Our KENTUCKY WILDCATS' $241M BASKETBALL Facility Tour | Royal Key

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[Music] what's going on world I'm George kill and I'm here in Lexington with my man Mark Evans of Kentucky Wildcats what's going on man how you doing yeah I'm doing good man so we're in one of the most story of basketball programs in the entire nation what do we got to see here today we're gonna take you guys into the locker room here in a minute which we actually just finished renovating in January so you're gonna get a sneak peek of everything that's all new in there we got some of the aidid shoes for you guys to see and all that good stuff awesome let's go take it out yeah so like I said we just finished renovating this this past January and then you can see this is how you entered the lounge here you can easily either use your ID card or we've got the real fancy retina recognition a lot of mahogany in here as you can tell coach is a big fan of that color and wood way which you'll see down at Rupp Arena later as well that's how our lounge and locker room facility and all that is set up down there right over here as soon as you walk in we have the interactive display board so right now you can hit this and it's our it'll pull up our current roster of all our guys so say we wanted to look at PJ Washington and you click that it pulls up his photos and hometown and all that we like to put our guys in the NBA here at Kentucky there so click Wildcats in the NBA and that lets just a lot longer John Wall Jamal Murray Devin Booker just a few though due to recent guys and quick Anthony up here you've started fire that's in the NBA right now that's tough um obviously you got to go Anthony the Marcus is hurt right now but I mean you probably have to go - Marcus - yeah probably go Devin Booker on the wing I'm gonna say call right now cuz DeMarcus is hurt John Wall at the point I'll throw a wild thought in there we'll go realize he's playing really well yeah a really just coming into his own when they redid the locker room they they went with the open concept so as you walk in this is our film slash meeting room Cal will meet with the guys in here if we have team meetings or before practice after practice what is this graphic on the back this was last year we played UCLA at Rupp they called it the blue-white game and they tried to get half the crown white half-a-crown blue and describe a game at Rupp I'm sure the fan bases it's creepy on a game day in Lexington if it's a Saturday everybody everybody calls it Caturday and you can tell people are out there kentucky blue from 7:00 a.m. on to whatever the game is and everybody's cheering on the cats and there's a whole buzz in the town you can just you can feel it there you have a stood of this national jug Drake yeah you name it so this is on the back side of the film room here and like we said they went with the open concept so you can see all the TVs in here for the guys right now Anthony's actually on SportsCenter it looks like so they'll come in here and hang out in between classes and whatnot behind all this we have a little pantry with cereal sandwiches and stuff for the guys to snack on throughout the day and how often are the players in here in this area since we finished it a lot the dormitory which we live in the Wildcat coal Lodge is right across the way here it's about a hundred hundred steps away they come down here's the gym and this so really we try to keep them keep everything here together for them so they're not going all over so they can they can focus on school and basketball so this is where we'll be day-to-day very rarely do we ever practice at Rupp we have but usually everything is right here all right and again you guys also show you India players off a lot and put you on the spot again how many NBA players are from Kentucky in the NBA right now I think currently it's 25 28 28 right around there it changes so much and we have guys in and out of the G League or some go overseas and come back a big thing we do here is our summer camps Coach Cal there's the camps for the kids here and Lexington those get big but a lot of guys will come back and they'll do clinics or camps sometimes even they just do them for the kids here in Lexington but you can get anywhere from six to seven MBA guys in town or new freshmen and they all get encouraged to come in here and play pickup and there's a lot of a lot of intense fun fun games some of the successful NBA guys given the rookies a hard time right little trash-talking oh yeah it gets heated especially the markets when he comes in yeah he might push him around a little bit so now let's go see what everyone's been waiting for the shoes yeah I know you have a ton so let's go take yeah let's check it out coming back in off the court right here we have the Healy family locker room this was just finished in January as well you have the ribbon board which goes all the way across the top with each guys locker their name height weight where they're from I think in here right now I got about 16 pair we did 12 pair that our guys got this season we're one of the few lucky schools that Nike takes care of with Nike ID and so I placed that order in the summer so we have 12 pair of those Nike ID and then we have a couple couple pairs from previous years this is the bronze 7 low we got these in 2009-2010 our first year the coaches were these four Coaches vs cancer okay to my knowledge there's not many pair of these in the world right all right I'd say maybe about 30 tops if that and this one everyone knows is a classic oh yeah this is the LeBron 7 high-top so those were also our first year 2009-2010 with DeMarcus Ayers Bludso's and John and all those guys these are the LeBron 9 which were released commercially I believe as well but not with a UK branding so these were specific to us and we got this in a black and a white bear with 2011-2012 so we've got our national championship here with Anthony Davis Dan Jones this isn't well