Inside Japan's Forest Island of Destruction - [Abandoned]

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we're leaving a tiny Island right here called kurushima out in the area of imab Japan and heading to this little Island right here see this little island has been stuck in my head since this morning when I did a little to walk across this bridge here in the Seton nikai area this here the shimanami kaido is a beautiful route to drive walk or cycle is very popular for cycling and this little fery here is taking us out to this island here and I have no no idea at all what to expect and I'm very excited but since we're going to reach there pretty quickly let me give you a small Peak at this little ferry that we are on here this is it here it has quite a bit of capacity but is otherwise almost well it's entirely empty and coming back here here we can get a peek at the back end and we're leaving the ship building yard out there in the distance and this island here that we're heading towards it's called Kima Island now boat is the only way that Kima Island can be reached unlike many of the other islands of the shimanami kaido area there are no Bridges and Roads that Reach This Island right now as we go it's just about 2:00 p.m. and this Ferry will take us back in just over an hour which means we have a very short time to explore everything but this island is going to be our temporary home for the next hour or so I have no idea how long it's going to take to explore I have no idea what to expect but right out of the gate as soon as we arrive I don't know if you can see it there's a cannon right there on the edge and in the very minimal research that I was able to do about this island it turns out this entire Island was a giant gun battery for the war in 1908 we between Russia and Japan and when you find these older gun battery style islands that are no longer really in use you're always in for a treat so let's go take a look and start exploring this little abandoned Island as you can see there are buildings on here which means at one point this place was habitated habitated I've lost English guys I just I don't speak it anymore it was I think habitated is the word you know what if it's not don't cancel me we're going to take a peek at some of these buildings over here as we go on to explore the island boat has very quickly pulled off and left they make quick work of these pickups and drop offs the buildings are in disarray overgrown Windows boarded up and we have a beautiful view of the Seton nikai and what there's just so many boats coming through here and I kind of want to save this outside walk for if we have time at the end I want to get deep into the island and see what it has to What secrets it may be hiding and so the water out here also is clear and beautiful and typically being in Tokyo where the rivers are a very consistent Brown it's really nice to see going to come up this way oh wow I had no idea see so we do have no way I could camp here it says Camp Joel there's there's a okay we'll have to check that at the end as well also the seeming Visitor Center SL washroom is is in beautiful shape and then it has an osima tourist map but seemingly nothing for the oh wow okay I know I said that we're going to go this way after but aside from the Giant Cannon there look at just how overgrown this building is here if this place is as interesting as it already seems to be I 100% May aim to come back at some point to do some camping but let's go explore the island and see I thought they were getting on the boat but the couple that just W they may be camping here oh I have so many questions I love the discovery if you could see my face right now I have the dumbest smile on my face ever because it's just one of those things that I I I saw an island I was like you know what I wonder if I can get there Googled found some boats and came out now this here says National Park cim this is the name of the island right here and talks about the oh wow okay so it looks like we may be doing some walking today washroom up here and let the walk begin it's always fun when you come out to an area and have no idea whatsoever what to expect and there's it feels like a real life game because there's all these different points where I could choose to go this way or I could choose to go up these steps now up these steps right now I see what looks like a pavilion it looks too clean and new and this seems to take us into a considerably darker part of the forest so I'm going to follow this Trail and see what it leads to I was speaking to a friend recently who had mentioned that finding old war relics of Japan can be quite a challenge Japan has you know kind of dismantled a lot of them disposed of a lot more and it just keeps giving me I don't know this just seems to lead into a forest I can see big spiderwebs streaming along here I may want to grab myself a stick just for clearing spider oh what I threw this just for clearing spider webs as we go along we will you know it looks like this might actually take us past the The Pavilion so I'm going to go up this way and see what we can find there we go so there are if you even if you Google even if I'm like taking a peek at Google Maps right now there's a few points that are lightly listed on the island however there are next to there's no roads there's no roads to to get you into any of it and so for all I know we could be going completely the wrong direction right now and in its own way that is just as exciting you can see like