Inside Manish Malhotra’s Luxurious Home | Brut Sauce

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[Music] fashion ever heard of it neither have i what my next guest has [Music] hi there he is oh my god you're early am i of course you are that's so different for a youngster like you do you know why i'm early why are you early ah look at this little statement piece of mind oh wow what impressed well that looks like a real kids watch uh it's a fashion statement of uh sorts if you insist so where am i i would imagine this is somewhere james bond would stay oh whoa whoa james wanted me i don't think they go together but so this is like a space which is my office space like a study made in my house and so i thought it was you know the weekend covered times right and there's been an office at home okay and so my friend gauri khan and me designed this entire space and uh so it's also for fittings for an actor okay for a bright bright groom and when you get married many years later right you can always do a fitting yeah okay the holy grail i have a feeling with the bride this evening and she wanted to try these gowns okay anna lenga and she had these pastel colors in mind and she's a friend and she's coming at 8 30 which is after my store shots so the fitting's here this is what so she'll come in you have a few out options for her that's right she tries it on here yeah you know my mother would sell me for one of these pieces really yes i don't think so you'll be too precious can we show the people what they truly want to see which is what your closet oh my god i mean this is one of them one of them one of many and uh not one of many but one of yeah a few oh yeah my god the walk-in closet i don't miss the logos there are also logos that gauri designed okay yeah so they have fun a lot of suits i mean these are shawls which i love i love dextered okay and yeah a lot of louis vuitton i'm seeing over here it's one of my favorite brands is it favorite brand you seem to have a lot you know i could if you want to give me one i could take them off your hands sure yeah yeah yes please so how many pairs of clothes do you think you own in total as a designer oh my god so i kind of like strangely right i like simpler clothes on myself minimalist i live in black okay and uh so i have a lot of suits i like clean cut suits i like jackets okay um and uh yeah so asking for a friend of course uh what should a guy wear on a first date what would you suggest watching a guy where on his first date should be something that he wants to project himself as okay so if he wants to be this guy which was very casual confident like yourself with all this whole messy hair look yes and this watch yeah should go the way he's dressed right but if somebody wants to like set this thing that i know what i'm doing i'm this young guy but i'm kind of a little more mature you should wear a nice crisp shirt okay nice crisp can't go wrong with that trouser yeah or a better coolest jeans that fit him really well because i i called my mom my video called her and she said this outfit is a crime it's a hate crime in her words no this is you right yeah you're casual yeah you just thrown something over no i'm not trying i'm trying but i'm i'm not trying you get it sir you get it you get it so sir do you throw a lot of parties in your house 12 year old throw parties i mean i i'm a foodie okay i love food and i also love to feed okay so i do have friends over for meals and i love to curate meals so how does one you know get invited to one of these uh you have to be a vip no no we are meeting now we're friends right yeah we have your friends now so uh you know yeah done you know you know something yes this space got ready i think a month ago oh so you're the first person to shoot here is that brute exclusive route exclusive nice and so brutal you are special i love it so uh there's also a downstairs right there's a downstairs yeah shall we head there let's go let's go oh we're not going to my bedroom we're going to my drawing room okay okay yeah because i'm i'm wearing this about my bedroom my personal space again no bedroom on camera so where are we what is this place are you kidding me right now we have a louis vuitton suitcase is there a body in that there's nobody in it you are james bond aren't you i'm not oh i mean imagine somebody calling me james bond he's good though like i love curating means here okay and this is the whole outdoor space and in the rains i feel i'm almost in a kind of a resort blessings these are these are the blessings of the almighty so when i come over for our uh party this is where i'm chilling yeah if you're not gonna have a candlelight dinner you're too young yeah though and so we are going to have a party uh lots of people yeah and that's where you're gonna be i love it i'm also writing these days okay and i've been enjoying my writing what are you writing journaling no i'm writing a script i'm writing a film script and i'm actually getting a phone script nice and i keep working on that and i'm already working on another idea okay and i'm enjoying it as much as i enjoy sketching so how close are we to seeing a finished product from that script well next year okay next time hopefully thank you all stay tuned so i see like this is like a its own team and then that side is his own team that's right did you design this house i i did design this part okay i kind of wanted a little different vibe fashion i would say vintage there okay uh which is very close to my heart okay and um this is a bit more easy chin dogs right shall we have a look there come oh god this feels like an inspection yeah this feels like oh my god talk to me about this painting i loved the colors and this is a man um looking forward in life and um that's what i think i am as a person i love it also guys just notice this is very james bond-esque that's all i'm saying that's all i'm saying that's all i'll say of the matter also we have some cute photos here yeah i'm very influenced by my mother okay so that's the picture with my mother okay i mean i've always lived with my parents and i lost my dad two years ago and i live with my mother and in fact she's a great card player and these days i'm learning cards from her to give her company i play cards with her every day okay i'm training under her are you beating her is she destroying you some days she beats me because she's an expert as good as i do she says you're a good learner shall we have a seat sir come that's it coffee tea what will you have i'm fine thank you so much listen you're in a punjabi house you've got to eat i'm going to feed you okay then and there's going to be lots of coffee are you inviting me for that house party anyway house party yeah yeah so do you think you know with your pieces do you think the person wears the outfit or the outfit where's the person i would like the um the person to wear the outfit the person and actually my work in the movies has always been that so i always understood who was wearing it and their uh capability of carrying the clothes right i'd love to do a ramp walk for you and have you critique it wow yeah could we do that no that's really confidence you really think you'll be good in the ram i'm i'm i will rise to the occasion can we try it i love it i love it thank you i love the fact that you think really you could do a good ramble i wish i had this confidence yeah shall we do it outside where will you be seated sir i am here watching you all right it's not so it's mm mm any pointers before i start so yes okay so let's understand this so you are gonna walk you