Inside a High-Security Ebola Isolation Chamber

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now we're in the isolation area it's this part [Music] [Applause] [Music] here we're in the access chamber there's less air pressure compared to the outside this is where the staff puts on a special medical suit you go in in pairs the two people help dress one another you never go in alone we started training during the summer because we felt the risk was getting higher in a medical environment biological fluids are high risk for The Wider public though or the traveler the risk is limited during the incubation period for 21 days after treatment we check the health of the medical staff every day in case there are [Music] symptoms you go inside the patient's room and you go out through a different door you never go backwards the contamination of some nurses in Europe is often due to a high rate of patient admissions so medical facilities are under [Music] pressure it's like an orchestra we play a musical score I'm the chief of service I coordinate the Ensemble but there's an orchestration so there are no useless moves you shouldn't be too few or too many this is why we need to train there is no room for improvisation when you receive a very contagious [Music] patient
Channel: Bloomberg Originals
Views: 1,817,445
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bloomberg, Ebola (Disease Or Medical Condition), Health (Industry), medical, illness, Hospital (Hospital), sierra leone, africa, coronavirus, COVID-19
Id: 5jd3ORHCdcM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 45sec (105 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 04 2014
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