MY FIRST TIME in the Dominican Republic 🇩🇴 Getting SCAMMED in Santo Domingo

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good afternoon from the Dominican Republic this is country number 11 for me and I'm really excited to be here so let me get through immigration and then we'll go from there okay so that was a very easy immigration process got through customs and I actually have a transfer scheduled um I did pay up for this but I didn't want to mess around with it so yeah hopefully they're waiting for me out there so yeah really excited to be here in Dominican Republic I really have no idea what to expect okay so see if a guy has my name here ah there's my name okay okay it is like uh 80° here okay so I'm not sure what's happening here but my driver got stopped trying to get out of the airport here his ticket wasn't working and now he's talking to like the police or something over there I don't know what's going on but I also hired this company to take me to pakana in a few days and I paid up and I'm not super happy so I'm going to have to figure out what to do about this not a good start I'm tired I've been traveling all day I'm hungry I got to use the bathroom and we've got 30 minutes to go so I'm here thankfully but I'm at the Renaissance yagua which is a really nice hotel in Casino so let's just go in here and get checked in and I should have a room upgrade all right guys they put me on the executive floor so that is nice that's one good thing about having status with marott but take a look at this nice water view here all right let's check out the room guys is quite pricey I think this room is about 160 a night something like that okay guys I literally cannot find how much I paid for this room but I believe it was in the range of $160 a night so I think I'm just going to go with that that's you can trust me that is accurate on what I paid here but here we are so hello let's take a look nice big room and we've got an ocean view here which is really cool I'm only here two nights and what do we say we do a classic old bed test here Marriott beds you just cannot beat them so this it's sort of like a resort it's like a hotel that has a casino it has like a bar has um a pool with a bar it has a restaurant and it's in a really central location here to do just about everything you want to do here nice big shower nice big bathroom now let me tell you oh that was just some serious drama to start off of this Dominican Republic trip kind of left a sour taste in my mouth the guy felt awkward and embarrassed I think but basically of course I don't know Spanish okay so I don't know Spanish so I don't exactly know what happened but he kept trying to put his ticket in the reader to get us out of the airport parking lot and it wouldn't work and then the security got involved D and like they just would not let our car go through and he tried it like three times we ended up trying to it took like a half hour of just like trying to get out of this airport it was insane and then finally my driver ended up getting his friend his friend came in the front seat his friend gave him his badge his my driver's friend gave my driver his badge that got us us through and they weren't going to let us through and then I kept hearing tourists in Spanish uh tourist tourist in Spanish so it was like I think they let him through because I was in the back of the car I have not had very good luck with taxis in travel I have to tell you now along with that right away I can tell you that I think the Dominican Republic is the craziest traffic I've ever seen in my life before that before today it was the Philippines I think dr's traffic is is the craziest traffic I've been in so yeah now it is like past 5 o' here I am in Santo Domingo I have been told to not uh walk out here at night so I think I'm going to heed that advice and figure out what to do here around the hotel there is a nice restaurant right over here I'm also just super drained and exhausted from all of that travel so I don't really want to do anything anyway but yeah worst case worse I will see you in the morning but let's see where the video goes from here all right guys well I think I'm going to go check out the lounge here because I get access to that and then we'll see how the food is there if I want to eat at the lounge okay guys so here it is we've got some sort of like pastry here look like we have an outdoor seating area here cool little spots nice uh view of the ocean in the background you've got the nice plugs here as well and see what food they have we've got mixed peppers I don't know what that is I don't know what's going on over here those mixed Peppers smell really good though but we also got popcorn and some drinks over here as well looks like uh let's give this a shot Dominican apple [Music] juice looks like we've got a Coffee Spot here pretty cool Resort guys all sorts of stuff to purchase your baked goods things like that good thank you and I think there's probably a poolside bar somewhere around here but this way is the uh restaurant that I want to go to I'm kind of curi curious about this pool though I maybe I'll check it out later oh hopefully they take credit card I just realized they didn't get cash out but we'll see guys we'll see so all right this restaurant should be right around here restaurant Manalo apparently really good restaurant highly reviewed and person at the desk recommended I go there yes here it is this is actually a really convenient location right out back yeah let's get some Dominican food guys here are