this was originally all built up there's stone walls here there was some kind of structure here there's a staircase I feel like got to go up the staircase NOP and in these things here I can hear things rustling now more often than we're not going up that staircase that just clearly leads to some kind of power station we've come into we found something let's take a peek at some of these buildings here everywhere we go it just keeps breaking off into so many directions giving us so many options and choices for where to go there we go got an old and I'm going to use use my stick here because we've got definitely have some spider webs and cobwebs up in here what really gets me about this is oh I did not clear out enough spiderwebs there what really gets me about this is that the bars on the windows and what have we got God down in here can't even see inside and is this is this snail alive or is that just oh that is Rock soled that snail dried there and then over to this side here still wooden roof out there feels like it's in half decent condition in comparison to this space here okay we have definitely stumbled upon a bit of gold today over in this direction here seems like there are some buildings that have just Fallen apart we can see the water in the ocean back there and I'm pretty sure that's going to lead down to the road we were just at wow this this did not survive and we have to be extra careful you're not going to be able to see it on camera but there is 100% certainly a uh Japanese killer Hornet like Nest over here because I see two or three of them flying so we're going to take caution in this area not just because of the Hornets but there are also obviously going to be snakes and other Critters around here this as well just completely overgrown and then coming into here I see a bit of a wall back here and wonder what it is that I'm looking at what is this a tunnel oh wow yeah we're definitely definitely going to need this stick for look at this this is a mix of beautiful ins spectacular going to take a quick peek in here again watching our step along the way there are also a ton of mosquitoes in this zone so we're going to try to keep a fairly decent pace moving forward not to attract too many into one spot the little flowers there as well just really add something to the aesthetic and it seems this takes us fairly high up on here and again watching our step as we go over the past three days of this adventure I have come across something like seven or eight snakes most of them are just Japanese rat snakes they're black they're nonvenomous and they will instantly run away from you but if you step on it before it has a chance to run away it may bite you so as I talk I also keep my eyes on the ground and we have a little Shrine up here as well and wow did not expect spiderwebs on my face here but there we are okay the clock is constantly ticking so let's keep making our way down to the next area nice and carefully as we go down because even dry leaves can get pretty slippery there we go and we'll head back down these stairs here and continue the journey this way see I originally wasn't going to go down that little path had I not seen this little section of wall so really really glad that I did right now we are on the 1 million seconds through Japan and here we have the southern battery remains which means there's likely a Northern Battery remains and we have a really fuzzy caterpillar here so let's see if you can't get to the north side of the island before the last boat comes see when I looked I could not find oh we have another snail when I looked I could not find very much information on the island at all actually the first thing I found was the boat and after finding the boat I quickly realized that I was running out of time to do research I would have loved to do a bit more research there's plenty of Japanese blogs that seem to have writeups on this place but I simply didn't have time as soon as I found it I had something like 20 minutes to get to the boat get on the boat and then we were shooting so we come in with very little information which which leads to much more Discovery and excitement I'd rather be choosing the paths and not know which way to go like this clearly goes into the little like Village that is here however with how overgrown it is right now and this not really being the goal I want to find more of these uh battery and we're going to kind of walk through here and keep our stick clearing things out for us along the way there are actually lots of caterpillars hanging down not as many spiders surprisingly but we have a little l oh right over here I don't know if you can see him there's a little lizard running around that oh he's quick can you see him it's a cute little you'll find a a lot of lizards out in these areas and keep going up here as I see another building but the number of times that the road just keeps splitting off here it's just creating so much adventure and this as well looks like it's going to be some kind of T this path is very narrow and if you've ever watched anything on this channel before you know I always choose the narrowest path but have to be quite careful with footing here because I most certainly do not want to be falling in there and this this is certainly snake territory now on an island this small I'm likely not going to have to worry about larger animals like bears and that boat horn most certainly gave me a bit of a scare was not expecting it there's a spider web right there and I completely