Inside my $4,000,000 Dream Home! *Full House Tour*

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[Music] foreign hello everybody Welcome to my house so one of the most requested comments that we get by far is everybody's been wanting to see a tour of my house my wife and I spent so much time building and crafting this thing over the course of two and a half years and we want to show it to you guys we're going to start simple with the first floor Powder Room see we built this house to be able to cater to people and to create kind of a sense of community and to be able to host a bunch of people so we did two powder rooms on the first floor this is one of the two and now we're gonna head into my office where I spend one to two hours each day working on the various business that I own or that I'm a part of I am an owner at fitment Industries custom offsets for those of you just watching some Pet Supplies Plus stores and I have other Investments elsewhere in real estate and other stuff like that this is this is the chair where I make it all happen y'all my wife and I just finished this house just about maybe 15 months ago so we're still in the process of decorating it but the vast majority of the house is up and ready to go I am a big Disney fan we love going to Disney World 10 to 12 times a year Yes you heard that um still kind of working on this wall I actually set this up for a laser tag system that I'll show you guys we have a commercial grade laser tag system that will invite the neighbors and friends to come and play boom boom boom records are just a Vibe I love classic music like neck and Cole we got some Woodstock 1969 and then some new stuff like the Harry Styles album um wide variety of Music y'all my kids built the Titanic I love having my kids close to me and in my old house they would always wander into the office anyway so I built them little desks and we're always kind of in here together it's it's really a good time having them all kind of together with me there's a little Bugatti test y'all we keep that close no it's actually together stored snacks in there for a little while by the way my good friend Rob built this amazing River table and um you can go find that stuff at Robert Russell designs we'll put the link in the description but very awesome craftsmanship from him move on to the dining room what I want to point out is you're going to see a bunch of Windows and open space the first phrase I ever said when I was a kid it was turn on lights I like a lot of light especially natural light coming into my home so we have a ton of windows it's almost like a glass fish bowl in here but that's okay here's my dining room it's a little bit seasonal right now another another table built by Rob right here this thing is heavy it smells delicious I noticed it smelled like cinnamon when I moved it in don't know how that happened and you'll also notice that the hardwood floor is very light warm and welcoming my wife and I are all about bright colors and just a warm welcoming feeling we really wanted to just hitting in on that point again we really wanted to build this home where it would be especially as my kids get into High School somewhere where they want to bring their friends somewhere they want to hang out like a safe place for everybody and you'll see a little bit later in the video how we've built some really awesome stuff to to make the house just all about entertaining moving on we're gonna go into the butler's fancy right here this house actually has three different bar spaces in it despite the fact that I don't drink believe it or not I've actually never had alcohol but we again built the house entertain so that's what we do I think I have 15 different refrigerators too we're going to do a little count along the way of all the refrigerators I have to verify that number ready one two three three refrigerators alone in the butler's Pantry just wait till we get to the kitchen next y'all but yeah this is kind of an area that when we when we do big parties we'll hire a bartender and he will sit right here and they will make drinks for a long line of people uh we we Host this amazing Halloween party every year and we'll throw some pictures of that but you can kind of see how we transition this home and again how we just really love taking care of people and giving people a good time refrigerator refrigerator refrigerator refrigerator I said 15 it might be closer to 10 but that's still a decent amount of refrigerators we built a big kitchen and this kitchen was built for basically someone that really knows how to cook and that's someone that knows how to cook is my wife my wife is a wonderful cook she's making dinner for us in just a little bit this is really tailored around the way that she wanted it and she is very effective by using this got the huge griddle be able to whip up some I still smells like bacon mmm that smells so good I love bacon tons of storage I mean every one of these drawers is full too you can pick any random drawer you name it pots and pans bowls mmm pans yummy a friend once recommended to us that two dishwashers are what saved his marriage he kind of said one clean one dirty so that even when one's done and it's clean you'll have somewhere else to put your dirty dishes so we've had in the last few homes two dishwashers also convenient multiple garbage cans garbage can there garbage can over there that's how we do it here at the Hamilton house let's move on to the family room spent a lot of time here watching the football games watching TV kids doing their homework I'll even sit out here in my laptop quite often just to really comfy uh really comfy room that gives us an awesome view we have just about two acres of land which is unheard of out here we're very blessed and fortunate to be able to find this lot and build this home look at the view out there it's absolutely wonderful we'll we'll show you a little bit better picture of the pool a little bit later as we get