some food items I got to eat all right this is a this is a crazy crazy place let me tell you look at this all right guys what is the uh beer of choice here in the Dominican Presidente I got to check out uh pricing too I haven't I'm like really not prepared for this but they do take a credit cards okay so I ended up not being able to decide from that menu so I ended up getting cetas because I saw them in Mexico and I never had them there and I saw them here again so I'm like I might look get cret seems like a pretty common thing in Latin America and then I also got rice and beans on the side and a Presidente light which is a Dominican beer so all right so here's Presidente light it's let's give it a shot Dominican beer o ooh that is so light and refreshing ooh that's what I'm going to be drinking while I'm here Presidente light guys I thought it'd be blazing hot here I'm actually kind of chilly in my shirt thankfully I have a long pants on but yeah cettas rice some beans beans thank you sir thank you all right fancy hello thank you fy look at this all right let's try a croa first time trying a [Music] croa it's like mashed potatoes fried with ham and cheese that's kind of how I describe it mhm yeah wow that is really good try this sauce sort of like a ketchup interesting I didn't realize this was such an appetizer or else I would have got a bigger meal really haven't eaten much of anything today let's try some rice and beans here oh yeah oh the rice and beans super good yum okay that meal was $18 so yeah definitely I would say on the price of your ends but I think Dr is a bit pricey cuz it's very touristy but yeah not too bad so rice a beer beans cretas for $18 all right now I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to go back to the hotel and I will probably see you in the morning good morning guys I think I'm going to go get a coffee up at the club lounge and then let's go walk to Zona Colonial and take a look at historic Santo Domingo and historic Dominican Republic as well let's make an espresso guys CafePress let's do a double really nice sparkling water here too okay let's see how the weather is out here guys oh oh my God literally perfect weather Sun blazing in my face Double Espresso let's go and look at this beautiful beautiful balcony here what you say we take a look at the pool later as well look like we got tennis courts over there I don't know if that's the yua pool or this the Hilton P pool I don't know if I can recommend this at the price point if the price point was lower I would absolutely do this hotel but it's a beautiful beautiful view of the ocean here you can't beat that that is for sure I ended up spending I thought I was spending 160 a night with taxes and fees and everything it's like 200 it's like way too expensive here the water's not even hot in the shower oh man guys absolutely you can't have better weather like the weather could not be more perfect right now not too blazing hot not cold perfect weather all right I'm going to walk up avener indepencia but I wanted to see what this view looked like from outside the car and the hotel um I could just walk up this stretch here to get to where I want to go which is Zona Colonia Colonial but it's not going to be as fun so we're going to walk walk up avener into pensia I mean the the scene here is just absolutely beautiful aside from the traffic and it is no joke the traffic here is insane so yeah anyway let's get back to the in avener indepencia so yeah this stretch of road here has uh just a ton of casinos I was going to potentially stay at the Sheron uh I probably just should have but I don't know there's something about a Renaissance I like Renaissance is are really nice but anyway if you don't know Santo Domingo is the largest city here in Dominican Republic it is the capital city and there are there's a population of 3.5 million here making it one of the Caribbean's largest cities but if you take the whole metro area Santo Domingo has the largest metro area in all of the Caribbean so this is a pretty fairly large city here and this is also a place that if you are a history buff this would be a great opportunity for you to come and travel here it is believed that Christopher Columbus's body is buried here his remains are buried here in Santo Domingo so you super find the food everything okay yeah okay you stay in here uh yeah stay over here okay vacation or vacation oh then I go to Pana oh yeah beautiful this me working here everything what you looking for where you from here okay great this here there Central City yes looking for that okay how much they here uh how many days two days oh yes so how so you clean shoes yeah so how much do you no no money this here super the PO yeah not hungry yes yes good FR fris he's lived here seven years yes cool we're walking I don't know what that means what do you say yes and you're from Haiti yeah all right in P is up here right yeah there super in the yeah more family F the family hungry and they ha in there yeah for you no money go yes okay yes okay hello how are you this guy here okay it's a baby okay for the baby MEK you need milk do you need milk for your baby yes okay okay yeah this a superm here superm in the cor okay I I will buy from okay all right is helping me clean my shoe come on look beautiful looks good man good job yeso okay okay got you here go there over there there and the over there all right you need uh Le you need milk okay thank you you're you're welcome brcome you're welcome all right uh let's see here uh bananas uh banana ban uh