Inside Look of the Vikings 2024 NFL Draft with First Round Picks J.J. McCarthy & Dallas Turner

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the whole plan to get a younger quarterback in here has been in motion for two years you talk about all the steps that went into it the the trade to get the extra one and what flexibility that gave us and this was one of the outcomes we talked about can we take the quarterback and end up with the defensive player we might have taken at 11 anyway so we knew there was a good chance that this could happen and through the Moon that it ended up this way got a lot of great people here but I'm ince to a couple a couple we get going grab the rock make yourself comfortable a couple questions get to know you man sounds great all right that was at the combine the Vikings were my first meeting of my second day there and you know I'm going back and forth all night tossing and turning and then you know going there Sweating Bullets having a great meeting cool here's what I want to do I want to teach you one of our base rookie mini camp day one plays real quick I'm going to go fast for the sake of time then we'll jump into some of your tape uh how's that sound all right sounds great okay the whole night beforehand I'm just thinking like all right I got to do something that's going to you know stick in their brains something that's going to you know really have them walk out of that mean and be like he could be our guy just common sense man that's out good man remember all that stuff say brick let's go man want department goise at the end I tell coach mconnell that you know I'd run through a brick wall for him and you know that's something that I've only said that to two coaches in my entire life people that I have you know the utmost respect for and honor for and uh you know he's definitely fits that mold and won championships with both of those guys previously so hopefully we can add on to the third one This Is The Moment of Truth this is the next p this is the next next two a little sweat little sweat next two because then they don't move and then the Jets you're gonna have to check in with Joe yes what up Joe it was one of those things we were ready we we just knew if at some point if one surprise happened we had to be ready had that teed up uh no no no I'm still I'm still available I just want to make sure he's he's still there after nine and your sweat always sweating a little bit with that one pick in between but this business is about taking a little risk and trying to get a reward I think we we got wide washt y we're good we'll do it yep relationships matter that's the other thing you know make sure that you you check in with j d and I'll make sure I get him a bottle tequila next time I see him by Brother bye never picking a quarterback in the top 10 look at that we got number 10 yeah yeah the Minnesota Vikings at number 10 are now on the clock Vikings who just traded up one spot by giving up 129 and 157 dude patience still got all your picks man 129 157 and we get back 203 with the 10th pick in the 2024 NFL draft the Minnesota Vikings select JJ McCarthy quarterback Michigan one love right my dog my dog come on let's go come on let's go man ready to get to all right brother here's Coach O my man we're going to go do this damn thing together can't wait to get you here let's go do it coach thank you so much for believing in me I promise I won't let you down congrats to you and your family brother I'm so happy for you man can't wait to get you here thank you so much can't wait to see you soon coach I'm thrilled I'm thrilled you know I got to watch him play from across the sideline so there's very short listed teams that I was really excited for when you know that call was going to come in and Minnesota was definitely you know at the top just seeing the accumulation of all the hard work all the sacrifices that you know myself and the people around me made to get to this point and I'll be looking back on these two days as you know two of the greatest days of my life some of the things him and I were able to share share and and some of the things he shared with me uh gave me a lot of confidence uh you know in in in JJ being a Minnesota Viking you know you start building relationships with guys like JJ throughout the process and and it's it's pretty cool to know that they they've got an opportunity to play for a lot of teams but when he says multiple times I want to be a Minnesota Viking and and I'm so excited about that possibility hope it works out all those things it makes that draft night phone call one that I'll remember for a long time and just can't wait to get him here and and uh get rolling proud of you bro thanks man we always talk about minimizing regret and you know if you're sitting on your couch one day and you're like that extra fifth or whatever it was and it could have had a chance at a guy that you think has traits and could be special obviously I'm a spreadsheet calculator guy myself but sometimes you got to you know step out from there put your take your Clark K gases off and just have a championship mindset and swing for a great player supposed to trade the whole farm for him up the four we got him at coup we're cooking with gas bro no Defenders taken yet I know 23 looking good no we got to get we no we got to try and get up so now we got to sorry to Pivot yeah but it's possible Dallas Turner gets to us I was really forced to play any a way but like I my parents seen that I liked it and I could be good at it so they just kept it in like they kept me in it and then my second year was more like I played left tackle my first year you go and then my second year I went playing Left tackled like fullback running back but I was a king returner I used to watch Deon Hester highlights every single day so like I us used to be a little inspired by that and then my second year like my third year that was my first year playing like my age group and I was a quarterback and like I was I was like cam new off so like you know and then like ever since that I was like this is what I want to do how are you I'm 21 21 so you're you're probably one of the youngest guys in this draft Yeah I turned 21 a couple weeks ago okay