Inside Rich Mexico 🇲🇽 ULTIMATE LUXURY in Polanco, Mexico City

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good afternoon from another day here in Mexico City today I am in palano which is considered one of Mexico City's most upscale places and I'd like to first and foremost eat at a really nice restaurant if you look at the map there are so many really highquality upscale dining options here in Bano and number two I'd like to talk about how Mexico as a country and also Mexico City is on the rise right now so let's go guys all right so you can see here starting off I'm in this really nice like I don't know what you would call it walking path medium strip but you can see it's like a really idyllic picture here not including the uh beeping noises that you're hearing but uh it's treelined area here you can see people it is Sunday people are going on a walk right now and enjoying the day and you know what interesting when I was coming in here I did not realize how big palano as an area is there it's actually a pretty large section of Mexico City it seems to be large ler than Roman orte where I'm staying and I even saw a Walmart on the way in here which I was not expecting I did not know Walmart was operating in Mexico so I might go over there and check Walmart out cuz I'm curious but yeah this is a really nice start to this video so I'm going to actually Walk This Way a little bit here and yeah a bunch of these restaurants should be opening up but yeah let's explore palanco guys so I'm not sure what hm stands for but in this part of palano here we've got people I guess sparring forget what sport that is um also playing some bad mitton over here I don't know if it's MH or hm I don't know but really cool little area here guys so guys you know I always say in these videos houses and cars are a big indicator of the affluence of a particular area and you can see this amazing looking Mansion here with the amazing Spanish architecture I believe it's Spanish architecture just take a look at this thing that's absolutely beautiful and I really wanted to walk down one of these streets here these Tree Line streets and take a look at all of the amazing uh real estate as a part of this video so as of today here beginning of February 2024 Mexico has the the world's 14th largest GDP and that is on the rise it's growing at over 3% annually and it's projected to bump up to number 12 which would put it above Australia and South Korea which is pretty impressive um right now it's right below Australia and South Korea but a big reason for Mexico's rise in GDP is the manufacturing sector so actually 19% of Mexico's GDP comes from manufacturing so if you take a look at one of your electronics items or maybe even a piece of clothing probably more likely to be Electronics you might see a made in Mexico uh symbol on it and that is a huge part of the growth of the GDP here um other sectors are oil exports to America are really really contributing to Mexico's rise in GDP and also automotive and electronics exports and Manufacturing as well so guys you can see here's a Lululemon store as well as a bunch of other really nice clothing stores but Lululemon is a very popular brand quite pricey to buy clothing there anywhere in the world but I'm now walking to this Main Street area here and this is apparently a highlighted area that you have to go to when you're in palano so let's go check that out all sorts of coffee shops one of my I think my favorite thing about Mexico City so far far is all of the amazing cafes and coffee shops that you can just kind of hop around to sit down have an espresso chill out walk to the next one have a really good croissant ah it's really nice here we' got an Adidas store and Sunglass Hut which you can see all over the world but let's take a look at this street here looks like a really shaping up to be a really really nice day here on this Sunday in Mexico City you can see all the people biking here doing like a bit of a I don't know maybe they're just in a group biking tour or something but this street looks absolutely beautiful Mr Sushi that sounds good to me but while I'm here I want to eat as much Mexican food as I can although I did see a bunch of really highly rated Japanese restaurants in this area and I'm always down for Japanese food food but I just noticed there's a Fogo de cow no worries there's a I just noticed there's a Fogo Deca or decha I forget how you say it it's a Brazilian steakhouse which you can find in America and other places it's a really nice place but I want to find a local spot here oh there it is Fogo de yeah that's what I was saying pizza I've not had pizza here yet but there are so many Pizza spots look like we've got like a plaza of shops and restaurants over here wow this is such a cool area guys there's Cuisine from all over the world by the way in like Mexico City is an absolutely Foodies Heaven here I've not had a bad meal or bad any anything here foodwise we've got a little bit of a market here as well really good looking produce oo I'm almost tempted to go to that brunch spot but the problem is I wouldn't be able to record much for you guys cuz there's music playing uh just it's not copyright but it would just be loud wow this is beautiful look at these streets guys it's just idic wow oh Manila wonder if you can get uh I don't know if that's referring to Manila in the Philippines or what but maybe you can get Philipino food there hold all right I think I'm going to eat here for right now and even though there's music playing I'll just try to edit it out but really feeling the vibe here so okay so this guy just came by and asked me if I wanted a croissant or anything so I just took it I don't know I'm just going to go with it let's give it a shot good interesting sort of like style to this so they came around offered me a