missed and this seems to just take us into the back end of the houses I going to try try and get back to that main path here and see if we cannot get to the north side of the island I typically in these situations will carry with me a tiny GPS device I for mine I typically use just trying to get it off my bag right right now so I can show you guys I typically use this here which is called the Garmin in reach mini by no means sponsored not even particularly recommended but the number of times that I end out in areas that have zero signal and this is my only emergency backup it has become a very useful tool over the years and okay there oh I forgot to okay again this just keeps breaking off into so many Pathways we've got a pathway that goes up here and a pathway that goes over here we're going to take this one first cuz it looks like it may end up here but if I'm not mistaken we're less than I was wrong about it ending up here that's for sure I was I think we're probably about 20% or so across the island at the moment and what is down here okay I'm going to go this [Music] way they've got benches and everything it's going to go through the trees but we will head down here signs for a powder battery remains but how often is it that you're going to get a walk like this at all there are plenty of places in Japan that will have old battery Remains the area of Oda for example Oda itself was uh giant like batteries Cannon batteries I like it this is the power magazine from Ms and we came out during the perfect season with the green contrasted strongly against the brick and here again we have I don't know if you can see him there is a little caterpillar floating there so we just need to watch out for those guys as well and let's clear out in here I feel like I've just come to a completely different place I feel like I've almost as if I've step foot outside of Japan like I'm not even not even in Japan anymore and unfortunately I can't spend too too long in any one of these spots because I feel like if we're coming across this much of the density of these locations is at this level there's probably a lot more to discover on the island and so we'll continue down the path that we started and see what else we can find it's amazing all the foliage has fallen and survived through the winter mind you this area doesn't get severely cold Winters you'll rarely sometimes but rarely see snow out in the ehime and Imo areas and so we had that path up there but this kind of takes us in the direction that we want to go across the island and so we're going to come up here and again we're broken down into two paths each each with something on them and me being me I'm just going to have to make my way to the narrowest path here which is also kind of dark I don't even know if we'll be able to make it through fingers crossed that this opens up a bit or could be pushing through quite a bit of bush here there we are oh okay we'll come around this way and duck around and under oh my bag's getting stuck on everything okay this this is leading to this is leading to snake zone for sure and there's a little Hut here I definitely hear lots of rustling in the grass but okay yeah that there there there was a snake that just went through there and this this has led to nothing it's just a giant field and so what we'll do is we'll come back this way get back onto the main path and see what else we can find along the way you know what I think that's actually the main path there I'm just going to walk up the side of this hill it'll save me going through a whole bunch of trees there we go back onto the main path and stick up now as I go through here I can also hear larger bees pretty much everywhere and you see what seems to be paths that also lead off into the forest which means I would not be surprised if people came out here just for hiking as well but with the proximity to emo itself the ferry out here from the port took probably less than 10 minutes so even if you did have some form of trouble I haven't even checked to see if I have signal at all yet nope not really I was going to say even if you do have some form of trouble you probably just be able to call for help I guess we're just far enough that we're down on Signal lots of little lizards running through here though but this just seems like it really would be an incredible place to come out and do some camping it feels like a safe enough Island I've been places in Japan where especially abandoned Villages and whatnot where I did not feel nearly as safe as I do here but at being a little island I know that I don't have the same worry of coming across larger animals like a deer is not going to do anything to you and most black bears won't either which is one of the added benefits to doing these walks while talking and sharing it with you guys cuz if there are bears which there wouldn't be here we won't be startling them and they'll be able to hear us and once again we split off into two directions but this direction has no sign and seems to run into a thick once again this one does saying that okay so the mid and North should be in this direction so it feels like we are heading in the right way towards the north battery I knew it had to be there and either way this reminds me of two years ago when we did the original trip where we visited as many places as we could and we found the forest with the waterfall now that forest was dark and at the time I made the mistake of using a GoPro which I will not do again and after our walk through