INSANE KEBABS Handmade With a Sword - Palestinian Food in Nazareth!

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good morning hope you're having an amazing day it's mark Wiens we're about to meet up with my friend David Khalifa and today he's going to take us on a northern Israel food tour we're gonna go to Nazareth we're gonna go to some other cities in the north he knows the best food in all of Israel so we're gonna eat some amazingly delicious food this is going to be a fantastic food tour day and I can't wait to share with you that was about an hour-and-a-half Drive and we have made it to Nazareth and we're heading straight to lunch right now the restaurant is called Diana Diana restaurant and they're known for serving David says they serve the best Palestinian village well hopefully is one over the top in my mind five shares in the company attention Israelis he is so talented he's got like his blessed gift god bless his hands so he can basically look any food here is very seasonal if they forage or some woman go for it perhaps it's all local here lambie's fantastic have over yeah and david has been telling me about the kebabs here which I'm a huge lover of kebab so I can't wait to watch them making it they're getting ready to start cooking our kebabs we're gonna watch them make it we're gonna eat it oh I can't wait to try the food here and all the way from here the little talento too much no man so what's pine nuts ed policy that's it as you can see this sword it's in the overflow restaurant we turned its attention taste it it is amazing to election date the meat mixture and he stands by his meat so well that you can eat it raw the whole dev of raw lamb and he just doesn t just chop it up with the sword that's like butter awful oh it's marvelous [Music] [Music] [Music] oh my mouth is just there's nothing that makes my mouth water more than kissing meat on the grill we're starting off with lots and lots of appetizers all sorts of different salads and dips and then some falafel and some cumin I'm gonna go in for one of these falafels and these are like oval-shaped falafel falafel is wonderful kind of dense and like like spongy up and airy all at this impact and there's already some tahini in the bottom there's Austin falafel this looks like a wonderful next bite [Applause] it's full of lemon and then yeah that's just pure parsley tomato salad moment salad and I think there's some sumac in there as well such juicy tomatoes laughs oh great onions green onions in there and that light like sumac liver mom there are so many different little amazing salads and side dishes and dips here but this is quite an attractive plate here which is a roasted and clip with yogurt on top he's used a lot of sumac in the dishes as well which is that that little pink spice there that you can see all the smokiness of them that charred flavor isn't seen then you have that like sour creaminess of the yogurt and that's like that's like basically when I taste what really is highlighted here is the smokiness of eggplant some fresh rocket salad arugula beautiful produce [Music] I love rocket has that such wonderful peppery taste good next up while it's still hot and fresh I'm gonna try the coo Bay which is a bulgur wheat wrapper stuffed with minced meat and then deep-fried Oh kosha super cool that has a wonderful sweet cinnamon taste to it the wrapper of that week is both crunchy and like you can taste the individual grains of it at the same time this is another it looks like it's a another roasted kind of eggplant salad here and it's like a perfect gift or for scooping up with bread all that same smoky eggplant but this is very very lemony okay next up is some moussaka which is raw tahini with the chickpeas in there is amazing actually what I'm we haven't even started on the meat yet and I'm already loving the food here the vegetables are like shining with freshness next up we have kuba Nia and this is a there's raw minced meat on the bottom layer it's like in cupcake formation there's raw meat on the bottom layer with bulgur wheat and then on the top is cooked meat and then pine nuts so you try to get some of some of the both the Rami and the cooked meat in one bite and all those pine nuts look at that and onions is thing as well [Music] again you can taste that cinnamon in there and those pine nuts that's the whole spiel in its most part the wait for the grilled meat is over we've got two different types of meats on this plate there is some of the kebab which we saw him make and then these are entire skewers of lamb filet this is an entire lamb filet on a skewer and roasted grilled over those white hot coals I got it and you can see there's some spice on there probably just some pepper and salt and oh I'm just gonna I'm just gonna bite out of this [Music] well that's ridiculously good oh that just juices with lamb pastures in your mouth it's not like fall apart tender lamb this is the filet it has some texture to it but