it's impressive how much you've done at such a young age yeah going into like far Camp I was a main releas so like when I go went far camp and summer workouts I always had a chip on my shoulder like I got to prove myself to these people so that's what I kind of felt like I did in my freshman year and you know still had a lot more room to grow but you know it was um it was a good experience while I think you still have a lot more yeah of course I was going through looking through all these lists of players and looking at my stack of players and still no defense can you find a defensive player every team that comes up though I feel like it's they really need offense we knew there would be a lot of offensive players go I didn't quite know it would uh take that long for a defensive player to go off the board there is defense in the NFL and he is the first defensive player selected he was the first defensive player taken no way was he yeah holy cow and there was some great players that came off the board but when that happens you know that there's some defensive players that are going to be available and when we were able to you know maneuver and get JJ without having to give up 23 or a future first round pick that allowed 23 to then be a flexible pick we just need one more pick to go our way let us know so I'm going to call I'm going to call Trent then yeah I'm just I don't want to jinx it cuz until I see it actually happen so as we started to see the top defensive players in the draft that we had evaluated and had a lot of love for their fit in Brian flores's defense I think I think Turner would be the guy we would still hang in there for huge value oh huge huge value I was definitely a little anxious to get picked up a little bit you but you know everything falls in place you know I'm a firm believer in that everything happens for a reason we got it for Turner we're getting we're going to get them next year's three next year is four 167 really um there's only been two trades tonight and Minnesota's pulled off both of them hello what's up man they we keep you waiting a little long oh my God I started crying I'm be honest like as soon as I seen uh the Minnesota on my phone come across the screen it was just a like wow like you going to a very good organization because on my visit you know um met with Coach ell met with quy I had a real good feel for the people in this building you know people in Minnesota so you know I'm ready to get to work congratulations man we can't wait to to bring you here man we're so excited we can't believe you're here but but we're going to show them all next year why why they made a mistake okay yes sir here's coach here's coach ell all right appreciate it let's go man we had to come get you I appreciate it co hell yeah can't wait to get you here man you fired up brother yes sir yeah congrats man like you said when you in my office man this would be a great place to come well now it's a reality you're a Minnesota Viking and I'm fired up about it appreciate it I'm going to hand you off to another guy who's pretty fired up as well here's Flo coach Flo here how you doing what's going on Coach how you doing big congrats to you I know this is a life dream as you can see it's I'm I'm not a big smile guy but I'm smiling these these I've been smiling these last 24 hours he was high on our draft board and I'm I'm sure high on a lot of a lot of draft boards considering the amount of text messages I got after we got them going to Minnesota manes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] the Minnesota Vikings select Dallas Turner I'll get i'll get our picks back tomorrow I promise I feel like you guys are like come on man day three day three I got you guys I got you you got the slider there's so many unknowns and the type of evaluation in the process that we put into this process uh to know that it played out in a way where we were able to add JJ McCarthy and then find a way as well to had Dallas Turner um you know it it really checks all the boxes for me as far as what we hope to accomplish in what was such a critical first round uh for us and now you know we've got to make sure we use the rest of our picks to go identify players uh that we feel can impact our team and I think there's going to be a lot of opportunities to do that so I think we'll go we'll go Kyrie yes if he's there if he's there trust our projections our projections haven't gone by pick 111 let's call it Kyrie what's going on man hey what's going on you ready to be a viking come on now I been wait you got the best corner though by far I'mma show you though day one best corner by far okay that's what I'm talking about I was kind of disappointed after day two so I'm like all right if today if it's meant to be it's just going to happen naturally um but I didn't want to watch it from the start of it this time congratulations man we're fired up to have you a lot of fans in this building of you can't wait to get you here and get to work man uh appreciate that man looking forward to it man looking forward to it can't wait to get there I was actually in the store but then when I finally got the call I'm like dang this is really going on right now then I couldn't really get too excited because there's people in the store looking at me and stuff here what's going on Coach up man you ready to put hands on some of these receivers come on now hey congratulations DMV in the crib man yeah you already know what it's about yeah man come in and get this work uh come on now day one I'm just really grateful you know I'm just trying to make the most of it they took a chance on me when I feel like we I'm always be forever indebted to them El come on baby believe in the projections believe it's not going to happen we got too many nice things on day one we don't we don't deserve other nice things he was like getting after dudes in the Run game this year Rous I I love that I do love this guy sorry I kept you waiting so long C huh sorry I kept you waiting so long buddy just getting that call period was really a dream come true and just have my family and friends surrounding me when it happened you know there was no better feeling than that and I you know it's it's a moment I remember for