How Riley REALLY Has New Emotions In Inside Out 2...

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Pixar finally did it they released the first official look at Inside Out 2 and with it fans finally got to see how Riley was doing as she continued to grow up after the first film more importantly though the trailer dropped a bombshell in the form of four new emotions that Riley would have to cope with throughout her life but what the trailer didn't tell you is how these new emotions came to be and why they're just now appearing in Riley's Command Center don't wor though I've got you covered the new emotions are there because Riley's growing up which means she's getting new hormones now that might seem like a really simple answer but that's because it is as a person goes from being a tiny human to a full-grown adult their body goes through changes both physically and chemically when the trailer showed Riley blowing out the candles on her birthday cake she had officially turned 13 years old which is typically when puberty begins if not a little earlier than that meaning that Riley was about to experience even more changes in her life than she experienced in the first movie when a person begins to go through puberty their body is flooded with chemicals that they're not typically used to dealing with these chemicals are called hormones now I'm not going to give you a full science lesson on what hormones are instead I'll just break it down in a way that should hopefully help you understand some of the changes you'll be seeing in Pixar's Inside Out too think of hormones as sort of a chemical messenger that is created by your endocrine system these chemical messages get passed straight through your bloodstream towards specifically targeted cells in order to change or alter that cell in some way that might sound super broad but that's because hormones are and they can affect countless things in the human body including the brain and our Behavior but you don't need to know all of those specific details all you really need to know is that due to Riley growing up and getting older her body is going to change and with those changes her hormones are going to be introducing a whole bunch of new emotions into her Command Center that we haven't actually seen in the Inside Out universe but did you catch that the trailer actually revealed all of this and most likely even introduced fans to Riley's hormones when it introduced that big red button although Pixar hasn't confirmed this detail yet it seems very likely that the big red button that was shown flashing in the trailer before the demo crew appeared was likely an indicator that Riley had entered puberty my main reason behind this thought process is simply because the button began to flash right before the blue blob showed up and started making a mess of things in the command center here's the kicker though there's a good chance that those blue blobs were actually Riley's hormones think about it in the trailer everything seems calm and peaceful until out of nowhere an alarm starts to ring out then it seems like the emotions that were already in Riley's command Hand Center meaning Joy anger fear disgust and sadness all simultaneously noticed the button for the first time they all huddle around the button examining it or at least that's what it looked like when the red button finally lit up and the trailer showed all of Riley's emotions jumping away from it as soon as the button was triggered the command center started getting bombarded with wrecking balls followed by a group of blue blobs in hard hats it only makes sense for those blobs to be the hormones considering the fact that they seem to destroy the command center before altering the console and leaving as quickly as they appeared in other words they came in changed everything and then just disappeared without so much as a how you doing now if that doesn't describe teenage hormones in a nutshell I don't know what does interestingly enough though the blue Blobby hormones weren't there to just act as a wrecking crew they were actually there to make sure the command center was ready for the four new emotions that were eventually going to make an appearance in Riley's psyche now now I know what you're thinking four new emotions wasn't there only one in the trailer and yes there may have only been one new emotion revealed in the trailer but Pixar has confirmed that there are actually four new emotions that will be interacting with Riley's Command Center all of which can actually be seen on this poster in the poster you can see Riley's current emotions standing on top of a small platform that's actually being lifted up by four other entities these happen to be the other four emotions that will help form Riley into the person she's supposed to be when she grows up they're actually hinted at in the trailer too when anxiety first appears you'll notice just like discuss did that they mention a we when introducing himself anxiety apologized and then said we wanted to make such a good first impression to which disgust replied who's we while there were a few fan theories floating around concerning the idea that this was a reference to the idea that Riley is going to to be a member of the lgbtq plus Community it seems more likely to be anxiety's way of introducing the other emotions that being said who really knows only