the flavor that is released is just the purest lamb you've ever tasted as much as I want to finish this skewer in a couple more bites I'm gonna set it down right now and I'm gonna go for one of those pieces of kabob ah it's hot and fresh which he likes so delicately put on that skewer and grilled and then all those there's pine nuts in there there's a there's yeah that is gorgeous oh it's melting your mouth I really taste the pine nuts in there you got the pine nut crunch you've got the personally in there just perfectly salted and just that lamb flavor just shines this is he invented oh he invented it that's game you know this what I'm telling you is such a great chip the next dish we got is stuffed lamb ribs and the chef invented this dish you can see the rack of lamb ribs and then he stuffed it with rice there's probably some some light spice in there there's some parsley and some pine nuts on top and some onions and I think I might just start by like hasting some of that rice which you could you can just see it's like melting in there with the lamb fat oh oh it's steaming as well oh it's just fragrant with lamb hold it with the other one what yeah this is family we're eating family-style here yes and this is like family cooking oh ho ho look at that om all you can see some pinkness and they're in the in the meat and I'll chop off this this rib as well and meat just falls off falls off there look at that and the rice just like falls out of there oh look at that so now we have lamb on the bone the lamb cap fat cap over there in the rice there's just like melty lamb fat oh it's tender it's so fragrant it's so hot and that just unbelievably pregnant I wish you could smell that steam coming off of this lamb right now with the multi-color fact thank you amazing and this is eat beef or lamb smokey like almost crunchy me but really finely chop and you've got onions and tomatoes in there that's just like pure meat in PITA [Music] there's what you call pure love stuffed into a PITA I thought that shawarma was gonna be my dessert but they brought us out more dessert this is a Knopf a which is a local dessert made in this region there's goat cheese on the bottom and then there's syrup and then noodles crispy noodles on top and then it's topped with a crumble of pistachio Wow this is a this is a pretty pretty large little plate here and there oh yeah it's cheese you can see the conduct like that the type of cheese underneath there that's the main ingredient of this dessert oh it's just dripping with syrup [Music] oh yeah that's sweet but it is really really good and so rich you can taste that got cheese on the bottom and then the noodles are like they're very fine and very crispy and then it's just like completely drenched like like kind of like soaked in that like almost floral tasting syrup this is like a cream a creamsicle oh look at that that delicateness that tenderness that that jiggle eNOS you gotta eat it fast before wiggles out of your spoon well that's like a like a Sookie sticky pudding that was a truly world-class stunning meal those kabobs the lamb the lamb filet was just unbelievable even the salads were amazing he's a friendly chef he's a nice guy he's extremely talented and he's making some unbelievably good girl meats and Palestinian food in Nazareth David just dropped us off and he said we should just go into there's just a wall here and he said go into this door and just start looking around oh I can smell the spices in this little dark Oh what an awesome shop oh it's just packed with spices an amazing shop they're like dozens and dozens of spices you can really smell I don't know cinnamon in here the fenugreek I'm getting some like citrusy aromas Aude ride chilies there's lots of I think that's sage over there all nuts well thank you I'll go through some of these nuts no we're stopping now for a cup of Turkish coffee and some more dates and nuts in the office of this shop and this is uh this is a world-class shop oh I love Turkish coffee all that that that aroma of cardamom is just outstanding it's so good okay back out into the bright light we but dried siege as well as some dried lavender and also I bought some dried louisa i'm not sure about there but although i can all be used to to put into hot water for tea so i'm always happy with herbal teas we took a beautiful drive down down the mountains towards the mediterranean sea and we have arrived and this is just a really small village it's almost like a neighborhood called lee mun and this is the place where david says is the best brought gifts have a very different here his name is michael chertoff Sookie is the haze he's the chef he used to be a really top chef in tel-aviv when his own restaurants at one day he and one day he decided he had enough from this competitive world and decide to come for pastor alia here in the countryside open this restaurant about four years ago and I think we'll all the rest of the chefs in Israel will excuse