the forest which was equally as beautiful as this maybe not the GoPro just started glitching like crazy and I almost lost the file luckily recovery software exists and I was able to recover it but between that and the number of other projects that have basically been sacrificed at the hands of my GoPro I won't touch it anymore this here see I keep I keep just missing them there's little lizards all over the place in this island this is just going to rename it lizard and Cat Island because we got another beautiful little caterpillar right here and right now we are on a DJI action 4 and it has served me well since grabbing it it has considerably better low light and is able to capture moments like the this and share them much nicer and we have Trail markers along the way so it tells us we're definitely heading in the right way it amazes me that an island like this that is no longer used no longer inhabited is still maintained and taken care of at this level I'm just I love this I don't know what it is about a hillside with a bunch of of pine but I love it and I always stop and take a moment to enjoy it Are there specific little moments in nature that really do it for you like when I have trees on both sides and I look up and there's like a break just a little bit of a break of the sky absolutely love that these drop offs here with the p absolutely love those I just got these little obviously the lizards and the caterpillars just the little the simple little things actually I haven't minded coming across the the snakes either every single one has been peaceful and just kind of scurried away and one of two of the lizards have actually stopped or poked their heads out to say hello but and if you look out this way you can actually let's see if I can punch in just a little here here we've got bit of a view of the bridge in the set nikai out there and we continue on this way now I was I say while there are other areas of Japan that you'll come across you know battery remains of and whatnot none of them are this extensive okay so we got two options we can go check out the the middle ones and then maybe come back this way and go check out the north batteries so we will head up this way and I love it's just a tunnel with light Breaking Through the Trees this is like from a distance this island looks really tiny a small part of me thought maybe I could do this walk and oh no I broke my stick I'm good I'm good everything's fine I've been also kind of using as a walking stick but small part of me thought I could probably walk this entire Island in like 30 40 minutes because well from that bridge out there it looks very tiny I will link the playlist of videos and Adventures that we've been doing on this one really trip but this morning as we walked across the bridge and saw it I was like oh that's that's super tiny you could walk from one side to the other I pointed out the houses on it and everything I was like look at that can't even go there and there's nowhere near as Tiny as it looks from a distance and I'm incredibly happy about that because it gives us all of this exploration but I'm wondering if we're going to be able to get through enough of it there we go we got our next sign here wondering if going to be able to get through enough of it before the time runs out and we got to head back to the boat cuz it's not just the time to get out here also need to get back to the boat so the time crunch is most certainly on there we are now it is a little odd to see the the power cables up here as well oh you can hear something rustling in there whatever it was it was bigger than all the rest so oh just lizards okay lizards are okay maybe it's just a big lizard oh this one is extensive wow okay take a little peek in there this goes on for some time I don't know what I was expecting when we came out to this island never really know what to expect when you going to a random Island part of me was like oh it might just be a couple houses on there and one or two old Canon battery remains huh okay really but I can assure you that in no Universe was I expecting this this is just a surprise and a visual treat inside of each of these seems to be pretty much the same but my question is what's up around the corner and the way it's all just kind of built into the structure of the mountain oh boy okay so again we've broken off into several paths here oh I absolutely love that yes 100% but I'm also hearing a lot of flies over here as well so I'm guessing that we may have some kind of well carcass or remains or something but what have we got down here okay we got still water that could be part of it all right we will come up this way all of these completely stripped empty and it brings us to a dead end here that they've pylon off I got to wonder why why has it been Pyon off again not like it's a major tourist attraction that we're going to be doing a bunch of damage to but whenever I'm in these situations as much as I want to go up that and part of me tells me I should I also kind of want to respect the pylons and so I'm I'm going to do the good thing for now manage our time respect the pylons cuz you never know these videos right like you know 10,000 people might watch it a 100,000 people might watch it might take off a million you never know and I don't want to be like oh yes let's come and ignore all the do not enter stuff and so we'll go up these stairs and I got to keep my eye as well on the time we're doing okay so far but these stairs are steep like I you definitely cannot tell