Pixar but still this would be a great way for the film to introduce the rest of the emotions by having anxiety itself anxiously mess up their big reveal while they weren't named in the trailer yet the three other emotions accompanying anxiety in Riley's Command Center are equally as important to her development according to their positioning in the booster all the way on the right you have an emotion known as unwe unwe is an interesting one and actually is the French word for the feeling of dissatisfaction or even weariness from what I can tell by looking at the poster unwe is going to be a dark blue almost purple toned emotion and his character is likely going to represent how Riley feels as she becomes a teenager and most of her childhood passions and memories begin to fade in a way it's much more specific comp licated feeling of an emotion that Riley already has which is sadness next up sitting directly to the left of anxiety in the poster you can get your first Glimpse at the emotion that's meant to represent embarrassment embarrassment is an interesting feeling or emotion because it's one that a lot of children hopefully don't have the awareness to recognize however as children become teenagers they develop a fear of being judged by others while simultaneously feeling the need to create an image for themselves this means that an inside out too embarrassment will likely be there specifically to remind Riley of all of her insecurities or possibly even cause Riley to develop them after embarrassment you have the emotion that's all the way to the left at the bottom of the poster Envy Envy is depicted as an emotion with stars in her eyes this shows that Envy has a way of looking at the world with Wonder however it's an emotion that's known for taking things a little too too far Envy is likely going to represent Riley's competitive side or possibly even play off of embarrassment by triggering jealousy in Riley over classmates and friends who she might perceive as being better than her in some way at the end of the day Envy is a precursor to greed that everyone feels at some point in their life and it can be a very tough emotion to overcome with that being said considering they're actually shown in the trailer I don't know if any of these emotions will affect Riley as much as anxiety will I mean anxiety's arrival alone might be a great indicator of how hard she's going to make things for Riley the emotion appears immediately after the blue Blobby hormones finish tearing up the command center this violent entrance might have been Pixar's way of suggesting that anxiety is going to do that same level of damage to Riley's life in the real world and that makes a lot of sense considering everything we know about anxiety in general it's not an emotion that makes mixes well with others and it's not one that can be bottled up or suppressed like anger when a teen is dealing with anxiety which is more common than people may think it's usually extremely overwhelming for them or at least it can be anxiety often dictates someone's Behavior especially on a social level which is probably the exact role that she's going to be playing for Riley that being said if Riley were to learn to conquer her anxiety rather than letting it dictate her life it could potentially turn her into a stronger person as she continues to grow there's also no telling how anxiety is going to mix with her current emotions like Joy or fear it's certainly going to make for an interesting sequel another interesting thing to note about anxiety's appearance as well as the appearance of the other three emotions is that none of those emotions seemed present in her parents' command centers when they were shown in the first film this could imply that Envy embarrassment unwe and anxiety might not be sticking around or at least they aren't normally in headquarters in other words these are background emotions that only come to the Forefront of the operation during times of extreme emotional changes stressors or traumas in Riley's case they're likely appearing for the first time because she had just turned 13 and is in the midst of puberty this could mean that after that awkward phase in her life ceases to be most if not all those emotions should return to the background at least for the most part that's just a the though and there's no way of knowing for certain how permanent these new emotions are until Inside Out 2 finally releases in theaters on June 14th 2024 I'm curious to know though what do you think the role of Riley's new emotions will be in her life and how much will specifically anxiety affect her throughout the movie be sure to let me know what you think in the comments below
Channel: Deluxe
Views: 39,740
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: movie, disney universe, disney universe review, top grossing pixar movies, highest grossing pixar films, movies, prince charming, Disney, Deluxe Disney, Deluxe Disney theories, inside out 2, inside out 2 trailer, inside out 2 theory, inside out 2 teaser trailer reaction, riley theory, inside out riley theory, bing bong, everything you missed in inside out 2 trailer, disney theories, inside out 2 puberty, inside out 2 puberty button, riley's new emotions, trailer, movie trailer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 21 2023
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