Inside one of the LARGEST WW2 gun turrets EVER. MUST SEE !

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yes that is what you could see in part one you'll find that here under here where it says more there's a link there in the video description and you can check out and see the exterior of this absolutely massive triple barreled gun that the Germans put on the top of a hail a mountain today as I promised you you will join us and see the underground bunker complex which is under that massive turret this is very very special and I think you're going to enjoy it if you haven't already please watch the videos in full don't skip because YouTube algorithms doesn't help us out too much then cuz we're counting on you so watch it in full now let's go and see what the Germans put under this massive gun turret I think you will be surprised this turret was picked off the battleship Canal put on the top of a hill on the Atlantic wall and then used as a battle command firing whatever station you like to call it it was a massive um battle station that the Germans put here to be able to protect a special area of the ocean further down so we are going to go inside we're going to have a wonderful trip uh I might be able to record some of it myself with the sound of this language you hear now but some of them I might have to dub and put some sound on top because they are going to use the local language here and you won't be able to understand anything of that so I'll do my very best but the main important thing is that we will take you in there and that's going to be absolutely amazing so getting inside it's very dark and uh but we're going to show you as many details as we can a lot of tools laads different kind of things they use to support the building and the structure here generally room all is authentic beautiful condition it even smells [Music] oil pretty incredible this is the fuel storage room um it's a bit dark so I'll see if I can kind of help out a little bit with the uh phone here it's a bit dark but you can see tons of fuel being stored here so they can run the generator and it still actually works all of this is original tools they all function there's a log book and it actually works today there's one of the crank hand hand cranked ear pumps valves it's everything is here as it is manual pump probably for the fuel amazing stuff and see here German riding everywhere main engines for generators which actually works today and they start them up three or four times a year to make sure that they work power station with fuses this is probably pressurized are to start the engines absolutely insane to see that everything is still here and you can see each and every meter actually works it's a do engine you can see the valve mechanism and valve train everything here works you can see this h a massive so thick concrete but that was to protect each and every one of the 120 crew members here so I allowed to record as much as I wanted and I'm very happy for that I'm going to do my very best that you can actually have this experience these hallway are incredible interesting to walk through and you can see constantly as I move around orinal cables everything is just as it was looks to be a heater here central heating system perhaps maybe fuel for that and now we're going to go up some stairs here this is absolutely spectacular that we are allowed to record here there's a stairway going many many floors up there original cables running around and now we're going to go deep into the mountain system here this is a original cabinet it's actually still here that was in the uh Locker or the rooms for the soldiers and you have huge fittings there original lot of humidifiers to keep this place dry and this is where the crew lived I'm sorry if it gets a bit dark sometimes but each and every one of these are rooms where the soldier stayed and they are Immaculate condition and in each and every room here this is where the so get stay I have to rush up here to keep following the rest here it is massive it is absolutely insane all of these a crew quarters with a crusade and I have to kind of follow through here up this hallway oh my goodness this this place is massive this room used to be the kitchen each oven would be sucking or the air would be sucked out of the oven here this is a wash and the reason for the Contour there is to get the water to drain off the walls because that was a huge problem there's a lot of issues with water so each and every roof is like this so the water will come off this room used to be the main dining hall and also a field hospital to be able to serve the six soldiers here so very strange to see the different kind of features but this room was filled with the medical equipment at the same time as the soldier actually ate their meals there did you know that you can become a World War II history on team member and the artifacts here could be passed on to you in this manner and fashion here by creating beautiful world 2 diamas and displays you can be a future C of something very very special by the history and the history hunting that we share together check out the link in the video description you can click that and you can become a patron team member if you want to different kind of perks with for your eyes only videos travel vlogs restation projects all of that good stuff and if you want to know more check out the supporter videos in the beginning of each month but now let's continue our little Adventure desperately trying to get the light to be better but it's limited what I can do we underground 25 M down more of the accommodations areas here this is where we just came through these are living quarter rooms for for the crews here different areas for the the uh for the um uh privates and here you can actually see the original bed still hanging that is crazy holy cow the original beds are here and I guess we going going to go inside one of