me I love you but this is the best restaurant in Israel here you can eat the tastiest food in Israel Wow and you will see a very short menu but you want to have everything and you get everything you order it and everything is tasty welcome thank you very much it's a very nice restaurant but it's very family-oriented restaurant there are lots of kids here thank you very much very short menu but a very concise menu with their different specialties from this region and they do a lot of foraging for different ingredients they I'm guessing they probably grow a lot of the ingredients right around here the olive oil just fantastic oh it's wonderful and you can taste the sea salt on it too and then I really want to try that garlic oh oh it's so creamy that just melt in your mouth you should soak in that wonderful olive oil [Music] it's a foundation of vulgare wheat and then there is a topping of raw tuna tuna just melt in your mouth and they've got that contrast of that Bogart weave I think there's some some sour yogurt or lemon in there and those herbs are just like beautifully pungent and fresh there are charred perfectly charred onions I love how there's whole stalks of green onions on here and then there's Lebanese on the bottom and then on top sprinkled on top is sheep cheese you can taste that that's like gay meanness of that sheep cheese the first main course dish has arrived this is the lamb shawarma and you can see the nuggets of lamb in there and then what I like is it's just it's just packed out again with fresh herbs and onions that's optional the mint in there really stands out in that lamb you just fall apart tender [Music] next dish is Crystal shrimp which are from the sea right where we are and they came bubbling in a hot oil sauce you can smell the sage coming off of here in the herbs or that's bubbling hot Oh [Music] yeah that is insane oh it's almost nutty in flavor and I would not let this head go to waste [Music] that is just though the like period pierced creamiest slightly bitter comely well that's just liquid gold on the bottom is lentils and then there's pieces of calamari there's a mix of herbs you can see parsley and mint on there and then smoked lemonade I'm gonna get a little bit of everything in my spoon [Applause] those herbs shine the mint is nice and strong the the lentils kind of are are smooth and there's like they've been stewed until completely soft this is the lamb sweetbreads which is the lower it's the thymus Wow this looks awesome and sweetbreads is one of the ultimate things one of the ultimate organs you can eat I'm gonna go for I think I got two little bits of sweetbreads in here with some with one charred onion and some beans oh it's like natural sausage so tender and just melts in your mouth and two different desserts one of them is a crimson eat and there's a lot of creams sandwiched between some like thin wafers and she said to just smash it with a spoon oh that's pretty awesome next up is a base of pineapple but really really thin and then with coconut ice cream in the middle well that one is amazing oh that just tastes like pure pineapple and then with a really refreshing coconut ice cream paired with that I think that's just pure pineapple but it's so juicy good morning we got home really late last night after that amazing meal and I was so tired that I fell asleep immediately so I'm gonna end the vlog this morning I want to say a gigantic thank you to David Khalifa he's the hungry tourist on Instagram and I'll leave his link in the description box if you're not already following him be sure to follow him now because he he shares some of the most amazing food from around the world and it was just his kindness and his passion and our friendship he's a great friend of mine and he it was just his his his kindness he took us around for six full days not only an extremely fun experience but it was very educational I learned a lot about the food in this entire region of the world and it was really an honor and a privilege to hang out with David and to eat such amazing food and all the places that we visited so again a huge thank you to David Khalifa his links is in the description box below and I want to say thank you to you for watching this entire series in Israel please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and I'd love to hear from you in the comments section below what you think thanks again for watching goodbye from Tel Aviv and I'll see you on the next video thanks again for watching
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 2,775,426
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Nazareth, kebabs, Palestinian food, Arab food, Arabian food, Arabic food, Israeli food, Israel, Mark Wiens, best food, food vlogs, food videos, travel videos, Nazareth travel
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 49sec (1369 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 17 2017
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