outside you'll see that we do have some neighbors that are pretty close to us and I'm not a guy that likes a house just out in the middle of nowhere I mean I like to be part of community and to be just kind of tucked within some neighbors and some friends so always get comments on how the homes are built close to each other that's just the way they do it out here and the fireplace I think we go through about two face cords of firewood each year I love building a good fire we have one two three four fireplaces in this house that's number one of the four my wife and I had built a home about five years ago and it was the traditional white farmhouse those popped up everywhere everybody and their brother has as one of those homes so we wanted to really differentiate at this time and so we did something even more kind of contemporary but also still very comfortable and we chose the very dark siding because it's just the opposite of the bright white farmhouse that everybody did hopefully this sets a trend or maybe not because we still want to be unique and have a super cool home but you can see that there's very like warm touches throughout the the wood beams that aren't super old and rustic but they're a little more contemporary lots of shiplap all over the home my wife is a huge fan of shiplap lots of contrasting countertops different color cabinets very very homey I love it this is what we'll call like our little breakfast or dinner Nook this is where we will typically eat all of our meals right here we have a bunch of chess pieces left over from a party that we just had but typically we're all sitting right here enjoying a lovely dinner cooked by my lovely wife Caroline moving kind of cutting back through the kitchen into the butler's Pantry this is where we keep the majority of our food storage and then some other kitchen utensils mixers stuff like that a little microwave boom my wife will use this area to prep and get a lot of the stuff ready and of course the store one of my favorite drawers boom we still got some Girl Scout cookies left yeah oh look at that neat organization isn't that pretty that's man look at that look at that Costco chocolate milk some of my favorite stuff we buy four boxes of the stuff at a time because I eat like a child that's right I sure do speaking of eating like a child I just want to make sure that I'm clear to everybody that I didn't have anything like this when I was a kid I grew up with nothing my family four different kids sharing a two bedroom apartment moved from apartment to apartment on welfare we literally had nothing so it's important to know that I work very hard to earn all of this and this certainly wasn't handed down for me I mean countless hours of work to be able to get where I'm at now and I think it's important for people to hear that because they they do make judgments about this but we'll move on anyway here are all the lovely storage cabinets that my kids put their stuff in I have three children each of them have their own cabinet let's see who's the neatest Logan I'm gonna I'm gonna guess Logan but we'll see Jack no they're all pretty decent and Ava yeah they're all pretty good good job kids and then the second Powder Room really comes in handy for the parties because sometimes we'll have 50 to 70 plus people here people got to use the potty you know oh yeah and kind of hidden behind the door is the urinal isn't that great gotta have urinal for the guys saves water and frankly it's just more convenient y'all we'll touch quickly on the laundry room right here we did a first and second floor laundry room because we have a lot of pool towels and other stuff that will come down here and we'll get that washed and then off also it's nice to just have an overflow laundry when there's a lot of laundry that needs to be done especially after we get from a back from a trip and then a little bit of Court storage and other storage in here and then of course the media center this is where we'll plop down our phones charge them most of our electronics are in here My Philosophy about this home is that everywhere should have a house right every single item that I own should not really be out in the open because there's so much space in here that everything should always be put away neatly organized all right let's move on to the basement monkey's reference my wife likes the monkeys we uh created a downstairs guest suite and of course you need to have a bathroom for the guest Suite okay this one's a little messy so this is this is actually it's supposed to be the guest Suite like I just mentioned but it's turned into a massage room slash kids toy mess area so this is where the kids go and do their toys Messy as I mentioned I'm not a drinker I don't have anything against drinkers my wife likes to enjoy a glass of wine here and there so you can see our massive and extensive wine collection right here it is a very nice showcase and this is one of the few things that we did kind of for resale where someone typically buying a house of this caliber is going to be someone that wants some type of wine storage area and this is Bar number two folks yet another refrigerator I think there's another one nope a dishwasher I don't even know we had that down here I don't know if this concert is refrigerator this is for kegs so probably not I don't think we can count that so this is my officially my second bar keg and then we have the family room of the basement don't actually spend a lot of time around here the kids will occasionally play video games but they're more into computer stuff like Minecraft Roblox not too many Xbox uh PlayStation 5 or anything like that but if they were gonna do that this is where it is I also got my kids early on into like Nintendo the original PlayStation Super Nintendo that was all they knew until they were like seven or eight years old because that's kind of what I grew up with in and I wanted to make sure they experienced the old school games first but yes nice