the rest of my life fir up to have you man a lot of people love watching play football I excited to have you come out here and do your thing okay oh man thank you very much all I need the opportunity thank you so much I appreciate hold on for Coach finally you I've made it to into the NFL and just you know working to you know make the 53 man roster and just thinking about all those different thoughts and just just see the people around me like see their their smiles and laughs and that you know their hard the hard work that they put into me like you know that that paid off you fired up oh yeah I am so I'm so excited right now you you don't know how happy I am right now there we go I needed to hear something in the background man absolutely oh they just don't worry they just staying quiet they're waiting to ER up don't worry I promise you they not they not stay quiet for long I got you man well we're fired up to have you congrats to you and your family I'm going to say I'm going to hand you off to our o line coach Chris Cooper okay sounds like things are going going well over there absolutely sure are now yeah like like they all said we're fired up to have you man I can't believe I'm here I'm so excited to get to work it's awesome all the people I've met are awesome too and I can't wait to grow with the Minnesota Vikings and the family that they have here and with the fans as well okay yeah yeah yeah W okay I this going be good for us man fired up fired up to again I would have taken him 20 Pi sooner real nasty you're GNA love this is so funny as fired up as you get for Dallas tourament like if we get Ralph Jurgens and a kicker I'm going be like best draft ever if kicker and Jurgens were there would you go kicker assuming that Jurgens might get be there later cuz the kicker is supposed to be gone by now I'm just it's more about trying to get both players and who do you who do you have to take sooner I think the kicker will go sooner than Jurgens I mean we got our targets we do all this work for this let's let's let's get our targets that we want what's the signal for when Kev wants you to kick it in the game yeah we're going to we're going to draft the kicker sorry I'm just telling you we're going to draft the kicker next if he's still there that's all what's up yeah you don't need extra pick you just sit and wait you know hat you've made your argument You've Won pump man I never drafted a kicker will what's going on man than on up shoot just hanging in there how are you I'm great man man we're so impressed with all the stuff we've uh seen and heard about you my heart skip to beat it was super exciting and dream come true I've been dreaming about playing the NFL for a really long time and it's such a big moment and something I've been dreaming for for so long so it it was awesome and we were sweating it out hoping we'd get a chance to pull your card and uh can't wait to get you here and your biggest fan in the whole buildings right here I'm going to hand you off to him Matt Daniels our special teams coach what's up coach up baby excited thank you so much man battle test been through it all lot of adversity just really thankful for all the ownership and all the coaches that and Scouts that pounding the table for me and I'm just really excited to be able to get here we're just we're going to take the chance that we get what did CH say he's let sit let's try get it get them both I like it Cool Hand Luke over there I'm going to stay I trust my people yes bro think how crazy this I want to take him at 177 we lost all these picks you end up getting the same people man that's awesome come on one pick we got to sweat one pick one pick one pick just got to sweat one pick how's it going man hey how we doing I'm good man sorry to keep you waiting man but you one of our favorite players man we can't believe we got you here uh we're excited we think you're going to play for a long time in this league and you're going to play for the Vikings yeah that's amazing that's that's where I want to be man that's awesome very excited I would say um it's definitely you know it's always been a dream to get to play in the NFL and to get this opportunity this is where I wanted to go heading into the draft so really happy to be here got to be just got to wait for it just got to wait for it buddy you know it's really something special and can't wait I can tell we were all uh we were sweating it out man fired up to have you finally just that pieace of Mind of knowing where I was going to end up for this start of the journey um you know you do so much training throughout January and February and then pro day and then all the workouts and interviews and phone calls and you know it's nice to finally have a spot in a tangible place I can go to um so yeah really excited that's awesome yeah let's pop that up very excited for that very exced Levi Drake talk to me talk to me yeah you're GNA be a viky man let's go that was awesome um you just start you let go and there's whole people cheering hey I got to get the pck turned in here's coach ell how you hey man you can talk to me all day if you want congratulations man no I'm list I'm here I'm here I'm here a lot of people come to my house I had 65 70 people come over uh just fan friend friends and family you know and uh that was sick but uh going into that weekend man uh heart was beating you know I didn't hear a word from the Vikings that whole week so that's the most nervous I've ever been though you know uh felt a pit in my gut you know I was holding my phone I had uh people call me just to check if it works thank you for believing in we we absolutely believe in you and we believe that you're going to be the best version of yourself when we get you here I'm a freaking Viking man it's it's awesome uh can't wait to hit the field tomorrow uh get better every day learn from the Vets uh learn from great coaches man and uh you know play my butt off yes sir
Channel: Minnesota Vikings
Views: 159,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NFL, Vikings, Minnesota, MN, Football
Id: zwePLyu0MvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 41sec (1121 seconds)
Published: Mon May 20 2024
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