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[Music] 315 meters long 65 meters high a total weight of 80 000 tons this is the medevilia the latest Jewel of the Atlantic's shipyards cruise ship equipped with all the latest technology is a design that employs an incredibly high performance system of simulation calculations and an army of Engineers a giant puzzle made from 300 000 pieces of Steel huge sheets of metal had to be cut and then soldered to perfection is [Music] a huge construction site starting with the huge Gantry crane the most powerful lifting machine in Europe capable of lifting blocks of 1 200 tons and positioning them to the nearest millimeter yeah the Maravilla involved building a real self-sufficient City for several thousand inhabitants [Music] four years of research and work for a delivery with a strict deadline um Italian for Marvel is not only a giant of the Seas but also one of the most ecological liners ever built despite having unequal propulsion power for this type of ship for this crazy venture to succeed the ship required 6 million hours of work thousands of men and women with one mission to build the biggest cruise liner in history for a European ship owner after four years of construction take a look behind the scenes at an extraordinary achievement a 600 million euro giant of the Seas filled with Innovation the ship of the future foreign [Music] Shipyard is located on the west coast of France less than 60 kilometers from nant at a size of 150 hectares it is the largest Shipyard in Europe and one of the six largest in the world on this site military vessels tankers and New Generation cruise ships are built always enormous constructions [Music] the location of the yards is ideal for Designing these Giants of the Seas the Atlantic Ocean is a stone's throwaway and its depth at high tide allows the largest ships in the world to be launched from the construction site for the construction of the melavilia the shipyards have to meet very strict specifications the stability of the vessel at Sea must be exemplary seasickness is the last thing the passengers want and so one of the priorities of Engineers is to limit the pitch of the vessel [Music] the vibrations felt in the rooms and also on the deck of the ship must be as limited as possible also the customers must not be inconvenienced by the smoke coming from the huge chimneys of the ship so the ship owner demands that particular attention be paid to this and it is not only the comfort of the passengers but is the subject of such precise studies the energy consumption of this new liner was reduced by 20 compared to ships in the same category this means a fuel economy of several hundreds of thousands of Euros per year but also fewer gases released into the atmosphere the delivery of the melavilia was planned for less than four years after the signing of the contract a strict deadline if the liner is not ready the penalties for delay are exorbitant more than a hundred thousand Euros per day in order to succeed in this crazy challenge the shipyards have developed revolutionary techniques and impeccable organization the boats are split up into various sections [Music] of the metal sheet of sheets needed for the merivilia's construction they arrive directly in a hangar at the end of the building site the sheets will be cut in this 300 meter long building this is where the liner comes to life the 300 000 pieces of the puzzle cut out day and night take shape [Music] decoup age robots take care of the cutting work to the tenth of a millimeter on high resistance sheets these steel plates respond to a growing demand from ship owners ships unlike military vessels are in Open Sea configurations the ship must give an impressive sensation of lightness the sheets are therefore very thin another Advantage is that the lighter the line is the less fuel it consumes while moving [Music] um cutting the pieces is the first challenge for the building sites some sheets can be up to 20 meters long for engineers the challenge is to get as many elements out of each sheet as possible to minimize waste the cut of each piece is calculated by a computer which sometimes requires complex cuts to generate unusual pieces like this one the ball alone is a steel monster it has two purposes to increase speed thanks to better penetration of the Water by the ship and to save hundreds of thousands of Euros of fuel each year worked on its development is we see here the first wave that is created by the bow of the ship as speed increases the wave increases and this massive water will slow down the ship with the addition of the bulb a second wave will appear below the bow foreign [Music] The Disappearance of the enormous wave at the front of the ship less energy is needed to move the ship forward the size and form of the bulb adapts to the bow of each vessel the selection of the most effective profile for a bulb is the work of hydrodynamic Engineers [Music] a bold with the best possible profile decreases water resistance by 20 this process has been specially developed for very large vessels the other part of the liner that also experiences water resistance is the hull of the ship like the bulb the shape of the hull of the merivilia has also been subject to considerable research and as such has benefited from a new system for its design optimization a world first the meadowvalea benefits from software that allows settings of the hull to be cross-referenced with sea conditions this software takes advantage of new high performance algorithms called cfd calculations this new technology for the study of fluid mechanics has shown spectacular results which has allowed the hull of the merivilia to be designed with the perfect profile you see if this is a computational free dynamics that consists a result um calculations of the turbulence acting on the hull of an ocean liner are a revolutionary part of the merivilia's design the results obtained inform Engineers about the speed of the ship with different Hull shapes they allow designers to model more than 150 different hulls according to the researchers experiments to finally arrive at the ideal shape or selection is on several giant models sensors are installed to measure the resistance of the water at a given speed a process that has existed for several decades but that is probably seeing its final days this is because the results obtained by the computer are astounding for the first time the figures given by computer calculations are just as precise as those measured by the sensors of the model and it is not just the hull of the merovilia that benefits from this Innovation it is also the propellers foreign they are responsible for advancing the enormous mass of the ship Monsters of Steel about 20 meters high coupled with gigantic propellers [Music] they have a propulsion power that has never been seen on a ship like this one combining speed New Perspectives in travel and increased comfort of passengers they are the future of cruise liners the melvilia is at the Forefront of this formidable Revolution foreign at Sea the addition of these mobile propellers offers him a smoothness and control never seen before um each of the two electric motors produces 20 million Watts the equivalent of 7000 washing machines the highest electric power ever produced for a propeller of this size on the lower rear part a wing controls the direction powered by the engine the propellers Drive the liner forward with a maximum speed of 25 knots an impressive feat for a ship of 80 000 tons the equivalent of nearly 6 000 buses but this is not their only feature they also give the ship incredible maneuverability [Music] um foreign will be able to dock in ports that would have been impossible with the old style of propellers a real Plus for the passengers [Music] another Innovation is the automatic control of the engine power which has been improved by the engineers to avoid any risk of catastrophe as seen here [Music] ship more than 300 meters long with 4 000 passengers leaves a small port on the coast of Messina in Italy the captain has apparently not measured the power of His pods the port experiences giant waves destroying several ships [Music] [Applause] in addition to their power these new generation propellers allow for fluidity of navigation there are almost no vibrations felt on the ship is [Music] president the result cruising at speed does not bother the passengers on the ship but the pods are not the only ones to provide energy to the merovilia four diesel engines on the ship act as a power station foreign [Music] facilities is very energy intensive if you add to that the energy consumption of the 7 000 people living on board it's clear there are very different needs to meet foreign [Music] the pods as well as the four engines manufactured by subcontractors were transported here to the construction dock where the assembly was carried out the floors of the ship that have been assembled are brought here to this 900 meter construction zone like a Giants construction game the blocks are stacked on top of each other it is impossible to imagine this without this machine that allowed them to be moved crane called the tgp is the largest lifting machine in all of Europe foreign [Applause] weighing over 5 000 tons the equivalent of 10 A380 airplanes a structure made of ultra resistant steel at 100 meters high [Music] at maximum capacity it can lift nearly 1 200 tons the merivilia would not exist without it is [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign this giant moving Bridge works with two carriages in each of the carriages two lifting systems are positioned at the ends in each lifting system there is a single 1400 meter long cable that is lengthened or retracted to raise or lower the load as required each of the cables passes through a lifting beam which makes it possible to adjust its length to the nearest centimeter at the other end of the cable five anchoring points are attached once the four lifting beams are connected to the gigantic structure it is lifted a few centimeters and the balancing of the entire structure is done at this precise moment [Music] once the balance is perfect the block is lifted moved over to the construction zone and then placed on the ship High Precision maneuvering on the ground the Slingers direct the operation they give precise indications to the Gantry crane operator so that the gigantic structures fit perfectly together [Music] foreign [Music] is the pilot of the Gantry crane he has been working on these construction sites for 16 years foreign thanks to its very easy handling the Gantry crane takes less than three hours for a block of more than a thousand tons to fit perfectly into another it took only nine months for the maravillia to take its definitive form but although it is fast maneuvering these mountains of Steel is still dangerous for the workers underneath Jackie Perry has no margin of error when he's moving a giant block with a simple joystick [Music] s yeah [Music] [Music] thank you the blocks assembled by the Gantry crane were lifted a few meters away in a hangar over 900 meters long this building is entirely dedicated to welding the 300 000 pieces of sheet metal this is a stage where workers are needed to replace the less skilled machines [Music] has been a welder on the building sites for five years for the medevilia everything must be extremely precise foreign yet other whales can look perfect but conceal serious imperfections because the metal can change shape or retract these welding problems are difficult to detect and become much more serious when the liner is already assembled foreign [Music] and so the security checks are extremely strict the assembled sheets become increasingly sophisticated as the first fittings are added to you 1 500 kilometers of cable will be concealed in the ceilings of these panels is to assemble the blocks that are already equipped with maximum functionality this saves a considerable amount of time compared with assembling the floors of the ship and then equipping them but this strategy is only effective thanks to the Gantry crane that dominates the port investing in this 30 million euro steel giant was a superb choice for the shipyards in San Jose coupled with the giant assembly dock that allows the construction of two ships it has made sanazer the most efficient Shipyard in Europe and one of the quickest in the world only around 40 months are needed for each giant of the Seas but it is also the research programs and technological innovations developed by the shipyards Engineers that seduce the owners of the merivilia for example these gigantic openings at the level of the bulb these are the bowel propellers of the merivilia it is installed at the