INSANE Hidden Details In HEREDITARY That Make It One Of The Creepiest Horrors EVER

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welcome to the heavy spoilers show I'm your host definition in this episode we're breaking down hereditary it's a film that I've never actually covered before in the channel but it's always been one that I revisited due to all other things later throughout it there's an overall sense of dread and eeriness to the entire work and the movie is laced with hidden details that really add to its creepiness throughout this video we're going to be going through some of the scariest things in the film that you may have completely missed whilst watching it there will be heavy spoilers here so if you haven't had a chance to see the movie yet and don't want anything ruined then I highly recommend that you turn off now make sure you subscribe to this channel for videos like this every day and if you enjoy them please drop a thumbs up without the way thank you for crock - they could get a quick clicking button now let's get into a breakdown of hereditary okay so the film opens with an obituary for Ellen Leigh there are several details within this that hint at certain aspects of the movie and on repeat viewings it fills in more and more of the gaps about the character not only was Leigh the grandmother and mother to the family that the film focuses on we also learn throughout the movie that she was the queen of the cult of payment payment is one of the eight kings of hell and when researching the figure I learned that his powers included the ability to create visions acquire servants make spirits appear reanimate the dead and grant flight which are all things that we see happen in the film before the events of the movie we discovered that Lee had attempted to offer up a son Charles as a vessel for the demon we learned Charles's name in the opening of bitchery and it becomes important later as it plays into what's really going on with one of the central characters Charles committed suicide accusingly of trying to put people in him and though this was diagnosed as schizophrenia we know from the events in the movie that this was in the case because of his death Lee was unable to give payment a vessel however that didn't stop her from trying and she waited until her daughter Annie had a son named Peter at the time they weren't really on speaking terms enough she was unable to use him in a ritual to summon the spirit yes later Annie and Lee repaired their relationship and had a daughter named Charlie she Ollie was of course named after Charles and from what we know the cult then set their eyes on her this lip service paid to Lee telling Annie that she wanted a boy and this is exemplified in one of the customized mats that Lee made for the child which has her name is Charles instead of Charlie the cult successfully managed to put the spirit of payment into the girl however Peyman desired a male body and thus he did not bestow upon them the riches that they seeked though we see the events involved from the perspective of the family the film centers around the cult transferring the spirit of payment from Charlie into Peter all whilst carrying out the rituals that enable this possession to occur now from the off there's a ton of foreshadowing returning characters and just things in general that don't pay off until the end and he makes miniatures and we initially start off with a slow pan across one which then becomes the real world there are a ton of theories that exist around the symbolism of this but personally I believe this almost dollhouse like a snake shows that the characters don't really have any agency or control over the events that play out they are like dolls unable to move and divert from what's happening and this is given Wade by the story of Hercules which pops up in one of the many classroom scenes we learn that the character was a pawn in a hopeless machine and that he didn't really have any control over his fate dolls appeared throughout the film and they too have a lot of meaning to them the miniatures to pick key moments in Annie's life and he uses them as a sort of therapy to understand the situation however they could show that the cold were controlling it all Charlie to makes her own dolls and later in the film in John's apartment we do see that she has them to this layout of the candles and dolls does slightly resemble the ending shot for the film and it perhaps suggests that everything is being controlled by the cult from the shadows we first meet Charlie sleeping in a treehouse even though it's freezing and this is where payment would later return in the movie in order to complete his rebirth it's a great way to recontextualize our introduction to the character in both the opening and ending and adds a lot of subtext to the events that are going on and the funeral we see a creepy man smiling and he later returns in the film standing in a doorway we also see a strange symbol that is worn by any animal and this brings a lot of implications with it the symbol appears throughout the movie at several key points and it belongs to Peyman one of the most important instances in which it appears is on the posts which Charlie gets decapitated on it's painted and blood in the Attic of the property it appears in one of the cult members homes against the wall on the cover of one of these books and it actually ties back to Peyman himself in one of the depictions of the character that we see in the literature on him we can see that there are three heads hanging from his camel these three heads would later be toned down and repurposed to make the symbol and the three heads of course represent the three beheadings that we see throughout the film these are required to summon payment and they happen with Lee's corpse Charlie and Annie at the end of the movie now what the funeral does is that it tells us that the cult have always had their eyes on the family and there's a really creepy moment that you might have missed when first watching the film before the family returned home from the funeral we can hear footsteps moving about the house I'll play the clip of this twice now with the volume increased but listen closely for the sound of people walking around the house before the family enter did you hear that well we do learn later in the movie that there had been cult members which had drawn a triangle in the house and transported Lee's body to the Attic so it is likely that at least one of these instances happened here and he seems relieved by the passing of a mother but she's haunted by an apparition of her in the darkness and from here she attends a grief meeting it's here that she meets Joan who we learned was second-in-command to Lee and throughout the film we discover that she's now the cult leader there are several clues that something is off with her throughout the movie and at the meeting when the leader asks if anyone would like to speak Joan immediately looks to Annie perhaps subliminally forcing her to talk Joan slowly sparks of a friendship with Annie and they bond over the grief Joan tells Annie that she lost her son and grandson and they perform a seance in which she proves the latter's existence through the use of his favorite chalkboard however there's actually a clue that this is a lie and when Annie bumps into her at a car park we can see in the back of Joan's car that she's purchased a chalkboard set which indicates that this was all a ruse we also see at one point that there are letters and Flyers piling through the letterbox of the home and then one for a seance is produced over the top of them this was to call Annie to attend it but after she didn't show up Joan had to intervene payments light draws characters to certain things and throughout the film it appears that numerous times to lead them down a certain Avenue this is never more evident than when Annie is in her workshop at the right hand side of the screen we see the light appear and then Annie seemingly knocks a paint pot over