Inscryption Kaycee's Mod But I Start With EVERY SINGLE CARD

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hello hello hello hello hello oh guess what guess what this [Music] means hello hold on are we here you know what this means I'm early as always hello what what the hell man it is 1:00 a.m. in the morning that's when I like the stream hello what's up guest EXO if you lose you suck all right thanks for the encouragement what's up hyper early EXO moment I'm always early what's up bam what's up herb what's up uh P what's up shoes taste like purple what's up breadman what's up Joey what's up credits unknown surprise stream every stream is a surprise stream what's up Tilly uh so you guys like incription right okay name every card well I can do that here it is here's every single obtainable card in Casey's mod by the way first stream hyper welcome thanks for joining and Zi I saw you said that too what's up telet tummy what's up aurus what's up M what's up Alexian EXO I have classes at 1:00 a.m. in the morning what what's up dound what's up Linux player hello EXO you are early I'm all always early what's up champy stuns right on time H close enough what's up Su cashew first stream I've been awake for what's up Damen what's up adman Corp I literally had to explain the brgh horn to my girlfriend earlier nice what's up robot toast oh speaking of earlier you know what happened to me earlier there was a snake in my backyard what's up NK what's up he these are all of the cards oh by the way when you have this many cards it starts doing this weird artifact glitching uh don't worry too much about that about what's going on in the bottom row here what's up slurp what's up chill Dill what's up Doug this doesn't feel like every card there has to be more no this is every card every card that you can obtain in Casey's mod including starter deck exclusives like sto rabbit uh Curious egg and the great Kraken we also have Eero we've got the pelts I don't know why moose buuck is at the end here I don't know why this glitching is happening but there are 79 cards that you can get normally in your uh in your D and case what's up carton I mean Martin I can read what's up can't glitchless Mr Zach I think okay Shall We Begin what's up AO skeleton what's up Platinum first stream welcome what's up we weave snake and backy yard inscription reference IRL yeah there was a snake in my backyard the other day it's up not me finally I can sleep now listening to EXO trolling Ley ASMR yeah I don't know how leie is going to like this one so let's stink bug there's no stink bug in Casey's mod that doesn't exist we do have this annoying thing though so EXO what hellish strategy have you prepared for this there is a strategy okay I I uh did a little uh test run what's up Joey what's up Earl of lemong grab at least you're forced to use geek now so you can see his true potential well here's the thing we only have about a 1 in 79 chance of drawing the Geck every time so we'll see about that stunted wolf is not in case he's what's up Michael do you have a sus card yeah here he is here he is oh by the way here's something that's interesting when you have every single card still egg can't hatch because there's no card that naturally has five attack so we need to get to a campfire and we need to buff either like the grizzly or the sharks attack by one and then the egg will be hatchable but there is a strategy here what's up [Music] verb uh let's see here that was a misinput I would never say you're my favorite small YouTuber EXO that's that's understandable what's up Nathan what's up QQ the return I don't know Casey's mod but zero misplays it's possible it's possible what's up Dave gaming so that's our this is our starter deck by the way we're going to get more cards as we play too because that's just how it works but there is a strategy here um the best card The Meta when you have every single card is of course I mean you know what I'll let you guys guess I'll let you figure it out what do you think the strategy is going to be I want to see your thoughts in the in the chat but first of all um hello I would never say F you no no you said what you said I saw it you can't lie to me your pelts are infested how tragic take these gck no geek is not the strategy here what's up Diamond you also play on skull storm no no no no no there's no challenges this is the challenge all right this is gonna be a challenge enough probably okay so what do we do first um campfire if it's an attack buff we could probably need to get rid of some cards yeah I mean we have a few what's up reddish Tempest get rid of as many cards as possible no that's not the strategy we don't even need to we have I have a strategy what's up one wheel short hand tentacle for the win what's up spider Dutch um so one thing I want to do we got to get to a uh campfire with an attack buff what's up ven the Strat is to lose so we get more EXO content throw for content to make the stream longer maybe what's up crocodile I think I want to get that egg hatchable as soon as possible so let's go for a campfire and hope it's an attack buff what's up team storm leader what's up Peter it's clearly Pelt lice oh somebody's figured it out team storm leader right Pelt lice is the strategy I'm not even kidding I'm not joking all right shark it is an attack buff very nice so first of all oh yeah totems are actually going to be pretty nice here too because no matter what we're going to get some use out of it this man is ignoring me and I love it sorry Tilly uh uh there's a lot of chats and also I'm trying to play video game I tried my best what's up ghostly block what run we on we just started uh so now the egg is hatchable look at this everything if we draw this one in 79 chance there are 79 cards in this game that we can have uh then it'll hatch if we draw it all right first battle with 79 cards in the deck let's see how this goes I'm sure it'll go fine I'm sure oh we drew geek and mirror tentacle wow my favorite cards oh perfect just excellent excellent um I hate this game all right let's go for a Geck here and a we don't have to summon the mirror tentacle yet but I will uh I am going to use this squirrel in a jar is not bad to have but maybe we can get better stuff I don't know the frame rate drops when the cards come out it's a lot of cards the game is having some trouble perhaps yeah look at how large see one thing that's nice about this little buff if you will is that uh we uh are never going to have to worry about starvation that's not going to be a problem of course we start the stream with mirror tentacle you know that didn't happen when I was practicing this didn't have to worry about mirror tentacle showing up but of course you know how it goes it works well when you practice it and then when you go to do it on stream it all falls apart immediately that's probably what's going to happen but we'll see starvation is going to be scary this run oh no oh good miror tentacle is useless now we drew another useless card dude look at these cards these are terrible what's up Fallen 79 to one and we get the gck we got him right away of course we did Hey look it's Bron horn nice what's up Justin animator if I'm banned from this chat as well you're not banned from this chat I could make that happen though if you want I mean just say the word like so the real challenge is to get starvation that would be difficult like if I actually tried to do that that probably wouldn't happen um all right we get to add an 80th card to Our Deck what's up Peter this run is going to be real consistent always good to keep your deck nice and thin yeah keep the card count low so that you draw your best cards every single card is going to have this mushroom Icon by the way which if you don't know that means you already have a copy of this and mushroom myologist oo more cards uh yeah you know we could take another Pronghorn I don't mind it more cards heck yeah what roach oh yeah we drew the we drew the censored roach uh now moose buuck moved over here for some reason this glitching is still happening we have 80 cards now a nice even oh now the top row is glitching too oh that's yeah that's nor normal you see this pole what would the pole be what's up Deb CER I think is how you say that um you will be talking to me when I sleep how do you feel about that uh it's fine what's up uh double I think is what's up JJ ssbu never mind got banned from fem Bond server really why what did you do what happened I want to know the drama I want to know the tea all right let's get some items items are going to be important as always right um luckily we got the worst items in the game here fantastic oh I'll take a black coat pole if you should have a poll all right um oh you know what we could do the typical pole uh how many fails question mark zero uh one two let's say just one all right let's make one an option let's make two an option and then three or more I can only have so many here yeah what's up enemy That's a classic EXO uh stream chat person what do I call you guys I don't know should we okay we we can get more items or we could go for a totem I should make that a poll um because when I when I practiced this I did not need a totem I didn't get one I should say all right I'm looking at the poll right now I don't know about this a lot of people are saying two fails I don't know what's up paper choer chatter okay chatter I'll I'll just call you chatter from now on then paper Cho no I'm just kidding what's up J beyond belief is there an Eck yes every single um obtainable card Eero should be right around here here he is that is not a normal rabbit so like I said this includes starter deck exclusives that prong Horn's got some golden horns over there oh my goodness all right um what's up Google core what's up Maniac party hey how's it going all right you guys majority says two deaths we're going to lose two times what's up Jesse what's up a yeah you were already here I said that already I think whoops what's up X flitz first try no fails I got a first try when I was um I was uh practicing what's up Mari ghost what's up curo I can read I made a lushy Emoji by the way there he is live lushy reaction all right I need another uh poll cuz um let's see do we get a totem question mark yes now yes later or no all right one more poll before we can progress sorry what's up Platinum what's up Nathan what's up man freak you have some pelts for Trader yeah not exactly Trader doesn't want these pelts because we also have just a moment let it load the deck real quick we also have Pelt lice so uh yeah uh I think items are more important but we have some items so yes now okay all right pole is uh totem sucks I I think so that usually totems are not the best but since we have every single card then as long as if we get a totem I mean we'll at least have cards that it'll do something with what's up Sir have you ever played Magic the Gathering no I haven't I'm more of a yukoh guy unfortunately next to every act three card but still in act one they don't work all right yes now I guess we're going to go left here then you guys are throwing we should do slay the slay the streamer what don't oh oh yeah this is a good hand okay we're going to open with with the only two for cost cards how does this did not happen when I practiced nothing why why did why when I practiced it was phenomenal it was great but now this happens all right you know what fine I'll do it then I'll summon the uruli you think I won't I'm tempted to summon Pelt lice instead cuz it would be funny but uh all right we summoned Uli we did it what's up the cartoonist did you miss anything uh not much we're just about getting started if idok steals naughty children child 13 better watch out o good point here's okay well there's child 13 speaking of uh egg is hatchable that's one of the nice things about that is that if we draw the egg easy to hatch that's an interesting thing here Dark Magician hey EXO give me a quote what do you mean a quote what's up guy jobs oh interesting should we get another black goat or another waren these are both good options how long are you going to stream as long as it takes until we beat this or until uh Rick and Morty comes on because I want to watch that what's up a normal human in a big Earth I ate many nuts and many bolts help uh well I don't know how to help you there all right let me get a poll which card do I take we've got the black goat see I like two two options here the nice thing about this is that every time I don't feel like making a choice I can make you guys do it instead uh Clover all right all right another poll it's pole time I love polls make sure to put Pelt life sigil on meal worm what no new Rick and Morty yeah there's a new episode on tonight season 7 episode 2 uh all right all right what's winning let's see here okay YouTube is freaking out a little bit I don't think that's how numbers work