front of the ship these propellers directed and coupled with the Pods at the back increased the maneuverability of the liner even more Antonio is the resistance on a liner like the medevilia there are two ways to manage the water taming the water on the outside of the ship so that it doesn't slow it down and also managing the water on board foreign this is a major challenge for a floating city [Music] seven thousand Cruise passengers and crew are going to live there for many weeks between the swimming pools passenger showers and ship maintenance an average of 200 cubic meters of water per person per day is required which means 1.4 million cubic meters of water have to be produced daily the equivalent of 5 600 baths of drinking water per day it isn't possible to store the amount of water needed for each week of a cruise in addition to consume as little fuel as possible The Vessel must try to keep its weight as low as possible [Music] this water will be stored near the engines the heat released is such that the thousands of cubic meters pumped in from the sea end up boiling steam then forms and this sea water which has become fresh water will be recovered in tanks from 100 liters of salt water 30 liters of distilled water is obtained thanks to the system developed for melavilia is this process will be increasingly used by ship owners as transforming the sea water into drinking water uses the heat of the engines which is both an economical and non-polluting Technology foreign but this method cannot meet all the needs of a cruise foreign and so it is impossible for the ship to collect clean water in a port the engineers in San Jose have responded to this challenge when the medevilia is docked for several days another system takes over a high performance membrane a sort of giant filter that is so sensitive it can separate salt from water [Music] projects concentration foreign with their incredible water filtering membrane are a solution for small quantities of water but only the boilers are capable of producing the one million four hundred thousand cubic meters of water each day that the ship requires during a cruise important the quality of the ocean water is a major environmental issue the medevilia must comply with strict International guidelines when releasing its water into the sea it is treated to not add any more pollution to the ship's Crossings Alaska foreign the waters around Alaska are under extreme surveillance regarding pollution caused by large ships the toxic waste authorized in this region is the lowest in the world but if the medevilia travels from one ocean to another from Alaska to the Mediterranean another problem that could arise is the potential transportation of harmful species on the ship material orange works on environmental issues with the San Jose shipyards the different conditions the quantity of fuel and its distribution throughout the ship varies throughout the journey the engineers have found a way to counter this and maintain a steady balance on the ship ballasts foreign this water could contain species that are dangerous to the Natural Balance of sensitive regions like the Mediterranean not to mention bacteria hidden in the water from other Seas is foreign [Music] contamination ultraviolet light is actually used twice in this way to kill bacteria on cruise liners a security measure that is enforced by the authorities just as the treatment of fumes that are released into the air foreign and all cruise liners is a heavy fuel of poor quality that is usually quite polluting Cruise operators have therefore been asking Research Laboratories to develop a system that can limit this air pollution as much as possible in particular the large amount of sulfur that is present in the Smoke emitted by the chimneys [Music] the medevilia takes full advantage of this research with the scrubbers a kind of giant shower designed to limit the pollutants released into the air they alone remove 97 of the sulfur oxide emitted by the liners diesel engines [Music] the scrubbers are responsible for trapping toxic fumes by mixing them with seawater before they escape through the chimneys the sulfur is mixed with a special solution once neutralized the mud-like result is stored on the ship and then unloaded onto land to be treated [Music] um polluting waste is a major problem for the environment but can also be one for the passengers [Music] in the design specification for the medevilia the ship owner wanted to optimize as much open air space as possible for the customers the aim being to gain as much space as possible on the deck of the ship the walks on the bridge and the tanning sessions by the pools are the most popular activities for the passengers [Music] foreign a computer simulates the trajectories of the gas leaving the chimneys of the liner from these results the exhaust chimneys of the merivilia have been inclined in such a way to avoid the fumes falling back onto the decks there have also been openings made in the chimneys so that the air that enters cools the gases as it is difficult to control where Hot Gas Falls by lowering their temperature with cold air the fumes that are often foul smelling no longer surround the decks of the ship measurements are constantly being taken in the areas where holiday makers like to walk the comfort and the safety of the passengers come first but the gas is produced by the engines are not the only consideration on the decks of the liners is [Music] to assimilate all types of wind a computer is also used to calculate the air penetration on the ship as well as the corridors the wind can blow down the shape of the ship combined with protective systems such as large panels is optimized so that the wind takes different routes far from the holiday makers foreign presentation offer their guests the pleasure of sailing on the Open Sea miles away from the mainland with no inconveniences is the challenge for the melavilia and the passenger experience must be flawless [Music] with this in mind and to combat the terrible sensation of seasickness another innovation has transformed The Experience on this cruise ship a process that is invisible for the passengers yet very impressive when viewed from underwater where the ship benefits from huge stabilizers like airplane Wings measuring an impressive 17 square meters each so this is [Music] opposition by limiting the vibrations of certain parts of the ship or the effects of rolling the new Giants of the sea such as the merivilia do all they can to eliminate every annoyance starting with seasickness please foreign [Music] [Music] ship can finally leave the assembly dock [Music] a total of six million hours of work are needed to construct the medivilia foreign [Music] of testing and the startup of the engines to begin with they have to fill the dock where it was assembled to transfer the giant to another part of the site just a few hundred meters away an important moment for the ship ment um and there it goes the ship is floating for the first time and starts to leave the assembly dock this can only happen when the tidal coefficient is at its highest and the weather conditions are as calm as possible stage the ship is still an inert giant with no functioning motor it has to be towed [Music] [Music] the liner is not going on a long trip but it has definitely left its assembly dock for another which does not have a Gantry crane [Music] foreign [Music] settles into its new home although from the outside it may look ready inside the workers of the San Jose Shipyard continue their work day and night the liner is far from being finished [Music] the 2500 rooms the restaurants Cinemas and nightclubs are not yet ready to welcome the first passengers thousands of workers and Craftsmen labor each day to ensure the all-important deadline is meta Logistics as these numerous workers fulfill their roles simultaneously the technical teams Begin work on a crucial stage of the construction is universe computers are turned on we can now check that the maravillia reacts perfectly to the detection of a fire for example a fire can break out at any time during the construction phase but a fire that starts while the ship is at Sea can quickly become a catastrophe is [Music] foreign noise pollution is one of the major challenges in the construction of new generation cruise liners foreign addition to the propellers developed for the medavilia which considerably reduced noise pollution compared to other ships in the same category at the heart of the ship the insulation work is extensive families passages [Music] it's okay tests in the fitting out Basin are not enough a real outing at Sea is required to properly assess the ship and so the medevilia is going to leave the shipyard to face reality configurations [Music] foreign Maneuvers are carried out and the behavior of the ship its stopping distance and its turning radius are assessed even if the ship's intelligence system limits the possibility of going too far in these tests automatic Ally has reached the final straight inside the finishing touches have been carefully added all whilst keeping a close eye on the schedule with 100 000 Euros of penalty for each day it is delayed the San Jose shipyards have been watching the clock very very closely as they do for the delivery of each liner foreign [Music] [Music] foreign is not yet out of the shipyards and yet already a new series of liners is under construction following its lead and thanks to the numerous studies that were carried out to make this groundbreaking Cruise liner the new ships built on the shipyard will follow the path of innovation and Environmental Protection [Applause] foreign connected [Applause] is um [Music] this ever-present desire to innovate as seen with the medevilia will lead to bigger and bigger ships being built in the future [Music] environmental waste widespread electric propulsion and ultimately no more diesel engine at the very heart of the liner even more efficient water management solar panels that are able to operate an entire ship [Music] [Applause] the challenges to come over the next few decades have definitely not finished transforming these so-called Giants of the sea foreign Tower paris's Metro system is a true monument at over a century old it is the Beating Heart of the French Capital with 220 kilometers of track 302 stations and 14 lines it is indispensable to life in the city and Carries more than 5 million passengers a day that's 2 billion people each year continuously modernized and always at the Forefront of Technology it nevertheless retains the appearance of its early days it owes this uniqueness to parisians who have held it dear since it was first created in 1900 designed by Visionary Engineers such as fuljos Bienvenu the father of the metro and realized in an era where everything was possible this Mega structure has marked the capital with its imposing viaducts which crisscross the sin but how did they achieve such Feats technology the network has always benefited from the most Innovative Technologies from the first wooden tunnels to Chambers submerged in the Sin by freezing the ground the construction which began at the end of the 19th century disemboweled Paris and boosted its performance as for the 400 trains today they look nothing like the original wooden wagons they are increasingly faster more secure automated and interconnected the network has succeeded in its technological Gamble and brought its historic lines into the Modern Age foreign continues to grow but the building techniques have changed the Paris Metro uses the most Innovative methods to continue its growth these include giant tunnel boring machines capable of digging more than 30 meters deep calculus line extensions will take the metro beyond the limits of the capital and connect with the new 200 kilometer long grandpari Express Network how will the Metro approach the future and its new Urban issues after More Than A Century of existence the Paris Metro has established its foothold in the 21st century discover the Paris Metro like you have never seen it before [Music] foreign [Music] on the site of the line 14 extension a Titanic construction costing nearly one and a half billion euros situated in the Heart of the City here revolutionary techniques are used making it almost invisible to the City's population the project will add six kilometers and four stations to the existing line linking the Salazar station and the Merida santois station 25 meters below ground level the tunneling machine Solen is hard at work it has covered 400 meters so far its aim is to create a new section towards marida santois station is [Music] thanks to Modern tunneling machines such as this one in satwa developed by a French company the construction goes a