NYC First Timers Guide: Neighborhood SECRETS Revealed! (Full Documentary)

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today we're showing you around some of New  York's most iconic neighborhoods we'll be   joined by many local co-hosts with lots of  stories from the busy streets of Manhattan to   all corners of the outer boroughs get ready  for a taste of New York City you won't soon   to be showing you around my neighborhood I grew up  here I love it here it has amazing culture amazing   people and amazing Dominican food so I'm excited  to show you a few of my favorite spots thank you   I have to admit the views here are fantastic  you've got the George Washington Bridge that   way you have this amazing little Park here and  you said that you grew up coming here a lot yeah   so as a kid we would always come here for picnics  for baby showers for birthday parties so this was   our go-to spot in the summer in the spring just  to be outdoors and be in nature a little bit this is a Hidden Gem for sure because it  has a lot of medieval art and culture and   it's part of the met so it's definitely worth a  visit to come up here I don't want to go inside   with a camera today because I honestly think  this Museum deserves its own video it is so   cool I've been in there before if you're into  medieval art I mean look at this place right   here it's like we're in a European castle at the  top of Manhattan Hidden Gem he's the right word   why do you think this neighborhood is a Hidden  Gem that more tourists should know about it's   one of the last few neighborhoods in Manhattan  that's retained its culture and because of that   the prices of airbnbs apartments are a lot  cheaper up here and also the cost of food   you can find fresh produce very cheap  around here and restaurant food as well I wanted to take you here so that  you could see the highest natural   point of Manhattan in Washington Heights  where it gets its name from there you go   so as we head south from the top of Washington  Heights this area is so peaceful it's quiet   everything looks so tidy but you told me that  things are about to change in a few blocks so   yeah this is the nicer area a little bit more  expensive um cleaner but we're about to get to   the more Dominican area a little bit more  culture a little bit more gritty a little a little you see a lot of fruit vendors chopping  up your fruit for you so that you can enjoy it   as a healthy snack so not everything  is unhealthy when you buy it industry so we just started walking on St Nicholas  and I I kind of feel like we transformed to   a completely different neighborhood but it's still  the heights a lot of energy I'm loving this yeah   you see lots of vendors lots of people in the  street selling their goods and products and you   hear the music and you see more of the what  I recognize as my neighborhood and my people we're almost at the restaurant that you  recommended I have to say that walking   through here has really brought back some  memories from me of being in Mexico just   some of the life in the streets of Mexico  City for example and now we are at punto   de Sabor why did you take us here why was  this the choice of all the restaurants you   could have picked in Washington Heights  this is one of my favorite restaurants   because it's very authentic the people hero  Dominican and the food here is amazing and   really really cheap cheap is good guys we  are going to eat a lot get ready for this you have a choice between pork beef or chicken  any of those options is a good choice guys you   have no idea how good it smells right now oh this  is going to be a good meal I can already tell Noemi we just got a mountain I mean a  mountain of food here what what did we order   so basically you have your staple rice and  beans red beans specifically on this plate   we have the pojo gizado which is basically  stewed chicken in tomato sauce and here is   the chuleta which is pork chop and um and it's  delicious here we have the sweet plantains which   you have to try they're delicious wonderful  and this is our traditional potato salad   it has carrots onions there's also a red  version of this but you prefer no beets so   bit simple and Country Club I've never heard  of this before the Dominican flag here so this   is the official refreshment of the Dominican  Republic apparently you don't like it very   much though I'm not a big fan as a dietitian  I avoid very high fructose corn syrup drinks   um I'm gonna be mostly having just water today so  guys I'm gonna try the Pollo gizaw for the first   time this is just a ton of food the meat just  comes right off the bone tender let's try this very juicy very full of flavor huge red beans here and you can only order this particular menu  right from the staff over there but this is   just like an excellent Washington Heights  Dominican lunch for you all this food at a   reasonable price my family we always shared  our food so it's like a very cultural thing   for me it's a way of us connecting with our  family and our friends when you go to it's a   communicant household they'll always offer you  a cup of coffee or something to eat something   to drink because that's a way that we show our  love and our connection with people and if you   don't eat a woman a Dominican woman's food  you will never be invited back to her home   so watch out good advice for you gentlemen out  there no I mean that was an excellent choice I   have to say that is the best Caribbean be in food  I've ever had in New York City highly recommend   this spot and now we're going for some dessert  yeah we're going to a Dominican Bakery so you   can get to try a little bit of the sweetness  of our Island guys let's get Sweet let's go foreign this lady is famous so as you see there's  always a line here because it's really good I like it I don't know why I like it  but I like it and I like these little   crackers and you said there's  a little beans in there as well   just super sugary you said people either love  or hate this right put me in the love category this Bakery is absolutely packed right now  usually a good sign anywhere you go in the   world what's so special about this place so  this place specializes in Dominican cake it's   called biscocho dominicano the Dominican cake  is just a yellow cake but it has a pineapple   filling or guayaba filling or tres leche  filling so they have these very interesting   fillings and it's delicious it's fluffy it's  amazing so I'm hoping that they have some foreign so they add a little usually the cake  has a different um frosting on top but because   this is specifically a one portion and it wants  to highlight the guayaba they put the guayaba   all over so you could really get that guayama  flavor if this is how I remember my childhood yep it's got that little tanginess I love that  little bit of sour in it good you were joking   with me before about the amount of barber shops  hair salons and nail places in the heights why is   that so popular here so Dominicans value looking  fresh looking good and because we have so many   different hair textures anyone who handles  hair needs to be able to handle every single   let's say there is possible so that's  why Dominicans are very well known to   be some of the best Barbers some of the best hair  stylists they're definitely worth the money to go so this is the street where they film  the HBO series Boardwalk Empire one of   the scenes where Nicki's wife lived in one  of these buildings guys of all the streets   I've ever walked in New York City I don't  think I've ever felt like I've stepped back   in time like this one right here I'm just  gonna do a little little 360 for you guys foreign Ty feels out of place and like  in the most amazing way possible   do you think any of these are for rent  still I wouldn't know I kind of want to   live here yeah yeah it'd be awesome  to live in a neighborhood like this Jamel Mansion has been around since 1765. so this  is a preserved historical site and that's why they   have these types of amazing homes Cobblestone  Pathways still emulating uh the that time period   yeah this is the Morris Jamel mansion and to me  it looks like something straight out of like the   South New Orleans and I know that New York used  to look a lot more like this than like this but   it's always nice to be reminded that mansions and  buildings like this are still preserved and you   said that you have a personal reason to love this  place yeah so I discovered this place almost 10   years ago when my brother was looking for a place  to get married and thankfully this place because   that was actually free then I don't know if it  still is now so we had the ceremony right in the   front lawn and we took pictures right back here  on that stairs case right behind us this would be   an amazing place to get married and you can tour  the inside you just have to check their website Washington Heights I know 20 30 years ago maybe  when you were growing up had a bad reputation   for having crime for not being the safest area of  New York how much has that changed as you've grown   up and in recent years it's too drastically  as a kid my parents are very wary of me and   my siblings going outside or being out too far  away but it wasn't just Washington Heights area   it was also even 42nd Street in the early 90s  it still wasn't considered a safe neighborhood   it was nothing like it was today same thing with  Washington Heights so back then there was a lot   of crime but now it's a lot more peaceful and you  can walk very freely here during the day and feel   confident that you'll be safe and what what sort  of person would you recommend move to Washington   Heights uh anyone who loves Spanish culture if  you speak Spanish that's a plus people love that   um and also if you're looking for a more  affordable rent animals more affordable   cost of living cost of food this is the  area of Manhattan that's still affordable   ladies and gentlemen members of the Barrio we are  approaching the biggest landmark in Washington   Heights and one of the biggest landmarks in  all of New York City George Washington Bridge so we're going to a park that has an amazing view  of the George Washington Bridge and it's actually   perfect because it's almost Sunset so we're  gonna get some really good uh video and pictures there's nothing quite like it it's so close you're  gonna see it's just breathtaking I'd never heard   of this park I've walked by here before I had  no idea it hid the view that you're about to see for someone that grew up in North Jersey not far  on the other side of that bridge to me that was   always the Great Divide between New Jersey  a little more boring and all the craziness   and awesomeness of New York City so to me that  bridge means a lot is someone that lived on the   other side what does it mean for you uh whenever  I travel outside of Washington Heights I always   knew that I was making it home when I saw the this  bridge so it was like after a long day either in   Jersey or some other state coming home to this  that was my favorite view because I knew I was   coming home foreign this is Washington Heights my  neighborhood I grew up here I recommend everyone   come here just for the views for the culture for  the food and the affordability of it it's amazing   especially if you want to stay away from like the  tourist traps of certain areas of Manhattan or if   you've already done that and you kind of want  to see what else New York has to offer this is   a perfect place for them we're going to be  exploring Hell's Kitchen a neighborhood in   Midtown just west of the chaos of Times Square  put a world away we're going to show you where   to eat where to shop and where to hang out like  a local you don't want to miss this meet our   guest Billy Hipkins he's worked on Broadway as  a wardrobe professional for 30 years and lived   in Hell's Kitchen for decades we're two and a half  blocks from Times Square the center of New York's   tourist universe but Hell's Kitchen feels so much  different it's actually got a neighborhood Vibe   it's always been its own neighborhood with its  own distinct separate from all of that just so   close to us feel did I mention how hilarious  really is that's my apartment right there   floor 30th floor lived there for 31 years and next  time I move it's in a pine box all right I said   it today you weren't there you went there not me  this is Manhattan Plaza and we have to talk about   the importance of the Performing Arts to this  neighborhood Broadway is a couple of blocks away   and a ton of actors and people in the industry  live in these two buildings right absolutely uh   the building uh is government subsidized housing  a huge percentage of the people in the building   I think it's a 60 are people within the Performing  Arts any division of actors scene painter musician   whatever that is you do that's how I got into the  building you can make the argument that everything   around this neighborhood has thrived and become  the neighborhood it is because of the success of   Manhattan Plaza Billy took us inside Manhattan  Plaza for a surprise tour of one of New York's   most famous apartment complexes I know actors  that said they were begging us to move in and   I said hell no over there and people are kicking  themselves now that's a tennis club but traffic   and the noise and the sirens are insane I live  right up there on the 30th floor and I'll be in my   apartment on the phone with the Terrace door open  and friends are like are you on the street I don't   hear it anymore I've been there 30 years I don't  hear it have you noticed when you travel to like   Upstate New York and quiet location that it's too  quiet I guess it's too quiet so you I've had that   same experience when I go upstate with my wife  we rent a little cabin at night I hear crickets   I hear birds I hear things like wow what is the  noise yeah where's the noise yeah no I don't care   for it I start missing concrete real fast Angela  Lansbury used to live in here Tennessee Williams   used to live in here Alicia Keys grew up in my  building uh Lawrence Fishburne was a uh nighttime   security guard in the building if you're a  fan of Seinfeld you're gonna love this stop and it's luck would have it we are sitting in the  booth where the idea for Seinfeld was conceived   absolutely uh this is also the booth where I  spend a lot of time after shows because after   our Broadway show lets out a lot of people that  have seen shows will come over here to eat but   also those of us that live in the neighborhood and  work here if I want to meet a friend after a show   and I don't want to go to a bar or something  touristy or anything else yeah only over at   Westway Diner because it's it's the best diner  food in the neighborhood I can just get a midnight   omelette I grew up in North Jersey diners are  life for me I love like old school classic   diners like this one especially in Hell's  Kitchen hit this up after a show for sure   Billy there's a lot of talk these days that  New York has become a lot more dangerous but   you lived here literally you said on this block  in the 80s when the crime stats were actually   extremely high what was it like back then well  there were certain blocks where if you want to   get robbed or shipped feel free to walk down  that block if you want to be safe go one block   over it's picked up to the point where we're a  safer neighborhood uh we we have just so much   activity and life I'd feel safe anywhere I am  now it's been different during the pandemic with   people shut down it was a little dangerous for  a while there but uh now it just feels like my   neighborhood again I I go anywhere I do anything  we are I can't go a block without seeing somebody   I know Billy got stopped so many times he may as  well have been the mayor of Hell's Kitchen and I   absolutely loved his choice for lunch bulgogi beef  mandu and then uh one order of beef tacos from Ben   this is one of those ultimate lunch destinations  because when you go out with a big group someone's   probably a vegan someone just wants regular  American food then maybe someone wants something   exotic we've got all three here right we're in  Korea and you ordered a sandwich absolutely I   never understood being a tourist going to another  location and oh thank God they have an Applebee's   why would you go to Applebee's this is different  than anything else we have in the neighborhood and   different than something you're probably going  to find wherever it is you're visiting from   now for 7.95 a mango that's a  mango mango mango mango we're nice   speaking English today for 7.95 a mango  sojourita I mean I I had to try this oh that's good put this in a cocktail  glass add some snobby Rooftop Bar and   this would be 15.95 yes that's my look  at the presentation on that that's my   favorite that's my jam I love this all right  bulgogi Mandu right here beef you take a bite yeah really interesting lunch very eclectic  Choice here totally the kind of place that   I would get behind and I would be here all the  time if I live where Billy lives let's make sure   I'm not gonna get a run over all right Amazing  Amazing Ben what do you what are you thinking here   thinking about this Korean tacos  right here bulgogi beef tacos there's even rice it was amazing and you're  like two inches from the curb here this could   be my last meal next up one of the coolest gift  shops I've ever been to in New York City you   guys first showed up in the neighborhood it  changed everything is that someone that was   already living here oh my God a store that is  a gay friendly and with with gay merchandise uh   to get something for somebody for opening night or  for the dressing room or on your way to a birthday   party it really changed everything Vladimir  Putin the lavatory Mist make problems disappear here you have all your famous leading ladies  A to Z it's an essential for every child this   comes from your gay uncle in New York we've  determined these actually do not go on kittens Texas loves me yeah good to see you list of  places that you recommend Texas loves me let   me introduce you to a damn good cookie place  I am always about that Maple banking I don't   know I don't know you gotta try it I think I  just want a classic chocolate chip okay call me   old-fashioned I definitely want a maple bacon I'd  heard of schmackeries before never actually been   here and you're telling me that normally before  after a Broadway show there's a line out the door   oh yeah 11 o'clock at night they'll be a line  20 people deep of people that just say hey I'm   talking here they'll send schmackers to your stage  door and we all will lose our minds when a box of   schmackery shows up I mean this looks incredible  I I think it's gonna be great let's take a bite the only mission is a little milk right now  it's the only thing missing from this to make   it perfect by people right across the street  in that coffee shop where he usually sits   I think that might be my friend  Tony nominee Max von Essen   in Hell's Kitchen we're all sitting here side  by side the rich the poor the dirty the famous if you want to hear more of me running my mouth I  have my own YouTube channel it is called the also   ran it is my daily ramblings about being a New  Yorker all day all night feel free to join me   should you visit the Bronx today we're going to  be joined by a fellow YouTuber who's going to be   taking us to some of his favorite spots and we're  going to show you a different side of the Bronx   that you maybe didn't know about Sean I think  it's fitting that we start this video in front   of Yankee Stadium because this is the one spot  that many New Yorkers many tourists are willing to   come to maybe it's the only spot they're willing  to come to and I feel like that would be a shame   wouldn't it it would definitely be a shame if this  is the only spot they came to the Bronx has so   many stuff to offer a lot of great history a lot  of great culture a lot of great food I don't know   why people so afraid to come to the Bronx people  just come on down to the Bronx check it out I   think this is personally the coolest thing here  can you just imagine Babe Ruth was like playing   here with this it's actually just want to reach  out and touch you right word this is history right   here wow you could just feel the history that's  coming through this you see like this is a great   thing about the Bronx like look what the Bronx  started the culture the culture as being music and   artwork look at the beautiful artwork right there  graffiti started right here in the Bronx it's   crazy and now Graffiti's all over the world you  go to Germany dig graffiti out Barcelona graffiti   look at this is beautiful very Yankees fan this is  heaven right here Heaven I mean this is literally   about you could look the stadium is right  there and most people will never come here it's   literally a block away and turn right here for  these pictures you got Phil Rizzuto Whitey Ford   Thurman Munson DiMaggio and the craziest thing  about it is that my family friend actually did   this and he's really talented so shout out to him  for that really talented really really talented for our first food stop we're in front of Molino  Rojo and this is Dominican food you've told me   that the Dominican population here is really  big yeah the Dominican population of the Bronx   is pretty pretty big I think they're probably  like the biggest group here inside the Bronx and   um Dominican people are pretty cool and that's  the thing about the Bronx it's all about culture   so you got a little bit of Latin inside of this  burrow and now we're about to enjoy some really   good food here at this restaurant and welcome to  the Bronx and we're about to show you all about it look at this theme coming out of these bags look   at the grease these are fresh  out the fryer these are hot hot fresh I mean I've had Dominican  food in Washington Heights before   I've never had Dominican food in the  Bronx and you talked up the rep here   so I'm excited to try this let's do it  we spot the leaves to die for let's go um we could taste the season in here they really  seasoned this really well really crispy and the meat's really good too it's really  flavorful oh yeah this is how you know you   got a good spot to live when it's all  crunchy and you had that crunch on it   one block from Yankee Stadium so before a game  after a game Hit It Up the Bronx for you right   here look around this super peaceful it's not  dirty you don't see burning cars burning buildings   it's super beautiful here look at that nice little  statue right there look at the birdies the Bronx   is really beautiful I think that's obviously you  know the issue is that people see what they see on   the news they see old movies and TV shows and They  Don't Really feature places like this and this   isn't even close to the nicest park we're going  to today not even just the tip of the iceberg now this completely reminds me of Upper  Manhattan yeah I definitely feel that   already missing is a doorman we're all missing a dorm man in our lives  it's a really really dope spot like in the   summertime this place has spilled people are  barbecuing people are playing soccer on that   field over there people are playing football  kids are running around like the Bronx is just   an amazing spot man I'm telling you the energy the  culture the vibe the energy oh man I just love it Walking Up The Joker steps and this area  actually at one point was super popular   with instagrammers with tick-tockers with all  these people who saw the movie what do you   think about the Bronx getting more touristy  getting people coming to places like this   um I think it's good that uh we have tourists  coming to places like this because it gives   um people an opportunity to see what the Bronx has  to offer and to see that the Bronx is not really   all that bad because uh look at it there's nothing  going on there's no one getting robbed there's no   dirt on the street dude we gotta walk the steps  I mean I want to see what this is all about   check it out oh yeah oh you get the good  exercise damn this is really good exercise   I I didn't realize how steep This was oh you  want you want to do it man go ahead I always   wanted to do this well now you got your chance  word I feel like a Taurus right now though one of the things that Sean and I were trying to  accomplish with this video is and we want to show   you the Bronx we want to show you the city streets  but we also want to show you some of the amazing   parks that are here and you told me that living  in this area Roberto Clemente State Park is one   of your favorites right yep Roberto Clemente Park  is definitely one of my favorite places to be and   one