Bron 15 these were really anticipated and our guys were excited for these I say they're super comfortable and ok enjoy playing and so they've been really happy with it I'm loving the UK branding these are the Kobe ABS again these are Nike ID that we got this year we got them in a white gray in a blue a lot of my guards like these more of a low-cut shoe they're really happy with these as well what seems to be the the favorite color scheme of the players so you have gray like the white okay but they don't like them when they get dirty so to give it a correct you see all of the shoes for the year before everyone else does and you get to choose the one to give them to them in specifically I work with are different reps from Nike and I help me place the order and then Nike does a really good job of taking care us and we'll Barton our director of administration with men's basketball big big sneaker head okay so he loved getting help me out with all the shoes I I'm not a massive sneaker head but he knows a shoe game harder than I do these are the KD 10 again we got them in the white grain blue guys are really happy with these I think they like the way they they wear and feel and then last but not least your Paul George's yep this is the Paul George won his first signature shoe this was actually the first one we passed out cuz we received these first kind of staggers and with the production when we get them this might be the first basketball program that has pretty much every Nike signature line here is that something very unique to Kentucky I want to say were one of a few select schools so what's been the biggest shoe that you guys have had here karl-anthony towns where's the size 20 when he came in as a freshman we couldn't get anything that was comfortable for hammer that fit right so Nike actually came in and they worked with him and we had a couple meetings with skype and whatnot and they molded it custom size 20 for him and then we had our trainer put in orthotics and all that so far so coming this way in the backside off of the locker room here this is actually a massage parlor we put in for the guys so on our off days which would have been Sunday we have usually have about one a week guys they'll set up a masseuse and the guys can come in and get get worked on and get all the kinks worked out so they're they're ready to go for the next day's practice your game all right back in here we have all the all the showers all the way in the back we have a hot tub cold tub this is our strength and conditioning facility as you can see all the weights some cardio equipment up here behind us so this is used primarily by our men's basketball team the women's basketball team volleyball and you'll get your occasional other sport in here such as rifle or gymnastics how often you know doing a practice sitting are they in here Robert Harris our strength coach he kind of sets that schedule with them sometimes it's in the morning right before practice after really whatever works with the practice and their class schedule he tries to tries to get a good mix in for them to come in here and work out and then across the hallway here is our training room Chris Simmons where I'll get the guys treatment if they need it or taped and whatnot before practice this is Memorial Coliseum here this is where a women's basketball team plays their home games volleyball and gymnastics also have their matches and meets close about 8500 people this is real historic to Kentucky basketball this is where the offices used to originally all be here in Memorial and this is where you can see ruff from the sidelines and as you can see the number SEC Championships tournament champions eight national championships so it goes on and on back here in my equipment room in Memorial Coliseum for Kentucky fans they'll know this was actually Bill kitely's office and equipment room and mr. Kitely was affectionately known as mr. Wildcat he was the equipment manager here for 48 years as you can see his pistola on the wall kentucky wore black uniforms here he passed away and so it was a sad day when he died but after everybody definitely tries to remember mr. Kitely in terms of Kentucky basketball it's actually a black Air Force one that we had custom painted by a company here in town true blue customs and this was a shoe we wore for Coaches vs cancer a few years ago inspired by the black jerseys they work for mr. Kitely when he passed away which a lot of people don't know the ultimate reason he died was cancer he had a tumor that ruptured so how many combinations would you say you guys have a paralyzed jerseys you know jerseys it's it's varied over the years this year specifically we just have a white and a blue a home in a way uniform as you can see the suits out here on the counter I'm getting ready for the postseason over the course of the year we probably do eight to nine different travel suits or jump suits for the guys a couple hoodies so we try and give them a lot of different options and being in Kentucky you're in one of those states that's warm cold snow rain so we try to give them a lot of different variations of a pair of aware this is another shoe we did this past year it's a it's a Kyrie we ID'd for the guys for Christmas in this machine you can see behind it right here sometimes we have guys that are in-between whether it be a thirteen and a half or a fourteen or fifteen this is actually a shoe stretching machine so I put them on and pushing them back we can turn a 14 into a 15 or if you guys have wide feet we can also put them on there and this'll this'll wide number all right mark now we're in Rupp Arena storied basketball court tell me about this place storied over the years you can see all the banners up here to the top all the Final Fours and national champions and run it ups its holds about 24,000 people generally every game is either sold-out or real close to it no matter who we're playing this will be our home bench right here I stand right down here which these