Inside Occultism : Love Spells, Wealth Rituals and Exorcisms

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[Music] there's always certain entities around so right now we are going to an occult shop which is a shop that sells um supernatural relics and stuff also i'm catholic so variety shouldn't mean anything to me but content i always get my pre-season text mesa [Music] [Applause] [Music] if let's say right after this right then i go and buy 40 for example right then i win right [Music] hello sir hello [Music] i see behind you have diplomas yeah this is something that i pursue as an interest to keep myself updated with the latest techniques now i heard from your your colleague that you also can see stuff right i'm seeing a lot of purple and a lot of red around you those people who are charged with emotion angry or stressed you'll see a bit of violet tinge in them a bit of red this is the one with the most interesting or uh [Music] let me be very very frank with you in my room there's always certain entities around always right how's my horror now yora right now if i look at it this way it's a pretty average your eye is actually about two or three inches out of your body if it's normal right it's usually those whitish grayish hues and all that right then those people have a lot of negative energy there will be a gray black hue around you bye mukela you're fine okay good to know so how does someone get into something like this it all starts with interest the first interest i had with anything even related to religious things was with thai emulators right it was actually in relation to an emulator called prapita prapita is a buddha which covers the face now allegedly if you wear that pitta right you become invincible so those just practice are very very rare very expensive and in great demand right so why else do people come to you most people come to me for love and reconciliation issues some of them are having difficulties in their marriage they want to resolve it how much is this service reconciliation we have a standard of six hundred dollars that's right low price for love there are certain spells there are certain mantras certain rituals when if you do properly if the two people are meant to be together there's a possibility to make them return by mellowing their heart having them have thoughts right does that feel wrong no i don't think it feels wrong wrong is when you sit beggar and leather things happen which are not mental like if you know that the person broke up because of you abuse physical or verbal or otherwise then i'm not going to help such a person get back together but what if they are meant to be no one is meant to have abuse keep talking to them physically so even if they're meant to be that is not my problem my problem is to ensure that whatever i'm doing this for whatever i'm doing for them is you know beneficial it's wholesome how about exorcism exorcism sometimes we don't even get paid for it most people have that type of issues you have to look at the situation look at the time of spirit infesting and then from there make a judgment call because sometimes some people come they're just hiding on drugs they are drunk we do have people tell us that we don't know what we are talking about because they are convinced that they are possessed see the sickness of the miner is very hard to conquer you want to go to someone who says you got 10 spirit 100 spirits inside you and charge you so much money for a case when there's nothing wrong with you i believe that is what you really call cheating right can we look at yourself definitely please what does all these relics like do these are not really these actually a million years ago no no they are not the oldest amulet i have here would be about 400 years old which one this is a piece like close to 400 years old it is believed to be a very powerful religion having a positive divine energies right we have two types of customers uh one is the person who know what they want to buy right then another type he has a problem or she has a problem they don't know what to get for it so we will explore them what they can take what they cannot take last time you know you got any religious beliefs they will usually tell us what is wrong with them what kind of problems they are facing and encountering then we will also usually advise them to give us a budget to work with then within that comfortable range we will try and get you something that is good and effective and would work for you right what's this little um what's this little sticks these little sticks are what we call taku so this is our wealth and prosperity taco so this one i created myself in 2014 the yantras i chose the type of words to write and then the type of energies to impart and view into it all these i read from books i studied tantra so i created this as something unique so who buys this like i got bankers i got lawyers insurance agents taxi drivers basically people from all walks of life yes you can [Music] so okay tell me about the rituals that i'm doing today so that is the well fetching ritual we will do that here on my past after applying certain blessed oil and putting gold flake there then chant the certain mantra is supposed to invite wealth and prosperity into your life through the blessings of mata lakshmi or the goddess of earth that's a needle in wash that it won't hurt okay now just follow me like this grab your hands like this and do it like this knowing and being so involved with the supernatural world what do you think happens when we die i have good ideas about what happens but then my ideas are based on my religious beliefs but then if you want to talk about definitive proof or what happens after life then no one can give you this unless we talk to those people have near-death experiences right yeah okay thank you very much no problem bro okay so that was fun and like you can tell that she is very hyper aware that he is dealing like everybody that comes through this door especially with cameras right there we are all skeptics yeah yeah and he's still as authentic as he can be yeah but yet you don't feel like you don't believe him you know yeah he never tried to make everything feel like uh this is some voodoo magic shop we can cut spell you
Channel: MOSG
Views: 417,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: occultist, occult, black magic, rituals, babaji, phra pirab occult specialist
Id: MxY2gJzYO-U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 5sec (485 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 21 2022
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