warm welcoming um the huge thing about me having a basement was I didn't want it to feel like a basement I needed massive amount of lights that got in here again turn on light first thing that I ever said you can see these are huge window wells that allow a ton of light into the basement and uh and again I just didn't want to feel like I was walking down into a dungeon I've dabbled in some musical instruments here and there one thing that I stuck to a little bit more than others was my drum set what you wanna you wanna hear me play what okay all right all right say less foreign that's all I got folks just joking all right sorry I'm cold didn't really get a chance to warm up that'll work okay theater I call this room that Steve wants to go to sleep room because no matter what movie I want to watch no matter what time of day 30 minutes into it I fall asleep I don't know what the hell it is about this room I don't know if it's just so comfy cozy or the way that they did the Acoustics but I'll actually I'll actually tell my wife no like we can't come down here I will fall asleep like I don't it needs to be a movie that I don't want to watch then I'm like yeah if the kids want to watch a movie and we all want like family time I'm like yeah let's go down to the theater I'll get some I'll get some snoozes in you can see a lot of the Disney nod backs all of the old school Disney movies that we've got on the wall one of the more obscure ones Sword in the Stone which is one of my favorites you probably haven't seen it maybe you have comment below have you seen that movie it's great and then we have our reclining heated massaging theater chairs that three out of four broke the first week that we got them I don't know what brand they are but I don't recommend them and of course no Steve's house would be complete without a another refrigerator theater cabinet full of candy and other soda and Beverages and my daughter loves the doggy I love Hank Times 97755 by Ava very nice Ava and then the popcorn machine that gets a lot of good use some of the best popcorn comes from that thing but I'm usually sneaking my way down here to get some candy a little late night 10 p.m snack before I go to bed along with the soda that makes Steve happy this is the storage room where all the stuff that doesn't really have a home or doesn't really need to be active part of the home goes right here we're going to take y'all to the upstairs the second floor of the home where all of the bedrooms are and my Sport Court thank you I need to get more cardio in bro out of breath I'm gonna skip over my boys rooms but we'll give you like a brief look into them my boys just asked that I don't film the rooms and I want to be respectful to them but my daughter she didn't say anything so we'll show you her room there it is beautiful I'm literally out of breath I had two Donuts right before we shot this really quickly damn two flights of stairs that'll get you okay uh moving on to my daughter's room she's still in single digit age so she still has this cute little cute little room with her gymnastics set up she is by far the messiest child that I have but that's okay um her room's looking pretty good today for for Ava this looks pretty solid she used to have an upstairs Loft the boys have little upstairs Lofts that are hidden in their closets she used to have one right there you can kind of still see the rough Patchwork but it freaked her out she thought like Monsters or something were in there so I had to have it sealed off so if someone ever buys this house in the future you just knock that little wall out and there's like a carpeted Loft area up there it's my son Logan's room and this is my bedroom y'all this is where my wife and I have sexual relations all right uh this is our fireplace that's fireplace number three TV at my age um I'm very happy and content to just come retire to my room at like 9 pm kids are a lot of work and um as much as I love them dealing with them for you know four or five hours at a time doing sports blah blah blah I'm just ready to just relax watch TV for an hour an hour and a half veg out I spent 25 something years of my life working 80 hour a week so at this point I'm just happy to come up here and just relax pretty simple room lots of light of course another room that I spent a lot of time in so it overlooks the full kind of backyard scope bathroom we put a lot of thought and consideration into my wife and I have our own separate kind of toilets dude wipes generic dude wipes those come in clutch after a real protein filled meal you know what I'm saying yeah it's nice it's nice my wife's very nice she got The Squatty Potty I should get a Squatty Potty I hear that it helps you go poo poo um two different vanities this is very tailored around neither of us getting in each other's way and us being able to get ready at the same time we each have our own shower this is my wife's shower this is my shower um and then closets looking good Caroline very nice this is my wife's closet she has a lot more stuff than I do and then my closet's a little bit smaller but as you know what it's still just fine still got my little triple F champagne that they gave me um from one of the parties I had all my Hamilton Collection hats by the way I have no shortage of t-shirts 97 of what I wear t-shirts sweatshirts sweatpants that's really it that's literally 90 of what I wear and by that I mean 97 98 and then the super tiny bathtub I want to point out as we exit that's a it's a point of debate between my wife and I where I don't really fit in this she does and she fits in it really nice but she takes way more baths than I do so I'm just stuck I'm stuck okay down the hall there's my son Jack's room now while we're skipping over my two sons rooms we're going to show you the guest room which is very similar to what they have set up the guest room is going to come right after the upstairs laundry voila oh it smells lovely in here this is the upstairs