Corrections Officer 2

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my name is Master Sergeant Jessica Holden I work in control center for Louisiana State Penitentiary I've worked at Angola for about five years I've been in Department of Corrections 15 and my job I conduct counts we control all the movements to the institution all the any moves that are done have to come through us if anybody needs assistance we have to contact the correct teams to dispatch out if we have an escapes we have to send out the alert system that notifies the whole penitentiary in different areas throughout the state my job impacts everybody throughout the farm because anything that comes through the penitentiary comes to Control Center we take all the phone calls from the outside we impact the public we impact the offender's because if their family needs to get a hold of them we are the one dispatching the cost to the different areas at all times you have to remain calm it's very important because you can get help out so your fellow officers or the offender's that need it whenever you can't remain calm yourself there are so many people that rely on you just knowing that you have such responsibility on your back that you have you know you have over 5,000 offenders here that if they need assistance you have to you have to dispatch you know medical sometimes you have to dispatch ambulances knowing that if an officer is in this chase it is so rewarding that you know you might not be down there with them but you have their back you have to be very people-oriented you have to remain calm at all times you have to multitask because I have picked up three phones at one time and you have to stay on top of everything I have never dealt with any stress like that before because sometimes it it's really it is so much to handle and having a good team to work with very important during that time we have to rely on each other because if you didn't have the team that you're working with you can't handle this by yourself you can't sometimes we have five people working in here it's it's a lot of responsibility it is it's very demanding working for the state of Louisiana you get excellent retirement system you get health insurance you get the option of having life insurance dental insurance insurance there I mean anything you could possibly need or want for you or your family you have the option of getting that being a correctional officer is a wonderful job you're a part of a team everybody in Blues family you have each other's back you come in here you have ample ample opportunity to do whatever you want in here you come in as a cadet within a few months you make sergeant depending on the area that you work in you become master sergeant you can become a lieutenant a captain a major there is always an option to go in up in advancement there there's really no stopping anybody if they have the mindset to advance there is no Tian's to what you can do every day for every citizen
Channel: Louisiana Department of Corrections
Views: 5,623
Rating: 4.8367348 out of 5
Keywords: Louisiana Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Louisiana DOC, Louisiana Corrections Officer, Louisiana Correctional Officer, Louisana DOC employment
Id: DbxJfbz1yBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 15sec (195 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 13 2018
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