Inside Out 2 New Emotions Joy Make DIY Arts and Crafts from Lockers for Sadness

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H H okay guys all clear no one's here yet come on in oh it's so early oo I hope no one sees me oh this is such a fun idea I wish we can do this every day hey guys I think this probably is not a good idea maybe maybe we should just cancel everything you know uh let's just not do this what do you mean aniy making arts and crafts for the other emotions is a great idea they're going to love it yeah they've been very welcoming to all of us new emotions I would love to give them something it's a nice way to say thank you yes yes yes I think this is such a great idea I actually wish I thought of it first yeah well I think anger is going to like what I'm going to make for him hey I like that positive attitude we we it's on me are you sure guys what if they don't end up liking everything that we are going to make for them wo wo woah hold on to that thought because and I'm pretty sure this is the most likely scenario what if they end up really loving everything that you guys are going to make because that's what I am here for I am here to give you tips that way those gifts turned out amazing I know those emotions very well what do you say I guess but you guys go first I'm going to be the last because I need to think about all the things that can go wrong okay well um we we do you want to start first since you're very sure that you are going to make something really cool for anger sure my stuff is in the locker the purple one Hello friends Miss Essie here as you see we have our new emotions from the movie Inside Out too and we have lockers where they have hidden the Arts and Crafts gifts that they're going to give to the first emotions boredom right here or n we has the purple locker and she said that whatever is in here is for anger looks like we got one two three four and five different colors of dough there is also a cup and all the way up the locker we got an ice cube tray and some fruit molds oh and here is the blender oh we are going to make anger a clay smoothie I figure since anger is always mad always hot-headed a little smoothie will hopefully cool him off anger loves grapes and strawberries strawberry grape smoothie it is here we have our grapes mold t now let's get our blender we'll put all of those grapes in there then using our white dough we are going to make some ice and then I'm going to also make orange ice cubes okay let's get one and two ice cubes let's put that inside our blender and then before we put the orange ice cubes let's make our strawberries one 2 3 4 5 we'll put all of those inside our blender I don't know if there's space for our orange ice cube wh I think we can put one now let's get our plunger and time to make our smoothie and what I'm going to do is I'm going to stretch it out slowly and now we're going to put it inside and add one more of that ice cube in there push it out one more time we're going to stretch it a little bit and now we can add it on inside our cup now let's add some toppings let's add some blueberries using our blue dough and then I'm going to get a little bit of orange and a little bit of white we're going to mix that up so it becomes yellow there it's yellow just like my dress that's right Joy we are going to use this to make some pineapple slices toppings and here's our second slice of pineapple let's add a straw and we are done woohoo one down your turn embarrassment uh are you talking about me uhhuh I'm thinking that's your locker right there what's inside oh uh well it's it's something for sadness we got a little uh Pink thingy oh it's a wax a green container wo lots of different colors of beads and something fell out a a blue cupcake ah you're going to make her a gem sticker sadness does love to eat when she's depressed so I'm sure she's going to love this one a bead sticker that's what we're going to do let's get some wax and that is going to allow us to pick this up and drop it onto its proper place so we are doing the whites right now next let's get our blue gems then we have a little bit of red for the cherry on top and then we'll get some orange for some parts of the cupcake liner there we go now one last color left [Music] yellow oh that is so cute I wish mine turns up nice too oh I'm sure it will be envy what is it that you're going to make and who is it for my gift is for this gust and it's inside my pink Locker H what's this a pink fabric that's super shiny we also have a fuzzy green fabric a string a fabric glue and we are going to need this one too is that a scrunchie maker yes I want to make her a scrunchie which fabric do you think will she like better the pink one or the green one I say make them both oh that's right sure sure I can do both to make our scrunchie we are going to need this string a wal ago we're going to put one on one end and the other to the other end and then we are going to get our fabric let's start with the green fuzzy one we're going to put that inside the little stick right here then let's grab these claws take it out out of the stick lock the ends together and then let's get our fabric glue put it there press it on we're going to let that dry but look at our green scrunchy oh that's so cool let's do another one this time we are going to get our shiny pink fabric put that in the stick put our Fabric in there wa sorry Joy we're going to scrunch it up take the string we're going to glue the edges there we go oh these are so adorable oh I wish she likes it as much as I do anxiety it's your turn finally wait what I'm not ready I still have 10 million scenarios that I haven't thought of I understand this is nerve-wracking but you know what I think fear is going to to like whatever it is you have in store for him you're right it is for him I hope he likes it it's inside the tail Locker right here what is in here it's a baby Riley figure and two nail polishes well they're technically not your ordinary polishes they they're color changing I want to show fear that change can be a good thing that even though it can't be scary it can lead to really nice things like a wonderful full color transformation I got you anxiety I say let's use the shimmery purple nail polish for the head part and then we can use the pink nail polish for the body and the tail Parts get our paper towel whoa and let's paint there we go and let's paint the rest of her Onie second coat is done oh my goodness is that the train of thought yes that's it it's perfect timing we are all done with the gifts and the emotions are here in school okay everyone gather up it's time to give everything that you made oh new day I wonder what this day is going to bring this time oh hey you guys are early H did you guys sleep here or something I'm still sleepy well well well looks like someone has been hanging out with the new emotions oh I knew it I knew it they hate us they hate us all good morning I'm so glad you guys are here our new emotions friends prepared something very early this morning and they want to give it to you guys prepared something something for us we wanted to give you something as a thank you for welcoming us I hope it's not something too scary nothing scary at all don't worry disgust these are for you I made you two scrunchies for for your beautiful shiny hair ooh this one feels fuzzy oh and the other one is shiny I actually could use some scrunchies I'm kind of getting tired of my hair down like this appreciate here oh you like it good good good uh uh you're welcome okay embarrassment don't you have something for sadness oh yes I do uh sadness I I made you a gem sticker it's a blue cupcake just like your color what's going on why is she crying oh relax I think it's tears of joy it's so pretty I love it thank you so much wait where's mine why do I always have to wait dude relax here's yours and I hope it cools your head a little bit what is it oh a smoothie uh-oh I slurped it too fast now I have a brain freeze you comes nothing okay fear here is a color changing baby Riley toy figure it color changes when you put it in warm and cold water but if you don't like it it's fine it's fine it's fine I can totally just make you another one or you know I'm just going to disappear I usually don't like change but I think I want to see this one time for the color reveal so here is our baby Riley here is our warm water whoa the colors became so much lighter lighter purple and lighter pink to the cold water woohoo now it is back to its darker Shades one more time warm water lighter shades of color and cold water darker shades of purple and pink wow those changes were pretty cool thank you anxiety that was really wonderful good now I can worry about something else yay I told you guys they going to love it uh-oh time for class see you next time friends
Channel: Miss Essie and Friends
Views: 38,323
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: miss essie, miss essie and friends, pretend play, short story, inside out 2, inside out movie, emotions inside out, joy inside out, lockers, anxiety inside out, arts and crafts
Id: jF2xs-lo6Ek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2024
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