it's okay it's okay it's okay do you want a banana ban okay I will buy a banana yeah yeah yeah do you you don't want one [Music] come okay okay I don't know do you need milk do you need milk no the F the milk and here no milk okay okay for me me happy you go go Central City okay yeah all right he just bought me a banana so I'm assuming I don't know what's happening here okay so guys I absolutely just got scammed out of $150 but basically I was in a situation that I just wanted to get myself out of so they kept like ringing up baby Goods items basically they took me to this Pharmacy here and they kept charging like I I don't know like apparently like baby formula costs 14,000 pesos and then I was like no I'm not paying that cuz it's like $300 and then they kept changing it changing it changing it got it down to 7,000 pesos and I was like I'm I'm getting out of here so I ended up get getting scammed out of $150 so yeah not a good start to my trip here okay guys well I walked up avener in penia and I just got scammed out of $150 but for now let's go explore zonal Zona Colonial and try to turn this day around so see if I can get in this park here yeah I would actually just recommend walking through the water way up the water path instead of Av Colonia but yeah no I lost wasl okay how are you good what's up bro Santo Domingo I just got scammed okay so I don't want to get scammed again okay independen yeah is the number one okay the parking in okay we said what do you want you you like look in the AA I'm just walking yeah I'm just walking how how many days uh two days okay let me uh take a moment here to talk about how I just got scammed so you're going to want to avoid this man in Dominican Republic and you're going to avoid the scam in Dominican Republic so I was walking up Avenue inp penia and this guy was like I I could tell something was a little bit off but he was offering to clean my shoes and like trying to like tell me where to go all of this stuff I was a little bit tired I wasn't really thinking I was like all right let me talk to this guy he took me up to like a market clean my shoes clean my shoes and then he showed me a picture of his daughter and he said you know my daughter in Haiti needs food then he said the police are after me I tried to give him money I was like here's you know whatever I think it was like 100 pesos or 500 pesos something I tried to give him money he's like I can't take money because he's illegally working here in Haiti and and anytime the police sees him with money the police takes his money that that's his story so he can't accept money because he's working here illegally for 7 years from Haiti he can't take my money so he's like well I need to go to this phia this Pharmacy and buy food for my daughter he showed me a picture of his daughter I was like oh man well I'll buy your daughter milk you know whatever I thought I was just going to buy the milk they ended up charging 7,900 pesos worth of baby formula it it makes no sense because this this formula shouldn't be over $100 it shouldn't be over $100 I'm pretty sure the cashier was in on the whole scam there was also a security guard that just looked at me like I'm pretty sure everybody in that Pharmacy was in on the whole scam I'm pretty sure that's what happened so they they actually were going to charge me1 18,000 pesos which is like $300 and I was like nope I'm not paying that then they brought it down to 14 I was like nope not paying that and they brought it down to 7 and it got started getting a little sketchy and basically they're like you know you can just leave after this they're like you can just leave after this so I was like okay uh let me just it was like $150 I was like you know what I'm here by myself uh I've never been here before everybody is like in on this whole thing I was like I don't want to deal with this anymore so I ended up just charging $150 on my card I don't even think that they're going to end up taking the baby formula I think that it's probably just some massive scam so yeah that's that's the story I have this guy's video uh IM I have this guy on camera I would avoid this guy when you come to Santa Domingo I would also avoid anything connected to that in any way if it feels off it's probably off I'm glad that I'm safe I'm bummed that I just lost $150 but that's what you get so yeah this is actually the worst scam I've ever been a part of in any travel experience anyway where I think I may have like overpaid for some things over in Asia I think like overpaid for food like I'm trying to think like I might have like overpaid for a taxi but this one I just straight up got scammed like hardcore Straight Up got scammed stolen my money like my money has been stolen so yeah that just happens but that's pretty much the scam he took me to this by the way he took me to a smaller grocery store and his friend like works at the grocery store then they were like well you can get better things at Pharm phia and then that's when they proceeded to take me to the pharmacy where they like just kept running up baby formula all the way up over $300 and I even tried to ask somebody like do they how many times do they do this every day and they were like no Eng place so I was like well this is about it so yeah that's the story of how I got scammed here in Santo Domingo probably won't be coming back to this place I'll be honest with you bad taste in my mouth okay guys well I almost just got scammed Again by somebody trying to sell me like a tour or something like this here but I'm basically in