INSIDE OUT 2 All Clips & Trailer (2024) Pixar

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[Music] orange who made the console orange do I look orange I didn't touch it orange is not my color not me hello everybody oh my gosh I am just such a huge fan of yours and now here I am meeting you face to face okay how can I help uh I can take notes get coffee manage your calendar walk your dog carry your things watch you sleep wow you have a lot of energy maybe you could just stay in one place anything just call my name and I'm here for you okay love that and what was your name again oh I'm sorry I can get ahead of myself I'm anxiety I'm one of Riley's new emotions and we are just super jazzed to be here where can I put my stuff H what do you mean we we all have a job to do you make Riley happy sadness makes her sad fear protects her from the scary stuff she can see and my job is to protect her from the scary stuff she can't see I plan for the future oh I can show you you're going to love this oh I was using that as a cup holder okay so my team has run all the data and we're looking at the following likely scenarios first we don't take this Camp seriously and we Goof Off with Bri and Grace Riley looks really uncool in front of Val she fails to impress the coach does not become a fire hawk and finally arrives at high school she has no one she eats alone and only the teachers know her name e okay you and I are going to be friends oh this is a sad story it's a ridiculous Story look again love the energy but you're being silly none of this will actually happen right whatever you say you're you're the boss I am truly sorry I was so looking forward to working with you guys what do you think you're doing off Riley's life is more complex now it requires more sophisticated emotions than all of you you just aren't what she means anymore Joy how dare you madam you can't just bottle us up oh that's a great idea I can't break I can't break it's not forever it's just until fry makes Varsity or until she turns 18 or or maybe forever I don't know we'll have to see bye behold my super Hightech Riley protection system don't look it's fine this is for all those memories that belong in the back of the mind like this penalty one it's Weighing on her so let's lighten the load a one-way express way to we're not going to think about that right now [Music] woo pretty impressive you take such good care of Riley Thanks I tried okay let's do a sweep oh here's one where she waved at a guy who was actually waving at a girl behind her oh that was so bad good choice oh here's when she forgot that girl's name oh yeah that was super awkward what was her name I don't know Janet or something whatever let's just get rid of it we keep the best and T the rest Riley how is Camp it was good she goes away for 3 days days and all we get is good she goes away for 3 days and all we get is good yeah sounds right back to the game Disney and piigs ours inside out too can somebody PCH me thank you only in [Music] cinemas okay well this isn't working and that's fine everything's fine this is hopeless this whole trip is just a series of dead and dead ends since that alarm went off nothing around here works and I have never been inside so many jars in my life and the Riley we knew is gone and if Joy can't see that well then she's delusional delusional of course I'm delusional do you know how hard it is to stay positive all the time when all you folks do is complain complain complain Jiminy mother Ling toast your strudel Riley you aren't packed [Music] yet let the professional handle this I'm too gross to go to camp or anywhere ever again well we all knew this day would come remember we agreed not to make a big deal about this you are not gross honey you're just changing but she really does stink oh it's bad hi I'm Amy Poler from Disney and Pixar's new movie Inside Out too A lot has changed since the first film Riley is a teenager now and like all teens she's gained some new complicated emotions like embarrassment Envy on WE and anxiety I can take notes get coffee watch you sleep and speaking of anxiety I am so excited to introduce you to the wonderful actress playing the character Make Some Noise M Maya Hawk hi everyone I'm so happy to joining the Inside Out 2 family isn't she the best everything you do is great be sure to check out inside out 2 coming to cinema soon wo it's a brainstorm it's go time this is Joy coming to you live in Riley's mind Riley has gotten so big she's officially a teenager now Inside Out is a workplace comedy no one really has that much in common fear and anger keeping Riley on her toes disgust sadness and joy and then I'm anxiety where can I put my stuff a new emotion I I love this little crazy orange dumpling she has a lot of opinions my team has run all the data and we're looking at the following likely scenarios I feel very connected to fear I freak out a lot I do not like haunted houses I play Envy she's very small I got to do like a lot of really fun ridiculous things with my voice she picked me she picked me did you see that on me she picked me sometimes it's really high very good sometimes it's very low oh we are so cool right now sometimes it's like very mupp that was insane embarrassment can't get out of its own way can't hide on WE is boredom checked out over things French she's like this noodle lying on a ched's lounge every emotion is good for Riley Jo is so old school she calls Joy old school and it hits pretty deep when you do get to see a movie in a full theater it's so moving I laughed in my audition and in my first session and in my second session it's a film that is truly for everyone can somebody pinch me coming to you live in Riley's mind it's time to greet your team Riley yay our little girls growing up so fast I'm anxiety I'm one of Riley's new emotions a new emotion and we are just super jazzed to be here what do you mean we I'm Endy look at your hair okay who's this guy what's your name big fella that's embarrassment he's a really sweet guy that's on we on what on word on what oh nicknames I'm going to call you we wee no are we in a dream right now please can somebody pinch me we're going everybody act regular mama [Music] I think that's overstating things a [Music] bit this is Joy coming to you live in Riley's mind Make Some Noise sadness is in the house it's anger let me at him we got to get our mouth guard people fear no no ST not AR disgust glad to have her on our te our little girls growing up so fast ow sorry it should be nothing but smooth sailing hello I'm anxiety where can I put my stuff a new emotion oh I'm sorry we wanted to make such a good first impression what do you mean we I'm Envy look at your hair oh yeah not happening that's on we on what it's what you would call the bardone what's your name big fella that's embarrassment welcome to headquarters embarrassment oh we're doing a f no oh nope going high oh you got a real sweaty Palm there buddy look we all have a job to do I plan for the future you want to sit with us these girls are so cool we can't let her know we're excited I got this uh Joy I'm just curious maybe um I could thank you not now yeah yeah that's not going to haunt us for the rest of our our lives at all you feeling all right I know change is scary let's do this hey Riley but we need new friends or we'll be totally alone in high school out with the old in with the new Riley's light requires more sophisticated emotions than all of you you can't just bottle us up we are suppressed of [Music] motion let Operation new Riley begin you aren't packed yet I'm the worst what well that's a preview of the next 10 years come on Riley means us have I ever seared you wrong before many times what is that it's a sarcasm sarcasm boy are we so lucky we ran into you guys boy are we so lucky we ran you guys wow those guys are jerks wow those guys are jerks ch [Music]
Channel: KinoCheck Family
Views: 814,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2024, Amy Poehler, Animation, Anxiety, Ayo Edebiri, Emotions, Inside Out 2, Inside Out 2 clips, Joy, KinoCheck, Maya Hawke, Movie, Rage, Riley, Teenager, all clips, all movie clips, trailer
Id: HP8y3slJMeM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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