the rooms so we can actually experience that this is a typical living room 18 guys here but they used it just for 3 weeks after they finish it after that was inhabitable the mattresses will stay onto the wall when they take them down from the daytime and it was rendered useless that is pretty amazing to see so after um just 3 weeks after this place was uh finished it was doomed uninhabitable I'm kind of stuck behind here because I'm using the camera so now we're going up here holy cow so many places this is basically the wash room all of this is original and you can see these huge tubs pretty strange but there is a couple of features here that are just spectacular and that is the point that they had running tap water cold and warm this is absolutely amazing and this is where they showered this a very special feature this is one of two electrical heaters that was here during those days that was so incredible rare never was there something like that in there that is spectacular also they had the flushing toilets which was unheard of during those days so when the locals find out this they went bananas they said the Germans had this they didn't even have outdoor toilets so this is urinal and each and every one of these were flushing toilets and they had that during that time so that is spectacular there was so many rooms so many staircases it is unreal and this was built within one year yeah you heard right one year there is one of the rooms where the munition came out you see this thing here move that up I have to hurry here this is spectacular this is the grenade room blue ones blast exploded second after impact these exploded on impact different kind of hoists and uh features and you know just tons of gear and I'm desperately trying to boost the light here so you can see more tons of switches and things seens everything is seen marked hoist here on the top grabbing the cut pges and sending off to another room and this is where you start to enter the room where the actual gun is some of the features here absolutely spectacular this is how they loaded all the ammunition they Camp came out from here and then they will kind of been run down here a round would come into here and then boom they will put it there and this Wing here can be moved so that everything here can be transported back and forth these are the hoists for dimunition going up the turret so basically you are kind of down here now on the lower level you have phones you have German riding absolutely everywhere everything here actually works as it should and all the handles all the switches all the things are functioning just as they did when the Germans left them and that is absolutely out of this world and all of these mechanisms and you can see this this thing here see here it can be moved so this will match up right there so one of the shells would come here being put there boom flipped over to that one boom flipped to that one and then boom loaded into the Hoist and the Hoist takes dimunition upside what a spectacular thing and this whole thing moves 360° around a this one moves independently from this one you can see I can still move it so this is the cannon turret that moves by itself this is the outer Wing that transports the amunition around oh my goodness it is absolutely spectacular so many features I wish I could stay here for a day but I can't we have to go this is the explosive Chargers room in this room there was only electricity for lightning no other type of machinery allow This is highly explosive and this is where the guys actually had to hand lift this into this this is the propellant charge that's behind the Warhead to drive and push that out so this is a highly risk uh room and extremely flamable and dangerous so only electrical light allowed for work here and this is where they put it and then it went into this next room that we're going to see and here you can see fully operational coming out here and then pushed into the Hoist here and as you can see actually the light that goes down and uh three hoers left center right and this is up to the gun turret and I now have to climb up these stairs this is where you climb up it's a tiny little step was there so meet you up there this room here is uh where a they have electrical engine or motor rotating the turret and there's a plan B if the electrical motor failed this massive thing here would actually turn this shaft and that's the shaft that turns the uh the turret this is probably the degree wheel to um to the turret position so they could quickly turn it without and you can see everywhere there are the original um different kind of uh accumul L flasher means battery or whatever on the right hand side L flasher uh it's a ton of stuff no it is absolutely amazing just imagine wih helha once upon a time they Twisted oh sh so boom they still twist that is amazing I didn't expect that and this one turns so if I want to turn the turret it can't turn today here's also the uh instructions there a lot of instructions here also on the electrical system here this is a hydraulic pump to make the turret sorry the the host go up and down and you can see on this side here it actually says 2 m 3 M 4 M 6 M and it tells you where the different kind of um hoists are so there are three different of these but it's also spectacular to see how compact everything here is and you can see more uh instructions on the wall and tons of hydraulics so you have green for the right hand hoist munition hoist yellow for the center and red for the left hand munition hoist and you have gray for other types of uh functions and all of them well maybe not all of them actually works but uh this has been uh partly restored because it stood for 17 years without well you could say a lot of uh maintenance and uh they've done a fantastic job to get it back to the conditions that we see here now this is actually communication Port fully analog you can actually talk