Geothermal dig and loop field installation

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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] what's up guys let me show you the action I got going on today this is a geothermal dig I'm doing for uh Walter he does HVAC you see this mess here I just pulled the stump out of the ground I thought it was going to pop out real easy but it put up a bit of a fight I should have recorded that oh well um so what I'm doing here get ready to dig this field it's going to be a pretty big dig the the most uh most dirt I've moved with this machine so far trench is going to be 15 feet wide which is kind of just inside that Pole right there at a 15 feet up and then it's going to be a 125 feet long it's going to come down this way and then it's going to turn right over top of this come this way and then right at this deck it'll start bottlenecking where all the geothermal coils will run into the house I'm gonna go six feet down and that works out to around 400 yards of dirt so it's gonna be quite a bit I'm interested to see how long it takes me to dig it my plan of action is yeah you can see my one Mark here I'm gonna pile up like the first maybe six feet width of dirt on this side and then the remainder of the dirt will get piled up down there on that side and then they'll just be a big mountain of dirt here in the Middle with kind of a little berm here on this side and then that way when it comes time to add the bedding I'll probably dig a little ramp down there since it's already going downhill so I can just get in there with my bobcat and spread the stone dust around anyways let's get started [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] so let me show you what I got done yesterday I was only here for about four hours my equipment was delivered later than expected you could see I had a cave in there on that side I'm pretty sure you saw that in that time lapse so I'm a little bit wider than I needed to be but that's fine I'm about 35 feet I think long I need to come the rest of the way out to about there and then it'll turn and go over here to the house you can see I already dug this trench to the house because the HVAC guy will be here later to corehole the wall down there so it's coming along good still got a lot of digging left but I'm pretty sure I should be able to knock this out see I'm running into some decent sized Boulders here there's a real big one over here on this side this was actually it was in two pieces but it broke in half but the machine picked this up like it was nothing dude I mean this is this is what probably five feet long but yeah machine's a beast foreign [Music] [Music] I'm gonna go get some lunch and come back wrap this up I don't think this will take more than maybe hopefully two hours three at the most and then I'm gonna do that ramp right here because once I get the stone dust delivered tomorrow it's gonna go right in the driveway I'll grab it with the Bobcat you know scoop bring it in dump it I put a thin layer of stone dust in and then I put in the uh the coils for the geothermal I'm actually doing the whole the whole field insulation myself I went through the training to learn how to fuse the pipes and uh yeah hopefully it you know works out better for everybody this way I won't have to wait for the Plumbers to put it in I could just put the pipes in I fuse it and then I test it foreign [Music] over there such precision nice it has the safety glasses on his earbuds in dust masks and knee pads that's right safety hey is that drill properly grounded uh yes okay good it's triple insulated triple insulated so I'm just going to grab the bobcat and basically shift this pile right over to here and I'll probably add some dirt the customer's a little concerned his septic field is way out that way um and it runs you know the pipe runs right through here where I'm gonna be driving over but it should be three feet in the ground but nonetheless I'm gonna add a little bit of dirt right there where I'm gonna be going back and forth Just To Build It Up [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign so here's the field I got all the coils in as you can see right here where this little Loop looks a little messy that's where one of the splices are so you know I leave that part loose so you don't put so much tension on the uh Fusion coupling but there's eight couplings in here there's four like right here like one two three four and then another four up top because you know I'll jump in and show you real quick getting out of the in and out of this trench so many times today I'm ready to go home right there this guy you can see it's uh melted together I have like this uh Fusion iron that has like a socket on one side and I guess like a little cup on the other side it's a male and female port actually and uh you put the pipe and the coupling in there you hold it together for a certain amount of time and then press them together and then they melt let's see that's where we're going into the house or the garage the inspector came out today to look at the trench you see all of our pipes are sleeved up there he came out today to look at the trench and uh he's going to come back out tomorrow because what we do is we pressure test these lines before we bury him to ensure there's no there's no leak now this is a non-pressurized system a non-pressurized I guess geothermal system I don't know if they have pressurized or not I'm just going off of you know what I'm told and uh it's very low non-pressure means very little pressure like two two PSI or something so when we do our pressure test the inspector told this to test it at 50. which you know seems like a lot but we've we've had other towns tell us to test it at 100. so if it and it holds just fine the pipe's rated for for 160 I believe I'll show you guys this uh Fusion tool real quick so yeah that's what I'll be doing tomorrow maybe I'll get a little bit of that on camera this is that tool you put the coupling on this side pipe goes in this side let's see it's probably still pretty high yeah look at that it's like 250. I'm gonna have to let them know not to come out and touch that they have a little kid here so here are the runs inside these are all four of the loops and I already pressure tested these two loops and now I have these two Under Pressure you can see here it's a little dark in here 60 PSI same thing with that one that one's upside down and I'll let that sit for about an hour and make sure it doesn't drop I'm actually at like 61 on each of them um so yeah then this green wire that I have here it's a tracer wire that just goes around the outside perimeter of the trench so I guess if they ever need to locate it now I'm getting ready to get in there and I'm going to Bubble test all the joints I already did that for the first two loops so I'm gonna bubble test it I think I said earlier in the video I may have that uh sometimes we tested at 100 PSI but the inspector told us that we only needed to do 50. but Walter who's the uh I guess plumber HVAC guy the guy who's installing the system he asked me to do 60s so that's where we're at so here's a joint right here this is one of the fusion joints and this line is under pressure right now and this is some bubble tests this stuff will make bubbles pretty easily if there's any air leak at all so yeah that's it I'm gonna test all four of these joints I'll start putting the bedding sand in while I'm waiting for the hour to pass and then uh it will get this back filled [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so as you can see I'm getting down a layer of this sand to protect the pipes make sure they're fully covered and then I'm back filling over top of that and that's basically the process we'll see probably going to take another full day I would think to to get all this back filled but it's Friday it's four o'clock I've been here late basically every day this week so today I'm packing up and leaving at 4. [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so this one's all wrapped up guys as you can see I left some piles of rock here that's for the customer they're going to probably do some like landscape decoration with them they talked about possibly outlining the apron of the driveway or maybe using the softball size or the basketball sized ones to outline a flower bed or something of that nature you can see I got it to a rough grade it's pretty hard to to get this grade real good with the amount of rock that's in here come springtime the customer is going to have some topsoil brought in and that'll that'll get the final grade and help the grass grow you can see there's quite a few pretty large boulders you know they this is probably over two feet in diameter there's a real big one that one you see it's probably about six feet they have some decent Boulders here he says the neighbor the guy next door he does landscaping and uh Paving he's going to talk to him about helping him set him they're going to handle moving the smaller ones themselves they have a little uh a dolly with like um and they also have a dump cart for their lawnmower their little tractor so between those things they'll get them moved more rocks thanks for watching guys I'll catch you on the next one
Channel: Sean Markee - SRM Contracting
Views: 15,081
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: geothermal, geothermal energy, digging geothermal trenches, geothermal slinky loop, geothermal coil loops, geothermal field, geothermal loop installation, kubota kx080-4 dig, srm contracting, geothermal trench, geothermal trench collapse, excavator digging trench, excavator digging geothermal, geothermal heating and cooling
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 50sec (1250 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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