laundry where the bulk of the laundry's done nothing really too special to see up here and the guest room this room still smells like it was just built like when you walk into a home and it's brand new construction because this room hasn't been used quite enough we need some more guests you want to be a ghost at my house let us know comment below another toilet seat open that's okay that's all right oh yeah that's turned into storage okay why not very nice all right one of my favorite rooms is coming up next maybe my favorite room outside of my garage is which we'll show you in a little bit I just got the floor redone in my garage it looks beautiful and now we're gonna head to the sport court probably my favorite room in the entire house look at that sexy thing right there um what a view that was my first hyper car y'all my first hyper car ever forgive this this gets a little messy the kids must have just been in here playing so this is a room where I bring friends neighbors to come play basketball we try to get in a game of basketball every single week I love basketball I'm a huge 90s Bulls fan as you can see from all the Scottie Pippen Phil Jackson Michael Jordan banners and then all the Bulls championships that they did um just really love basketball really love coming up here and doing dodgeball I'll whip a ball at my kids full speed get them out they're out of commission good way to put him to sleep I'm just kidding and then this is actually above my garage so we're in like a whole separate building from my house that we were just in through that walkway that kind of transitioned different buildings so this one was built to be like my man cave so of course you have the sport court you have a little seating area poker table and then of course another refrigerator y'all and then we uh have the the bathroom for the boys voila and urinal number two again this is built for the boys so we need a urinal we're gonna head down to the garage now again brand new metallic floor in there um I used to store all of my cars here this home was built to store 15 cars inside um as many of our followers know we have roughly I have roughly 25 cars um right now about nine of them are in service believe it or not we still were able to get a lot of cars here so we wanted to show you folks a quick view of the collection and we thought that this Pagani right here mmm look at this floor we thought this floor would showcase The Pagani the best so we threw that in here for you and I just got my Pagani back a few days ago um I do want to give a shout out to Matrix coding Solutions in West Chicago Illinois they did my floor at a very reasonable price the cheapest one I could find actually and the job that they did is Top Notch caliber I've had a lot of floors done and this is probably my favorite floor they've ever had done good job Matrix thank you pool garage oh dear God that is the pool garage we're gonna take the long walk out through the front I'll show you some of the cars that I've got I'll just kind of briefly introduce them they're all important to me but if you guys want to really see the in-depth uh tour that we did uh click on the link in the description it's going to show the tour collection and we'll also put a link right here right here um just click on that link this is my McLaren Senna the very first hyper car that I ever bought it was previously owned by dead mouse we have heavily tuned and modified it so it's a lot louder and faster this is my Ferrari La Ferrari the newest hyper car add to the collection we did a matte black ppf in this and this is a fast but squirrely car Natalia will be able to confirm it because she took this thing sideways today uh and then of course we have the the daily drivers now I want to be clear that we drive these cars all of the time we put tons of miles on all the cars but these are like the kid haulers the family haulers that where I can't go take a hyper car to go drop my kids off to school ah yes and the laser tag system here it is it's buried by by some of the kids stuff and scooters but check out my commercial laser tag system it's better than any other laser tag system that I've played that where you go to an area and you use them like these are really good fun and I can I can literally shoot people from like 10 houses away so we got the Escalade that I just picked up the Rolls Royce owned by Tristan Thompson the NBA player and he would haul the Kardashians in there he actually took that from one baby mama hospital the other baby Monmouth hospital that very same car my favorite car of the entire collection my one of one PTS gray black Porsche 918 with the guards red accents very contrasting colors but I love that car it is such a blast to drive we have the world famous CO2 truck the custom offsets truck that has a whole series built around it on YouTube and of course some of our archon wheels these are wheels that we design and manufacture beautiful design there the archon Lincoln my wife's jeepering the Rubicon 392 that we supercharged the supercharger didn't really add much horsepower to it I'm a little disappointed we only got like 40 extra horsepower but that thing will will pop a little teeny tiny baby girl Papa wheelie you know what I'm saying and this is my oldest car in the collection also the one I've had the longest maybe this is one that started the whole thing if you don't know about the Hamilton Collection by the way we are a collection that's privately owned by me and we're all about sharing the collection with the community so we take these vehicles we let people drive them sit in them everything that we do actually my wife and I all the income that we make from the Hamilton Collection we personally donated to charity so this channel is not all about being a profit Monger by any means we are about taking care of the community making sure that we're involved in the community and making sure that we give back but this thing has a 496 big block really powerful awesome