lot faster and the workers have given way to machines the tunnel boring machine at 100 meters long and 9 meters wide is able to exert 7000 tons of thrust against the wall it devours completely automated the Solen can dig and construct the tunnel at the same time at the front of the machine the head equipped with its numerous teeth operates on the Rock exactly like a drill bit The Cutting head eats away at the Earth the rubble is then rooted outwards with the help of an Archimedes screw a giant feeder screw the debris saturated with water is carried outside of the site on a conveyor belt stored in a reservoir it is then taken away in lorries at the same time that the Earth is removed the vusua which will form the tunnel walls are lowered into the starting well they continuously Supply the work of the boring machine because foreign following the advancement of the tunneling machine a mechanical arm places the buswav one by one in a precise order assembled together they will form the structure of the tunnel the Romans used stonevisoir to construct their arches like a giant puzzle these prefabricated concrete Parts weighing six and a half tons fit perfectly together to form watertight walls on this extension of line 14 it will take seven to form a tunnel ring [Music] thank you [Music] no propulsion is required to move the machine forward these hydraulic jacks allow the machine to lean against the vusois that it installs and applies pressure which moves It Forward the tunnel boring machine at santois advances 200 meters a month towards its final Target situated more than five kilometers away the speed must be adapted according to numerous parameters including the type of Earth and the diameter of the borehole similar to a drill that you don't want to overpower for fear that it might Jam um [Music] we are far from the days of the horse-drawn buses which filled the capital and the 1900 World Exposition which saw the birth of the Paris Metro today it is made up of 220 kilometers of track 14 Metro lines 303 stations and more than 400 trains which run seven days a week the Metro also has an unbelievable history which goes back nearly a century and a half years companies [Music] 260 million people it's not enough many more are needed because Paris very quickly absorbs its suburbs in 1860 the capital's population reached over one million five hundred thousand people Paris is completely gridlocked it needs an underground Railway London already has one a steam Railway underground the competition is on is foreign Railway projects are discarded due to smoke emissions inventiveness of proposals for Parisian transport from Visionaries and other passionate people is Limitless Airways hung by giant balloons a suspended bridge between the two Eiffel Towers an aerial tram passing over the city anything seems possible The Works of Ortho julverne seems to have inspired many of the projects such as that conceived by a certain musio Olivier who in 1878 proposes an aerial tram passing over buildings in order to facilitate Road Crossings foreign this goes on for 40 years with no results the parisians will have to be patient [Music] is [Music] from the outset the design brief of the construction of the Paris Metro specifies that it will be for the most part Subterranean even if it will also have to cross the scene by metal Bridges [Music] as for the trains they will be electrically driven and must not exceed the size of 2.4 meters which would inhibit the running of normal trains is several important deadlines such as the 1900 World Exposition will ultimately put everyone in agreement in Paris an original means of Transport is tested it is called the road of the future in fact it is a rolling pavement over three kilometers long which runs along the sin looping between the Shonda Mar and the Esplanade the parisians go crazy for it elsewhere an Innovative subway project is born and it is based on an invention that is changing Society reality tramways have existed since the 1860s first there were horse-drawn tramways then Steam and finally electric the Visionary berlier imagines an underground Tramway with a central rail which will provide the necessary electricity finally in 1896 a Parisian engineer Fusion espionvenu is put at the head of the project he is seen as the father of the Metro there is even a station with his name montparnas bienvenue or particular is [Music] is the champion of the underground but the Paris Metro is also made up of some spectacular constructions incredible technological prowess for the time and true artistic masterpieces [Music] Technologies the construction of the austerlitz viaduct was decided in 1903 to link the two Banks of line five between the stations garage and the current station que de la rape in order to avoid interfering with River traffic the navigation service demanded that it should have no supports in the middle of the river [Music] situated 11.3 meters above the level of the sin the austerlitz viaduct is made of steel it consists of two large parabolic arches with three main joints one at the top and two on either side near the Riverbanks the deck which is 8.5 meters wide is suspended from the Arches by 16 supports in its Center and four supports at its ends to withstand wind Force the suspension supports are connected by crossed structures to reinforce the structure the arcs themselves are also connected together [Music] the selected project therefore outlined a Viaduct with a single span of 140 meters beating the 107.5 meter long Alexandra 3 Bridge which was until that point the longest in Paris on the banks the viaduct arches rest on Stone abutments which are 22 meters long and 18 meters wide each of these blocks is surmounted on two 15-meter high masts which frame the deck of the bridge a work that is truly extraordinary for its time in July 1906 the constructionist finally completed line 5 which links guard a list to gardasilitz is in service [Music] it is one of six lines which make up the initial project but already a second stage of works is planned for the designers the Metro must be for everyone and no person should be further than 400 meters from a station it is for this reason that the first line to be constructed consists of 18 stations for only 11 kilometers of track it is the transversal line from east to west which departs from portavasin to join pot mayod it runs along the sin for nearly half of its length the construction for line 1 begins in February 1899. technique is used by all contractors in the construction of Railway tunnels in particular as in the mines the digging is done by hand with a pick and shovel grueling work that is carried out in extreme conditions all the rubble is removed from the tunnels in wagons and transported to the surface [Music] some issues to refill Parisian quarries as for the shafts they are supported by enormous wooden beams which also serve to create the shape of the future tunnel finally still by hand the vault is constructed from stone blocks a work worthy of the construction of the pyramids is [Music] in reality the metal shield would not be used much on line one because it is very slow difficult to put in place and stops as soon as it encounters a rock that is too hard at the time it was even sometimes necessary to dig by hand to move it forward in waterlogged Terrain these are the visuals placed one by one to create the tunnel ring they are cast iron and positioned using a manual system they give the tunnel its final shape The Shield concept truly is the ancestor of the modern tunnel boring machine but this technique will take decades to be properly developed it will take a century for a tunnel boring machine to be used again in Paris today it is hard to imagine the busy revoli in this state and yet it is the hell that parisians will live with for 18 months is this technique will be used near the sin dug as shallow as possible to avoid leaks the top of certain stations is sometimes only 60 centimeters from the wheels of the cars passing above is the most Advanced Technologies were used in the electrification of the network two coal factories were built to provide enough energy for this new means of transport this requires colossal Investments which already combine public and private money it is the CMP owned by Baron on par one of the financial Giants of the 19th century who takes on this formidable Gamble located [Music] listening while the inauguration takes place quietly during the summer of 1900 those who took the crazy gamble on these tunnels which crisscross the capital have a new worry will the parisians want to go down Underground it is a complete success and at the end of 1900 it had reached close to 17 million passengers an unimaginable result since each train has only three wooden cars which travel at a maximum of 21 kilometers an hour this is far from the performance of the Metro today with its 400 trains at 90 meters long and increasingly automated system which carries 1 400 million passengers each year more than 4 million a day [Music] Westinghouse voyage [Music] nearly 120 years later things have well and truly changed beginning with line one the historic line which saw the evolution of the Paris Metro foreign ly connected comfortable automated and secure the issue of security became evident when a fire in the 1930s triggered a long alert process within the Maze of different services [Music] foreign for the passengers to answer growing concerns about the safety the errite Implement centralized command posts a revolution made necessary by the growing development of this megastructure in 1967 line one is one of the first to be equipped with a centralized Command Post 50 years later it is the most modernized Command Post in the Parisian Metro with nearly 275 million people transported a year the role of the line 1 command post is Paramount in order to respond to every situation as quickly as possible [Music] situations [Music] [Applause] [Music] in 2011 to better meet a growing demand the traditional Metro with the human driver is replaced by a completely automated line the work was done at night without major interruptions to traffic it was a world first automatization is [Music] the Paris Metro is sometimes strained during large public demonstrations for example which stir the city but the erotepi is now able to quickly adapt its resources to meet demands at any moment even on a Sunday [Music] since its creation the evolution of the Paris Metro has been a real obstacle course the construction of certain sections combines Ingenuity self-sacrifice and pure Madness this is the case of opera station it is 1904 an entrepreneur undertakes a Herculean task here he will carry out the feat of burying a gigantic block of concrete in which three Metro lines will cross over one above the other something that has never been seen before until now Leon chanyeol has only dug a few tunnels on lines two and three he owes his Fame to the former on it he will test Advanced Techniques and become one of the more important Builders of the Paris Metro thanks to this success he will be entrusted with an even more unbelievable Mission the first crossing under the sen river between the station's chateale and City [Music] these two stations make up part of line four around 11 kilometers long it leaves from Porter clinic and runs all the way to portolon um foreign first of all chanyeol builds the section that leads to the sin it goes from Chateau station to the banks it must now cross the long arm of the Center City station and then the small arm of the sin to Sami share station they decide on Chambers buried in the riverbed the construction begins in 1905 and Promises to be spectacular there will be three large Chambers for the larger branch of the sin covering a distance of 122 meters and two for the smaller Branch at 41 meters the five Chambers which will be submerged in the river will be assembled on the cada Tulare where the engineers will create their Innovations each chamber is composed of a cast iron base housing the two future tracks the whole structure is surrounded by a double layered wall made from metal the chamber rests on the base of the shape of a knife blade 1.8 meters high between the two walls is an empty space which will become a workspace where the builders will operate the chamber which floats on the sin is then towed to its future grounding place [Music] after having found its ideal positioning concrete is injected into the metal double wall creating a water-tight sarcophagus promised by the contractor the construction site despite its size manages to avoid interference with the swallows and their passengers passing along the sin under the weight of the concrete the chamber Falls gently once in place the water in the interior