in there maybe even in there and in here so you open this and maybe you blew a whistle or something but this is to talk into and in that way the information that you talk into would go through this pipe up and down the system and feed the information to the different Crews and there are many of these and that is spectacular because it's all about redundancy so if you have some kind of issue with the communication it says swing then you can just shop your order in there and the guy on the other end will hear you just like the vacuum tubes you see they used in the' 70s to transport information back and forth in in huge business IND complexes this is the Forerunner of that remember this turret that we're on also turned all the black is that's turning and all that we're standing on or have been going through here is turning and you can see in the back here massive switches for electronics tons of tiny ones here boom it still works it is spectacular absolutely spectacular love lots of switches here you have tons of hydraulics as I said when that axle shaft turn then the whole turret turned we are going up to the Holy Grail up where the gun barrels are so let's do that and that is one of the massive gun barrels right there this is the inner business end you could say and wow I've been into some of these toys before but never in one with three barrels and do I see a this is cool wow this is like a periscope from a submarine and what is that is that carbide light that is cool and you can see here this is as far forward you can get and in the front here this I wouldn't have been here when this fired oh look at that insane gradient kind of thing there can you see that tons of tables of numbers holy that is insane we got some sensors going on here fun and now there that's where the shell would come up but look at that detail thing there that is out of this world to be honest all of these things here so this is basically the layout you have the uh that is 88 I think um you have the layout here this is ready to be fired you have the tip you would have the gunpowder this will be rammed in with this as you saw be pushed in and then everything is ready there's a massive Bridge getting in like that and then in the end it's all about the firing solution being complete and how did you fire this thing well let me show you this is the fireing control position or the final order was taken here so if you want to fire the gun um uh on the left the barrel on the left then eagle eyes will push down this one and if you want to fire the center one you do that one and you fire the center the right one you do that one if you want to fire all at the same time take this black lever and boom he now fired one massive round out into the ocean there and that is how you fire this gun so it is very compact maybe some of you recognize that producer there they were responsible for most of the gear that was delivered in this environment and it's absolutely totally crazy to see all the equipment still here it almost like it's ready to be used this is like the kind of cartridge in the back there it is one of the craziest thing I've ever experienced Oh yes totally absolutely unbelievable what a fascinating location to visit if you want to help us out to reach more locations like this you know we have this little super thanks feature here that could be your opportunity to help us out to get some gasoline into the fuel tank go out and share and find even more incredible stories out there well guess what this was a very nice surprise I surprised eiz my son with this position he didn't know about it but he was dreaming about visiting this place and he didn't know it before about 5 minutes before because I kept it secret and we drove thousands of kilometers to get to this position and others and that's what we do we are dedicated we do all the research ourself we do all the travel and we visit and share these great locations with you so I have to say thank you for being here thank you for watching thank you for subscribing also massive thank you to all of you who are already Patron team members and as you saw so you can become a team member and some of the artifacts that we find out there will actually be yours also totally totally thank you to each and every one of you who watched the videos in full because you're actually helping us out tremendously and uh what can I say this place was something else but we are still working on new projects this is about uh the biggest munition storage that the Germans had in Europe it got blown up and we have found hundreds of artifacts and they will be passed on to you actually so hope you enjoyed part one and two we really worked hard to make this as good as we could um e eyes got an invitation from an oldtime there uh if we come back I have a phone number he's going to spend the whole day there if he wants to and uh we can explore as much as we like so we might do that later and we'll see even more from this incredible underground bunker complex all right I have to work through some new projects here hope you enjoyed it in the meantime until we see you next time please stay safe keep smiling and before you know it we'll be out there
Channel: WW2HistoryHunter
Views: 1,482,367
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: largest German WWII gun turrets ever, Amazing WWII gun, lost, lost place, secret place, secret, History secrets, History underground, Hitlers guns, WORLDS LARGEST WWII GUN, secret location, explore, lost WWII, WWII simplified, Atlantic Wall fortress, Urbex, Exploring tunnels, WW2 explore, Best WW2 documentary, We found amazing gun, Gneisenau gun, war of warship Gneisenau, Hitlers largest guns, massive WW2 guns, Battleship of WWII, Lost battleship gun
Id: pNWdlOZ_zQY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 42sec (1422 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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