Insane Secrets About Sex Lives Of Native Americans

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hey guys Welcome to our Channel in this video we're discussing intimate lives of Native Americans enjoy the video for the Aboriginal people of North America sex was not associated with guilt the one dead Huron are an Aboriginal people whose descendants live in four communities across North America and Quebec Michigan Kansas and Oklahoma and separately across the continent their ancestors of the 17th century became well known in Europe because of the writings of Jesuit missionaries who lived with them obviously a Catholic order of men sworn to celibacy might not seem the best source for talking about the sex life of an entire people but the Jesuit drive for encyclopedic knowledge about their mission charges has made them a good source on this topic nonetheless the one that formed a loose Confederacy of four smaller Nations or tribes the bear Court Rock and deer there were Horticultural people growing corn beans and squash which probably made up over two-thirds of their diet the rest comprising fish fruit and meat fundamentally in that order most of the work of their Horticulture the planting weeding harvesting and grinding was done by women the most important social unit was the clan a unit determined matrilineally you belong to the clan of your mother not your father people who belong to your clan were considered related to you people of your own generation you would address as brother or sister that meant it was considered incest to have sex with or marry them in a detailed study of the 18th century Wyandotte one of The Descendant groups of the one dead and their linguistically and culturally closely related cousins the ishinata taranon people of where there is a mountain or pitten as the French called them there were no marriages between people of the same Clan despite the fact that they typically numbered between 500 to 600 people during the 18th century to use a technical term the people were still exogamous marrying outside the clan a woman's choice adultery happened there was a one-dad term for it but the person would have to be of a different Clan it must have been difficult to find the right place as each house belonged to a particular Clan and could have between 8 to 70 people sleeping there the One debt were trading people the men often canoeing a long distance to visit long established trading partners of other nations they might have had marital Partners there as well as that would strengthen the social bonds between trading partners and Nations early European recorders speak of such relationships in terms of a male perspective not even considering that young women might have had decision-making Authority in these matters at the time Aboriginal women generally had more say in me choosing and disposing than did their European sisters One debt attitudes towards six were certainly much more open and free than were the attitudes to which the French coming over to Canada then called New France were accustomed nothing recorded in writing illustrates this better than a sexual ceremony of the one dead brother Gabriel sagard a member of the recollect order not a Jesuit observed during his stay with the One debt in 1623-1524 a significant healing ceremonial event in the culture and the Huron country there are also Assemblies of all the girls in a town at a sick woman's couch either at her request according to an imagination Vision or dream she may have had or by order of the Oaky Shaman for her health and Recovery when the girls are thus assembled they are all asked one after another which of the young men of the town they would like to sleep with them the next night each names won and these are immediately notified by the masters of the ceremony and all come in the evening to sleep with those who have chosen them in the presence of the sick woman from one end of the lodge to the other and they passed the whole night to us while the two chiefs at the two ends of the house sing and rattled the tortoise shells from evening till the following morning when the ceremony is concluded it is important to note that it was the young women that did the choosing not the young men this reflects the importance and respect given to women in one dad culture be enveloped in sex for me but cigar did not speak of the name of this ceremony the first one to do so was Jesuit father Jerome La lemon writing in 1639 he wrote of an old man Tor hinch who was dying he wished through riddles that people had to guess for a white dog ceremony sufficient cornmeal to feed the people involved in the festivities other unnamed ceremonies at the end there was to be the ceremony of the Anaconda a mating of men with girls which is made at the end of the feast he specified that there should be 12 girls and a 13th for himself the answer being brought to the council he was furnished immediately with what could be given at once and this from the liberality and voluntary contributions of individuals who were present there and heard the matter mentioned these people's glorying on such occasions and displaying themselves of the most precious things they have afterward the captains went through the streets and public places and through the cabins announcing in a loud voice the desires of the sick man and exhorting people to satisfy them promptly they are not content to go on this errand once they repeated three or four times using such terms and accents that indeed one would think that the welfare of the whole country was at stake meanwhile they take care to note the names of the girls and Men Who present themselves to carry out the principal desire of the sick man and in the Assembly of the feasties are named aloud after which follow the congratulations of all those present and the best pieces then ensue the thanks of the sick man for the health that has been restored to him professing himself entirely cured by this remedy unfortunately the man was not cured in this context but he died knowing he had the significant social support of his community the name of the ceremony was in dequinded which literally means they indefinite are enveloped in sex if you wished for the ceremony you would say tanned a quandeton be enveloped in sex for me the Jesuit fought to suppress this custom by 1649 when the one that were on the brink of being driven out of the traditional territory the most Christian of the communities refused to hold this ceremony it speaks of several aspects of traditional One debt culture it seems to demonstrate that they're publicly articulated attitude towards sex was one that it was something to celebrate not constrain and it suggests that female sexuality was something thought natural not something to be controlled the one dead language had no terms for innocence or guilt so did not have those cultural Concepts to condemn female sexuality this was an Aboriginal Society at the time of first Contact this is before white male fur Traders sought compliant women among the people before gallons of alcohol were poured into the fur trade before the Indian Act gave men power and took it away from women before Colonial oppression and poverty turned the Algonquian language family word Squam meaning female or woman took on the negative connotations before residential schools taught Aboriginal peoples the meaning of sexual abuse thanks for watching do like subscribe and comment
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Keywords: weird history, elite facts, absolute history
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Length: 9min 4sec (544 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 03 2023
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