car that I've had forever and I absolutely love in fact I drove it here today old smokey the Ferrari 488 GTB this thing has downpipes and exhaust it is tuned and I think it has the most tasteful wheels in the entire collection with the vorsteiner Aero piece and body kit very clean car you don't want to get the undershot of the front Arrow piece though it is damaged beyond recognition um my favorite Supercar of the collection and by Supercar we're going to call it under 300 000 this is the Porsche GT3 RS I think I put 13 000 miles on this it is one of the loudest cars in the collection and just a just a blast to drive taking a little uh trip back into the 80s my 1987 Countach LP 5000 totally rebuilt engine very clean fun car to drive gotta be in the mood to drive it because the AC doesn't work so well and it's really hard to shift and blah blah blah but just a really great Vibe car my 2006 Ford GT the second to last one to run off the production line and just a really clean spec you'll notice a lot of these vehicles do have aftermarket wheels on them of course being an owner at fitment Industries and some other wheel companies that's that's my job speaking of which these are some tasteful ass wheels that Rohana did for us and uh and this is my 765lt just a blast to drive it's a spider I think this is the car that changed my opinion on spiders because it was one of the first that I uh maybe it was the Corvette rip C8 you know what I'm saying and my brand my newest addition to the entire collection is my 1989 Lincoln Town Car limo I have an 83 Cadillac uh Fleetwood limo that's in the shop right now getting an LS swap done and like I am all about yeah I've kind of changed my collection Dynamic to five cars really special supercars like the 765 and then hyper cars these I just like there's something about driving an old limo maybe it's that I didn't get to experience this stuff as a kid I don't know what it is but there's something about the experience of driving that that I love we're going to take the back way around to the pool and the backyard this is the kind of the remainder of our of our backyard and we'll get to the pool in just a sec but built my kids a little zip line with little standing stations there they don't use it nearly enough but that's okay we need to tweak a little bit make it a little bit better this is where you can see that the the basketball court in the garage are very separate buildings from the rest of the House Bar number three the sunken bar that seats right up to the pool probably the least used bar really the only bar that we use is the one upstairs that I showed you guys near the kitchen but I'm not a huge pool guy my wife and kids are like water fiends they love going in the pool and getting good use out of this um I do like the hot tub come on who doesn't like a hot tub right fire pit outside I'll show you guys the screen porch if the sport Court's my favorite area I think the screen porch is my second favorite area in the whole house we did a electric retractable cover so we can just push a button covers the whole pool up it's nice and safe when it snows or in the winter and you can't tell that there's a pool here it's actually strong enough to hold people and not let them sink in there this is a little Courtyard right outside my office and that first walkway that I took you guys through I don't know that everybody's ever sat in that area we've already been through almost a full face Court of firewood this year oh the outdoor projector standby this is a new ad whoa oh it's like a sale something just exploded off of that it's a really windy day and I put out basically a sale let's put that back up I can turn all the lights on and off in this house with the push of a button pretty cool and then I can also access all the blinds up and down most of the blinds with the push of a button raise and lower the blinds when it gets too sunny and what a great job the pool cover is doing right now preventing the pool from getting leaves in it right good job Steve high five fireplace number four did we we already got to the three right Living Room Master basement all right this might actually be my favorite area I think I actually lied so in a good like Autumn or early winter day or early spring when it's we'll call it 45 to 65 degrees this is like the ultimate Chill Spot we didn't want to build it with actual walls because then it's just another room in the house so we built these retractable screens and so you can feel the wind you can feel the elements but it blocks all the bugs and there's a fireplace out here which I just love throwing a good fire up putting the football game on here sitting on my 200 electric recliner chair that surprisingly my wife didn't really fight me about I'm like something about me just wants like a recliner I don't know but yeah so plugged it nice little hidden plug there for my my electric recliner and then we'll have a dinner out here on days that it's that it's relatively nice and in Chicago there are not a lot of those days that are super nice oh yeah of course the the built-in grill I'm not big on grilling my boy Jeff with the G um helped me learn how to smoke my food so I'm getting a little bit into smoking pork and such maybe some beef brisket and so that's that's decent that was the grill area it looks like my kids just got home from school I wanted to show you a cool feature but first I wanted to thank you so much for watching be sure to like comment and subscribe check out this little button right here boom and voila and click on that notification button folks thank you
Channel: The Hamilton Collection
Views: 2,073,919
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: House Tour, Mansion house tour, billionaire house tour, chicago homes, steve hamilton
Id: lhoVkKE73nU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 31sec (1471 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 02 2022
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