INSANELY FUNNY Paul Rudd & Richard Ayoade Travel Man bloopers/deleted scenes | Travel Man

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you look like some kind of bird eating boxing champ yeah cute Locker let's get in here let's get you that meat you need it's broiling wow that's good I don't know what does wow look at that [Music] there's no danger of it cooling down I don't think you should be able to eat fast food in the sauna yeah but then tell me that fries not getting down well how's the burger it's really good my eyebrows are hot probably doesn't want to do this right can you see what happens hmm nothing when it came up without it's just stained their drops well I really did stay in those white rock mmm looks like someone's defecated on those rocks I'm not so sure someone hasn't oh yeah yeah that's the yummy sweats who thought of this hoo-hoo I don't know if I want to shake his hand I'm presuming it's a man yeah I'm presuming it's a it's a king come on oh I just throw that tomato on the rocks this yeah that's gonna go for a while yeah that might just burst into flames it's cooking like a barbecue I feel I was put up to that by you by the way in case this becomes official I was pressured into that I'm very weak that's a person I'm gonna try to speed it back out with a goober ah all that thing's melting they almost had it wait oh no because after fry oh it's come upon the middle pass just split it all we had him flick it on all right I can only put my hand there first holy moly oh man we're gonna have to pay for some more oh no we need more rocks oh and now black stuff is coming off look we just need to flush this tomorrow down now we just flush it down deep and no one's ever gonna know and then it's free intelligence yeah forget that tomorrow deep oh yeah I once bang get you that one Lotus oh oh oh ah this is on me you got on you the heater the tomato good night that's hot yeah no it's it's inside oh that's hot yeah no no no that's enough that's my hands and I just burned my hands and okay burn my hand oh no the second way that comes yeah blast you in the face I'm sorry I use that expression I'm so used to water cooling things down now in sauna ah no don't do the whole thing it's burning me double-oh-seven licensed to grill and then really done that well that's breaking that's committing that oh you know what James Bond I just got it well let's celebrate with one of these turtle empiric that will have three different kinds okay we have the one with rice and reindeer then we have just a traditional rice and this is borrowing okay I love the way you're assuming I can't speak Finnish which is so insulting but okay fine let's talk in English um let's have one reindeer and right my wife do you also want one I'll tell you whatever you want to get it well Kane the reindeer is really good well well step up financially at the end for a moment I'm gonna cover this thank you and they all loves these ones you know the ones which are just like stacked high with fish like the tiny fish oh you've got the skin and the tail bone this is I'm not kidding you that stuff this is my name we'll start with one we'll be back for more okay thanks that's just fine yeah okay let's sit down and yeah fish this yeah I think there's some reindeer in there now you expressed it a special team that's in this one to know what's coming out of their ends their souls what's keeping them all together anywhere they get falling out individual they're all bound together by hate they hate themselves and they hate what they've become it's not just an epoxy what binds this fish together let no man whispers under well try and understand I can't I keep getting to here and then something in me saying you know yeah it's sanity that's it see I'm not sad this should be quite good belt buckle work it is yeah it's like a rodeo part I'm gonna get this VA's easy talk yeah yeah I know you see I feel someone's made this with maybe like 15 fish once and someone wolf by the way don't give him a piece of fluff or something just flew on and stuck to the fish oh yeah Mako it kind of its resin isn't it it's not even oh man it's been it that's the display model that's not even anyone's bought two of these has anyone bought a second one did one just do it it seems to attract fluff you're right yeah what is this this is like a lint ball no all right here we go oh wow yeah get it in there okay why we didn't get alcohol with this I have no idea I don't have the sophisticated palate have some you enjoy I can't even tell if this is a good one of these no there are no good ones of these that's like saying what kind of shot to the head is this really you know what Isis dense meat I think I'm I'm finished come now yep that's a pun that's strong enough to warrant an exit where are you going I'm going I'm going going to Sweden really yes I know you're always on the lookout for lean meats always always well at least 23 hours of the day you're in luck especially if you want and lean me with double the b12 you're used to be 24 exactly that's as much B's and he can get hello marquita you'd never know I just learnt that he was right so this is reindeer jerky this guide only exists on protein yeah eat if you could tell why the music I only eat lean meats might crave some ice creams anything he says any animal that subsists on lych and it's got to be good news Wow look at that the mountain milk must be getting through a lot of tradition you're right all right freeze yeah great reindeer jerky nature and such small portions Wow that does not yield yes yes it's very hard how does it get so hard because it's dry it's very very long time about six months six months about yes it's kind of very specific flavor hmm you can really taste that six months that's good how to preserve meat here and I don't that's not a compliment I just dish out this is Jim grapefruit juice carbonated 5.5% created for the Olympics to sporting excellence I don't know what subsequent Olympic drinks have been I normally would have thought an isotonic sports drink or water right right something would serve electrolytes not gin it was a different time