of my favorite places to come during summer  uh mainly because look at that view right there   of the water like who's not gonna love that this  is absolutely beautiful here but I know that I'm   gonna get a lot of messages you're gonna get  a lot of messages from viewers of this video   they're going to say is the Bronx too dangerous  to visit and what do you tell those people um I   tell them that the Bronx is not dangerous to visit  but you just have to be alert and when you come   here just be visual don't just be like blindsides  to everything if you see something funny going on   it's just like if you're walking in the street  you're going to walk and look where you're   stepping if you don't look where you're stepping  you might step in some dog pool so you just got a   good idea yeah you just got to be Visual and you  know just have respect don't disrespect people   don't look for problems and I think you should be  fine and just mind your business I think that's   what you should do that mirrors look a little  cleaner up here I don't know yeah I would agree   with you on that one and in the summertime this  whole thing is flooded with jet skis Yachts this   thing looks amazing in the summertime I'm telling  you you smell the charcoal you smell the burgers   this is the spot where you want to be in the  summertime right over there is a humongous olympic   size swimming pool yeah they can hold almost like  a thousand people diving board 12 feet this park   is amazing isn't it yeah I mean normally a lot  of people are taking let's say the Metro North   they're passing it over there and you're seeing  these beautiful views but I don't think a lot of   people would actually think to stop you literally  this is off of a Metro North stop so it couldn't   be any easier for so many to come here and the  park is absolutely empty right now so there's so   many hidden gems up here even for myself someone  that hasn't explored the Bronx enough I feel like   I need to explore more if you do John yes you  do that's why we're here yep and I feel like   the Bronx is part of the unknown like you know  people need to come down and explore it give it a   chance don't be like that yeah dude they're gonna  hire you to be like the pr director for the Bronx Sean all the stops on this video I think Cedar  Park was the one I was most curious about this   is the birthplace of the hip-hop movement I mean  it's it's more than just music it's culture and we   can't even find a plaque for it I think that's  crazy it is kind of crazy that you can't find   a pack for it but you know maybe they did have a  packet maybe someone stole it this is the first   place of hip-hop and back in the day they used to  come with big speakers shout out to the Jamaican   culture because the Jamaican culture had a lot to  influence on hip-hop so what they do they'll have   big com speakers and they'll battle with different  speakers this speaker set over here they'll be   battling another speaker set over there so people  will come with their mics they'll DJ they'll do   the whole shebang first place with hip-hop that's  how it all started here it's crazy crazy all the   history here guys it's kind of it's kind of  nuts to me like do you think DJ Cool herk had   any idea what he started that day like of how big  it would become I don't think he did I don't know   how could anybody have nope and it all started  off a mistake he accidentally scratched it and   it was like wow we actually like how that sounds  can you do it again and he just kept doing it and   doing it and then implied onto the whole world  and look at that now World Loves hip-hop it's   hip-hop and everything every single thing if you  can tell me something that hip-hop is not in leave   in the comments down below I'd love to see it Sean  stopped at his apartment to pick up fishing rods   fishing we're fishing in the Bronx later on  a little teaser was to come a lot of people   never believe that you could actually  go fishing in the Bronx but I'm about   to show you guys something that you've  never seen before going down in the Bronx and we've got to go get the best shish kebabs in   the Bronx and this guy he's been doing  this for years years and years and years   and you said you've been coming to this guy  since as young as you can remember as long   as I can remember I've been coming here with  my dad my dad would bring me here we are baby the Bronx is the best number one  number one right here in the Bronx   right here Watson Avenue Burnside what  you like about the Bronx the most Poppy uh The Beatles All Right boss God bless you know  what's interesting it's like you think about the   street food in Manhattan even Brooklyn Queens  you have so many different varieties it's just   shish kebab nothing fancy nothing fancy simple   simple but elegant you know yeah  and a hot sauce barbecue for him excited for this of course cheers dude cheers   I'm excited for all food yep  food is life let's do this what the smokiness   I'm sorry don't be sorry my hand has nothing  on this you go to a little hot dog cart oh   the shish kabob is all dry there's no flavor  this is well seasoned you could taste the garlic   on here the hot sauce is perfect you know I I  admit I haven't shown the Bronx enough love on   this channel especially street food like this I'm  so impressed you have no idea just so impressed this is my favorite type of food  honestly anything with barbecue   what I like Sean like the kind of guy who knows  he knows who you are he knows your order as soon   as you get there as soon as I get that he  knows barbecue sauce hot sauce beef I love   it I mean as you said you can see that smoke  a half block away coming up half left let me   smell it yeah as soon as you get off the train  look at this guy look at this smoke coming over this is advertisement alone it's advertising alone a bite of this a bite of this it's like summer is  just around the corner you can feel it just it's   in the air it's everywhere I love this Ben with  a cameo down there notifies the police department   anytime gunshots are going off it's just the  Yankees It's usually you know some assault to   shooting I don't know how long this boat has just  been crashed here and spray painted over said   that the Bronx is changing a lot how are things  different now than let's say when you were growing   up in the 90s here um I would say it changed  pretty much the safety as far as living in the   Bronx I remember growing up it was real crazy the  Bloods the Crips the gang violence you couldn't   walk down the block we're in a blue flag or a red  flag you probably might get beat up but now that's   all chains there's a lot more technology a lot  more cameras around so I feel a lot more safer now foreign notifies the police department anytime gunshots  are going off so if there's any type of shootout   the police will be there right away because  this device picks up certain activities like   that we wanted to show you guys the PO Cottage  because I think it contrasts really well with   the rest of the Bronx you've got the big  buildings and you have this old Cottage   just standing here it's so different yeah  and it's really kind of weird because if   you look at it like I feel like I'm stuck  like way back in like way back way back way   back and then I turn over here it's like  all futuristics 12-story building and it   just kind of like blows my mind that like  this historic place is still standing here Bronx to 33rd and you and I have something  in common we're both first generation here   in the US my family's from Ukraine your  family's from Jamaica and you insisted   we come here for some patties right because  they make the patties fresh handmade there's   nothing Frozen so I was like why not let's go get  some spicy cheese beef patties from Uptown Bronx   excited I want to see this let's get in there guys can I have three spicy um with cheese oh 46 grams of sugar 92 of your daily sugar intake   number one go-to meal if I'm super hungry yeah  if I'm hungover or something like that this is   oh I'm broke and I have very little money  this is what I get this is the secret how   to cool down a beef patty though you got to  be very careful you need beef patty because   you can burn yourself yeah so what you do  is open it up and you just blow inside of it   and this is how you know it's in a real  original beef powder it's like it's all like   ugly that's how you know it's handmade it's  not all uniformed and look all pretty right   I'll take your word for it I don't need a lot of  beef patties I don't eat a lot of beef patties   but I'll tell you if I like it we're about to  convert you convert me let's do it here we go this is so good this is actually probably the best  beef patty I've ever had in my life I think I'm   about to go that far from here I don't know man  outside myself for this you'll never believe it   and you said you've been to  Jamaica a lot of times right   how does this compared to actual Jamaica  Jamaican beef patties it's pretty close   pretty close I wouldn't lie to you it's not the  Jamaican Patty though but it's pretty close if you   can't find it in New York City or in this case in  the Bronx you're not looking hard enough you can   find anything here I feel like I'm expanding  my horizons so much and I'm somebody probably   didn't consider the Bronx as much of a foodie  destination but it totally is well said John would I recommend um honestly everything inside  of here is actually really good the curry goat   is really good the dumplings are really  good the fried chicken the jerk chicken fried goodness now we've gotten oxtail which they  were saying was the specialty of the place and I'm   ashamed to admit I've actually never tried oxtail  before this is the spot to do it right spot to   do it um oxtails this is a delicacy in my family  it's um pretty expensive and usually on holidays   my mama make this for us and um Christmas you  just grab it right here by the bone he just   just eat around the bone yep much easier oh  it's good it's good nice and sweet a little   spicy this is right off the bone right off the  broom that's how you know oxtails are done right   the meat doesn't fall off the bone while you're  eating oxtail then more than likely they didn't   cook the Oxo the right way a lot of the local  businesses are interested in what we're doing   like they maybe think it's strange or bringing  cameras this isn't Manhattan this isn't Brooklyn   you know people aren't vlogging non-stop I think  that they could use more attention don't you yes   I do definitely believe they can use some more  attention and I feel like they've been really   open and they've been really nice when we come  in with the cameras we haven't got any bad looks   but I think they're really happy that we're  coming in and we're showing a light onto the   Bronx into their business some oxtail for a  year of the office I'm gonna do a Sean way so tender so juicy spilling it everywhere I think a lot of people would be shocked to find  out that this is the largest public park in New   York City three times the size of Central Park and  it's located in the top of the Bronx and a lot of   New Yorkers have never even heard of it yeah that  is very true a lot of people have never heard of   Pelham Bay Park but little do you know this is the  place to be in the summer during the fall you come   out here take some pictures come ahead with the  family play some football some basketball this is   the place to be in the summertime ball time the  springtime penalty Park it's kind of wild like I   feel like I've seen most of Central Park but to me  today has just been like traveling to a completely   different city as for like the outside is looking  in it may seem weird but it's for us locals that's   living here in this community like this is like  the world for us everything we need is right here   we don't have to go anywhere the Bronx is it and  I just want the world to understand that the Bronx   is not that bad how they have made it look in the  past and on the media it reminds me of Africa when   I was younger I used to think that Africa was such  a bad place how the media portrayed it but little   did I know when I did some research I learned that  Africa is actually a really beautiful place and I   feel like that's what happened to the Bronx to  an extent and you have to go there and actually   see it and experience it feel the rhythm feel  the vibe smell the air smell the shish kebab in   the air smell the shish kebabs in the air no but  it's true it's like you really think about all   the media coverage out of the Bronx so let's just  the Yankees It's usually you know some assault to   shooting some kind of crime thing something like  it's really kind of sickness sometimes you know   it's like that's is that all that the media has  to talk about negative stuff negative cells yep   negative cells unfortunately being together five  or six hours I have not felt unsafe once I I don't   think we had any moments where we're just like be  careful John yeah Ever Had A Moment Like That nope this wasn't part of the tour I don't know how  long this boat has just been crashed here and   spray painted over I think it's pretty  cool honest honestly looking at this boat   right here like how did it get here I want  answers too I want to know why this boat   is just chilling they're all crashed Ruben  Diaz we need answers why is this boat here who taught you to fish uh YouTube all right there you go teach a man to fish I  forgot what the other part of that he will eat   for a day no give him an officially for a day  teach him how to fish he'll have fish for life so this is what the Bronx is all about huh  having a good time chilling you know what's   crazy Manhattan smells tent like smells a  thousand times worse than this right here   this smells amazing compared to Manhattan City  Island right across a lot of possibilities in   the Bronx folks lots of possibilities oh you got  a big one what do we call this Bronx tuna let me   get that for you when you think of New York these  images probably come to mind but there's more to   The Big Apples than just skyscrapers today we'll  explore Bayside a neighborhood in Queens that has   it all from food to views and more we'll be led  by someone born and raised here could this be one   of New York's best neighborhoods let's find out  so if you didn't know Bayside is in northeastern   Queens we are right near the border of Nassau  County we've got Matt Matt what makes Bayside so   special it's just a beautiful place to explore  a small town feel in a big city neighborhood we're on the heart of Bell Boulevard right now  and I think this is the most famous street in   Bayside what's it all about this is a lot  of people's first experience to nightlife   that grew up in this neighborhood the heart  of a lot of really good restaurants and pubs   although they're becoming unfortunately  fewer and far between but definitely a   great place if you want to grab a cocktail  or grab dinner or have a special night out   a block away you got Suburban Tudor homes  and you walk here and you've got like every   kind of restaurant imaginable well I'll  point out a little history they do the   uh St Patrick's Day Parade every year on belt  so that's why you'll see these all down below so a nice little local spot if you want to grab  a snack and a coffee and you were telling me and   I've heard that they have the best macaroons on  Earth here they melt in your mouth I wanted to   get uh one cookies and cream macaroon one lavender  macaroon maybe we order espresso with you as well   that's it um I don't know if you could see on the  top there that frothy top and that's the   sign of a good Barista and that's the sign of  a good espresso all right cheers let's try this   a little black wow just straight up straight  up black I won't lie if I'm having it after   dinner there may be a hint of sambuca  in there that's a good idea also you   mentioned to me how good the macaroons  are here and others have told me about   this spot so I got a cookies and cream my  favorite flavor for a lot of things in life there you go it's delicious like pairing this with  the espresso perfect oh yeah that's relaxing you   can just take five minutes of your busy day  sit down enjoy this that's that's the idea   that's the whole idea of the espresso they do  it proper hair French Workshop Artisan Bakery 25 minutes to Manhattan that's it my friend  that's it right here you know Matt I like to   think all good stories start in a White  Castle parking lot most people end their   night here to be honest Bell is known for  its restaurants and bars formerly 24 hours   but they're still open pretty late this is where  you finished your evening to coat The Hangover   I I get you I spend many a night in uh White  Castle in New Jersey as well that's awesome   so another beautiful aspect of Bayside is you  really don't feel like you're in New York City   this is classic Bayside architecture you see a  lot of this in a lot of the pockets of Northeast   Queens yeah you got the the Tudor Revival style  one of my favorites very common in Forest Hills   has that uh British feel to it so you have a lot  of different mix of like of suburban Meat City I   know we talked about that already but it's  cool I I could see why families especially   probably would like it here you get a beautiful  variety of trees and just beautiful tree-lined   streets it is crazy like comparing the city to  Bayside and not just base at a lot of different   neighborhoods in Queens and Brooklyn even  the Bronx that feel nothing like Manhattan when I grew up there was at least five diners  in the neighborhood this is the only one that   is still open they've all shuddered but  this is still one of the best in the city   family owned family run they've been  here give or take about half century   and I'm honored that they're still here  and still part of the Bayside neighborhood   foreign I've never seen a Greek fast food  spot like this it actually reminds me of a   Roland roaster in Brooklyn very similar in the  fact the old school facade family owned been   around forever this is where I want to go if I  want Greek fast food we just walked on Northern   Boulevard saw tons of Korean restaurants but big  Greek Community too right originally mostly Greek   my neighbor they have a Greek flag flying we  just walked past a massive Greek Church they   have the Greek flag flying at another restaurant  so it is a very heavy Greek community and some of   my good friends and good neighbors in the area  are all Greek the Koreans are maintaining the   heritage of the neighborhood and bringing in  their own culture it's really a great mix of   cultures and a great mix of food the smell  the Souvlaki you smell everything as soon as   you walk in that's the smell of family heritage  and love some of the best meat you're gonna get   in the neighborhood looks like a regular fast  food spot but they're playing Greek music Greek   Flags everywhere love the pride how are you good  good how are you good good I just want to try your   your famous lamb and beef gyro let's get two of  them yeah I've been supported by that Community   for over 41 years to rule in this business we  were taught to make Gyros you know what I mean for   little kids I'm second generation we have third  generation working in here I've been blessed to   be supported by the community and being alive  for 41 years and we do our part and everybody   else does their part you know look at this thank  you sir thank you my friends is a sight for sore   eyes I used to eat this almost every day when  I was in Greece for a month mouth-watering also day it's still the best in the area the bar was  set super high since you were a kid for euros   it's amazing I mean you've been to Greece yes sir  have you ever had a Euro this big in Greece no no this is how it's done here all  right I'm glad I came hungry today um been the cameraman if it ain't messy  it ain't good oh I mean you've got the   lamb and the beef combined before it even  goes on the skewer but it's like really   like Rich flavorful taste the tzatziki sauce  this is something else this is worth coming   in here for for the hospitality alone  and then we're talking about the food definitely one of the best Euros I've had  since I've been in Greece and I I don't   I don't seek out Greek food enough I think  that's one of the advantages of living in   this part of Queens there's so many Greek places  but for fast food experience oh this definitely   needs to be on your radar uh it's generally  my lunch and my dinner to be totally honest   with you one goes a long way so you take  ample care to take care of their customers one more Greek stop you insisted on Mediterranean  tastes why another local spot one great gift   shop two great little greek tastes that you  wouldn't get anywhere else but it's another   old school neighborhood spot that's devoted  themselves to the Greek culture this business   is uh primarily serving the Greek Community  95 of our products are Greek products as you   can see and the cheeses are responsible  for an estimated 35 to 40 percent of our   sales store now where people come here  for the Jesus so these are the kinds   of things you're not going to find at your  average supermarket in New York you do not   uh this is a destination it continues to be a  destination because people can buy everything   from here this is that matures in a barrel in  a wooden barrel people just love it hey cheers um that's so good people come here from Long  Island from Astoria to buy this this is my type   of place he said 99 of the items imported from  Greece Greek lettering you have to look at the   English translations with stickers here oh in Gray  side that was the frappe cappuccino love it I I   was addicted to frappe cappuccino there it is your  cappuccino yes it creates an addiction it does we're in this you could not Escape no you cannot  we're only two bucks from my house right now so   it's very easy for me to come here and pick up  artisanal product if I live two blocks from here   I would be here about as often as you as well okay  I'm a little jealous I'm not gonna lie a little   jealous what a store now that is definitely  a store you've got to check out in Bayside I think when you Google Bayside this picture  always pops up and this is absolutely beautiful   view of the Throgs Neck Bridge here right  next to the historic Fort Totten views for   days this is basically going right into the Long  Island Sound and then if you were to go up and   around that way you'd be heading right towards  Manhattan you should stop by any bodeg or Deli   and bring your sandwich here have a little picnic  absolutely that's a nice view man I could totally   see that happening if I lived here we are on  the northernmost part of of Bayside what you're   looking at Under the Bridge that's you're looking  at the Bronx Fort Totten is one of the most unique   Parks I have to say in New York City and of course  Bayside because it used to be an active army base   right that is correct and actually part of U.S  Army Reserve still does turn out here so I am   a former New York City power metal retired City  Power medic and also on these grounds are fdny's   ems Academy any EMT or paramedic or in training  for the fbny is getting trained on these grounds   and uh perhaps one of the most beautiful buildings  in all of Northeastern queens and maybe one of the   only castles in Queens is right there so this was  originally Fort totten's Officers Club nicknamed   The Castle because it's a rare example of Gothic  Revival architecture still active now it houses   the Bayside historical society and it's a really  cool venue if you want to have your wedding in   Queens this is probably one of the least known  parks in the city but in my humble opinion it's   also one of the nicest Waterfront views as  you can see ah soccer fields family friendly   and also the beautiful old military buildings  yes the architecture is definitely a draw here   this is with the commanding officer  lives this is where I want to live kabe's bar car I don't know if I've ever quite  covered a dive bar like this John this is my   home base my friend it's the quintessential  local dive bar great pool table great jukebox   and great people it's all locals all right so  let's have a drink to cap off this wondrous   day I would love one I would love one John you  know we we walk in here and it seems like we   do every single person I love that like local  character here it is it's neighborhood folks   it's in a residential neighborhood a moral  family Everybody's Got Each Other's backs   in here so you spent just a few nights of your  life in here once or twice I've been here twice   hello I'm Marty McCabe