of the work chamber is pumped the main chamber is weighted down to keep it in place at the bottom of the river through chimneys compressed air is sent into the work chamber increasing its water tightness and allowing the builders to go down and dig under the metallic structure in order to sink it into the ground to the desired level working in extreme conditions these specialized Builders called tubists must like underwater Marine divers make decompression stops when coming back up from the work chamber 15 meters below the surface strikes which were rare at the time will Mark the history of this abnormal building site [Music] thanks to the work of these capable men who took on this risky work all the chambers of the same section were finally lowered to the right level on the bed of the sin they are then joined together to form a single tube the work Chambers are filled with concrete and the trench is filled to ensure that the structure is blocked in the tunnel is complete the water is then pumped and the workers can finally access it this part the most dangerous will take place without any major problems but the same cannot be said for the chamber under elasticity is foreign the pressure is so high in the chamber that they were ejected outwards like the passengers of an airliner whose door would suddenly open mid-flight [Music] stations situated on the mainland must also be buried once again the sinking technique will be used and the builders will go down into the work chamber to pick away the waterlogged Earth from Below a colossal job especially when you see the images of these enormous steel hulls that gradually disappear into the ground but the construction is not finished a new difficulty stands before Leon shaneur they have to pass beneath the railway line connecting austellites and assay without it collapsing solution this freezing technique makes it possible to carry out dry work in water pockets and so enables the digging of more stable ground for this two Refrigeration plants were built along the sen from their pipe circulated salt water cooled to 24 degrees [Music] the digging shaft passes beneath the railway line which links austellites and osei so that the tunnel Works did not endanger the tracks the ground is Frozen by inserting 24 refrigerated pipes which went 14 meters deep the volume of earth to be frozen is considerable more than 2 000 cubic meters this technique is so expensive and so complicated to develop that finally only 14 meters are treated [Music] after 40 days the ground is sufficiently Frozen the freezing works so well that the builders who work with picks have difficulty digging the work is reaching the limits of what humans can achieve and the construction can only take place at night when the trains do not run [Music] in 1909 after four years of hard work the gargantuan construction of the sand Crossing is complete up to 700 workers were employed at one time [Music] the general inspector Phil Jones comes to inspect it his dream has become a reality two years later elevators are installed which give access down to City assameshare stations situated far below the surface of the Sun on the eve of the first world war nearly 40 percent of the network was already built making up 90 kilometers of the 220 kilometers that exist today in 1939 160 kilometers are in service at this time the Metro already carries 500 000 passengers over the following years 60 kilometers will be added to the lines to complete the network is some of them make it possible to travel to the limits of Paris the 1931 Colonial Exposition takes place in vancen station inaugurated for the occasion will bring millions of visitors eager to discover the beauties of the French Empire all the continents are represented there in their most beautiful finery in a glorified image attracting the crowds with more than 30 million admissions this event is a huge success the Metro demonstrates once more its unparalleled capacity to transport the masses as intended by its designers it became indispensable to the Parisian population is existence [Music] today the 14 existing lines are subject to wear and tear and various incidents this enormous structure is therefore costly monitored and everything possible is done to keep the lines running some built at the very beginning of the 20th century are totally renovated respecting the spirit of their unique Heritage this is the case particularly of the aerial lines whose metal structures have for decades met the expectations of the engineers who designed them this is why the Metro now indispensable to Parisian life never completely sleeps each night 2 000 agents work to maintain the tracks which zigzag through the bowels of the city workers must work fast as they have to leave their work sites before five o'clock in the morning technicians today still use techniques developed by Generations past to assemble the rails to be replaced they are welded together with the help of a sort of small portable Foundry this is a technique used even in the 1930s [Music] trains thousands of kilometers each year requiring colossal maintenance [Music] each line has its own maintenance Workshop we are in bobini all the line 5 trains come here to undergo maintenance tests and repairs at least five times a year [Music] activities like with car tires which wear out and become misshapen the metal wheels of the Metro trains require a reprofiling every 200 000 kilometers or three years of use it is a way of improving the comfort of the passengers and also ensuring optimal safety by gaining adhesion here the cars are checked from every angle one of the main advantages of this state-of-the-art Workshop is the possibility of working on the bogeys which include the engine the undercarriage and the axles and which weigh more than seven tons hydraulic cylinders separate the wagons from the bogeys an exceptional system which allows them to be repaired or changed it is a long way away from the manual workshops 50 years ago where adjustments took forever technology has revolutionized the eretepe maintenance workshops [Music] but today like yesterday nothing is left to chance here in operations an operation that is required to facilitate the technician's diagnostic to check each part and also to avoid any possible accidents where the oil might risk setting on fire due to the Heat there have been few fires sometimes with unexpected causes since the Metro opened the most tragic took place just after a few years of use on the 10th of August in 1903 is the grief is immense the young Metro has just claimed its first victims its operators will learn many lessons Sunday set Evolution at an evolution Providence the trains of today are therefore the result of a series of Evolutions that go back to the very first wooden cars but the real Revolution begins after the second World War is [Music] the Paris Metro will not evolve much over the years to come the Glorious 30s is the age of the automobile it is not until the 1970s that new changes would be seen the passengers discover the first automatic ticket machines and the first turnstiles to which they would have to become accustomed [Music] in 1973 the last ticket Stamper retires the eretepe creates the katohant metal pass in 1975. it will change the lives of thousands of parisians more than ever the metro and its passageways are living quarters appropriated by the population in terms of infrastructure the parisians see the creation of several line extensions as well as a new Regional transport Network composed of five lines at 587 kilometers long the area Technologies line 14 meteor is the start of a double Revolution as it is the first metro without a driver and also with stations equipped with electronic doors which open simultaneously with the train doors [Music] foreign [Music] constructing this line which crosses Paris from east to west from the 9th to the 13th arundismos is a new challenge because it must pass beneath the belly of the city its car Parks its underground networks its buildings and even the sin for this it will use a revolutionary technology the tunnel Boring Machine a gigantic construction site which will last five years and require double the amount of Steel than was used for the Eiffel Tower line 14 is the seventh line to cross the scene between the station's core Santa Emilio and bibliotec transformation foreign years after the first operation to pass under the sin Chambers will once again be used in this Crossing but this time no one's life is at risk gone are the days where men work under the huge metal structures excavators with giant arms are used to make a huge trench 14 meters wide in the riverbed the four chambers are 34 meters long six meters high and nine meters wide and made of prefabricated concrete they are constructed directly on site submerge slowly and under heavy surveillance they are then directed towards their grounding site positioned in line with the trench the chambers disappear into the sin reaching their final placement they are then covered with Earth joined together they form a new passage under the sin [Music] nearly 20 years later line 14 opens new extension Works begin is foreign but to achieve this goal the contractors will have to overcome new obstacles starting with avoiding existing Metro lines they will have to dig very deep using the tunneling machine which will descend 30 meters below ground level [Music] at these depths new challenges await the engineers the ground to be dug is relatively loose and does not pose a particular difficulty however the route is situated beneath the level of the water table the contractors will have to combine technology and Ingenuity is digging with a tunneling machine has a number of advantages for the use of the future line [Music] is these Works can be carried out without disrupting traffic circulation a true feat this is the system automatically the line 14 extension will open in 2019 after this it will see other editions such as an extra station in the North in San Dennis player and an extension of around 15 kilometers in the South joining of Lee airport these two new stations will be connected to the whole grandpari Express Network [Music] this is the big idea of the grandpari network to multiply the connections within the existing Network this will be the case for 75 percent of the new stations quite an accomplishment when you consider the importance of the construction which is beginning the grandpari express is a new transport Network at 200 kilometers long it is as long as the current Paris Metro the four new lines are completely automated traveling up to 120 kilometers an hour between 68 new stations a circular Network which joins France's main regions and aims to decongest the existing Network it was time the Paris Metro megastructure began to seize up another way had to be found [Music] Modern Family [Music] a circular Network for skirting around Paris and saving time for the line 15 South which will link the west and the east of Paris without passing through the capital 13 Architects have designed 16 new stations they no longer seek to hide them they are thought to be true Living Spaces making their mark on the Heart of the City [Music] foreign [Music] the first Works have begun in line 15 which will surround Paris will be completely finished in 2027 but this is not it as numerous extension projects on existing lines have already been planned the network must respond to the growing Parisian urban area but also to its usage which increases by three percent each year to soon reach a billion and a half passengers transported modernity is [Music] [Music] soon this formidable structure conceived by its creators as a self-contained system will be connected with the main Paris Express line but also to the era Airlines forming a network over one thousand kilometers long the Paris Metro a giant mega structure born more than a century ago and which relies on its history to write its future [Music] over more than 190 kilometers a stretch of blue cuts through the Egyptian desert this is the Suez Canal one of the greatest technical Feats of all time by separating Africa and Asia this man-made route has transformed the world forever since its Creation in the 19th century it allows ships to pass directly from the Mediterranean Ocean through to the Red Sea this is a considerable shortcut as they no longer have to go around Africa 18 000 ships take this route each year they return on one of the busiest waterways in the world approximately 700 million tons of merchandise pass through here these ships have become Giants of the sea weighing up to 240 000 tons and measuring up to 400 meters long [Music] we will explain how the Suez Canal has evolved to meet the needs of the Merchant Navy