which draws attention to Joan's number however if you slow the scene down and look very very closely you will see that the paint pot actually falls over on its own and that Annie never actually touched it this was the work of payment the light also appears in Charlie's room and leads her outside we see footprints in the dirt and also a woman burning a fire she stopped by Annie but it does show that the light guides people to certain places payments light can be seen in the classroom before Peter sees a reflection of himself smiling and a - can be seen coming through the rafters when he starts to choke I'll talk about this smiling later and what it could symbolize but for now we'll just focus on the light there is later a fade-in from a scene to the miniature which shows Charlie's death and at points a bowl does look like the light suggesting that Peyman was complicit in the beheading those are the more subtle ones but it is littered throughout the film speaking of beheadings charlie cuts off the head of a bird at one point and we later see a drawing of it in which the beak looks similar to scissors we also see a model of houses stacked on top of each other which suggests the idea of homes and families built on those that came before and how lee's goal was always to connect herself to the demon in order to obtain the power that it would grant though we don't learn the ins and outs of all of the rituals that are needed to summon Peyman there are actually a lot of clues going on in the film that suggests the necessary steps that one must take firstly there is the three beheadings that need to take place on top of this we learn in the book of Peyman that the target must be vulnerable and drugged with a special herb that will open them to possession this is called the dittany of crete we later see that leaf ed Charlie this is a baby in her bottle and when Peter is smoking under the bleachers it is likely that he too was drugged with it we do see that his friend on the left-hand side appears towards the end of the film bowing before payment so it is likely that it was put into his system here when Annie is drinking tea at Jones she pulls a herb out of a mouth in disgust and this is the same one that allows the spirits to enter their lives Peyman marks his prey by making their own point in a specific position and we see him carry this out on Peter this has ties to the illustration of him in which we can see that his staff has a bent wrist and hand at the top it too returns at the end of the movie and reminds us of that head-banging scene after the death of Charlie and he starts to lose a grip and she turns to John who tells her how to conduct a seance and he performs this with a family and it opens them up to Peyman who was able to tear them apart and take over Peter the group slowly start to close in on them and throughout the film we can see several of the cult members there is of course the aforementioned one other funeral but when Peter is smoking outside of his window we can also see the breath of someone standing there watching him a woman can be seen waving to Charlie who later appears in the Attic and as things ramp up for the climax we can slightly make out in the darkness several figures standing around the house when Annie fully loses it and is taken over we can also see her hiding in the top corner of Peters room it's enough to give you a nightmares and it's a scene that I've pointed out time and time again to people because they haven't actually know a state with the attention mainly being focused on Peter and the lighting of the movie obscuring here for the climax of the film she stalks him throughout the house and hides in the corner of another room before making her play and he chases Peter but he manages to make it to the Attic and she can be heard banging a head against the door she somehow manages to get in after this and beheads herself and if you were wondering how this was possible there's actually a clue hidden in the darkness of the loft that's because when Peter enters it we can see cult members standing in the shadows and they likely unlocked the door and let her in peter scared for his life runs out of the attic going headfirst through the window and he dies upon hitting the ground if you pay close attention you can actually see the shadow of his soul leaving his body before payments light comes in and takes over the ending theme itself has a mix of bells and trumpets and in mythology this is said to accompany payment when he comes to earth he travels to the treehouse where Charlie slept at the beginning and finds that Li and Annie's corpses have been reanimated and are now bowing to the statue of him with the bent wrist staff Jian gives him his crown and explains to him what's going on and she actually calls him Charlie instead of Peter showing that this was always his original identity the camera pans out to an almost model-like structure once more showing that he has arrived we then cut two credits however the creepy aesthetic isn't over yet and we can see in the names that one letter turns red and then drops down to the next name symbolizing the hereditary nature passing something on through our genes now as for this smile earlier in the movie do you believe that there was a secret agenda by payment to separate Peter from Annie we see his reflection smoking in the classroom even though we know that the character was not after Charlie's death the relationship between the two breaks down and any complaints that Peter won't admit that he's guilty and that he always has a stupid face on his face I don't think that's the exact line but you know anyway it is possible that this was payment doing this in order to drive them apart and he was forcing Peters smile even though the character didn't want to we also see Annie sleepwalking throughout the film and dreaming that she set Peter on fire she also tries to pull his head off at one point and this could be her subconsciously trying to save a son from being a vessel for the demon there's a ton of things going on and no matter how many times I watch the film I always spot something new I'm glad that I finally got around to covering this and obviously I'd love to hear your thoughts on the film and if there's anything I missed come and below and let me know and if you enjoy this video then please give it a thumbs up make sure you check out a breakdown of the insane details in mid Samar which is going to be linked at the end we go over the hidden faces subliminal messages and more so it's definitely worth checking out if you want something else to watch you want to support the channel from as little as 99 cents a month then please click the join button below we massively appreciate it and as a thank you you get access to content early if you want to come chat to us after the show either follow us at definition white tea or click the discord link in the description below those are the best ways to keep up to date with heavy spoilers so hopefully we'll see over there very soon this is a channel for people who are mad into movies so if that's the kind of thing you like hit subscribe huge thank you for taking the time to watch this I've been definition you've been the best now see you next time take care peace [Music]
Channel: Heavy Spoilers
Views: 1,646,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hereditary, hereditary easter eggs, hereditary hidden details, hereditary things you missed, hereditary ending, hereditary ending explained, hereditary review, hereditary full movie, hereditary spoilers, hereditary analysis, hereditary hidden meaning, hereditary meaning, hereditary meaning explained, florence pugh, ari aster, scary, creepy, scary movie details, subliminal messages in movies, hidden secrets in horror movies, horror movie easter eggs, hereditary background, horror
Id: ADzUs3xhxcY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 56sec (836 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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