YouTube black goat by a long shot okay uh interesting choice because this way we could give one of them to the um uh the bone Lord right so that we still have one in the deck and then another one gives us guaranteed bones that is a good strategy for this because that way even if we draw a bone card we have guaranteed we'll be able to play it oh my gosh what is is happening down here look at this it's too many cards stacked on top of each other I think so the game kind of freaks out but it keeps looking different okay whatever don't worry about that it's totally fine was the first episode good uh I liked it it was all right what's up martas where are the wild Frost streams oh they're coming we'll do some wild Frost soon okay you know what I'm going to take the insect uh totem why would okay I'll take the insect this could be interesting okay uh I do need items though we'll go for items after this maybe your cards are gold EXO poles what no not that kind of pole what what's up Zeke you break the game it looks broken refund oh okay so we have meman we have okay this is an interesting hand every every time we draw cards it's going to be something different um hey EXO make me mod never we have do we have a mod in the chat I might have to make someone a mod if there's no mod in the chat any mods in the chat anyone oh we have a mod in the chat we're good no need for mods what up no no squared you should do skull storm with every card well let's see if we can beat it without that first um so we have Pelt golden Pelt which means I can summon I can call upon I can call forth the Pelt lice yes golden rodent is here it's crazy what's up hi roller a pelt though yeah we've got that we also have hand tentacle which is is only going to have two attack and then we have meman which can stall so I'm going to summon pel lece there he is this will take out this raven egg as well all right let's see how this goes this could be a little risky though because if he brings in another bird here I'm not going to be able to do anything about that you could have two mods in the chat true what's up H2O eater would you miss not much not much just a few battles what's up 24 what's up him you're going to go for the fair and well considering we have every single one blood that's uh easier said than done hey that's a good one what's up Jack thanks for being ex exellent that's a new one that's clever well thanks for the Super Chat exellent H uh uh that pun L that's actually a good one that's not bad uh okay so the problem here is that this wolf could just eat this mole but he's going to move and block both of pel Li's attacks instead so we're doing no damage here that's unfortunate but however we're going to get to do some Overkill damage let's see uh four oh we already have a solid amount here we're good we're solid okay so here's a strategy Daniel Mullins needs to add golden Pelt lice heck yeah it has bifurcated strike instead of double strike EXO getting paid a heck yeah all right we're definitely going here listen wait hold on I want to explain it on the map first this is not time tra well this is time travel I'm just going back into the past a little bit here so we have two options here I want to explain this I love explaining things what's up yes hello I'm finally here uh what's up Rob lurking all right I'll keep that in mind so we could you know we could just grab another card you know just get a why not I'm sure we could use another card here or we could go this way what's up uh Pam Lily is that how you say that maybe yo what's up jacket Hotline Miami what' you missed not too much are you going to be keeping the stream up on your channel EXO I don't want you mentioning me to be forgotten everything gets forgotten uh yeah we'll probably keep this one cuz I like this idea oh by the way I forgot to mention uh this idea I stole it from spam e he on the most recent video that I uploaded like yesterday he he commented hey you should do a run with every card and I was like oh why didn't I think of that so spon are you here I'm using your idea it was a good idea thank you for the idea uh uh we're going to take this for two reasons one it's a good item and two this is the strategy here with 79 cards we can't guarantee much but I can guarantee getting a pelt with this and then therefore we can guarantee having Pelt lice so Pelt lice is actually the meta of this stupid build I'm also going to take more pelts because again that just gives us more access to Pelt lice yeah I've messed up the timeline there a little bit but don't worry about that EXO likes to explain exol continues to deepen oh a Sigil transfer all right anybody any suggestions for sigil transfer how much has the lore changed not too much guaranteed hey EXO are you going to do skull storm with everyone act card um probably not cuz I don't think that would go very well but I mean maybe we could try it after we beat it normal I guess why not so I will pay you 0.000000001 for every hour you've played inscription well I've played inscription for not enough hours for that to uh be a real number unfortunately what's up Windows how late are you uh it says I started streaming 22 minutes ago I don't know if that's true yeah it's true you're 22 minutes late give something magpie sigils what's up just a person we do have Magpie what's up stroy black goat on Warren so we have the this card okay the card I cannot cannot read that name on YouTube don't want to get too demonetized here what's up Tepig cockroach with Pelt lice what on Earth is the new stream schedule there is no stream schedule I stream when I feel like it what's up n Nasser what's up Miracle what's up Eve cockroach on pelt lice so I was thinking Pelt lice is definitely our wind condition what if we give Pelt lice uh what if we give it hold on a sec just a moment please I need to look through my here we go here we go fund on Pelt lice and that way we get two Pelt lice for the price of one Pelt lice how does this sound corpse maggots and Ora boros interesting suggestion all of these suggestions terrible awful suggestions except this one this is the way to go we're making more Bel lice that's what I think uh anyways okay we could complete our totem which by the way the reason I picked the insect is also because we have pelt SCE and that's our wind condition not only so even ignoring the knife every single card we just have one copy of right except Pronghorn we have two of those for some reason but Pelt lice we start with three pelts so already we have triple the chances of getting Pelt lice than any other card so Pelt lice is already our most reliable option but I also got more pelts so now we have seven times the chance of getting to summon Pelt lice instead of anything else and I have the knife so I could always just make a pelt as well in a in a pinch so Pelt lice is the meta here pel lice is correct what's up oh no um so this would only get us one item just one I think we have pretty solid items here how about we finish our totem then change title to Pelt lice run no spiky Pelt lice or swimming Pelt lice um let's go for spiky this is not the ideal sigil slurp Jonesy simp says what would you do if Ley became a fortnite skin well thank you for the super chat um I would cry I don't know I mean that would be something all right what's up scrible III what's up always R A what skulls are we playing with here uh no skulls just the fact that I hacked the game and gave myself every single card which is not a helpful oh cool our totem did nothing we have Pelt lice EXO fortnite stream no no no no fortnite okay so we have a bone token card and we have the smoke all right Ley doesn't want the smoke that's why he gave it to us um we have great Kraken that's not exactly the best but I can summon This Bat all right how about this how about we start with great Kraken and with bat the nice thing about this battle is that it's uh fairly easy to stall against especially when it's the first battle what's up adamant um wait just an animator what H why'd you get banned from flum buns I need to know I need to no fortnite I'm sorry oh it's Bell tentacle cool hey we got something that's going to interact with our totem nice okay if every card does include the exclusive boss stuff such as strange frog or is it just the default cards no this is just the cards that you can actually get in the game now technically even so this deck is still impossible cuz I did put the starter deck exclusives and you can't have like every starter deck but I did not put like ley's cards no what's up Danny P curses EXO streaming when I have to be in bed that's all right I won't tell anybody you stayed up past your bedtime what's up tacun like she doesn't want the smoke that's why he gave it to us heck yeah that's what I'm talking about I don't know what that means either I'm sorry what's up when the world was giant mushrooms I said misogyny is hilarious as a joke it is heck yeah brother high five you know what you get uh you get mod just for that no I'm just kidding who banned you was it fem bonds or was it like terara what's up Samuel get the Dows for the Kraken oh that's a good idea that I like that combo what's up the undead I read the title joined absolutely should have expected a deck that yeah yeah anyways um I don't want to summon belel lice yet yet I don't think so let's take care of that this is not a problem cuz Le she's bringing in a rabbit we have another Pelt now though you know what that means I can summon fleem band you Flem himself oh my goodness that's unfortunate all right um we have corpse maggots now Alpha I am out of Bones uh but we're on PA so I don't care technically you can obtain cards via the clock yes on your field but not in the deck inscription boss tier list I mean there's not that many of them my grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards Ley but it does contain the Unstoppable Pelt lice oh oh ringworm yeah that's a good card well hey at least it has a Sigil now I don't even want to waste the squirrel on this we're just going to stall do not watch 2x speed EXO live stream don't do it what's up Jimbo okay wolf uh I'll need another squirrel but yeah that could work yeah what's up Happy engineer stream from the best player in inscription that's right ringworm is not a good card yeah I have to agree with you there uh but wolf is not too bad man it's too bad that uh spam isn't here cuz this was his idea if you guys have any ideas by the way for any more like challenge ideas or whatever uh let me know because I'm out of ideas for this game I'm going to have to start playing other games oh no what's up him you should try to make it the starvation yeah that would uh I mean technically I think we could do that uh it would have to be in exactly this battle though um we would be here for a while though so we're not going to do that so shoot Casey appears yeah that was fun when shoot Casey appeared on stream what's up shoes taste like purple you were here earlier I I already said hi to you I think what's up Joe inscription but only brittle cards there's like not a whole lot of those exo plays the hex emotional I have uh I have the hex we could play that all right uh it's either I summon Pelt lice now or I summon Pelt lice never because he's going to take these pelts from us on the other hand we don't really need Pelt lice right now so I think we're good okay what's up ruy every card has sigil where if it dies it dies forever oh overclock yeah that's not that easy to do what's up Kayla I'm Alum all right whatever let's just uh I mean this is easy this is not a problem what's up Nevada uh so I have four pelts which means I get to take everything but I don't get to summon our beloved Pelt lice our boss Monster uh but that's okay unless okay that's not a pelt uh we'll just summon a pum and that's five damage so we're good maybe a run where AI decides for you what but then I'm not even playing it what's up future history what's up Undead Rebel static card only starter deck the problem with that is the problem with static card only is that if we ever go to the campfire or to goobert then we get soft locked all right here we go first rare card what do we pick pole time po time rare card rare card question mark that's something Kaiba said Hodag okay D the Dow not just any D but the Dow or strange uh Lara also uh no don't add another option there's only three options here you fool um I believe that's a reference this I think this card I mean obviously it's Moth Man but I think it's a Yu-Gi-Oh reference as well if you've ever watched the first season of the anime there's this whole thing where they have a little bug petite moth and then it gets the Cocoon of evolution and then it turns into uh moth man sort of so what's up Amber bonjour okay um who are we taking what's up Commander run where you can't use any cards with a cost no cost only no but then I would have to use geek strange larvae