Insane Military VTOL Jet/Submarine with Missiles! - Stormworks Gameplay

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are you kidding me oh here we go we just rapid fired like probably like want to keep up with the latest Komodo gaming videos be sure to subscribe and click that Bell hello YouTube Komodo gaming here bringing you guys another episode of storm works build and rescue and yes folks we're back once again and today we are back with some more creations so the first creation we're gonna be checking out here today which let me go ahead and grab it it's actually a part of the the solid rocket booster update which we really haven't played with that at all and maybe eventually we'll be able to do a creation with it but check this thing out there we go this is the mini shuttle this is by mister semi so this is just one of the creations we're gonna check out we're also gonna be checking out a flying VTOL that's also a submarine and I'm telling you folks it's probably one of the most amazing things I've seen in storm works now as far as where are the build episodes well the build episode will be coming up I'm currently moving houses so I don't have as much time to sit down and build for a couple hours so that's what we're gonna do a creations episode here today but the bill depa sewed should be here in a couple of days if you're gonna ask for that now I do have the links for these creations down in the description if you want to check anything out you see in today's episode you can go there and if you guys are enjoying store works on the channel maybe hit that thumbs up button and help set my channel and let's go to space so I'm kind of curious strong work seems to really be pushing these little solid rocket boosters could the next biome be maybe space could you imagine that space works that would be so awesome alright so let's go ahead and jump into this little mini shuttle here what can go wrong right let's go and close the hatch alright so we're gonna set here so what we got breaks set altitude altitude hold okay so it's the thruster spoiler throttle does this mean uh does that need to be up I'm not really sure if it doesn't know it's up debt okay I think we're fine okay so let's go and go unlock starter and three two one blast off whoo okay that was a bit of an odd takeoff there see ya check that out you've got the normal jet engines in the back but you've got the Oh Houston we might have an issue I hear the solid rocket boosters going off but we're not going up behind okay though it's just detached okay no now we're going up okay so that's a thing this is really cool actually Hong can I steer this maybe I should be steering this up yeah that would probably be a smart of me to do oh that's incredible I want to actually play around with these boosters but question is what can we do with these you guys might have some suggestions I mean I guess we could just make a Komodo rocket what you know it would probably end in something terrible happening let's look around navigation lights turn those on okay so those are up all the way so let's set an altitude here let's say oh 5,000 that sounds pretty good okay let's go hold out to - nope there he goes wait a minute did I go negative up okay now it just wants to do a backflip first and we get up okay you know what we're gonna turn off the altitude hold I think I should probably manually do this this is pretty cool though I mean it's a mini shuttle that's awesome maybe we'll start seeing some more of full-size ones there's been a couple full-size ones in storm works that we played with but none that have actually had the end the rocket boosters on it it's just the the jet engines in the back what you're seeing here so yeah there's a bunch of potential with that update I just didn't want to really ignore it because we haven't really done anything with it but hopefully we'll see some more updates with that here soon but yeah very cool creation you know what we're gonna go down and see if we can land this thing all right folks we have the runway lined up can Komodo pilot his way to success is there a parachute just case I need it I don't see one okay pull up wait is this thing automatically thrust up okay the engine restart I thought maybe it thrust it itself back up when I started to pull up okay let's go and kill engines all right let's okay this is definitely not the way we're supposed be doing this on crank doesn't backup now that that was perfect landing I may be 10 out of 10 what would you guys give that landing oh yeah I'm gonna go with the 10 out of 10 all right we probably should get out of this thing yep that's perfectly fine all right just get up here huh it's close that that way doesn't out nevermind well uh there goes the shuttle good episode wait where was the creative base oh there it is that was our target yeah we didn't even come close to that one all right so let's go check out the next creation all right so this is the Big Daddy this was the creation that is at the top of the workshop that I wanted to check out now we've checked out several fighters like this this is by Lourdes and it's the kind of the Manor a style fighters there's been some with missiles on it there's been really cool feet old-style craft well this is like the ultimate craft here this thing can go into the water and actually be worked as a submarine but it also functions in the air too and I swear maybe we've checked out a creation like this as far as something that's both for the air and the water but I don't think it's ever been done on this scale and this is rather impressive so there is a bit of instructions to read to go over because there are several things you have to do before you actually get into the water obviously if it's a jet engine or something if it touches the water wall I guess still spinning up it