first you will okay you will come out from here okay so you will be your first like kind of walk okay stomach in chest out head straight lots of attitude yeah and just walk and just walk very easy just have fun with it have fun with it say lester we've come prepared oh what accessories what is happening right now [Music] it's still go go there okay and then come into stage think this is your ram okay done so i'm just like confident just attitude right yes lock eyes with me sir it's you and me right now okay sheldon go steal that louis vuitton jacket from his closet right here right cheers right here let's go let's go all right one two three [Music] oh my god strike a pose walk back what's up moon walk that's not even the same format come again another pose you know gen z and their confidence i love it thank you i wish i had this so can i am i a legend can i run for your bad yeah not bad at all but you know what yeah more than a rant model yeah i really think would be a great actor wow okay you'll be a good actor you're so then that script then so then if you're confident you know what to say when you're thinking of these lines while you're doing this interview yes look i have an eye for actors okay yes so i mean a lot of actors but i've said that you know what you have to potential wait right be patient and they've really become big stars okay so i think you you're feeling that with me i think you you can be an actor yeah of course okay let's go back in there okay yes should we go to another spot yes please where that's all um what are the three most iconic characters from bollywood that you have styled i i would say more than the characters i would say three iconic films would be rangina [Music] okay nice yeah so the characters become gheet and of course pooh karina's food yes what was the inspiration behind foosa i think karen wanted this girl who's like out there passionately you know she's very into her clothes very emily in paris at that time and and she's all about clothes and she's all about fashion and she's all about herself and um that's what she was fun and you know we just celebrated 20 years of kabhi koshikawa okay and it was it was so cool to see so many youngsters who and younger especially right who remember her dialogues and all of it it was fun so india being a traditionally conservative country we're now seeing gender fluid expression in in clothing but it's still in its budding stage how do you see that growing uh there's a lot of changes that we are seeing whether it's on indian fashion in the movies uh in thought processes and what people are wearing right and the way people are not fearing being themselves right um i think this is to grow this is going to grow more and more further of course and um you know so i think india is just changing so much and so beautifully that we are going to see a lot more changes hopefully so yes when you work with stars have you ever heard like a bizarre request in terms of like a custom outfit were you just like no i cannot do that in my initial stages i remember uh when i was uh doing a photo shoot like on a straw hat stitching palm lean okay and uh and i remember doing jungle outfits okay and then there was this film where i had to make a mermaid outfit i was so new okay and you know and and so they've been just some strange i remember beads on the hair but you'll never say no you'll always try to i was too new that time right and then i came in with solutions of why don't we make the characters a lot more real but yet glamorous and you know and that's something that i came in with okay and could make that big change um but yeah what about now though you get a call 2am kareena kapoor's calling you super excited it's like manish i want to look like a like a helicopter what do you say to that no i don't think she's going to request me to look like you never know you know and there are no two o'clock calls anymore i mean you know the industry is far more right right right so for the next segment i wanted to show you some of your older photos just uh so you know i've had these phases where i've been like super slim okay and then with all the work stress i've given into food in a big way yeah and then i've been super heavy so i've always been like this yo-yo you know it is true and i remember last three months of last year i was eating right and now january onwards i've been a good boy trying to take away my weight the first photo the michael jackson yes i was getting an award for kuch kuch at that time with a long shermany with a trouser and an indian woman shawl right as a drape with the embroidered border and i and i took it uh there and i said they sent it to him and it fit him so well yeah and he actually arrived on stage wearing it and he also you know thanked me on stage and it was it was a beautiful night brilliant yeah but whose moonwalk do you think is better though uh i think he is okay thank you not yours so for the next photo [Music] oh my stunning absolutely stunning i was your age at this time i was 20. okay wow you're twenty right i'm 23 yeah yeah but you look you look 19. wow okay i did a lot of modeling i didn't get fashion shows because i wasn't that tall right but i did get those very sweet nice boy chingum uh you know fruity yeah yeah yeah yeah and um yes it's one of my modern pictures nice stunning this one this is outside there yeah oh okay in fact tomorrow afternoon also we have the same people coming for lunch okay that is lovely girls so yeah we chill a lot we meet a lot i love them i have worked with karishma karina for what 31 years i met karina when she was nine years old in 1990 and the last photo ah yes so the thing is that uh this was for night riders okay you know when this they just started and the whole team was black and gold and i designed the uniform oh okay i mean is it called a uniform jersey jersey yeah okay and and we did a fashion show at fashion week okay and he just sprained his arm all right so we did this entire um you know thing for him in black and gold which was the theme at that time right and he loves salwars like me he loves black too okay i like him i love black and uh yeah it looks like you're like teaching him to pout or something what's happening he was asking me like what do models do how do they look so stuck in their faces so i was like okay all right okay okay so mm i've had such a lovely time i think it's uh time for me to take my leave okay yes but you haven't eaten anything i'm getting a cheese toast made for me but you said you're inviting me for the house party yeah okay so i'm inviting you my lunch tomorrow okay then i'm gonna invite you soon for a party no no you'll hear from my lawyers otherwise you said on camera you said you would invite me of course i'll invite you i i mean i'd love to have you you're so bright you're amazing thank you thank you yes yes so yes yes you said you don't like oversized but this isn't always a jacket isn't it yeah it's too oversized yeah you want to do it you want it it doesn't look good on me i'm going to get all i'm going to get it altered okay i would love to give it to you right away but you know what the camera is watching and when you see me just in a t-shirt yeah i don't think we can do it off-camera sir we can do it off-camera off-camera no i don't believe him okay all right you've been so kind sir thank you so much nice meeting you bye
Channel: Brut India
Views: 3,412,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sTIhby2P81E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 23 2022
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