croissant now was just offered a coffee so went with the coffee insanely good cup of coffee I got Chile KES which is a Mexican breakfast so sure it's going to be good okay guys so here's my first Chila keiles I am so excited to try this looks so good got it with the steak of course at this shot he told me it is spicy got the avocado here actually want to go for some of that avocado right away so it looks like some sort of sauce like a tomato based sauuce chips avocado steak Crea quo so cream and cheese mhm oh my gosh oh the plank steak is super good it's really not spicy it has a kick to it but it's really not that spicy the flavor is just amazing there's some like onions in there as well all of that combined with the avocado makes it really really good and you've got the crunch from the chips good I'm going to put this in my top Mexican dishes so good well guys that was an incredibly delicious delicioso meal and surprisingly with a 20% tip it was only $20 so that's really really reasonable considering this is a very very upscale expensive place here in Mexico City now I just found a market or a Marcado so I'm not sure there will be anything in here for me but I am curious to see what this might be like you know what there's music playing so I think I'm going to actually skip that but let's continue exploring palano see a lot of uh Audi's BMWs Volkswagen there's a vmw see if we can find some really insane cars here I think I I'm going to walk down this main stretch which by the way is uh let me see here this is the name of the streets Presidente MK which is like it's a notable Street on the Google Maps has all of these amazing restaurants which by the way some of these restaurants you're looking at like you know you're not getting out of there without spending 100 USD like we're dogging really highend steakhouses so you can see over here is a Hermes which I think is watches right I don't know I don't wear watches or maybe not I don't know maybe it's just clothing but I know it's a high-end brand famo over here you can see like this part of the strip is basically retail t and I think I want to dip down one of these side streets see if we can find some cars Mansions or lantis somewhere at some point in this video oh yep over here's the Rolex there we go so I've done a number of these um videos where I highlight the rich side of a city and almost all of them have a Rolex store so there it is and so right next to the Rolex store you have a another staple of very very wealthy areas Louis Vuitton so and the design of the shops are always amazing from the outside wow guys we've got a Tesla sighting here so we've got an actual Tesla store I think is it a Tesla store or is this just a charging Center I'm not sure but that is one of my dream vehicles I do plan on getting one of these one day oh yeah it's a Tesla store here it is amazing and then we've got a uh Mac store here too I don't know if this is a an Apple store or I think it's a premium reseller as well so cool so guys this is kind of what I was looking for here at these Bonas vasanas beautiful houses I think I'm saying this correctly I know is big house but wow these might be like apartment buildings actually but somebody owns these wealthy wealthy person all right so I was curious and it looks like the cheapest one-bedroom in palano is typically around $1,200 USD most departments here are between 2,000 and 4,000 USD per month to rent you can probably get a two-bedroom for that but that is in palanco other places like in Roman Norte where I'm staying which is a really nice place as well will be cheaper but yeah that's about the rent here in palanco about the same as you know a major city in America so pretty incredible looks like over here there's a line out the around the side of this building I think maybe either to get in to a museum or maybe to take a picture with this sign I'm not sure Manama Bonita Manama something Bonita which Bonita is beautiful or sexy I think is what Bonita means Manama Sarah Bonita huh I wonder what's in there I don't know here we've got a mercedesbenz dealership wow so benzes are expensive anywhere in the world pretty incredible there's also a Huawei which is a Chinese phone uh right around the corner and like I said Electronics manufacturing here is a huge part of the economy and I don't I don't know if I don't know if components are manufactured here in Mexico for Huawei phones but um yeah it's just something that caught my eye oh look at this you can get raiki here I'm actually a raiki practitioner fun fact some of you probably don't know that but some of you do interesting I'm going to go in here look like you can get a tarot reading as well all right so we got the Mexico City logo here and more shops I'm looking for like a gelato or something I'm just kind of walking I don't exactly know where I am but this is such a cool place guys I really really recommend you come to palanco for a day especially on a weekend ah it's really nice all right guys let's check out this city of I think that's City Q dad city of Mexico visit Mexico City the city that has it all let's see what is in here and TR so this looks like a little bit of an indoor market here really cool lots of frea C uh items so very cool all right wasn't sure what to expect in there but the outside of the building looks really cool anyway so look guys here's a pickup coffee so this is so interesting to me because you find these all over the Philippines I think this might be the only other country I've seen a pick up coffee maybe Indonesia but yeah maybe we'll pick something up here get a uh chai I wonder if they only have Nutella latte hola or I don't know Coco matcha sounds good maybe white choco matcha oh let's go with that oh oh so good literally tastes like you're biting into a piece of white chocolate oh my God now I don't