Zona Colonial I won't be walking up avenir in pen again that was not something that I really liked Juan Pablo Duarte so it looks like uh that was kind of the park that I was actually just walking in but let's take a look down here this looks like a fun little place to walk down and you can see the colonial architecture here you can see all of the Cannons old school cannons but let's take a walk down here I hope this is okay to walk down I'm assuming it is I actually do see more tourists here Hol how are you uh just vlogging thank you bro let me give you my bu car okay I'll I'll take your car right there I just got scammed bro so so I I don't want to get scammed again no problem no my friend Luke over here is very safe no you're safe no no no no here you see any people you say help me in English they will help you okay believe me look at me it's Mel let me give you my my business I'll take your business all right come over here okay respect respect where you from America from where uh East Coast see over here you have the ladies you man I'm okay I'm okay I got yeah I'm good but thank you thank you okay when you need a when you need a barop come over here I'll come all right all right thanks guys a day thank you okay so I will show this guy he he did not take advantage of me so very nice guy here what's that oh good all right thank you bro see you there so he did not take advantage of me he did just give me his visit card he was just being nice so I will show you this Spa if you want to go there I think it'll be good anyway all right so this is a crazy crazy travel day guys let's see what's in here I see like animation stuff you get I see like Dragon Ball Z stuff like that looks like toys and games I see like one piece over here Ola Pokemon stuff anime figurines ah so cool oh very nice so this is kind of a cool area this is like we are in the heart of Zona Colonial here this is kind of like a walkway I don't know how else you would describe it but I think I have been scammed almost four times in the last hour well I got scammed one time I think I've been scammed almost four times in the last hour so I'm too nice I'm too nice guys my face is too friendly for this yeah perfect perfect this is uh 200 PES is $4 can you do 100 huh can you do 100 100 no 15 200 200 okay and $4 or for that $4 and 200 do a YouTube YouTube channel huh I have a YouTube channel oh yeah all right thank you let me give you a little yeah yeah yeah let's see all right good man all right so now I have a patch from Dominica so I collect these cool oh you know what it's okay I got I'll just put in my pocket thank you you can take your do it's yeah thank you have a good day okay all right so I was able to get my Dominican patch right away which is great and it was like uh 200 pesos which is like $3 or something like that I'm happy to pay it okay this is worse than Vietnam you just just got to be really this is where it's in h human City you just got to be really firm you got to be really firm with the no here all right look at these all these old school books here so here's empanadas let's get an empanada hola okay let's get some empanadas one beef Empanada and a Dominican cherry juice like a fresh squeeze juice Dominican Cherry I think what I'm going to do is probably dispute the charge via C Capital One I'm going to explain the situation and hopefully they can do a charge back and I'll get my money back but we'll see gracias thank you very much uh Dominican cherry juice okay gracias he guys Dominican cherry juice let's see what Dominican Cherry tastes like wao sweet and sour the Empanada oh kind of Dripping everywhere so I think I've had empanadas just a few times in my life but it's basically a pastry with like meat I think there's potatoes [Music] onions oh my god oh very good yeah interestingly enough it's a little sweet but there's just like juice dripping everywhere from this it's so good it's like a beef stew in a pastry of course let's try some of this uh spicy sauce here y that is spicy oh that is good and spicy you know I like spicy so I'm going to put some of this on there got to say this Dominican cherry juice really good I could probably eat like 10 more of those and bananas they were really really good we've got a some really cool art here whoa that's sick that SpongeBob art is really sick actually yeah this is really nice art oh I love that one I wish I could take that one home with me I would absolutely buy that apparently at night oh this is sick too oh man some of these art pieces are really really nice yeah apparently at night this Sona Colonial turns into like a pretty crazy bar hopping like nightlife scene but I'm not I'm not doing that I think if I ubered here it would be fine but I'm certainly not doing that all right let me get some water here think we got Cuban cigar or some sort of cigars here as well so many cigars all around here hello hello H I'm just looking thank [Music] you thank you thank you all right guys so I just bought this really cool wallet it's it's handmade they they knocked it down to 1,000 pesos for me which is about $17 I'm fine with it uh but really cool guy that I was talking to he was like he was like dude I've been living here for a long time I try to people scam me every day almost I was like oh God so I feel less worse about getting scammed but he's like you just got to take care of yourself here so yeah is what it is it's like you can get coffee here the side of the road like biscuits cigarettes things like that Ola uh this restaurant looks good good restaurant good