duties these ships are so large that the canal has become too narrow stopping the boats from passing one another in 2014 a giant project is launched a new 72 kilometer route rises from the Sands effectively creating a two-way navigation system s in less than a year 500 million cubic meters of sand are removed from the site this feat was carried out by an army of bulldozers and giant dredgers from all around the world using never before seen 3D images we will discover how the vacuum cleaners of the sea really work these machines are at The Cutting Edge of Technology because of them the canal is now 24 meters deep compared to its original 8 meters however the technical means available in the 19th century are very different drilling into the Isthmus of the Swiss thus becomes an extreme Challenge in 1859 when Ferdinando lesepp launches this extraordinary project the region is a complete No Man's Land everything must be transported to the site materials fresh water and a Workforce exceptions the construction site experiences numerous crises and costs the lives of thousands of men but under the momentum of the Industrial Revolution Everything Changes we will learn more about the machines that had to be invented in order to complete this astounding tasks but when surging Sands threatened its very existence the canal must undergo constant maintenance this proves a real challenge for this one-of-a-kind superstructure spanning from the initial works up to the present day we go behind the scenes of the construction of the Suez Canal [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Applause] a construction site is set up in the middle of the Egyptian desert this is the building site for the extension of the Suez Canal the job is clearly immense they need to dig a second Waterway equivalent volume to more than 200 large kiops pyramids a crazy yet ultimately successful Gamble the new Suez Canal is inaugurated with a great Fanfare on the 6th of August 2015. it is an immense source of Pride for the Egyptian authorities bigger deeper cleaner the canal has been completely transformed these images make their way around the world dozens of foreign politicians come to be a part of the occasion the Waterway represents a strategic Focus for World Maritime trade the program for the ceremony includes official speeches a military parade and an aerial display piercato recalls that day he was the site manager for a dredging company is two ships passing side by side in the Suez Canal constitutes a revolutionary moment in the history of this megastructure the transit duration for the ships shifts from 18 hours to 11 hours and the waiting time is reduced from 11 hours to 3 hours this is a considerable shortcut ultimately allowing the maximum traffic capacity on the canal to double in size foreign by 2030 nearly 100 ships could take this route every day but in order to reach this goal an enormous amount of work is required the construction site is divided into two sections on one side the creation of a new 35 kilometer Waterway running parallel to the original Canal on the other side the extension and deepening of the historic Waterway over 37 kilometers by the great Bitter Lake the Egyptian Army works on the first half of the construction site they tackle enormous amounts of demolition work over an area situated 24 meters above sea level their mission level off the landform to prepare the site for the imminent deepening work for the new canal an array of bulldozers Scrappers trucks and skips cleared 250 million cubic meters of sand Earth and rocks the area is then flooded so that the dredgers are able to float the same quantity of sand still needs to be removed but this time from under the water machined at the Forefront of Technology such as the cutter suction dredger are enlisted for the task to dig the canal a different type of machine is used the cutter suction dredge with the help of an enormous pipe that reaches to the bottom of the canal this machine can extract materials all while moving forward at its head there is a large suction device the proportions of these floating Giants are huge they can measure over 200 meters long the length of two football fields the technology on board allows the dredgers to remove the material through floating pipes [Music] however the quantities on this construction site are unprecedented thousands of cubic meters of sand run through the pipes and are then poured out several kilometers away in large storage areas in the middle of the Sinai desert in 2014 the sewers authorities appeal to two sets of dredging companies the first is in charge of increasing the depth of the canal to 24 meters the second must extend the existing Waterway all while respecting the same depth a particular constraint challenges this section of the work the task must be completed without interrupting the general navigation [Music] the company for which piakato works participated in the dredging of the second Zone project challenge the head of the Suez Canal Authority had originally asked for a five-year period to successfully carry out this incredible task nevertheless he would only be given a year in which to do it the time constraint would constitute a significant challenge for this record-breaking construction site the next obstacle the transportation of the materials and the Personnel is to afford this extension the Country Must spend more than 7 billion euros the authorities thus rely on a national momentum and appeal for donations the strategy is successful as 80 of the project will be financed by the Egyptian population all in just a few days [Music] the work on the news for his Canal is added to a long series of construction sites on the waterway that have been underway since its Creation in the 19th century the construction history of this megastructure dates back more than a century and a half when the first Engineers arrive at the Isthmus of the sewers they discover a suitable environment for the implementation of a canal despite its location in a completely isolated region the Sinai measuring 60 000 square kilometers is one of the driest deserts in the world however nothing can shake the determination of the canal explorers the official start of construction to connect the two Seas is set for the 25th of April 1859 but the workers are in for a hellish experience has supervised numerous Maritime Works throughout his career as an engineer he describes the working conditions of the time is foreign the site is in desperate need of a greater Workforce the project is in danger but where could they find more workers willing to dig the canal the Egyptian authorities proposed to reinstate the forced labor scheme [Music] Caroline pique is a senior lecturer at the sobon she wrote a reference work on the history of the Suez Canal systems nearly 400 000 laborers from all over Egypt are forced to dig the canal in extreme conditions [Music] the construction site would cost the lives of thousands of them the isolation of the site situated in the desert far from any supplies and equipment quickly proved to be a problem [Music] forced to deliver everything to the site some of the materials such as wood or large rocks are entirely missing from the area to facilitate the transportation of the materials the managers of the construction site decide to build a small Supply canal foreign at 50 meters long and two meters deep the supply Canal is a reduced scale model of the final Canal the workers First Carry Out the digging in dry conditions once they reach a certain depth water is poured in so that the dredgers can float while extending and deepening the Waterway the excavated material is used to fill in the banks 78 dredgers are built specifically for the Suez Canal construction site this particular machine is characterized by a central well that allows a bucket chain to descend down to its main body foreign the lowest bucket strikes the bottom fills up and then ascends to pour its contents into the barges the bucket dredger is at the origin of a series of dredging machines like the backhoe Dipper excavator this powerful machine was used on the construction site of the new Suez Canal its three enormous Stakes are used to stabilize the Pontoon so that the excavator can stand on top the shovel digs into the canal bed and unloads the excavated material into a barge moored next to the dredger it can work on any type of soil this engine corresponds perfectly with the type of rocks in the region essentially sand and clay thank you since the drilling work for the canal started in 1859 the engineers have been asking themselves how will these soils react when they are put under water we go to a state-of-the-art laboratory at the okole ponparitec here we meet Dr gabas Lu a specialist in geotechnical engineering initially the project sought to establish an embankment with an incline of 26 degrees nevertheless due to the instability of the soil when placed underwater their original plants would be turned upside down on this reduced scale model of the Suez Canal The Specialist reproduces the same slopes as those originally imagined by the engineers at the time is Once the canal fills with water the embankment gradient softens some walls even collapse consequently the Basin fills with sand in the 19th century the engineers decide to let their Banks slope naturally however this means that they need to dig even deeper in order to reach the appropriate depth during construction traffic on the future Canal is intense convoys of barges towed by men and animals are used to transport the materials the insulation of an additional Supply Canal quickly begins most importantly this will allow fresh water to be delivered to the construction site this is a rare product in the desert region but it is indispensable for such work thanks to the canal water from the Nile is transported to the Isthmus from zagazik to ismailia joining onto the Suez thereafter the fresh water only arrives later to Port Saeed first through canalization and then through an extension of the Waterway [Music] fresh water canal follows the trace of a much older Waterway since the dawn of time men have been trying to cross the Egyptian desert by boat [Music] the characteristics [Music] for centuries the world Seabourn trade has been using an entirely different route the solution in connecting Europe and Asia lies in traveling to Egypt to unload the cargo the transport then continues on land however this is not the end when the groups reach the Red Sea the goods are loaded onto a second ship for the rest of the trip a real Expedition a new Waterway would only be established by the Portuguese at the end of the 15th century this new Waterway would merge the Oriental borders together effectively bypassing Africa this Voyage lasts several months [Music] nearly 300 years later a French Emperor reinstates the idea of drilling into the Isthmus of the sewers scientific Napoleon Bonaparte Engineers conclude that there are too many technical obstacles so the project ultimately falls into Oblivion in the middle of the 19th century one French diplomat decides to persevere with this crazy dream his name is Ferdinand de lessep [Music] this man would change the face of the world Series this extraordinary character would ultimately shape the drilling project of the Isthmus of the Suez in 1854 ferdinandalecep gets the opportunity of a lifetime when his friend Mohammed Saeed Pasha comes into power they got to know each other when the French diplomat was working in Egypt Construction against the exclusive power to dig a canal between the two oceans they would have the right to exploit it for 99 years but on his construction site the work doesn't seem to progress after two years the workers don't succeed in removing the required amounts of sand to finish the canal they lack the necessary machinery foreign on the construction site for the new Canal it took less than two months to remove the same amount of material in a century and a half the quality of the dredgers has evolved considerably the incredible volume of material excavated in the most recent extension project is proof of this is but in order to reach the fixed excavation objectives the construction site required the immobilization of 75 percent of the existing dredgers which amounted to approximately 40 machines from all over the world is a project nowadays the best judges are fitted with hydraulic pumps that inject water in order to extract the sediments delivery in his time Farina de lessep would have loved to work with such effective machines even if they had only arrived on the Suez Canal after the 1930s nowadays with unimaginable capacities these machines have facilitated the deepening of the Suez Canal the key feature of the cutter suction