will blow the engines so we need to make sure that we kill those and there's just really several things to look at because yeah you're gonna be careful with this craft but it is absolutely epic looking by the way if you're wanting to know what this thing is called it's called the obscure raid I actually really like that name all right so we want to go ahead lock this down whoa look at this that's a pretty unique looking cockpit all right we'll go down there and do a little tour once we get in the air it should actually really help with the frame rate since we get up and out of the hangar here so VTOL unlock rockets way this thing's got rockets in it Bridge lights power up let's see main power all this is already on so yeah I've got over quite a bit of the the instructions on the workshop but I'm still probably gonna wind up screwing something up beetle engines propulsion okay it's reading where all these buttons are alright so we need to hit the starter button all right here we go power up okay look at that it's got loading screens and stuff oh that is cool all right so airborne mode okay so we got all these little screens Oh check out the cameras this is ridiculous so you can see there's a map there you got your gimbal camera here in the front you've got a I guess a system reading over here submarine mode checklist checklist and everything this is this is ridiculous like man how do you do this alright so let's go ahead let's turn on the front lights so you only the flood lights on see ground anchors there's a submarine propeller so I'm assuming we're ready to go ahead and start with the okay there's submarine mode there's just so much I'm almost I'm almost overwhelmed right now okay so I'm assuming we just go VTOL engines on do I need propulsion engines let me go over the checklist again from the from the workshop here so it just says okay I do need both and the landing gears automatic so let's go boom okay that one's gonna turn on all right so submarine mode is lock right now alright so the submarine mode I think is locked because the jet engines are on home let's get out of the hangar here oh okay all right be careful Komodo let's not destroy this thing okay propulsion I don't know how the cameras I guess the camera is so far back because the tail on this thing hall we can assume that in a bit okay you're hearing a bunch of sounds like explosions that's just me I'm blipping the throttle trying to get it out of this before we fully like engage and go forward okay let's get the tail out man this thing is ridiculous looking like in a good way by the way Wow okay almost clear go ahead alright let's start to lift up here there we go Hey and look at that it starts to kind of even move around a little bit like it's flying alright like I mean just easy it's so easy to fly so I saw a couple of things over here so we have an altitude hold so I'm assuming that holds to the current altitude so we can click that on on the touchscreen is that what it's doing yes it is and then there's an autopilot so actually you know what altitude sets down here so let's go ahead and set oh I want to be sitting in this let's go altitude set let's set the altitude before we do any submarine stuff let's go actually let's go higher than that let's go about a thousand maybe so we'll go a thousand go out stood hold so it's probably gonna make us start to go up there it goes and we could set a GPS mode and we're ready to go so here's your readings down here batteries at 99.9% fuels at ninety eight point six percent there's your knots how fast we're going there's our altitude distance to ground this thing has it all like this is such an advanced craft let's see there's your gimbal so I can move it up and down it's got zoom there's your infrared mode here oh there's other cameras there's one off the back alright so we got two cameras there we got a radar display up here I'm assuming that would be very useful once we get underwater man this is crazy alright so we're up to our designated altitude so we're moving forward now so it's got any fire rocket button what does that mean is there wait is that a rocket I don't know huh let's go fire rocket no oh wait what I don't really I don't know what's going on there Oh what was that okay so I'm hitting the fire rocket button there's a potential that I'm doing something wrong here I don't even know what it is let's see display ground anchors rockets I don't wonder if it's just maybe it is like a solid booster or something that gives you a speed boost potentially let's try that alright I don't think it's actual weapons could be wrong though no it seems to be moving at one speed here look at this thing let's look at the underside if see if I see anything no nothing really visual there's a gimbal camera I don't know what those are supposed to be I was look like they might would have been Rockets but I don't think they are actually on let's let's sing level out real quick we're gonna dive down into the water here in just a second I want to see if we can walk around I better put this on too let's see door so here's crew cabins it's gonna get the lights on here bathrooms medical Bay oh it's got a little systems a thing over there that's cool that's probably rescue winch that feels like is that the tail section it's almost to the tail I don't think it's in the tail so we can go there get some lights on here there is it downstairs I'm assuming this is maybe storage actually that looks dangerous hon staying on this Oh yep that was dangerous I'm glad I'm actually on the ladder here oh that was the way in actually climbed up on the side to get into this thing but you could have done it from this I'm assuming all right let's go ahead let's go back up into here I don't think I want to be hanging out here this would be a really good rescue craft to be honest