INSIDE OUT 2 Everything You Need To Know

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please don't be mad oh sweetie why not mad come here in 2015 Pixar brought us a movie that touched all of our hearts emotionally quite literally a movie that literally broke me down and still to this day makes me cry that movie was called Inside Out an original story that most of us fans consider as one of Pixar's best when an original movie comes from Pixar it always gets exciting and this one didn't disappoint as it was praised both by critics and audiences now almost a decade later we will be getting a sequel to The Beloved film but what could this film have in store for us when will it be released and who can we expect to see returning what theory do I have for the perfect sequel story all those answers and more will be answered in today's video so stick around as here's everything you need to know about the upcoming Pixar sequel inside out 2. back in September 2022 during the d23 Expos animation Showcase in which lots of exciting new projects were announced such as Toy Story 5 zootopia 2 and Frozen 3. Disney also confirmed that inside out 2 would be hitting the big screen it was confirmed that the planned release date for inside out 2 would be June 14 2024. that is literally next summer this comes almost exactly nine years after the release of the original with no big movies releasing that weekend currently this could be huge for Pixar and Disney with recent films at the box office having a tough time such as Elemental which in my opinion is because the theater going experience has been tougher and tougher on people not the movie being bad as Elemental is one of my favorite original stories that has come out of Pixar in recent years if you love Pixar and Disney I always say watch it on the biggest screen you can with the best Disney fans you know you will never be disappointed with the magic that happens on screen if you allow yourself to be a kid again so you may be asking who will be returning for the second installment of inside out one of the major factors in the success of the original was its talented voice cast with its enormous variety of celebrated performers turning out some of their best work for that reason fans have been desperate to know exactly who will return for the sequel it has been confirmed that Amy Poehler will be eyes in her role as Joy Phyllis Smith will be returning as sadness Diane Lane will be returning as Riley's mom and Lewis Black will be back in his role as anger in regard to the other emotions from the original unfortunately both Mindy kyling who voiced disgust and Bill Hader who voiced fear will not be returning for the sequel in their roles their absence is due to reported contractual issues which if you want my opinion right now sadness is at the controls for me I would miss their characters however this opens up a multitude of emotions that could be introduced in Inside Out 2 which we will get to soon but first who is in charge of the new movie who are our creators well Inside Out 2 stands as the full length feature debut of director Kelsey Mann who has already worked on several other Disney projects including light year onward and the good dinosaur Inside Out 2 is written by Meg Lafave who returns after writing the original with a producer credit going to Mark Nelson from Toy Story 4 and the music produced by Matt Walker although I wish they would have brought back Michael giasano one of the best composers from films of all time so Matt you have some major shoes to fill for the sequel but some of us are probably still wondering why a sequel does it make sense the answer to that question is this why why wouldn't you as an artist or business person if you have something so commercially acclaimed that resonated with both adults and kids wouldn't you want to make another Inside Out was a movie I didn't watch for years it was one of Pixar's movies that on the outside didn't look like it would be super entertaining to me a movie about a kid's emotions and how they change as she moves to a new city yeah I'll pass on that one but years later I told myself as a Pixar fan I was gonna go back and watch every Pixar movie that has ever been released including the ones I never gave a chance to and let me tell you when I say I was majorly shocked at how great this movie was and how much it truly impacted me watching the events unfold before my eyes I vowed to never miss a Pixar movie again Inside Out show me these movies aren't just for kids to entertain them but also as a way to show us adults more about ourselves things we may forget to think about or even feel at times it showed me all emotions are essential to life staying in one even if it is joy is not always a great thing every emotion has its role and its turn to main the controls they are all needed for us to be us so when someone asks why we need an inside out too I tell them dig deep down in yourself and let your sense of wonder take over be excited to experience a new story and potentially learn something more about yourself and let's be honest don't your emotions change all the time especially as you grow up I think we can all agree that we experience a lot more emotions than just those original core five so that leaves the question what new emotions will we be introduced to as Inside Out came to a close and Riley's emotional rollercoaster was coming to a gentle end Joy spots a button that reads puberty and hesitates to press it it is at that moment that directly influences the plot of inside out 2. as Pixar's plot for the movie right now reads follow Riley in her teenage years encountering new emotions that is literally it now we all know how those teenage years were if Riley thought her adolescent years were tough with that move she's about to be in store with a