why are you guys picking the worst one no D is right there oh why why did I make a poll oh dang it quick somebody vote for the D please no okay whatever oh wait Weevil yeah it was Weevil exactly it's tied it's 3535 it's tied that means I get to choose haha I win sorry broag what's up Bild you should have to do a run where you have a boss where you have to get the finishing blow with it that's a cool idea but it needs to be something that's like um easy [Music] to uh like convey in a title if that makes sense what is going on with this now look at this the the artifacting is gone it looks like they shuffled it a little bit cuz now rler and grizzly are on the ends here that's weird first season of Yu-Gi-Oh was so confusing yeah they made the rules up as they went along there were no rules what's up Frank think but if you start with no card well you would just get soft locked so um goobert so here's the thing right we could try for uh a better totem or we could go to goobert and just make another Pelt lice that sounds good to me sorry Hoag broag even wait you don't have the Hydra yes I do actually I do have that oh H corpse maggots is not bad I do have the Hydra go for goobert you definitely need more cards my my deck has no cards Kaiba here's the Hydra and it is hatchable if we draw this we're good what's up blanos we're going to see goobert yeah goobert but if you start with one card I mean I guess that could work paint the Pelt lice then mushroom it o I don't know if I want to combine them though what's up TA Stardust inscription but only cards you would eat all right I don't know we're getting a little wacky now I respect it though uh where's Pelt lice you know this is the problem is that I can't find any particular card I'm looking for cuz there's just so many of them there's Pelt lice all right goobert unironically Pelt lice is our best card yo card man what's up Melissa it's me the card man what's up Leah is awesome what's up top I just okay I'm not going to read that actually what's up the boss Liam stream idea watch Star Trek all right guys we're just doing a watch party of copyrighted material don't worry about it all right goobert oh oh [Music] my goobert goobert I swear to God goobert are you trying to mess with me goobert oh goobert messed us that's not the right sigil goobert not too happy about that mushroom guy F to go crazy well we don't have that many duplicates uh I would probably combine our prong horns if anything use pot of greed where's the bone Lord at I have something for him what's up MEA after I saw the comment with the suggestion I knew you'd start on this yeah it was a good idea it was uh spam by the way this is cool and challenging Does it include the Curious egg yes it does we do have the egg we're just never going to draw it because you know I have 80 cards uh but it is pretty uh challenging we got to think for this R I like it yo what's up pipeyard centipede that is a really cool username I like it all right yo what's up hex code you could just put up the timer instead of the episode itself genius brilliant idea uh this is not good this is not great he has bees and a spider double death is now in Ohio uhoh well welcome to Ohio what's up the aesthetic Warehouse start with two rabbit pells two wolf and one golden I think we've tried that before but yeah that is a I don't know maybe we'll see what's up raccoon um this hand is not good luckily we don't have to worry too much it's just a couple of bees uh let's see here we should probably summon our amalgam and start doing as much damage as [Music] possible he has more cards oh that's a problem that's not good um okay well here here's an idea beehive okay no this works this works because mantis is going to die because our beehive is spiky we got a totem that was your guys's idea what's up Roy [Music] Garcia what's up Dana or Dana default death cards run uh I don't think it works like that have you tried a rare card only run in the past uh I don't know maybe what's up Yuka Yuka SA August okay so this mantis is going to die and we're going to get a be and this beehive is also going to survive so I can maybe use it uh to sacrifice it so this works we're going to take three damage we're going to do three damage so no problem here are there any tutorials on how to edit your deck in game um well I guess it kind of depends on what you're playing on um but basically you just go into the games files and uh it just it's a text file and it has the cards that you have in your deck and you just change it you just type out what cards you want so it's pretty uh pretty simple mle man well that's not that helpful either is it whatever whatever fine mle man fine spiky bees heck yeah are we good now try sacrificing The Magpie to make Pelt lice god tier yeah Pelt lice um I mean Magpie hello coyote that's a new card we haven't seen you tonight no cost only run why do you torture me bye EXO bye P thanks for joining [Music] okay let's see here well I don't want more one blood costs mud turtle oh boy frames hello okay it really wants us to take a mud turtle sure whatever for cost only run uhoh what's up undertale fan welcome back to another EXO stream ladies and gentlemen today we're going to be playing inscription wow what is an incredible intro I should start using that psych guys why don't we just have a golden rodent only run what if I had golden rodent host a stream instead of me what's up Sky man M or one item so if we go to Moo hold on yeah every time we do that it takes a while uh whoa that's kind of spooky looking right there uh if we go to m we get rid of a card which is nice not that helpful though since we have so many it's only going to make so much difference uh but I know that we have two prong horns we have two mud turtles now or we could get one item all right we'll make this one a pull let's see here uh item or moo actually yeah moo that's fine I was going to type something goofy like funny haha Mushroom Man uh but you know what never mind how about a challenge in which absolutely all of your cards will have a symbol that allows them to go under the no everything waterborne sigil no that's the worst sigil what's up Captain polar M all right you got okay M it is m is winning by a lot okay we'll go see Michael what's up DK the sage M Supremacy since you've played Yu-Gi-Oh do you did you ever get into magic no I've never uh touched magic I don't even know anything about it what's up Remy roll first stream well welcome sorry if I pronounced that wrong I try my best hello so this is interesting it was in this run this kind of run where we're going to see more options for M than I've ever seen before yeah that's a lot that's a lot of options there you can count 75 + 24 equal 99 yeah but where's the last 1% two into one yes um you should do power wash simulator stream I feel like that's not my uh favorite kind of game that would be kind of boring I I've power washed in real life and I would rather do that than play powerwatch simulator what's your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh archetype um I mean I I keep changing it every I like Vanquish Soul that's a new one but I don't really play Yu-Gi-Oh that much anymore what's up zero Omega oh you're okay you're the one who I was answering the question honey EXO is live heck yeah what's up iuki iuki that's my best guess what's up King he what's up Mark mix brgh horn Pelt could be good uh I don't want want to lose a pelt cuz if we lose a pelt less Pelt lice and I don't want to lose a pelt lice either uh we're saving the black coat for something so we have Dow we have mud turtle we have Pronghorn I think Pronghorn is probably the best have you ever tried the Pokemon TCG a little bit Jonathan yeah uh I never really learned how to play what's up Frank I don't think Exel got all his cards the legit way yeah well what's up Captain polar d I so the reason I like Pronghorn here is because since it has bifurcated the attack is basically doubled so he's going to have two attack attack twice it'll be like four well I mean it doesn't matter they're being doubled anyways um let's go for Pronghorn it doesn't really matter that'll work have you tried goie they just got some new support yeah I don't know I don't really like goatis I like mutant M I like a lot of the tcg exclusive Arch types mutants are fun what's the newest one again I don't even remember what is the newest one oh this hand is great okay we're just going to lose that's not good we're going to have to use an item here so first things first I suppose we could block this coyote hit with the cat ah maybe we don't need to use an item here because if I summon Wild Bull and block we don't even need to block it with the cat okay no this this could work if we don't have to use an item I would prefer not to no that was stupid okay maybe I do need to use an item actually cuz no cat would I had to block CU if we don't do any damage we die all right never mind whoopsies oops in that case we're going to summon dire wolf PFF cuz that's better all right that'll work Centurion no that's not tcg exclusive what is the new I don't even remember what's up potato are you late uh a little bit we're on map 2 challenge where you can't upgrade cards oo [Music] interesting uh I think this is enough damage yeah we got to stop talking about Yu-Gi-Oh I have some hot takes when it comes to Yu-Gi-Oh I don't want to get cancelled by the Yu-Gi-Oh Community what's up Master gamer playing against Moss Man again well yes we have a interesting idea here thanks to spam ton e who is unfortunately not here but they had this brilliant idea I don't know why I never thought of this every single card Wild Bull is looking a little scary the egg is hatchable and our best bet is to rely on Pelt lice as usual of course next challenge EXO streams for less than an hour I've done that before there's less than an hour long at least one of those okay we could get more pelts and a campfire which is I guess we could try and get rid of ringworm uh and then we have options later which is nice or we could go for another M I don't want a m anything let's get more stuff Kaiba what's up Aiden hot takes on Yu-Gi-Oh so so H it'll summon Rada heck yeah he doesn't sell more knives oh come on whatever I'll take more pelts whatever uh Health buff okay so uh we should probably just try to get rid of ringworm I mean technically it it has a Sigil since we have the um totem play Delta Rune heck yeah what's up Nathan EXO why why what what's up Stone Forge I have some serious hot takes about Yu-Gi-Oh what's up Wang hey oh you want me to pronounce your name okay I give it my best shot Wang yui Daren Chow 12w that's my best attempt and then an aster that says all pronunciations are approximate okay we got an item there we got rid of the ringworm that's pretty good when are you going to play inscription on Roblox I've done it before I'm probably not going to want to do that again EXO is poor true true hello Gamers what other games say exop played I've played a few games hello from Brazil hello uh I don't know how to pronounce that Jia DJ oou I don't know I tried what's up wingman oh we drew Pelt lice that's not what you want to do uh Pro tip don't drop Pelt lice that's a pro tip for all you Gamers out there try not to do that okay luckily mud turtle can at least block some damage for us that's good on my first playthrough I kept buffing ring worm and even gave it fledgling expecting it to do something it's got to it's got to have some sort of use right what's up unsmart the stupid welcome to the stream what's up Lucas what the hell am I seeing and this is what happens when you like cards a little too much hot takes on Pocket Monsters oh we drew Uli again this is the second time we've had both of the four cost cards in our hand what are the chances of that not very high I guess I I have some hot takes on Pocket Monsters what's up shirt EXO have you ever played inscription yeah what's up Danny p uh for cost run no no please oh we're in trouble here uh okay I could try we have a lot of cards but uh squirrel is not going to help us now I'm tired so I'm asleep now all right V thanks for joining 07 EXO has played inscription inscription inscription inscription inscription inscription yeah I've played that game a lot that's true that's a true fact uh we're going to have to hope to draw like a pelt okay that's not a pelt in that case let's see I'm going to do two damage we're going to take one two three technically we survive here so I can draw another card so correct pronunciation ation gel maybe by the way happy birthday EXO no guys no it's not it's not my birthday still not my birthday is that all 151 what's up decade do you at least have a shiny charizard oh I've got I have a shiny ditto I [Music] think uh okay so we have a Warren now which means I could summon a squirrel get a Warren that's still only three sacrifices that's not enough all right