with you like it wouldn't work really well you've got a harness in the back you got medical beds yeah it's really really stable what's this okay that's just the monitors and stuff so there's some other stuff on here we got heaters okay so we're gonna keep all this on there's a VTOL okay keep it 10 increases for only heavy lifting so yeah there's a winching system on the bottom so you would increase the VTOL engines up in order to do some heavy lifting uh-oh is this our Rockets button Oh let's go unlock rockets alright oh it does have rockets so fire rocket barrage are you kidding me oh here we go we just rapid fired like probably like 20 missiles that's what those work okay so it wasn't like a boost or anything it was literally rockets alright so let's go ahead we're gonna put in a coordinates for this thing let's go up north that way hopefully been getting some fairly deep water here so we'll go boom autopilot and then we're just gonna click this button here on the dash there it goes all right it's gonna turn and take us to our destination yes all right we're looking like we're not over any sort of islands right now you know maybe we should stop here so let's turn off our autopilot so we have a submarine checklist here and really it's just turn off the propulsion engines so beetles can stay on propulsions need to go off so we're gonna go boom all right so we need to wait for the RPS propulsion one what about the VTOL one this one needs to be down to zero let me double check or this one needs to be at zero actually it looks like they're both going down all right let's move our altitude down we want to get down towards the water we're about a thousand to the ground let's just get down to 500 real quick so let's go 500 I'm gonna reset that system there all right so we should be yeah we're lowering right now and I'll double check see if there's anything else we need to do oh it already went to step 2 so I can keep the VTOL engines on or I'm gonna double check that real quick I don't want to blow this thing up I got a visual on the water here so what we're gonna do it says just try off the jet engine so I'm assuming the VTOL engines need to be off too I think on let's go ahead all right switch those off oh I don't know if we could land what those or not to me those are the same as the other engines and I feel like we're gonna blow up the craft if we land in this on so it's just a step to land in the ocean we turn off the propulsions I'm assuming the beetles can be on which I don't know if that's a thing or not okay you know all right let's turn them off now there we go all right so oh can those be on maybe they are fine on turn off VTOL engines and oh there goes Oh so we land in the water with the vetos on so it actually how does it know to do this like it's going through the checklist but like we're not even doing anything like there goes I went to the next one turn on submarine mode like how in the heck is as possible okay this might be one of the most advanced crafts I've ever seen let's go and turn on submarine mode okay nope just went red okay submarine mode activate it use out student hold set depth use throttle lever and move to keep stable so yeah that was one of the warnings here with this craft is that you need to be moving constantly underwater you cannot just set there because its stability requires or I guess the movement and stability go hand-in-hand on this craft so we're gonna set the depth - I guess wait how far are we off the ground okay so we're 166 to the bottom of the ocean to be safe well probably set it at I guess a hundred maybe 75 that way it gives us a little bit of playroom there so let's go boom okay so we're gonna set this okay that's set and then I guess I'm gonna throttle up throttle lever okay here it is startled leaver so let's go boom alright so throttle levers up what did I do wrong here let's see use out shield set the deaf you startled later and moved keep stable haand I need to dive it down I'll see if I get the same to go down real quick feel like that altitude set is that from sea level do I need to go negative 75 on that come on let's try that real quick okay now there it goes okay so it's negative 75 Oh check that out alright so there it goes uh-huh let's get those let's see flood lights turn those on now that is awesome okay we have anything else we need to probably turn on with this no I think we're good so we went from being in the air it's already a great aircraft VTOL rescue ship and now we are officially a submarine - this is probably the most versatile craft I've ever seen like I don't know any that do this at least quite this good this is ridiculous alright so we're moving so the batteries do appear to be draining faster down here so I'm assuming that the batteries are generating off maybe the propulsion and the VTOL engines now I don't want to is there any backup modes here for batteries it's gonna keep moving right yeah it's still on yeah it's moving at 18 knots right now is there an airlock or anything in here I didn't think about that yeah that okay so look it actually looks oh what's that what's that saying what warning are we getting here alarm alarm for what we close to the ground or I think we're good yeah this thing has a lockdown system for every log so you will not be able to unlock the hatches right now Oh low battery alarm see how I probably need to read again there's gotta be a way to I guess maybe charge the battery under here or is there a backup battery switch somewheres okay I'm not seeing anything about that but hon let's go and turn off submarine mode so we're back in airborne mode so in theory let me go ahead and just let's go maybe a hundred here so go boom let's go ahead reset those all right hopefully it's gonna be lifting us yeah we appear to be you were starting to correct ourselves