and I've been here  for 28 years started in 1995. it's been a   bar since 1965. it was the Mayo house for  many years and when I took over in 1995 it   became McCabe's bar car why I named it barcar  is because we're right next to the railroad   the Urbandale train stop and it's a good  New York institution a New York Gin Mill   all right so this is very uh rudy's-esque  here three hot dogs Sundays and Mondays it's a good neighborhood very cool neighborhood  yes sir never been before today we're starting   part one of a two-part series on Brighton Beach  Brooklyn which has the highest concentration   of russian-speaking immigrants in the Western  Hemisphere episode one will meet our two local   guides one of whom is vying for the Olympics  as a wrestler and show you some traditional   spots to eat interesting places to shop and even  introduce you to little odessa's hardest working   Grandma let's explore a neighborhood that'll  make you feel like you're in Eastern Europe   they love guys as we begin this video we are in  front of Ocean Parkway and my own personal New   York City immigration story my parents immigrated  from Ukraine to Brooklyn in the late 70s they   lived on Ocean Parkway down this way a bit so for  me it's it's cool to see my family's roots of the   U.S hi guys I'm Lenny I'm here to show you around  Brighton Beach hi I'm John we're going to show   you all the cool spots to eat and maybe see some  culture all right stop number one better Coney   Bakery we're gonna try some Georgian food so we  got a little Georgian Bakery here it's actually   positioned right next to a liquor store so you  can grab your Georgian style pizza and get a   shot afterwards we're gonna try some hot chipoti  it's made with two different cheeses it's very   delicious and you know it was a good day when your  mom came home with some hachipuri specifically a little pizza to go yeah you can describe this too there is two types of  cheeses here you will see like the white chunks   it kind of reminds people of feta cheese which is  the imaruli cheese which is um a Georgian cheese   then there's like a mozzarella type cheese which  is soguni cheese you can find it in many Russian   supermarkets and then it honestly reminds me  of a pizza though but the outside looks like it   has an egg wash so it has a nice little texture  over here I believe this is the first time I've   ever tried Georgian good pronunciation all right  looks like pizza we'll see what it tastes like hmm gold Tangy yeah the salty it's salt it's a little  salty a little Tangy you know what I would say   if you're not a fan of tomato sauce and you like  pizza this would be perfect for you because I've   met people that don't love pizza because of all  the tomato sauce like the two cheeses combined   here this is really good and this is kind of  like a grab-and-go kind of thing you could get if   you're coming to explore Brighton Beach so so far  off to a very good start I have to say all right oh yeah just how mom used to bring them home   reminds me of Georgia oh I  like the little saltiness still warm cheese juices are uh this is great delicious what's delicious in  Russian watching I like these two this is a   good one-two punch I think we picked the right  tour guys we're Brighton Beach today guys you   can always tell you're in Brighton Beach  when you walk past the Russian grandmas   the babushkas and they're wearing heavy jackets  even though it's 73 degrees outside would you   say that's pretty common it kind of reminds  me of my mom telling me it's gonna get cold   later so wear your fur jacking now this was not  supposed to be on the tour but we walked by St   Petersburg books and this is actually a shop  that I know my mom comes to and she's in New   York I love this store it's got really quirky  Russian gifts we'll show you around real fast this is the perfect place to go if you want  to get your nieces or grandchildren the   younger kids are the family presence and you  want them to remember their culture so this   guy's name is chiburashka and then he also  has this crocodile Eugene essentially that   he just goes on adventures with and stuff  which is right over here what's up Genna guys we're gonna keep this video interesting  Lenny's Grandma actually is selling stuff outside   right now so she's gonna make her triumphant  YouTube debut right now stay back to see her   do the sale we're gonna watch her hopefully  execute this little sale probably selling some   sort of keychain or some kind of here can I see  a Russian Babushka in her natural habitat what   are you selling here what what are you selling  what are you selling you have keychains I have   two chains keychains and statues and stuff yeah  piggy banks for next year what is next year yeah   wow yeah so this is uh it's the year of the  bull next year and so every year she has she   she gets all these different types of keychains  and stickers and things like that and she she   stands outside and does her thing this is a hand  that stops the evil eye so in the Jewish culture   um if someone is looking at you they  believe that they have like the power   to wish evil upon you and these hands  some of them will have the eye here   guys come to Gold Label Supermarket between bright  and second bright and third if you want to support   a local business some really cool gifts here very  nice Russian Grandma as well when I was younger   she would I would come over and she'd babysit me  and I would actually be making the jewelry it was   like child labor yeah yeah child labor laws do not  apply in Brighton I try to get John to help all   also and he was kind of like you know yeah I'm  not into the whole arts and crafts type of thing well I got it nice my Russian's  coming back to me I speak just a   little bit yeah the first part of the  word is which are the famous Russian   dumplings and Naya is probably like a  place you would go to get them I guess don't don't speak too loud but we got  some some older Russian spies outside   they're sitting here all day and watching  there's people watching it's kind of scary   it's true it's true walking around Brighton  Beach you definitely get a community Vibe   though everyone's looking out for each other  right everyone knows each other everyone's   gossiping so be careful what you do be careful  what you do it could make it on YouTube so   this is seemingly a playground right but we  got more grandmas and grandpas here than we   have kids especially it's since it's a nice day  you'll see that most of the kids actually stay   home and play video games and it's the older  crowd that likes to get outside and you know   get moving their uh chess and backing skills  over here and they might be playing some durac so we're walking onto the Brighton Beach boardwalk  and I think for many people this is the most   iconic thing about Brighton Beach we're going  to walk that way towards the restaurants in a   little bit to show you that but there's just  a lot of people sitting around on the benches   enjoying a 70 degree day there's a guy shirtless  over there so it looks like he's walking towards   the water there's a grandpa shirtless right there  but it doesn't look like he's in the water oh I   smell that oh the onions yeah the onions hit  you're gonna smell that in every Supermarket   there is nothing more Little Odessa than being  right on the water I feel like we're in Odessa   a little Beachside Resort in Ukraine all right  we've got the voreniki Russian dumplings I've   had these many times so I feel like I can  give you my honest opinion if I think these   are really good or not so we we're gonna dip  these in sour cream right it's a must it's a   must okay let's do it for you all right all  right on three yep one two and three okay excellent just like Grandma used to  make I love the onion on top sour cream   perfect perfect I mean this is probably one of the  most well-known Russian foods would you would you   agree with that this or maybe borsche that and  also another type of dumpling called pill Mania   okay which are usually just have meat in them but  then you get more versatile you can put pretty   much anything as as you saw we had some going in  if you're with cherries I think it was potatoes   um even meat this is Grisha this is his ice cream  truck Grisha and son he's been our ice cream guy   for I don't know I want to say at least over 15  years yeah he's always been looking out for the   little kids in this community and uh he actually  started over there where we grew up at Sea Breeze   Park and whenever you didn't have any money and  you were alone he would always uh spot you with   some ice cream yeah that's good that's like that's  a good neighborhood story I like that yeah so   this video just keeps getting better and better I  mean we're hanging out with grandmas uh ice cream   guys this is Russian Hospitality there's a Russian  Hospitality you cannot go into a Russian household   and not be offered anything if you reject you're  actually hated I couldn't reject guys I mean we're   eating a lot today but I couldn't in a reject the  little light we're having dessert Midway through hmm oh what do you think some Soviet music we've just stopped in front of some of the famous  restaurants here right on the boardwalk I think   this is the most iconic imagery of Brighton Beach  but I don't think it's quite what Brighton Beach   is you guys you guys would say this is not what  Brighton Beach really is right yeah so you you   got Brighton and you have the beach but this isn't  exactly what a grandma or Russian mom would tell   you Brighton Beach is she would probably describe  it more as what you saw underneath the train   station so anything under that train line yeah I  would agree most locals are definitely not eating   here but I would say for a special occasion  maybe a family would want to come out here   because you can always tell we've gone to a  good spot when there's a long line for food   you can really I feel like you never go wrong with  that idea right yeah it looks like locals to me foreign yeah so it's basically two deep fried pieces of  dough and in between we just found out that she   they put turkey inside and I think some sort  of onion and some different kinds of spices   yeah traditionally made with beef I believe or  lamb or lamb it's like it's like Taco Bell style   here I like that it's turkey because I would  not think of turkey when it comes to Russian   influenced food but you know it's almost  Thanksgiving so let's see it's a little warm all right interesting it's interesting   I'm trying to find the right words for  this I'll find inspiration hmm okay I needed another bite you get to that like  second layer here it's nice and soft yeah   Meats in the middle so once you get closer  to the middle you can begin to taste it   it's pronounced I'm learning new things about like  my own culture today this is the great thing about   coming to a spot like Brighton Beach you can just  discover so many new types of foods it's great   the edges are almost like a wonton I could  almost shape it into a wonton it actually   does remind me of a fried wonton yeah that's  what it is it's very good so we wanted to take   a second to promote something from Lenny who  is an Olympic hopeful for wrestling yeah hi   everyone so this right here in my backpack is my  trusted companion and mascot sebby the sloth so   what I've done with sebi is I've used him to try  to gain a following for wrestling from the youth   side and try to get more and more of our kids  active and um to get them to fall in love with   the sport of wrestling that's you know helped me  so much okay and we're gonna put a link to the   Instagram right down below all right awesome  and what's he like training for the Olympics   definitely is not easy there's some uh lonely  moments but sebby definitely helps me get   through a lot of them and this is this is part of  your Olympic Training regime with food like this   yeah recovery is also very important so today's a  recovery day yeah pretty much I'm gonna planning   on hitting the Russian bath house if I can get  if I can get reservations Williamsburg Brooklyn   one of New York's hippest neighborhoods but if  you've never visited before where to begin I'm   John A New York City vlogger and in today's  video we're going to show you around from the   best spots to eat drink and explore we're sharing  10 amazing things to do in Williamsburg Brooklyn one of the best was very Brooklyn trip is to  walk the Williamsburg Bridge starting on the   Lower East Side of Manhattan and ending up on the  Brooklyn side about 30 to 40 minutes later now   I feel like this is one of the most underrated  Bridge walks in all of New York City you don't   have the crowds of the Brooklyn Bridge you have  different lanes for pedestrians and people on   Cycles you have good views inside you can see a  subway running right through the middle It Feels   Like Old School New York City and then when you  pop out on the other side you are just ready to go   to explore one of New York's coolest neighborhoods  foreign we're in front of Peter Luger Steakhouse   in Williamsburg and while this is ranked as  one of the top steakhouses in all of New York   City I'm going to give you an Insider trick go to  the bar or try to get a table if you can manage a   reservation before 3 45 this is only available  during lunch and Order their burger it's 16.95   it is one of New York City's top burgers and you  maybe wouldn't think of ordering it coming to a   steakhouse I'd never been here before so check out  my first reaction to it guys look at this thing   Prime grade beef chuck right here I'm literally  just bun and neat that's all I think we need here amazing really almost speechless how good this burger is   if you're by yourself to try one of New  York's Top burgers hit up Peter lugers if   you don't have the money to drop for  a Prime Steak get the burger instead we are on Bedford Avenue right now and if you've  never been to Williamsburg before this is a good   place to start let's take the L train to  Bedford when you get right off the train   and you have all types of different shops  around you I know they call this like the   hipster capital of New York City and that's  pretty much true and yeah this street can be   expensive but I still think it's worth walking by  if you've never been here before they've got bars   they've got restaurants they have cute little  gift shops they have all sorts of clothing   stores secondhand stores well we're gonna get  to second-hand stores after this uh different   places to buy music it's just a really nice  spot to be if you don't have any particular   plan in mind if you just want to go explore  Williamsburg starting at Bedford Avenue be a   really good decision and there's also a lot of  cool places to take pictures as well foreign Park and it's about a quarter mile along  the East River and it is definitely one   of the best parks and urban areas in New  York City that a lot of people haven't   really heard of if they come to Williamsburg  really quickly but I'm here to tell you it   is so cool it actually ties in the old Domino  sugar refinery which was right behind me into   a lot of the architecture here so it's not  just a boring Park it's actually got a lot   of really cool elements different places for  you to walk along the water or to get amazing   views of Manhattan from the Brooklyn side you  could easily spend 30 minutes to an hour here   just relaxing especially on a warmer day than  today very nice I actually had barely ever   been here before this is definitely somewhere  you need to come when you go to Williamsburg foreign query and the museum was actually in my five  museums that you need to visit you've never   heard of video and I just love coming here  it's only seven dollars or only open from   Thursday until Sunday and they specialize in  quirky and weird things that originated in   New York City like old Seltzer bottles and  baseball cards and different pictures they   have some interactive things inside you can  get a free guided tour if you want whenever   you come here even from the outside you can see  sort of what they specialize in for example they   had a milk carton that was sitting on top of  an old phone booth for 400 days so if you're   into the weird and the quirky and you like  New York City a lot I think stopping over at   City Rella query is an amazing idea also don't  forget to go to the backyard they have a really   cool tribute to the Statue of Liberty that I  think you really need to check out thank you members of the Barrio I already mentioned  how there's a lot of clothing stores a   lot of vintage and thrift stores in the  Williamsburg area beacons closet behind   me is my favorite you can buy closer you can  sell clothes there they've got some new stuff   we're going to show you inside some examples of  what you can buy and how much it would cost you   jean jacket 29.95 16.95 for a used Mets Jersey  should give us away for free I'm a Yankees fan   I'm a Lakers fan I probably just  lost half my Audience by saying that   Spider-Man looking shoes 34.95 I would say a lot  of things here are definitely more on the stylish   side but it's not cheap I would not say that this  is the cheapest thrift store in New York City so I would definitely put Beacon's closet on  your list of thrift stores or just clothing   shops to check out but make sure  to go to you know many different   stores in Williamsburg if you're looking  for the absolute best and cheapest deal so we are in McCarran park right now and there's  so much you could do you could play baseball I   still got it they have two different ball fields  they have one of the most popular public pools   in all of Brooklyn here you can do Barbecues in  the summer actually someone was barbecuing right   now it's about 53 degrees you could just  lay out with some friends you could chat   uh this is kind of like a a good social  Gathering Spot to be in Williamsburg also   could bring your dog two separate dog parks  here so if it's a nice day in Williamsburg and   you have nothing planned just have a picnic  here at McCarran Park completely worth it you guys knew if I was going to tell you  the best things to do in an area we were   going to talk pizza and lindistry pizza is  so well known in Williamsburg the owner is   from Italy and they put so much care into each  and every slice this is the burrata slice five   bucks at their most well-known signature type  of pizza with burrata cheese and they put olive   oil and the cheese on right in front of you with  fresh basil let's take a bite this looks so good delicious there's so much goodness going on  here that combination that is the margarita   and the burrata cheese on top packs such a  nice bite I don't know if this is the slice   that you necessarily want to take to walk  around with not a lot of seats but this is   so good you could also get you know the  regular Margarita slice if you want but   burrata definitely one of the better slices  of pizza you could get in Brooklyn for sure this is rough trade NYC one of my  favorite stops in all of Williamsburg it's   half record store half music venue and it's  a kind of place where you could spend quite   a bit of time if you just want to wander  inside for a while so let's go check it out this is really nice because you have so many  different types of Records you could buy Here   vinyl even like the Joker soundtrack you  can move down here we've got the Ramones   I saw Elton John on the other side they don't have  a lot of stores like this left in New York really you know I remember a time when I used to go to  Sam goody and I could listen to CDs through one of   these we are inside of the music venue right now  any concert you see here is going to be extremely   intimate or on the the second level you can play  ping pong up here I believe they serve drinks and   when you look down you just have like the perfect  view of whoever is performing that's why I like   rough trade a lot I think there's so much going on  in here that totally distinctive to Williamsburg   so I actually ended up buying something inside I  got a book about hidden places in New York which   I may have to use to update a video that I've  done on the channel before but you know you can   buy books you can buy records you can listen to  music you can buy coffee if there's a show going   on you can drink and enjoy the show I think  rough trade is definitely one of my favorite   stops in all of Williamsburg for good reasons so  definitely come here if you get a chance guys an   important note we're visiting Williamsburg during  the week if you come on a Saturday or Sunday look   up the following two activities going on artist  and flea and Smorgasburg Smorgasburg showcases   some of the best food trucks in all of  New York City not the cheapest place to   go to but if it's a really nice day I enjoy it  artists and flea just a good place if you're in   the flea markets want to buy some older vintage  items you could even combine both on a Saturday Williamsburg has a lot of great nightlife options  and we actually did a video about the best dive   bars in Williamsburg so I'm going to put a card  to that above if you want some other ideas but if   you just have a big group of friends and you like  beer I highly recommend coming to Brooklyn Brewery   this is one of my favorite beers in general in  New York City I'm always ordering their beard a   lot of different bars but actually come to the  source gives you a lot of different options of   things to do they have different games that you  can play I was playing Sonic the Hedgehog they   have board games an amazing spot to come with  a group of friends if you want to just start   a night out in Williamsburg and you're not sure  where that night is going to go begin that night   here at the Brooklyn Brewery trust me you won't  regret it tonight we're going to show you around   Manhattan's Koreatown a small neighborhood that  packs a serious punch we're going to be joined   by a local Korean culture YouTuber who's going  to show us the best spots to have the perfect   night in K-Town to the real life everybody talk  to the Sun in a lot Dave while neighborhoods like   Little Italy and Chinatown get a lot of the  attention from tourists I kind of feel like   koreatown's a bit overshadowed a lot of people  don't think about this area and it's definitely   one of the places that Korean Americans come  to just get a idea of their Hometown it's on   32nd Street from 6th Avenue to Madison and it's  about like two blocks currently there's over 200   000 people of Korean descent that  are living in the New York area so   that is a big amount of people so to have  this representation of K-Town is amazing sweet cinnamon punch Korean traditional beverage  you can get a lot of cool stuff in the store have   you ever seen such a large kimchi selection  anywhere in New York City than right here no   you will never see anything as big as this  unless you're in age first time I've been   here I've really started paying attention to  all of the different offerings I usually just   walk right to the candy in the back what's this  dude can you tell spicy chicken spicy chicken   I love this cream people love fried chicken that's  like one of the Staples fried chicken and beer so   that's the main thing soda ice cream yeah have you  ever like taken soda and just froze it and then   eat it like a popsicle I have not well that's  kind of what am I missing out am I missing out   on this you can basically have your own Korean  barbecue experience at home H Mart it's already   seasoned and you can just put it on the grill  right away this one's spicy Dave that line is   insane yeah so H Mart's lines are always pretty  long like it it'll be like out the door usually Dave one of your Specialties is K-pop and if  you're a K-pop fan choreo books is a must visit   right yeah absolutely so you have to come here  if you want to get the latest or the most popular   K-pop songs or albums to encourage you to buy the  physical CD they'll include like books or their   own food posters or things like that in the CD  and so you know this is why it costs 45 dollars so   there's literally an entire BTS section of shelves  I believe I would say that the biggest band in the   world period period if you don't want records or  books there's just a lot of cute little gifts if   you want a cool New York City souvenir that's  different I wouldn't recommend this store for   stuff like this more BTS yeah everywhere I mean I  wasn't kidding The Craze is a really big bro yeah   so you buy this thing you get the songs and  then you get your free poster is there any   Block in New York city that has more karaoke  places than 30 seconds right here I cannot   