let's see what's off the top Alpha oh Alpha yeah that could work CU we'll do three damage okay do what we have to do I suppose so we're doing three damage now and we're going to take three damage which means we survive but mud turtle is going to die which is not ideal I'm trying to not call upon the powers of Pelt lice before it is necessary but I'm starting to think it's necessary what's up Shinra all cards run that's right who knows what this card could be it could be anything it's not my birthday no stop it that's it I'm going to go into the YouTube settings and I'm going to make the word birthday be banned so no one can ever type it wol okay well it's time for pel yeah I think it's about time it's about time Le she met our friend Pelt lice there he is there's another one and another one and uh that'll work happy birth Miss okay well you found a way to bypass it already whoops what's up tus I don't it's EXO's birth date no I have a shiny Piplup nice uh I could summon oh how how did I accidentally draw from the squirrel deck this deck is so much like more spacious that you'd think that I couldn't possibly accidentally not click on it what the heck just happened all right you know what that's it that's it lesy I'm done I'm sick of you you know what face the wrath of my uruli and also Wolverine how old are you don't worry about it I don't know what's up the slow that slow Builder I mean what's up uh croa so by removing the word birthday you are infringing on the rights upon of the Americans of this chat exactly freedom of speech I'm just kidding you guys can say whatever you want what's up [Music] lunar what's up Nathan felis Banos heck yeah what's up hardcore Archangel I mean hardcore Archangel I remember happy day of coming out of the womb EXO haven't watched you in a while yes it is it's been so long since the last time you watched me hardcore Archangel it's already my birthday again can you believe it um ex so I didn't know it was your birthday that's right thank you Adin Adventure I get it like adventure maybe what's up goals I just I have to guess with all these usernames I have to figure it out oh black goat that's fun uh squirrel man it's not giving me the best items uh let's try and get a better sigil because if we can get something did I miss bone Lord I didn't see a bone Lord at all can I swear EXO you could I skipped the bone Lord I didn't see him are you sure oh yeah these are better totems oh yeah thank you thank you so much with cover what's your favorite part of the bill of [Music] R have you played the new Mortal Kombat no finally got to the ant deck on Casey's mud nice potato not a subscriber mostly here for the inscription what you're not subscribed no oh oh we drew a Hydra whoa you know what it's okay I'm over it I'm not sad anymore this is how can I stay mad when we just drew probably the best card in Our Deck what's up is Alia Queen happy celebrations of the birth of thyself well thank you guys for finding every possible way to byass saying happy birthday um yeah hydra's pretty good I think we just win oh except I don't have any bone tokens yeah well I tried to go to the Bone Lord I didn't see him though what's up boom yo have I played Boulders Gate 3 nope we drew the Hydra guys uh I feel like I'm losing some frame rate over here okay how's that piece of snap time adios ghostly block thanks for hanging out what's up Max the creature uh congrats on the birth I kind of need a another card yeah I should not have summoned this elk that was a bit of a misplay actually it's fine because Hydra can survive a shark attack sup funky mans papy hear day guys why do we have to do this every stream guys it's not my birthday please yeah guys it turns out EXO he only streams exactly once year always on his birthday turns out what a strange strange individual have I played Ratchet and Clank no I mostly play like card games and horror games have you tried to use Magpie I would love to if we ever Drew one it's tradition that's right birthday oh my God another Pelt lice it must be my birthday you know what guys I take it back it is my birthday holy cow nice now I just need to uh draw a pelt once in a while oh cave triail did I really miss uh um bone Lord or are you guys trolling me what's up Ali my friends heard the music and went is that the spooky card game again that's right spooky okay this is going to be interesting because we have a lot of cards so I have no idea how this is going to to go any suggestions what we should pick for the cave trial I don't know should we try and I don't think we can try to throw um I missed bone Lord really what's up angler what do you want as a gift I want people to stop saying happy birthday what's up Amber what's up Robo freak happy Pelt Li day that's better that's better didn't take amoeba run is over hey we already have am IBA so don't even worry about it what's up Mason Decker okay I missed the bone Lord whoops oopsies where's amoeba we have an amoeba I swear there he is there he is name any card we've got him what's up flaming strawberry except we don't have field mice cuz I sigil transferred that blood draw all pelts what's up Lucas well we passed we passed the trial that gift is beyond our power EXO well I at least we tried so I appreciate [Music] it um well let's see what we can get oh wow these are wow hold on a second that's kind of cracked that's kind of crazy a skink that is also a beaver and also a black goat now in Casey's mod there's quite the Synergy there so this essentially becomes three black goats and they also have the tail so we can get even more black goats out of that or we could get a completely useless river otter the Synergy here is just incredible or uh Riv uh bullfrog that exists ex what's your favorite card um do you even have to ask obviously it's belel Li Magpie jump scare what's up ringe where's Pelt lice there he is that's my favorite card we're taking this skink this is kind of crazy is that happy birthday in German pick the river otter no I don't want to lose oh we're getting a packrat okay pack rat time should have made a p no you know what making the pole would be a waste of time all right we have another packrat always useful honestly I'm fine with that my favorite moment was when the skink said it's black goating time and made infinite black goats somehow do not take the skink why not give me one good reason why I [Music] shouldn't uh yeah we should go this way for a potential better totem what map is this map three it's going pretty well so far hey if we beat it first try we'll have to raise the stakes and uh we'll have to try skull storm with this I'm sure that'll go swimmingly all right let's go for a cat and that'll stay on board cuz he is putting a rabbit there for some reason wild Bowl we're going to put it here so that it doesn't die and I have a meal worm for later okay EXO I shipped your present to your house I have have no idea where you live so I just sent it to Ohio that'll work that'll do I'll find it I know Ohio inside and outside like the back of my hand why does this packrat have four Health um because I used the meal worm that's why I'm so stupid we got scissors that's good EXO the trador coming up that's not a problem because we have pel lies he can't he can't take it that's a stacked deck yeah sure is Daniel we got all the cards oh that's a good one yeah that'll work zero attack nice did I win yet all right cool mealor worm yeah I know meal worm I know sorry I'm listen I don't use mealor worm like ever so I forget that mealor worm exists smartest man alive listen I've said this before Yu-Gi-Oh players don't know how to read that's just how it is what's up sketrick first time nice welcome thanks for joining what's up uh lunch meat greetings from New England yo what's up what's up Rousy I don't care if that's not how you pronounce Rousey that's how I'm going to pronounce it if it triggers you that's too bad um you know this doesn't really synergize with Pelt lice but it's pretty decent I don't know what do you guys think what's up potato with Anar profile picture we have two potatoes in here bone Lord to the left okay uh in that case we're not going to need this what do you guys think worthy sacrifice uh yeah we'll go for that I think that's pretty good how is EXO milking inscription again listen this was a good idea I see the bone Lord okay or we could get a another Pelt lice all right all right we're going to have to do a pole game lost we're going to have to do a poll here where go question mark uh we have bone man or we have goo Goan or we have leie uh leie uh I don't want to say leie Stones actually that sounds weird uh Stonehenge there we go I thought uh Les she's rocks or something and then I realized no you know what that might be uh misinterpreted so and I have to be careful with that are you going to try the magnific kiss finale cards in Casey's m i did they don't work very well so yes there is a bone Lord on the left but we don't like we don't have to go to the Bone Lord all I I would do is I would give him one of our black goats cuz we have two I think it's kind of hard to tell because we have a lot of cards but I see one black goat right okay I thought I saw it there's one we have another one somewhere I think uh so we could give them that and get some bone tokens or we could go to goo there's the second one or we could go to goobert and get another Pelt lice which the only problem is we're still not guaranteed to drop pelts you know what it might be better to go to Bone Lord cuz that way we can guarantee playing any bone card bone man is winning okay all right that'll work would you stream Darkwood I don't know what that is what's up another dude 64 Twitch plays in description what's up ssdf all right that'll work um oh oh the sigil is coming in clutch all holy cow every single one of our cards has this sigil now okay all right well I think we'll be able to otk this this battle in particular this will work yeah that's fine yes I did just sacrifice a damn what are you going to do about it huh don't worry about it that's how it works no lice we've got enough lice for now what's up [Music] lowo what's up blanos I think I've been pretty on point with the usernames today oh we are ringworm lless this is the one card we don't have at this point well not the only card but we started with a ringworm I just got rid of it uh another Bell tentacle another wolf let's see our other options oh another black coat another one of these amazing and consist consistent deck hey that was a pretty good opening hand yeah what run is this this is the first run we have yet to [Music] fail uh I'll take another black coat we're about to get rid of one anyways all right pretty solid you can sacrifice a damn only if it has worthy sacrifice in Casey's mod um you say you tried it with a pelt with worthy sacrifice and it didn't work it's possible that that was not in Casey's mod or that it was before that update if you were playing the beta at all where are my black goats I have many of them okay well of course right on the end cuz we just got it good luck finding the black goat Eggo yeah uh well it was easy actually because since we just got one it's right at the end there easy nice all right so now even if we draw the goofy uh turkey vulture we'll be able to summon it if we draw Lamor he'll have some attack so pretty good move there I think nice we've got some bone tokens oh well there's the lammer that's one of the cards I mentioned also Pelt lice uh it's going to be well you know what that's fine we'll have him attack the stump so that he doesn't die also they are insects and they have worthy sa okay this is pretty good that's not too bad that's six damage that'll work you eat bananas with or without the shell um well usually I take off the uh peel yeah what's up lost penguin here to fall asleep to your voice okay uh if we go this way that's going to be a packrat which is fine or we could I don't know we I mean we have a pretty good totem right now but it doesn't hurt to see other options right I have small rocks what uh okay what do you mean by that exactly why draw Lamour when you can put it into your hand from the deck yeah well add two de add two cards from the top of your deck to your hand what's up Shin ranks hey yo Mr White y what's up thick bunkus EXO when are you cheeseburger I mean when are you not right oh turkey vulture we can summon that I'll take it you can take the shell off of bananas yeah I mean if you try hard enough like so do some ASMR reading yio card justs that's a fantastic idea what card y name a card and I'll see if I remember it's exact oh this yeah this is great let's get waterborne Pelt lice name a Yu-Gi-Oh card in chat and I'll see if I can remember its exact like stats and uh effect text off the top of my head we'll see how good I am at that throw for Content oh we're close we're close to the end here uh let's see here yeah that's a