in the video but this is more like a ladder than a Stairway I'm glad that there's this cuz this is quite the hike now we like to rate the stairs on this and I know this is going to be the third time on this adventure that I've done this but these stairs 100% are getting a 10 out of 10 from me just for the Aesthetics of them and the way they came through the brick like that wow and they just keep going as well okay as we maintain our pace and breath and kind of take a look around it started out as a beautiful day today and has slowly started to Cloud over which as it kind of matches the area I'm not entirely opposed to but what is this going to lead us to okay I'm going to give a second for people in the chat and the comments to take a guess I'm guessing looks like a well might be a Viewpoint what do you think drop it in and now we're going to head up wow it is well if it was a well it's closed up but we have a gorgeous vantage point from the top of the island of the set nikai from here and we have little bumblebees floating around at the moment you know what this here kind of feels like the spot that I almost definitely should stop and appreciate for a second so we will continue down from the path of the north side managed to get some new information while I was up there off of one of the signs since I actually had time to stop and read it so as we head towards the Northern Battery over here a turns out there are bore on this island that we need to be careful for so we will take a little bit of extra caution and keep our eyes out for bore along the way we definitely don't want to shock them so we'll continue with our stick and our conversation as we go along and the second thing that I discovered is that area was the Shir the kind of Lookout slash command posts where they would kind of keep an eye on things and give orders to the different batteries so coming away from the central battery now working our way towards the Northern Battery the thicket has well has grown over quite a bit and thanks to my little navigation GPS thing here it connected me through my map to my hiking I do like can you imagine falling in there that would there there's got to be something living in there that is that is terrifying it turns out that I have access to some maps and this road should lead us directly without issue to the Northern Battery and potentially back just in time to catch the boat missed that last boat and I am stuck here for the evening which had I brought any of my camping gear would have been fine but I didn't this is also not the kind of place place that I would want to be hiking around and exploring too late at night cuz you know that's when all the boore and whatnot are going to come out so rather than tent camping out in an area like this I would likely hammock camp and find a nice strong set of trees and keep my hammock there so that I'm well lifted off the ground while you don't see a lot of it in Japan I've met a lot of older gentlemen on you know Back Mountain Trails and they tell me that they're out camping I'm like well it doesn't look like you have enough camping supplies with you like are you even carrying like what a single person tent and no no no no hammock I want to get my hammock as high up as possible that way I have nothing on the ground and everything stays up so that if a boar comes running through they don't charge my tent and knock it all over and you know that was a really good lesson for me so I took that advice years ago got a hammock and I actually prefer using hammocks for any and all of my winter camping here in Japan cuz it just keeps you off the ground and if you get a good sleeping pad on under it as well has a nice warm down sleeping bag it can be quite warm a lot of the years I will actually end the year around new years's by doing some non YouTube base camping out in the snow and just enjoy being out there with a nice campfire as much food as I want and just enjoy the snow and the warm I think the only time that I ever put together any of that into a video was once for oh no I stopped for one second and I got a spiderweb in the face lovely the only time that I've ever done is once over on patreon where we sat down with a hammock in the snow and had an End ofe chat that one is still up for anybody who wants to take a peek at it and we have one more sign here for the Northern Battery remains and then I believe the final path should just take us down along the edge of the island back to the little village that was there um this area as well with the trees I yes yesterday while it hasn't come out yet it'll probably come out somewhere within the next two weeks I did a mountain hike that is constantly changing views had some beautiful mountain views a valley with some gorgeous trees a giant Dam ending off at a waterfall and I cannot wait to share that one and get that up but seeing as the morning of today day that was a bird that was a bird guys the morning of today is when we discovered this island I wanted to come out here first and get this one up to you guys as soon as possible so that you could enjoy this kind of in real time along with me now doing this so far we've been putting together between 1 and three videos per day during this adventure and again we will continue to travel for 1 million seconds equating to a total of 11 and 1 12 days and this brings us out where we've got a gorgeous view of the ocean now not too too far from here in tokushima there's an area called Naruto and you can see that there's Naruto whirl