okay gracias okay think we might come here because oh it'd be nice to sit out somewhere yeah let's let's get a meal here and then I'm going to walk around here more and check out the colonial architecture stuff like that okay so there's like so many there are so many food items here and I've seen the uh Dominican uh section I don't want to go chicken es soow I don't know what that is but you can see this guy's playing a cover of a really good song Thank you which one is better which one is better Sancho or chicken is the Dominican stew yeah coming with chicken and beef beef okay and rice outside okay and and then which one's this make strong as soup the rice the little vegetables which one do you recommend no I I like it all right let's do that I'll do one of those all right so he asked he so he recommended I go with the sun sun poo so we're going to go with that it's chicken and beef stew with rice so oh Presidente lights it's going to be an awful poure I don't care I have to say this restaurant the vibe here is really nice outdoor you got music playing here cheers it's a bit early for this but that's what it is I'm going to have one and then walk around all right I believe this is called Saro or srao we got the stew looks like we had a chicken leg some beef in there and then you put the rice in there as well so let's give this a shot I got to say it smells good we've got a cat here oh hello Cat let's try some of the broth [Music] here oh yeah garlicky brought try one of these uh potatoes I think it's um plantains actually oh that is so good you get a fork Out ooh this is like a really good garlicky stew I think the chicken has bones in it yeah it's got bones in it it's boiling hot oh really flavorful chicken I think this might be my favorite Dominican dish oh yeah okay so this restaurant is very very nice I would recommend it you should get the local Dominican food but along this stretch here this is a much nicer experience I think in this area and this is where a lot of the historical monuments are so let's get some history here sorry guys I mean in these videos when I I mean I've been scammed before but not like that this is a little bit of a a downer video but this is my first impressions and my first time here of Dr unfortunately this is the way it is I wish it was better but this is where we are so pretty sick Monument here tons of birds taking a bird bath there hey bro how are you and unfortunately people feel the need to ruin these monuments sad but it looks like like a bunch of school children here are out and I am excited to kind of see these areas so let's Explore More okay that's the exit where's the entrance all right entrance to the cathedral let's go in here oh wow I mean it feels like you're just stepping back in time here tickets tiet ticket okay here okay gracias got myself a ticket here 80 pesos without audio or 100 withd audio I think it's like a dollar or something or like just over a dollar so I don't know where we go from here there's where you get the Audio I guess okay okay I'm not allowed to film inside the cathedral but there's this like little area that you can walk outside and the cathedral is so sick I did take some photos I might add them to this video might not we'll see but the cathedral is very very cool the Cathedral of Santa Domingo I think I will go in here and stop for a coffee right it's nice little area here just have to say this uh area is so cool I'm hesitating on recommending this as a place I mean if you're a big history buff you'll really enjoy it but you can see this guy's playing I don't know what it is like the drums or whatever but it's really cool sounds really great and if you keep walking here um you can see like all of this colonial architecture again it is beli that Christopher Columbus is buried here somewhere so there is so much so much history and down this street here you've got so many bars hola got so many bars here restaurants it is very peaceful walking down this stretch there's just a feeling as you're walking here that you can be scammed at any time if if you have not gathered that already from this video oh those pizzas look really good pizza margarita and that uh espresso I had was really good one guy I was chatting with was definitely recommending that i''d be very careful with this camera even here but certainly anywhere outside of Zona Colonial all right so this is lasama Street you can kind of just walk down the middle here and see all of the historical buildings definitely absolutely beautiful here guys look what I have acquired here old school Coca-Cola so I was just in Mexico and of course had the so I was just in Mexico and of course I had the amazing Mexican Coca-Cola see what the Dominican one was oh this is a throwback guys look how big that is man tell you what Coca-Cola out of a glass bottle it's just so much better oh my God 50 pesos too which is like a dollar I'm going to put this on the recommended Dominican Republic food and drink list here you got to get one of these when you come here for 50 Dominican pesos again like literally less I think 50 $59 is a doar or 58 is a dollar so I mean guys 500 mL oh you can't beat it so we got some vegetarian food here and you can sit out and have a nice meal as well and we got people taking photos here looks like you can get on one of these uh trams as well and just take a look at this people are taking photos of this this cadell park par house of Park nice I'm going to take a photo for Instagram feel free to follow me there all right here is a map of the Dominican