lot of options yo turkey vulture might be kind of good because if we do happen to draw it that's a that's a guaranteed one shot there skink uh isn't going to do much for us packrat maybe pot of greed I mean everybody knows pot of greed draw two cards normal spell monster reborn special summon one monster from either players graveyard we know those are these are the easy ones come on and Demon the master of okay all right robot toast you're funny guy huh yeah okay that's the card with the most text on it it's a pendulum and it does spell counter stuff I don't don't care garbage ogre I know that one Oly pay 2,000 life points to special summon it it's a level five dark fiend what's up brep it's a Brian blue eyes white dragon 3,000 attack 2,500 defense light dragon level eight and his text is I don't care because it's a normal monster all right um who do I combine here Wing Dragon of verah okay that one has a lot of text I'm not going to something like when you summon it you pay all of your life points except the 100 and that's how much attack it has X's Dragon [Music] Buster XYZ Dragon I don't actually know that one do turkey vulture I will do T turkey vulture Dante traveler of the burning Abyss rank three dark fiend exceed monster 1,000 attack 2,500 defense I think detach one material Mill the top three cards gains 500 for each burning Abyss monster maybe something like that left arm of Exodia I don't play Yu-Gi-Oh well it's a normal monster so [Music] nothing here's a Yu-Gi-Oh card you don't know the text of Tatsu n toigo well that's cuz it's a normal monster okay it's a level five it has 1350 attack I know that one Rousy nice try nice try why does every inscription player know Yu-Gi-Oh I know nothing about it tune mermaid oh well that one's a little tricky because they're not consistent with the tuned cards what up hush Fox kuribo um it's a hand trap if you would take battle damage you discard it and you don't take the battle damage damn EXO has no life listen I've been playing Yu-Gi-Oh for a long time what's up ban Sam now first stream welcome go Giga gagag gigo is that the exes monster what's your favorite Yu-Gi-Oh cart I don't know nerd what what no I mean Exodia you just have to have the five pieces in your hand and then you win not even trying emion no I'm not going to try an emion no which boss is hardest which is the easiest like out of any boss in this game I mean I don't know all right let's play the game a little bit um so I could just end this by summoning Pelt lice but then we have no spaces to work with does yukoh have a skeletons yeah there's skeletons in that game EXO nerd alert all right you know what fine no more then no more Yu-Gi-Oh okay I don't even like Yu-Gi-Oh okay it's not even that good number 39 utopia heck yeah rank four Light Warrior exceed effect monster 25 00 attack I think he's got 2,000 defense two level four monsters you can detach no something about when an attack is declared you can attach one material from this card to negate the attack EXO do you ever use Yu-Gi-Oh knowledge skills to impress chicks of course man they all love that that works every time yep definitely how do I win this battle what do I do here EXO exposed listen man I don't even like Yu-Gi-Oh I just have a like good memory like too good I don't want to remember these things but I do all right wolf cub all right uh mole you know we're just going to do it like this DDD Doom King Armageddon it dude I I don't know that archetype I don't know about the ddds we alive here we're fine right uh I don't like this situation that we found ourselves in tell you what how about we take a black goat here so that I can summon this blood hound and that way we're not as big as in trouble I just have a good memory nerd Emoji EXO stop being EXO no idea what EXO is saying but the nerdl nerdiness is very appealing to me listen Yu-Gi-Oh card penguin Knight all right that's a flip monster I know that one flip Target Two monsters on the field return them to the hand classic penguin Knight I know what penguin KN is Ry nice try I can't help myself green Gadget oh it adds either red Gadget or yellow Gadget I don't know which is which but something like that he's going to bring in a wolf I don't like that I don't respect that Ley um I have a bat this is what I got for that uh Pack meal huh oh this is not a great situation okay let me think a little bit here let me ignore the chat for a second what map are we this is uh map three quaking mirror force is that the one that sets things in the face down defense position Magister of emion I'm not doing any emion okay nice try jar of greed that's a normal trap draw one C hello inscription man what's up Morse decoy Dragon I know that one when this card is targeted for an attack Target one Dragon monster with some sort of specifications in your graveyard special summon it and that that's the attack position or attack Target I don't know if it's uh if it's by level like level seven or lower or if it's by attack value what's up Dune the Goon blackluster Soldier Envoy of the beginning that's the chaos one right EXO exposing himself even more all right fine I'll stop I'll stop it then no more Reckless greed I know that one all right I'll stop I'll stop uh so we're going to kill this mole we're going to do two damage and then we're going to lose our wolf and you know what that's fine cyberus clock Dragon oh that's the true boss monster of Reigns of yaku yes that's the Fusion Monster I know that but I will not disclose any details now he's bringing in Freddy fast bear okay you know guys I also know a lot about FNA how much more can I expose myself today I know a thing or two about FNAF chaos Dragon laner that's a newer card didn't that get banned at one point it's a chaos and depending on what you banish it has different effects three light Andor dark monsters oh he doesn't lose any of his okay that's good yeah that's great that's fantastic uh we might be in a little bit of trouble here guys I don't know about this um oh yeah oh yeah this is not good okay let's take this hit and's see what happens get him uh is it Pelt La time is it time for Pelt lice already I think it's Pelt lice time everybody Pelt lice you're you're our last hope you can do it Bel lice I believe in you all right Bel Li takes care of these wolves and he's bringing in a wolf cup all right I'm not too worried about that because I have another Pelt lice excellent elk font why do I have two oh guys I think we have Eck I think we have e you know a lot about FNAF name five Knights then all right well there's Knight one there's Knight two there's night three night four lunar you are no longer stuck in Taco Bell nice that's good you know you're stuck with P3 now probably better than Taco Bell at least at least we prove your FNAF knowledge who's Vincent ah okay I know like the games not the books or whatever or is that like a steel wool thing I don't know that part all right so listen I don't think we have two elk FS all right let's and if we drew one already that means this is fake no this is real this is Eero right we're about to find out if this is eok that'd be pretty cool pretty interesting eok is it you what did I mix it up cely would be so disappointed in me when did I get a second elk fun what it's from the it's from the PAC meal oh my God you guys up too many cats you guys distracted me with all the stupid Yu-Gi-Oh stuff what's up Gus man I thought we had Eck turns out this is from the PAC mu and I'm an idiot oh oh well whoops oops it's fine I don't know who Vincent is guys I'm going to be honest I don't know about Vincent you've been at this boss for 5 minutes all right we've got this now it's over for this slushy guy I mean that's six damage right there we're good we win he is just shy I know I'm just I'm just stupid actually throwing nice job pal idiot fail rip laughing crying Emoji oops okay thanks guys in your defense we didn't notice either no no no keep being toxic make fun of me that's more funny um hold I'm taking bro egg you know what you guys don't get a pole for this one I'm just taking broad egg you have the egg yes Morse we actually drew the egg earlier at the um uh the uh angler boss fight it's an early fandom name when people didn't know who the purple guy was Vincent okay yeah that does ring a bell now that's not even real though that's not even trivia that's a f that's fanfiction Vincent Van go before we knew he was William we thought his name was Vincent for some reason okay all right sure oh yeah here's the Hydra somewhere around here whatever always take me got NOP not this time uh another item I don't like our chances here guys oh that's great yeah I don't know about this we might lose right at the end I might have to do this again can you name what the wicked Avatar does I know that you know what no we're not doing this no more no I'm not a nerd guys I don't even know what that Yu-Gi-Oh is I was just Googling it the whole time what's up I got pizza what's up Matthew what's up J hammock use Ley card on Ley what's up J McFly I have no idea what you're talking about the wicked Avatar never heard of it what's a blind Ruby do a run where chat decides which cards you get I mean we do polls all the time so um EXO when are you going to win right about now what's up fandom salad you've got got this funny inscription man thank you Ravel lord of the fantasms no I can't I can't uh resist that one I like that card he's a sacred Beast what's up just a dust pin what up Ry throw for Content it might happen all right you know I'll put up a poll okay I'm going start a poll throw for Content question mark uh and we're just going to leave that poll up and I'm not going to check it until after we're done with this fight that's how this is going to go hold on a second okay so we have child 13 we have rat king of all cards we have cockroach and we have no guaranteed access to Pelt mice but [ __ ] I mean um roach does have this sigil so I could summon he's got a mle man so I could cut meman which we might as well do and I might as well grab these squirrels now why not you know we could we could oneshot them here all right let's let's do it like this let's go for rat king and uh sensored roach what's a brick chimney what type of Yu-Gi-Oh card would Freddy Fazbear be he would be a machine type because he's an animatronic what up too many cats Sean and Daniel all right um he's going to hit my cards with a pickaxe and I'm not looking forward to that happening yeah this is not the best uh situation that we find ourselves in EXO you should own your nerdiness it's so endearing nerd okay oh shoot we're going to get belt Li guys I'm playing inscription you think I'm not a nerd obviously what what do you think is going on okay our entire board is going to be um oh yeah this is good this is good Yep this is our board now a lot of gold nuggets not my favorite Kevin Kevin is here okay uh Str card moleman you know that'll die that's good I think I'm just going to take the hit here so Kaminsky Kevin cat oh [Music] no it's the last card you summon right okay how about uh how about we summon the cat and the mle man and the roach and that'll help us stall for a [Music] bit is he GNA oh my goodness is he going to take my okay yikers it's time for belt lace maybe we might okay we might be throwing for Content yeah nice try come in key oh this is not great let's see what he gives us wait a moment here well I don't have okay I have nothing let me grab a squirrel and he's not going to trade with us yet I have enough bone tokens so at least we can summon cockroach a lot uh throw for Content what's up big dog what up a wild Galvantula yeah usually usually we have a deck that's able to get past this phase quicker than this this is a lot of Death Cards and they're all different too I have Pelt lice what is Pelt lice going to do he can Pelt lice can kill Kevin this thing has burrower to oh my god oh we're so [Music] dead we're in double all right whatever roach let's go for hand tentacle oh that'll work actually cuz that'll kill Daniel but then we'll take three damage which we can survive all right okay uh now I can steal something all right who do we steal I like Reginald cuz he has Touch of death um Kevin has attack points I could just take the stinky mud turtle that's not bad yeah sure okay you know I actually I would have preferred to keep the Pelt he just summoned the cart that's not fair he summoned the cart in the middle of the turn and then attacked me with it what wait did you okay uh let's check the pull yes it's 50/50 guys quick vote for yes quickly vote Yes so that I can say we threw for Content bro that's actually cheating though like okay sure fine whatever but he that's actually cheating that's real cheating right there 5050 wow you guys are clever good job I guess I am the deciding vote then and I say we throw for Content you guys actually made it 50/50 that's use your time travel