something called a component and what a component is, is a good way to actually have reusable elements across applications. - [Jeremy Chapman] Might use it for a header or a footer. - Exactly, so TruGreen has a green header of course. Matches very much their theming and then I can go drop on one of those AI Builder controls. So in my case I want to drop on the object detector control, that's the thing that allows me to use my camera on my mobile device and AI to go identify issues and you can see I've trained a model beforehand called concerns detection. I just bind that, and just like that I now have an AI powered mobile experience and what's great is if I say, go over here inside of AI Builder, we can see that I trained this model beforehand and it has 95% accuracy based on machine teaching. Where I upload a few different images and just highlight on those images where the Necrotic Ring spots exist. So now that I have that AI Builder control, maybe I want to go bind to data. And for that, that's one of my favorite parts of Power Apps is just how easy it is to go bring information into your experiences. So say I go drop on a gallery with just a list of things, we can see on the right hand side there's a whole bunch of different data sources that show up. In my case I'll just select something from the Common Data Service because that's my favorite data source in all of the Power Platforms. - [Jeremy Chapman] Not that you're biased. - Yes, not at all. And I can see I have this little grid here of all this information about different contacts for the customer. I can then easily change the layout, say maybe I want a title and sub-title and we can see it just refreshes in real time. And what you can see here is this is why it's really just like PowerPoint to go build this application experience. Citizen developer or pro dev, you can go really quick. There's no build, there's no publish, there's no compile, all of it can just be worked together really naturally inside of this design surface. - Cool, so now for TruGreen you actually showed us how it was able to connect to a legacy WPF based app, that obviously in this case didn't have an API. How were you able to get that connected and kind of fill in all those different fields? - Yep, so that's where our brand new Robotic Process Automation capability, or RPA capability inside of Power Automate comes in. So I'm able to just go use a simple visual design surface inside of Power Automate where I can just launch a recorder and what the recorder does is it captures all the mouse clicks and keyboard inputs that I do so that I can replay it back as needed as part of my automation. So in my example I'm gonna launch this application again from scratch so it's recording the fact that I launched the application. I can go use inputs, in my case I want to look up the contact whose house I'm currently visiting, I can paste that contact information inside the text box, click search and all this is actually being recorded inside the UI flow so it can be played back later in the background with the mobile app. Say switch to a different tab and then maybe go take the notes that I entered there as well. And you can see I have some sample notes that I already put in there, click save. And just like that I've now been able to make my mobile application go and use this Legacy 132 app very easily and without having to be an expert about integrating with those applications. And the way you can see it in action is, inside of the Power Automate visual designer. So people who already use Flow will know this, I can actually see the screen shots of, hey I clicked on this text box that's where I put the text in. I can see I clicked on Search and maybe I clicked on here to go enter the note information and then I recorded the save button here. All these pictures are automatically captured and rendered inside the designer so I have a very clear idea of how all these different pieces fit together. And the whole idea with all of this is that it makes it possible to really start to transform your business and that's the two key takeaways I hope everybody gets from Power Platform this week. I said it on Monday I'll say it again which is, you can build all of this without writing any code in rapid time and then you can do all of this to connect and integrate with all of your existing systems without huge integration efforts or having to go replace your back office or bizapp systems like your ERP. - Okay so I have to ask because GUI automation isn't new, there's a lot of x, y coordinate automation out there, how does this actually get less brittle, I guess, then those kind of tools? - Yep, so we've actually spent a lot of effort working with the Windows team internally to go find the right approach and we actually have three different types of rules and advanced AI to go figure out what's the best way to go select a control. And we continue to add new layers to that logic over time. You have two more that are coming the next couple of months. So it's a lot of rich capabilities to identify exactly the right control even across DPI changes or resolution changes or even subtle application updates. - So, super exciting stuff. Thank you so much for joining us today, Charles and for actually giving us a better idea of the types of things that you can do with the Power Platform but where do you recommend people go to learn more? - There's one place I'd say to go which is and that's a great way to learn about the Power Platform but even better is just get started. Really, if you start building an app right now I bet you can have one done by the end of the day and you can probably have some pretty impressive Power Automation, flows, virtual agents and apps built by the end of the week. So, just give it a try, best way is to be hands on and let the community know what you think about it. - Awesome stuff and thank you again. And of course, keep checking back to Microsoft Mechanics for the latest updates across Microsoft, that's all the time we have for this show. Thanks for watching and we'll see you next time. (upbeat techno music) (applause) (upbeat techno music)
Channel: Microsoft Mechanics
Views: 45,699
Rating: 4.9533076 out of 5
Keywords: Power Platform, Power BI, Microsoft Flow, PowerApps, AI Builder, Robotic Process Automation, user interface automation, machine learning, microsoft, microsoft power platform, Common Data Service, Power Virtual Agents, Dynamics 365, office 365, DevOps, Azure, APIs, Azures Functions, Kubernetes, robotic process automation, robotic process automation, robotic process automation (rpa), rpa
Id: o8s1_qlzzd4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 19 2019
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