think of any but probably not honestly and  karaoke is absolutely essential to Korean   culture right it's a big it's definitely  a big part of Korean culture and a lot of   Asian cultures as well yeah just like a  fun thing to do it's like a get-together   and people always have rides let's see if we do  it later I don't know I can't sing really well we're on 36 now we said that Koreatown was  really centered around 32nd but just a couple   blocks away there's still some amazing spots  I heard a lot about Yoon and Korean barbecue   is definitely one of the best things to do in  K-Town it's a little off from the normal strip   but it's definitely worth the walk the other  one who invented the hang of the cup which   is a Diamond Club so if you go to all the Korean  barbecue restaurants and if you see all these like the nice thing about this restaurant is it's  definitely a little bit more upscale so it's   a good place for celebrations for dates  anniversaries they have amazing cocktails   they say cheers in Korean so uh it's gun  day all right so age is very important   in Korean collection right so if you're  specifically older than someone you're   going with someone who even is underage  if that older person tells you to drink   the younger person has to drink telling me if  I tell Ben who's like 15 years younger than   me to drink he has to drink yeah he has  to do it all right Ben get at it let's go you could imagine this would be a little bit  overwhelming if you've never been to Korean   barbecue before just on this alone you would  probably be full they don't call these appetized   These are side dishes it's meant to be eaten  with yeah Bobby the owner was telling us that   the meat they buy is actually from Nebraska  because they said that the way they raise   the cows out there is similar the way they raise  the cows in Korea it's very much meant to be a   lot of people sharing it at once and it's like  a good get together and all that stuff all right   then you take whatever side dish you want I'm  gonna take a little bit of kimchi this is like   a staple so you got it you gotta do it and then  uh it's gonna put a little seasoning on cheers kimchi half short rib s wow it's amazing finally I learned how  to properly eat at a cream barbecue   spot so thank you Dave we're actually  teaching me some of the intricacies here in Korean etiquette It's usually the  youngest person is supposed to serve   everyone else before they serve themselves  or they'll usually have someone serve   the youngest person never had kimchi  shoe before but it looks interesting too spicy or I can handle it I mean  okay I'm feeling a little heat now   but like something in the back of my  throat you know I'm not feeling like that was incredible so good that was  the best Korean barbecue I've ever had I love this Market I've been here before I think  this is such a Hidden Gem in K-Town it doesn't   just stop on the first floor so you'll have  the second floor and the third floor and this   is actually a lot more affordable than going  out for Korean barbecue if you want something   quick and really tasty as well and pretty  authentic too two of the Nutella kayakis so this is called de la mancho  so that is the Korean name it   means South Korean bread fish and  it's basically a Japanese inspired all the Nutella I completely Nutella there one more bite um there it is so how was the bread is it   sweet soft sweet chewy this is that  gold you're looking for right there   I think a lot of people don't realize from the  street that K-Town actually goes up that there's   karaoke places and bars on the upper levels  you get karaoke two different floors here sanitize microphones a tambourine you usually  see this in karaoke booths yeah all the time yeah   but they also sell Louis 13  for nine thousand dollars   you have to Pork me because you're younger right  because I'm younger yes so I like these rules oh that's good see that's why it's  dangerous because it doesn't taste   it exactly it barely tastes like alcohol  especially because it's Peach flavored   I've had Soju before a little more  of this to sing all right mean Ben there's only two ways I will ever do karaoke one  we need some liquid courage two I have to be with   at least one person singing at the same time  because then nobody's concentrating on how bad   I sound I can feel the tension we had cut it with  a knife I know it's more the Friendship I'm so bad lights out and around Dumbo Brooklyn a neighborhood that's  basically a living postcard but if   you've never visited where to begin I'm John  A New York City vlogger and today we're going   to share where to eat shop and what to do  Down Under The Manhattan Bridge overpass we're going to start with my favorite method of  getting to Dumbo now you could take the subway   you could walk the Brooklyn Bridge you could walk  the Manhattan Bridge but I'm going to tell you go   to pier 11 and take the ferry here it costs just  2.75 download the app on your phone it's just an   eight minute ride walk through the ferry go to  the top deck trust me the views are incredible   you'll see the Manhattan skyline from the East  River you can see the Statue of Liberty turn the   other direction and boom you've got the Brooklyn  Bridge right there it is my favorite ferry to   take in all of New York City for good reason  and a great way to start your trip in dumbo uh always nice bumping into people always too  many people just walk along the water but   I'm going to encourage you to explore more  this beautiful nature here lots of different   paths and you can walk a little bit further you  can find free kayaking in the summer basketball   courts even better views than you thought  if you just go a little bit further so I   think that Brooklyn Bridge Park is one of  the most underrated parks in New York City   don't just walk it a little bit near the  bridge continue on trust me it's worth it great Dumbo Pizza debate between julianas and  Grimaldi there's usually a long line any day of   the week when you go there now we did an entire  video comparing the two spots with some other New   York City vloggers and well I'll give you a clue  who he liked Juliana's a lot more so if you want   to know why check that video out but if you come  down here and you've got some time to wait in line   or if you come at an off-peak hour Juliana's is a  can't miss pizza spot in New York City believe me this is Powerhouse books Arena and if  the weather's not cooperating and you   need somewhere to jump into if it's cold or  if it's rainy this is a spot let's go inside I'll tell you the bookstore is such a dying  breed in New York City just finding spots   like this it's very nice like just find something  I'd actually read Freddie Mercury life of an icon   let's drop that I just broke the store New  York City notebooks great gifts Pizza signs my type of book not for tourist guide  to New York City I don't know should   I buy this that's like a YouTube channel  to me it's like a YouTube channel to me this is Main Street park and I've lived in  New York City almost a decade and I still get   my breath taken away whenever I come to this park  it's just three and a half acres situated between   the Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridges probably  the most famous landmark here is James Carousel   which is amazing when it's actually open but all  you really need to do is just walk alongside the   Waterfront here and just take in those epic  views of Manhattan sometimes when I'm here   I feel like this isn't even real it's just that  beautiful and that iconic and obviously there's   a lot of tourists here for a reason this  is called Pebble Beach for obvious reasons   I mean you could throw these in the water but  I highly recommend you to not go swimming here so you guys knew that we had to have some kind  of history in this tour and right behind me is   the J Street connecting railroad now this  is one of the smallest railroad lines in   the entire United States this whole area was  really full of warehouses and factories and   box cars would be unloaded from the boats  and a small diesel train would take them   to different factories in dumbo now this  went out of service in 1958 with a lot of   trucks taking over but for me it's still  cool to come here and see the remains of   this really cool railroad system that  a lot of people have no idea about this is the newest thing we're showcasing on the  video and Dumbo the timeout New York market now   I will say that if you're broke the market  is a bit expensive they have some amazing   food choices throughout you can get everything  from Southern Comfort Food Japanese food thai   food pizza great variety we ended up getting  some Japanese Fried Chicken Bento for about 16   I thought it was really good but if if you're  broke I'm gonna tell you go to the rooftop it   has one of the best views of the Brooklyn Bridge  and the Manhattan Bridge that's free anywhere in   Brooklyn so just come to the rooftop no matter  what if you're here as long as the timeout   Market is open you are not going to regret it  amazing photo opportunities everywhere as well we are on the corner of Washington and Water  Street and this is the most famous Instagram   photo in all of New York City now I do think it's  a big cliche it's been done so many times but I'm   sure a lot of you out there want to know where  you can take this picture and I will say that it   is a beautiful shot you get the Manhattan Bridge  framing the Empire State Building right in the   center heck there's even a guy here charging  one dollar to take your photo I I admire that   New York City hustle so if you want the picture  you know exactly where to go foreign right behind   me and all around the York Street subway station  is something called the Dumbo walls and this was   created in 2012 by a couple of different artists  A lot of it has animal themes you know you see   elephants you see birds you see some inspirational  quotes in my opinion if you want to take some more   unique photos and everybody else is taking with  a view of the Manhattan Bridge come here instead   it's going to be a lot better always be mindful of  your ability to fly that's a pretty deep statement   there folks very deep you guys as you can see  right here these are the original owls from   2012. unfortunately they're fading a little  bit but there's still some of my favorites this is Saint Anne's warehouse now it was formed  35 years ago it's a state-of-the-art performance   space but it actually shows you what Dumbo used  to look like in fact this used to be a tobacco   Factory and if you go to the back of Saint Anne's  Warehouse it has some of the best spots to take   photos alongside the Waterfront here that a  lot of people know about so if you don't want   to catch a show here which I do recommend you  do go out back and take some really nice photos   foreign if you're in the mood to do a little  shopping I think Brooklyn Industries is a   very cool store they have the Brooklyn  branding down pat on just about all of   their clothing let's go inside I'm  going to show you some of the prices including theme everything  and this is the store for sure   28 bucks I was expecting it to be more  expensive actually I'm by no means a   fashion expert but I think there's people  that could enjoy coming here check us out thank you this is probably my favorite stop  in all of Dumbo Jacques Torres if   you're into chocolate this is  the place for you and on a cold   Winter's day gotta try the hot chocolate  that's exactly what we're about to get I don't know how you can come here and not buy   five things I want to buy  the whole store right now winner four bucks for a valentine lollipop this is   the kind of place that makes  you want to ruin dinner early New York Chocolate blueberries the gifts just keep  on coming and coming every place we go to in dumbo this is my favorite store in  dumbo like just put that on   the record 60 dark chocolate in this hot chocolate chop no we gotta do it again I saw that coming  so rich and flavorful this is the perfect wave   to end a trip to Dumbo you know take this  go walk alongside the Brooklyn Bridge what's up members of the Barrio it's John  coming to you from Harlem and today we're   continuing our Local's guide to New York City  and we're going to be exploring one of the most   historic African-American neighborhoods  in the entire city with someone who grew   up here and he's also a good friend of mine  this is my boy Evan a native New Yorker and   what have you got in store for us today you  know we're gonna go see a couple places that   are my favorites growing up here I grew up  probably about maybe five seven blocks away   from here so we're gonna go ahead and take a look  at like what I would consider The Insider's Guide for our first stop I feel like we've stepped  into Washington DC this is Grant's Tomb I've   lived in New York for almost eight years and  I've never been here before which is really   sad it's the largest mausoleum in the United  States dedicated to Ulysses S Grant former   Civil War General and U.S president and Evan  why did you think this was an important stop   it's something that a lot of New Yorkers  don't take advantage of so when you come   out here it's something you can do really  easily without waiting around for a while   wow so welcome to General we're at National  Memorial you're welcome to look around if you   guys have any questions just let me know this  tune I would say is very stately it's very   elegant you see different illustrations around  the walls of the Civil War I am so happy that   I've actually finally come to this place  and you can even see the tombs right there   Grant and his wife there's an old  riddle that asks who's buried at   Grant's Tomb tell me in the comments  if you know what I'm talking about   and we're walking through where you grew up and I  know a lot of people that aren't from New York or   just moved here kind of have this fear of going  above let's say a hundredth Street thinking it's   not safe there's not anything to do here you know  how do you answer that I I say that that's that's   that's completely untrue like there's always just  sticking about coming up into Harlem where you're   like oh my God like as soon as I get off the  train like they're gonna Target me and assault   me but now because of how things are changing up  here and the change isn't recent it's been going   on for years this is definitely the place where  you want to come just entered mainstrip Harlem so   it's gonna be really cool we're gonna start seeing  a lot more people than we did uh over by Grant's   Tomb and over on the uh on the furthest west that  you can possibly get so now that we're entering   the heart we're gonna start seeing some some cool  stuff with all this like this again used to be all   these like local business the only thing that's so  local that's still here is Rainbow I haven't been   to Harlem too many times and something that really  strikes me about this neighborhood already is   just the amount of energy like I know there's  energy all over New York but it feels like   something extras in the air here do you agree you  know when you're in Harlem there's a certain Pride   that goes along with that because just like any  other neighborhood in New York you know you're   like I'm from Brooklyn I'm from Queens and you  have that you know real prize but like with Harlem   nobody ever really says hey I'm from Manhattan  and people are like yeah that's not a thing so you   say I'll probably give you some authenticity and  it's it's just like a sense of pride definitely   something that I've noticed Up In Harlem that I  don't see so much in downtown Manhattan unless   you're maybe in Chinatown is there's a lot of  sidewalk vendors everywhere there's a lot of good   smells in the air too I mean we sound like you  know the incense before really good food oh yeah   what you're what you have there is you have a lot  of people who are taking care of the culture you   know a lot of hair care products a lot of natural  oils uh just for scents and things of that nature we're about to walk inside the Apollo  Theater which was uh became the Apollo   in 1935 and it's really well known for  Showtime at the Apollos a long-running   TV show and now we're just going to quickly  show you the lobby it looks absolutely awesome all right guys we're really not supposed to film  in the lobby so a few things it's okay one they do   have historical tours look it up on their website  too anybody can do ambers tonight at the Apollo   haven't you got it you got something for them oh  yeah 100 I'm the funniest guy you'll ever meet   trust me he is really funny do what I can since  you mentioned it I think we've counted like five   churches we passed in the last two blocks right  yeah it's it's it's a thing religion is is huge in   this community so you know again I have personal  recommendations I can make to you depending on   like what denomination you are but honestly like  if you need to find that spiritual guidance you   might as well come out to Harlem and enjoy some  good food afterwards good point speaking of food   team Adriana here is hungry as always as always  so Evan uh I think we're gonna go take care of   this food thing right now 100 taking one of the  best local places here in Harlem we're in front   of Amy roots and Evan there's a lot of heavy  weights in Harlem for soul food I mean you've   got Sylvia's obviously a red rooster is one of  the newer ones why did you want to do Amy roofs   so it's very simple when you come to Amy Rose  you're just getting like that nice home cooking   experience that is what soul food is all about  here Plus I gotta say they got the best chicken   and waffles here in the city so again if you guys  want that nice Comfort feeling you know you come   here for the chicken and waffles come here for  the catfish maybe the Black Eyed Peas the collard   greens you know how it goes I'm really excited  for these Chicken and Waffles let's check this out so my first impressions of Amy Ruth's is I love  the artwork on the wall it's just highlighting a   lot of famous African Americans and we are about  to talk to the head chef Evan has got some really   good questions for I grew up here I was literally  like here day one evening you look familiar we'll   see I got that face yeah I appreciate that  that's one thing about the food here make it   daily okay but also we say prayer you have to if  you're going to do the way the ancestors did it   oh yeah and the ancestors committee to the God  so cooking was their love when the people sat   down to eat they wanted them to really enjoy it  really feel like they are back home really have   a moment of peace and Tranquility we talked about  the chicken and waffles why do you think it's your   most famous dish well one because of season the  chicken like 24 hours in advance let it sit in   this special seasoning same thing no oh man it's  like three or four seasoning but it would be food right here you got your collard greens you  got your baked mac and cheese catch candy   yams and get your black eyed peas here  we go Cheers Cheers collard green shears there's so much flavor that's the first  thing that came into my mind oh yeah that are in here unfortunately  it's not vegan or vegetarian that's what is love it's such a perfect combination Evan whoever  would have thought combining a chicken waffle   in one would be so good but they'd sure compliment  each other really well you know that's why Jesus   exists is sometimes you just gotta go ahead and  you know put our members of Mario this is for you it's just like it's so melty in your mouth  like it's like eating a clap like there's no   way to describe this like it is literally the  best waffle I've had and trust me I eat a lot   all right Adriana are we gonna be eating dinner  tonight after this this is lunch I don't think   so guys look at this table everything's so good so  far this is why you come to Harlem that was one of   the best experiences I've had in a New York City  restaurant and all my years living here that was   absolutely incredible Adriana one of your first  soul food experiences it was amazing I actually   could feel the laughing that meal because it was  so delicious so good and the lady was so lovely I   love this place so much Evan what do you think  where to next I think it's time we head uptown foreign I want to thank you members of the Barrio one  of my favorite things about having this YouTube   channel is the ability to explore New York and  I don't know everything we've covered on this   video I have not been to some of these places so  I want to thank you for being an awesome guide   and what do we got here watch these here  so right now we got the Schomburg Center   um what's really cool about this is that when  everyone is talking whenever you want to talk   about you know the African-American experience  here in not only New York but also the U.S like   this is one of the major places we're going  to come to find that type of information what   we're going to show you now is arguably I  have heard one of the most beautiful streets   beautiful areas of New York City let's do it  let's do it thank you guys the sun is starting   to set and this mural on the Harlem Hospital  absolutely gorgeous some of the street art   and the general artwork here is tremendous all  right guys where we are right now and I have   mentioned this earlier in a video is Abyssinian  Baptist Church it's literally Church to come to   if you're in Harlem uh the Reverend Calvin Butts  has been here forever and like honestly like his   sermons are legendary so I know the black  church has this really big reputation and   this one fits the bill so if you're in New York if  you like you know praising this is where you come we found ourselves kind of trudging our is that  a word trudging trudging our way through an alley   in Harlem and it feels kind of weird I don't know  like I'm not used to seeing alleys this wide and   this big in Manhattan let alone New York City yeah  so the big thing about uh here in Manhattan is uh   land is too valuable so they don't actually have  alleys but here we're walking behind shriver's row   right now which is one of the only places you're  actually gonna find an alley in New York City   just because again the land is so expensive that  you're not really gonna be able to do anything   like this the reason why this alley exists is  because when this development was first built   they were still horses so people would actually  come down this alley with their horse and use it   for you know garbage and things like that so  this way uh here in their private Community   um there were places to store this stuff we are  at the famous Strivers row I think I've only been   here once before and it really reminds me a lot of  Brooklyn certain parts like let's say Park Slope   yeah uh I mean the big thing about this is that  when you start to look at the history's drivers   grow it's really interesting uh you had a land  developer that came into Harlem and started   building all these nice beautiful houses uh right  around the turn of the century and what ended up   happening is even though the neighborhood  was going considerably African-American   um this guy didn't sell any houses any of the  black residents so he ended up going through   it it ended up being a huge commercial plop then  what you ended up having after that is that the   bank were closed and took all the property back  at which point they were able to resell the houses   um at a somewhat more modest price but of course  the only residents that were able to afford them   were the black residents that were towards the  Upper Crust Society therefore the term came   that they were striving for the best this became  Strivers row EXO in history right there I like it   we're dropping knowledge today we're dropping it  so Evan and I were looking for this yes I saw this   online it says private mode you walked your horses  Evan we did it man we finally found the sign yes   I would compare this to Rainbow Row in  Charleston where like you come and you   just have like a nice peaceful walk you know  and just admire the beautiful Home Center here   um the only thing that I would probably  recommend is not to do it in the winter   like we're doing right now because you  really don't get the true sense of the   Beauty with like the trees in full bloom  or anything like that guys it is flurry random little snow shower I didn't see any snow  in the forecast Sun is setting this is a very nice   little moment here Evan did you set this up I I  I I I did my best with myself did you did you set   this up I tried I tried we have a snow shower  at sunset on Strivers row are moving