dredge is that it can move and work at the same time this was an excellent advantage on the construction site of the new Suez Canal where tasks sometimes had to be carried out without interrupting General navigation to find out how this machine works we climb aboard one of these floating Giants this ship works on maintaining the access Channel at the Port of Antwerp Dennis henebet is its engineering The Dredge drag head is the large tube trailing across the length of the hull that links onto the pumping system here it measures around 50 meters its head resembles that of a giant steel monster that is foreign injection system it has a mobile head this way it can adapt to fit the incline of the dredging area the first water injection sets the materials in motion then with assistance from the teeth a second injection totally decomposes the sediments [Music] command post for the dredge drag head is located in the control tower the main technician works with several screens these allow him to get an overall view of the depth of the Zone the performance of the device as well as an indication of the amount it has dredged be it mud sand or Stones the collected sediments are all stocked on board in the center of the vessel the largest reservoirs can reach a colossal capacity of up to 45 000 cubic meters the equivalent to 12 Olympic swimming pools once the well is full The Dredge drag head is pulled up and the ship moves to the excavation area foreign the shutter situated at the bottom of the hold helped to unload the excavated material into the clearing Zone this technique is known as piling it is [Music] and alternative clearing system consists in forcing The material through a pipe the excavated material can then be transported several kilometers away through the means of either a floating or underground piping system these two methods were used on the new Suez Canal construction site a large piling Zone was set up to the west of the great Bitter Lake the materials were removed via the piping system and unloaded into Large Hollow areas in the heart of the Sinai desert the final method employed for removing dredged materials is known as rainbowing this is normally used to beach nourishment in the 19th century the excavation of rubble from what will be the future Canal is a big problem in 1864 before the influx of machines the construction site confronts a serious crisis the forced labor scheme authorizing the use of Egyptian peasants for the work is abolished foreign the industrial revolution in Europe is in full swing the engineers thus tried to invent new machines to keep the construction site going leveling industries develop long gangways to unload the excavated material directly from the dredgers this had never been done before the dredger Scoops mud up from the bottom of the water in what will be the future Canal it then unloads the excavated material into a gutter that can measure up to 70 meters long a pump sends Jets of water to dissolve the extracted matter and pushes it towards the exit a horizontal hinge situated at the junction of the dredger helps to modify the incline of the gangway a metallic trellis that dress on an iron barge assures The Machine's stability this Innovation changes the construction site for good the canal progresses at an astounding speed but in the areas where the banks are more highly elevated the dredger with the long gangway is destabilized several accidents are accounted for an alternative machine is developed this engine known as the lift permits the excavation of the materials directly from the barge we have a meeting with Lionel Dufour he is the collections manager at the Museum of Arts and trades is consequently the steam engine shifts to the railway in locomotives and onto water on board ships it is also used in workshops or construction sites for public works as a means to support the other machines for example the locomobiles are also used to operate pumps for the long gangways the dredgers on the other hand use their own steam engine in Europe a real enthusiasm is generated around the technical revolutions established on the construction site is the Suez Canal company holds several conferences in front of a giant model of the project that is exhibited during the event along with this technical Revolution a series of Innovations in all domains soon follows notably in Port Saeed the engineers face a typically insurmountable problem there aren't enough stone quarries in the region to build the harbor Jetties one entrepreneur suggests that they build artificial blocks with a base made of sand and lime 30 000 blocks are made another building site develops within the Suez Canal construction site the construction the block they block the vanton is in the fabrication is [Music] this would be the first manufacturing site for artificial blocks in history the fabrication of the blocks would still require years of further development and the blocks used for the Jetties would need to be replaced on a regular basis another section of the construction site is deemed problematic for the work required in the elevated areas of the site foreign a ramp system is established along the length of the slope at the bottom of the cavity the workers dig the future Canal the excavated materials are loaded into small carts and connected to a railway track towed by steam winches they ascend the slope in order to reach the disposal site [Music] another challenge for both the past construction site and the latest one is the difficult management of the rocky Banks to solve this problem there is a machine that has been specially adapted to work on this type of land it is known as the cutter suction dredger this giant of the sea can measure up to 150 meters long and 30 meters wide the dredger gets into position and fixes itself into the ground by using its large Stakes it then moves around this axis with the help of its lateral winches linked to Giant anchors the cut ahead is at the front of the vessel this enormous drill can reach up to three meters in diameter its Mission destroy the Rocks even the hardest one under the water and on the banks this giant engine is controlled from a steering cabin equipped with the latest technology dredgers such as the IBN batuta are capable of positioning themselves with Incredible Precision in order to carry out their demolition work the amount of rubble produced is truly phenomenal rocks sand mud clay all of the materials are sucked up through hydraulic pumps and then pushed back into the floating pipes and tubes laid out on the shore when it is possible to unload the excavated material into an underwater Zone the pipe connected to the cutter head is tied to a raft equipped with A continuous spreading system as an alternative option the excavated materials are unloaded onto barges that are moored to the dredger once they reach the disposal site the hull splits in two in order to get rid of the cargo foreign total 25 cutter suction dredgers were utilized on the construction site for the new Suez Canal this had never been seen before support with a horsepower of 38 000 it is one of the most powerful dredgers in the world during the 19th century the workers also face several Rocky obstacles while developing the future Canal destroying the Rocks requires Herculean strength a new machine thus Peaks the interest of the sewers company to help them overcome this difficult area foreign excavators are built especially for the Suez construction site the excavator moves on Rails positioned along the future canal and gradually widens it in the space of three years it assists in the removal of 9 million cubic meters of land a record its specially formed buckets allow it to extract a significant amount of rock before ascending back up to the excavator the extracted matter is taken away in small carts once they are all loaded a locomotive takes them to the disposal site little by little the railway line becomes a normal part of the construction site it helps not only with the transportation of the material but with the transportation of the staff as well these temporary railway lines are constructed and deconstructed as is necessary for excavation but even the kuvro excavator does not always succeed in destroying the rocks in 1869 two months before the inauguration of the Suez Canal Rocky banks are discovered in the waterway at a depth of four meters when in reality the canal should be eight meters deep Impressions the aim is to create a sufficient passageway for the ships of the time in terms of the submerged portion of the vessel this is what is known as the draft the passage is completed in the final weeks of the construction site [Music] [Music] after 10 years of Labor the Suez Canal finally becomes a reality the Red Sea and the Mediterranean Ocean join together the Waterway measures 164 kilometers in total the route now joins the main cities of the Isthmus together Port Saeed on the Mediterranean Ocean ismailia in the middle and finally sewers at the mouth of the gulf by the Red Sea on the 17th of November 1869 the Suez Canal is inaugurated it is an International Event has made the pharaoh's dream a reality open to all nations the Suez Canal changes the world Seabourn trade forever [Music] from this point onwards the journey between Europe and the Indies is cut in half to get from Marseille to Bombay the original distance around Africa was more than 19 000 kilometers with the Suez Canal it amounts to almost 8 000 kilometers this is a considerable shortcut originally two to three months of navigation via the Cape of Good Hope would have been the norm when traveling between these two ports by passing through the Isthmus the journey is reduced to a single month at the beginning of the 20th century the Suez Canal company acquires an industrial site the general workshops situated in Port huad the naval construction site is thus at the height of Technology the workshops fabricate the company equipment more than a thousand individuals work there nevertheless during its first years of operation the canal maintenance service faces an unexpected hitch the backflow created by the passing of the ships damages the embankments conference situated close to Grenoble this hydraulic laboratory is still operating today Luke am is the maritime technical director here they study all sorts of water-related developments on smaller scale models when the Suez Canal company contacts them in the middle of the 20th century the Waterway is in bad shape [Music] is the laboratory recreates a section of the Suez Canal a smaller scale model of the vessel is first towed through and later self-propelled foreign so as to modify the shape of the hulls and the ships the research proved so Innovative that it quickly captures the attention of various oil companies the models improve the final result the ships move with greater ease through the water and the traffic of the canal is optimized in spite of all these efforts to maintain the Waterway further extension work quickly becomes inevitable the Suez Canal must continuously adapt to the ever-evolving shapes of new ships we find out more at the national Navy Museum is in 1950 40 000 ton ships are outdated their proportions are nothing in comparison to the other vessels of the time such as the pelus with its 2000 tons the ship owned by the Imperial Maritime shipping company is one of the first to have traveled on the Suez Canal the Waterway also has to make it through the 20th century with all of its conflict on the 26th of July 1956 Colonel Nasser gives a momentous speech in front of a crowd of Egyptians he announces the nationalization of the Suez Canal the Western Powers react to this the United Kingdom France and Israel launch a military operation that ultimately ends in Failure however navigation on the canal is stopped for almost five months the canal deteriorates with the help of the UN Egypt repairs and modernizes the canal with its depth increased to 14 meters the Waterway can now handle ships with an 11 meter draft in 1967 a new crisis shakes the region the Six-Day War along with other Arab countries Egypt battles against Israel [Applause] the Suez Canal turns into a war zone sunken ships and mines obstruct the navigation the Basin fills with sand and the embankments collapse the Waterway is closed down petroleum [Music] percentage is the Egyptian authorities must act so with the help of the International Community they launch a rehabilitation and modernization program for the canal thereafter the canal doubles in size at four separate points to allow the ships to pass one another Port Saeed and Cabret both of which have been part of the site since 1955 joined onto the Bala bypass ultimately a new bypass at the great Bitter Lake spans over a five