maybe the Victorian Olympics when Dickens was doing the relay race I want to say this you've made short work of that long drink think clearly you know without really putting this away I think going on a tram this low will do that for you I don't know how you become a tram driver devious you like driving the steering isn't for you yeah I do behind the wheel and not moving I just like to break one of you behind on a break and and slowly speed up do you want me to refresh this on drink yeah yeah thank you yeah thanks could we have a one more long drink please hi I'm Paul how's your tour going so far yeah first time yeah where are you from New York yes yeah yeah well I heard about the tram and I did why I couldn't miss it yeah yeah we're we're done one second to get you my train mates thank you I generally encourage him not to socialize in case there's a that's the great thing about this tram put a couple of long drinks in me I'm everybody's best well it's how the heart Samantha fountain that I've been hearing so much about I think it might be a heck of a pounding and I think that's all there is to say what was your favorite part my favorite part I think was going back up for a long drink and finding that you'd already made more friends and I've made in the last five years the seagulls are circling already they know we're not gonna finish this week right that's a crack open this salmiakki oh did you get that one of these cannonballs this looks like it's gonna take a while to break down mmm Wow Wow hmm see my candy I can see why that clears meat this you know officer they're mine now really I don't mind that you're really salty [Music] oh yeah you know do you want to go in for one of these sure sure what about one of these huh I love I yeah the Civil War bullets this is what Sigourney Weaver was trapped in it's just like pupa here we go way Matt I don't go just on the steps it's fine that's what's on the inside this is a site of forgiveness Oh mmm that's a lot of salt oh wow goddamn throat your shows a lot of shows you really keeping it together never I'm smelling things I've never smoked before mmm oh it will not leave my teeth I'll tell you that you're like your oh you're so that's quite good you're so calming oh yeah uh you know I understand different countries have their own kind of tastes and candies and food just sort of swallow it but this seems like an entirely different species would enjoy something like this hmm oh I might buy the car one did you get a car one I did a card this one looks like you've gotta eat it for fat yeah but if you eat fast you don't really get to enjoy it another way that I think it was intended to be didn't stop me in a lot of saliva you need to break it down I'm not going to break it down I'm not playing it up tubes are opening in me and have been closed into the 90s this is like an excavation this doesn t we can't this is incredible this is its I can see how they they design this in a lab in the 30s that's ammonium chloride it's a white powder there's nothing is intact this no no this doesn't occur naturally there's any scientists to make this this is the kind of thing you could put out side for a hundred years bugs would never touch it that will not break down you need teeth any saliva and you need a lot of hate inside you ma'am is that that were you tried we tried together yo you're one down on me that's why I don't sauce but I still can't swallow the skull you got there the medallion whatever was it I eat them now to really get in I think I've savored this - my god it's like swallowing phlegm just chase it with the ice cream just taste it now see now that takes relatively mild by comparison I mean it's a disturbing color it's got a bit of it I never found it I never thought I'd find an ice cream I wasn't crazy about yeah I mean that shot was empty I was going to ask you for your highlights are ya I'm gonna tell you what mine is all right this this is my highlight the that's a good one our new channels new channels are wide open yeah you're open my ankle is sweating I've never seen that before okay yeah yeah I don't know I had a sweat up there yeah it's leaking down like that but uh yeah you don't want to be sat underneath this did they suggest pregnant women not do this I am pregnant cuz Richard is pregnant yeah yeah by the way I'm I forgot to congratulate you yeah Sara contracts relate to the pregnancy okay thank you are you gonna find out what it is I think we may find out sooner than we'd hoped do people die in these things ever well you shouldn't have to think it should be no we've got it with I've got it I've got it I've got to get out sure my ears are full of water they're sloshing just hear the sea there would be plenty of more wood out so you guys are besties with it things are getting incredibly creepy I'm going now sideways okay yeah my eyes are singing looks a bit like a BAFTA sometime this shows yet to learn it's just a matter of time well this could be the best eclipse oh is it a month do I have to talk to my representatives to submit it to the committee I think it's it's presenting yourself now this could be it listen all the time yeah it'd be a hell of a shame if we died on a plane on the way back and this was the last thing there this is this is it this was not be now if that happened do you think they'd they would give us can we might get possums back there's no master password let's go for the self-referential moments look don't have to show this kind of yeah and a slow-motion death with some songs and the music playing over yes going yeah yeah gunned down by hostile fire oh so we were shot yeah I think so I think it escalates and it's it's like a kind of Armageddon situation but they still find time to hold the BAFTAs [Music]
Channel: Travel Man
Views: 74,567
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel man, travel man full episodes, travel man 48 hours in, 48 hours in, richard ayoade, richard ayoade funny
Id: jRi_PLgP6Sw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 9sec (1089 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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