moments   happening right now I'm gonna cry you know what  I I think with the snowstorm I can honestly say   I do like that side better than the colorful side  okay that does look really nice so many different   things that you can do in this neighborhood that  are just unreal that I gotta encourage you guys   to not stop at 96th Street and think that's all  the Manhattan has to offer come on up here and   have a good time New York City has hundreds of  neighborhoods but there's always a few that just   draw you in the Lower East Side of Manhattan  has always been like that for me and we haven't   created a guide here in almost two years so today  we're gonna update things and show you some new   places to shop eat drink and even take some cool  photos you don't want to miss this I know that   Little Italy is right around the corner but if you  want authentic Roman Street food trappuzino right   here is the spot this is the only trappuzino in  the United States and what's incredible is just   nine dollars we could actually classify this as  cheap eats in New York sitting in a beautiful   European style Cafe pizza Bianca dough and inside  the pocket got that meatball just stuffed inside what a meatball if you put this on  spaghetti and meatballs this would   rival anything you get a Little  Italy I would have paid way more   than nine dollars for something this  good mix it up with a cocktail or wine I would say this would be a good date spot as well  Ben do I need to clean myself here how could you   possibly walk around Rome eating this and not  getting a messy face I don't know you tell me I feel very manly drinking this  Smoky you feel manlier okay I   see the anchovies kind of just  like hanging onto the very edge wow that's a good bite the atmosphere  it's perfect definitely going to take my   girlfriend here Ben read comments that his  girlfriend was imaginary yeah I'm actually   going to take my uh my real girlfriend  here such a huge Flex especially if you   have someone that's from out of town and uh you  show them something that they'll only get in New   York right now that's major brownie points  right there you're out with friends in the   Lower East Side and you want to go somewhere  before going out to a lot of the bars and the   clubs here should be a good spot not too  expensive but just right before going out Freeman alley this isn't the border of a Lower  East Side absolute Hidden Gem because there aren't   that many alleys like this in New York City now  in the 1980s it was a completely different story   around here in fact Rivington Street was one of  the worst streets in Manhattan this is where you   would come to get your heroin fix this area had  drug dealers prostitutes and I think a lot of the   people from that era if they were to come back  here right now and see the alley now now they   would be surprised because it has a lot of street  art we're going to be passing an art gallery right   here just kind of shows you the changes of New  York in the last 40 years as much as I talk about   crime issues it's still nowhere near as bad as  it was in the 80s and probably one of the most   unique locations for a restaurant in Manhattan  is Freeman's right here they've been around since   about 2004 so they've got the Speakeasy thing  down pat I mean this is an interesting spot just   to take photos if you want something different  be surprised if most New Yorkers even knew what   this was do some tick tocks some Instagrams  over here one of the Hidden gems in the area oh where did that come from where the random  pancake come someone throw pancakes at them from   talking to us some sort of put on there  they just threw it literally just went   this is New York these days you know you're not  looking right you'll get a pancake on your head is watching you are going to love this store  people always ask me like what kinds of souvenirs   should you buy when you come to New York and I  say don't get some lame I love New York shirt get   something that a New York Sports Fan would wear  so when coming up on almost three months now I   just love this kind of stuff I'm big into sports  sports history fashion as well so and incorporate   that all together into one thing is really like  an awesome thing and I love to be able to share   that with other people and get them into something  nice and cool that they appreciate if you were a   customer what would you buy it all started with  the Vintage basketball jerseys the 90s Champion   jerseys is like it's a classic thing like I mean  you can't go wrong with a Kobe from his rookie   champion jersey I love the starter jackets I'm a  huge Mets fan so this is a classic the late 80s   met starter jacket some Davey Johnson be wearing  that exactly 60 bucks for this Yankee Jersey here   like they actually have really fair prices  my favorite player when I was a kids Patrick   Ewing oh yeah I'm not an Oakland A's fan Yankees  fan but I just want to see what this looks like   a little tight on me but I I mean that's kind of  how the cut is supposed to be yeah that's how it's   supposed to be you know because that's the late  80s Jack so this is original late 80s with a tags yeah definitely Ben what year were you born I  was born in 1999. so this jacket is older than   you it's actually yeah definitely it is older  than me and look at this they have a special   pocket for your iPhone or iPad really like the  story the guy Charlie had about selling jerseys   I love supporting like small businesses like  that really check out his store check out his   store we weren't even planning on including  this in the video I walked by I want a three   dollar cookie cookie happy hour sounds like the  best happy hour ever say the smell of cookie   dough pulls me in you guys have the three dollar  cookies now could I do one of the chocolate chip   chunks is there one with Nutella in it yeah  this is like cookies literally falling apart you know it really is gooey on the inside  that's three bucks I've spent all day   although this is Messy as could possibly be  how messy is my face on a window like a 10. you're messy earlier with a Italian this is a  happy hour I could get behind I might rather   pay three bucks for this than a beer I  don't know it would depend on my mood if you're tired of the typical bars of a Lower  East Side sour malice has so much to offer this   is the spot to go if you have a group of friends  like you're not sure what you want to do you've   got the option of pool you've got beer pong ping  pong a lot of booths a bar as well and the art   the art here is one of the most interesting Parts  I think there'll be 30 days we have a new artist   which we had this particular artist named the sac  six everything that you see here he ripped posters   off the streets oh wow and then he repurposed  them does he sell these everything in here is   for sale how much would this cost uh you know what  I'm getting the price list in about a half an hour   but if I had to speculate I would say about three  thousand a thousand dollars yeah or the average   person that comes down here can't afford that what  I did was I went out and I bought uh uh posters of   New York City I gave each poster to a different  artist and they painted over it so for example   I gave Android this map of New York and then he  did his thing on top of it these I sold for 400   I think I have viewers who would come in and buy  this for sure yeah everything on the wall is for   sale the only thing that's not for sale is me well  actually you never know everyone has a price right   that's true you said your wife would like this is  the same artist yeah it's almost a little Bank CS   no uh you know what street artist that's kind of  there you'll look too guys so there's always a   somewhat of an interpretation it's either Banksy  or it's Basquiat this is Sac six so this is the   gentleman that we're doing the the show and  this seat just ripped off a wall he tagged it   yeah and that was it I'm surprised this is here  anything he has done just walks out the door so this is great you can play ping pong  and drink a Soju cocktail at the same time   look at that it's me it's actually a really  nice drink too what's what's up members of   the Barrio it's John coming to you from the  Upper West Side of Manhattan today we're going   to be continuing our Local's guide to New York  City in a neighborhood that doesn't get enough   attention in my opinion it's relaxing it's got  a lot of history and I think more tourists need   to know about it and today's guide is a real  expert his name's Seth he was actually my art   history professor at Rutgers he's lived here a  long time and he's going to be teaching you a   lot of things hey I'm Seth welcome to the Upper  West Side this is my neighborhood for the last   30 years a lot of people come to New York and they  want to go to the Met they want to see a show but   the ticket prices here are really expensive  you were telling me that you've got a lot   of tips and tricks to save money absolutely  I have some wonderful tips so first one is   um in August if you happen to be here in August  or anybody who lives here right here on the   Plaza just where we're walking now they set up  seats and a huge screen of five six story size   green and for free for three weeks you can screen  live at the map it's really neat people come hours   early you bring a box lunch you sit there and it's  just wonderful so that's number one often what I   do locals often do is if you're a free evening  just come on down you don't need tickets just   come on down stand right in front of one of the  doors hold the twenty dollar bill up and people   are always selling tickets not scalping tickets  but people who someone gets sick they have extra   tickets and so you can always pick up one or  two tickets on the night of the show it's never   never failed another one of the great things to do  here in Lincoln Center is to get tickets for the   Juilliard School of the art Juilliard basically  a university for performers is one of the great   music schools in the world and they always need  an audience and the audience gets in for free you   see world class or future world-class performers  and for example you can see it says Juilliard New   Juilliard Ensemble all made up of students  and free tickets available that's the key all right Seth so you took us to 55 Central Park  West this is a building that people may recognize   and you're about to give them a bit of the history  behind it yeah it's really a remarkable building   it's done in 1930 it's called an art deco building  and why it's so interesting is because it's not   what that building is across the street with its  columns and its heavy ornamentation that's very   much in the late 19th century mode this is new  modern look at those of those vertical accents   going up this building is really Fame came to  it in 1984 when this was spook Central as Bill   Murray said this is uh where Ghostbusters was  filmed at least the exterior scenes and if you   look at the building you can see how they would  run in through that canopy which you can see   in some of the Stills and at the top which is  uh was added digitally in the film but that's   where all the great excitement went on Seth we  are walking right now next to Central Park this   is such a beautiful neighborhood why do you  think so many movies have filmed here I think   it's really because it's an authentic New York  neighborhood that has really you know early 20th   century late 19th century houses it looks good  but it's it's authentic and I think that's why   um TV shows movies have been  filmed here over the years   yeah Jeff right now we are in front of a very  iconic building in New York the Dakota which is   world famous for where John Lennon was murdered  but there's so much more to it oh yeah I think   this is one of the great apartment spaces in New  York in fact in the 1850s if you were a rich New   Yorker you had your own house but we were running  out of space so what'd you have what did you do   there was this new idea that Kink was coming out  in Europe and that is an apartment house and so   this in the 1880 was the first great apartment  house there was nothing here at the time in fact   it was so far removed somebody joked that on the  next block you would be in The Dakotas and that's   why the name of it is the Dakota everybody wants  to know where it is Yoko Ono and Sean Lennon live   well they live in the floor that has the balcony  running around it and they have the entire floor thank you guys as you know on this channel  we always like to show you the more unique   aspects of New York and there's so many famous  museums like the Met Natural History Museum but   the New York Historical Society and you think  doesn't get enough credit oh totally uh I'm here   in Central Park West and 77th Street is this  wonderful Museum dedicated to the history of   the city of New York and they happen here on  the top floor the best collection of Tiffany   lamps in the world and you can see all the  colors and all the uh shapes of the lamps upper west side and it seems like every New  Yorker has their favorite Deli zabar is his   Seth's favorite Deli why do you like this place  so much it's one of the old-fashioned delicate   tests and food stores in the Upper West Side  1934 Louise a bars founded it right here in   this spot and today what I like about it is  it has everything there's almost nothing it   doesn't have so I'm always coming here at  least twice a week guys let's check it out   we've walked in and the aroma of cheese is  ridiculous there's just there's cheese in every   single Direction This is the famous fish cancer  uh smoked salmon white fish uh Herring it's just   remarkable so this is the where people come they  pack it up and they fly home with it they have   a really good arugula and and the macaroons  of course they're preparing for Passover so   there's a lot of Passover stuff here but yeah  the arugula is like world class and their babka chocolate's favorite walking through this store is  like a sensory experience you have the classical   music playing and then you have the different  smells of every room from the coffee here to the   cheese to the meat to the desserts like this is a  very cool store I wish I had one of these in the   village there's arugula absolutely excellent oh  Seth good call on that now you've lived here for   30 plus years 30 plus years neighborhoods change a  lot in New York what would you say are the biggest   changes that have occurred in the Upper West  Side well in my area around 72nd Columbus lots   of little small family shops all gone uh now it's  sort of cutesy upscale Boutique selling shoes and   jeans and things that certainly have changed and  so uh it's still sort of a nice quiet residential   neighborhood but the diversity in some ways  has has changed certainly economic diversity   it was a much wider range of folks 30 years  ago now it's really more upper middle class   A bordering on Rich it's a very cool place to  live I like the neighborhood I like the people   um and I like that it's well connected to the  rest of the city we have great Subway Lines   um here so yeah it's a it's a neat place to live Riverside Park is absolutely gorgeous on a warm  day like this you just have to come enjoy the   Ambiance here a lot of dogs running around a lot  of families a lot of people and Seth said that   this is his favorite local park what is it you  enjoy about this park so much I like Riverside   Park because it's a really underused part there  are two parts to it the Promenade which is up here   and then along the river there's a a wonderful  path that you can walk right against the right   along the river up here this is the summer  the the roses and are in bloom everything's   overgrown and they're just real people walking  around with their dogs with their kids playing   I also like that this spot just where we're  standing was in um uh you got mail with uh   Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan in fact just where we're  standing is where the proposed was and often New   Yorkers come or people come and they make their  uh proposals right here exactly where Tom Hanks   and Meg Ryan were today we're going to be  exploring Riverdale in the Bronx and often   overlooked neighborhood that definitely deserves  more Spotlight we're going to show you where to   go where to eat and what to see with a local  get ready Andy we're just 29 minutes from Grand   Central Station absolutely gorgeous train ride by  the way on Metro North but this feels like a world   away from the hustle of Manhattan it actually has  its mixture of suburban and Citi Fields how many   stoplights away is Westchester where at least  10 stoplights away from Westchester from here   Riverdale used to be very Irish at one point  Marianne's is a great place to check out there are not a lot of stores like this  in New York City this is actually very   tough to find I think it so highlights the  Irish history and Irish culture of New York everything yeah the pottery so you get a Guinness  if you want after shopping at this beautiful store   feel free who's living here right now it's become  a majority of a big Jewish Community you have the   kosher Dunkin Donuts which is a very interesting  location you have Carlos and Gabby's which is   also a Mexican a Glock kosher Mexican spot yes and  there's a pretty big latino-sized population too this is the weirdest thing in the world this like   like a building like what's going on here  seems as if there is actually a school that   seems as if the school is actually attached to  some diplomatic kids who live in the area what   do the local residents say about this place  they think it's really strange some people   are like thinking that they're getting spotted  on like the KGB siding inside yeah looking at   a satellite that may go back to the motherland  the most famous baseball players ever yeah live   right there exactly Garrick may you rest in peace  Lou Gehrig who died of ALS lived here this was   his last home I think if you're a big Yankees  fan and you want you want to pay at homeage   you could certainly stop by take a look so if  you look further if you're going further north   you're heading towards Westchester and then if  you're going further back you're going towards   the back to Manhattan Riverdale is basically  split by the highway here yep exactly okay most people think of Transportation  in New York they think of the subway   but living in Riverdale you  actually take the bus a lot   more right definitely take the bus or  if you have a car it's very commutable and I think we're both agreeing this is one of  the best hidden gems in New York city so true so   true wave Hill is a Botanical Garden it's a hidden  botanical gardens that's what I want to consider   it because we're like kind of off the beaten path  of Riverdale absolutely gorgeous so me and my wife   sometimes we'll come here there's like a we throw  down our hot spot and we start working it's been   there in the pandemic it's been such an easy way  to just find a place to sit back and relax and   work so you literally sit right there that's  that's your office right here exactly for for   the short term this has become my office and this  has been on Thursdays this place is free right out   there Hudson River Deep In The Distance there  you can see the George Washington Bridge even   you just walk around this place and it's  like a maze of different things that you   find out I totally feel Andy for coming to  work here I wouldn't come to work here I'd   come to meditate here just find a chair kick  up your feet oh that's it notice that lazy   afternoon or something the Kings had a  song easy afternoon in the summer time this is like we walked into one of those  hotels in the Catskills right now exactly   we're in the ballroom the lighting the wood  paneling is just amazing lemonade The View you definitely don't see sidewalks like this very  commonly in New York City I'll tell you right now   we talked about this feeling Suburban I mean I  feel like I'm in an upscale area of New Jersey   right now be happy with a balcony here here you  go okay you get a humongous house here too one of   the people that consulted on the construction  of fieldston here within Riverdale was none   other than Olmsted who designed Central Park  and Prospect Park oh mayor New York lived in   this area a lot of other famous dignitaries  have lived in this area but it's it's just   like a very tree-laden area just very quiet  has its own Mystique has its own style have   you ever complained about not having space  to parallel park just move here and you can   practice all over you'll never have to complaint  again I was always happy when I moved to where   I lived because there was no alternate side  but like I don't even all need alternate side   here you just need to just drive around you just  need a lot of cars you just need to fill this up   this is why a lot of families decide to move here  it's just like one of those quintessential just   relaxed neighborhoods it's just quiet it gives  that Vibe of Westchester Suburban yeah deal   to Showcase some of the Jewish roots of Riverdale  a Jewish deli I mean it's perfect I hope this is   like the cats or even better of the Bronx it  was open in 1953 it just gives you those old   school Vibes even the menu and seeing like matzo  ball soup you can order all the Staples here that   you would expect at a Jewish deli in New York City  pastrami sandwich on a daily ride a split Anthony   Bourdain sat right there we almost picked the  perfect Booth we were the one-off pickles a staple   sour half sour tomato whatever you like don't  pickle it to quote the great Anthony Bourdain   who sat right behind me the pastrami  sandwich on rye is that one food Day   New York unequivocally does better than  anywhere else so having the opportunity   to dine in here at leibniz just an  honor for me it's like a big bite just leaning off just moist enough I'll  put this up there with cats I'll actually I would definitely put this in my top five in New  York easily for pastrami on rye growing up in the   city myself I wanted to live in a little bit more  quieter in the area her living up in Upper Upstate   New York she wanted to see a little bit more of  the City Vibe yeah so for her this is more City   and for you this is more suburb exactly it's the  perfect medium for two people from different areas some say Lloyd's here is the best carrot  cake in New York City yeah exactly well   we're gonna try we're gonna try  it Oprah Oprah is an old magazine yeah Queen split one yeah  yeah can we get one playing   right playing yeah perfect three and twenty four 350. it's a nice size yes sir  all right Bon Appetit cheers I don't even like carrot cake and it was so moist  it doesn't overpower you with a flavor of carrot   like I think that's been a problem I've had with  some carrot cakes what do you think I think it's   also that there's like better than any raisins  in there like normally you have like the extra   layers of raisins and nuts and other things that  kind of Disguise the carrot so like I think this   has the pure richness of the carrot itself that  van Cortland Park which is now the third largest   park in the city it also has known for its  cross-country running track there's like a   lot of people who do a lot of major cross country  running in this park and we got the tortoise and   the hair we're gonna show them exactly who do you  think they'll win uh tortoise so instead he always   winsorious I don't think the bronze gets enough  credit for how green it is not only does it have   some of the largest Parts in the city like van  Cortland Park and Pelham Bay Park but did you know   that 25 of the Bronx is designated for Green Space  like I think the bronze can just break so many   stereotypes if people would just visit more often  the biggest thing I tell to everyone who comes to   New York it's about the character and it's about  the culture explore it we have so much culture   to give now this is the oldest house in the  Bronx it has a museum George Washington himself   actually stayed here and was both occupied by the  American and the British army at different times van Cortland Park is one of the only places  in New York city that has dedicated Cricket   Fields I've never seen Cricket played live in my  life ever for my viewers out there I play cricket   like how similar is it to baseball because I'm  seeing some similarities a little bit here quiet   peace tranquility sailboat looking down in  the distance Riverdale enjoy sounds like an   advertisement I wish they pay you to say that  I love where the train station puts you right   next to the Hudson River feels like you're  Upstate somewhere but