kilometer distance similarly to Motorway Junctions these bypasses allow the ships to travel in both directions thanks to these New Dimensions the canal can withstand ships weighing up to 150 000 tons these ships have turned into Giants of the sea that need to be controlled [Music] at poreville shipaling Center in his air pilots and captains learn how to maneuver the ships with the help of small-scale models these mini liners container ships ferries and tankers all about a dozen meters long can hold up to two people on this five hectare Lake all sorts of Maritime infrastructures have been recreated including a section of the Suez Canal Jean-Paul Jean Jean is an instructor this morning he is trading two interns to attempt the bypass on the Suez Canal this maneuver is normally forbidden here potential errors can be pushed beyond the security limits it is a good way to test the ship's reactions is foreign this is a tenfold hazardous Maritime infrastructures are often overcrowded but how can you maneuver ships that are continuously increasing in speed and size yet lacking power problems foreign [Music] captains and Pilots are now learning how to maneuver giant ships on the Swiss Canal that can weigh up to 240 000 tons after the development of the two-way navigation system the draft limit is increased to more than 20 meters the canal is even at the origin of the measurement unit known as the Suez Max this unit determines the maximum Dimensions possible for a ship to be able to pass through the megastructure this is a constraint for certain ship owners Eric banel is their representative in France is Max one of the main objectives of the extension work was to adapt the Waterway to match the new dimensions of the Merchant Navy however this risks the disqualification of the canal even now it is still one of the most used waterways in the world [Music] Egyptians the Suez Canal constitutes a strategic passageway for maritime carriers the Waterway drains out almost eight percent of global traffic it also represents an enormous economic stake for the Egyptian authorities [Music] is [Music] [Music] Egypt thus has every interest to keep investing in its megastructure back at the Suez Canal we climb on board a container ship [Music] Max is the captain we are at the moment preceding a Northbound in Seward here the navigation laws are strict direction and speed must be constantly controlled in order to avoid crashing into another ship yeah it's going smooth no problems here a pilot from the Suez Canal Authority advises the captain on which Maneuvers to pursue this is a compulsory measure it's quite important to navigate correctly here in the canal because as you can see there's not much room on each side of the vessel this is no ordinary day for the captain and his crew this is the first time they are passing through the new Suez Canal I've been here approximately 40 times but today is special that we will be turning to starboard into the new Canal instead of turning support into the old one it is a special moment in the captain's career yeah of course it's a special uh every time when you do something first time and it will also be special now to when we get to the approach to the new new channel little by little the landscape changes [Music] now it's quite amazing how much sand they really have out of this canal we have mountains both sides now it's incredible [Music] the gem of the industrial World continues to blow us away with its Innovations now as a two-way navigation system the megastructure must overcome another challenge namely how to cross it the new Suez Canal has rendered certain infrastructures obsolete such as the El ferdan Railway Bridge at 340 meters it was the longest swing bridge in the world now it no longer serves any purpose to cross over the Dual Waterway and make the Sinai region more accessible several infrastructures will take shape a notable addition to the program the construction of two Motorway tunnels beneath the Suez Canal near Port Saeed this is an entirely new challenge as it involves drilling a double tube measuring nearly four kilometers long a subsequent railway tunnel may even accompany this technical feat constantly changing in size depth and modernity the Suez Canal is in a state of Perpetual transformation [Music] out at Sea a futuristic looking ship a high-tech command ship a giant helicopter carrier and an amphibious vessel all at once [Music] this ship the second largest vessel in the French navy after the aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle earned its stripes during the most complex and dangerous military operations in recent years its strength an incredible versatility which allows it to perform a broad spectrum of missions we will discover the secrets behind this helicopter carrier which can birth right next to a hostile area and conduct amphibious operations with Incredible efficiency and we will find out how the ship transforms itself into an open Seaport to accommodate the biggest Landing crafts [Music] an additional capability despite its monstrous size this ship remains incredibly mobile thanks to revolutionary equipment foreign is home to a unique amphibious boat but it also holds a state-of-the-art hospital made for a city of 30 000 inhabitants [Music] we'll discover how technology enables helicopters to operate blind Landings [Music] technology will go below deck to discover a secret weapon which facilitates the most dangerous maneuver for a helicopter the deck Landing the ultimate Discovery the most defended and secure area were only authorized and classified defense Personnel can go we have been given the rare chance to board this record-breaking ship the Thunderbolt which can carry out any of modern warfare's military operations welcome aboard this extraordinary warship [Music] um foreign [Music] at the heart of its Fleet France possesses a vital asset for its defense and National Security namely the bpc or projection and command ship Lebanon Libya or the China Sea this remarkable ship operates in all military operations this gigantic helicopter carrier is also an amphibious assault ship with unique capabilities after the first generation Mistral came the Thunderbolt in 2007 and the Dick's mood in 2012. France replaced its old barge and Landing carriers with these technological wonders they are twice as big as their predecessors they are custom built for Modern Warfare today Landing troops requires Maritime strategies and considerable helicopter support these three amphibious assault ships are perfect for this Mission their cargo capacity has never been matched we have boarded the Thunderbolt to understand the formidable capabilities of this steel Colossus the thunderbolt's unique profile makes it immediately recognizable exceptional [Music] indeed its unusual measurements are impressive from Port to starboard it is 32 meters wide and it's 200 meter length makes it as big as two football pitches rest assured this Champion competes in the heavyweight division it tips the scales at 22 000 tons a sea monster the bpc is ranked just below the standard bearer of the French navy the Charles de Gaulle Airport this steel giant dominates The Horizon at its peak it is 64 meters above the sea or a 14-story building under the water its Hull sinks to a depth of more than six meters the Thunderbolt is higher than the Arc de Triomphe and is twice as big as its predecessor silhouette the boat meets the physical requirements [Music] it's one of the only ships in the world to perform so many missions military the French unveiled the BCP Thunderbolt in September 2017. after Hurricane Emma the island of samatar was completely devastated France played its trump card this extraordinary ship the only one up to the job thank you the Thunderbolt managed to transport more than 500 men 12 000 tons of cargo and 100 vehicles in record time over 6 000 kilometers from Mainland France [Music] what an exceptional response to an urgent crisis [Music] foreign but the Thunderbolt is not just a humanitarian boat above all it is tailor-made for war prioritizing amphibious operations this concept was born during the second world war at the time of the Normandy Landings on the 6th of June 1944 42 000 Landing barges unloaded 156 000 men on normandy's beaches to launch an attack on the German defenses [Music] Russia and China should also be added to this club in all only five nations are capable of deploying an intervention of this scale by sea amphibious military operations are without doubt the most complex that an army must master foreign Landing people and armored vehicles directly into an enemy Port is impossible as a result you have to transfer thousands of troops and their cargo onto barges out at sea for these troops reefs waves and sand are just as life-threatening as enemy fire [Music] he tackles these challenges using revolutionary technological solutions number one the bus is able to turn itself into an open Seaport the stern of the Thunderbolt is made up of an enormous Warehouse called an apron this apron can transform into an inland port it can fit up to four Landing barges another Advantage aboard the bpc Thunderbolt we load men and armored vehicles away from the hull just as easily as we do on land [Music] is to turn into an inland Port the Thunderbolt is equipped with the same system as the one submarines have it has two big holes called ballasts at the bow and stern of the boat these ballasts with a total capacity of 10 000 cubic meters are custom filled to weigh down the boat it can sink up to two meters into the water along its entire length thanks to this ballast system the stern of the bpc ends up below the water line [Music] is [Music] a very delicate maneuver tilting the ship must be measured within one degree this operation is carried out in record speed it takes 30 minutes to lower all the Inland Water Shipping into the water [Music] the operations there are four pumps two little ones at the front two more powerful ones at the back they power the ballasts thanks to enormous pipes with a circumference of almost a meter this group of pumps is phenomenally powerful combined they pump out 15 000 cubic meters of water per hour they only need 10 minutes to fill the Basin of an Olympic swimming pool [Music] This ship's huge apron can store two types of amphibious boat the equipment carrying barges or ctm and the rapid amphibious Landing Vehicles the edar the ctm is a robust all-terrain vehicle but It suffers from one major drawback a very short range which forces the Thunderbolt to get right up close to the coast and in doing so expose itself to enemy fire its lack of speed explains its limited range its flat bottom which allows it to get very close to the beach is not very hydrodynamic at all the French navy had to find a solution an amphibious boat capable of going quickly for a long way and a long time while maintaining the ability to land on the beach foreign 2011 the edar is the Inseparable extension of amphibious assault ships the French navy has four edar their performance makes them indispensable to Landing operations indeed they move four times faster than the barges [Music] at full power the edar transports 80 tons at more than 60 kilometers per hour what's more this Formula One car of the Seas turns into a 4x4 near the beaches to go into the barge mode the edar lowers its Central platform by 4 meters it also reduces its draft the submerged part of the hull which goes from 2 meters 40 to only 80 centimeters it is the only vehicle in the world able to perform such a transformation and those are not its only qualities it is also extremely mobile this is particularly useful when it has to go into the belly of the Thunderbolt with its impressive Dimensions the operation is dangerous [Music] um foreign [Music] this reactivity is essential because only 50 centimeters separates the edar and the walls of the apron on either side the slightest error can have dramatic consequences [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] is the speed of execution the incredible speed of the edar is one of the keys to its success a revolutionary Landing technique is another its name the door-to-door [Music] clubs for this operation the Thunderbolt only uses its rear ballasts this also pushes the stern of the boat into the water the apron is exactly at sea level the doors of the amphibious ships rest on the rear of the giant like they would at a dock the remarkable capacity of this doorway facilitates the unloading of heavy Vehicles the doorway could even hold a Colossus like the 60-ton Leclerc tank the great advantage of this technique is accelerating the rhythm of the rotations without the risks involved in boarding the apron however the maneuver requires perfect