think I've I think it's called Mescal but like uh tequila or like uh like mixed drinks are very popular here in Mexico I've never had one so I might go do that I also think I want to check out Walmart because it's a very American thing and I didn't know Mexico had Walmart so the map is actually showing me that there are two Walmarts one's supposed to be a Walmart and one's supposed to be Walmart Express but this seems to be the Walmart Express even though it's saying that this is Walmart so let's go in and check out at Walmart Mexico a look you can get a made to order pizzas here I always have problem filming grocery stores all over the world because I think pricing they're very competitive about their pricing but all this fresh produce 17 pesos is a dollar so that's about $2 roughly for these raspberries and blackberries actually as well now in America Walmart is definitely a how do I say cheap place to get your groceries uh typically the pricing is a lot better at Walmart than when you compare it to some place like of course Whole Foods so this seems to just be like a grocery store Walmart so you can't get like HomeGoods or anything here but let's see here beef 4 93 peses per kilo I would say not a bad price guess this is 500 pesos for the whole fet which is like 30 bucks I think see what chicken cost or Poyo 93 pesos per kilo so that whole container is 50 Pesos that's very cheap uh just consider that my uh coffee I just bought was 50 pesos looks like you can get some smaller homegood items here but it's not like a huge department store maybe I'll check out the other one if it's around here as well okay and there is indeed another Walmart here in palano let's see if we can go in here somehow I don't know if this is just like a pickup or what oh maybe it's down here oh yeah here it is in let's check it out guys cuz it looks like this might be the same deal can get wine here but it's not like um like the Walmart department stores that I'm used to in America yeah there's a little bit more homegood stuff here how much is um Great Value toilet paper it's like 185 pels okay so that's hitting at about $11 I would say still cheaper than America but not that much cheaper actually no that's definitely cheaper by about half okay interesting this is Walmart Mexico I we say one thing that's really interesting is all the different breads here so you can actually get like you look at this this is like um croissant bread very interesting I don't know maybe you don't find this interesting but look at this one tan unicorn Neo unicorn bread interesting it's got all the vegetables here all right guys so I'm at this really nice place to get a drink I do have to order food it is necessary but let's get something small I think I will try a Mees call cuz it's like a very you got to do it here I need to find the right one I don't know if I've ever had this is that just tequila based is that what a meol is I don't actually know but we're going to get one it's going to be quite pricey here but that's okay I'm happy to spend it all right I think I will also get some hummus because I'm a huge hummus appreciator I haven't had it in a bit so let's get some hummus all right guys first Mescal so I've just read that it's a blanket term for like drinks that are distilled from Agave looks like we've got a dried pineapple here maybe a pandan Leaf of swps or maybe an Agave looks like the Rim has some sort of salt but uh let's give our first mcol shot here who has a very smoky flavor to it Smokey and uh this is definitely salt on the rim so it has a very interesting combination of flavors where it's like Smokey and salty um um I can't say I've ever had anything like this that's so unique it's not super strong like the alcohol taste is not super strong but it's also not super fruity it's like a muted taste with very interesting flavors again Smokey and salty pretty good look at this so people come by and sell uh blankets here I have to say they look really nice oh it would be such a cool gift I have never seen this anywhere in the world this is so cool so I asked how much the uh blankets were looks like you can get it down to 900 pesos which is about $50 so they're really nice blankets but just got the hummus here looks we've got three different types of hummus comes with cucumbers and pea yes so let's give it a shot here guys now if you can't tell I'm very sunburnt from being here in Mexico now for a few days but uh I was actually was not expecting it because it hasn't been super warm it's been about like 75 at the uh most all right now I'm a huge fan of hummus so I have a pretty high standard it's quite good this is the hummus I'm used to this I think is olive based or something like that let's try what this one is actually the middle one is the best one the darker color one pretty good guys yeah cheers all right guys well I hope you enjoyed this inside look of Rich Mexico tell me what do you think about this palano area I think it's pretty amazing anyway thank you so much for being here and I'm going certainly be talking to you again soon peace
Channel: Zane Travel
Views: 74,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel, Bangkok, Thailand, Street Food, South East Asia, Asia, Digital Nomad, Nomad, Co Working, Traveler, Food Tour, Walking, Coffee, Philippines, Manila, Cambodia, Indonesia, Chiang Mai, Weekend Market, Travel Vlog, Vlog, Travel Video, Food, Foodie, Cebu, Adventure, Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, Saigon, Hanoi, SEA, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, KL, kl, Penang, Singapore, Seoul, Korea, Tokyo, Japan, Jakarta, Bali, South Korea, Mexico, Latin America
Id: 9dgNqyDNV74
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 44sec (1544 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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