you are very much still   in New York City Soho one of those New York City  neighborhoods you can just Envision in your mind   without ever setting foot here but there's more  to do than just high-end shopping today we're   going to show you how to spend the perfect day  in SoHo well they don't call it Soho for all the   Porsches although you see a lot of nice cars  here they call it Soho because it's south of   Houston Street not Houston pronounced Houston yeah  start your adventure on Broadway and Houston this   area here on Broadway has just about the highest  contingency of high-end shops in the United States   if you want to spend your money in New York City  this is the place to come to it's crowded it's   full of tourists but you should come at least  once even TJ Maxx in SoHo looks extra bougie Dominic Ansel is one of the city's most  famous bakeries when the Cronut came out   years ago the line would be hours long in  the morning to try to get it but they've   still got some other really interesting  goodies inside you can only find here   I actually bought gifts here for Adriana's mom  in Mexico for Christmas to go it's a good spot   to buy some tasty gifts to go one krona and  two of the cookie shots so finally a shot   that you can responsibly enjoy with your  children they'll love this cheers oh yeah it's like you taste little hearts of the chocolate  chip cookie as that milk goes down it's like   dunking your cookie in a glass of milk it's the  same effect another best part you actually got to   eat it and this is soaked with milk so good  your kids have a good day in New York tell   them and take them for a cookie shot Uncle John  approves one of the most expensive pastries in New   York City the Cronut 650 often imitated never  duplicated half donut half croissant big bite like I'm expecting the consistency of a donut but  it was definitely more croissant-like really packs   a punch got some cream filling in there it wasn't  like anything I expected it actually had these   floral notes it was like eating a milk tea really  really different and look at the line forming now   all of a sudden this is what I'm used to at  Dominic Ansel lying to the Garden in the back   Soho's world famous for some of  its architecture in particular cast   iron buildings there's more than 200 of  them in this neighborhood and this very   Street Green between canal and Grand has  more than anywhere else what a sight it is this actually what you're wearing it's going  to say this looks like Ben's Style 12.90 oh man that's it 490 for these slippers  is such a good deal dude I'm considering   buying this I'm not even joking  19 bucks aroma aroma diffuser oh that's good oh that's really good I'm in  a relaxed place I get asked all the time if   I do trip consultations and I don't but I've got  some good news for you we've partnered with ask for them to make custom itineraries  for your big trip to New York City working with   them is easy complete a short form describe your  perfect day at a dedicated trip consultant gets   assigned to build your ideal itinerary they  map out attractions rooftops restaurants and   even nightlife they're even available while  you're in the city in case you need anything   like deliveries or even reservations I've got  a special link for you guys visit   hereby bar and use my code hereby bar for 10  off these guys are a game changer if you need   some help planning ultimate trip to New York when  industry left Soho between 1950 to 1980 this area   actually was very sketchy and it became popular  with artists people that came in here that could   take over the spaces turn them into art galleries  a lot of big names were here Andy Warhol Basquiat   Keith Herring and today it has some of the largest  collection of art galleries anywhere in the world and surrounded by all these art galleries is  the drawing Center one of the coolest free   museums in New York City trust me they have a  very neat gift shop here for anyone out there   who loves to draw this would be a good gift my  name is Isabella Kapoor and I'm the curatorial   associate here at drawing Center so we're a small  non-profit art museum in the middle of Soho we as   the name suggests Focus primarily on drawing so  this is a pretty fun exhibition as you might be   able to tell as we go through the colors and the  design is a little bit insane intentionally so   because it's the clamor of ornament so this is  one of the most exciting pieces in the show it's   a drawing by well-known textile designer 19th  century textile designer William Morris first   of all it's just like beautifully beautifully  done you've probably without knowing it seen his   designs they're everywhere you can find them in  clothing and wallpaper in films I noticed one in   the background of crazy Rich Asians okay huge yeah  wallpaper William Morris oh so what's this right   here with the American flag um so this is a Navajo  Chiefs blanket it's from sometime after the 1860s you know this is something you  don't find just at any shop in   SoHo kimonos Pearl River Mart very cool store this is what I'm talking about live fountains   not your everyday gift in  New York City but really cool we want to be able to afford to shop at the high   Rim places in SoHo just buy  one of these a money tree Mario yeah you too man too many tourists just go to Tribeca  to see the Ghostbusters Firehouse but   they skip the New York City fire  Museum which I think is way better this was actually Old Firehouse foreign approaching very important to pay your respects to   all the firefighters were lost  on a horrible day right here babe right here in New York 247 Water Street  so this is all they used to do it they just   wheel it yeah let's pull it mid 1800s it's just  actually used to put out fires in Staten Island   if you've ever seen like old movies they  use stuff like this wow we even have the   fire hydrants in the elevator wow can't say  I've ever seen that in an elevator before   dude look look at this all the news were  pulled by nine with the exception of the   Chiefs like that belonged to Chief Kroger  still preserved too well oldest engine   yeah I think these helmets are absolutely  fantastic they're so ornate and detailed he was telling me that the one thing they're sure  of from the original fire station here because   this used to be a fire station are these stairs  built in 1905 you are not going to find this   very commonly in New York City admission is ten  dollars and even if you don't want to come in at   least check out some of these amazing shirts and  souvenirs right at their store we're on Sullivan   Street I actually used to live two blocks from  here and when I first got my apartment in the   village the broker said if this apartment was one  block away in SoHo it would be about a thousand   dollars more a month and one thing at SoHo is  world famous for are the Loft Apartments because   remember there was a lot of industry and a lot of  factories here and those eventually got converted   into Apartments if you remember the video was shot  about that Tom Cruise apartment perfect example 12 chairs I used to come here all the time when  I lived in the village just two blocks from here   mixture of Israeli Mediterranean food so good  12 chairs is the perfect combination because   you could be casual here but it also gets a  really fashionable crowd you can come here for   a date you can come here for a celebration  the brunches are really well known also thank you so much slowly cooked  Tomatoes garlic green hot peppers   this is what you come to 12 shares  for these small plates healthy it's delicious I've even taken my mom here before and she is a  super picky eater and she even loves this spot I think we got too much appetizer to be  honest with you this is enough for two   or three people we'll feed Ben though man's  like so this is one of the signatures here I   used to always order this the 12 chairs lamb  burger look at that big piece of feta cheese   right in the middle also have some spicy mayo  and Israeli pickle onions right on top of lamb   meat this brings me back I have not been to 12  chairs in too long I will tell you way too long when I talk about a burger to me it's all  about the meat first and this lamb is so   juicy so tender it almost doesn't feel right  putting this between two buns but that's exactly   what we've done it's like a gourmet burger  essentially that's what you've ordered here   it's been too long too long I better slow  down I could finish this very very quickly I feel so in culture it's like a crunchy Burger  it looks like an appetizer but basing off the   first couple bites this could get heavy but it  could also be worth it because it's delicious what's up members of the Barrio it's John coming  to you from City Island in the Bronx and today   we've got another edition of my neighborhood  guides to New York City and this area isn't well   known even by many residents of New York City it's  a 1.5 mile stretch of land an island connected   to the Bronx proper and it feels more like a New  England seaside village I've got an amazing guest   today who was born and raised here he's going to  be taking us around showing us what it's like to   be a local it's going to be a really good time  guys we've got Michael prieti he is a local Chef   born and raised here Michael what are we going to  do today what's up you guys so we're gonna check   out the neighborhood we're going to check out some  of the local seafood places check out a toy store   see some beautiful homes and really see what  being a local on City Island is all about you   Lear what do you think it think it means to  be a city Islander you know you know vacation   destination it's beautiful beautiful we have this  beautiful surrounding everybody knows each other   it's really a great Community interesting and it's  small it's just a mile and a half right mile and   a half long everybody knows each other I know  pretty much everybody on my block by name you   know it's kind of cool which is rare Manhattan  you can't say that I don't know I know like one   person on my block yeah it's a lot different here  you can't throw a rock without getting in trouble   so we're gonna get on a boat right I work at a  local Yacht Club a lot of people belong to the   yacht clubs out here we're gonna hop on a boat  I'll show you some of the areas from the water   great place to see it we're walking down for this  boat ride I'm not gonna lie I was super excited to   come and film this video because I think city  island is so different than almost any other   spot in New York City we are going to explore from  the beautiful water here thank you for having us I've got to say this is so much more peaceful  than riding on the Hudson River totally look   at this you would not think you were in the  Bronx this is like the Hamptons or montauki   dry hey why not don't crash okay so guys I  I actually don't have a license for this uh   you can barely drive a car take a boat ride  like this could they do it yeah absolutely   you know you could rent a boat Jack's Bait  and Tackle over here it's a great little   Mom and Pop Shop they have boat rentals um  I think there's a couple places you could   probably get kayaks from too you kind of got  to ask around a little research but you can   find some stuff or meet a local go hang out  with the local and take it off their boat thank you yeah so weekdays are pretty quiet  out here weekends the traffic gets a little   crazy but you know what it's the price you  pay to live in Paradise that's what I say so Michael I've had a chance now to actually  look around City Island a little bit walking   this does not feel like New York City at all  this feels more like a little New England   Village totally totally and we got some great  shops out here this guy John back here is a   great antique shop he sells these really weird  kind of things that he finds you have a great   coffee shop Mary Colby is an amazing artist out  here she has a beautiful shop you could learn   some oil paint with her she's amazing and then  we have this real really great another little   great Art Shop so there's some great stuff  out here really we got some great culture so I have not covered too many cemeteries on this  channel never covered one in New York City but   you insisted to become to Pelham Cemetery what  is special about this place well it's right on   the water right if you're gonna die this is  the place you want to spend the rest of your   death right all right guys let's get inside the  cemetery I never thought I would say that's good yeah so you know my father's buried here so  the Blank Spot next to it you know where I'm   going one day you're going you're going there  going there another 100 years oh yeah let's hope this is a hard Island so this is uh New York  City's Potters field right and right now it's   ran by the Department of Corrections and they're  trying to transfer it over to Department of parks   a lot of people are against it because they  don't really want people going there this is   a Potter's field it's Sacred Space so right  right now nobody can access that Island well   you can if you have somebody buried there so if  you have somebody buried there you can go on the   Department of Corrections website and apply  to go over to that Island so just to see it   so the nice thing about city island is you  could have a backyard right you could walk   to a beach if you live here it really is it's so  it's the suburb it's Suburban living in the city   I said go to a gas station and we have some beautiful houses and this is  one of the most beautiful houses on City Island   there's been some uh films filmed here like Royal  Tenenbaum some other things I can't think of at   the moment but it's really just a beautiful house  with a beautiful view so if you're looking for   some good real estate city owns a place to find  it so Michael's friend actually owns this house   so she's kind enough thank you if she's watching  this too allow us to film in her backyard where   they did film The Royal tanning bombs I saw  that movie a long time ago I think it was good if you walk to the end of some of these blocks  you could take a look you know what I mean you   could look over onto the beaches a lot of the  beaches are private but you can still take a   look I have to say out of all the places I have  ever been to in New York City I have never got   such a calming relaxed Vibe until I went to  city island as Michael said I actually feel   like I'm on vacation right now I want to go to  one of these houses and just spend the night I   don't want to go back to Manhattan honestly  a lot of the houses out here started as a   little summer Bungalows so then they changed  them into full-time living so you'll see some   of the houses on the back streets are a  little bit smaller than you would expect guys by the way we have been driving all  over City Island because Michael has a   car but you do not need a car to come  here I'm gonna put exact directions in   the description it's not too difficult we  take public transportation here Subway to   a bus and just walk the whole strip only a  mile and a half we are just very lazy today all right Michael we are in front of  a toy store and you insisted that we   stop here because it was so different what's  up with this place well it's 239 play right   it's owned by Dan and Rayna and this is just  they have all vintage toys really cool stuff   and this is a pretty old building it's been here  forever and they just really has repurposed this   building and made an awesome choice so you have  to check it out guys we got to see this let's go   but I think the coolest thing is definitely  this crib Club when you come to city island   you kind of need this crap all right hey how's  it going good I'm John Nick nice to meet you man   generally vintage stuff and the building  itself is 150 years old or give or take   around there so it was almost perfect that we're  selling old stuff in an old building win a trip   to Spring train in 1988 no just necessarily  we're about 30 years too late for this one Michael Jackson's Thriller this is so dope  I think there's a record room and we've got   old uh old backstage passes which I think is  probably one of my favorite items Cinderella   oh I don't even know mystery bags were a thing  but we've just bought a mystery bag for five   dollars I'm expecting at least ten dollars  worth of value here what do we got we have   we have animals Minnesota Vikings 1987 bent  baseball card we have oh no I like it though   this makes it all worth it a little a pink  poodle for Adriana oh my goodness stop in   here I I don't think it's possible to come  here and not want to buy something be it a   mystery bag or Ronald Reagan pinned from 76 or  thriller you'll buy something come to this store foreign so Michael I knew that coming  to city island this would not be a video   without getting some of the famous Seafood  from here we're at Tony's Pier restaurant   uh what made you take us to the spot  well you know these restaurants at the   end of the island they're they're famous  they've been here forever you want some   good fried food it's the place to get it  let's do it I'm I'm starving right now all right we can already smell  the seafood the second you walk   through those doors that salty goodness so if you are born here you're a Clam Digger  if you move here you're a muscle sucker so I'm   a Clam Digger what does that make me that  makes you just some Schmo that's visiting fried shrimp cornmeal crust excellent  probably some of the best fried shrimp   I've ever had actually don't order it often enough so you come to city island you got to have some  fried seafood fried scallops these scallops are   moist crispy delicious uh they're just  they're awesome this is where it's at foreign what would you tell people if they're not  sure about visiting City Island well you   know it's the best day trip you go over to  Orchard Beach get some beach in come over   here have some lunch do some shopping go  to the toy store say hello to some locals   get a beer perfect place to be on a summer's day  awesome Michael thank you so much thank you for   joining us today so good to see you awesome  guest see you guys what's up members of the   Barrio John coming to you from Arthur Avenue  in the Bronx the real Little Italy and today   I'm going to show you guys around we're  gonna meet some locals and I'm going to   encourage my fellow New Yorkers and any visitors  to check this neighborhood out as soon as you can this is my second ever time on Arthur Avenue  the first time was two years ago I was here   for the farragosto festival it was incredible  but the area was super packed and this is the   first time I've had a chance just to walk around  and soak in this area in its true form and I've   already heard Old-Timers speaking Italian and  the Italian influences everywhere on a lot of   the storefronts this is one unique neighborhood  the Brandon Reese from on the bus Productions   we're doing a collab video today and it's your  first time in this neighborhood are you really   excited I'm pumped I've been down there to Little  Italy in Manhattan but I'm really excited because   I've heard a lot of Buzz and a lot of hype around  this area we're gonna be checking out a bunch   of different places and I'm excited to try the  free food I mean really this is why we do it oh starting right here at adio and Sons Bakery  a locally owned place and I'm getting hungry   just thinking about all the food that  we're gonna be sampling today let's go we've just walked in here and this is the  definition of an old school Italian bakery   I wish you could smell what I'm smelling right  now it just smells like fresh bread everywhere   guys this thing looks 100 years old here I think  you're gonna break it that electronic one would be   like broken and like six months my name is Lauren  sadeo and I am with co-owner along with my cousin   Tommy of a Deo Bakery and we have been in this  neighborhood for over 80 years our grandparents   started the business in the 1930s been in business  for 80 years making traditional Italian bread   rolls and biscuits now you have some of the breads  here that we produce this is our part of the casa   the panda Casas are a long-term drug this is our  most popular loaf of bread this is the bread that   you put on the table on Sunday supper this is  the bread that you don't even slice it you just   rip it apart and pass it around how much does it  cost actually all of very very reasonable for you   to come to the into the neighborhood this this  loaf of bread probably runs around four dollars   the large bird runs around five dollars you can  go into the City and easily be paying twice as   much what would you uh tell a tourist visiting New  York City who's never heard of this neighborhood   why should they come here you're going to  see something that is pretty much lost in   Manhattan the idea that you can communicate to a  neighborhood within a few bucks or three butcher   shops that there are three red bakeries there  used to be 13 bread Bakers there the amount of   pastry shops the amount of of restaurants all  in this small little area the concentration   and the idea that this is these aren't like  family-owned businesses and you're not going   to see that and it's it's you know we don't even  know how long it'll last here we want it to last   forever but nothing less Lawrence said that we  can't leave until we eat all of this bread how   long is it going to take us no idea I still  can't even talk I'm just trying to keep up no   actually I'm just kidding guys we are gonna get  out of here in about a minute but the price is   here 50 less than in Manhattan if you need one  reason alone to come to Arthur Avenue cheaper   and better quality but I think we're still a  little bit hungry so we've gotta get some lunch we've just entered Enzo's a classical restaurant  in the area and I think we're gonna have quite the   feast Enzo himself began this as a cafe very small  and then it turned into a restaurant he instilled   the the Italian tradition of his grandparents  of cooking one of the most interesting part is   of course the fresh tomato that he does every  single one or used to do cooked every morning   about two and a half an hour fried calamari  I consider to be one of the best in the area   if not in the city because calamari is a very  difficult dish to cook first of all you have to   have fresh calamari and secondly you have to have  the oil extremely extremely hot lightly battered   percent of it and when you taste it because I want  you to taste it you'll see that the softness of   the calamari in some paper it's going to be very  very rubbery and then you know it's overcooked you're right not rubbery at all wow  I've ever had you said I'm telling you   and that's you know it's it's not even put on our  own horn we know it because it is very good this   meatball is a little bit of a kick to it what's  that spicy ingredient because I can't tell you   that secret really I gave you the combination of  the meats but I can't give you the rest of the   ingredients not I have to I have to kill you  though sorry we have no competition we don't   compete them on ourselves we just work together  because here if you're no good you're close   people come here to have something particular guys  seriously some of the best pasta I've ever tried   in my life is Rigatoni's crunchy Al Dente I've  never quite had it like this I think I've been   missing out quite the Italian Feast they brought  for us this is a very memorable lunch for sure one thing that Pino said that really stood  out to me was that none of the restaurants   here are in competition with each other they  all work together and that word of mouth and   reputation is everything here and that if you have  a bad restaurant it's not gonna last so I think   there's so much quality here on our thrab next  stop though a little bit of dessert cannoli time Gino's pastries I mean with a name like that could  the cannoli possibly not be amazing we're about   to find out it was Jerome moduso I am the owner of  Gino's pastry shop my dad established this in 1960   we are celebrating 58 years this year I've never  had a Miller bar what have you ever filled them   I'll let you fill the cannoli but you have to eat  it on camera Doug uh spare a steal deal enough all   right I made you I may join in on this challenge  it sounds pretty good to me the secret is here   look at the other end see it yeah that's it it's  never Hollow in the middle do the other side   now what we do is we do one side chocolate chip  and the other side pistachio wow to the end   don't be cheap all right that's it wow look at that okay what I'm not a natural that's it okay okay  