pools down there where you can actually see whirl pools and swirling of the water and you've got some pretty rough water right here but it's not quite whirl pooling for us just yet so we'll continue on down this way and see what I don't know what I was expecting for the walk to the Northern Battery I thought maybe it would take us more up through the mountains but this one is really down on the edge and it looks like we have reached the remains of the Northern Battery right here so many lizards too like just so many so they had four light cannons in this one one an semi similar layout to the one that we just came from but let's see what oh I feel like we're in for another treat all right let's walk and enjoy I'd be remissed if I didn't hop over this and head up this way there it is came in from over there and we will head back down and I'm just going to do a little hop over this there we go that brings us down to this way here for I arrived for the very first time in Japan in 2005 fell in love with the country and decided to move out here in 2007 I had a short oneyear break where I went back home and got some stuff sorted out but in all the travel that I did during my first trip I traveled from Hokkaido all the way down to kushu and in all the Travel and Adventure that I did I never got to find places like this and so it's just such a treat that after this many years in the country there are still things that can serve as a bit of a surprise if you will and we'll take great caution as we walk through here and won't go too too deep I want to go deep I want to go check it out though I really do and I'm going to come right through this way again just kind of keeping our eyes on the ground as we go oh wow like it really does end up feeling like you've stumbled into oh we almost tripped but we're good really does end up feeling like you've just stumbled into a completely Hidden World and that's what it is it's it's a hidden world it's a forgotten World from well over a hundred years ago like the Japan Russia War I think it's Japan Russo War I I don't know how it's pronounced sorry 100% get it wrong history was my weakest subject back in school but that was I believe 1908 and so all of this has been here for a [Music] century and has been untouched wow for likely close to the same amount of time there we go now when we come back over this way the path splits once again and there we are the path that is going to take us back to the town and boat is going to be this way but I think there's still more up here so before we head down in that direction we're going to go ahead and see what else is left and it looks like we might be just on time for that boat when we finish up it's like a tunnel through here look at this wow I'm going to pose a question to you guys and I'd love for you to leave it in the comments at the end of the video but I know there are a lot of other explorers both major and minor who watch this Channel and I'd love to know in all of your time exploring not just Japan anywhere what is the best place that you've stopped what is the best space that you have found and there we are we made it to the Northern Battery remains had 24 cm cannons here and this is it the northern Edge of the island quite similar to the one that we just climbed up on but considerably more overgrown and it goes all the way to the back here but I actually love this right here with the flowers just hanging off of this Vine it just feels like such a treat all of this just feels like a treat 100% of this just feels like a trait to see and I'm absolutely loving it all right I grabbed myself a little shot there just because of how beautiful the flowers were but the further we get out like these Northern Battery remains have obviously seen the least love care and attention over the years and seem to have grown over the most wow okay like these ones are very grown over and then there's a set of stairs here I don't even know if we're going to be able to even the stairs are kind of grown over we're going to try and take these with caution they're very very slippery so we need to be extra extra careful as we go up and oh wow I don't even know if we're going to be able to get to the end of it the end up there looks completely overgrown and oh even just getting through spaces like this I'm just hoping that we don't end up with too many spiders or leeches on us by the end of this actually in all fairness getting up is less of my concern than getting down at this point CU there's so much mud and dirt on these stairs like getting down is most certainly going to be a challenge there we [Music] go we made it oh my that was worthwhile very very worth worthwhile now for safety as I head back down these stairs here we're going to pause this just once and then we will continue on from the walk to the town so that I can get down safely with two hands without falling cuz that that's our challenge made it safely back down with no issue it's a good thing I made sure I had two hands for that also this Tunnel right here it's actually a whole there I can see the back end of it it's probably not going to show up on camera but that 100% will transport you to another universe and it looks like this space here was kind of like a a ballistics or bombing testing Zone oh just incredible to see now I have just about 20 to 25 minutes until the last Boat Leaves this area and so I think if we head back down this way and follow the path along the shore oh no that beautiful tree just it's full of thorns and caught