Powers nope rigged for real though he did cheat to be fair uh but whatever all right I'm going to have to uh remake the deck now this will take only a second because I have it uh where I can copy and paste it so all I have to do is bring up the copy paste bring up the save file give me a second here well we all talk about how much of a cheat or L she is look like that's fine and all but the fact that he actually just summoned a card in the middle of the turn and then attacked with it like that you can't do that that's actually cheating all right well I guess we're going again I guess this stream gets to be a bit longer then we all knew it we all knew Le she was a cheater all right hold on a second if I type in this here we go so our magic number is 79 that's how many cards there are oh this is a bit of a mess let me press tab a couple times uh one two three one two now if I change this number to 79 I think we're good all right attempt number two why she cheated let's see if it works now no one is sleep keeping until we finish this run yeah looks like this is uh Yep this is what we started with all right all that time what was that 91 minutes a full feature films length of time wasted Lei actually just decided to cheat at the end there we shouldn't even be surprised at this at this point wish there were 10 less cards okay good one I get it EXO just shoot Ley I mean I'm I'm thinking about it oh yeah no no no no no that's not what I clicked on game hold on let me try that again what's up hobo what's up not three rats and a trench coat what's up John EXO are you cheating yes but not as much as Ley to be fair Ley that was just a warmup yeah that was just a 91 minute warm-up don't worry about it this is the real first run exactly the legend of kichu I like that um yeah that was just a warmup guys we were just actually getting ready this is the real run what's up Los loius just ended watching all of your uh versus skull uh storms looking for strategies and what I found you just ignore the starting Strat for the starter deck okay well it depends on which one it is yeah all right what happened we got rid of ringworm but we did not get our egg hatch up unfortunate we'll have to uh get to another campfire later on to fix that or if we just buff up the okay now we draw turkey vulture if we buff up or a boros or uh hodeg up [Music] to five well that's great it's not cheating if you're handicapping yourself in the process okay fair enough leesy though he's a cheater is the game dying or is it my phone uh it looks fine on my end when will EXO stop losing okay okay that one hurt my feelings so do a poll whether or not to quit the game in the Stream all right guys should we just give up yes or no 7:33 p.m. what's up Matrix what is this random stream well it was suggested by spam um pelts I like no we're one foil short from getting the knife okay EXO please just give up EXO your face cam broke oh dang it what's up another dude 64 making an IRL version of inscription nice yeah unless she unless she cheats that's true well you know what I'm broke for my knife you'll need more my grandpa's deck has no pathetic cards kba quitting is for quitters okay well that makes sense get Moth Man and try to get final form that's easier said than done especially given what we're using right now can you okay whatever great items fantastic items what's your favorite drink mine is lukewarm hot dog water uh wow that's a lot of one blood cost cards some new faces this time see this is why we had to do a second run of this anyways cuz there are so many cards we didn't even get to see like sto and worker ant in particular for example EXO remember to turn off your nerd Inhibitors listen guys I'm not an oh good mirror tentacle fantastic that's what I was hoping for actually I'm glad we got that guys I'm not a nerd okay I didn't memorize way too many Yu-Gi-Oh cards without even trying take angler hook to the end of the game yeah that's usually the goal but we had to use it last game at some point I think in fact we kind of need to use it right now uh not really oh he flies okay whatever um I kind have the pee how do you keep singling out my chat messages uh I just kind of try to read as many as I can sorry okay goodbye EXO I'm really sleepy and spoil or alert Ley is cheating on you with po3 I can't believe this slushy guy well hardcore Angel 07 thanks for letting me know going to have a chat with Ley what's up Travis Fair hand mechanic is not happy with you EXO yeah yeah oh good another one blood EXO toilet cam another campfire oh there's another one up ahead and another item whatever let's just try and get the egg hatchable as soon as possible okay well here we go how does the knife work and an IRL inscription well an IRL inscription if you have a knife all you have to do is no I'm kidding since we have double campfire I could take something that's three attack and make it five so let's do that instead uh now the egg is hatchable very good like Le she is a known cheater yeah he's been banned from every single tournament he's not allowed in tournament play for good reason we've got mantis SC that's a card wow all one Bloods again oh this is just so good it's fantastic I can't even kill this prorn because it's going to show up and it's going to dip it's going to move so I'm going to have to put this wolf like here or what if I put it here it attacks this moves then it evolves first so it'll be fine if we put it there all right we'll put it here we're not even going to bother with uh mantis God just kidding we are if you hook Ley I don't think that will work well mantis God is dead Fair hand mechanic is [Music] fair well the idea I I think the reason it's called that is cuz they just they wanted you to be able to play a card and not just completely brick I'm sure uh Mr Mullins was considering that a lot of people who aren't super familiar with card games would probably play this and therefore not really know all the all the meta uh I've got a Grizzly see I've played Yu-Gi-Oh for a little too long so I kind of knew what I was doing right away when I played inscription uh another Freddy fast bear okay Mushi being banned everywhere is why he resides in a hut and challenges people lost in the woods about to starve to a game where he can make up any role he wants yeah you can't trust this lashy guy yeah I'll take a wise clock that's the first time we've seen one of those H Grizzly for the mic heck yeah did you know that s shows for a single frame when Amanda kills Luke in the end of this game yeah I do know that unfortunately I don't know who Sato is though because I haven't played the hex yet but I will do that soon all right we're going to do the same thing because it it worked so well last time listen we're going to get that knife all right we're going to buy that knife at some point point maybe that is kind of the best strategy the problem is we had to use the knife before the end so we lost exop plays Yu-Gi-Oh not uh anymore really not that much unkillable warrant we're never going to draw the Warren what's up Luth house you have come with ice cream nice guys unkillable warrant is good and all but when are we going to draw it we have eight 8 cards in Our Deck see Pelt lice I already have Pelt lice but unkillable warrant we didn't draw it so yeah let me go for wolf cub to kill this pack mule with and I suppose we could summon belt life but I won't um hopefully we draw like a one blood so that I can kill this coyote actually no I have a meal worm so oh amoeba that's even better we've got amoeba amoeba made an appearance okay we draw it when we draw it well if we get to another sigil transfer unkillable waren definitely a good option oh I'm so glad there's a rabbit in this 79 card deck you know if I wanted a squirrel I could have just drawn from the squirrel deck but instead I want literally any other card in the entire game and I just get the equivalent of squirrel thank you game thank you summoning Pelt lice is now a very bad idea that's not true EXO is Fant I mean p Li is fantastic EXO I challenge you to a game of u-oh except I don't know how to play Yu-Gi-Oh and it's actually smash ultimate all right well I haven't played that game in a long time uh two do I have a two blood that has two attack of course not of course I don't well that's great rabbits are cuter than squirrels though see uh there's a lot of rabbits and squirrels that live in my backyard but the other day when the snake showed up in my backyard there were no squirrels or rabbits in sight I wonder why I have a lot of cards and I can't summon any of them uh posum it is I guess the smoke that's what bro's about to do to Ley what's up the dimin guardian what's going on uh oh golden pelts it's Pelt Li tat no I won't be able to summon both of them though I never play any card if it's not in the exact complete optimal usage all you you know we'll play the rabbit we'll make him feel a little bit better we'll summon rabbit we'll summon cat just so that it blocks a hit I guess I don't know here's a Lamour never mind it's not blocking anything it doesn't matter we have enough damage now anyways what am I doing whatever you can't get a squirrel totem in Casey well chi I can if I hack the game but I won't see this wouldn't be happening if you had an unkillable Warren well just because I have it doesn't mean I'm going to draw it listen guys I'm taking the packr I'm taking it you know that guy that Luke guy who says always pck mantis I you know I'm starting to think he's not that good of a card gamer actually starting to wonder so we got rid of our ringworm we can get a third Grizzly I think I'll pass um sure I'll take another direwolf always take mantis God though it's not the best option always okay so my choice is bone Lord or back red let's go to the Bone Lord I'm actually fine with losing our only black goat here because we're never going to draw it anyways this at least gives us guaranteed bone tokens so that we can summon something like this turkey vulture which just so happens to be the first card we hovered over there where is the black goat this is the fun part I have to find it see these are not in any sort of sensible order I copied and pasted them from within the game files and there is no order to that at all as far as I can tell yeah I'll take that thank you Mr bone Lord um [Music] uh yeah that's cool I go for that mantis Scott is always the best option not true not true he so you always complain about Ley cheating but the real cheater is you hey why do you think I am cheating we got to that how am I supposed to beat a cheater unless I cheat as well uh we have broag that's kind of cool I like broad EG have you memorized every inscription card well I have every inscription card in the deck right now so I had to be stinky it had to be right of course that's just great uh you know what it's fine we're just going to use H EG and as for this elk I don't really really know what we're going to do about that to be honest with you just block it with squirrels for now until Hodag gets his stuff together broag okay he doesn't have a lot of Health right now okay so this elk phone's going to move first right that's good yes cuz hodad can kill that and then I can summon River snapper right about should I even summon this thing let's be honest here this is not helpful n let's not do your profile pick a Smiler from the back rooms uhoh guys Zoomer alert gen Z spotted just exposed themselves what's up alario no my profile picture is not from the back rooms incorrect um that's not what it is saving the hook for what exactly I steal his meman at the end of the game I guess okay Hodag is getting pretty strong here this is this is pretty good we're we're getting somewhere here if I could draw like an alpha right now that'd be great it's not an alpha luckily Le she has surrendered I am going to accept that what does hodeg do he eats stuff and then he gets stronger you don't have starving child or zombie kit I have the cards that become that though so it's fine stinky Hoag could be good Synergy why just to keep him alive for longer oh so you're an inscription fan name every achievement then I can do that you think I can't I can literally do that okay I've got them all I've got them all right here because I have steam up so what is it a picture of yourself yeah it's a selfie my favorite card is the Rattler Rattler is cool we actually I think we buffed the Rattler Galvantula he's now even stronger look at that five attack Rattler out of all the cards every single card in this game I chose to buff the Rattler so that is a choice that I made who should we buff here it's an attack buff technically if we want to get the most possible mileage out of this we should give it to mantis God because it's tripled um does the egg keep attack Buffs does it I don't even know uh no Pelt okay Pelt lice is well we're going to give it to obviously all right Pelt Li buff