whole new world of emotional roller coasters sometimes that may not be very forgiving the First new emotion could be shame which if you look at the concept art from inside out's Blu-ray special features it shows that this was another emotion considered early on teens are often extremely hard on themselves as they begin to desire more Independence and take on more responsibilities physical changes that occur during puberty can also trigger shame in themselves which would be a relatable challenge for Riley to face the positive reception of turning red which tackled the topics of menstruation and feeling out of control of an adolescent body May encourage more direct exploration of these development realities in inside out too shame could also take in some of the personality traits from Fear as being shameful of oneself also leads to fear of not doing things someone wants to do the second emotion we could see could be love the end credits of inside out added a couple of scenes just like Pixar usually does one involved a boy feeling his first crush on Riley and a chaotic reaction by his emotions in the control room the situation is the perfect link to a sequel as Riley encounters her teenage years a new emotion related to love would probably have an essential role in the film in the formative sense of showing its limits like in the original movie viewers receive a lesson on emotional balance when sadness shows its importance and joy cannot do everything for a new installment love could also act as an emotion that needs taming a message that would depart from the most traditional Disney movies love could also take some of the personality traits from disgust as when you love something you can also develop a disgust or hate for things so what could Inside Out 2 have in store for us this brings me to my theory for the perfect story of a sequel for inside out my theory Starts Here Riley just started high school with a new school a much larger school it almost can feel like moving all over again this time just to a more scary exciting and sometimes brutal world as Riley is getting accustomed to this new Journey we noticed that she has some new emotions at the controls with growing up disgust and fear have moved out to open up the mind to two new emotions shame and love both are needed in this crazy new world of school where emotions sometimes come out of nowhere as Riley is trying to handle this new concept of life we experience many times shame in love take over the controls sometimes without thinking as we know in high school there are a lot of influences everywhere and this movie can tackle them all I believe one concept would be that the boy from the first movie who developed a crush on her at the end of the movie could ask her to the school's dance a first date for Riley where the whole time leading up the emotions at the helm seemed to take over uncontrollably as Riley goes through so many different developments from shame to Joy to Sadness the Whirlwind of events can mean trouble at times for the emotions as they try to keep things under control for a maturing Riley as Riley is getting ready for the dance we see her being indecisive over what dress to wear what makeup to go with and try not to be embarrassed by her parents as goofball island has taken a back seat when shame entered the picture this would allow us to get a brief look into the parents heads again as life changes with Riley have made her dad's emotional control room being led by confusion a character I think most ads go through on a daily basis but especially when it comes to trying to deal with a daughter going through major emotional and physical changes he truly doesn't understand but he is trying as for Riley's mom her new emotional lead would be empathy a new character that I believe most moms feel for their kids all the time but maybe a bit more with growing teenage daughters Riley's mom would understand a lot more than her dad would to the changes happening and would allow for Riley's mom to have a stronger impact in inside out too when Riley gets to the dance as the night continues love starts to take control as other emotions try to contain love as we all might know our first love is one of the strongest and sometimes hard to control here we are shown if love is a good thing or if it can lead down a bad path is this puppy love or a deeper feeling and this theme can be expressed for the entire movie love can be bad it can be good it can be wrong it can be perfect it can be a first crush or someone you spend the rest of your life with love is an essential emotion and the other emotions need to allow love to happen for them to continue being themselves as with love comes Joy sadness anger and sometimes even shame love can really stand for a lot of things and might be the driving emotion for someone who makes them them from our hobbies to our interests to the people we we are around love is at the center of it all as life almost can't exist without it the movie ends with Riley moving on to college high school was tough but what new challenges adventures and emotions will we be met with next time only the future will tell but one thing is for sure I'm here for the emotional roller coaster ride and I'll continue to have my box of tissues ready for whatever comes next so will you be watching inside out too what are your thoughts or theories drop them in the comments below and until the next video I'll see you at the movies
Channel: The H3ro
Views: 1,166,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inside out 2, inside out 2 news, inside out 2 latest news, inside out 2 updates, inside out, inside out 2 2024, the h3ro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 55sec (595 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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