on there we go that beautiful tree with the flowers yeah that was full of thorns and it did not want to let me go it was completely attached to me I got stuck but we should be able to make our way back down along that Shoreline route to the video to the video to the village and back to the boat and every single time I see one of these I feel like these have got to be homes and houses for the bores like I feel like bores have got to be living in these spaces so let's head back down this way and try to make it on time we spent the entire time going through the forested area like this is so I'm curious to see what the route leading down along the shore to the village is going to be like I tend to walk through these spaces now see there's a clear hole dug in there like there's a pathway built through that so there we unfortunately over the past decade especially Japan has started to kind of clean up and dispose of a lot of its old abandoned areas there were abandoned places that I had come across long before starting YouTube look at this they entire like tunnels in kimichi kimichi is like the like kind of animal paths but there are entire like abandoned buildings bowling alleys Villages structures game arcades and whatnot in the countryside that I've gone back to see if I can share with you guys and despite having been abandoned for 20 30 years when I originally found them have just suddenly gotten cleaned and cleared up they've gotten torn down and nothing rebuilt in their place and so being able to come out and find something from a century ago that is still here for us to see and appreciate is it feels like a very lucky day and so many little bugs running through oh this is going to be a nice walk on its own see this now we've got something for everybody today so you've got the rushing waters over there and then our path back literally just takes us along inside the ocean like this feels like a very very special day that I get to put this out for you guys and let's get to enjoy the flow of the water through the ocean and just how clean the water here is as well it's all a gorgeous emeraly blue Hawks flying up above it's going to take it in for a minute a couple years back when I got my boat captain's license here in Japan a lot of places you don't need a license to operate a boat but due to the level oh we've got you guys see it due to the level of boating traffic that is in Japan you know I've gone out to see the Naruto whirlpools and I would honestly say that coming out to this island and getting to see this like up close like this is far far better there is a boat tour that will take you out to the Naro world pools for you to see them but this is just much nicer also there are boat tours that come through here and will'll take you from Island to Island and share the history of the island and information people would enjoy as they go through so every now and then you can have one come by just as I got up to the Lookout Point I could actually hear one of the boats off in the distance and was trying my best because they're using a megaphone to explain stuff I was trying my best to keep my ears open to see if I couldn't catch anything but the Echo and the distance was a bit much oh there he goes again let's zoom in there I'm sure as we round this Bend he'll try and fly away once again he's hunting for some fish right now gorgeous and we shouldn't be too too far oh my I thought we shouldn't be too too far from the I thought it was going to come around this corner and we would be at the boat but it looks like we've got one more Corner up here and there's a fisherman down here who is currently casting his line so with that being said this last little bit I've only got a few minutes left to catch this boat and so I am going to go do that I hope that you have enjoyed this walk it's definitely been among our longer walks please leave me something down below and let me know what you thought what did you enjoy and I know so many of you so many of you have so much fun looking up the history and reading things and sharing it in the comments so 100% share anything and everything you find you know I'm going to be doing that as soon as I turn in for the night today you're going to want to look up Kima island is how it shows up on Google Maps but it's also known by locals as Oshima Island it comes down it actually uses both names so when I was looking at Japanese blogs it had both on there Kima and Oshima we have a fisherman right there thank you guys so much for spending this time with me the 1 million seconds through Japan Adventure will continue we have a set of mystery steps here that leads to wait wait we have a set of no way does this come into a bamboo Grove oh yeah [Music] yeah so little bit of a bamboo Grove can't go very deep don't know why there's stairs or what was here before but somebody did ask the other day if we could check out a bamboo Grove so here we are thank you so much and I'll see you again real soon
Channel: Tokyo Lens Explore
Views: 100,393
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Japan, Japanese, Livestream, Japan live, Tokyo Lens, Tokyo Lens Explore, Norm Tokyo Lens, Exploring Japan, Walking Japan, Walk Japan, Japan Walk, Japan views, abaondoned, abandoned places, abandoned japan, abandoned island, japan island, japaense island, japan ruins
Id: Z8_ahPTF1hI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 26sec (4406 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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