bleachers will come out and I'll be right here in front of the student section and I just kind of oversee all my student managers to make sure everything is going out or if there's blood on a Jersey we'll get the backup jerseys or if a shoe blows out I'm kind of just overseeing the whole operation on game day right what has been the most memorable moment here in Rupp Arena as far as equipment managing our very very first year so it'll been 2009-2010 Ramon Harris who was on the team had a pair of shorts rip really really really bad I'm talking all the way completely ripped so we had to run them off real quick and give them whole new pair of shorts but you know just things like that it doesn't happen all the time but so get blood on the Jersey occasionally that sometimes our trainer can get with peroxide or if it's bad enough dakari Johnson one year was real bad but we had to switch out his jersey nothing too major and I'm gonna take you guys back and show you to show you the locker room this is probably the crown jewel of our facilities we're down here at our locker room in Rupp Arena the floor we're actually standing on is the final forecourt from 2012 and you'll see you scattered throughout here in the locker room to your right over here you've got the unparalleled tradition all the national championship banners and then over here to the left we try and update this every year this is all our NBA guys here's the trophy from the 2012 team this is where the guys all the TVs you can see can hang out after the game while they're eating postgame meal or waiting to do media or waiting on everybody else to finish up showing or what not to leave so the guys laying out in here staff this is a big recruiting piece for us and we have kids coming with their families this is where we'll kind of have them hang out before and after the game all right and again the mahogany what is coach Cowes thing with mahogany uh I think he just likes the way it looks the touch of it as you can see what you guys saw at the crafts Center mahogany on all the new stuff and that's how we have it down here to kind of wanted everything be uniform and just just looks nice and fancy this is the dining area so after every home game we'll have local restaurants or vendors or caterers come in and they'll will do a postgame meal for us they'll cater it all right here kind of a face style drinks and whatnot and guys and the staff of the mo hanging here in the dining area and eat after the game all right what types of restaurants come Katie oh I'm asking because we're hungry after this would probably be so great there you go okay um we use Rafferty's a lot which is a restaurant here in town the guys really like barbecue chicken wings Selma's which is a catering company they do some really good fried chicken the guys like so really whatever the guys are feeling we kind of try to do Wharf if we have close games back to back in the beginning there will be some type of pasta so here this is kind of our little hideaway during the games for myself in the student managers a little equipment room we have some stuff back here in this cabinet dry-fit styles we've got some jerseys that we frame and put up this was actually a denim jersey that we had in storage from the 96 national championship that was converse I believe and then 2012 with Anthony Davis and then this was Aaron Harrison 2014 five four we were the national runner-up this is the dining area we were talking about where guys will hang out after the game and as you can see more the final four court here this was the baseline from 2012 you see the mural up here which shows that in the court as we come in here you'll see the the center logo is actually from the Final Four with the 2012 banner above it this is as you can see is each player's individual locker I'm will lay out their warm-ups their uniforms their shoes we'll have everything ready to go for for the night but really this is strictly for the players which is why we have the film room across the way there the Cowboys have come in here and talked to the team he talks to the team in there so we're here in Cal's office at Rupp as nice as it is the same with our facility we're really only here roughly 20 times a year for just home games but this is where he'll be before halftime and after every game what is the significance of the balls yeah so Cal's a big memorabilia guy and as you can see a lot of the painted balls he has up here behind his desk doesn't from significant games as you can see there's a sec champion 16 and a league ball he has painted 2012 on four ball her 2014 rather Elite Eight so any any big game that has significance or was important to him he has a lot of those up here and then lastly some of the photos here very impressive kind of behind the scenes my favorite here is the day grows jawan these are just important photos to the cow memories I think and a lot of it like I said he loves helping these kids achieve their goals right mark thank you so much for letting us come in here everything last hope you guys come in to one lucky BBN fan we're gonna be putting together a Nike UK gear package you guys are gonna be able to try and get so follow us on choice key media Co is ki media on Instagram to find out how to win their package [Music] you
Channel: Sports Dissected by COISKI
Views: 951,989
Rating: 4.9178538 out of 5
Keywords: coiski, content is king, media, digital media, Kentucky Wildcats, Kentucky Wildcats Basketball, Kentucky Basketball, Tour, Facility, Kentucky Basketball Tour, Locker Room, Court, Arena, Kentucky Basketball Locker Room, Shoes, Sneakers, Sneaker Room, Sneaker Closet, Sneaker Collection, Shoe Room, Shoe Closet, Shoe Collection, Nike, LeBron, Kobe, PG, Kyrie, Drake, Ashley Judd, Coach Cal, John Calipari, Kentucky Nike shoes, Kentucky Nike Sneakers, KD
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 12sec (912 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 21 2018
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