I think we're gonna lift here let's see if we can get to saying yeah you can see the distance to the ground is increasing now so let's see if we can fire this thing up and take back off from the water but you do see that the submarine mode does indeed work very very cool I don't know about the battery I need to read up on that because the battery does drain pretty quick oh there it goes okay so we're good there all right so I'm assuming you can crank VTOL engines there it goes those are gonna spool up let's check battery battery is looks like it's draining slower now so we've got that okay i'ma turn beetle I'm actually gonna turn the altitude hold off and I'll manually lift this out of the ground or off the water I should say I don't want to turn the propulsion on yet I want to let this pull up potentially huh turn that off I'm trying to there it goes okay so we got fire here all right let's see if we can lift this out of the water there it goes oh that is so sweet so the veto worked fine in the water so you're good there alright let's go and turn on propulsion engines let those kick on and we should be ready to go so let's let those fire real quick come on baby fire those up waiting for it let's go and turn back towards the creative base I believe it's this way I think all right let's see is there anything else we should know batteries are there no they're still draining right now okay think think think let's turn off the floodlights real quick all right I think those I think the propulsion just fired up there we go let's go and turn on altitude hold it's get it climbing again battery's at 60 ok battery's still slowly draining so what I want to do I'm gonna tell this thing to return home here so let's go ahead set a waypoint all right just go in put new waypoint here we'll see if we can land this thing autopilot on okay so it's gonna turn and it's gonna take us back to base here man that is something so we've flown out here it's got all the really nice features it's got missiles on it it's it can be a submarine of all things I mean that's already ridiculous enough and then now we're we're actually heading back to base right now everything's looking pretty good battery's a little low I'm gonna look up some more about that but I feel like oh look at it's charging now all right so it's now generating battery so it's really just a submarine mode that seems to drain it quite a bit okay I got you look at that you can see it's a wind farm right below us the camera actually works pretty decent all right here we are we have arrived at the base here so let's go and turn off our altitude hold and autopilot so we're gonna bring her in yeah we're gonna crash in here today folks I know a lot of my episodes end up in crashes but today I want to bring this baby home because this might be my new favorite craft in storm works I strongly suggest if you can run it check it out it is just a little laggy on the ground but man once you get in there it's really not that bad so here we go let's lower the landing gear should be automatic let's make sure I'm gonna go forward a little bit here make sure our tail clears those rocks and we should be able to lift down all right let's keep going I like even how I'm pressing all the way down right now but it's not really aggressive like it's not gonna slam itself down so I feel like I can just keep it down we'll watch those landing gear and we should be good to go here all right here we go there goes landing gear okay let's touchdown okay touchdown by the way I do have damage on two so we didn't damage anything there it looks good all right so let's go ahead go through a shutdown procedures go and turn off VTOL engines there we go all right those are gonna kill themselves they're sweet lights I guess will turn off some of those close the doors Bridge lights are off all right we're almost ready to go here let's go ahead and open that bottom up I'm gonna climb out the bottom here even though I think those work by themselves and let's go ahead and power down there we go crafts powered down all right we could drop out the bottom here and there we go Oh forgot to turn off a set of lights but we're done that is it that was a successful landing and everything yeah you can definitely use that as a very good rescue craft but anyways I think it's gonna wrap it up for this episode folks I am so impressed right now Lords that was awesome that is Wow it's a kind of leaves you speechless that you can do stuff like that in storm works so I do look forward to where this is all heading and all the creations are getting way crazy and also real quick with the whole fact that they're adding solid rocket boosters and stuff like that do you guys think how we had the Arctic biome do you think that we're gonna maybe see something space-related soon I mean even if it just changed and just changed over to black and you can kind of see maybe a little bit of a globe that would be amazing man space works that could be a thing too but anyways I don't think you guys want love and support and we will see you guys next time [Music]
Channel: Camodo Gaming
Views: 373,374
Rating: 4.9424615 out of 5
Keywords: stormworks, stormworks gameplay, stormworks aircraft carrier, stormworks escape pod, sinking simulator, stormworks flying aircraft carrier, stormworks vtol submarine, stormworks flying base, stormworks missile, stormworks plane crash survival, stormworks plane crash, stormworks build and rescue, sandbox, titanic, sinking ship simulator, titanic simulator, sinking ship survival, sinking ship, camodo gaming, camodo gaming sinking ship, camodo gaming stormworks, plane crash
Id: yqDqkxL0TcU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 56sec (1436 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 22 2019
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