coordination between the ships the slightest error and precious equipment will end up on the sea floor to avoid such a tragedy the Thunderbolt must maintain a constant speed and direction this technique is only possible due to the ship's exceptional maneuverability is to understand the unexpected agility of this monster we have to go below the water where two connected motors which we call pods are hidden is foreign these pods are revolutionary two simple joysticks are enough to guide them is on a traditional ship the shafting line which links the propellers to the motor prevents the propellers from being guided you therefore have to steer the ship with a Rudder on the three active duty bpcs the 7000 kilowatt electric motors are directly inside the pods the propellers become independent the boats are easy to maneuver as for the electricity the pods require it is produced by three big diesel motors each 6400 kilowatts which could power an electric power plant is this is another advantage of the pods by freeing the shafting line and moving the machine's room to the front the Thunderbolt like the Dick's mood and the Mistral benefits from a much larger apron once not the custom civil engineering now serves the military benefits shipyards equipped with world-renowned expertise with the first to try out the pods on the giant Liners in 2001. foreign ppcs are the only ships in the French navy to possess such an Innovative system they have also profited from applicable construction techniques in aeronautics the ship's installments were built simultaneously then assembled at one site this installment-based assembly technique has one huge Advantage a record speed of delivery which reduced construction time from four years to three [Music] despite their performance the pods do not explain the extraordinary maneuverability of the 22 000 ton Colossus alone the Thunderbolt has a second propulsion system these are the bow thrusters two propellers at the front of the ship the combination of both thrusters and pods makes this sea monster as easy to maneuver as a simple pleasure boat this is a massive Advantage when it comes to any Precision Maneuvers such as entering and leaving ports possible the considerable maneuverability of the bpc in relation to its size offers another premium benefit positioning the ship in the best way when the weather interferes currents winds waves quickly make amphibious Maneuvers very dangerous there is a solution to mitigate their impact position the ship opposite the swell in the wind is the bpc acts like a rock or an island would and as soon as the wind changes and a crosswind picks up the bpc thanks to the mobility of its pods repositions itself very quickly to carry out Maneuvers these operations are possible if certain wind thresholds are not exceeded beyond that the waves get larger and the risk of an accident become too high foreign let's not get lost the bpc's propulsion system performs so well that it gives the French navy a new Tactical possibility which revolutionizes amphibious Maneuvers they are simpler faster and above all safer now this Innovative tactic is called self-positioning take hold of the pods and bow thrusters a GPS is reference there's no one in charge anymore the GPS transmits positional information which immediately guides the pods then the ship can maintain its position continually no more need to drop the anchor [Music] Institute foreign [Applause] [Music] s an entirely new dimension but beyond these Innovations the unique size of the Thunderbolt allows it to punch above its weight with 37 000 cubic meters spread across 11 Bridges and two giant warehouses it makes the most of an enormous capacity it can easily store 100 vehicles in its Depot just above the apron with a surface of 3600 meters squared this platform is so big that you can almost forget you are on a boat everything is securely docked here movements are choreographed with maximum Precision by an experienced crew thank you [Music] and to avoid the accumulation of Highly poisonous exhaust gases powerful ventilation systems constantly circulate the air the boat holds vehicles but also men it can transport 450 soldiers or a full battalion is also worth mentioning the sailors who guarantee the day-to-day running of the ship is 200 general staff Sailors who have boarded the Thunderbolt can also find room in total the bpc can accommodate up to 900 soldiers [Music] an essential autonomy to protect forces as close as possible to a conflict Zone the Thunderbolt can cover 10 000 kilometers and spend 45 days at Sea distance downtown since the design stage this warship has been designed in line with the current standards on cruise liners [Music] with a 37 000 meter Square living area the ship takes care of its men kitchen fridge storage everything is in proportion with the unusual size of this ship the living area is very comfortable there is one exception when the ship is at its maximum cargo capacity the warehouses turn into makeshift camps in Wartime the most complex and demanding operations are without doubt amphibious operations because they unravel in two different environments in the sea and on land with completely opposite pressures and because they are conducted thousands of kilometers away from the command center so for the Army it's clear that one of the conditions for winning the battle is to position the general staff as close to the land as possible possible here again the Thunderbolt offers a unique solution in its heart lies a command center that performs as well as anything of its kind in the world [Music] being given special authorization to go into this area the most sensitive part of the bpc Behind These heavy armored doors 200 high-ranked officers belonging to the three Army Services prepare operations in deepest secrecy no screens documents or means of communication can be filmed here everything is top secret defense information equipped with the most specialized means of communication via an encrypted satellite connection the ship can communicate simultaneously with the naval forces surrounding it the land troops the defense Ministry thousands of kilometers away or even the Elysee the French president's official residence kilometers of cables run along its gangways and Link the 600 computer workstations in the Army Staff Zone this Center is not randomly placed in the ship its position is strategic the hull of the ship naturally blocks electric and electromagnetic waves acting as a faraday cage [Music] is the strength of the Thunderbolt lies in its ability to position itself near the battlefield while staying safe this Advantage allows it to perform a more surprising fundamental Mission foreign [Music] the resource the hospital is on the fifth level just below the flight deck the surface area of 1 000 square meters and has 69 medical beds this is equivalent to a hospital of a city with 30 000 inhabitants foreign [Music] to be dealt with quickly [Music] because foreign with these two operating theaters a room reserved for serious Burns and another for sterilization this hospital ship comes with the same demands norms and Equipment as a big hospital on land truly effective foreign [Music] the Thunderbolt is a warship and above all a heliport on water it has a flight deck with a total service area of 5 200 square meters six closely connected pads are spread along its 200 meter Runway it can cater for all the on-duty helicopters in the French army as well as NATO's ones first pad at the front of the ship has been strengthened to Bear 27 tons to support the heaviest helicopters in the world and even the hybrid airplane the mv-22 osprey today this is the largest helicopter carrier the French navy has ever designed its size proves the importance of airlift operations during amphibious Warfare universe foreign [Music] to use its Maritime strength the bpc Thunderbolt has found unique technological solutions its Airborne strengths are the result of tackling many challenges and coming up with innovative solutions being a floating heliport brings with it limitations that are proportional to its considerable advantages restaurant everything is more complicated on water than on land the first problem The Limited space on the deck due to a lack of space but also to avoid capsizing because of a strong wave or a sudden gust of wind the helicopters are stored in a 1 800 square meter Depot just below the flight deck this means you constantly need to move the Choppers [Music] problem it isn't that easy to move these technological jewels foreign [Music] foreign T can store a maximum of 16 helicopters in its Depot of course their number depends on their size because between the little gazelle and the Puma their size may vary by more than double well foreign every minute counts on a warship so that Choppers get to the flight deck as quickly as possible the Thunderbolt is equipped with unusual kit it operates not one but two Rising platforms with a maximum thrust of 13 tons each the rising platforms are used for any type of on-duty helicopter in the French army the smallest platform is on the left hand side of the ship it is 18 meters long and six and a half meters wide the biggest platform is at the rear at 15 by 15 meters its size enables it to lift up a helicopter with open rotors a crucial Time Saver when you are waiting for a helicopter during an operation but this is a very precise movement because only 20 centimeters separate the top of the doors and the fragile rotors [Music] [Music] the rising platform functions using a hydraulic system of cables and pulleys this is an iron-clad guarantee that it is Rock Solid it takes two and a half minutes for the helicopter to be lifted onto the runway after this first problem of moving the Choppers there is a second issue the lack of space if the flight deck looks like any other land heliport with its Runway and control tower you're not wrong this floating heliport is much smaller and as the saying goes less space more risk [Music] one bit of technical maintenance on an aircraft is all it takes for the deck to be flooded and with several machines the risks of accident are very high foreign so here the takeoff and Landing procedures are very different from the ones carried out on land simultaneous um as soon as the helicopter reaches a high enough altitude it flies from the bridge to the Sea there is a specific reason for this is thank you [Music] there is a process for everything on ships like this if the engine is damaged or there is serious damage due to the enemy fire the chopper is guided to pad 6 at the rear of the ship is [Music] [Applause] flying and especially landing at Sea is more complicated than on land in broad daylight and above all at night the sky and the Sea blur into one another which clouds once Judgment of the terrain the Chopper's cockpit makes it worse for the pilot foreign so the bpc has inbuilt technology which comes to our Aid and avoids crashing on the deck it's called ipd or slope and descent indicator is this guiding beam is made up of three colors orange green and red if the pilot is too high he will see an orange beam which tells him he is not descending quickly enough however if the beam is red the pilot must correct his descent to avoid bumping into the deck the green beam tells him his descent is right on track is this way despite the boat moving the beam always indicates a four degree slope getting closer to the deck it's the yellow dog's turn to take over from the ipd's light rays The Landing quickly becomes complicated in bad weather conditions at Sea the wind is much stronger than on land this is a real danger for Airborne Maneuvers there is always a risk of losing control um and for once the size of the Thunderbolt is not an advantage is the helicopter carrier does everything it can to resolve this problem the solution a quick maneuver to face the wind head on while pods and both thrusters are used during amphibious Maneuvers they are also a major advantage during Airborne operations the boat uses its extreme maneuverability to direct its Flight Deck into the wind and soften the turbulence
Channel: Free Documentary - Engineering
Views: 4,533,131
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: free documentary, free documentary engineering, engineering, engineering documentary, tech, tech documentary, constructions, constructions documentary, technology documentary, big tech documentary, Extreme Constructions, mega constructions, engineering documentary 2022, engineering documentary series, extreme engineering documentary
Id: XKndrP5zT-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 198min 46sec (11926 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 19 2023
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