buff the Pelt lice exit was a very unlucky man you know it it depends when I'm streaming yeah uh uh I don't know oh you're an inscription fan name every squirrel what's up pros and con always buff mantis Scot no we're going with Pelt Li you know why because look at this I just win now not only do I just win now but we do Overkill damage as well that is the power of the pelti I look at that correct what's up clonnie haven't been here for like an hour have we beaten regular mode yet um yes no uh Le she pulled out like a cheat right at the end of the game so that was fun oh another Bron horn Grizzly uh let's make another Pelt lice EXO is not a very lucky Carter what's up TC cookie Pelt lice is so good pel ice is literally The Meta here in fact we're going to make another one look at this look at this we're going to have so many Pelt lights all we have to do now is draw pelts oh you're an inscription fan name every inscription and we've got belts up ahead uh okay I need to make sure to use an item in this battle so that we can buy the knife and then our goal is to save the knife for as long as possible favorite card is black goat yeah that's definitely one of my favorites just because it's one of the best cards really um so I'm going to use this and that way now we uh get to buy the knife that's what we get all right now I need to use another card uh item no NOP no no no I need the knife hold on a second wait a minute that's not what I wanted to do I guess I could have used the wise clock [Music] there uh whoops guys right now actually go to sleep ven you're still here all right 07 thanks for joining I thought you went to sleep a while ago why did it shuffle the positions of the items did you see that all right I forgot that pack red gives us an item sorry I'm stupid uh we're going to put cat here and packrat here and now this way we're not one shotting Ley which is important cuz I need to use another item uh and the item I'm going to use is oh hello Freddy we're going to use wise clock because I think it's funny um now we can buy the knife what's up dynamike hi EXO also happy birthday my dude no stop guys time travel moment don't worry about the time travel oh you're in an inscription fan uh solve the entire ARG by yourself right now oh heck yeah we got the best card in the game and by best card in the game I mean worst card in the game what's up Benz first time catching the stream nice welcome uh yeah let's let's go this way [Music] your favorite scribe mine is grimora um who do you guys think my favorite scribe is who who do you think just take a wild guess who my favorite scribe [Music] is that's right it's po3 it's definitely not this guy I hate this guy this guy pisses me off oh we get a pack right now whoops happy bday EXO please tell us your wish uh I wish Ley would stop cheating you should make an item that makes a flying uruli on both sides of the board what's up Floridian individual um we would have to summon two ulis which is possible and then we'd have to use the bird leg fan or just give them that uh sigil airborne and then just use the wise clock and give one the Lei and then it's flying uruli versus flying uruli a true Clash of the Titans uh what do I do here I could use this transfer to just get rid of a bad one blood like river otter or we could make the unkillable Warren is that what I was supposed to do before maybe we should put mag pies sigil onto something else for consistency what do you guys think any thoughts on this uh it's a sticky [Music] syrup but po3 is such a douche yeah he's funny that's why I like him what's up Tony Tuli heck yeah I love how po3 is like unenthusiastic po3 is EXO self-insert yeah I relate to po3 very relatable character magpie on Pelt lice unkillable Pelt lice um I already have sigils on the Pelt lice so we cannot put anything on Pelt lice which is why Pelt lice is not here right now um so we could do unkillable Warren mag pie okay unkillable all right Mr naked hippo what's up we'll do the unkillable Warren since first of all I need to get rid of this card before it gets me demonetized all right don't look at that don't read it don't say that word I saw the Warren I saw it it's somewhere around here okay that might have been the meal worm actually whoops oh uh-oh oh no where's the Warren oh okay it was close there it is all right unkillable Warren flying over Yuli that's true true that's an option what's up airpl what is going on here well we just have every single card that's all what's up deino the cards look so tasty when all in order like that not going to lie okay I thought I saw a mod for a second I was like what who is that what's up Sam what roach [ __ ] what guys stop no guys Susan is gonna show up if you guys keep saying that guys please I wish that was ad is the order yeah it's definitely not oh you're an inscription fan when's EXO's birthday what's up the king of GG oh well this is easy I just summoned belt lice and then we went uh this is the one time that I don't want to do that though well actually maybe I do you know what maybe I do maybe I will summon oh wow goobert even buffed the attack yeah okay uh as long as we keep this knife I think we win guys I think we're uh pretty good I thought this was a familyfriendly stream I'm trying guys I'm trying it's not my fault it's the game do you think you could get Fair hand mechanic with this uh we have every single one blood cost card so it would take a long time to you know get rid of every one of them so no I don't think that's possible po3 is the best and worst scribe at the same time exactly that's why I like him what's up Alex brigh did I hear a [ __ ] and roach no guys don't tell Susan that we said that okay uh I have pelts I have enough pelts more than enough pelts oh yeah what was that lushy did you have a mle card nice try asy oh the rabbit that's a card you know what let's go for Overkill damage because the more Overkill damage we do the more pelts I can buy later on I like belts okay all right at least Les she tries to make the game fun yeah but he also cheats you see po3 he actually oh my God another Pelt Li po3 actually wants you to win he actually helps you win I mean sometimes he doesn't but for the most part he helps you with and lets you not lets but you know he's rooting for you so po3 he's a cool guy are you going to delete this VOD like last time I don't know what you're talking about not three rats and like trench coat oh if we pick bone token that would be interesting cuz I don't think it would [Music] work uh what is magnificus is deal anyways what does he want I don't know who knows oh you're an inscription fan what did D Lord tell Luke in act three I don't know something 4x3 what's up Zap Attack does this include Le's cards no no it does not I feel like the worst last map is prospector he just places wolves and maybe even Bears yeah I agree um all right what do we do here let's go for you know what I'm curious let's see what happens if we pick this I think these are rigged I don't think this is true random how many rats are in this stream uh a few a few okay Magpie who is also a cuckoo and also a bullfrog we've got Pronghorn Made of Stone this Pronghorn is uh how long will this stream last uh until we win what's up follow Health would probably be best well we're a bit past [Music] that oh you're an inscription fan name every person in this chat uh this ant Queen is interesting right with these bees and all that but I kind of want the magpie because more Magpie means more consistency not that it's that much vote time all right we'll make a listen we'll make a pole um sure Magpie ant Queen and Pronghorn all right I'm making the pull hurry up oh I always I always click add option instead of I spelled prorn wrong okay whoops praw horn I forgot the G don't mind whoops just a little typo don't worry about it oh you're an inscription fan name every single possible sigil combination there's always one guaranteed card that can help you win in those trials is that so can I just not possibly lose these then since I have every card is that how that works have you ever gotten the same exact uh type of card in a cave trial twice yeah bees with many lives could be a downside true because you could like fill the board with them Magpie is objectively better however prorn is funny listen guys I forgot the G now it's just pan horn I don't know what that means guys it was a typo all right I'm ending this pole and we're taking the magpie and moving on porn por prawn what that was not no it was not on purpose I don't know how to type guys um now what do I give this guy what if I give him the static code what if I give him the old data I don't really want that code yeah you know what let's just give him this it's kind of an ey sore get rid of it prom horn he just wants to go to prom guys [Music] EXO on Orange YouTube One what is Orange YouTube what is that ex what did you say you know what guys screw it this stream is already demonetized let's be honest we are so getting demonetized dang it the person below me hates inscription ban them uhoh well got to do what you got to do I can summon the shark I could do that we would do four damage and then we would take six oh that's great or I could summon it here pretty sure the mud turtle would survive and then we would take five damage and then we would die shark is not a good card I'm beginning to beginning to realize here that this not a good card I don't know what's up Dragon Boy minor Boon for an old data fragment I know right you'd think he would be pretty happy about getting that all right how screwed am I oh we're pretty screwed well we could get away with using the scissors right because if we just cut one of these Turtles we'll take two damage which means we'll survive next turn I'll summon the ant which is going to do it extra damage and the Wolf is definitely not going to have anything in the way all right let's use the scissors cuz we want to save the other stuff for as long as possible EXO I have Susan on speed dial please don't call her please shark is best card what do you mean that's cap a skink um sure why not how screwed am I oh I'm pretty screwed okay what do we have here off the top Ora boros that's not helpful I should have drawn a squirrel ah crap all right we used two items oh [Music] no Rattler five attack why is there a wriggling leg on the field right now Ley do you care to explain your self this is just non this is utter nonsense leesy I'm getting sick of this nonsense lushy shark is the worst three blood card yeah agreed uh okay I mean we're alive oroboros time dude even this Rattler is about to die no I don't need to summon oral boros yet let's not do that yet not [Music] yet all right well there goes all of my cards I just need to do one more damage [Music] too what's your favorite YouTube red orange or purple are we talking about like twitch what's the orange one then what's up Ben just joined after seeing the thumbnail how does the starter deck work do you just get all of them yeah I just added every single card to the deck um that's about it it's just every card RKO wesy up nebula just joined what be happening um well let she's not giving us the oh never mind we're getting good cards now there we go there's Bel lice there he is I take it back everything is fine Pronghorn is orange tube oh worst typo ever you know what no I'm not even going to I'm not even going to be mad at myself you guys could make anything turn sus somehow maybe it's a talent I don't know maybe it's impressive but you know what so is this true it is Twitch you can guess orange I don't know um so if what uh TC cookie said is true then it should Auto we should just win no matter what so if I pick bone again it's going to give us corpse maggots or Wolverine or Rattler or turkey vulture and normally that would be like a four out of 80 chance which reduces to one in 20 which is what 5% and there it goes there's turkey vulture and red okay yeah it's rigged it's definitely [Music] rigged all right just a dust pan 07 what's up Taran um what the flip what's going on all right so we can't lose that another Pronghorn okay listen let's let's go back to the other Pronghorn nickname Pronghorn with a B that looks pretty decent Blood Hound though I like that corpse eater uh sigil what do you guys think me personally I like the no cost deck as you can get a what roach and put it on the Geck but the three blood deck is also just generally fun all right fair so the person who is speaking is committing war crimes in Poland please ban him who did that take prorn no because you spelled it wrong no you you guys are you guys are no I'm not taking Pronghorn you know what we're never acknowledging that cut ever again though never too late it's Cannon now fine then you know what then we're not taking him I'm taking uh The Blood Hound instead but if I said something like like sus on accident for blood hound I don't know