Inside an ABANDONED Hoarders Motel That's Been Untouched for Years - EVERYTHING LEFT BEHIND

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[Music] welcome to the abandoned hoarders Motel situated near a popular Lake this roadside Motel was a cheap place for travelers to stay for a night or two while being able to enjoy some summer fun the 18-room motel sits on 10 acres of prime real estate while also having an RV storage area out back around 2016 the motel closed permanently and was put up for sale the owners lived in the home on site which doubled as the motel's reception area they seem to be hoarders and the home still sits packed to the brim full of clothes bills food electronics customer information and even ownership papers for the RVs stored out back at first the property was listed as an opportunity to bring the motel back to its former glory and reopen but as the years went on and different realtors failed to sell the property this never happened starting at 2.5 million dollars in 2016 the property has climbed in value and currently sits for sale for almost 7 million dollars the current idea for the next owner is to put a commercial Plaza in the motel's place that will feature stores restaurants and other businesses until then only time will tell if the motel ever ends up selling and what will go in its place all right guys and what is up it is Noah and today I have something pretty amazing for you guys we have stumbled upon this very cool retro motel that's all boarded up and abandoned but we stepped inside and oh my goodness this place is absolutely packed to the brim it is a time capsule unfortunately I'm not able to get into the actual rooms of the motel but really the meat of the Explorer is in this uh reception slash owner's home area uh it's just amazing what's left in there so I think you guys are really going to enjoy this one um a big thank you to Brandon he showed me there he is they thank you Brandon he took me here so uh go check him out links will be in the description below and with that let's get into this Explorer because I think you guys are going to absolutely love it all right guys so we are starting at the front of I guess this is perception of this hotel or motel sorry it's an absolute Time Capsule there's just everything left behind here which is quite amazing um it's almost shocking so there's a trailer and boat storage which still I think behind there people do pay to store their stuff [Applause] so this is where they're taking down what trailers and stuff we're in and being held it's not because like they have they have ownerships of like vehicles and stuff and like keys this is like an actual legitimate ownership I know computer still foreign so what's more shocking in here in my opinion he's in like all of the stuff on the walls and stuff like that it's this was the entrance into the guy's house or whoever was owning this Motel and um it is an absolute Hoarders house basically you can say Time Capsule if you want but like look at this like this is just nuts looks like this might have been where they were keeping breakfast at the time it's not that old it seems like 2000 and 10 maybe this was abandoned but it's nuts because like all of the paperwork for the hotel like fire inspections um electrical banking everything so obviously this was his office so this is 20 2013 last calendar wasn't even hung up foreign [Music] [Music] so the property guys is currently for sale so the assumption is that this is getting knocked down for probably more housing so why take anything with you really so that's photos of them guys could be even here no it's not here nope him and her those are the two I've seen a few IDs for them now I think they just got sick that's why this place got sold off this is a cash box and it's just full of car keys like this is what from Mercury I think yep foreign Chrysler um that's nuts there's like a bunch of keys apparently like Brandon was just saying there's Keys everywhere in this place so we got one bucket of keys yo that's so cool because it actually says the hotel on it oh no way I love that yep cool so does this one housekeeping this place was legit yeah that stuff made for it so this is where this owner was living obviously and like holy is it ever packed and obviously guys I'm gonna miss stuff like there's just too much in here to see everything but like you can see the dust just built up over the years something that's interesting is that this guy was taping markers to like everything like there's markers on the fridge there's markers on I mean the freaking the fan like there's I don't understand it's so weird because it's like a mix of like old and new in here that clock is still working we kind of think somebody might be squatting here but we're not 100 sure I guess this is where the guy would cook and eat me eat maybe like it's just like a it's like a little rig oh this might have been I know this didn't close that long man this closed in uh like 2020. so most likely it's got it was just a living in filth basically because this calendar is 2019. another desk back here this is what I mean by there's like a huge mix of like old and new foreign assuming this is his actual kitchen oh wow oh wow oh it does not smell good in here it's like something spilled foreign without opening anything else yeah it's been abandoned a while I had a feeling this was a pretty run down Motel after a while because if this is how he was caring for his um his home how is he caring for the rest of the uh the company dishwashers literally just full can't even close it huh it's actually bungee corded open which is weird wow there's literally just so much to look at I don't even know where to what to show you the clock is still working it's just unsettling hoping these do connect weird crazy that this is just how somebody was living most likely this