see one thing is good about this once you're   dip it in the chocolate chips it'll cover up  here okay oh he's had others I've had other   cannolis before he's had the rest now  and we'll have the best yeah we'll see this is the best I love the powdered sugar  it's so good I paid like five of these and   these are the logical and he's eating them  like an m m absolutely come here for this   character yes please do and how much do these  cost which one Lodge can always four dollars   each freshly filled anytime seven days a week hers  is tastier because she serves it with her finger no sugar right you don't need any sugar  you don't need sugar it's so good the   thing is without Karen is everything is  authentic everything is made in house   and honestly I when people ask me about Opera  Avenue I say autonomy is where tradition continues espresso as well no sugar no milk needed just  straight up perfect dessert we had here John   thanks again awesome stuff action action so we  just keep eating our way through this neighborhood   it just it feels like it's getting better and  better every stop what do you think I mean it has   to I mean that was my first cannoli right there  so incredible it can only go up for me I don't   know where it's gonna go but it's off we'll give  you a pass because you grew up in Florida I mean   the only reason but we're still going to eat  more food guys so uh we're just getting started all right we've just walked into a cheese store  I mean they have a lot of different stuff but   there's Specialties mozzarella cheese  so we're gonna go to the back right now let's start to get together how long you been making cheese about 35 years I  started when it was two I'm never kidding or not   I'm 37 now I'm ready you  guys ready okay one two three see yeah the line even on weekends if it's not  a holiday out the door that's how good it is   that was a very interesting stop I'll be  honest uh the the owner who was a little   bit difficult to understand but what he  was doing with the mozzarella I've never   seen that before and I think it was an  incredible Visual and you know based on   the reputation of that place you've got to  go in I think you just have to catch the   owner when he's a little bit of a better  mood but other than that worth the trip   and we've got one last stop to make right now  we are going to a very very famous pork store we're in front of Calabria pork store which has a  pork chandelier I've actually been here before and   I knew that we had to end the video in a really  unique place you gotta check this out my goodness Brandon you ever seen anything like  this before I'm in heaven right now   I was like talking about I only eat keto and  carnivore meats and cheeses so this is I can   live here forever it's a carnivores Den Brandon  bye John nice to meet you please he's been here   like 70 years and if you like those are fresh like  see the ones down there uh all the way down there days ago see the difference let's say  like I want that one right there and just anything that's hanging in this side  anyone anything hanging here is for sale this is the extra extra hot you want to go  first in the extra hot we're gonna watch you can't handle it I can't handle it it's not that bad no it's nice wait let's give  it I wanna I wanna wait a few seconds too do you   like spicy food normally with hot stuff yeah yeah  I've been challenged to try the extra hot sauce very late hot kick on a one to a  ten I call this like a seven oh what kind of sausage are you  I'm a very hot very spicy   chorizo today we are continuing our Local's  guide to New York City and Bushwick is one of my   favorite neighborhoods to hang out in Brookwood  today's guest is somebody you've seen on the   channel many times before and he's got a really  cool afternoon in store for us hey everybody I'm   Jacob you may have seen me in John's videos before  I actually live in the area I have for almost two   years now and so I'm gonna take the whole group  around John around and show them uh some of my   favorite street art in the area and the big places  where to see street art go to get some awesome   food and go to one of my favorite bars which is  actually a brewery here in Bushwick so I'm excited   to show you guys and to show them and to eat  some delicious food and some drink so let's do it Jacob I would say if you ask anyone in New  York what Bushwick is known for it's the art   scene it's the street art what do you think makes  this neighborhood so distinctive because of that   because people started putting up street art  and graffiti you know like 10 years ago or so   five years ago it's probably more like 10 years  ago more people started doing it and a lot of   the businesses around here are okay and actually  want murals on their walls like over here to the   to your left is a is a huge mural I really love  this artist I can't remember his name right now   but there's just big murals on the rolling doors  on the walls and the businesses are inviting   them to come do that in a lot of cases they're  paying the money but up here about a block is   um we're on Troutman right now is an area  where it's like the most famous street art   area and I can show you more once we  get up there and this is an absolutely   amazing free thing to do when you come  to New York City if you don't want to go   to a museum head to Bushwick your art is  out side and it's just completely open to   the public we're going to be showing  you a lot more of it coming right up I'm not gonna pretend like I know a ton about  this street art like I know all the artists and   that kind of stuff I really enjoy it and I love  looking at it and photographing it when I'm out   in the neighborhood but if you're ever here  and you want to know who has done the art who   the artist is how you can find them there's  almost always in one of the bottom corners   their name the year they put it up sometimes  their Instagram handle that kind of stuff so   if you wanna if you're here and you want to  know more about the artists or specific mural   that's a good way to find out guys team Adriana  has graced us with her presence today and she   also happens to be an artist so I think for her  coming to Bushwick is a little extra special yeah   actually the reason why I wanted to come  was because of the stuff because I I was   here before and I got to see them I really  like them I stopped every like few feet   to take pictures and it's beautiful you have  everything you have something really colorful   you have something more serious it's really  really cool and if you're an artist even if   you're not you can take your school pictures  and enjoy it it's like a museum a free museum we're standing in front of my favorite  nightlife venue in all of New York City   and it just happens to be in Bushwick House of  Yes these guys throw incredible parties I've   been here before with Jacob and Jacob I'm sure  you agree with me on that right oh yeah I love   this place so much you made the point and I've  talked to someone about this before that it's   sort of like the modern day Studio 54 in that  everyone is welcome everyone's there to have a   good time and everybody's welcome to have a good  time except you don't have all the crap that you   have to deal with at the door with like them  choosing who gets in or not so yeah they have   some amazing theme nights especially on the  weekends buy your tickets in advance a really   cool night out in New York and a lot to do in  Bushwick anyway and a lot of times you can get   free tickets on their website if you're one  of the first people to get them so thank you so we weren't even planning on stopping  here but this uh flea market is open and   Jacob insisted we go inside so let's see  what he's looking at he loves camera gear oh my I don't know what the I don't know what year  this is from but it's pretty awesome sometimes   late 70s early 70s early 80s Kodak so this I come  to this place a lot I like flea markets in general   I just like a lot like old stuff find cool stuff  in my apartment but I'm also really into Old film   cameras I like shooting them and as you saw this  place has a lot of old film cameras and the guy   that sells them is really cool so this is this is  definitely one of my favorite like Bushwick things   that not a lot of people know about and they're  open Thursday Friday Saturday and Sunday so this flea market is really amazing and there's  barely anybody here we're originally going to   show you guys a vintage store but I think  it's flea market just as good it's got a   little something for everybody and my boys  here are really geeking out on some of the   camera equipment which heck I can't blame them  Jacob something that I always notice when I come   to Bushwick is definitely the sense of fashion  here and I don't see it so much in a lot of other   neighborhoods of New York City would the word  hipster work a lot of the people that live in   the area that especially that we're in um are  hipsters they're artists they're people that   that's their life and so that translates into  their clothes you're talking about the fashion   um it's definitely a very very strong hipster  fashion here in Brooklyn but it's specifically   in Bushwick and so I think that's that's another  reason why it's why it's great to come here it's   something that's unique it's something that  you can experience but it's not for everybody   but I love it I can use all that fashion up I  could get I'm pretty boring we are in front of   Maria Hernandez Park and truthfully Jacob I've  never even heard of this place uh why did you   put it on the tour because if you don't live in  Bushwick it's likely that you've probably never   heard of Maria Hernandez Park it's very it's it's  a local place a place that like people who live   in Bushwick like to hang out especially during the  summer and it's very vibrant during the summer the   neighborhood is is historically very Hispanic you  can see right across the street there's a Mexican   restaurant and and so there's also a lot of those  people that live in this neighborhood that hang   out in this park as well and so it makes it very  vibrant very alive during the summer especially so it's a Thursday right now and then it's not  super sunny but on the weekends especially during   the summer like people there's tons of people  around here they'll gather and have picnics   in the grass the city will put on events  like cut little concerts or like movies in   the park and stuff here so it's really great  for people who live in the area we mentioned   the big Latino influence in Bushwick we are  going to be checking out a very famous taco   shop with something very distinctive about  it that I think you guys are gonna like a lot foreign Jacob we are in front of Los Hermanos and this  Mexican spot's a little bit different yeah it's   a tortilla yeah Tortilleria to make tortillas here  and I think it started out just as a tortilla uh   like Factory for I don't know color factory but  they made Tortillas and then so many people wanted   to eat the Mexican food here they started selling  Mexican food and now it's a pretty well known   restaurant and also it's in the heart of Bushwick  right off of Wyckoff and I think it's a really   good spot if you've been out drinking at one of  the awesome bars here in Bushwick you want some   food and maybe you don't want to stop drinking  it's BYOB so you could just grab like a six-pack   with your friends come get some some tacos Fresh  Tortillas right off of the uh the stove and   eat some food while you're maybe a little tipsy  and have a few beers check this out sounds good I love how you order here you just you put it in  with a pen there's a plastic knife on top so you   don't steal it by accident as many of you know  Adriana is from Mexico and she had a little story   she wanted to share about going to a tortilla  factory there yeah when it was a little child   yes how we call them we're pretty common and you  can find one every corner so I used to go there   and I love to see how they were making them with  a machine and you used to take your own towel and   then put the tortillas in your towel and they give  it to you to keep them warm so they were warm and   fresh and sometimes even the ladies there they  used to give you one tortilla so you could eat   it right there it was a really cool thing so the  fact that I'm here and I can smell it it brings   it brings the memories to my mind and I think  these days it's not that common you just go to the   store and you find a tortillas call in a plastic  bag so it was a really cooked radiation before 975 for three tacos is actually decent  price for New York City by the way not bad I like the Carnitas you do get a  lot of meat just a lot of food for your   order so if I had to think of a positive of  this place you're not getting skimpy little   tacos so definitely worth a visit if you're  in the area and just have a real Taco kick members of the Barrio I wanted to interrupt  this Vlog to make a big announcement we are   starting a patreon here now before you've  grown nothing is going to change on this   channel I'm still offering the exact same  content completely for free right here but   if you want to get some extra value I have some  really cool perks lined up on the patreon which   is live right now and if you join in the  next two weeks I'm throwing in two bonuses   PDF files one with a first day itinerary  in New York City and the second with my   10 favorite places to eat in Greenwich Village  and a lot of this stuff has never been shared   on the channel so guys I hope you can check  it out link Down Below in the description suppose I think beer is the perfect antidote  and Jacob you said this is one of your favorite   bars in the entire city yeah this is kcbc Kings  County Brewers Collective and it's a brewery and   they have a tap room which is really cool they  have they have I think usually like 10 different   beers on tap but the cool part about this place  is that Bushwick used to be the place I think in   the country that produced the most beer in the  1800s and then because of prohibition all that   kind of stuff that stopped but it is currently  the oldest brewery in Bushwick and I think they   make pretty good beer that's cool Vibes in there  so I want to bring you along happy to see this cheers guys cheers brooding house you can taste the love we were  just talking outside about all of the amazing   bars of Bushwick and for me it's probably one  of my favorite neighborhoods in all of New York   City to go out any other bars you recommend are  places a few of my favorites old Stanley's which   is more of a you walk into the bar and you feel  like you're at some some like random dive bar   and off the off the highway in the middle of the  country somewhere it's really great drama Dairy   if you like tea it's like a they call it Urban  Tiki Bar it's like a modern tiki bar drinks are   a little expensive but they're so good and they do  karaoke once or twice a week um uh pizza party the   place is decorated like a kid's bedroom like a 90s  kid bedroom so for all those 90 people people who   love 90s Nostalgia it's great and they also have  really good pizza um and I was telling him too if   you're if you're like if you like the rock Dive  Bar type scene there's a place called Cobra club   which is right around the corner here on Wyckoff  which is very good too today we're leaving the   skyscrapers behind and heading for Queens Forest  Hills Queens to continue our Local's guide to New   York City with an aspiring YouTuber he'll take us  to the best spots to eat shop and we'll even go   off the beaten path to what looks like a medieval  village this is an episode you don't want to miss   this is our first neighborhood guide in a really  long time and I don't know Forest Hills too well   so I'm excited to actually learn a lot about this  neighborhood just like you guys and we've got a   great guide today hi my name is Ian I grew up here  in Forest Hills I like this neighborhood because   it's extremely ethnically diverse it's very  safe and I can't wait to show you guys around we're gonna sample some local Mexican food and if  you guys have watched this channel long enough you   know I am very selective about my Mexican food so  when Ian said he wanted to include this spot I was   really excited unfortunately I do know several  businesses that have shuttered due to the virus   because outdoor dining wasn't implemented in time  and it's sad because this neighborhood has dozens   of businesses that I like Mexican food Chinese  food Russian food and I just hope that in time   these businesses could hopefully recover from  the virus before any more damage comes from it   nice and cheesy all right we've got a steak  quesadilla right here cooked medium looks   really good expectations are high because Ian  talked up this spot so much and clearly it's   a neighborhood favorite I don't have  to tell you that you could just see he wasn't kidding about the steak actually wow  very juicy the quesadilla was done done just   right I'm very happy with my meal very happy  and I am you know I'm picky about Mexican food   and I've noticed that it's tough to find good  Mexican in Manhattan but in Queens a lot easier   I definitely approved this spot Ian good choice  man thank you why do you feel like restaurants   like this are so important to a community like  Forest Hills Queens it's it's literally like the   most diverse place in the whole world so I like  to promote businesses that that feature like a   whole lot of good ethnic food where I'm uh you  know the food tastes as great as like the real   thing in like the country that's from you know  you concentrate enough on the Manhattan food   scene but the truth is that queens has by far  the most authentic I think ethnic food in New   York City it has the most variety of ethnic  food in New York City I mean we're just one   or two subway stops from Jackson Heights it's my  favorite food stop in New York so this is really   why I appreciate you know good Mexican spot like  this from Forest Hills yeah not to mention it's   also cheaper oh much cheaper John don't you forget  about it okay I won't forget about it all right all right Ian we're in front of sakuraya a  Japanese store and I know there's a lot of   Asian markets around New York why did you  decide to include this one in the video   I decided to include this one because I feel like  there isn't really a set Japanese population in   New York City I've noticed that there's like a  lot of different Chinese stores Korean stores   Taiwanese stores but never really any  Japanese stores and I figure I should   highlight this because there's a lot of stuff  that you can find here from Japan that you're   not going to find in other parts of East  Asia vanilla Japanese pound cake amazing I feel like I'm back at a  Japanese 7-Eleven right now yeah   seaweed I wonder how many Japanese restaurants  just come here to shop to pick this up   yeah I'll say it's like a this is the true New  York City Supermarket experience the aisles are so   narrow here it's Gotta squeeze my weight through  seven of these for just three dollars 29 cents   good deal right there we are about to sample  the pork and chicken dumplings from the Japanese   marked on the street you insist these are  really good right they're very very good just eating this straight out of the box you know for coming from a Japanese market and  just being wrapped like that I was not expecting   it to taste this good it's actually pretty  solid mm-hmm so yeah these dumplings it tastes   absolutely amazing you wouldn't really expect this  from a Japanese Supermarket like like John said I have to say one thing that's really interesting  about this stop right here is we have a stadium   behind me across the street from looks like the  suburbs which is really not that common in New   York City but we're in Forest Hills and I kind of  feel like that fits the vibe here Warsaw stadium   was the former home of the US Open back in the  early to mid 1900s and nowadays well pre-covet I   should say it's been used as like a major concert  venue and a lot of famous people ranging from the   Beatles to Frank Sinatra to even former locals  like like Garfunkel from Simon Garfunkel as well   as the Ramones have all performed at this very  beautiful Stadium right here you want to come to   the city and you want to see a concert a very  intimate venue Forest Hill Stadium I have not   been inside but I know the seating map I almost  bought tickets to see Jamiroquai here actually   but I didn't end up going so it's a really  cool venue you should definitely check it out I feel like we just stepped off the tube in London  and for anyone who hasn't been to the UK or London   another way to describe this place it kind of  feels like I'm in Harry Potter World at Universal   Studios this this is really cool actually Station  Square was the one place that I was most excited   about checking out here in Forest Hills it's  a one-of-a-kind thing that you're not really   going to find in any other place in New York City  from the tudor-esque buildings that you see right   behind me to the Cobblestone Plaza that's right to  the right of me Station Square was supposed to be   the border between Forest Hills and Forest Hills  Gardens and that meant that Forest Hills Gardens   was originally meant to be a private community  to the left of me is what was supposed to be the   gate house that would let people in from the  main commercial section from Forest Hills but   yeah though they shut the idea down and now it is  completely open to the public and it's it's a very   beautiful Plaza all this area right now you see  in black is considered to be part of the gardens one of the things I really love best about  doing neighborhood guides in areas that aren't   as popular with tourists is that I feel like New  York has such a stereotype for being this big bad   City and there's areas like this that are Suburban  there's areas like this that are unique that feels   like I'm in the UK I I said like five times to you  already but I'm just blown away by by Forest Hills   Gardens here when I go across New York City I just  feel like I'm a tourist in my own City you know   there's so much ethnic diversity both here  in Forest Hills as well as the rest of Queens   there's so many different attractions that that  a lot of people go to and I hate how people   are saying that the city is dead it ain't dead  it's just assimilating to the current situation Central Park you're really not going to find  any other area of New York City where you're   going to find horses and yeah I'm excited to  show John the bridal path for the first time   I think he's going to enjoy it hopefully we're  gonna find somebody riding a horse so let's go   oh my God watch out for that horse manure  there's definitely horses here it's official so I'll be honest I really wasn't expecting to do  much hiking uh on this tour of Forest Hills but   what I find interesting about this particular  region is how even up until about 1910 Forest   Hills was mostly farmland and then it became  more of this like Suburban slash City Outpost   to Manhattan what do you think of the history I  mean yeah you definitely have some of those old   elements today I feel like Forest Park is one  of the biggest examples because nothing's built   over here I actually go through this park very  often whenever I do a morning jog and yeah I I   don't feel like I'm in the city I just feel like  I'm walking through I'm a dense Suburban Forest   I I feel like New York doesn't sometimes get the  credit it deserves for the amount of parks it has   New York City doesn't really get a whole lot of  credit for its Parks even though there is about 2   000 of them spread across the five  boroughs and you wanna know something   you you kind of don't really  tend to see it because   it's more or less in the outer boroughs and not  a lot of people go around here and they should today we're gonna show you what to do in  Spanish Harlem AKA El Barrio will be joined   by another New York YouTuber who's Puerto  Rican and will show us a legendary music   store some amazing Latino food and the best  places to see street art in East Harlem vamos   everyone it's John and we are in Spanish Harlem  I am so excited to take you guys around this area   which really deserves a lot more attention and  we've got a great co-host for today's episode   he's Puerto rican-born New York City raised here  we go I'm a nuyorican which is a person raised   in New York and I'm excited to show you a little  bit of New York and culture we are going to start   this tour of Spanish Harlem with something that  every Puerto Rican I've ever met is really proud   of it's the