and then I just ruined that as well all right who do we buff the attack of uh you know I wonder who should so what I've noticed is I think it summons the first Pelt lice that you obtained first because it seems to always summon this one first and not the uh sticky green one so we're going to buff this one and yeah that's that's pretty solid okay we have a wind condition oh man we missed pelts ah we would have would have only been able to buy like a couple [Music] anyways Blood Hound yeah how would we uh make that sus huh let's see oh see we drew a pelt look at this easy W L is for Lei oh yeah we have a we have a not as cracked Pelt lice here okay so no we would have been able to buy a lot of pelts okay that's great what's up Uma what are you looking at uh well you know just belt [Music] lice 22 I could have bought 11 pelts plus the free one we could have added 12 pelts to this deck right now but it just so happens that the Pelt was on the wrong side of the field that's great blood pound that's not bad that's pretty funny I like it that's a good one bu love Pelt lice wish Pelt lice was real wish lice was real uhoh oh another mud turtle why not blood pound I like it that's [Music] funny um Health buff shall we also give that to Bel Li blood pound is that Cannon now do we just keep messing up words okay I don't know guys all right let's just let's just give it more to Bel I'm catching up in two times speed right now see you in an hour all right Ryan see you in a bit what's up the breads Ash bread was here heck yeah uh uh yeah I think we could use some items sigil transfer what's that going to do for us and don't get rid of a card which means more chance of drawing pelts so technically that's a good idea yeah let's go that way Susan I got a situation in here dynamik please don't tell Susan don't tell her don't tell her guys it'll just be our little secret don't tell Susan that this stream absolutely needs to be demonetized what's up Omar Blood Hound British sus oh look at that we drew the Rattler who said their favorite card was Rattler look at that he's cracked EXO is the Pelt Li what's up shoes taste like purple just got back are we still doing every card run I don't know you tell me does it look like we're doing every card run blong horn whoa piss lice okay now we're just making everything sus oh you guys you guys think it's sus huh name every single inscription card but says what's your favorite Pokemon mine is mimikyu I like you know what I'm not a nerd I don't even know what Pokemon is that's for nerds wolf piss lice Pelt lice but better all right cool this stream is turning very sus it happens every time Fallen despite my efforts to not let that happen it always happens I don't know um I have a lot of cards what do I sigil transfer so we have the option now to put magpie on something that might be good I could just get rid of a bad one blood but what do you guys think any suggestions for this sigil transfer any ideas game Angar Susan is sus it's in the name hi my name is Susan but you can call me sus sus for short try harder I'm trying angler yo what's up fem bonds every EXO stream is sus I try not to go there but it always happens fem bonds how often do your streams devolve into sus I feel like not as often as mine do I don't know what I did wrong undying warrant didn't we do that already I think we already did that although I do have another unkillable sigil most times okay so it's not just me good that's good bro what's up with garton of band ban five I am kind of I like did they do that intentionally cuz there's no way five and six are both coming out in 2023 but it says six is coming out in 2023 and four just says wish list the next one it's six something weird is going on with I don't know part of me wants to think it was just a an accident cuz that's funnier I guess we'll see undying fund lice I do have another Pelt lice so we could put another sigil on Pelt lice that is true um I kind of want to put like magpie on a one blood it's an ARG or something I don't know [Music] maybe undying molan how about what if we put like uh Corps eater on uruli see this is the problem we have too many options I don't know what to do you know what I'm just going to put Magpie we've been drawing cat a lot we've been seeing the cat quite a bit EXO I know you're the pro but I think you might want to make your deck smaller what's up Bill Bill Gates yeah this is not like the best uh you know this is not like the most competitive deck I've ever built admittedly but uh you know I mean there I mean there's no inherent Synergy there what if I just put it on like I don't freaking know elk fun sure why not no how about like I don't really like the Airborne sigil so how about skunk we haven't drawn the skunk yet we'll draw them eventually right Magpie Dam yeah it's still a two blood either way though I don't want it on a two blood I want it on a one blood so we're more likely to draw [Music] it oh never mind we don't need it finally we get this item now we have two G guaranteed pelts all right well so we have basically two chances here if at any point we're screwed I just use one of those two items and then we win should be give Freddy fast bear his true power what what power is that what if we have two of every card hey EXO will you be watching the FNAF movie um probably not anytime soon though certainly not in theaters listen guys PG-13 horror movie I'm sorry pick one pick a lan do you think Ley will show up in the FNAF movie I mean he has to right how could he not okay uh let's do something funny here how about this oh you have sharks oh oh really do you think Le she will show up in the FNAF movie God I hope so no item run I don't know uh wait somebody said something cool though act two and act three with every card that's an interesting idea cuz you can definitely do that in act well I would have to get every card first though so it kind of can't all right we have belt lice this looks pretty good does your deck have a Bait Bucket no but it has Pelt lice imagine all of the kids in the FNAF movie guys I made the mistake of seeing the Sonic movie in theaters it was nothing but kids I regretted every second of being in that theater the only reason I didn't leave is because I was with other people um so I'm never going to the theaters and seeing a movie that is not our rated ever again after that after the Sonic movie what's up meme King yeah that's another reason that I'm not going to go see the FNAF movie in theaters bro it's going to be nothing but kids no thank you what's up Joe act two was lowkey the best act but is so slept on yeah I like the mechanics I like how you get to build your own deck but I wish it was more fleshed out that there was more to it guys it was terrible I went and saw the Sonic movie in theater not a good idea that was a mistake not even PG-13 okay Sonic movie I don't know that was probably PG sure fair enough but listen if it's a horror movie and it's rated PG-13 that's like that's not how it okay it's got to be rated R you can't make a PG-13 horror movie right like come on who's with me who agrees please tell me I'm not I'm not crazy we have to do another sigil transfer which means I need to figure out what the heck we're going to do again I could just get rid of river outter and put this sigil on like anything else what's up donut shoes I saw morbius in theaters nice gauda how was that I haven't even SE I've seen some clips all right here's some Synergy let's put that on the meman this looks like a good one EXO will you drive all of us to the movies we'll rent out the theater uh no I will not do that River on moment I thought about it Alpha on Pelt that's not a bad idea random I just wanted to get rid of river outter really cuz that's kind of our worst card okay so this is our deck going into the final fight here we don't have enough pelts what is going on with the top row did you see that oh my gosh the cards are disappearing uhoh okay that's oh they're back they're gone okay this is a new one that's new uh interesting can we get McDonald's on the way home no River are my beloved oh now all those cards are they're not even blacked out they're just gone look the table is okay this is interesting what's up adman Corp this the first time we made it to the end no this is the second time yeah after the war warm up this is how you know you've become too powerful yeah I think the game is a little confused by the amount of cards I have um I'm a magician guys I'm going to make your card disappear is this your card uh uh uh okay thank you now let's fight lashy what's up Anonymous wizard just joined I already see that it'll be a fun VOD to watch I'm going to have to find the time stamp of where we died the first time and then I'm going to have to say 0 00 0 failed run failed attempt and then whatever time stamp the winning this run started there's no way we lose this cuz I can get two pelts which means we can summon all of the Pelt lice you know what I mean so there's I am become death destroyer of cards I mean yeah so first of all I'm going to stab this mle man just like ghost face and then we're going to take our golden Bel because it's golden also it was easy to spot that are you playing counter- strike too no I am not I am playing inscription currently as a matter of fact all right so I have two p now uh I don't think we can possibly lose let gek kill the moon I think we'll let uh ptice do the honors pel lice has been carrying game should get controller support it's on consoles why not on PC I don't know I don't use a controller so I don't really have a stake in this uh yeah my Bel lights don't care cuz they have double strike when does Mr inscription show up he's here there he is EXO is playing FF guys what should I stream next time should I stream wild Frost slay the Spire FNAF ow my eyeballs what's up Good King gaming what's up uh might as well oh we have to drw card first you may use that after you have drawn a card of course okay lushy I don't appreciate your sass okayo I think you should play inscription it's a good game wow easy the hex I do have yeah I have the hex should play that what's up focused Catman just got here just in time what's up ask team play the Spire okay play more inscription the only reason I'm doing this is because someone had a really good idea which was this someone left the it was spam who is not here unfortunately to see their idea come to fruition but they can watch the VOD whoa that pet attacked kind of fast didn't he all right we did it I still have like an hour and a half to kill until the new episode of Rick and Morty comes on what should we do guys what do I do now I feel like if we did anything else it would be kind of dumb for the VOD so maybe we end it there we did it I wasn't here oh we did it guys first try of course we just had our warm up as usual and then we beat it first try as usual so uh let me turn this hold on just turning off one of the one of the several fans so the time stamp you want is T equals 1 hour 30 minutes and 55 seconds the moment you get the game over screen all right thanks hex uh I will remember that for a minute from now all right everybody of course you watch Rick and Morty you nerd guys uh you need to be an intellectual to understand that show okay all right what stream next question mark thought my hand was bleeding for a second it's not never mind don't worry about it all right let me get some uh what let's see we've got uh wild Frost I kind of want to do that next slay the Spire uh I have the hex I don't know if I now you know what I'll just figure it out on my own we'll figure it out never mind um 07 where's the 07 Emoji I deleted it right Salute YouTube added their own 07 Emoji now so that's great there you go thank you for joining it's fantastic I don't know here's the lushy Emoji that I added literally like while this stream was um scheduling I don't know and uh I don't know what I'm going to do for the next hour and a half is the stream broken is it good I'm about to end it now anyway so I don't even care YouTube all right YouTube is kind of broken for me but I think it's still working 07 thanks for joining we'll see you next time aelo uh bye-bye I don't know what else I'm supposed to say I'm just going to press the end button else just is it not ended can you guys still hear me hello guys I pressed end stream I can hear myself I pressed end stream Guys YouTube is not letting me end the Stream guys it won't let me end it all right I'm hearing my my Maniac laughter guys how do I how do I stop what do I do oh no I pressed the button hang on let me refresh this page
Channel: Exxo 😎
Views: 32,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Inscryption, Kaycee, Mod, Leshy
Id: 0VL2xf6ermk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 10sec (9070 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 23 2023
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