light fixture has plugs and they're literally running like fans and their hair dryers into the shower and then there's like another two fans right here like what are they doing like I can't imagine doesn't seem like they cleaned in here ever it's just webs after webs and me and whoever else were getting cleared a bit of it like a linen I can't even get in here but it's a linen closet still packed full of stuff I love this tape that's how you get to the basement she has a very strange place to be at a hotel well that's a thing it's a motel but it's just packed full of stuff if you got to be here working 24 hours a day you might as well live here well that's why I don't understand like how can you work here like if this is like how you take care of your home like how's the hotel running well like that's his office I know like imagine somebody walking in and seeing that he wouldn't but you'd never know probably they probably just closed it off wow wow wow wow something about old age here they might have just got really old and passed away honestly maybe that's why they didn't uh clean up their stuff maybe they just couldn't it's actually just sad to see when buildings end up like this so they're Chinese see that another the old radio equipment foreign cassette deck right there wholesale needs some walkie-talkies old pioneer wow like even this foam and look at how caked in uh dust that is foreign old cameras I think this is just a supplies room for the motel Maybe it's really hard to tell though foreign holy oh it's flooded down here it stinks this is how you can tell it's real abandoned look at this bro the amount of cobwebs down here this seems like a scary little maintenance room look at this I'm sure you can see the cobweb right there holy man wow look at that apparently this was flooded three days ago so I don't know where the water went but assuming this is where they were also doing the laundry for the motel just at home here that's just nuts to me it's Breezy I know I'm just giving you guys kind of a walk through I can't I can't look at everything fortunately looks more like a maintenance room still I think the whole basement was just their maintenance room so much like there's so many tools and like chemicals and just there's so much left behind like there's probably thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of just Tools in this basement and like fittings and stuff like that foreign we have literally only explored inside of like the owner's home in this Motel and there's this much stuff so I'm not really sure what um what else is open but just this by itself is an absolute Time Capsule insane insane we're going to continue and uh see what else we can find we're walking to the uh some of the rooms back here Brandon's been here before so he uh he's letting me know which ones are open which ones aren't they all open I don't know if I'll go into all of them that's not open I wonder somebody came and locked them why would you lock them but not the main house what yeah interesting wow somebody came and screwed them shut that one screwed shut too all new screws so somebody's coming and shutting it all out but then they smashed and opened the front all right well I don't think they're gonna be able to get in there guys it's unfortunate because it looks like somebody came with brand new screws and just screwed up yeah pulling these they were open I ducked under interesting oh well it's whatever keep moving on that sucks so maybe those other ones are closed now possibly I'm sorry about that that's all good bro I think the best part we got anyways so guys in a weird turn of events we we assumed that the uh the rooms were gonna be open they were Monday it's Wednesday now so in two days somebody has come and shot every single motel room uh I mean I think we really got the best part of this place we got you know that main building where the owner lived absolutely insane we're gonna check the rooms at the front these are the side ones if we can't get in be sure to check out Brandon's Video because he was here two days ago and he did get into some of the rooms so that's always interesting and you'll be able to see a different perspective a little bit more of this place if we can't get in on this video so we'll go check the rest so this Motel even had this nice little pool don't know if you can call it nice anymore but uh tiny little pool very overgrown very you know unloved and uncared for but nice little um addition to any Motel it's almost like they had like Planters and stuff up there too these ones are screwed too yeah so somebody has come through and screwed every single outside closed yeah with that though guys uh that's gonna wrap up this Explorer of this very very amazing abandoned Time Capsule Motel if you enjoyed hit that like button be sure to subscribe for new and amazing content drop a comment Down Below have you stayed here before would you have stayed here in the time after seeing the inside of the owners apartment basically and uh just thank you guys so much for vibing and rocking with the channel I appreciate it love you guys and I'll see you in the next one foreign [Music]
Channel: Noah.Nowhere
Views: 25,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hoarder motel, abandoned motel, abandoned hoarder motel, owner lived in motel, motel, hotel, abandoned, urbex, abandoned house, urban exploration, everything left behind, packed full of stuff, everything you can imagine, abandoned building, abandoned resort, time capsule, abandoned time capsule, motel full of stuff, motel time capsule, motel abandoned, abandoned timecapsule, retro motel, abandoned retro motel, abandoned places
Id: A79eUYVw4Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 3sec (1503 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 18 2023
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