music in the culture music is crucial  to New York and culture of course we have salsa   which took over the world in the 1970s 80s and so  on but also nowadays we have we have a huge array   of music that has deep deep Puerto Rican roots and  Casa Latina music is the most famous music store   in Spanish Harlem right right so we're about to  go inside a store that has some of the best record   collection and old school CDs and tapes from all  those legendary artists that are new eurekans this is the best music store in New York city that  is it's the best number one I also work for Tito   Puente ah Tito Rodriguez and Nintendo Puente  was he wrote his own music Ranger Zone music   nobody never did anything that far all right if  you are into Spanish-speaking music Latin music   you are in heaven here we were just talking to  a musician I mean that's what this store is all   about it was about musicians coming together  having a community here you know things have   slowed down a bit over the years the owner was  just telling us but looking around seeing all   the autographs this store is very unique this is  a a real gem in New York City trust me here's uh   fania All-Stars which are base basically the most  gigantic salsa band that took over in the 1970s   these guys really popularized I saw all around the  world so much so that they sold out Yankee Stadium   in 1971 and also they sold out even concerts in  Africa which is kind of crazy look this is what   he was talking about Tito Rodriguez this was  uh the old Casa Latina before it was renovated natural the violin as a kid oh you did okay probably not  I lost it all Casa Latino music I mean this type   of store is a dying breed in New York City  just a true local establishment Vicente the   owner absolute history book you come in there you  want to talk about Latin music this is your spot   all right Ariel as we walk to our second stop  on this video I want to talk a bit of history   now it's called Spanish Harlem but what a lot of  people don't realize is that it was actually the   first Little Italy in New York City and at the  turn of the 20th century it was called Italian   Harlem right it was called Italian Harlem and  then suddenly we had the Great Migration which   happened in the 1940s during World War II a lot of  jobs were needed and the cheapest labor happened   to be Puerto Ricans so they were encouraged to  come over here many did seek a new life here in   New York City and settled here and what used to be  Italian Harlem and then we quickly became Spanish members of the Barrio no exactly like like  members of the bar like your community so   um the reason it was called el Barrios because  suddenly the neighborhood started becoming filled   with bodegas now you as a New Yorker of course  probably heard the term brodiga before yes that   comes from Puerto Rican Community you know I  actually never thought about that so you just   mentioned it yeah that little corner store yeah  it's a Puerto Rican thing or especially the name here is a maestro de Mambo this is Tito Puente who  was a team bolero and also composer and he wrote   the famous song oyakumova which a lot of people  might think is a Santana song but Santana actually   covered it now Tito Puente is basically worshiped  in this neighborhood he is known as the top of   the top he actually didn't like the term salsa  to him he said salsa is what I eat I play Mambo   we're in front of el chevere and I'll be honest I  love Puerto Rican food I have not had good Puerto   Rican food since I was in Puerto Rico back in  February and when Ariel told me about this spot   I was so excited so hungry why this restaurant  well um it's one of the very few remaining Puerto   Rican food restaurants even though it's not owned  by Puerto Ricans they have their Mofongo and they   have their Gucci Fritos which is part of the title  here in this neighborhood the used to be filled   with huge restaurants and storefronts that would  say cuchifritos very loud very in big letters   and that's basically the comfort food of  Puerto Ricans everything's super deep fried all right so we're starting here with the  pionono which is basically stuffed plantain delicious all right I've never  tried you know Nono before I love it because it's a mixture of sweet then as  Ariel said you get that savory meat flavor as well very very good I don't know how I never tried  this in Puerto Rico I'm disappointed in myself   that I have to try this here first but now I've  got more to try when I go back there's just so   many cuchifritos in Puerto Rico that even I  as a Puerto Rican have not tried all of them this is the Mofongo Mofongo is basically the  quintessential Puerto Rican dish even though   our brother and the Dominicans might claim  it this uh is uh is a fried plantain smashed   with uh with garlic with lime or lemon and also  usually made with pork rinds in this case we're   having roasted pork and let's eat it as soon as  possible this is my favorite food in Puerto Rico   I've had Mofongo quite a few times I am just  super psyched to try this I love Mofongo so   much one of my top I think 10 foods I've ever had  in my life at least though all right let's do it roast pork's excellent you know that moment  Ratatouille where the camera Zooms in that's   how I feel every time I have Mofongo it brings  me right back to my childhood eating right by the   beach side with the Bina colada in hand it brings  me back to my imaginary childhood in Puerto Rico   I didn't have a child in Puerto Rico but if I  did I think this is what it would taste like   just this soft juicy roast pernil topped with  the plantain yeah unreal Puerto Rico being the   tropical country there's awesome tropical juices  this is Pacha which is also known as passion fruit   and over here what John has is tamarind which  is all in Spanish is Tamarindo which also if   you are from India you might be familiar with  as well because they're also in Indian cuisine   I almost drank like 50 of this before  we even started filming so good tastes   natural too so this is what's called a bakalaito  bakalaito is basically little little cod fish   it's basically fried cod fish but made with like  a pancake like batter so also mixing sweet and   Savor you can be introduced to a world of new  foods or in Spanish Harlem also never tried   this before you said there was fishing here I  can't even taste it yeah it's cod fish which   usually has to be heavily salted because it's  sort of deep fried it tastes awesome yeah no   fishy flavor really for me at all and they're  very generous with the cod fish that they put in thank you one of the things that really stands out  to me about East Harlem Spanish Harlem is   the amount of murals on walls the amount  of street art and now we're standing in   front of the graffiti Hall of Fame which is  something that if you're visiting the area   I think you should put on your list right  so many new eurekans were involved in the   graffiti movement of the 1970s and by 1980  a graffiti artist by the name of stingray   opened this up the Hall of Fame so basically you  can see all the top graffiti artists from that   era here and a lot of it is inside of this  school so it's on both sides of this wall we were discussing this how the neighborhoods  changed a lot how there's only about 10 percent   Puerto Rican population left and while it's  still Spanish Harlem it's more Dominican and   Mexican right there's a lot of Dominican Mexicans  uh people coming from all around South America   but there's also a lot of Africans coming in  people from Senegal and there's also more and   more Chinese coming in so the neighborhood is  basically becoming very diverse and you don't   have that much of the spirit of Hispanic cultures  as thriving as other neighborhoods do you really   feel the difference coming here today than coming  here I don't know 20 25 years ago when you were   a kid yeah man I mean a lot of my family would  joke around and say that New York City is the   biggest Pueblo Puerto Rico so uh when you would  come here to Spanish Harlem you would see the   huge cuchifrito signs you will see the people  uh older guys playing dominoes yelling and you   will hear the size of Music everywhere yeah it  was a very different vibe back then in the 90s   at least for me I think you know there's a small  amount of spirit left but speaking of spirit look   what we've just come to so this is the spirit  of East Harlem which basically shows Puerto   Rican life back in the 1950s 60s 70s all the way  to basically the 1990s it's a great great great   like throwback at least for me and my family my  tour company guys El Barrio tours would you take   an El Barrio tour I would 100 man you know I'm  curious looking looking at the mural here which   which one's your favorite of all the of all the  people all the people you know what the the I love   the older guys playing dominoes because of the  yelling the kapiku very loud it's just this is so   typical Puerto Rican I actually like the abuela or  as Ariel told me to pronounce her the Abuelita I   love just it looks like she's preparing something  she's definitely making some bacalaito oh yeah huge frying pan up there covered in Greece so  Ariel what would you tell to tourists visiting   New York City about this neighborhood because I  wouldn't call it necessarily A touristy place to   come even though there are things to do here  yeah it's not so touristy but it is rich in   history it's a little bit hard to see in the  obvious way but new eurekan cultures had such   a massive impact all around the world with salsa  with Latin music with the likes of Jennifer Lopez   and Ricky Martin or Marc Anthony so uh there's  a whole lot of history here I just wish it was   a little bit more visible Brooklyn Heights  one of the most beautiful and most expensive   neighborhoods in New York City if your time  is limited and you've got just one afternoon   to explore what do you do today we'll show  you around Brooklyn Bridge Park this place   has some of the best views in all of New York  City and the majority of tourists never make   it past this strip right here and visiting  Brooklyn Heights and just coming to Brooklyn   Bridge Park is like visiting Manhattan and just  going to Times Square there's a lot more to it   there's a reason this is one of the wealthiest  neighborhoods in the city you basically feel   like you're in a movie every single step of the  way they call it Brooklyn Heights for a reason forgot my hiking shoes foreign nice to meet you yeah nice to see you I watch  a lot of your videos where are you from Germany   oh how does this compare to down there I think  it's like better here because like we're higher   here well I just ran into a tourist and a viewer  who saw me mention the brooklynites Promenade in   another video and he said how he liked it so much  and most tourists just go to the park down there   and Dumbo and don't walk the extra 10 minutes to  this beautiful Promenade with higher views of the   Manhattan skyline up here it's typically just  joggers and locals plenty of space to explore   I think coming to the brooklynites Promenade like  needs to be on your New York City bucket list even   if you don't explore the rest of this neighborhood  Brookwood Heights is one of the oldest residential   areas in the United States a lot of it was  built in the early 19th century by wealthy ship   Merchants who used to import goods from all over  the world World down there and lived in their big   mansions up here if you just want to walk around  one neighborhood in New York City that's gonna wow   you Brooklyn Heights might be it behind me there  at 70 Willow Street is one of the most famous   homes in all of Brooklyn Heights Truman Capote  lived there between 1955 to 1965 in the basement   apartment one of the most famous American authors  of all time apparently wrote part of breakfast   activities while he was staying there there's  a lot of little Hidden Gem streets like this   they're called Muses Love Lane is an example the  most romantic Street New York in Brooklyn Heights   we covered it in another video I wanted to show  you something different this is hunts Lane and   this type of street was made for people to park  their horses they were called Carriage Houses and   today these are some of the most expensive pieces  of real estate in New York City many people don't   realize it but these are some of the oldest homes  in the United States and if you have a little   extra money lying around four hunts laying behind  me last sold five and a half million dollars   this is truly one of the most  beautiful streets in New York City if you're missing a little feline friend while  you're visiting New York or even living here   Brooklyn Cat Cafe is your spot and they're  also the only non-profit Cat Cafe in the city   there's a longer line for the Cat Cafe than most  restaurants I've been to recently when you walk in   you find a kind of warm homey space and the cats  are moving about freely they're sitting on the   cushions they're sitting in their beds to come  in it's ten dollars per 30 minutes per person   and this funds a lot of our rescue work it goes  directly to rescue so you're coming here to enjoy   the cats is having a benefit for cats all over  the city that need our help all right so we also   help other animals we have a group of rats here  we've also got here Alexander Hamilton who is a   real subway rat this little brown guy here it's  okay I'll let you back in for your cat food okay how to make friends with cats very quickly what a unique experience in Brooklyn  Heights such a fan we've been to maybe   one other Cat Cafe in New York but this  atmosphere here it's so homey love it   hi Sherman we're guests in their home I think when  most people around the world reference Brooklyn   they're thinking of Williamsburg and Bushwick  at hipster Brooklyn when I think of Brooklyn I   think of spots like Brooklyn Heights and these  old homes and walking these streets that's the   Brooklyn I prefer if you're enjoying this tour  make sure to check out our absolutely free Dumbo   Brooklyn Heights guide link Down Below in the  description some of these stops already on it   even the skeletons in this neighborhood are rich  no just kidding actually I think that skeleton   is themed after Henry Miller another famous  American author who lived in Brooklyn Heights   take a look at that picture did you really  think I'd make a video about a neighborhood   in Brooklyn and not include some pizza Del  oracos Brooklyn Heights specialty as soon as   you walk in this Decor is so comforting  I think this would be equally good for   families or a really nice day and something  else I love is that the kitchen has an open   concept they're not hiding anything here you  can watch your pizza getting made all right   one thing I respect by De La Rocco's is not only  can you order vegan pizzas here you can even make   any pizza gluten-free as well so whatever your  dietary choices Bella Rocco's got you covered wow thank you look at this look at all this  pizza I don't think we waited more than 10   minutes for these two pies to come out  that's what I love about these neapolitan   pizza spots food comes quick it's fresh  and by the looks of it pretty delicious   we went with the sampler the Quattro gusti  four different types of their Pizza this is   the margarita STG the Buffalo mozzarella I love  how small these slices are perfect for sharing damn that's good buffalo mozzarella is melted  on top treat a real treat after walking Brooklyn   Heights neapolitan pizza we can just enjoy  the crust by itself even this pizza didn't   exist that cold oven flavor I call it the Mona  Lisa because it's a thing of beauty Sweet Orange   Tomatoes ricotta cheese Mike's hot honey not your  everyday neapolitan pizza I'm excited to try this   hmm first thing that hit me Sweet Orange  Tomatoes you know I've never had pizza with   hot honey on it I've seen this all over New  York City now I understand the craze a little   messy but totally worth it it's amazing that  so many people wait in long lines for Juliana's   and Grimaldi's which are both very good don't  get me wrong but if you're going to explore   Brooklyn Heights I would definitely put De La  Rocco's on your radar I will tell you though   I've tried almost every single one Mona Lisa  with the hot honey by far my favorite cheers neapolitan pizza Peroni Perfect combo when I had   the spicy sauce in there slice now this  spicy Ben ain't eating it yeah yeah wow my gosh this is like John you're gonna love this  this is uh this is good the porcini yeah this is   like a pizza pizza I mean I've never been to  Italy but I feel like if I feel like this is   what it would taste like so good I'm bringing  some home for the wifey and our waiter CeCe was   telling me that a lot of celebrities come in here  kind of on the down low and that fits the vibe of   Brooklyn Heights but a great spot highly recommend  this welcome to Hudson yards a small neighborhood   on the west side of Manhattan where the average  sales price of an apartment a whopping 5.8 million   dollars with a futuristic Vibe and some tourist  attractions to boot let's explore New York's most   unaffordable neighborhood now you may be wondering  where exactly is Hudson yards located between 10th   and 12th Ave from West 30th to West 34th Street  this is actually New York's newest neighborhood   open in March 2019 at the cost of 25 billion  dollars the largest real estate development in   American history if you haven't visited New York  City in five years and you came here you would   honestly be shocked the whole purpose of Hudson  yards was to build a spot where people could   live each job have culture and office space all  in one small area and you honestly get a bit of   a futuristic City Vibe just strolling through  but this has not been without its controversy   some calling it a Billionaire's fantasy Ultra  capitalistic a horror on the Hudson on and on now   with all these amenities maybe you want to live  in Hudson yards I went to their website and the   cheapest apartment I could find available nearly  five thousand dollars a month for an all Cove   Studio not only does Hudson yards have an Equinox  Gym New York's most expensive at 260 a month but   they also have the world's only Equinox Hotel full  with the spa 60 000 square foot fitness center and   rooms starting at over 700 a night say what you  will about the expensive cost of living here or   even staying at a hotel but when they created  Hudson yards I don't think they realized how   big of a tourist attraction this would become  especially during the holiday season they go   absolutely wild with the decorations I recommend  coming here at night just to see the place lit   up we did a video about this last year probably  the centerpiece of Hudson yards right behind me   the vessel 200 million dollar art piece designed  by British architect Thomas heatherwick and very   sadly it has been closed at least for climbing up  for over a year due to a rash of suicides but you   can still go inside to take photos which is  something many tourists are doing right now   I wonder how many of the tourists here realized  that you used to actually be able to walk around yeah this is the shot this is the shot everybody  takes just like this so this is the current use   for the vessel with tourists coming in taking  a quick photo it definitely gives off alien   UFO Vibes looking up at least that's what I  always thought what do you think it looks like   remember we talked about culture at Hudson  yards well that marshmallow looking building   behind me called The Shed is the Hub they host  theater art exhibits concerts and a lot more   you might be surprised to find out that it has  wheels and can actually retract to create this   big Plaza effect right now if you want to see  the current show straight line crazy which has   been sold out for months remember what we said  about capitalism here resellers have tickets on   the secondary Market going for over two thousand  dollars to get into that show now one of the big   selling points of this neighborhood was all  of The Office Buildings here it's difficult   to say in a post-pandemic world if they've  gotten a big return on that investment meta   just announced that they will be vacating 250  000 square feet of office space at Hudson yards   the shops at Hudson yards well this probably  won't surprise you but it's one of the most   expensive malls in the United States we've  got Brands like Louis Vuitton Cartier Rolex all right what do you think will  Rolex service my Skechers watch now I don't know how many of the tourists  can afford some of these shops but I will   say during the holiday season just coming to  the mall is worth a trip they get decked out   like no other Dior Fendi Rolex I feel like my net  worth is going up just walking around this mall   Ben you're gonna do some holiday shopping here  maybe if I had a sugar mama Amazing Ben 25 Link   in the description can I do that I don't know man  I don't know all right not every shop here is some   high-end designer brand Uniqlo pretty affordable  we keep talking about how much tourists love   Hudson yards well the edge Sky Deck is located  on the fourth floor you go 100 stories up 38   admission we were here the day it opened and it's  still in my top three of New York City observation   decks so if you have the time and you're in  Hudson yards anyway consider it so one of the   reasons that this area is swarm with tourists is  because The High Line ends here at Hudson yards   and you can naturally go see the vessel and do  other things I was walking here before and I had   one of those strange moments where I thought oh  no did I just wander onto some railroad tracks   but no this is part of the high line so Hudson  yards actually takes its name from the MTA Rail   Yard along the Hudson river between 30th and 33rd  Street and it was part of a Penn Central rail yard   that once extended to 39th Street out here many  people don't realize is the Western yard of Hudson   yards part of that 25 billion dollar project which  still hasn't come to fruition and there's a really   interesting and dare I say controversial plan  of what could be here are you ready for this the   win Resort has made a bid at a casino resort and  entertainment complex here the state earlier this   year authorized three downstate gaming licenses  two of which mayor Adams wants for New York City   but the state gaming commission has not yet issued  a formal request for proposals so this is just an   idea right now but can you imagine in less than  five years a big Casino an entertainment complex   on the west side of Manhattan I don't know I'm  not sure I'm a fan yet if you enjoy tours like   this and want to know the best spots in the city  consider shopping for one of our new tourist   guides to New York we've got so many different  types Cheap Eats Midtown itineraries a lot more   see the link Down Below in the description  I've always wanted to eat at Mercado little   Spain in the basement of Hudson yards and  you guys have given me an excuse to do so yes you're just the two paella  valencianas and one lemon one apple thank you forty seven dollars for two paellas  with two drinks I'm curious my viewers in Spain   how much you pay for a plate of paella  we've got paella valenciana here chicken   rabbit rabbit wow artichokes green beans saffron  rice tomato Rosemary I think I got some rabbit   you know it's not bad the rabbit tastes gamey  I've been waiting forever to use that adjective   for food but I don't think it's worth 18 not  a bad meal for a cold day but again look where   we are you're not gonna find much cheap food in  here at least not this much protein cos Manzana okay this I like I spent some months  in Spain never tried this before   the good news about Mercado Spain is  there are other options you don't just   have to go to Quick surf paella spots  you can also go to a sit-down restaurant   might be better just for some dessert or  small bites but I am going to finish this
Channel: Here Be Barr
Views: 850,139
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nyc, nyc neighborhoods, nyc neighborhood tour, nyc neighborhoods explained, new york, new york city, here be barr, full documentary, manhattan, brooklyn, queens, the bronx, little italy, midtown manhattan, boro park, hasidic jews, arthur ave, bronx little italy, soho, brooklyn heights, dumbo, koreatown, forest hills, upper east side, upper west side, hells kitchen, brighton beach, bushwick, williamsburg, les, lower east side, washington heights, harlem, city island, hudson yards
Id: gX1QcmJp9q4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 220min 24sec (13224 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.