so obviously we are right here Santa Domingo somewhere I think around here and I will be going over to punak somewhere around here I think there's Puna Leon Pana somewhere around here pretty cool scene here you can sit out have food drinks I'd like to get down in there I'm not sure how guys I think I will sit out here and have a drink cuz I like the vibe all right we're going to get a Dominican draft beer here Tina bazooka it's a really high-end Place guys so 285 that'll be roughly I'll get the exact number but you also get food here I'm actually stuffed on food I might get like a appal spritzer though just kind of enjoy the afternoon here yeah it's like a a little under $5 by the way I use elk everybody asked me it's a currency conversion app on iOS it's called elk it's like two bucks well worth the cost one of the best travel apps I have everybody asked me about it H or do we go for a Dominican rum next is this rum country maybe it is all right so here's what we have let's try this Dominican draft beer oh it's fruity and really heavy almost like it's like an IPA I like a Presidente better but you got to try the draft right all right so here's what we're looking at guys let's try it uh straight o oh that is smooth that is so smooth and light o that is really good okay so basically Capital One is canceling my card and sending me a letter where I will have to fill out information I asked the person point blank I said I'm being genuine like what is the chance that I get that money back um basically they said it's possible but if you can file a police report that would really help so I'm just wondering like do I file a a police report it might be worth it just to have the like paper trail but I'm not optimistic that I'm getting my money back on this so again to recap the whole reason I went along with this was because I thought I was buying his child like baby formula which I would absolutely do I mean the GU from Haiti it's a third world country it's I mean Haiti is just like going through so much politically I would have absolutely been happy to buy his child baby formula but it was clearly a scam to start off the original transaction was I did not get any of this on camera cuz I felt very unsafe and I just didn't feel like I wanted to record this but the transaction was 18886 pesos I said I'm not doing that let me see here let's see how much that is I said I'm not I'm not paying that much because I I looked up the the um I looked up the conversion and I was like no that's way too much yeah that's $320 I was like nope not doing that and they're like okay okay hold on we'll take this off then it was like 11,000 pesos which is 187,000 and then finally cuz at this point they were starting to get upset I was I was like well I'm just trying to get out here it was 7,880 something pissos which is like $133 is what the transaction was on my Capital One so that's how much I got scammed out of for me it's like listen like I really felt genuinely unsafe in that situation so I was like well $133 yeah that that that blows that I got scammed out of that but my life is worth a lot more so and also this camera that I'm holding which I was holding for that whole thing I was like well that's a lot more so I was like well I'm just going to pay it and then I can go which is exactly what he was basically saying so I mean I would hate to see that guy scam other tourists especially since I'm promoting the Dominican Republic you know um yeah anyway I think I will probably take you down to the bar here in the hotel and maybe we'll get a drink and go from there and see what happens I'll try to keep you posted I'm not optimistic I'm getting my money back because it's a bank at the end of the day it's Capital One I don't know I probably will not end up filing a police report because I'm going to pakana tomorrow we'll see maybe I maybe I should I don't know if I have enough data all right let's check out this pool guys I will say the uh there's like a money exchange you have to go through the casino and very favorable R it's only like a dollar to transfer like to exchange CH $100 for pesos casino is not something I recommend all right well guys sometimes you go to the Dr and you get scams that's how life goes sometimes but an El Presidente I think will make it better pretty sick pool I haven't checked out the pool up to this point but oh I should have put my swim trunks on all right guys we got some crazy music going here I'm going to do a terrible four cuz I'm holding the GoPro Presidente lights my favorite Dominican beer without question all right [Music] guys che's the better times here in the Dr and hope you have a good day thank you so much for being here and I'm most certainly be talking to you again soon peace the
Channel: Zane Travel
Views: 20,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Travel, Bangkok, Thailand, Street Food, South East Asia, Asia, Digital Nomad, Nomad, Co Working, Traveler, Food Tour, Walking, Coffee, Philippines, Manila, Cambodia, Indonesia, Chiang Mai, Weekend Market, Travel Vlog, Vlog, Travel Video, Food, Foodie, Cebu, Adventure, Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh, Saigon, Hanoi, SEA, Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur, KL, kl, Penang, Singapore, Seoul, Korea, Tokyo, Japan, Jakarta, Bali, South Korea, Mexico, Latin America, Dominican Republic
Id: hG3lAKm2g9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 59sec (2939 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2024
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